I sold my switch because you fags told me it will never be ported
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Oh nice, where do I sign?
kill yourself fucking retard
Atlus is fuckin based when it comes to surveys
cool now I can go say "No I don't"
I asked for more Persona and less SMT
you're the cancer killing SMT
>wanting ports
I said no. Play your exclusives you kids.
Classic fake news. Survey had a list of platforms you want those games on and switch was one of those
Holy shit. This is fucking embarrassing.
>atlus usa survey
so, in other words, another meaningless gesture that will be ignored by the people who actually make the decisions.
Oh nonono, how are we gonna recover now, smtbros
Why are Nintendo niggers so obsessed with playstation exclusives? You would think they would just buy a playstation console at this point
They're por manchildren that rely on their mom's income and their autism bucks
Fuck you
>just because I bought the wrong console doesnt mean I shouldn't get to play the games I want
This entitled gamer shit has thoroughly destroyed the medium.
Why the fuck would you want to rebuy a console to play a downgraded port om a shit platform?
>gender identity
I only did the first page and they said it was enough
Hey, don't talk about the PS3 like that, it does its best.
>Wrong console
There is no reason for multiplat games to not be true multiplats.
I really just want a demifiend fig bros
>tell them I own Persona, SMT and Trauma Center games
>they ask for more info about what I want out of Persona and SMT
>ask absolutely nothing about Trauma Center
I want a demifiend dakimakura.
>Sold your switch for a game that came out before the switch was released.
What ?
Rate my survey answers
que basado
based as fuck
Absolutely devilish
Nice to know a Nocturne remaster is on the table.
Catherine, sure. Persona? No. Persona was never multiplat
If Fullbody isn't going to get a fix for that translation, I'll wait for the Steam release and same goes for Persona 5 or 5R if that's still a thing. I don't have to worry about supporting it either, there's probably countless people who are already going to buy it so my weebshit will be saved regardless. Catherine Classic is already on Steam so that'll suffice for a while.
No you didn't you lying shitter
portable p5 sounds nice. enjoying all the salt will be a little bonus.
Nobody cares, fatty.
>Implying people with based tastes like Persona 4 would ever think to buy FF13
Sorry user, its spin-offs already opened that door long ago, maybe you should follow a series that is actually exclusive and has higher standards.
Why is that girl hanging out with that obese lesbian?
Literally all of Europe BTFO
They're both shit, P4 infinitely more so.
okay, that got a laugh out of me
Cringe and baitpilled
Oh, poor Bobby, you're too far gone already...
And South America
Who the fuck sells their consoles? Are you that poor?
Ants need to get out of Yea Forums
>Implying Nintendo chads want a Snoy localization of Catherine.
No thanks, I already have the original on PC. A persona game could be alright though
I'll confess I'm not aware of SA gaming trends, I assumed they liked fighting games and shooters based only on their love of battle anime and early 90's PC shooter mania
>phone niggers think they're better than anyone
Your typical favela macaco love shit like FIFA
>What is PQ
>What is Arena
It's obviously going to happen anyway. They wouldn't put Joker in Smash if they weren't planning on porting P5.
The absolute state of nincels
I don't give a shit about these. Can I just put Persona Amiibos or SMT nendoroids or something I probably won't buy?
Are you ready for E3?
>What do you want to see from EO in the future
>Nothing about asking for new things for gameplay
>only concerned with americans
why always this, it's a big country yes but there's a ton of people worldwide that want to give their 2 pence too
this, why make games that dont even sell more than 50k units
>playstation exclusives
not for long
did the same thing
This mans face is conveying to many emotions to me and it's freaking me out.
I put Yea Forums - Video Games where ever it applied
based, how will smtfags ever recover
just pick a random state dude, they're having some dumb lottery and you have to be in america to participate, that's why you have to pick a state
based Personachad
I don't want to buy a console owned by a company so unsure about themselves that they pull out of E3.
yeah but its a cheap console with a bunch of great games already on it, even one where you get to be a cute brown girl who lives in a sewer pipe and eat ice cream
Only thing you should bother asking for is localizations. Bring more Aquaplus you fucks.
Sony hates gravity rush and AA games in general. The company that you are defending hates you and the games you want to play.
They literally just announced they're going to be making less games from now on. Why the fuck would I invest in that?
the only games I want to play on ps4 are one piece world seeker, persona 5 and nier automata
Don't bother arguing with fanboys.
>Atlus Survey asks fans if they want Persona and Catherine ported to the Switch
but it doesn't, the survey says what they want next out of the series, a Switch port is one of the options, if anything, it means that there ISN'T a Switch port in the works if that's an option
Just say no on teh survey dude, it'll be fine
>do you preorder games
I generally don't, I only preorder games I know I'm going to buy no matter what, like Kingdom Hearts 3. I'll preorder the next mainline Persona game.
Maybe they’ll call the Switch version Persona 5 fps
>look into a console
>the company just said they're making less games from now on and aren't going to the biggest expo in the industry
>feel uneasy about putting a few hundred dollars on it now
>this somehow makes me a fanboy
those are some seriously invasive questions for a fucking video game survey, it's not a census
don't forget the shitty musou by koei
They're trying to gauge who their target demographic is.
18-24 year old unemployed males with a high school or community college degree.
imagine, we could have had a second pearl harbor, instead we got the great beaner invasion
Reminder that /pol/tards are closing the survey at this point which means liberals will be the only ones heard by Atlus.
I closed it when I noticed that one page was only 5% of the survey, I ain't spending time doing this.
I asked for more pc ports and mugs.
Ironically, HE is the fanboy, user.
The wait for this year's E3 is gonna kill me. I want PC announcement right fucking now.
I surprised how much they still care about Dragon's Crown.
I pirate on consoles and buy on PC; I want Persona on PC, god damn it.
Apparently it just keeps selling.
>pretending the Shitch isnt ship
Who are you fooling, insecure tranny.
>yfw Catherine comes to the Switch uncensored, proving, to nobody's surprise, that it was it was Sony who forced the censorship again
what censorship? on catherine i mean
It's inevitable but waiting is such a pain. Between Catherine being ported, PC being present in both JP and NA surveys, Sega EU's statements and most importantly how little their games actually sell despite Atlus hiring more and more people (meaning dev costs go up), there's no way Atlus isn't going multiplat. Full Body sold only 60k in Japan on PS4 and PSV combined. That's probably the minimum what Catherine Classic sold and it'sa port of 8 year old game. They can't sustain themselves without maximizing profits and that means going multiplat.
We're not sure yet, but there's a rumour that they're censoring Catherine for the west.
you have a scat fetish and you are a tranny lover?
that's enough Yea Forums for you today.
>playstation exclusives
>implying this isn't normie as it gets
And yes, normie is now a word and is in the dictionary. We did it Yea Forums
well, joker has been the poster character for Q2 so that doesnt necessarily mean a P5 port has to be a thing.
When do they ever save PC port announcements for E3?
At what conference would they announce it? The PC gaming show is just a big commercial for Nvidia without any game announcements.
Catherine and Yakuza Zero were confirmed and given dates out of the blue. There's no precedent for your expectation.
You're only making a fool out of yourself by doing that. I hope you know that.
Yakuza Zero was announced during the pc show user.
Obese AND obsessed
Fuck petty console warriors. It's about time Atlus went multiplat.
I mean, we already know the PS4 is coming to an end, and we know the majority of the games coming to it outside of a few other announcements Sony plans on making throughout the year. JapanStudio specifically said they had something to announce early in the year. The only reason i would say you have to be uneasy is that the PS5 might be backwards compatible. Otherwise you can get a slim for like, 200 bucks on sale. And the majority of exclusives outside of games like (I'll qualify this with currently) Persona 5 are pretty cheap. I'd certainly say theres plenty out there currently to satisfy most people.
The real fools are people not buying the hardware that has the software they want.
At PC Gaming Show. That's where Yakuza 0, Kiwami and VC4 were announced.
>London, England – June 11, 2018 – Revealed on stage at the PC Gaming Show E3 2018 Press Conference, SEGA® Europe Ltd. are thrilled to announce that entries in two of SEGA’s most beloved Japanese franchises will be making their way to PC. Yakuza™ 0, Yakuza™ Kiwami and Valkyria Chronicles™ 4 will be added to SEGA’s ever-growing list of best practice PC conversions with exclusive PC enhanced features and join critically acclaimed titles such as Vanquish ™, Bayonetta™ and Valkyria Chronicles™. Check out the ‘Best of Japan on PC’ sizzle reel, first shown at the PC Gaming Show:
Don't bother arguing with fanboys. You can bet he damaged controled when nintendo dropped out of e3
Why is World even on there, it was never an exclusive. Just the most popular platform for the game
But I own PS4. I just don't want games stuck on a shitty hardware that will become obsolete in a few years and neither do I want to waste money on PS5 judt to play 3 games that interest me at cinematic 30 FPS.
Nintendo is still at E3, retard. They still do presentations and appear at the show floor. Sony is doing neither.
Snoyboys are so pathetic they claim multiplats as exclusives because they have nothing else.
What are you even talking about?
It's more relevant than Trauma Center, and that had a thing.
>playstation exclusives
Kys retard
my mistake
>Get PS5 exclusive
>But it's incredibly censored
>OR only one or two games you want come out on it, because Sony is pulling the plug from weeb shit
I wouldn't be too cheeky here.
How do I get past this boss battle, Yea Forums?
>non binary
of course
How mad does this make you?
No, fuck those shit games, give me Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
Given this survey, not at all. Plus, I played it on PS3.
I have both a PS3 and a PS4 you numbskull. I'm just saying wishing for Sony exclusives NOW isn't the brightest thing to do when Sony turns their back to Japan.
Not at all. What are you on about?
Not at all since I'm confident it'll eventually release on PC too (assuming it's not some niche spin-off).
>asking about porting SMT and fucking Etrian Odyssey to PS4
Bros... Atlus wouldn't betray us like that would they?
>Not having a pc, all consoles and handhelds except for xbone
A 10/10 then, got it.
>he actually did something Yea Forums told him too
At least you're admitting that Persona isn't SMT
I just want SMT V. Persona sucks. Hell I'd take an uncensored port of TMS #FE over Persona 5.
So much this.
Fuck Persona 5, make this RE Fantasy game multiplatform.
>Dungeon crawler where you draw your own map
>On a homeconsole
>With one screen
Do you by chance hate yourself?
>"Get it on ps4? No thank you I'm waiting for the uncensored switch version
uh, alright then.
>he actually falls for falseflaggers in 2019
>* Which gender identity do you most identify with?
and that's the first question
best timeline
you double nigger what's wrong with having both
This survey is dog shit. It won't let me go to the next page for some reason.
Never ever
>tfw wanna do the survey but it's only for the burgers
I wonder how it's like being as spiteful and angry as you. You should go to Sony subreddit or something since clearly all you care about is how many exclusives Sony has and not about video games. No wonder Snoyboys get so angry whenever their series goes multiplat, it's the only thing you care about. Any normal person would be happy that more people get to play games on their platform of choice. I'm honestly sorry for you.
>having falseflaggers
>Catherine full body
I don't care. I already played and completed the original on PS3. I have no interest in this pointless version. I'm not a faggot into traps.
Just lie about the state, so did I. You just can't win the sweepstake
Why do Nintendofans beg for ports do much? It's kind of sad to be honest
>I wonder how it's like being as spiteful and angry as you
You have to remember that their company got into the industry on spite to begin with.
Maybe people should be buying hardware based on software they want?
What's the most southern Europe-like state?
>being on Yea Forums
>investing in the sincerity of anybody
everyone is shills and falseflaggers because the almighty (You) matters more than any actual discussion. threads are commonly raided by discord retards who spam the ten same posts you've seen for two years now with flavor of the month subject tweaks in order to keep the same regurgitated bullshit flowing
if you actually think you're engaging with anything more than an echo chamber of shitposting user i have some bad news for you
The Nintendo Switch doesn’t have the physical capabilities to run Persona 5 they’re just messing with you
I have a PS4 and a Switch and fully support Atlus making its games multiplatform. You are a fanboy.
Based PersonaCHAD
Cringe SMTkek
What's with your psychotic nonsense?
Just pick Wyoming or something.
Fanboy of what? It's just sad to see how Nintendofans delude themselves into thinking they'll get P5.
It's literally just about PS Vita version being dropped (which sold 10k on Japan btw). The game sold like shit anyways (only 50k on PS4 in Japan, Classic probably sold better on Steam or at least similarly), it'll go multiplat for sure together with other Atlus games. There's no room for their exclusivity autismo anymore now that they reached mainstream and are hiring more and more people. They gotta earn money and thst means porting.
I said southern Europe, not fucking Russia.
Eh as someone that's Sonytendo I don't particularly like playing rpgs on TV. Hell, if it were possible to put it on vita I would rebuy that.
But buying hardware that only has 1-2 games you're interested in is a waste of money, especially when Atlus' autism is the only thing keeping it exclusive.
well ok then, as a canadian what state should i pick
>Persona 5 runs on PS3
>Wii U more powerful in areas than the PS3
>Switch more powerful than the Wii U
pic related, no (you) for you
>>Switch more powerful than the Wii U
reminder that with the dock it runs games like DKTC, BOTW and NSMBU at higher resolutions than Wii U
Why the fuck would you play a game on the switch if you have a ps4 or a PC?
But why?
Portability. While I don't see the appeal for games like Doom since they run leagues worse, I do see it for Persona 5 since an average playthrough can take over 100 hours, and a lot of people don't get to spend that time at home, so they want to be able to play it when they have a break at work and such.
>Choose up to 5
its portability allows me to play in the cuckshed
>Why would you play a game on a portable system if you own a home system
BOTW? 1080p? Have fun playing BOTW in dock mode while it's raining ingame in 1080p, I always had to lower the resolution to 720p because the framerate completely shat itself. I haven't played the WiiU version but I had a better experience emulating it on my PC with CEMU.
Well, yeah. That's the question, isn't it?
Why would you play a game outside of your home?
wtf is this shit?
Nintendo Switch owners tend to be non binary genderfluid so they didn’t want to upset anybody
BOTW was 900p first off. And the Wii U could only ever top off BOTW at 720p, and it still had framerate drops in that version. It just often had problems in different areas according to digital foundry's test
Because it's an Atlus USA survey, you acephalous retard. They don't give a shit about you, if you live in the middle of mudfuck nowhere.
If a game isn't especially taxing on the hardware, I'll buy it on Switch every time.
If anything, PS4 is the odd one out. PC has customization, and Switch has portability. What does the PS4 offer in this scenario?
It is quite a bit more powerful than the Wii U... which is good, because the Wii U was barely ahead of the PS3 lol
Non binary is code for "tomboy who wants to feel like a special girl because daddy doesn't want to buy her a 1000 dollar car"
Atlus USA is also responsible for publishing in Europe and Canada.
>What does the PS4 offer in this scenario?
Censorship of problematic dialogue and images
why would you sell a console you have to be some wage cuck who lives in an apartment with no space
>Nintendo and Xbox
0 reason to even tune in after all 3rd parties are announced.
Sony's only announcement at E3 last year was REmake 2, a game that was already confirmed to be in development 3 years prior.
I would normally say the Xbox conference isn't worth watching, but last year they had fucking DMC5, so anything can happen.
Its actually fucking nothing for those who dont do the survey
They basically give you all their games/series and ask if you want it ported to Switch, PC, xbone, or ps4
Why are you letting strangers on the internet decide your life choices?
For games like DoA Beach Volleyball I can at least understand the complaints, since it is very much a game. What which if you niggas out here really buying Visual Novels on consoles that will never ever have the sex scenes in them and then complain that Sony has too many "movie games with no gameplay"
>Sony's only announcement at E3 last year was REmake 2
poor maybe?
t. idort
Banjos aren't announcements.
REmake2 and the same shit of two years ago
this game was announced at Sony's show
Based and renpilled
You guys did request this right?
Wow, it's Quantum Break only even more clunky and visually boring.
I am idort too and i want the games like Catherine or Persona 5 in Switch, its conffortable and portablility is a big fat plus
Thats also the reason why i can't wait for RE4 on switch
it wouldn't be ideal, but they could probably use the mobile second screen app to draw the map.
>all this seething over Sony and sony games
Feels good knowing I backed the right horse.
>own switch, ps4, pc
>only asked for ports and games to come to pc
Bro, it's been playable on PC for a long time now
Never played any SMT, but I said I was interested in it since you guys like it so much. Hopefully something comes out of it.
Personal preference
Most switch owners are idorts who don't give a shit about console wars so it's less "muh exclusives" as much as it is wanting to have a choice.
>something will never be ported to the switch
You have to be the dumbest nigger alive to believe that.
Scalebound AND Person 5?!!
Is there nothing Nintendo is willing to leave for the other platforms while it continues to grow and dominate? Guess this is really Sony's fault for censoring all their games moving forward while they turn their backs on the west. Enjoy all those California HQ approved games, Sonyfans!
wait what happened with scalebound
i asked for either PC port or a switch port
either one works for me
If Scalebound really is made for Switch I hope it bombs and Kamiya is fired. It looked AWFUL and Microsoft was right to cancel it.
fucking kek
They sent a survey asking the same shit out last year, you fags are fucking retarded
We can't keep taking hits like this, sonybros...
We're talking about P5R here, not P5. Besides, I own PS4 anyway, I just vastly prefer playing everything on PC.
I imagine if they did pick up Scalebound again then it would be started from scratch at this point
I can't find anything about Atlus USA survey last year, only Atlus JP.
>"What content would you like to see more of?"
>Only P3, 4 and 5 as options
Hard evidence that it's over for us, my fellow P1&2 boomers
that game was so good i finished it in 1 sitting, i just couldn't stop
Poor nintenbros are just dying to play P5
I’m sorry bros but your budget machine just doesn’t have the juice to run it I’m afraid
Nincel port threads get hundreds of replies
>3 multiplats on the PS4 side that are also on PC and Xbone
I still haven't gotten my answer as to why someone would buy a VN on console
I have a switch but I'd far prefer a pc port to a switch port. Even if done well there's no way it would run at 1080p 60fps on switch
Scalebound was 1000% cancelled on XBone because of the way Microsoft treats it's Japanese devs. But there was just confirmation earlier this week that Nintendo snagged rights to a Microsoft exclusive third party game that was recently cancelled and was an XBone exclusive. "And Platinum 'may or may not' be involved", was the language used. So people are pretty confident it was Scalebound. Which means the game that convinced a ton of people to even buy the XBone might turn into a Nintendo exclusive game.
Which I think brings the total of Platinum games in production on Switch to like 3 or 4? Bayonetta 3 is still on it's way, I know that.
Portable visual novels are the future. Why do people buy them on PC?
What part of the news cycle ever had "microsoft exclusive" in the mix? The first we heard about it, the news was "Nintendo is reviving a project thought dead."
That and the trademark was and is still Abandoned. No one has revived it
Because you actually get to see penis in vagina
Why would you ever listen to Yea Forums?
>Portable visual novels
But are you really going to play cunny saga VII in public?
Imagine being a Sonyfag whose exclusives are constantly taken by PC and Nintendo.
Bloodborne Machine is looking more and more like reality
I asked for etrian odyssey fumos on the last page
My hero. I did the same thing in your honor.
I was thinking more in the bathroom or on your couch. Maybe in bed with your dick in your hand while you lay out. I don't honestly think most people mean "in public" when they say certain games are better portable.
Also, despite us not really living in the era of "No one in Japan has a PC" anymore, they're still not as popular as consoles over there.
Does Nintendo have any 3rd party games that aren't old ports?
See for yourself.
>But there was just confirmation earlier this week that Nintendo snagged rights to a Microsoft exclusive third party game that was recently cancelled and was an XBone exclusive. "And Platinum 'may or may not' be involved", was the language used.
Where are you getting this from?
Have you not been paying attention? It's not my job to keep you up to date.
Not seeing anything relevant
It's going to happen whether you want it or not.
mortal kombat?
Person 5 Rose
Right, so it didn't happen then, thanks for clarifying
>a new port
user, he's going to call everything shit or a port even if it isn't.
Hell, I've seen idiots like him try to claim octopath was a port.
This man is a real human bean
People calling themselves boomers and chads is the most embarrassing thing on this site.
when it's released at the same time it's called a multiplat
Remember when Nintendo wasn't charging people for online so (to those kinds of people) that clearly meant Nintendo didn't have online and none of the games had online features? You couldn't take a step in a thread without people arguing that Splatoon 2 was shit because it didn't have online, no matter how many times you explained to them that it did.
Big if true
>What game do you wanna see new content for
>Which gender identity do you most identify with?
>non-binary is an option
Well that started off swell. Why do giant soulless companies and normal people even give a shit about gender? It's all made up identity nonsense anyway. Just ask what sex we are if you want a real answer.
People are proud of how misinformed they are about the Switch.
This thread is far from the first time I've seen claims that the Switch is weaker than the Wii U or PS360.
I said I was non-binary and that I wanted SMT on PS4
Devil Summoner is coming to take the DeSu abbreviation back, you filthy waifufag.
wtf no xbox one!???
Only way I would touch p5 again is if the better version came out and removed, or at the very least, reworked the last few dungeons to not be a fucking slog and a half
Why do so many non-binaries own Switches?
I'm not saying all Switches are owned by non-binaries, I'm just saying all non-binaries own a Switch.
I seriously can't wait how P5R will get trailers and news up to release with people insisting the ports will be announced next time, the game will release and time will pass with people still insisting the port news is coming.
The Switch is a shit console.
I bought a Switch myself and have like 10 games on it, but every game has a shit frame rate, shit frame pacing, shit resolution, and shit graphics.
You have to be literally retarded to think the Switch is better than the PS3. And even the PS3 was a shit tier console with weak hardware.
I really hope Nintendo defaults and a good company like Capcom buys them and ports all their games to PC, because Nintendo is just shit with their console exclusives which run like shit because of their shit hardware.
Transitioned from ps4.
Thanks for the example.
Someone please tell me this is pasta
How about porting dragons crown instead of this other super-duper weebshit?
why can't switch fans beg atlus for info on smtv - you know, an actual new game, which the switch desperately needs more of - instead of begging for ports?
this tee bee ach
This symbol strikes fear into the heart of switchlets and PCocks
Bad framerate are more devs fault than anything
If i remember right a lot of devs say it's easy to make games in the switch
I thought P5 was already being ported?
SMT V was never coming out anyone so who cares anymore? Time to raise our flags boys.
Because they're too busy playing their games while sonyfags cry in fear about losing another game.
I'm 29 with a job and a master's degree
Maybe they were just gonna make some enhanced remake for the PS4 and heard the circulation of the rumors for a Switch/PC/Xbox One version and decided to just ask us what we want.
Dare I say it? Is user based and red pilled?
It's mostly gotten worse that Joker got into Smash honestly
If I do get a Switch should I get:
Super Mario Odyssey
LoZ: Breath of the Wild
or SSB Ultimate?
As my first game for it? Any digital titles on the eShop that you fellows would recommend?
If you enjoy other Smash games, you'll enjoy Ultimate. As someone who is traditionally a Mario fan over Zelda, I much preferred BOTW to Odyssey
I still demanded it in the Other section.
>playstation exclusives
Persona 5 is your only exclusive?
Well, I guess it's not far off...
Seethe more. P5 is a game you want on a system you're too nigger to get.
Only diehard SMTfags are looking forward to what is essentially vaporware by this point. And even those guys are almost extinct by now.
>too nigger to get
Everyone knows Snoy is the nigger choice of brand, though I do own one regrettably
You can find tons of niggers who endorse nintendo, not something that can be said of sony.
>not something that can be said of sony.
That's because they're too busy stealing them.
No they didn't.
Because Nintendo still cares about Japan and isn't a Cuckafornia censorship-loving soi company like Snoy.
Normie was a word in the 60s and possibly further beyond that. I guess it's strange hearing that we made something popular, though.
>listening to Yea Forums
you all cant be this retarded
>If i remember right a lot of devs say it's easy to make games in the switch
Yes, but not perform as intended.
This is what will end up making the switch the weeb console of choice. Jap devs didn't care back when it was just the gaijins getting fucked with censorship, but now sony of america censorship is determining what content is allowed in games made and sold in japan.