Got this for free on Twitch. What class should I roll

Got this for free on Twitch. What class should I roll

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The uninstall wizard


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Do you want to tank, heal, or DPS?

they're all good, just pick whichever one you think you'd like the most

>the healslut meme is lore friendly

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I've leveled Bard to 56 and I feel some level of regret.



Lancer is fun. But if you want to be actually useful and get quicker story raids, you should go for a Tank or Healer.


Just wait for Dancer.

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Tanks and healers have an unironic advantage because of demand making it easier to get into dungeons.

The real big brain choice is arcanist because it has two jobs. You get to level a DPS (SMN) and Healer(SCH) at the same fucking time.

AF1 is best. You can pretend there's an ass hiding under there.

Unlike other games, you can change class/jobs with the same character, so its not a big deal what you gonna start.
This was the best reply. A Gladiator or Marauder for tank or Arcanist for levelling 2 stuffs at the same time.

Pugilist, Gladiator or Thaumaturge.

You can always change your class later, but you can never change the city you started playing in. Any starting city other than Ul'dah is objectively the wrong city to start in.

>healer thinks i'm too dumb to move out of an aoe in time and rescues me
>lose my stacks
don't you touch me you filthy fucking whore

The only issue is they're pet based. SMN is kind of shit for several reasons, and SCH is the most 'advanced' healer in terms of micromanagement.

What the fuck you are saying? you can ally yourselve to any faction and you can change your homepoint to any crystal...

Ul'dah is horrible. A jewish paradise.

You can ally yourself with any city-state and change your homepoint, but your STARTING city will never change.

You can only do one set of starting MSQ quests, and the ones that fit the story the absolute best are Ul'dah quests.

I can't stand those little midget people though.

Healer if you wanna heal
Tank if you wanna tank
And DPS is split into ranged melee and caster
Pick whatever you want op
if you tank for the love of fucking good turn the mobs away from the party I have gotten so many twitch babies tanking who can't understand this

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Here's a code for starter edition, also got from twitch but sure as shit won't use it

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>SCH is the most 'advanced' healer in terms of micromanagement.

like that shit matters, or will ever matter outside of niche instances in savage. you’re never going to need to manually position it. put it on sic and forget about it

What is the most profitable class?


Unsubbing and saving your money.

you're going to need to level all the crafters to actually make the big ticket shit so it's sort of irrelevant, but carpenter or weaver are both pretty good

Be an arcanist. At level 30 you can become a SCH ( healer class and arguably the best designed one) or a Summoner (dps class and arguably the worst designed one). Also leveling up either class also levels up the other one, a bigger bonus than you might think.

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Crafters and gathers, but leveling Crafters ranges from a massive money sink to a slightly less bad money sink if you level them all simultaneously.

sell carries for real money and use that money to buy gil

mnr/btn for minimal effort

omnicrafting otherwise

Start off with a healer or tank class because you need to queue for certain dungeons to get through the main story quest and if you play a DPS job, you will be stuck in 20 minute queues sometimes

>Worst designed dps class
Are you high

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>67 Hydatos crystals till it's finally fucking over

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>Summoner (dps class and arguably the worst designed one)
imagine having an IQ this low

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Is buying Gil safe? Where do you buy it?

it’s better to just eat a few queue times the first time playing when it means MSQ exp will be boosting you so hard

dps is best for first 70 job because of it

I'd argue that MCH is the worst designed DPS job currently. Your biggest damage dealing cooldown is tied entirely to your ping, your turret has no mechanics beside "place here and press these 2 buttons when they're up", and they still contribute less party damage than a Bard so they're in a awkward spot of being not wanted for party dps and not wanted for personal dps.

How many of you guys are neets?

It's not just the fairy. It's also the mitigation capability that rewards being aware of/knowing when damage/mechanics happen, rather than just seeing HP bars drop and healing or sustaining regen. SCH's whole toolkit is less newbie friendly but more fun if WHM is too much of a basic bitch snorefest.

>Summoner worst designed DPS job
That's bullshit and that's machinist

buying gil is safe as long as you don't brag about it in-game.

playerauctions is legit, they've been in the MMO currency, item, account selling business since Everquest.

there are discrete ways of trading it, but only from people who do it low key and not from any of the sites the bots spam

it’s not worth the risk anyway because RMT can get you completely fucked

My dark knight bros where you at?

...I dont think you really understand how your first character works. He will reach several points that the MSQ is doing the story dungeon. Sometimes he will be fucked, others he wont. If he go Tank or Healer he will go fast and keep doing msqs fast. if he is dps he will need to be lucky.
At lvl 49/50 i really hope he entered on any dumb fc and people at dumb fc is at least decent enought to help him and queue with him.

If they catch you, you will get permabanned for it. SE customer support is also an absolute nightmare to deal with since they didn't develop a dedicated CS system for 14.

Tbh the safest way is just buying from a friend or guildmate.

yeah, putting excog and adlo on the tank and forgetting he exists for 15 seconds is so advanced, hardcore micro going on there


Only played DRK on HW then left the cucked class, aiming for Gunblade next expansion. am i still a bro?

Join an FC, good chance there will be some all-level-70s autist with too much gold who will give you some in exchange for something. I bought one guy in my FC a few things from Mogstation and gave him the codes, he gave me a bunch of items to sell on Market Board.

>t. expert roulette hero

they don't permaban gil buyers, only gil farmers/spammers.


temporary suspended = buyers
permanently suspended = sellers

Some of them are alright. Tataru and Nanamo are adorable, and Pipin, Papalymo, and Wedge are good boys.
It's just that there are vastly more greedy fucking Jew potatos than there are cute little tater tots, and the fact that all the biggest, loudest know-it-all but first to die faggots are drawn to male Lalafel doesn't help either.

Open your eyes to the darkness and drown in its loveless embrace. The Gods will not be watching.

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Will be more cucked than monk at stormblood lol.

But DNC will totally be a buffthot.

I don’t think you’re understanding me. Spamming dungeons is the most optimal way to level outside of MSQ exp. It’s a complete waste of a tanks/healer’s ability to instaqueue because you only have to unlock and do the story ones once, and if you’re on a low pop server, the exp bonus will ensure you never hit a roadblock. That’s why it’s best to use MSQ exp on a dps and eat the queue times because tanks and healers can optimally level on their own without the need of MSQ exp or PotD/HoH.

I used to be one last year but I just resumed college classes in January after I got approved for a scholarship and saved up some money doing side business stuff.

This box is misleading. There is no fucking way they will let us cradle tiny Minfillia in our arms while we ride on horseback.

I personally think the utility SCH got in stormblood is dumb. Excog should have been auto life and been given to WHM. It's a great skill but it makes SCH simpler and less rewarding. This is the result of forumites being shit at the job and complaining they can't 'get it' after switching from WHM.

I let my friends sit in AoEs and heal them with ogcds so they can dps harder. Best feeling.

wishing I was back in heavensward days

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Just run POTD, then !NOTPOTD. like any other normal person to level the other jobs.
But yeah, i got watch you meant now.

we’re specifically talking about first time players you willfully ignorant retard. There is nothing micro intense about leveling a SCH. They can have it on sic and forget about it.

I can't wait to buff the shit out of all those big strong tanks and melee DPS while I play Shantae music and keep a big meaty dildo firmly lodged up my butthole.

PotD is not as efficient exp as instaqueue dungeon spam.

>tiny Minfillia
Man I can't wait to hear her cute little voice so she can tell me to pray return to the waking sands

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Yes you were there when it wad unlocked in ishgard everyone spamming unleash

How can one girl be so cute

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>Virgin MNK gets cucked out of story role by SAM literally 1 minute after it's shown in the trailer
>Chad DRK carries the fight after WAR, DRG, MNK and SAM get their shit pushed in

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>On the title art
>On the box art
>Collectors edition has a figurine of a DRK shipped with it
>Gameplay cannot get any worse at this point so it can only improve
Face it loser, Dark Knight will be the coolest tank ever in Shadowbringers. You naysayers will just bring me more satisfaction in the end. Soon I will finally be rewarded for sticking with this job all along.

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First time players should be told what to expect when they take their first job choice to max and find out what it's actually like there.

Leveling is easy and neutered as fuck for every job without exception. In low dungeons, SCH is the least micromanagement healer - barely a healer at all - because the fairy on auto does all the work while you DPS. That doesn't invalidate the point that you will need micromanagement to do well with SCH in actual content, though.

>Gameplay cannot get any worse at this point so it can only improve
I wish I had your level of trust in SE.

What are your guys thoughts on the Cross World Visit feature being implemented in Patch 4.57?

All you'll get is some extra lines of dialogue in MSQ. Gameplay-wise you'll get cucked by the new job in town.

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I didn't know they added my wife to this game

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They can't fuck it up any harder, to do so would make it literally unplayable.
DRK will be MT focused while GUN is OT focused. He'll be my partner in crime if anything.

I already have an account with the last expansion, will this just add 30 days, or won't work?

I don't even need a translation kek.

won't work.

Whichever one you like the most.

When's the next free login then?

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Spring Break

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SCH is the best designed? Lmao found the SCH main.
SCH is the least played class in the game.

RDM is best class to play. WHM if you want to be a healer.


Few can appreciate perfection.

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Unless they plan on doing savage as soon as humanly possible then they’re not going to need to micrp anything. You can clear all baby content without effort just having selene on auto for best possible up time on fey wind. All of the regular content is so easy and lenient that that’s perfectly fine over microing eos abilities. You will never have to position the fairy in any of this easy content either. It would be pointless. You’d be microing for the sake of it alone.

Don’t go telling people a job plays like something when it doesn’t. Even if you’re microing eos, that really just translates to having 3 more oGCD abilities and nothing more.

Underrated af

How does arcanist work exactly? I have a level 70 WHM and I don't quite get the SMN vs SCH thing, do you just swap job crystal and get to retain your level/gear?

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does scholar get slutty gear or have i wasted the last day leveling to 35

You can glamour anything.

>zippers on both side lapels

How the fuck does that even work?

You mean MCH is the least played job in the game

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t. one of the 99% of SCHs that suck ass and everyone hates

Spam broil while your party dies more, faggot.

playing SCH is too scary for the average FFXIV brainlet because the choice paralysis of choosing what to spend aetherflows on breaks their wills, makes them choke and die. You have to be an advanced brainlet to play SCH.

They share gear until level 50, and then split off into caster/healer sets.

scholar gets kneesocks and a miniskirt. its a different flavor of slutty

Yeah the all of the Summoner and scholar exp is "arcanist exp" so you get Summoner to 70 you'll get scholar to 70 as well and vice versa

>it's a gubal normal run where no one knows the boss mechanics
>DRK also doesn't want to turn on Darkside for no reason

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You need DPS gear for SMN and Healer gear for SCH but yes, you just switch the stone/weapon and voila, you changed class.
SCH and SMN experience counts to the same class so they level up alongside each other.

if u want an easy straight forward tank, GLA (becomes PLD)
if u want an easy straight forward healer, CNJ (WHM)
if u want an easy straight forward ARC (BRD)

now, ignoring those.

if you want quicker/busier combat, NIN, MNK, SAM, and possibly DRG. (DRG has a slower GCD, but more oGCDs) BRD and MCH can be nearly as busy as DRG, but BRD is roughly easier, and MCH is punishing enough, that ppl get discouraged by it.

Casters have less to do, but instead focus how to plan out stuff based on the fight (mostly because they have to sit still and cast)

RDM is the easiest DPS job, but requires u get to Lv50.

DRK is probably as easy as PLD to learn, but a tiny bit harder to master than WAR or PLD. (Timing an ability with enemy auto attacks, to barely get a DPS increase)

SCH is a healer that requires more understanding, so as to shield someone before they get hit.

SCH AF isn't great

Actually, SCH is the healer I choose when I want to preform well without thinking. In any level of content, just keeping excog up on the tank and your dots up at all times, with the occasional lustrate or indom is all it takes to preform well as a SCH.

SCH is easily the most beginner friendly healer.

>graph clearly shows AST being the least played job
what did he mean by this

i went for MRD and i wanna be a DRK

>trannies, fags and women almost instinctively swarm to WHM like a fly to shit
I just don't understand it...

Raen or xaela

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If the tanks a sprout who's jumping into DRK from another tank job he just might not know any better. Next time try informing him of the benefits.
I know this because I used to do the same and when somebody gave me that piece of advice I felt like a retard.

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this was taken back in 3.0. it's safe to say that AST has rose considerably after the cucked white mage and drk has got a boost too thanks to shadowbringers hype.

>SCH is the least played healer overall
>SCH is the most played healer in savage/ultimate content
>WHM is the most played healer overall
>WHM is the least played in savage content


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neither, tranny

Make a male roe instead

I told him it lets you do more damage and then he was like
>nah I don't need it
And then I told him you need it for dark art which benefits most of you kit and he got all passive aggressive

Xaela, Raen scales look like skin cancer and male Raen are basically extinct due to how stupid they look.

>not reading what your skills do
are you a male hyur

I need the new RDM AF so bad.

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HW jobs will always suffer from being the least played because they are MSQ locked and start at 30.



I thought the two were mutually exclusive like with PLD

>brd is the most played in casual baby content
>brd is the most played in savage content

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>This kills the WoW Classic this summer

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SCH is like WAR, in that it's actually really fucking good for doing your main job (healing, tanking) and making that task easy as fuck, but it lets you shit out comparatively incredible DPS and get extra juice out of it if you strategize well.


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Raen, Xaela's are chosen by trannies.

Someone explain this to me because I still don't understand it.

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>tanks and melee will be the same for males and females
enough! give me cute clothes too

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Play F2p till lvl 35 thenuse code it save you few days of game time with all main story quest grind.

just be warned, the rest of these guys videos are humor based. this one is good though

Raen if maining healers. Xaela if maining tanks, DRG, MNK or SAM.
Gotta minmax these main stats.

Automata 24 man in FFXIV
Not much to get

Taro is crashing this plane.

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how long does it take to get from 35 to 50?

im on a trial account and i'd like to know before i activate the full game

could either be okay or the gayest shit ever

yoko taro will put 2b in literally anything and yoshi ran out of ideas

Remember white chlorination syndrome?
Remember Ala Mhiggo's saltery?

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I will forever be mad about only getting the male variant Tactics Ogre armors.

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>armored high heels
it's dumb, you're dumb

Do normies really like graphics like this?

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cool armor isn't for little girls

Yoshi doesn't want to make original content for his game anymore.

the only good thing to come out of the female variant is the helmet

2butt big 2b game good
me want nier raid yoshia pls

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depends on what class, if you play on a preferred world for 2x exp, and other factors.

I would estimate about another 30 hours of /playtime if you follow the main story and stick to level roulette a day

trannies play cats and face 1 raen though

YorHa will be a secret Allagan or Garlean android weapons development project. They'll add in NiER Replicant and Drakengard stuff in probably too, and just incorporate it in the FFXIV universe.

Which isn't hard when you lorewise habve both a cycle of advanced civs getting donked by calamities, and alternate world "shards".

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Man, I actually kind of miss playing this game. Only played for a month or so before I ultimately stopped because I was supposed to play it with some friends but the fuckers never got around to playing it so I was pretty much just playing it solo. Playing as a tank was fun, marking stuff and shit, even though I was always kind of scared of fucking things up in my first tries. I also enjoyed learning new skills and stuff and trying out new armor and seeing how it looked on my character. She was cute.

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A day or two maybe. Depends

you asked for it you got it
>nigger 2b

SCH is by far the easiest healer if you're hitting all of its buttons as you need them. It's just getting into a rythm of when to burn an aetherflow. Between aetherflow/energy drain you literally cannot run out of mana no matter how hard you try.

WHM is more basic at first glance, but requires constant effort to not overheal and to properly manage your mp. The only thing you have to restore mp is lucid and assize, and even after the assize buffs, world's best WHM player still ended up casting break 4 times.

AST gets lightspeed/lucid/ewer/celestial opposition, which is far better than what WHM gets, but still not nearly as good as aetherflow/energy drain. AST is probably the hardest of the three to take into savage. AST is the only healer where if shit goes down I actually manage to neglect a job mechanic with (have a card sitting idle).


>cant see past the butt for the actual game
>thinks others are the small brain


Incorrect, take a look at any xiv discord. You will almost 100% guarantee see the faggots who wish they were girls are Xaela.

My sides.

fucking same, forever mad
delete male characters or se laziness
>b-but you got dark priest that was purple instead of black and agrias that had huge fucking pauldrons
All I want is an armored dress like fft or to female knight

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>n-n-n-n-no nier automata is totally a g-g-g-g-good game
>p-people totally don't spend every thread talking about just 2b's ass and nothing else of substance...
>you just had to be there week 1 where all the discussion was like every other game.......................

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I didn't ask for a raid. My only hope is that Taro does something to replace 90% of the garbage *nods* *punches hand* cutscenes

>armored dress
worst meme kys tranny

>mfw moving to Japan on week of Shadowbringers release
>tfw will not have PC for at least another month as I find a proper apartment to move into
>tfw will see all the FFXIV advertisement around Tokyo but won't be able to play
I'm going to kms

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I mean, if you only like games for butts, that's fine user, but there's a lot more to Automata than that.

Play a healer like the faggot bitch you wish you were. Tanking is for men.

I mean, practically every tanking set in the game already has a butt dress on it

>makes DRK the most OP and DPS heavy tank
>calls it "Limited Tank"
>Cant do raids
>gets special content where only NPC BRDs on steroids run around tagging as much shit as they can, while u jump around trying to hold hate, baby sitting them long enough to get no reward but a title.

A waste. Nier should have been the small crossover event and Monhun should have been the 24 man raid series. People only want the two iconic outfits from Automata and thats it. What the fuck are they going to do for gear for three raid tiers? Black trench coats and scrap metal armor for everyone every tier? Fighting a bunch of robots and nothing else once again? Meanwhile had they made MH the raid series there would be countless iconic fights to choose from that fit into a fantasy themed game, as well as countless armor sets for each job that people would love to farm for.

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they aren't cute
healer sets are just white version of casters that are always terrible

That's what you get for not rolling a male character like a cool dude

>Nier Automata was published by Square Enix
>Yoko Taro has connections with different people at Square Enix
>Yoko Taro met Yoshi P while drinking and they talked and decided to collab

That's usually how these collabs happen. The Monster Hunter one happened because Yoshi P is friends with the MH director before he was working on FFXIV.


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The only thing I can imagine is that they're going to use Nier and Drakengard stuff for the other two raids, because Automata does not have nearly enough content on its own for 3 24 mans unless they go full OC on it

There is only one true answer

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I'm not gay so

>thinking it won't have Gestalt armor sets

no frilly dresses for you while i get to wear cool armor

I mean, haven't we been asking Yoshida for more ass?

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Of course youre not, youre a tranny

>it's also the mitigation capability that rewards being aware of/knowing when damage/mechanics happen

Adloquium stays of for 30 seconds user, and the entire time a boss is casting a tank buster, they're not doing any damage to the tank. It's actually more forgiving to time tank buster healing as SCH because you can almost always afford a lustrate, which is instant as opposed to WHM or AST who generally have to preemptively cast a cure over wasting a Dignity/Tetra.

>YoRHa outfits
>YoRHa battle outfits from the start of route C
>A2 outfit
>Kaine / Nier / Emil
>Adam & Eve
>Machine costume

Only trannies because they can only enjoy something in their hypersexualized lives if they can make it part of their anime sex fetish.

Nobody even knows the first Nier game exists. 99% of normies who even heard of Automata in the first place think its the only game in the series. Not some dumb old obscure game. Can you even show me enough iconic or creative armor set ideas to have one for each job/role?


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What cool armor? 99% of fending sets are circlet, asscape, shoulder pads trash
After more than a year of trying to make them look decent I gave up and stopped using the chest pieces, just pretend they're under the pancho

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You can't just blame everything on trannies

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>Nobody even knows the first Nier game exists
Oh man, hyperbole.
My favorite form of argumentation

They wouldn't have named the raid series after a term used only in Automata if they planned to utilize Gestalt and Drakengard.

I can when the only fucking things they think about are being l-l-lewd! >_< and looking at hentai

>hurr durr Yea Forums threads represent the entire community of everyone who likes a game

yeah nah you're fucking retarded m8

don't mind me, still waiting on that PSO2 collab we were promised.

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>Nobody even knows the first Nier game exists
That isn't important. Besides Automata has already revived it for merchandising and other crossovers.

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It's all the same series, and Automata has Gestalt and Drakengard shit in it.

I don't know why these threads scream about trannies so much. They're like the fucking boogeyman here

>moving to Japan
lmao fucking weebs

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This. I have literally never seen a discussion about Automata that wasn't specifically about 2B and her outfit or the music.

>can't even get his armor looking decent after a year of trying
hot damn you suck at glamour.

I'm just mad that the Nier collab being a 24 man means I can't get Grimoire Weiss/Noir as SMN/SCH books

Big boobs are fucking disgusting.

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>They're like
They are, especially from the guy so obsessed with them he went to the /trash threads when they were a thing and shitposted about trannies every thread.

>What the fuck are they going to do for gear for three raid tiers?
I don't know maybe those silhouettes of things that aren't YoRHa uniforms that are in that image?

name armors that look decent on female au ra, they're all too bulky



I wish there was more (good) b2p mmos.
Sick and tired of shit asking for monthly sub just because they can, not because the amount of content/cost to make justifies it.

stop calling jobs classes

Still going to be themed around the content itself which is nothing but edge post apocalypse trench coats and frilly black dresses.

at least he has a dick

>xe was in the trash threads enough to know this
Fucking YIKES

Jump off a bridge, obsessed faggot.

Not him but it's the worst game to come out in years and was ridiculously overrated all because of s shitty ass

Stop letting Yoshi call long standing terms within the genre silly words to be different. What the fuck is a free company? Its a guild.

I don't think you know what a trench coat is because there's not a single one in Automata

>Female Au Ra
Holy shit no wonder. There's no way you can fill out armor well enough to look good, stick to lighter sets or cloth.

it's a final fantasy game. jobs have always been called jobs.

stop calling damage dealer jobs "dps". damage per second belongs to parsers, not role names.

>browsed the trash threads
>calls anyone else a faggot

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Man, I miss XIV sometimes. I don't have the time for an MMO anymore, but WHM was so fun.

Even the game calls the role DPS

>browses Yea Forums
>thinks he's straight
good one

jobs and classes are two separate things in FFXIV though

FFXIV has both jobs and classes. Marauder, Gladiator, Arcanist, etc are classes.

Who said you were allowed to leave the trash can?

and I blame WoW and their garbage community for that. Before WoW, classes that specializes in damage were called Damage Dealers or "DD" for short. Then WoWfags started using the term incorrectly with parsers and it somehow stuck.

that's right. that's why wowfugees need to stop calling the actual jobs classes.

I can do what I want sweetie.

A company is a group of people. Grand companies in FFXIV are large military/trade/peacekeeping organizations. Free companies are the same idea on a smaller scale with freedom to persue whatever goals they like. Guilds in FFXIV are a thing are actually closer to what the actual term guild implies than how it's usually used in mmos, which a 'free company of adventurers' is a etymologically more accurate description of.

tl;dr: If you call your character a toon i will fucking murder you in an autistic fit of rage.

Big dick BLM or SAM.

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It's alt vs toon all over again.

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Dancer has generally been a debuffing class.
It'll be the opposite of AST.

Modders give us what yoshiwon't

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Big hmmmm

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I knew furrynort's armor reminded me of something, it's this guy.
Probably a better game than 3 too.

DNC/AST will be the best healer combo

i had a tranny in my party last night and they we're a male au ra it was weird

No I call it character, but I call the jobs by classes and FCs as guilds and nobody cares.

>finally make it to Ishgard
>the place is a ghost town
I guess not all of the other sprouts could make it this far.

>nobody cares if they know I'm a WoWfugee


me too

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kugane will be the same come 5.0

you don't spend a lot of time there is the trick. also, while it has a aetheryte next to all the important stuff, no one stations retainers in ishgard anymore so i'm not parking there as i need my tax exemptions

it was a ghost town soon after it opened. It's too big with lots of empty areas and doesn't have a lot of good places for people to congregate. Looks cool enough, but if you think of Revenant's Toll, which was a lot more compact and smaller, it made things feel busier, probably just as busy as Ishgard is. And Kugane will be just as empty once ShB drops.

Wait, there are TAXES? I usually just sell random crap on the market board from wherever I am, I don't even know what it means to station a retainer somewhere, since they are all accessible from everywhere. Am I missing something?

Most sprouts quit around the Titan questline. I know because I was one of those people. But I decided to stick through it and I'm glad I did because the game opened up a lot.

As long as people get what you're saying when you want to make a point it's fine and of course nobody cares. It's just the terminology used in the game is part of it's worldbuilding. It's already lifting the maximum allowance of tropes from final fantasy, if it used every generic mmo term alongside that it would be too much.

Kys faggot.

if you don't buy an item in the city its being sold from, you pay a tax. so if you're in ul'dah, and theres a retainer in ishgard selling potions, you're paying tax on it

yeah, you can evade them just by warping into the city the item is being sold from

it's such a tiny amount that it's not really worth doing unless what you're buying costs a lot of gil

The free Twitch promotion only includes the base game. They can't go there unless they buy SB

Ishgard was cucked because literally everything was in Idyllshire or somewhere else, while Kugane actually has a lot of the major content pieces centered there like it should.

I thought it was just a tax for selling from that location regardless?

I can't imagine what they could add to BLM to make it even more FUN in 5.0, but I sure am looking forward to finding out!

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To be fair, the game is absolutely atrocious until Heavensward, and even then the only thing that kept me going was the ending of the 2.0 storyline. There's a HUGE part from 2.0 to HW that is just literally absolutely nothing (Oh you saved the world? Please deliver this soup to all the soldiers!) and is pointless filler. HW storyline was a bit better but still didn't really get me that interested. SB was pretty good though, and I finally reached endgame and I am able to participate in actually active duties, dungeons, and raid.

Also, I come from Guild Wars 2 which has full voice acting and an actually interesting storyline (well, at least Heart of Thorns onwards) which feels more dynamic and fully voice acted, and the first time I played FFXIV with no voice acting for most lines it was *really* jarring to me. Now I got used to it, however.

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Before the "bandaid" fix we did less personal as well due to BRD flat out scaling us. The Bandaid fix is neat and all but this expansion ends in a few months.

>used to have around 30 million gil back in Heavensward
>spend it on a bunch of rare dyes and glamour
>fast forward to today and I never use those glamours and dyes since forever
>only have 400k gil to my name now

anyone else know this feel?

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What the fuck should I be spending centurio on when I already have like 36 peerless logs and the emotes/barding from the other logs?

nope, you can bypass it by warping to the seller's home city and buying it there

i'm insanely dubious on gw2 having a good story, albeit i did only play the base game

Kill yourselves. Asses >>>>> Boobs

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>Joking ask if anyone wants to run mythic roulette with me in Uldah
>Everyone loses their shit


The base game storyline feels super outdated, they had some VN-like cutscene system and the story itself wasn't that great, but once you go into the Living World stuff and the expansion it becomes actually really good. You don't have to watch cutscenes as the events actually unfold in-game and it is way more interactive and alive.

Urge to RDM rising

They will run the job into the ground with a rework that it doesn't need. They won't fix any of the jobs that actually need reworks either. Enjoy.

the opposite for me
im sitting at 30 mil because im too stubborn to bother spending it

God i fucking hate kugane, weebs are disgusting and making such brazen pandering to them is abhorrent. I am arguably a weeb myself but since i'm not autistic about kimonos and samurai swords and paper lanterns and TWING TWANG TWONG NIHONGO BONGO CHING CHONG migraine inducing oriental music it all just comes off as hyper fucking tacky and overemphasized.

Fran has man ass.

why compromise?

Supposedly in 5.0 they're going to be shortening the filler quests between 2.1-2.55 to make it easier for new players since they recognize that the MSQ is getting too long and it can be daunting.

i spend money about as fast as i can make it so i just hover around 12mil forever

probably the power to finally cast diet ULTIMA!

There are fees both on the sale and for buying it from a different city. If you put something up for sale for 60,000 gil in a market with a 5% tax rate then you'll only get 57,000gil on the sale. The extra fee someone has to pay for buying from a different city (which is like 2%) or something, isn't given to the seller.

I'm sitting on about 34 mil right now and just hoping I'll have enough by the time ShB hits for the chance at a mansion.

If you don't main this glam for your casters I want you to fuck off

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>YoshiP ruining his favorite job
Wasn't there a part in the Ivalice raid quest that specifically mentioned something about ultima being a spell that is literally impossible to cast other than through ascian or otherwise otherworldly bullshit or something?

Did they even imply at all there'd be new housing wards added?

They'll fix the aoe rotation with Flare and Freeze 2.

Freeze 2 will grant Umbral Hearts and apply a debuff that makes enemies take extra damage from the next Fire 2. Flare 2 applies a debuff that makes the next Thunder 4 cast on them crit

Wear some more clothing it's cold in dark cavernous dungeons.

Ishgard Housing.

Ishgard restoration will include housing. I wouldn't count on it being available at 5.0 though

they seem to be heavily hinting towards ishgard housing with the ishgard rebuilding thing

I enjoy the main scenario roulette more now that I can afk for 80% of it and get better exp.

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The final set of BLM job quests will involve you conspiring with ascians to gain their spells. Seeing your mastery of black magic rivalling shantotto as more of a dangerous, chaotic influence on the aether of the star than releasing five hundred primals.

>Wasn't there a part in the Ivalice raid quest that specifically mentioned something about ultima being a spell that is literally impossible to cast other than through ascian or otherwise otherworldly bullshit or something?
Yes, but the Allagans developed a Demi-Ultima spell that you see in Fractal HM. That's probably what BLM will get.

I enjoy the fact that it gives you over 500 poetics on average.

>tfw it will require a crafter at cap and I don't have any crafters at 70

apparently the way Ultima is cast isn't possible on Hydelayn, and Ultima's technique through the auracite is the work around on it. My guess is that the Heart of Sebik was a giant piece of her crystal.

Which means no, Black Mages will never cast Ultima. You already get Foul, which is basically Dark/Unholy, which is pretty awesome

Can they get Shockwave Pulsar or Trine? That'd be pretty cool

I remember back when I could do the same thing in PVP. I powerleveled so many jobs to 70 just by AFKing in a random corner in Shatter while tying rubber bands to my controller to keep myself running to prevent auto-kick.

fugg dat. I want Beta and or Aqualung.

Sorry but Shockwave Pulsar will be BLU's LB3 when it becomes a full job!

both of those are Blue Magic though user. Don't bully the BLU, they've had enough shit recently

I imagine they'll get a spell which consumes the Foul charge but its single target

>tfw plugging along from 45 to 50 on PLD without any rested EXP bonus
Just ran DD in a command mission and the AI is fucking retarded. Should I do AV with AI or pug?

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>do MSQ roulette for giggles
>notice one of the tanks is lagging very far behind
>literally just waiting far in the back and catching up every few minutes only to sit back and watch everyone else do the rest for him
>wait for the last cutscene and initiate a vote kick before starting the final boss fight
>it passes, watch said tank disappear just as he runs into the final boss area
>new replacement tank gets a free

Attached: 1523275486437.png (539x416, 162K)

Aqualung/Aqua Breath is a BLU spell already

I've never run AV with the squad. Do they eat morbol fruit?

doing gods work user, if this really happened.

>try game again after dropping it a year ago
>do 3 storyline quests
>remember why i dropped it

No AV is fine. But to get your tank to spam his aoe you need to constantly withdraw and attack them so he keeps spamming it. It let's you go faster by a few minutes when you do this.

At most they're going to add 2 new skills. You really think it'll be both AoE?

>he think viera bunny sluts are going to EVER replace femroes,elezens or highlanders
sorry but no dice.femroes,elezens and highlanders are here to stay !!! we are never going away anytime soon !!!

as usual im back on my jesus fucking christ bullshit!!! post some HECKING FEMROES and FEM HIGHLANDERS !!! viera are literally generic like cats and au ra lets drive them away!!!!!!!! they are a cancer can i get some femroes to give me an amen????amen.

fuck out here!!!!!!!! im HOLLERIN rn lmao. HOWLIN

Attached: femroes are the superior race.jpg (1704x968, 172K)

Fuck Aurum.

Spam PotD to 57, then run Vault -> Gubal -> Gubal (Hard)

Black Mage's aoe is borked as it is. Fire 2 is only worth casting it hits 17 targets. Aoe caps out at 12 targets.

Then Fire II should just become Flare on the bar rather than trying to make Fire II relevant.

That's why the flare/foul rotation exists, and it's far more interesting than just spamming Fire II would be.

As someone who has personally witnessed a femroe LS, this was frighteningly accurate

push on it gets better, believe me I was in your situation before. I believed the memes like 2.5s gcd, shit story, and all. But it all makes sense once you actually progress. Think of it as like Tales of Vesperia. The beginning is slow plotwise, the combat is really limited and stupid, but once you finally make it to act 2 it really opens up with all the arte combos and Yuri's vigilante plot.

it sets a bad precedent to have a button you don't use unless you're below X level, as says. I love BLM's single target level 70 rotation but every other level and aoe is fucked.

That's why I don't even cast fire II anymore and skip straight to double-flare.
I'm just glad we finally got out aoe thunder. That's pretty much all I wanted from 4.0.

Fire II has its use when you have downtime and you're trying to keep astral fire going, so it's not completely useless in aoe rotation. It's fine.

It's sad the real title screen probably will be worse than this

>you don't use unless you're below X level
You actually do use it though, the usecase is just slim.

Bretty good. How the fuck did you get it for free btw ?

Blizzard 1 also is completely phased out when you get Blizzard 3.

Makes me wonder why Blizzard 1/3 aren't the same button. Wouldn't be that hard to make Fire 1/3 the same button too, just make Firestarter an increase in potency and freecast

Anything would be better than Stormblood's drums assaulting my ears upon starting up the game.

dude how hard is it to make a dark purple background and some shadowy flames in the background while grunge music by soken plays?

Too hard for SE sadly

A lot of shit in this game should be the same button. For many it is in PvP but for some reason Yoshi doesnt choose to make that applicable to PvE without excessive bitching like with Decimate/Steel Cyclone.

why would you ever join that

You need to have all of them on separate buttons. Blizzard I doesn't have a firestarter equivalent, but it does have a shorter cast time, so there are instances where you might have to move and not have enough time to cast Blizzard III but enough to cast Blizzard I to keep umbral ice if you don't just want to transpose into fire because you haven't casted a Thunder/Foul yet.

thats what Scathe is for

My wife plays a femroe because she likes brown amazon types. Everyone in that shithole is a middle aged furry and they're fucking weird.

Nah they got it covered. This is the Main Series expansion not the filler one like Stormblood. Prepare for HW Kino again but in 2019

>This is the Main Series expansion not the filler one like Stormblood.

You wot

Scathe doesn't grant umbral ice or astral fire to reset your timer.

4.1-4.3 didn't happen. It was all filler. Yotsuyu is irrelevant to the progression behind the Warrior of Darkness arc from HW.

I guess?

i think they blacklisted me after i kept telling them i didn't want to join up, mostly because they had some bad vibes coming off them
i like my character just fine and all but i'm not horny for them that shit is weird

>the primal false flag that spurred more political unrest in Garlemald is irrelevant
>Doma being immune to Garlean attack thus forcing them to go for Ala Mhigo instead is irrelevant

If somehow Triplecast and Swiftcast are down, you don't have Astral/Umbral 3 up to decrease the cast time of Blizzard/Fire 3 to less than a gcd.

There's only 1 enemy type in the game that can drain mp.

So i'm wondering when this situation of yours would arise in practice

I'm in that LS too. It hasn't been so bad, but I never went into their discord so maybe that's a different story.

Redpill me on the Trust system coming to FFXIV. Will it ruin the MMO aspect of the game or are they making the right decision going forward with it?

>If somehow Triplecast and Swiftcast are down
>i'm wondering when this situation of yours would arise in practice

Exactly in the situation you just outlined. If triplecast and swiftcast are down but you still had to move. It's a niche scenario, but the fact that it can happen is reason enough to keep Blizzard I on your bar over either losing dps from transposing prematurely or dropping your enochain altogether.

Go try out squadrons and see exactly how bad their AI is for NPC party members. There's your redpill.

or you could just use Enochian again

I do not recommend getting into it now, there is one xpac left before we are all assfucked by Garemaldu.

You come just in time for Dancer and Magitech knight class though!

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>intentionally dropping enochain
no, I want my foul timer in tact, get the fuck outta here you grey parser

>he thinks he's getting DNC
>he doesn't know it's going to be Cannoneer
>he doesn't know DNC will be the next limited job

Can somebody explain how I can move items into the Glamour Dresser if I have them in the Armoire? Do I have to remove them from the Armoire and then place them in the Glamour Dresser? Do I risk losing the skin forever or what?

if the boss jumps you have no choice in this. if you were a good black mage you'd know it was coming and cast Foul early enough that you wouldn't lose it

take out of armoire
put it on glamour dresser, it will cost 1 glamour prism per slot.

When you're using the dresser you can access armoire gear straight from that screen. So you don't have to move it at all.

you have to remove it from armoire and put it in the dresser, but it costs a prism

you don't risk losing anything, you can retrieve gear from either whenever you want

But will I lose the original item?

yes, you take them out of the armoire and turn them into a glamour
you can turn a glamour back into the item at any time, you just need to right click on the item while you're in the dresser

>Not Chemist
Less than 1 month for that never ever reveal

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all you faggots suck at this game. you can't dps well enough in primal pf.

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Chemist is never coming because it was already planned for HW and then split into AST and MCH.

When will they fucking learn?

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you can restore it to item form at any time, you only lost it when the dresser first came out

Don't bother, if you want to use armoire stuff for glamour just press the "open the armoire" button and use stuff from it to apply glamour and the like.

I'd prefer a chemist healer desu but it's pretty unlikely at this point.

Attached: chemist_throw_item.jpg (800x640, 100K)

Shut up, I want to believe.

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Couldnt you just use Transpose in any case to keep Enochain active?

why'd you post a wind chime?

notice I wasn't even talking about the boss jumping, just having to move but having the timer so low that Blizzard III would take too long to cast

False hope only creates more despair in the long run. This is for the best.

yes, but if you hadn't casted foul or thunder before that point then you would lose dps

when does Blizzard 3 take longer to cast than Blizzard 1?

>when you start the fight
>when the boss returns from a jump

the only time you'd use Blizzard 1 is to maintain umbral, why not use Fire 3 instead? chances are you would have lost enochian anyway

There's no way to save glamour of different Anima phases, right?

Holy fuck stop fucking posting, you clearly have no idea how to play black mage

Buy replicas of different steps and glamour them.

for anima weapons, you can buy replicas of the previous forms in helix.

Literally no BLM use Blizzard I at max level. Stop larping.


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>why not use Fire 3 instead?
It's like you're not even listening. It's a DPS loss to switch back to fire before having casted Thunder and Foul if it's up.

not an argument

i use it

What do we do about the discord trannies

Then just move and then cast Thunder/Foul/Refresh Blizzard III. The job shouldn't be designed to have an answer for every situation.

Whoa what

casting fire 3 is faster than casting blizzard 1, and deals more potency. and you can just blizzard 3 back to umbral if you need hearts and thunder

Give them more attention.

>ended up joining an FC full of crazy people on the last day of my sub
>too afraid to resub

AF2 is much better

Enochian II - Increases Magic Damage by 30% but reduces the timer of your Umbral/Astral buffs by 3 seconds.

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>get rescued as I hallowed to ignore an aoe because fight of flight
>healer rescues me out of the aoe to the other side of the map
>shirk them
Best feeling imo

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I'm talking about if the timer is expiring and there is no time for thunder/foul.

This is literally the only argument I have seen as to why Blizzard I is unnecessary in all scenarios.

"stop fucking posting, you clearly have no idea how to play black mage" does not mean you should keep posting stupid uninformed garbage.

What's this glam?

should i start playing again? i quit before heavensward

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i'm going to do it anyway and you can't stop me
no one can stop me

Says the guy pretending BLM use Blizzard at 70

Yes. there should be a vendor in the area where gerolt hangs out in helix and upgrades your weapons. You can buy replica versions of your old anima weapon forms. And if you want the old version of ARR relics I think the calamity salvager is the go-to for that

>tfw considering dumping £40 on stormblood + heavensward story skip + sub to see if i can actually enjoy this game for once
is it worth it
the last two times i tried ffxiv the msq just burned me out completely and i didnt even get halfway through the base game story

Shiet, thanks

yes, tell your friends to play too. there's a free trial!

Attached: mr hiro and naoki kun.png (576x380, 420K)

You won't enjoy it.

And it's fucking wrong
Potency is halfed for the other kind of spell whole in astral/umbral
It's not in many situations, like an upcoming boss jump
There are very rare circumstances, but none of the ones you retards are talking about
You won't be in that situation
See Moggle mog and neo exdeath, that's two

>heavensward story skip

Look at this duu

>is story skip worth it
No, but you're going to have to take it slow and level alts and shit if MSQ burns you out that bad

If you couldn't even get half way through ARR, you may never get through 2.1-2.4 so maybe a story skip may actually be worth it for you.


>skipping HW


>that novice network BLM that debates in stupid scenarios in 4channel threads

yes really!




No one is talking about a boss jump your retard nigger. There's no reason not to just scathe and then transpose for boss jumps.

>you won't be in that situation
Not an argument. It is literally the only situation where someone would ever need to use blizzard I. is the only one who came close to having a reason for not using blizzard I, even in this situation and he's probably right. Even with the loss between going to fire from 3 stacks of astral and back with blizzard III, it's still probably higher potency than blizzard I despite the extra gcd.

>BLM doesn't use blizzard I at max level
>BLM uses blizzard I for movement

don't be mean

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that person's logic is dead fucking wrong
the ONLY USE is SOME BOSS JUMPS where you have time to and aren't forced to use the lower potency f3 or scathe, and if the fight allows you to avoid it you AVOID IT

Are dyes one-time use in this game? I am making some glams but this black dye is like 300k gil ....

This is what I'm talking about, actually. The rare scenario why you use blizzard I to reflresh when you don't have time otherwise and transpose would be a loss.

You still haven't provided an argument as to why blizzard I is used to begin with though. I've provided a reason why, but you haven't.

Not that guy, but when exactly does the free trial stop ?
Would you recommend getting the Complete Edition if I actually end up liking XIV before the upcoming Shadowbringers expansion ?

yes, they are consumable items.

Male bunnyfags finna get dabbed on

Too bad they don't let you start a party with a trial kind of defeating the potential of getting friend groups going

>sprout in stormblood area
thanks for buying my level boost goy

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yes. if you want to save money, dye the piece of armor then put that armor into the glamour dresser

>a teenage adventurer girl learning how to fence with a rapier called Arya


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Free trial lets you do anything up to level 30 with every class, and is unlimited outside of these limitations:

I was a sprout in SB. I cleared all MSQ from start to 4.2 at the time in a week and a half.

If it's an early stormblood area it's perfectly doable to reach it before losing your sprout or jumping.

What's the current state of this game? Haven't played since Heavensward.

>What's the current state of this game?


Pretty much the same as before.

we're in the xpac bridge patch at the moment; not a lot to do if you're already done.

still plenty if you're new to the game

get the complete edition if you like it and get something to 70 before ShB hits so you can enjoy all of the content when it's completely fresh

Soot Black not good enough for you?

I was a sprout until a few months ago and I been playing on and off from 2013


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Am I doing this right?

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>Wanna play Machinist
>Have to do all the base content to even be able to
I really wish they at least set them up like Rogue where you can't start as them per say but lets you access them early if you want to

item names?

>At only 4k gil right now

Attached: Yamerow.jpg (720x726, 23K)

Colosseum shawl and the matching bottom dyed soot black. the staff is high allagan cane, the scarf is redbill scarf. its all entry level af, all she's missing is glasses and or heterochromia

Coliseum Shawl for body, Emperor's new gloves, redbill scarf, emperor's new hat, Taffeta Loincloth for pants and Wild Rose boots (not shown in pic)

Thanks lad

I'd give you a new rod to handle.

You too lad

Did you say glasses?

Attached: ffxiv_23022019_234621_182.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

where the hell can i get the installer at

>all she's missing is glasses and or heterochromia
I find glasses glamours are almost worse than heterochromia. Almost.

Yoshida and Saitou are buddies and Saitou, one night over drinks, said 'Hey Yoshi-P, want to meet my creepy skeleton gimp I keep in the closet over at Division 6? He made Nier Automata" and a partnership was born.

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Avatarfags need to fuck off back to /vg/ where they belong.

What's an avatarfag?

Attached: ffxiv_18022019_003100_930.png (732x604, 706K)

Saito is really the best person in SE, ain't he?

It's what you are.

what do you mean free? it have a sub


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>Saito is really the best person in SE, ain't he?

He is an absolute bro and basically the only reason Taro got work for years. The stars aligned and allowed him to bamboozle SE into giving Taro Platinum and the rest is history.

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avatarfagging is against global rules

stop anytime

Just report and move on.

The games good just wish it had better tank armor, all the armor looks like its either made out of cloth or super thin metal that forms around the body, just wish they had more monster hunter or wow esque styles, the monster hunter collab had so much potential but they just ruined it but making the gear look like every other fucking set

How long until the next expansion for christ's sake

I want to join the polis in Garlemald and fuck them from the inside so we can all get into FFXVI with undivided atention

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>WoW armor
>Metroid Prime: The Game: The Armor

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>wow esque

Attached: 1546579289429.png (353x439, 72K)

What female class has the best and cutest panties?

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>thinking WoW armor is good but FF is bad
what the fuck? WoW armor models look like Warhammer on crack. They are fucking retarded

>WoW esque

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>wanted that Yda leg piece
>the Mogstation bundle makes you wear everything, can't mix and match pieces
for what fucking purpose

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white mage artifact armor includes panties

Play a female Midlander. It's their unique underwear.

>just wish they had more monster hunter or wow esque styles
get out with your absolute fucking shit taste and back to your game nobody cares about holy shit

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>I hate how thin the metal armor is in this game
>I wish it was more like wow, where the armor is literally painted on

There's a few chunky looking armors among the leveling, 50, and pvp sets. Just get one of those.

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literal meme armor


Go fuck yourself back to whatever sub-par fashion opinion you may have
The armor in FFXIV is one of the best aspects of the game, in any case WoW should implement armor that looks moves that smooth

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armors in this game are designed specifically to look like super sentai shows.

Downloading right now. What are the best DPS classes?

That's what he's asking for though innit.


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>wow esque

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Just killed Good King Moogle Mog
I am so sad I have to do all this boring post-game stuff to get to heavensward.

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We all felt your pain. You can start paying attention when Ishgard and the Crystal Braves becomes relevant, that's when the shit worth caring about starts.

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Oh, it's not that bad bitch. You'll breeze through it

So how come Viera get to have some form of ass while every other race gets pancake butts?

they don't have butts. they're just wearing thongs so it looks like they have butts

Hey user make sure you do your fashion report! Just think of me and you’ll never forget!

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Go a Tank class. It'll help with you queue times.

There's too much stuff to do in this game.

If you replaced every cat in this image with goatse it would end up being more appealing to the eye.

At least he didn't link Mr.Crappy

It starts to pick up against once you get past Ramuh.

How do they figure out the gold so fast? Data mining? This is always up very early on fridays.

cause i was jerkin it to fran one day and i ended up forming a telepathic link with yoshida with my dick so he knew what to do

>posts screenshots related to the videogame that is being discussed
>autist has to REEEEE anyway

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