I just finished E.Y.E and I have no idea what the fuck just happened.
I just finished E.Y.E and I have no idea what the fuck just happened
EYE Thread?
one cycle is not enough brother
Once you complete five cycles and can fly through the air like Neo will you start to understand.
>Play EYE coop with Yea Forums
>hear gunshots in the background
>see NPC's in the temple draw their weapon
The ending of this implies there's more. Does anyone have?
get ready for comfy
>tfw never played E.Y.E. before
Should I?
leg lvl?
If you expect a polished and streamlined experience, don't.
If you enjoy being confussed, discovering new things that noone actually explained to you, and all kind of fuckery going on, then go for it.
I just want to have fun.
just dont make waves.
this game is fun
just upgrade your legs first!
I ditched this game after the massive open ended cluster fuck of a mars level ended and I got put into another cluster fuck of a map with three billion NPCs all of whom the game expect me to know.
The cryptic bullshittery was fun but apart from meme value I don't get the point of this gane
But user. You know all those people you just don't remember.
>play coop with Yea Forums
>that one nigger with maxed out legs who speedruns and completes every level before you can even get out of the first area
why did rimanah torture his wife again?
Because he sent her to the Forbidden Zone and she was caught and as Head EYE Guy, denying he had anything to do with it, it was on him to punish her for breaking The Worst Law
>he doesn't have maxed out legs
>he thinks he finished this game
Just another cycle.
>unironically being a leglet
>first time playing
>get sent all the way back to beginning
>oh these must be the cycles
>carry on
Turns out the game wasn't saving my character or some shit so I had to keep going through the maps with no objectives took for forever to realise something wasn't right haha
yeah the game can be a bit buggy at times
s-shut up