Have you ever harmed someone after losing in a video game?
Do you maintain your composure after losing, unlike these losers in this picture?
Have you ever harmed someone after losing in a video game?
Do you maintain your composure after losing, unlike these losers in this picture?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who did Destiny harm?
Do people actually smash their controllers in frustration? Like holy shit if it gets you that mad why even play video games?
so uhh why have you been spamming this lately op, we all know neorussia is insane from the days of war frogs.
Uh oh, what did eva do
he harmed jontron
He just has a really short temper when losing games
Are you serious?
What's wrong with anger management threads? It's video games related.
You should refer to our one and only god, Ilya Brizgalov on this one
The alt-right
Not him, but yes. Do you expect everyone to be up to date with your e-celeb bullshit?
The closest thing to him harming someone that I'm aware of was him talking about a kid fucking with him and him getting so angry that he wanted to buy a gun and find out where he lives.
>jon tron still gets millions of views rich
>lauren southern still get tons of beta bucks
lol no
None of those, apart from Jontron, are alt-right though, they are all shills and trannies that are at best, alt-lite
And (((Shapiro)))?
>jon tron
>alt right
fucking lol.
that's perfect.
Yes. I don't follow him. Why is he up there in a post asking if I've ever harmed someone after losing in a video game?
You have no power here
We'll see about that.....kid...
Destiny is one of the most impotent rage loaded manlets you will ever meet, straight up goes screaming and insulting when he gets butthurt and straight up has talked about killing people who upset him
Isn't neo the shitposter in /gbfg/?
Don't forget that he used to say racist shit on Twitter and in chatrooms everyday untill he decided to become a left leaning parasite for sympathy points
He's a fucking joke and a sociopath.
>retards believe this
That's not an argument, destiny
There's no point in arguing because you won't accept the premise anyway but if you've watched one or two of his vids it's very obvious he's explained his moral philosophy towards why he leans the way he does. But feelz over realz is how you people work
So he says he wants to kill single white males and that means we should forget about his past?
And I bet everyone who called you a faggot in an online game was really homophobic too.
Heh, desTINY is the master of deflection and straw man. Once you know how that retard debates it's easy to destroy the manlet.
Calling someone a gook, nigger or spic isn't the same as calling someone a faggot.
Yes it is, it's banter. People used to call each other niggers all the time online, and it still goes on here.
Using remarks against someone's race or ethnicity isn't banter.
Keep grasping at straws, desTINY.
Yes it is. How new are you?
How retarded are you?
What did the mentally handicapped ever do to you? Does this mean you are ableist?
>from shilling flex tape
I rather dislike Destiny, I've seen a number of his debates, but his entire shtick is removing the topic of debate from its relevant circumstances, deflecting all criticisms of the topic that are (even slightly) based in those circumstances, ask the person debating him what level of education they've attained, and then insulting them. Here's an example of how something would go:
>who cares if the Hispanic crime rate is lower I'm talking about immigrants from Mexico!
>therefore, we should take in all Hispanics from wherever!
>did you go to college dude?
>fuck you you're dumb lol
What an asshole.
Do you have an actual example or just this strawman?
Yes. This is what happens when a human doesn't get physical exercise. I have never smashed anything in anger, because my parents made sure I got regular exercise by either going doing sports, or by going to the gym. I still go to the gym regularly.
I've broken my steam controller after a bad match in DBFZ
I'll probably stroke out at some point but hey, that's what happens when you feed your anger.
i think this mostly happens when destiny tries to logically prove a point and the other person rejects it based on a feeling or something like that. at that point, destiny can either try to argue against a feeling or broken logic, or just quit out of the debate entirely, usually justifiably
Ha. I almost fell for that.
So we can agree that you're talking out of your ass, that's good
>watched one stream to see what all the fuss is about
>amercian "debate" culture
I used to go to the gym 5 times a week and play FPS vydia and I've broken controllers before. You just have low test