Is this the worst place in the world to be a gamer?
Is this the worst place in the world to be a gamer?
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Africa's probably worse.
Africa and India are, retard. Are you stupid? Why are you even asking this when the answer is obviously no.
Hi spics.
Africa, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Polynesia are worse.
Greetings from Japan.
>is the place where you can pirate virtually everything without consequences the worst place in the world to be a gamer
South America is pretty much Africa anyways.
You can pirate in literally any country without consequences now, retard. VPNs are a dime a dozen these days.
wait the rest of the world isn't like that? they actually punish you for pirating?
Yeah, the FBI will soon knock on your door user, run!
Japan recently passed a law where if you get caught modding your consoles you can get up to 5 years in prison
No, this is.
Is this a meme? I've been pirating for over 20 years and I've never gotten in trouble.
one of the guys in my wow raid group lived in ecuador and ran a business where he would deliver burned cd's of pirated games and music to customers along with a hamburger
he did pretty great dps but he would sometimes stand in shit and was often the target of the battle res. good guy, though
>I've been pirating for over 20 years and I've never gotten in trouble.
SHIT! user, now the got your confession! you dun fucked up!
Wait... Did you post this thinking it looks impressive or something?
>he needs to have a vpn in order to pirate
No, I wanted you to show you my african tier city.
welp just a few countries are worth to play with, the rest are shit.
some places are better than us states and eu countries soo is not that bad
Eh, gaming is fine in Mexico, we're the biggest and most important videogame market in Latin America
Those are just spics that got really lost.
Don't put Mexico in that.
>moving goalposts
Look at this Irish fuck, afraid of women.
>not just using a VPN anyways for privacy reasons
what could you possibly be doing that needs privacy and a use of a vpn?
Your ISP most likely logs all of your internet traffic. A VPN with a certified no-log policy doesn't.
Don't tell me you're a cuck that lets your ISP know your entire internet history, are you?
My money is on this , along with most of noncontinental Asia(except Japan, of course).
>hot and humid as fuck
>bad internet service/infrastructure
>rely on a few underwater cables that break every other year to connect with the rest of the world
>probably not cheap to import electronics from half a world away by sea
Basically all of the problems Latin America and continental Southeast Asia have but with added geographical isolation.
Pirated games, movies and music used to be a big business. Although with internet, streaming services and stuff, things changed. Many shops that exclusively sold pirated games are now selling original PS3/PS4 games.
oh god, now they know im a normal person with normal needs , now they are gonna target my ass with ads with things I could possibly want.
such a detestable outcome for my hubris on not using a vpn
I dont fucking care if my isp sees my bbw porn
nor do I care that they saw I pirated a 50 year old spaghetti western
I feel them.
>being this much of a corporate cuck
Shame on you, dear Nerevar.
Pretty much. Consoles in here are expensive as hell and platforms like Nintendo don't even have portuguese options, BUT... PCs are fairly cheap If you know where to buy. I buy pieces from guys that trafic it from paraguay without paying taxes. And with a good PC you can always pirate stuff and unlike USA, nobody will move a finger against piracy, actually in here copyright is considered pretty gay. Also, if you don't want to pirate, there's Steam regional pricing, that gives us games at half the price americans pay Metro Exodus on EPIC is 1/4 of the price americans pay, actually. The few games that don't use the regional pricing always have mediocre sales in here, so with the time, devs are learning to abide to it.
Is it bad in here to be a gamer? No, the place is heaven if you are a masterrace. Is it bad if you are a console gamer? Then yes, it is hell.
If Mexico is so great, why do you fags keep running to USA?
Also a latino, btw.
>Then yes, it is hell.
Where are you from? In Argentina we can get the latest games for 60-70 usd on release.
It's the worst place in the world to be.
the majority of latinos running towards the US arent Mexicans
Mexican migration to the U.S is basically net zero, most of the illegal people are free Central and South America moving to U.S in caravans
>If you know where to buy. I buy pieces from guys that trafic it from paraguay without paying taxes
Wish I could do that
Only retards without any fucking basic studies for some fucked up reason and South Americans go to USA illegally.
So yeah, all trash tbqh.
in lan parties that OP hosts
>free cooling for infinite overclocks year round
>no jerks in multiplayer games
>chill and comfy as fuck
Best place to be a gamer
probably, no way to buy games with ease and hardware is always much more expensive than anywhere else, i live in Venezuela and our minimum wage is 5$, i made this PC in 2008 (bless the 8600 GT card) and it still going, albeit i had to change the power source for that of my first PC ever (got it in 2003) because of the constant power shortages and the fact that getting a new one would take me several years of work and i would rather spend that money on food, pirating is the only way to get games, the only thing im glad about all of this is that i've learned to appreciate how much better old games are to the newer released ones (i've kept an eye on every release even if im not able to play it) and so far i only wish i could play Witcher 3, Total warhammer 2 and the red dead games, also in the very far future being able to play bannerlord would be cool too, desu the main reason i want to make a new PC for is to be able to go crazy with mods for games and stuff like such, also to stop worring about my PC giving up and not being able to replace wichever part broke because its too expensive to afford
so yeah be glad you can easily buy your games/consoles/pc hardware in your first world country, i wish i could have had the choice of choosing where i was gonna live when i was born but alas that is not the case so you gotta deal with the reality of everything around you, regardless of how shitty it is
Argentina, sly fuck those guys
I'm From Chile and i have 100 mbps down and 100 mbps upload internet, take that fucking Australia ROFL.
>In Argentina we can get the latest games for 60-70 usd on release.
That would be a good price if we weren't fucked by devaluation
Yeah, the constant blackouts in summer is the worst part
I was from Venezuela and you can't compare that shithole to the rest of the world, Venezuela is not even 3rd world is literally a fucking cesspool where not even the most basic and essential services like potable water and electricity work correctly.
Venezuela doesn't deserve to be compared to other countries on Latam, like Argentina, Chile or Peru (Given argentina is going the same way as venezuela albeit slowly).
Venezuela is the biggest shitworld in Latam.
I moved to Peru and i'm never been happier, I have food, water and electricity now, and a good human internet speed, can pirate whatever the fuck i want without worries.
I tought about buying a PS4, but holy shit, the price tag on games is absurd. They make the straight conversion, so a launch game in here is like 250 reais, while the same game on Steam is 120, and that without paying for online. Old games I can buy with the money trowed on my table on Steam are found on PSN for the price of a launch game. The launch games are still "60 dollars", but in comparison to how much you can save with a PC, the difference is too huge, specially considering our average wage is WAY smaller than americans. 60 dollars for americans isn't much, but in Brazil it is a lot.
>but consoles are cheaper!
Consoles are bought outside, so 300 dollars. You add 60% tax for importation, so 480 dollars. Now you add the profit, so 600 dollars. That is fucking 2200 Brazilian reais. With fucking 2200 brazilian reais I can build a mid to high end PC in here and still have free money to waste on pinga and hookers, because PC components are cheaper, and have no monthly fee for online.
Consoles in here are for manchildrens, guys that are adult with jobs and no kids.
u must be a scientist or part of the military to be able to stay in antartica, and theres only one base open the whole year. also u cant stay there for more than 6 months
Can pirate and nobody cares, but that's what keeps the companies away.
>2200 brazilian reais I can build a mid to high end PC
The fuck you can't nigger, unless you're buying stolen goods from your local feira do rolo.
Hi anglo
Have fun dealing with vergazuelans LMAO
We have this fucking thread every. Can you fuck off back spic chan? And while you're at it fuck off back to your smelly shithole of a country.
Kill all spics
why so much hate for latinos? we are cute
Have fun living in a shithole full of violence and corruption, and we have more mexicans than venezuelans btw so shut your fucking mouth your dirty mexinarco.
Unaccurate,on xbox, you pay 140R$ a YEAR and then enjoy sales and free games for the rest of the year, also xbox game pass is here and you can pay fucking 1 R$ to play over 200 games, the only people that are manchildrens are people that builds pcs here,if you see a brazilian with a pc with a video card more powerful than a gtx 750 you can be 100% certain that it's a kid that used money from their parents, the smart choice is buying an xbox, paying for stuff once and enjoy games
also the importantion taxes also applies to videocards, processors, fans, motherboards, and other stuff, to build a pc with the power of an xbox one x it costs at least 6000R$ while an xbox x costs 2000-2500R$ now
it's pretty ok in Chile. Only have to pay 10 extra bucks for vydia when compared to US prices for consoles and the regular 60 for PC
You smell. You're annoying. You're loud. You're sweaty.
all those things describe a single person not a race
Sounds they have alot in common with Americans
What happened to the US?
How do you know about Hispachan?
Why should a multilingual people like us stay with Spanish or English only when we can be on both websites?
And no, I'm not located in your country so your comment is retarded
because you guys are annoying trying to sell us a fake image of your countries when we all know that you guys are living in shitholes full of monkeys with no education, no economy and they never accept their reality, you guys are a joke and that's why they never make a progress, keep fooling yourself you dirty spic.
Don't be stupid spic, Venezuelans flee to neighboring countries, and those are the poor ones, those with higher income reach legally.
Reality is Mexicans hate their shithole
Diamond Dozen*
You must be pretty smart
Not really, although everything is so expensive holy fucking shit
t. Argentinian
don't cry bitch, you know that is true
anime poster brazilians are my favorite
it used to be a liveable shithole before the socialist dogs came to power, not perfect but you could make a living, i made that PC with my own savings when i was young and almost out of HS and hell it felt great finally owning something i bought with my own work, power outrages only used to occur once a year were i used to live (near the capital) and now they occur almost daily, water is the same thing and gas for cooking is scarce aswell, the worst part for me is just having to withness the horrendous decent into the shithole this country has gone into in all these years, you could see things starting to crumble and not being able to do anything but watch really put things into perspective and makes my blood boil
i literally have 0 money to spare nowadays, it all goes away either to food or for paying public transportation, if my father hadn't build a house decades back for us to live in we would be on the streets, no joking
its a shame that after the 98 elections everybody with half a brain knew what was coming and those intelligent enough left the country, what is happening today is just what was already forseen to occur, people used to laugh at those that went away from our country but now they cry because they aren't able to do so themselves, including myself, im stuck in here for good until i either kys or get killed
im glad things turned out to be ok for you, but i hope most if not all the youth in this shithole can do the same, nobody deserves their future being taken away by things they have no control over and even less if the cause are some communist demons with no regard for human life,
Holy shit man, do you want a hug?
Dude, Venezuela is FUCKED. You can't compare life in there with anywhere else, your country is unironically the worst place in South America, people that run from there to here Brazil thinks out place is heaven on earth, that's how fucked you guys are, and I see no chances for it getting better in the future.
Seriously, leave that place. Anywhere is better. Go to Argentina, Chile, or Peru Avoid Bolívia You may even come here, but only if you promise not to vote for lefties, and worship the GREAT BUNDA.
Also, your borders with Brazil are on Amapá. Amapá is a shitty state in the middle of the woods, so try to move from there to the middle-east, or southeast of the country, and your life will be way better.
My guy traffics it from Paraguai, user. It get's way cheaper without the 60% the alfandega eats.
Considering you don't want to do that, or don't have the means to it because you live too far away from the border to paraguai, you can always buy a Rizen 3 2200G, 8GB DDR4, and a compatible mobo for a thousand, and use the rest for a 1060, considering you already have the rest like power source and gabinet you can get a gabinet for free, if you are not some of those led loving faggots. and then you have a PC for 2200 reais.
Xbox is another story. Their brazilian service is actually pretty great and cheap, and since it is produced in Manaus, you can get one for 1400 reais easily, instead of the 2200 of the PS4, since you aren't paying the importation tax. I usually don't talk about Xbox on Yea Forums because it triggers people, but if you want the cheapest honest alternative, then Xbox is the one for you.
How many languages do you speak?
Did you go to college without falling in debt?
If you get sick, would you have access to medicine without falling in debt?
Learn to think before posting
its ugly, now fuck off back to your internet cafe spic
I sure love having to pay un millon trecientos mil pesos for a high end GPU, FUCK OFF
Reginal prices are cheaper than US
damn son did you get mugged by a spic or something?
don't talk to me
Desu ne
puedo hablar espanol puto mexicano estupido
Make me, you disgusting mutt
I know your pain friend, my anger and hatred cannot be measured by any means, I was forced to flee and leave my friends, my family, my city. I love Venezuela and I wish only pain to the fucking scum that facilitated or had any part on it becoming a socialist hellhole.
I'm here alone on a foreign country and the only driving force that pushes me everyday is the thought that one day I will go back and personally torture and massacre as many Chavistas as I can. I have my list and it's a matter of time. The only good communist/socialist is a dead one
Hold on there, and try to find work online and save to go somewhere else in the worst case scenario, I'm following the situation with the humanitarian aid atm, my best wishes pana.
I wish venezuelan commies would go back to their commie shithole instead of leeching from my country
Dios mio.... el americano...
>you can get a pc for R$2200
>assuming you already have half a PC to get the rest of the parts from
If you put it that way, sure.
>don't talk to me
Nice argument there richboi, don't mention chile as a whole if only your situation is good.
How do we stop Maduro bros?
Wtf is pinga?
>Dirty fat beaner with fucked up teeth and no hygiene calling ANYONE disgusting
Kill yourself shitskin spic
Killing him
In uruguay we can bring hardware from USA up to $200 without paying taxes 3 times a year. It's bretty good for putting together a mid range pc, especially thanks to amd low prices.
No onions Mexicano.
Mejor vaya a la U a aprender lógica
Yes, ~4 months of average income for a video card...
Go back to starve to death vergazuelan, you literally are burning the fucking help that you NEED, fucking retards.
spics shouldn't be on this board, they always make off topic threads and discussions and they try so hard to be accepted by white people.
Brazilian moonshine.
>t. Tyrone Lashawn
not american lmao
I keep getting surprised every day I wake up and some rebel/turned military didn’t shot him yet. Literally sounds so easy, the guy is clearly just trying to hang on to power now.
Near women and minorities
not even close argie here and thanks to steam regional pricings (most 60usd games are sold between 30/35 usd at release) so no thanks to steam/gaben i could afford games constantly and im talking about argentina our currency is literal shit so i guess countries with better economies/currencies of south america like brazil chile colombia ecuador etc could afford games even more
High school.
>Open mic all game
>Queues US servers but barely speaks a lick of English
>Loud as fuck family of 27 screeching in his mic like monkeys all in one room
>Plays like absolute shit
I heard you were goibg tru some shit there a few months/a year ago. I was even plannong on moving but pulled it off.
How’s it going nowdays, economically and politically? Have things quieted down?
Imaging living in Santa Cararina, pic related part of Brazil, and having to deal with 2/3 of the playerbase being formed by the average jungle monkey you guys think all of us are, yeah, you guys complain about hues in servers, come here be white in online Brazil and tell me if you don't hate niggers & mongrels 10x more in a couple weeks...
Only if you sold modded consoles, and the selling parts for modding was dropped from the law.
I have been putting my new components in the same white now almost yellow iron gabinet since I was a kid. No need to buy everything anew, and if you are starting now, you should just stop. Being a PCfag is for people that already know how to fix their own shit, or have a nephew that knows how to that they can bother, because otherwise you will waste 50 reais on fixing everytime you click in a porn ad.
Continue putting pressure on him until he does a major fuck up that legitimizes an invasion, like shooting the red cross at the border as he so drowned in his own drivels he will thing they are CIA agents. It surely won't be hard, motherfucker is so insane at this point he thinks the opposition in his country is responsible for ellecting Trump and Bolsonaro.
I don't see a democratic way for his leave in sight, given that ellections are clearly fraudulent, and only used as a way for him to legitimize his power trough lies.
A brazilian type of Vodka, made from sugar cane.
Just get a 1060~1070, user. Why will you buy an overpriced high end model with pioner technology just because it have an "inovative lightning mode that drops the framerate from 160 to 30 when it's on"? Just like a car, you buy the model that is on your purchasing capacities.
Sounds like something that could happen in the US as well, how do you know they aren't your countrymen?
My isp knows all the dumb shit I fap to. I don't give a fuck. If I'm ever shamed for it I'll sue them and probably win.
You aren't "my countrymen" If you aren't white
Tyrone is gonna remember that, user
i dont know if are south american or euro or burgur the reality is right now and for at least 2 years and up dont come here our peso is 40/1 in relation with the dollar hiper devaluated and our economy with hiper inflation and if that was not enough this year we have elections so our currency will devaluate even more , now is you are well off even with that i wouldnt recommend anyone to live in argentina we have constant robberies murders and thats is not going to change , this country is doomed since its inception , im savinng to emigrate to finland as soon as possible
If your isp wants to log your information a vpn isn't going to help.
>if you aren't white, mutated, with a mutilated dick, transgender, inbred, kike, goblin, fat, degenerated, etc
Besides North Korea?
Thank fucking Christ I wasn't born in spicland
>Remnants of European planning and ingenuity
too bad it's now taken over and destroyed by brown people. go outside of this block and it's dirt roads and getting shanked by shitskins for a cell phone
Spics aren't human
I havent spent a cent in vydea in almost a decade, so it could be way worse. It could be a dictatorship were your ISP tells the goverment when you are pirating.
Virtually no one gets in trouble for piracy. IDK why you stupid spics think your shitholes are some piracy haven. Even fucking normies pirate in the US/EU
>and if you are starting now, you should just stop
That's a pretty bad argument in favor of PCfagging user. Everybody has to start somewhere, it's no rocket science, you just have to do your research and ask before doing something stupid or putting too much money into a sketchy build.
Being a spic must be kinda based, knowing you won't have any consequences at all if you pirate games or anything in general.
online gaming is crap if the games don't have dedicate servers in brazil or Chile.
single player or local mp gaming is a dream, on the other hand. I just downloaded ace combat 7 and re2 for fucking free.
Jesus Christ spics are deluded.
I hate this fucking commie shithole so much. I hope you americans don't make a mistake and elected a socialist president
the difference is, on US/EU you get arrested if someone discovers you do that, in south america you don't.
I'm kinda amused at the idea that the girl that works in my ISP looks at the list of torrents downloaded, and see tons of pirated porn movies on it. Must the fun as hell.
They can't publicize it or else I sue then, they won't do anything about my piracy, so who gives a shit. There's only three things you can do on the internet that will actually get you fucked in here:
>CP. But that on the law, what actually get you fcked in practices is selling child porn. Not looking, not downloading, but actually selling. People that go to jail for it are the ones with 5 terabytes of CP, the guys that sell if for bitcoins
>selling drugs or weapons. Most of the time the people that buy are cops in disguise
>say something bad on social media using your real name and photo against someone (It requires the interested party saves the page and sues you for it)
Nobody gives a shit about pirating.
>americans unironically so scared of saying nigger they actually think any south american gets offended when all they can muster is say "spic" over and over
You gotta practice your banter. The rest of the world doesn't break down over hearing a bad no no word like you guys.
ITT spics think only they pirate stuff
That model goes for $14,000 in Amazon in tacoland.
1 month of income from a over average job.
3 months for side/lame jobs.
if it ain't white it ain't right diego
Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones
Reminder that Mexico is the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames
Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51
We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies
The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK
We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever
Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too
This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and looks comfy too
Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world
The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:
Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America
Cops don't go after pirates anymore. It's not 1997 Jesus Christ lmao. Almost everyone I know pirates or has pirated in their life with no consequences.
seedumb nigger
I have a 1070 but I've imported from ebay last year and prayed for not getting taxed, worked pretty well lol, but still, charging 9k for a video card and having a $0.25 meme currency is fucking retarded
kek seething fat, smelly spic
Just because something's legal now don't assume it'll be legal forever, your country could become a communist state and any sign of nationalism could be a punishable offense.
Dumb spic
I don't care how much of a shithole it is I don't want to invade and overthrow Maduro.
Its spics like you who are shitting in the street.
Maybe not but they will come after you if you don't pay the fine you're given from pirating. Pirating shit isn;t something they care about, not paying fines is something they do care about.
i'm not a spic, i'm american you fucking nigger.
thats not a woman thats an artificially enhanced chunk of plastic. unrealistic proportions are not sexy unless you are a virgin neckbeard who only sees woman on the internet.
spic women have no redeeming qualities, they all get fat, they are all ugly.
Spanish and Portuguese ruined south america with their laziness and corruption. You spics were doomed from your birth.
nationalism is literally communists 'thing' man
the word you're looking for is 'political dissent/disagreement'
English teachers in japan should be castrated
$1,400 I think you meant? but for you guys it's way easier, you're side by side with US and our gov calculate import tax rates on weather they think the product is of need of the population or not, so, video card is a no so 90% tax rates plus some bribing to authorities so you can import it without getting fucked and losing a few shipments, and that's the price for the stores not to make huge profit but just keep the doors opened, this place is seriously fucked up...
You made me laugh buddy. Gold star.
I'm actually surprised you have internet in venezuela.
Also, be a hero, user. Be like Otoya Yamaguchi and save your country by infiltrating the ranks and killing Maduro. You will be imortalized in the history of your country.
This. Americans think that everyone else is as thin skinned as they are.
EE here, everyone pirates everything here and no one has been punished.
Just admit that there are no advantages by living in latin america if you are a gamer.
>launch game in here is like 250 reais
I hate this feel
I just want to play KH3
Communism is international socialism user, it's a state that compasses multiple nations, Ukraine wasn't Russia under the USSR.
I hate this place so fucking much.
There's ALWAYS a fucking nigger with the music loud as fuck. It doesn't matter if it's 3pm or 3am, he's always blasting that fucking cumbia or regeaton.
If it rains, you can say goodbye to electricity 9/10 times. Same if there's strong winds.
Everything is so fucking expensive and it's not even funny.
And don't even make me talk about sjw, feminists and faggots running rampart and being encouraged by the government.
Online gaming? Good luck playing with 200+ ms latency.
I fucking hate it here.
Ps4 was already hacked...
You guys could have got support from the black community but you shitted on them for centuries despite common struggles.
You're on your own guys
>U R Gay
if it wasn't a big deal you wouldn't be reacting to it beanboy spic
I never understood why americans say 60 dollars is too much for a game, i mean, as far is i know, their minimum wage is 2500 dollars.
now here in brazil every game is 200-250R$ and the minumum wage is 990R$, just imagine is every game in USA was 600 dollars, that would be what it costs here lol
???? how so already said STEAM REGIONAL PRICING check new games on steam cost about 30usd every new release so yes at least on PC gaming theresa lot of advantages , now on the other side you are right about console yes those people are fucked a physical game cost about 90usd or more in AAA titles , but on the pc side tehres a lot of advantages thanks to stores with regiona pricing like steam (the best % of discount) after with lesser but some discount the blizzard and epic store , but like i said if game on pc you have many advantages even with shitty economies like mine (argentina) thanks to gaben i could aford games contantly regional pricing is a god send for the region
English, French and Amharic.
Yes since I'm a transfer student to France
Yes in France (thought I'll go back to my country once I'm done with my studies)
Not him but my thoughts are similar to his.
dont worry broh im not even mexican and we hate black african people here just like the americans and by here i mean chile argentina uruguay , so the hate is mutual
Yellow fever fags should be castrated.
thanks man but you shouldn't even think about coming close to this country again until either all commies are burn to a crisp or maduro head is resting in a pike outside miraflores, keep working hard and support your family in any way you can from there but don't throw your second chance away just to have a chance of getting some payback from these fuckers that have brought so much ruin to our country, the only thing im genuinely glad about this if that is something does happend i'll be in the thicc of things and as such should be able to take one or two of those communist dogs to hell with me, none of them deserve to live for shitting on the future of whole generations only for personal gain, i have come to terms with my own life and i really don't care what happends to it anymore, living like this for years just sucks the reasons to live out of you until you are nothing but an empty shell looking for purpose, i swear that if my family didn't meant so much to me i would have already off myself, they are the only thing that keep my sanity in check nowadays, asides from shitposting on Yea Forums and playing videogames of course
Wish I was an aztec, I didn't ask for my ancestors to be raped by spaniards.
They can't do anything about it where I live. Our economies might be shit and full of intervention, but the government really doesn't give a shit about what we're doing with the internet.
What's the point of repeating what I said?
> I will go back and personally torture and massacre as many Chavistas as I can
Please explain to an idiot burger why Hispanics are filled with such blood lust. Every few years there is another revolution along with genocides and impoverishment. And before you say anything, yes I know the United States and international cooperations are massive causes of instability in south and central America.
you're not a burger
>tfw tinder is nothing but single moms and turras
>There's someone knows and logging all the supremely fucked up shit im into
Well fuck I knew my shit was being logged somewhere, but I didn't think someone out there at my ISP was regularly monitoring me. It at least feels refreshing to know that now.
>the United States and international cooperations are massive causes of instability in south and central America
Not really all that much. We just have too many retards taking their countries off rails.
Mexican here
Mexicans are now localizing games to Neutral or Mexican Spanish and it's pretty fun
Who knew so many of Yea Forums's posters were latino? That's cool to know. What's the best place to vacation in south america?
Why doesn't that map list Portugal?
>Brazil, led by the great JAIR MESSIAS BOLSONARO, invades Venezuela
>we capture Maduro alive, make a whatsapp video forcing him to kiss another man. Later we kill him with a rusted machete
>Venezuela is anexed in Brazil's territory, we put speakers at every block blasting the Brazilian Anthem 24/7
>while the new state economy is still shit, we send food there, but you can only eat if you ask for it in portuguese. Since Venezuela is close from Pará, you will be forced to eat Pato com Tucupí
>every school now is forced to give classes on portuguese and english, if you want to learn spanish so you can speak to your grandmother, you better get on a private school
>you will only acquire civilizan rights if you pass a test that evaluates if you worship the BIG BUNDA, and you learned the estereotypes and how to apply the banter to each one of our 26 states plus the federal district
Would that be OK to you?
>Only 10% of gamers watch e-sports
Glad to see I wasn't alone on that. Who honestly has the time to spend hours watching competitive gaming over actually playing video games?
portugal isn't worthy of being a country
Which explain most of the anti nigger threads in Yea Forums and /pol/.
Us whites get falsely blamed but latinos are the biggest anti black by far, followed by east asians.
your history isnt picked site by site user. they look for specific things. they wont catch you for watching movies online. or downloading a couple of movie or a game.
If you arent doing anything super illegal that involes people. you are going to be okay
They are excluded from there until they give back our gold.
So you agree that all the blacked threads are made by americans?
Not Rio de Janeiro, that's for sure. Unless you wanna get robbed.
im spic and kinda agree but unfortunately for you and all of /v tehres literally nothing you can do so either you gtfo of the thread/forum/page or justkeep shitposting and enjoy the ride
I don't speak for Latam, I speak as someone that saw his homeland get destroyed by socialism, saw friends and family lose weight and scrap to get our daily meal, saw how law enforcement went to hell and people had to take justice on their hands usually with inhuman consequences to thieves and similar scum, saw how people i cared for died due to no being able to find the medicament they needed, or how many others died for illness that was thought to be eradicated in the civilized world.
Lived through the frustration of not having water and not being able to take a fucking shower for weeks, having constant daily blackouts that could last for a few hours up to a month, etc.
I'm angry user, angry about commies
Latinos and east asians are replacing us so yes
Can't we just keep Venezuela independent as a puppet state, but first dump all cariocas there and give the old Rio state to the mineiros so they can build a proper civilization there and finally get ocean access?
You're proving his point
it's really nice that Yea Forums doesn't have flags like Yea Forums. i enjoy falseflagging as american/yuro to create conflict in every thread possible
Oh God why wasn't I born female
as an american you'll never understand what is is like to be surrounded by giant shit eating mongoloids that enable communist partys into power only because they get free stuff as a reward, they do not care for their own people, they only care for themselves, they are niggers and criminals of the worst kind, they live in stinky and cramped slums in top of mountains like the animals they are and they keep supporting this goverment that has bought so much ruin and destruction over our country with as much faith as an human can muster, i say they are even worst than bugmen because they are literal braindead retards that can't think about anything but themselves and as such anything that benefics them is good no matter how bad it affects others, imagine being surrounded constatly by these fuckers everywhere you go and as such constantly be reminded of their existance, wouldn't it make you mad? they destroyed my countrys future and any chance i could have of raising a family in here (no way am i gonna let my children live in a country with literally no future whatsoever) and destroyed my dreams of living a comfy life in my homeland, this is all something that i wasn't a part off and never asked for nor something i was able to do anything about, this is why at the very least if shit hit the fan i would personally love to gouge the eyes out of these motherfuckers while they scream for mercy for me to leave their miserable selves alone, they are worse than parasites, exist only to such the wealth out of others and kill rightfull and hard working people and as such deserve no mercy, im 100% sure that hell has already a special place for each and every single one of them, they are THAT bad
kek what game is that?
You don't need flags to see who is who, falseflagging is easily detectable too.
>as an american you'll never understand what is is like to be surrounded by giant shit eating mongoloids that enable communist partys into power only because they get free stuff as a reward
they will soon enough
same, us spics are so easy to trigger
Yes, you americans are obsessed with race issues. And that actually sucks, because our progressive lefties not the bolivarian ones, those hate USA are cocksuckers of american culture, and now they are becoming as much race obsessed as you are.
Listen to the man. Rio de Janeiro is hell, even people from Brazil avoid going to that shit, but still for some reason it's where tourists go the most. Go to Marajó, Caldas Novas, Ubatuba, Maceió, Ilha Grande, Fernando de Noronha, Angra dos Reis, Vitória, so many great places...
Just don't go to Rio de Janeiro. Seriously. Why. Stop. Don't go fucking there. Bad fucking idea.
That's actually a pretty great idea, user.
i dont know who made the post but i can confirm the amount of hate toward african black here (argentina chile uruguay) is enormous and we hate brown people but barely africans , but at least here (argentina) since our inception we were very reascist one of our funding fathers literraly killed hundres of thousand of africans and to this day is labelled as a hero because other accomplishments if not search Domingo Faustino sarmiento the extrerminion of black people on google to this day surprises me the degree of international ignorance about this "dude" after all the gonocide he did
Threads like these make me grateful for having been born in a first world country.
imagine being american and thinking usa isnt a shithole
If Yea Forums had flags there would be no actual discussion. Just shit flinging. This is why having boards with flags aren't great.
It's like if someone made a thread about water or something and their flag says some third world country, then some user would say "you don't even have water you third world shitter etc" and it would just devolve into fights no actual discussion.
In Brazil, it's not bad if you have a nice job and friends(to share a digital copy of a ps4 gane). Paraguayan smuggled goods also help. Our PS Store is expensive, I prefer to use the US one. Sometimes I pirate stuff, but I buy the games I really like. If you're a poorfag, you're fucked in any way.
ITT : burger butthurt
>If you know where to buy. I buy pieces from guys that trafic it from paraguay without paying taxes.
Nigga WHERE are you based from?
why do you say that user
seething spic
but when /vint/ existed it was the greatest time known to man
you don't know shit kiddo
it really fucking wasn't, nice try though
Yea, that's why I left Yea Forums. Such a great board ruined by flags.
yes it fucking was only reason you're saying otherwise because you were on the receiving end when everyone saw your flag
São Paulo. You can easily go there by car.
Rio de Janeiro is average. The only reason semi-literate flatheads such as yourself think Rio de Janeiro is one of the most violent cities in Brazil is because your media doesn't report the shit that goes down where you live, and only reports the shit that goes down in the cultural capital of the country. Vitória? Maceió? These cities are African-tier and objectively much worse than Rio, look at some stats for once.
No but it's absolutely the worst place to play any game that requires you to cooperate with other people.
>leaving Yea Forums but staying on Yea Forums
>amerisharts getting absolutely btfo
This is good
South America is actually the low-profile best place to live in the world.
But yeah, not giving any details as to where or why.
In other words: fuck off, we're full.
Chile numero uno wn
It was non stop shit flinging if you happened to be from anywhere other than america
Yea Forums isn't filled with generals and over the top mods. you can still shitpost here without punishment. compared to current Yea Forums, Yea Forums is great
>if you're a poorfag, you're fucked in any way
nah. Some old games still have active online. Counter Strike 1.6, Age of Empires II, Mount and Blade, Warcraft 3, MU, CoD 1, CoD 2 and cyber café tier games like that
>implying anyone believes you
I prefer staying in my comfy first world country.
Care to share your contact? Or do you or them have a store? I've been meaning to buy some PC parts for a while, my gpu exploded and I want to buy a 2060 or 2070.
>He think that races issues only come from America
My african grandpa who lived in South America would love to tell you about how great diversity is there.
>argentina chile uruguay
Not just these countries, most of south american countries bear this hatred despite similar history.
>surprises me the degree of international ignorance about this "dude"
Not surprised at all actually, they're afraid of going after countries based on race such as Israel or Argentina since "only" white europeans are targeted by the mainstream media.
Mexico is pretty comfy and vidya is cheap
There are tons of Americans and Canadians living here as well
>You can still shitpost here without punishment
nice try I posted a fucking image of a stubbed toe and got banned. You also can't even say anything racist or you get banned compared to old days where you could say whatever you want, now its like stepping on land mines
Umm sweetie...
>quality of a board is measured by how easy it is to shitpost
Oh, you're just a retard then, got it.
You wish
Gamers... we're gonna rise up, one last time.
Most autistic post of the week, congrats.
I want to visit that church.
Anyone have those cartel webms?
Dude, I have NEVER been smuggled in my life until I visited your fucking shithole state. First day. Second day again. Once again before leaving. Your state is shit, and the only reason to why you don't think so, is because you grew used to live amongst bandits, and think that having your cellphone taken is as common as getting a bus.
>cultural capital
AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Had to be carioca. Every state has it's own culture fag, all the funk and favela shit is concentrated there.
>Cartel beheading123.webm
name one thing of value that would be lost if south america was wiped off the face of the earth
stay mad
Ur mums asshole
7-1 posting on Yea Forums wouldn't be as fun anymore.
Where do you buy PC components meu irmão?
It is
Specially those magic pueblos or magic towns
Naw you are the mad one here boyo
Stay mad
t. got bullied on Yea Forums for being a shitskin
i Have a spic gf, don't be mean to her
30% of the world coffee supply.
Top notch Brazilian shemales
Well nobody gives a fuck this is not a mexican thread.
Post butt, need to confirm if you're right.
>be white
>want to visit trinidad and tobago because my family originated there
>look at t&t census
>mostly black or mixed, very few whites
>high crime rate
welp guess thats not happening.
Brazil might finally be getting better.
Sounds great but where's the catch?
Is everyone ignoring the fact this nigga said min wage there is 5 DOLLARS? Not even euros, dollars?!
Nigga just to to US or EU and BEG on the streets for 2 months qnd you will get mkre money
You mostly posted european architectures
>be white
>want to visit trinidad and tobago because my family originated there
Costa Rica was comfy but fucking immigrants shat on everything
Lmaooooo no
Geee, it's not like Mexico got tons of waves of European people, Spain and France, plus Germany and Poland too
Costa rica was always shit desu not gonna lie. Mexico is way better.
So, Is Spanish and Portuguese similar? Can you guys understand each other? Can you immediately spot where somewhere is from by their accent?
I'm opposed to regime change in Venezeula.
t. high class narco
The guy have a store, he is a friend of mine. I pay him in advance and he brings it to me.
He gets is cheap, but he adds the "60% importation tax" even tough he didn't pay that because he is a jew faggot, just like most people in SP. But for me he only adds his profit margin, so It's actually pretty cheap.
Post yours first. But first write "Bolsa Viadinho, comer com carinho" on it just to be sure it's actually yours.
So you admit that without whites you would have got nothing?
No catch, sir.
well hitler descendants are living to this day in cordoba so..say goodbye to the 4 reich ..
Delete this
Somewhat by context
Yeah, kinda similar. We can understand each other save for a couple words, and spanish people speak way faster than portuguese so that makes it a bit harder to understand too
You first, faggot.
The 4th reich already exists, it's called the American Empire
I'm not even white but latinos are truly delusional
>Spanish and Portuguese similar
Spanish, Portuguese, and to lesser extend, Italian are all similar lenguages, you can easily spot if someone is hispanic, portuguese/brazilian and italian quite easily, and although you can do pretty much basic communicate quite easily, having actual full fledged conversation not knowing any other of these tongues is... complicated.
I'd still buy from him if the prices are good. If he has a store, is it online? Care to share a link?
Democracy only works for countries that aren't full of retards who empower blatantly corrupt politicians
Man of culture right here.
"If God made something better than women, he kept to himself", says a quote from the famous brazilian movie "O alto da compadecida". Turns out he actually did, but he just gave it to humanity in the XXI century. That "something", is shemales.
i hate spics
b-but i cant get a tan. my skin will just get sunburned. that proves im white. right??
No idea, Aztecs did pretty cool things
Worst place in the world to be most things desu senpai
Democracy never works.
self hatred is unhealthy
>Is Spanish and Portuguese similar?
>Can you guys understand each other?
Portuguese has weird phonetics, so Spanish speakers don't understand it well. But the written forms are borderline intelligible.
She probably looked good without those gross fake tits and ass, what a shame
>got btfo
>moving goalposts
That's the work of aliens tho
No more History Channel for you, user.
just because whites didn't make it doesn't make mean it must have been aliens
Fuck off spic, stop posting this pasta, like you need to put mexico on a pedestal of shit that is SA
Look at this fat fuck protester in venezuela, so much for starving
sure thing pablo
Is that the hill you want to die on?
Someone is mad :^)
I went in a religious camp my mother forced me full of people from the whole South America this january. There was people from Argentina, Bolívia, Peru, Chile, Urugai, and so on. I understood most of what they said, even tough sometimes I had to ask then to repeat. Actually having a conversation is a little harder tough.
Spanish speaking people have all the same accent, the way you guys speak is really funny.
Aren't spics genetically predisposed to be fat manlets though?
only mexicans
yes mexico passed america in obesity rate
Got a super good pc for 1800 reais, it's possible.
Antarctica, the polar bears and penguins always damage the servers.
>polar bears
go back to elementary school
Chileans are more fat because of their indigenous blood
Oh the fucking irony
>Italy that low
I seriously doubt that.
Luckily adults in Italy die pretty quickly from pasta overdoses after their Nonna forces them to eat until their stomach is distended
maybe but we get to do actual girls unlike those sticcs you call fuckable
fun fact, chile has a lower homicide rate than burgerstan
I would probably say China or Africa or some other unlivable hellhole
>Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones
are you sure about that one pablo? did you take into account the mediam wage?
Yeah but is better than Mexico?
That's hardly an achievement.
nigga im from venezula, i can tell you commies push the nationalism angle HARD
There's a reason people call left-wing nationalists fake nationalists.
Didn’t Mexico prohibited slavery since its foundation? Didn’t need a stupid civil war for it, it had a couple of civil wars but it was for other stupid reasons.
It is the biggest vidya market in Latin America
virgen santisima... el globino!
theres also 123 million of you compared to say, chile's 17 million
To not be associated with a failure, but they're also a failure regardless
ok now we are falling into "no true scotsman" territory
Yeah there are places in Africa that look like this. You think this is impressive?
Any Brazilians here? Whats it like at carnival? Is there just tons of public sex and orgy's?
Doesn't mean that races relationship were fixed, there is a reason why people laught at brazil calling itself a "racial democracy".
hey retard, being "fat" doesnt mean people are malnourished
in fact since less and less people can afford any form of meat, they rely more and more on flour and other high calorie food for their nutritional needs
t. venezuelan hwo lost 10 kg the last year i spent on the country
White abolished slavery worldwidely but segregation still hapenned.
So doesn't mean shit from latinos too.
only with the leaves, and with good reason
you fucking leaf
some places in africa are actually experiencing a good deal of development right now, such as botswana, ethiopia and rwanda
Brazil has 230 million people and Mexico makes more revenue
No, it's just a bunch of drunk people watching people dancing in strange outfits
Espero que no sea una foto desde tu casa user
Yet you replied
true but brazil has other issues, such as ridiculous tariffs
my point was that, in real terms mexico might not be the cheaper place to find vidya
just saying i live in chile, i find games at comparable prices to the US, but i know for a fact the average chilean makes more than the average mexican
same as any party. there are orgies but you're not invited
>average chilean female covered in surgeries and makeup
We just don’t want you in our countries. That’s all. Nothing against individuals, though.
stay mad ameritard
Yeah but cost of living in Mexico is cheaper, so..
I visited Chile recently and I haven't seen one woman like that.
In fact, Chile is full of ugly people. Meanwhile, uruguayan girls were pretty cute.
t. BR
Seething spic
post butt
Cry more
It takes a special kind of retard to be brown and still swallow the /pol/ kool aid lol
Mexican girls are better than sudaca women
The “whiter” (are Chileans really even European or just castizos) the country, the higher the cost of living, and the higher the quality of life.
Cry white bitchy boi
Being a gamer in these little islands is hell
>shit internet speed
>closest servers in straya some 7000km away
>limited friends to play local multiplayer
>anything you order takes months to come and costs a hand and a leg
>surrounded by water
I would just not game there and just fish and chill all day...
Lmao keep replying
The Amazonia
you will never be accepted by whites. That ethno state won't be having you in it, you'll be outside in the trash with the rest of the minorities.
chilean actually, and i barely see girls like that when i'm walking around santiago.
It's true you dumbass, there's a literal race war happening between blacks and spics in LA. Illegal immigration hits blacks the most, you would have to be a retard to not see that.
Nice blog
Keep crying
uruguay doesn't count bc it's the Switzerland of the continent: full of banks and expensive tourism which attracts rich people which attracts high class cunts.
I live in downtown Santiago and I see skanks like that just by staring out the window
Ironically 99% of them are Colombian and Venezuelan
don't need to, you're doing it for me paco
you can say the exact same thing about the united states compared to mexico
and yet its undeniable the average the average american lives better, again, higher salaries overcome costs of living
Keep crying
most of latam doesnt care about race in my experience, tho ive seen haitians being discriminated here in chile
>living comfy life in comfy country (chile)
>suddenly one day thousands of haitians, colombian and venezuelan appear out of nowhere selling arepas
>everybody hates them because they are lazy as fuck and can't even do basic jobs properly
Venezuelan are the best of the bunch tho.
Poortuguese person here, nobody ever gets arrested or charged for downloading anything here, fucking cops pirate shit like regular people, why would police waste money on enforcing some shit everybody does since the internet exists?
Having to live in South America is the consequence.
>>everybody hates them because they are lazy as fuck and can't even do basic jobs properly
as a venezuelan here in santiago people have actually treated me pretty well
i wont defend lazy fucks, but in my experience most venezuelan folk work hard, hell ive seen some people near where i live going from selling hotdogs on a cart to doing so from a food truck, opening and expanding their businesses and such
either way as soon as maduro falls much less people will leave the country, so dont worry this wont last forever, thanks for the hospitality
worst place to be in period
I'm so glad I'm bilingual. The spanish web is full of retards like you and who hate women and other minorities, all while wondering why they're still virgins and get no simpathy from society.
Nice strawman faggot, didn't say anything about women.
Tranny fuck off
Oh I don't deny it but Mexico is 120 million wheras Chile is only 18 million.
Mexico closeness to the U.S makes vidya more affordable than any other Latin America country
chile i know our differences (argie here) we have economic crisis every now and then and this year will be the same after the president election do a favor to your country i say as an argie dont let our people in your country we fuck every country we migrate , we are 10 times lazier and corrupt than any south american counterpart , protect your country in the nineties we let in a lot of bolivians paraguayans and venezuelans we where shades of white now we a not even brown straight black country
Do not cry spanish rapebaby, i escaped from north korea, your people got to leaf the country, think about this as my people are in the worst dictatorship seen in the world of all time
>i escaped from north korea
I want to believe this because it sounds cool but i just can't dammit.
nigga I had 140 pirated games on my PS1 as a kid
are you dense?
>why are Hispanics filled with blood lust?
>as a burger
You participate in every war and you're also involved in every conflict.
argie south
there is nothing cool about going over china were they kick you back to north korea if you get caugth, from thailand to my final destination was easier but it takes lots of time and money, and too much luck also
i was one of the lucky ones that got to live and work in pyongyang, it took me over 20 years of all my money and i sold some items of value to have money for later, now i have a job with freedom, this is what is cool for me friend
Why do whites lose their heads when someone says nigger but they find it completly normal to say other racial slur such as ´´spics´´ or ´´wetbacks´´
Based. Conosur alliance when.
Cool dude, i'm glad you got something so many north koreans can only dream of. it must feel like winning the lottery 10 times over.
The only people who care about the word nigger are leftists, which is funny because antifa constantly beat on black people and call them niggers when they oppose leftism.
Stayed in Llao Llao Llao some time ago, very cool. The rustic houses around the lake were comfier though
maduro is /ourguy/
name one thing wrong with using any of those words, its free speech commie
lol that's pretty legit if true...
out of curiosity are you a female? they say it's harder for men to flee, as the women can sell themselves as sex slaves for a possible out (?) is this correct?
Looks like some of the shittiest cities in California.
Mexico is the most visited country in Latin America, pic related
Peru has some nice places and good food
Keep seething you white incel basement dwellers and stop projecting your own insecurities into us you loser
You seem upset
fakest tits i've ever seen
would still smash tho no question
Ima moor famm
Where are you from bros?
What're you playing?
What're you planning to get next?
How's life?
keep seething
>I sure love having to pay un millon trecientos mil pesos for a high end GPU
Te pusieron la pichula en el ojo como quisieron, sacoweas.
Granblue Fantasy
Rimworld or Factorio
Not the worst place but there are some things that could make it worse for some.
Prices are good as long as you're not a poorfag, actually cheaper than in other "first" world countries, ie, people dont cry for muh 60 burger games on release, its cheaper with conversion.
The bad things comes from the lack of support, games in spanish, support for servers and stuff, lack of communities, everyone here is in their own small circle, there aren't local meetings and tournaments like in the shittiest and smallest cities in the USA.
After living in florida for most of my life and living in bogota, colombia for almost 8 months now people here arent as addicted as in the US with videogames, people here consider it a side activity with weed and alcohol... insane amounts of alcohol.
You have to tolerate the shit out of Argentina.
That's because there are more brown people in the US than people in Chile.
>Chileans are more fat because of their indigenous blood
Ppppppfff we are fat 'cause our good economy, even the poorfag flaites can go to eat fast food all time with no problem.
I'm good. Thanks to Amazon buying parts is cheaper than ever. Not as cheap as burgers and yuros would get them but I don't pay 200 extra USD for a grafix card anymore.
There's Steam saving the day, and piracy's always available though I haven't pirated a game since I got a job.
Consoles and console games could be bought cheap in the Free Trade Zone, but I haven't touched a console since the Gamecube.
The main issue is that upload speeds suck. I have 150 Mbps for downloading them 70 gb AAA games, but my upload speed is 10 Mbps. I guess it's nice for $30 but still.
eat shit you dumb nig
because they’re not whites dumbass
Por dios...
>Where are you from bros?
Chile (V region)
>What're you playing?
Hollow Knight (replaying it, actually)
>What're you planning to get next?
idk, people have been saying good stuff 'bout Celeste, i might try that game...
>How's life?
Really good, i have a good job, i can cost my lifestyle, all i need is a girlfriend/boyfriend yet i have no pressure 'bout that.
>he thinks having a vpn prevents chinks from buying his data
Its shit but not that shit
>P5 Dancing and Project Diva PC
>Probably Mario Maker 2 and definitely Animal Crossing
>Nice, a little anxious about returning to university but I hope everything goes well this year
Argentina is whiter than Usa
>Yakuza 0 and Shadow of War
>Maybe Kiwami or Original Sin 2
>It's okay. I'm enjoying it.
keep seething whiteoid
yo cruzando la calle
ay caramba...
Cuba has gamers???
Where is that mexican that sucks jap dick every latino thread?
I had a job that sent me to Mongolia for a year
Vidya is not possible there
quien /fcen/ aca
Every mexican is like that they think unironically japan is like anime
t. Canadian assblasted by Lesotho
>not australia
enjoy your 200-400 ping and every game not having australian servers or being dead of aussie players
That's why Yea Forums is great. Every hour is laugh at Americans hour.
Kek, you can find architecture like that in every Latino country
Pic related, a typical house in a Mexican city
its ok when eurocucks do it
They will, Cortez is pretty much guaranteed presidency, she's universally beloved by all Americans who live in actually relevant places like California and New York City
>that latino weeb neet who uses an anime girl as an avatar on steam, has more than 200 titles on his wishlist and only ever gets games as gifts or from money he made selling cards on the market place
I have two of those on my friend list, are they a rare specimen or actually a common sight?
>only ever gets games as gifts or from money he made selling cards on the market place
literally me
she's not even old enough to run
what I don't get though is why the millennials are turning on Bernie, they sucked his cock hard in 2016 and now all shit on him hard even when he said he'd run in 2020
Even indios hate to dead niggers In the end nobody likes (you)
>You will be imortalized in the history of your country.
and turn maduro into a martyr
It's not really clear how in-detail your ISP logs your data, all that's really known is they definitely can if they want to (for example, if you open firefox incognito browser it literally tells you that it won't stop your ISP from logging your data if they want, or stop more hardcore tracking methods)
Chile is the right balance between first world degenerates and africa tier poverty
so no
Are there any good South American heroes in videogames?
Something tells me she is going to be found dead by "Self inflicted gunshot to the back of the head"
fuck mapuches but this guy was pretty based
What is Punta Arenas like?
I don't think there's a big turnaround on Bernie. If anything, the only reason why I could see a turnaround is because they're afraid of him splitting the more conservative potential dem voters. But I don't see any self identifying democrat ever flipping for trump. Pre 2016 maybe, but not now.
They have chains or rope at every street crossing so people can cling to them and cross the street without being blown away by the winds. I imagine it's the standard procedure for places like Iceland or other Nordic countries.
can someone explain why south americans come to english speaking sites and games. while no one seems to address this issue.
Good no woman can rule land of actual freedom
He literally took their money and gave it to the candidate he told his voters to rebel against. They got conned hard
Is your boyfriend hotter?
Comunists have a ton of shitty martyrs anyways.
what's with Yea Forums mexicans that are so fucking insuferable for fuck sake, i have plenty of mexican friends that are chill and based as fuck but as soon i step into one of these threads they make me wish that trump nukes mexico, why can't you behave like human beings in this fucking board you filthy animals or is it only one stupid shitposter with his pastas ?
Africa's worse
Yes, that's why it's been working so great for the US since the 1980's.
Vale verga Fedex, servicio de mierda.
DHL sí envía las cosas al siguiente día.
Ahora a esperar como pendejo porque le les inchan los huevos tener ahí mi paquete.
I like snowy mountains, the Mexican ones are pretty cool too
They're so comfy
kill all spics
All of our forums and shit and full of normies
¿Qué pediste?
This shit is full of normies too. You just don't notice.
Why do you wanna kill your mother so hard?
I immigrated here from Mexico and I'm using government money to start my MtF transition. :3
any gulf arab country like saudi arabia, dubai, kuwait, etc are awful to live in if you play online vidya
anything with in-game voice chat is banned so you're forced to use vpns and play with 300+ ping
>Where are you from bros?
>What're you playing?
persona 3
>What're you planning to get next?
Darkest Dungeon 2
>How's life?
Pretty alright,
Started a project I've wanted to do for a while now and I keep reprimanding myself for not starting it way sooner.
if you are a pirate then it the best place.
mad as fuck
What country should I move in to find a girl like asuka?
>Where are you from bros?
>What're you playing?
REmake 2, pretty alright game
>What're you planning to get next?
>How's life?
I'm in an indecision limbo and might just dropout from engineering, though I finally made peace with my depression
Yeah. Console gaming is practically non-existent there when compared to mobile and PC.
You don't want a girl like Asuka bro.
I remember a cute latina girl cosplaying as Asuka being posted here
But if you want someone like Rin, Mexico definitely
>In 2019 Brazil
No wonder you're considering dropping out.
>Where are you from bros?
>What're you playing?
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga for the first time. I played the Paper Mario games before but never gave Mario & Luigi a chance, thought now it might be a good time to check them out on release order since we're never getting another actually good Paper Mario anyway
>What're you planning to get next?
Devil May Cry 5
>How's life?
I got a kidney stone, but other than that it's pretty alright.
>feira do rolo
everywhere is the same name i wonder?
fucking monkeys no wonder the board is ultra shit.
Its not even the job market making me reconsider. I legit just hate this major and everyone taking it
>Where are you from bros?
>What're you playing?
RE2 Remake and DD
>What're you planning to get next?
Metro Exodus maybe but I'm conflicted with it not being on steam
>How's life?
Pretty damn good right now, adding an open pit to my mining business and adding to my personal goal of 2 million dollars a year of revenue
That's sad user, which major would you rather be doing then?
>Metro Exodus maybe but I'm conflicted with it not being on steam
Just pirate it bro, it's what I did and it works pretty well. The game is great too, shame about that Epic Store exclusivity.
>RE2 Remake and DD
Great fucking taste
>VTMB and Stalker, comfy and gloomy games.
>Dunno, probably REmake 2. Also going to beat Nier Automata again
>Pretty alright, nothing much to say
>Only retards without any fucking basic studies
so all of mexico?
If I ever saw one of you shitskins in real life I'd curb stomp your teeth out
I don't know. I really like coding and i'm pretty good at it, so I'm looking into software engineering or something close to it, though I would really like going into game design I got around into making a simple game with a friend and got hooked into coding and writing for something I liked. I'm saving up money and i'm thinking of taking the plunge and going to an actual worthile college about game design outside of Brazil. Leaving this country for good actually kills me inside because it feels I'll leave everything behind, and even if this is a shithole its my shithole, ya know?
but your country belongs to spics now burger
Thread is gonna reach bump limit
New thread when?
Hang in there venezuelabros
ya es hora?
Es hora...
>I moved to Peru
noooooooooo you have to go back
Leave Yea Forums for a while, it's rotting your brain, bud.
If you really don't like it do it, i finished it now i have no job and hide the fact that i have a major that i didn't want out of shame
New thread where?
ITT: sub 80 iq apes infesting another board
t. Ogro de las americas
>Where are you from bros?
>What're you playing?
finishing YS memories of celceta and starting Nioh
>What're you planning to get next?
until Bloodstained and monster hunter expansion nothing
>How's life?
pretty good despite the constant of economic crisis this country have im well off in the closea nd far future
Mexican Republic
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Idk. I'm thinking of buying a Switch but I'm about to study abroad, in France, so I think I'll wait.
Pretty incredible atm.