97 Metascore

> 97 Metascore
> So fucking horrible that it's instantly forgotten when Joker was announced in Smash
What went wrong Yea Forums?

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2.jpg (777x960, 321K)

>still one of the only genuinely good games to be released last year
2018 was awful

This, you gaming has gone to shit when this ends up being the best game of the generation

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>thinking the people who play/enjoy RDR care about what some smash faggot thinks
There a still threads all the time, smash faggots are insufferable. I own smash but people who give that much of a shit about a kids fighting game are sad.

Apart from that and Kingdom Come '18 was balls.

> There are still threads all of the time
> This is what Rockstar cucks actually believe
YIKES, this game became a fucking laughing stock as soon as it got BTFO'd by God of War at the VGA's

Haha remember Dutch? hahaha...good shit. Lets only post about our favorite epic characters instead of the boring gameplay, and when we do talk about the boring gameplay we convince ourselves that it's really smart and well made because it's boring,

I actually forgot this game existed and I completed it
Not interested in eurojank

I completed the game this week and I was pleasantly surprised to see people were still talking about it here

Yea Forums is full of contrarians who can’t accept that their weeb games aren’t very good in comparison so they have to make shitposting threads every day to cope

there was literally just a high post thread about the game 10 minutes before you made your shitty thread

>you gaming

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> bbbut muh Weebs
Rent Free, go back to resetera Tranny. This is a anime website

What are some games you like, user?

>tfw rushing those treasure hunts to swim in gold bars before getting to Rhodes
I should've done it in my first run, god fucking dammit.

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This. How can Japan even compete?

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why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this idea of "x game was forgotten even though people said it was good"?

people talked about it nonstop for a month after release, what more is there to say? hype dies down eventually, what do you expect?

nintendo fans are cancerous as hell

> Hype dies down eventually

Attached: Super Smash Bros Ultimate.jpg (800x800, 235K)

Holy fuck are you unironically mentally ill?

Yeah maybe not with smash since the community is 90% autistic manchild retards who would let Nintendo shit down their throat if they could and 10% kids 13 and under


>Yea Forumsntendo is still crying about rdr2

What ever you say bud, but you should probably head over to the other 8 smash threads and circle jerk some more instead of shitposting about a game you probably never even played.


Hahahaha nice mental gymnastic about your autistic weeb game.
RDR 2 its still more relevant than your bing bing wahoo!

>genuinely good

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You sound like such a faggot, I'm not wasting more time on you, pathetic little man.

No western platformer will ever be better than okay.

Make sense, this shithole is fucked beyond repair

This is the last stand of shills, presenting a false dichotomy between the awful garbage nintendo is popping out and this pile of shit game.

wow using seething and cope as your two responses, classic. Think of something more original next time you underage faggot.

It's not perfect, but ultimately it's a very satisfying and complete package. I'm not even a Rockstarfag either. I don't like most of their games.

>carng about metascore
>"what went wrong my fellow independant video game consumers?''
Niggers tongue my arse. Heil Hitler gas the kikes. Also, cunny.

I'm not the same user tho.

So you're just as big of a faggot then I guess.

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Why do people care about metacritic scores again?

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getting chased by bounty hunters across the entire map with barely any supplies while wanted in every town but strawberry was fun

>paid reviews
Who cares?

This is some quality bait, it actually made me reply.