Why don't they make challenging games anymore?

why don't they make challenging games anymore?
>inb4 autistic collectathoning is challenging

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How long ago was Punch-Out Wii?

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze was one of the last challenging games from Nintendo

>implying they ever did

only thing that changed is that you got older

Coincidentally, it wasn't made by nintendo

Games are still challenging
You're just older so they're easier for you now.

Octo Expansion.

They don't have to stretch out 1 hour games anymore.

Tropical Freeze and Woolly World were too hard for game journalists.

Were you not around when everyone was bitching about the Octo Expansion being too hard?

You post this under the assumption that every game is supposed to give you a hard time when that simply is not true.

>octo expansion
t. Stick users

people played that?

New fzero when?

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Nintendo usually presents easy mode as the normal campaign, and hides the challenge somewhere else.

Tetris 99 is pretty hard though.

Go ahead an tell me something harder than Inner agent 3

Since we aren’t getting Mario Kart 9 this generation, I’m guessing F-Zero is coming soon.

didn't you already make this thread yesterday faggot? What happened? Did it die of obscurity?

Try BotW Trial of the Sword on Master Mode. Good luck.

People already complained about Smash Ultimate being too obtuse and hard.

The only reason ia3 is "hard" is because she has more health than your usual enemy in pvp.
Bigger numbers make it more tedious than anything, since you've got to outplay them for longer to win exchanges.
Took me like 6 tries to beat.
I failed the 8 ball missions more than that