Is there a Japanese equivalent of The Witcher 3?
Mainly looking in terms of:
I'd argue Dragon Quest III could fit this bill, but I'm looking for something from the last 2 gens namely.
Is there a Japanese equivalent of The Witcher 3?
Mainly looking in terms of:
I'd argue Dragon Quest III could fit this bill, but I'm looking for something from the last 2 gens namely.
Literally BOTW, both overrated, souless & casulized piece of shit open world games that are only liked because gaming is so bad that it collectively lowered everyone's standards for what is considered good
No. Bugmen are not capable of writing beyond
>group of teenagers defeat God with the power of friendship
I'm sure there are tons of shitty japanese waifu sims
Japanese games are not shit
Look all that fucking shitposting, this thread is already shit
BoTW is ass though, The Witcher 3 is the best WRPG since Mass Effect.
Funny, I typically enjoy a story with gnostic elements though just saying.
Based Contrarian
Help make it less shit friendo
>The Witcher 3 is the best WRPG since Mass Effect
I have no idea how to respond to this. He's a mastermind.
I played Witcher 3 after Persona 5, and I kept thinking how superior Persona is
witcher 3 shouldnt be standard for anything but contrived garbage that eternally ruined an once good series.
2 is a half assed witcher 3 and 1 is eurojank in its purest form.
Persona 5, really drug on after the 50hr mark first couples of palaces were really good though.
1 has the best quests and ui
2 has better gameplay than 1
I like to think of 3 as a best of both worlds approach where instead of the best we get an okay amount of both that still ends up being a better overall product.
2 and 3 are kurwa bad, 1 is kurwa good
No Japan games can compete on the scale. I would maybe say RDR2 but then again thats made in the west, and has guns but
Its good, faggots who say otherwise probably played in with auto-aim
Not as crazy long as the witcher 3 but is still extremely long. The main story alone takes like 50 hours.
Also great
>Came to Yea Forums
>Didn't get a real answer
OP here, I didn't like RDR2. I just don't really enjoy Rockstar games the narrative is good and Dutch and Arthur are quite likeable but the mission structure and the railroading really put me off Rockstar games.
??? The witcher 3 quests, besides dialog options are essentially on rails shit as well.
Rockstar mission designs causes you to fail the mission if you deviate from the intended path, the same is not true for the witcher 3