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I am confused as to why you have this opinion. New Leaf is an objective improvement on everything in WW and it's not like the visuals changed radically either.
Give me the style, music, villager interaction and stuff like that with the QoL of and you got yourself kino
NL is peak soulless. Gamecube is so archaic it's a pain to play. WW is almost perfect, just needs the tweaks of NL.
Villagers being completely watered down into oblivion is my only real complaint. Otherwise, you are correct 100%.
This is really the only problem I have with NL. Everything else is better than WW.
>barely any holidays
Game feels like a shitty husk, and no amount of villager dialogue fixes that
Litterally the worst animal crossing, it lost a ton of shit that was in the gamecube game in favor of multiplayer, and from then on the series has been in content recovery mode. Like even shit like the public works projects were in the japan only Ereader+ version of the gamecube game
clearly you never played city folk
City folk is wild world+, if city folk is shit (It is) wild world cannot be better
based retard
Hit the nail a little too hard I take it, how about you explain why you think i'm wrong moron
this is how i feel about the new mario kart.
i know they did some balancing and added new mechanics but i they got rid of single player missions.
The dpad control somehow feels more comfy too.
i guess i also miss the days when i played with mk ds with my friends school.
im sure the mk 7 will be someone's nostalgia some day though.
How the fuck did New Leaf manage to have 10 times LESS dialogue options and topics of conversation than any other game that came before?
And why the fuck were the grumpy and bitchy neighbors nerfed so hard? There is literally no difference between a fashion-obsessed bitch and a normie girl anymore. It's boring.
Unlimited SOUL
damn it user ;-;
>includes memory card
I'll never feel this feel again
MK 7 is the best MK though, it had the best tracks, kart feel, characters, and online was fun as all fuck
MK8 is so garbage I won't even play it with friends unless they really hassle me to.
>Be me 10 years old
>Wild world is released
>Be with parents in a gamestore
>Look at games
>Animal crossing spotted
>"That game looks pretty fun!" user to dad
>"looks pretty fucking expensive"
>Go home without a game
Still saddens me.
Why are public works projects so difficult to get despite being so prominently advertised? Even with the diving trick it takes forever for villagers to ping.
man i will never forget the experience of reading about this game over and over for like 2 years waiting for the EU release to finally happen
oops this was in reference to
This Whitney used to tell you shit like
“You got a problem me?! Handle it like an adult. Spread rumors”
Also did you hear that white wolf is a complete slut?
>10 years old
Just put me in the grave
Animal Crossing switch is gonna be shit isn't it
I just know it
Some part of me just knows it. They're gonna fuck it up. It's gonna be fucking awful. Fuck.
>smallest town
>smallest number of villagers per town
>only one house
>no basement
>no geographic features
>almost no holidays
>no island
>15 fps
>140p blocky visuals
>horribly bitcrushed audio
WW got brownie points when it came out for being the first with online play and the first to be on a handheld, but neither of those things are unique to it now. WW is the worst game in the series by today's standards.
It's better to be pessimistic and correct than optimistic and disappointed.
The only worthwhile waifu in the series is Rosie.
WW felt like a straight up downgrade when compared to AC
Every Nintendo franchise has been just "decently good" since the Gamecube/GBA and awful since the Wii/DS. It's just that some franchises get hit harder by the casual stick by their very nature, like this one.
Has there been any mention of Pocket Camp integration in the Switch game?
i wasnt trying to argue that mk 7 is inferior to mk ds.
im just saying, to me, mk ds will always be remember fondly.
>all those autists complaining about "grass wear" for months on end when NL first came out
Right species wrong cat
i certainly fucking hope not
Pocket Camp when it came out was said to have compatibility with mainline series, and acnl's amiibo update didn't add integration
Sooo, pretty much confirmed
I don’t think so but I’m pretty sure they are.
Let’s go and Pogo are
fuck you nigger mk ds is shit mk7 is objectively better. it has more tracks. and 3d depth sensors and all kinds of stuff. mk ds was ruined by snaking.
Do you crossdress in AC user?
haha i used to troll my friends with snaking.
then everyone figured out how it worked.
fun times.
I haven't played or seen any Animal Crossing since GC. What were the significant improvements?
I mean we all express ourselves in different ways
Online play.
That's about it.
How does online even work with this game's concept?
>Spread rumors
I'd like to spread those buttcheeks if you know what I'm sayin
visiting your friends town is pretty much it
its more enjoyable than it sounds though
Metal Gearing?
You visit other towns and you can trade stuff.
Or visit a time traveller to catch season specific bugs/fish if you're into that.
There are more hats
you know how u get a boost from drifting?
in mkds people figured out that continuously drifting and getting a boost is faster than just driving in a straight line.
it was charming to me at least.
old game good
older game better
I like to wear cute skirts
actually you grew up
NL might not have been as good as the other titles, the features were fun and I expect it to be as good if not better.
you invite a girl over and talk while you sit on a bench surrounded by hybrid flowers under a full moon or sit in the aquarium and watch your collection of exotic fish and chat about life's biggest questions
yeah i felt that way when i really couldnt get into the new pokemon.
the series might have improved but maybe i just grew out of it.
WW. Gamecube and New Leaf are objectively the best AC games.
Aww now I see
Yeah I can see that being janky as fuck
I still think Pokémon are cute but that’s about it
I never could get into AC with all the time related activities but for some reason, WW really hooked me. Maybe due to its simplicity and charm
Agreed. WW was a better and more fun AC. Hope the new one goes back to the old soundtrack.
I still quite like Pokemon, but for different reasons than I did when I was young.
RB I played becasue the anime was on TV and my friends played it.
Recent games I play because I like collecting things and retarded stories.
Honestly, AC’s time scale and short gameplay sessions lend itself well to portables.
There are people who have no memories of 9/11 that are posting on this board. Every time you see threads reminiscing about games that this board used to shit on, just remember that it's only going to get worse