Resetera actively supports erasure of intersex and nonbinary people

The fact that they're getting a character written out of catherine because they consider a female looking character that identifies as male as 'offensive' is actually disgusting, it's literally supporting erasure of intersex people (historically more oppressed and erased) and non binary people just because they feel it makes them less valid.
Why do only their feelings matter why don't intersex/nonbinary people deserve representation in games? Why are they just constantly allowed to erase us while claiming our existence is transphobic even though we've suffered more than they have and now are suffering erasure at the hands of them.

Attached: RinVincentDoor.png (872x493, 410K)

If we don't fight for our right to exist it's clear they will do everything in their power to erase us just as the rest of society does

the entire site is full of delusional special snowflakes who constantly try to one up each other about how "oppressed" they are while living some of the most comfortable and luxurious lives in all of human history.

it's fucking pathetic and the fact that anyone gives them any credence whatsoever is even more so

my genitals were operated on while I was child due to the fact I'm intersex.
Please don't

Would you be so kind as to explain the meaning of all those buzzwords?

it means trans people are hurting intersex and nonbinary(trap) existence

>site recognizes privilege
>also acts oppressed
It's like not only do you not go to the site, you don't understand the basics of the liberal thought.


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idec about the trans character I really don't, I just don't want the trap(nonbinary) character to be erased because it makes trans people uncomfortable

that's not even what I fucking said you delusional fuck.

>admits to being a resetera fag

kill yourself you fucking brainwashed idiot.

Sorry buddy, you aren't a popular enough minority for retards to use you to virtue signal.

your liberal thought is erasing another group because it makes trans people uncomfortable, a group of people who are born biologically intersex and have their genitals operated on as children, you realize this right?? You realize that you are now the oppressing force you claim to fight against by trying to erase our existence right??

I actively don't give a shit and neither should you.

Look at all those assumptions. It's almost like prejudice turns you into a seething retard.

Yeah which is shitty, like my existence shouldn't be less important because it doesn't provide social brownie points, and they shouldn't be able to erase my group of people just because they feel like their struggle or whatever is more important
I do because it shows I shouldn't be kind to trans people anymore because they clearly don't care about any struggle other than their own and actively make life harder for other groups just because they can.
if i can't exist how I was biologically born why should I attempt to respect any of their gender identity preference?

Intersex people are genetic abnormalities and non-binary people don't exist.

We went over this in /pol/ 3 nights ago when you started astroturfing the topic there.

I just don't understand why everyone screams when a character other than a guy is portrait in a way that people disagree with. Imagine if men demanded every game with a male villain to change because it negatively portraits men. But nobody does that. Why? Because normal people know that a character on screen is not a representation of yourself, your race or whatever the fuck you stand for. It's a fucking character that plays a role in a particular story.

Resetera did nothing but bandwagon on kneejerk reactionary twitter alt accounts

>literally cannot handle a foreign culture's take on shit
>does everything in their power to destroy it
but isn't that problematic

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Got any screen caps?

I don't post on /pol/ cuz it's filled with dumb redditors
and just because intersex conditions are a genetic abnormality doesn't mean they should be erased, that's just stupid they make up as much of the population as redheads.
and actively erase intersex and nonbinary(trap) people by fighting to get representation removed
it is but they don't care about being problematic they only care about trans supremacy over other groups
nah you're just upset someone is calling you on your erasive bullshit friend

They're actively trying to get rin made into a non male identifying character because they find it offensive, like check twitter that's the transphobic language they're talking about here

Attached: intersex erasure.png (600x369, 199K)

Bake my fucking cake you Nazi bigot.

Literally nothing wrong with fapping to trannys. In fact, if you wouldn't fuck sphere hunter then your a fucking faggot.

Nazi's supported killing of intersex babies to erase them, so you're more like the nazi here by erasing intersex existence, sorry.
and you're doing it in a culture that already mutilates intersex children's genitals.
ok but the thread is about tranns erasing nonbinary(traps) and intersex people

SphereHunter is nasty

they got mad in one scene their character got made a boy but they're literally making it so rin has to be trans or a woman instead of being a female bodied male identified person, smells like erasure to me.

>makes post full of assumptions
>"hey i didnt say that you retard"
>makes post calling out guy for making assumptions

yeah nah im out. you're actually fucking braindead, and so up your own ass you'll never realize just how much of a hypocritical scumbag you actually are

>they're getting rid of trans representation it has to be banned!!
>wait trap representation? get rid of it please!!!!
like idk how people don't see how hypocritical this is.