ITT: Things that are okay when Japan does it

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a-anti mage?

> Yea Forums constantly cries about anything that has gay representation in it like TLOU 2, Overwatch, Telltale TWD & Undertale
> Is somehow completely okay with the Protagonist being openly gay in this game/show & considers it the best thing to ever exist. Universally attacking anyone who even says something bad about it
Hypocrisy at it's finest

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what an absolute unit

It's okay because she's a bad guy, kinda

You kill her in the 3rd mission

But that game is fucking trash and runs like shit. No one cares

Didn't Yea Forums bitch about the tranny bad guy in Watch Dogs 2?

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The difference is that Lain is cute & well written unlike all of those pieces of shit you mentioned

I'd fuck fat Zarya.

because it was handled tastefully and not virtue signaling shoved down your throat.

>difference is I'm a lardass virgin that like ones over the other. Only my opinion matters

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Transgenders don't deserve any representation

>Romantically interested in Alice
Nigga that was an actual example of strong friendship. There are metric shitloads of examples of actually gay MCs in Japanese animation and you choose fucking Lain and Alice of all things?

You don't get it, user. She's the villain. She's supposed to be a hideous pig-like monster you're supposed to hate and destroy.

Back to discord faggot and dont ever talk to user like that either Nigger.

Is she pushed in our face as a gift from god in-game?

Such jugdmentality is unbecoming. Have you considered, just considered the possibility that it's not just some railroad of irrational bigotry against gays your'e seeing?

Perhaps those other titles just need higher quality homosexuals.

>...unless it's a cute trappu I can whack it to uguu~

then why was Yea Forums bitching when a tranny got REMOVED from Yakuza 3

She's right though?

> Literally confesses her love for her
> Outright states she's her reason for living
> Completely warps all time & reality simply so she could be happy
Only way she could be more gay is if she outright had kissed Alice on the lips

>hairstyles and fashion typical to cyberpunk fiction are now considered SJW pandering

>whole second half revolves around it
>but it's okay because Japan did it

No she's a villain

It's more like blantantly one sided love, like Homura for Madoka in Madoka Magica

No because I'm right, see I can be retarded too.

>Implying that all love is romantic
>Is her only actual friend
Take your yuri glasses off you disgusting shipper


she appears in one mission and then you kill her immediately

Because the tranny was tied to 3 quests where it was treated like the sub human it is.

Then it's a nonissue that doesn't need a thread.

Only if it's the magic kind and not the kind that neutered itself to live out an impossible fantasy
Treating them as subhumans is respectable as that's what they decided to become

traps aren't trans

>trannies are icky and degenerate
>but I want to sugoi desu fuck trap #847593's cute boipussy~~~!
Reminder that /pol/ had a few threads straight up defending loli. These people are hypocrites of the highest order.

>being so new you can't see the difference between those two things
yikes and cringepilled

The sad truth is that the bastard child of Mei and Zarya is still more attractive than the vast majority of western female characters.
Also you're able to shoot her down a lot which I don't believe a lot of western studios would allow.

>one has a dick and looks like a girl
>the other has a dick AND looks like a girl!
Wow I can't believe transgenders are so much more degenerate

>still saying yikes

yikes but redpilled

Just so you know, If you want attention, you can ask your mom.


Traps aren't trans, they're just gay men. L, G and B are fine, T belongs in a fucking rocket headed straight towards the sun.

The way I see it as an issue is that instead of having a character that builds relationships with other characters over time, and if its seen to have romantic interest in a same sex partner thats fine. But a lot of characters that are gay just to be gay or to force representation are almost all instantly.
>Hi my name is X protector of the world oh yeah and I'm GAYYY
That's the problem, when all character created for diversity or representation sake are just fucking annoying like Sonicfox.

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You know how many traps are on HRT?

>then you kill her immediately
Pretty sure you just drive her off.

Same shit, actually

wtf am I looking at? is that a donkey kong barrel?

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You only drive off the mercenary that was with you during the exam. you clear the mission by either killing her or damaging the guy enough that he retreats

japan can do whatever the shit they want to do as long as they keep delivering my big titties games, panty shots and fan service.

actually if the modern american leftists weren't such authoritarian assholes i could be more willingful to accept their message.
but no. "muh male sexuality bad" "males are the enemy" "toxic masculinity" is the kind of shit that push me away from that side.

Damn, Zarya let herself go

Why are some people losing their shit over a character that appeared for a split second in the trailer and one mission?

Because her hair is pink, half shaven and she's fat.

>real life
who cares

>japanese game
>some ugly some average some really good looking
>western game
>dios mio...

-LGBT characters because they look attractive
-Story heavy games

Hey the last one is a fair point, Japanese remakes of games are usually at least competent even IF they are worse than the original.

Do any of these fags in this thread realize it was random character customization?

What, make ugly as fuck characters? Because I'm pretty sure whatever the hell is in your picture has been getting shit on from all sides

>Things that are okay when Japan does it

>fat ugly hambeast character
>she's an evil unlikable villain that you're supposed to dislike
>kill her 5 minutes after she's introduced