So why aren't you playing Etrian Odyssey right now?

So why aren't you playing Etrian Odyssey right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:!wihjWAQD!NBBH0AF_ww4VAv4ypu4Ifw

I keep restarting the game because I want to use a different team comp, and/or I forgot the plot

I'm playing Persona Q, leave me alone.

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I am playing EO III right now, 5 hours into the game and I still haven't lost entire party (I restart if one member dies for the exp though).

>Im still trying to beat this

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The skill trees are intimidating and I never know if I'm making a party correctly. I've downloaded all of them since 4 but never make it far past the first major boss.


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Too busy playing SMT4, I'll play Nexus after I beat Apocalypse.

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How much money will it take for Napier to love me back?

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Playing through Nexus currently and having fun with my current party. Rocking Imperial and Hero up front, with War Magus, Zodiac and Survivalist holding down the back row. Made it to the 3rd labyrinth and tried dicking around in the nearby maze, only to encounter some motherfucker playing red light green light.

I'm straight and have taste

I don't have a 3DS anymore, so unfortunately I can't.

>tfw Zlavec.
How much fucking health do you need? Holy shit.

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cause the loli pandering is pure cancer
its a pretty fun game though

The gameplay is too boring for me.
Please explain the appeal of this game.

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Etrian Odyssey is the most heterosexual game that has ever existed. No other game in a current-gen console has a higher cunny by square centimeter ratio.

The hero is really fun once you get it online.

Items can patch all team flaws. If you lack elemental damage just bring some blaze juice, etc.

If everyone has relatively different niches then you can't go wrong.

Respecing dosn't set you back much and the later games has some way of funneling xp to non-active guild members so you can really just do what you want without worrying about getting stuck.

Zoom zoom

My 3DS is dead and I'm too lazy to plug it in.

Drawing maps, Hoist the Sword and Pride in Heart remixes, great gameplay, excellent dungeons, crab walking and a dangerous setting with a cute paint job.

user, please tell me the artist of that picture. The way they draw that hair is amazing.

I don't have any console to play them on

Sorry to break it to you buddy.
That perfect waifu is mathematically generated by an ai.

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Because samozbor is better.

What is this? What? They're not just cropped photos by various artists?
Does the "An image archive is available for download." link at least contain the pictures like I assume?

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Probably assets or something. A lot of the ones I've generated look familiar.

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Im about to finish Persona Q, does that count? I only need to kill the Reaper and some annoying spiders and then Ill beeline to the final boss.

But this is literally just Asuka?

user, the Reaper far outclasses the last boss. What are you doing?

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What is this

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I already defeated the sweaty guys in less than 5 turns, I have yet to try fighting him, but if I can manage to keep my team alive for 5 turns, then the Reaper is pretty much dead.

It's still in the post.

I read that it uses data from booru or something. That's why some art might looked similar to you.

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You better not be running Aigis + Naoto + Junpei + P3MC, user. You aren't abusing them, right? Nah, it's cool if you are.
Don't forget about the Velvet Sibling fight, Zeus and the Only MCs vs. Margaret one.

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>he didn't pirate it

i keep getting ones with cumshots in their mouth...

I'm on yet another fucking shrine in Nexus. I think it's the last one, but it's still another fucking shrine.

Never tried that strat, im going with Kanji with Elec Link and Quadruple and Golden Link + Dragon Cry+ Matarukaja + Rebel Spirit + Heat Riser + Power Charge while everyone else (Akihiko+ P4MC + Ken for his Tentarafoo + Aigis) debuff the boss. The moment Kanji touches the boss he will deal 2000+ damage for each attack the team makes that turn and possibly the hit the boss takes themselves if they hurt themselves in their panic.

Also, ive done every request there is and defeated Margaret with the MCs so im gonna assume fighting the siblings at full power and Zeus is for NG+, right?

fuck the shrines holy shit

too long for their own good and they're so visually busy it's easy to miss side paths in hallways if you're looking too quickly so your exploration is slowed down to a crawl since you need to check next to you every fucking step to make sure it's not actually a goddamn wall

i'm in the second shrine myself and i'm already past done with these shitholes

Because I am playing Wizardry. Fuck nightstalkers.

It's not, I can tell you that much

Taking a break from Nexus to watch the MTG Pro Tour. While I'm here though, my Sovereign has 1 rank in each of the elemental arms and a BUNCH of skill points but I don't know which to invest in. What elements do I want for Waterfall Wood and the area after it?

not that guy but fuck

Well, pretty much any physical build is broken, to be honest. Aigis just has all of those options on top of Orgia Mode and tank privileges.

Sibling fight should just be after the final boss but before NG+.
Zeus is related to Elizabeth quests(?)/events during the final dungeon, I am pretty sure you simply have to progress far enough into the last dungeon. He's not actually a super boss or anything, but his theme is amazing.
If I am wrong about either, then yeah it's available after you do NG+ final boss with the other MC.

I'm nearly through the dungeon past that and I haven't raised any buffs on my Sovereign past 3 since it just doesn't seem worth it for the TP expenditure. The Element buffs give pretty nice damage bonuses to their respective elements so setting them at 3 isn't a bad idea either, Negotiation is also hilariously good for sustain and it gets a huge speed modifier at max level so you can pop it off on the last round to recover TP for someone, doubles as a dispel aside that (and recovers even more TP), I don't regret maxing it at all

Im literally at the end of the game, I just need to climb the stairs to the summit of the clock tower and (I guess) I will fight the spider that has Rei and Zen's other half, so unless the siblings ask to fight me after I defeat the rest of the FOEs, im gonna assume that all of that is for NG+.

The issue here is that I have nothing else to spend the points on. I've actually maxed attack/def orders and I'm running an Arcanist so sustain/healing isn't a big issue (but I have a couple of ranks in protect order anyway). I want to focus on making my sovereign a master of one element before I hit 40 and get new skills. Are there any bosses that require fire/ice/volt damage to get their special drop?

Yeah I got stuck on the final boss.

Also need to finish Octopath.

Having trouble getting into Nexus because the lack of new character art is kind of taking some of the usual excitement out of it.

Negotiation is for TP sustain, not HP, at that point in the game you can recover like 16-30 TP on a character depending on their buffs/debuffs by spending 2 so it's really fucking good

i got no clue if anything needs elements for conditionals since i'm playing blind

I started playing 4 but didn't finish it because I am a lazy faggot. Not the game's fault though, OST is absolutely boss and the gameplay is fun, even though I usually loathe turn-based combat. EO feels right because it requires you to use all the tools at your disposal and shit like debuffs and binds are actually useful and work on bosses.

I was having fun until I realized that the newest game DLC gives this OP as fuck XP boost ring
now I can't bring myself to finish the game because I know that shit is in my inventory and I'm not going to play the game optimally if I don't use it

TP hasn't been a big deal for me but I'll still keep that in mind.

I'm also playing 'blind' in that I'm not going to look up any guides/maps but I don't mind asking general questions to other people (including online on Yea Forums or /vg/). I like the idea of talking about the game with other people since it seems in keeping with the theme of the game.

I got the normal ending last night.

It's not OP at all. The EXP gain is negligible and taking up an armor slot is pretty important, particularly against bosses. The OP part of the exp DLC is that when you complete the quest you get like, 4-5 levels immediately from the quest reward. I definitely restarted after that.

no, that's actually what I mean
like, I'd get it if it wasn't repeatable but that shit is spammable, I just can't deal with quest existing at all

then why the fuck did you download it

Can I start with the 2 remakes?
I don't have much money currently and since I can download them for free...

I don't know

You can download all of them for free I think. DS piracy is easier than 3DS isn't it?

Anyway, best starting point is probably EO1 or EO3. Untold 1 and 2 are 'fine' games but I personally think they miss a lot of what made the original games captivating. I'm in the minority though since a LOT of people will tell you that the Untold games are great starting points so go for it if you want.

>TRIPLE exp from all sources

How's Nexus?

Is it just me or does tge first floor of Nexus seem harder than normal? Random enemies that can inflict 40 damage poison and others that can 1 shot a level 1 with a normal attack unless you bought them gear.

Maybe don't play on heroic like a tryhard

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look at this smug creature

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>PQ introduces a smart shortcut icon that condenses the 6 different shortcut icons from EO into one that automatically corrects itself
>EO never implements this
Why? The icon lists have gotten stupidly bloated over time. Same shit for open and closed doors.

not that guy but i'm on heroic and having a pretty easy time, didn't have any trouble in the first dungeon either and that's usually where things are rough in etrian

like the first post said, "unless you bought them gear"
well okay then you get money, so go buy them gear? why wouldn't you do this immediately

Yes you can. EO doesn't have any continuity and they're pretty modern games. Expert is the default difficulty if you want to jump right in, Standard and Picnic give you combat multipliers while Expert is what the game was originally designed for.

>unironically recommending people to start with EO1

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if they bring it back they need to code it better
you can take the "smart shortcut" icon in PQ and just drop it in every square of the map until you find where the shortcuts are since it'll autocorrect itself when you set it in the right place regardless of if you've been there or not

I’m still trying to finish 5.

While you're not getting 1 shot with gear normal attacks are still chunking people for most of their HP. I guess it's balanced out by that medic girl following you giving you a 50% heal after every fight, but it's more damage than I'm used to and the groups of 3 enemies are almost always gonna result in a dead character.

Why would you even do such a tedious and time-consuming thing instead of just looking at the walls?

If you arent running a frontline Farmer in Nexus you're a coward.

How much does it cost to fix?

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Not sure, but I would buy a new one and fix that one eventually and then hack it and use it for experiments and hack shit.

I mean you can do it as soon as you enter a map, before you even move a single step

It's not very practical but it is kinda funny, and it shows you a general idea of where to navigate if you want to beeline for them which can be helpful

i didn't even need her, her heals were always pretty useless for me
highlander gives party hp when he kills something, sovereign gives regen by existing and heals with buffs, arcanist gives regen with circles, more healing than you can possibly need and it's all passive

I gave you a PAL card a few threads ago and you haven't added it.

Getting hit to critical by single target attacks is best case scenario in Etrian games due to how enemy aggro works. It's certainly scary but you'll rarely actually lose anyone until AOEs get involved.

Do enemies prioritize healthier characters? Not him but I've been playing the series for awhile and I never knew about this sort of thing

What consoles is it on, is it on anything other than the 3DS? I remember playing the demo for one on that years ago, the map drawing seemed novel but I get no pleasure from turn based combat.

May I have it again. I may have mistaken for a NA.


Shitty game wants you to do half the fucking work
FUCK you

Yeah. The higher the HP relative to the rest of the party the more they'll get targetted. Being on the front line also gives a large bonus to the chance. As soon as someone gets knocked down from 112 to 6 they're pretty much invisible to the enemies.

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It was an old link I'll add yours and make a new link

Neat, that shit's good to know!wihjWAQD!NBBH0AF_ww4VAv4ypu4Ifw
THIS is the updated Nexus guild cards. Help me build it eurobros

Daily reminder that keeping your tank in the middle of your line is the worst thing to do. Keeping it on one of the edges means when enemies target it the splash damage only hits one party member instead of two. That way you can put your squishiest front liner on the opposite side to your tank and they'll live longer.

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This guy's so fucking annoying.

Why do they love this stereotype so much?

What is the appeal of this game, gameplay wise

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Cause I’m not gay.

Got him

Dungeon crawling autism. Creating your own headcanon, since story is minimum

Is it only first person?


Map drawing and good turn based combat

Eeh, oh well.

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EO and EO2 come closest to capturing traditional pencil and paper RPG in a dungeon crawler. Difficulty is also pretty high and your post game is some of the most challenging in the series. Only major criticism is that it's "barebones" which in my opinion is actually a plus, and the balance between classes which who gives a shit about since it's a PvE game.

just started EOV, I've got a Pugilist, Masurao, and Necromancer in the front with a Botanist and Dragoon in the back, is this going to work well?

Are there any similar games but with action combat?

Newish to Etrian Odyssey , just got to some mission escorting the useless but cute Hoplite girl in the Waterfall Woods and reached the entrance to the 2nd floor. I also unlocked some side dungeon with a shit ton of wolves. Doing pretty alright so far, just feel like Sovereign is a must-pick which sorta sucks some of the fun of the game a little since I hate buff management and prefer having debuffers instead.

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>Necromancer in the front
>Dragoon in the back
Don't do that

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but the character description told me dragoons were backline fighters

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It only says that because they use guns, if you want them to tank they belong at the front

huh. thanks user

Backline draws less aggro, that's bad for tanks

i downloaded V a few months ago and still havent started it

I'm playing Nexus right now, I'm currently trying to finish 5th Lab

I'm playing EOV. I am enjoying it, but I think next time I play an EO game I might not play it on hard, it's making me take a lot longer with the game than I would otherwise, and I kind of want to move on to something else. It's still a good time for the most part, though. There's not any way to re-spec is there? I feel like I put too much points into pre-Master skills before I beat the second stratum and my team could be a lot stronger if I built them a bit better.

Cia where?

>There's not any way to re-spec is there?
Rest at the guildhouse, it costs 2 levels

What the fuck, I'm on the back half of the fourth Stratum and I've had my Dragoon in the back the whole time.

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The usual places

The usual places where

because I've already finished all the games and it's dead now

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Putting points into skill trees. I love it when a build comes together.

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On random airplanes escorting doctors and interrogating terrorists.

my man