Did this outsourced piece of shit seriously get the entire franchise axed or is there a chance that IG are working on...

Did this outsourced piece of shit seriously get the entire franchise axed or is there a chance that IG are working on something unannounced?

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Ratchet & Clank is a series that does not need to be rebooted, along with Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, etc. They are all in a pretty good place as far as I am concerned. Any new addition would muddy their reputation, even if it turns out to be a good game.
If a developer wants to make a action platformer reminicent of the various "mascot" platformers from the PS2 era, it would be fairly trivial for them to just make a new IP.

What's wrong with the game? It was a pretty competent remake.

The Future series being subpar killed the franchise.
The movie and "remake" just buried it.

No it wasn't. They fucked up the characters and story just so they could tie it in with a shitty movie

Excepting controls, everything about it was a massive step down from the original.
The story especially was butchered.

The game sold better than anything else in the series that came after Tools of Destruction.

Then how is A Crack in Time the best in the series to this day?

That's a weird way to spell "Going Commando".

It really isn't, its just after Tools of Destruction being a liquid turd, it was a refreshing return to competence.

It still had many things that made it worse than the original series.

What's wrong with Tools of Destruction?


>I want the same exact story 15 years later

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Weapon variety in the garbage.
Ammo cap is too low, a problem that continued into ACiT.
Story tries to go "Chosen one," a plot thread that continues and is doubled down on in ACiT. (So, now, Last of His race guy partners up with the inheritor of the Great Clock, who was assembled millions of miles away from said clock, on a war machine line.)
Map design went down in competence.

They don't think pandering to furries sells anymore.
Sunset Overmeme is literally a Ratchet title. When that flopped they said fuck it to the whole genre when it couldn't go mass market.
IG will be a Spiderman studio for the next decade, at least.

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>A remake should be entirely different!
It isn't a sequel, it was sold as a remake.
Instead, we got a half-assed movie tie-in reboot. Which, instead of doing anything interesting, instead brought in Dr.Nefarious for no reason at 11:59 to be the final boss.

>IG will be a Spiderman studio for the next decade, at least
Darm it, While I like Spiderman. I don't want to see IG just throw out the whole R&C series just to become the Spiderman dev team.

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Every single conversation scene was butchered to high heaven. Characters would just awkwardly stand in place and move their mouths like puppets instead of showing any sort of life like the original scenes. On top of that, Clank practically never talks when he's with Ratchet, so his personality is mostly gutted compared to the original.

Are there actually people out there who care about conversations that take place in Ratchet and Clank? That's frightening.

>They don't think pandering to furries sells anymore.

It doesn't. Look at how the last Sly game sold.

Okay, besides that the weapon variety was hot fucking garbage and comprised almost entirely of shit from the later games instead of properly reinventing the original RC1 arsenal.

Different strokes I guess. I don't really give a shit about any of that as long as the game is fun.

Why do fanboys want remakes to be exactly the same as the original game? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of remaking it?

You’ve had 11 games. It’s time to move on.

hey guys mind if I be a shitty summon item for the 10th game in a row

and if I was actually worse than the previous version

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How does Quest for Booty compare to the other Future games?

I want the game to be an improvement not a downgrade. Everything that was in the original is in the reboot either
>Exactly the same
>Replaced by something worse
>Removed completely.

It's basically 4 extra hours of Tools of Destruction. Skippable but worth $5.

Reminder that the ps3 remasters still have online. You guys should set something up.

I'm ready to go in Ratchet 3 or Deadlocked any time.

Shame you can't use xlink kai on the PS2 versions though.

Works for me. Guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

It's bad.

>Sunset Overmeme is literally a Ratchet title. When that flopped they said fuck it to the whole genre when it couldn't go mass market.

Sunset Overdrive released 2 years before Ratchet PS4.

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Did Ratchet at least manage to knock up Angela before she got sent to the retcon dimension

I never cared about R&C but I enjoyed the remake a ton, I hope they remake the rest of the PS2 trilogy and then maybe remaster the PS3 trilogy (don't bother with All4one, tried that one when it came out and it was pretty mediocre)

He did spread his seed in the field of the yellow golden wheat.

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Except the quality of the weapon selection (which is the entire point of the fucking game) directly impacts how fun the game is - and most of the weapons weren't fun.

If something is remade I expect an improvement or the entire thing is a waste of time. At the very least if the game is simply "different" I would hope it at least manages to stand on its own then, which the remake only barely does.

I just want another action platform with fun weapons and designs. ;_;