Does anyone else hate this type of art design? trying to ape 8 bit style like its even a good idea. nidhogg...

does anyone else hate this type of art design? trying to ape 8 bit style like its even a good idea. nidhogg, risk of rain, dead cells, wizard of legend... what other games have this shit style?

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For nidhogg it was great. Maximum simplicity through and through.

>DeadCells is 8-bit

I think it looks nice, and generally prefer it to other art styles and graphics. It isn't about mimicing old graphical limitations, it's just an aesthetic choice that allows the mind to fill in the gaps and vague details. It also enables the use of vibrant themes/effects that would be otherwise difficult to recreate using more modern graphics.
That being said, I do not like the graphics of Dead Cells. I prefer pixel art to be chunkier and less detailed.

Similar games include:
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Dungeon of the Endless
>Risky Rain
>Titan Souls

Dead Cells looks fucking great the game actually being 3D works super well.

>Dead Cells

Pixel art without outlines is just terrible to look at. FF6 is still the bar to beat and none of these retro game designers have come close to it with all of this modern technology.

Only the environments in Dead Cells are pixels. The Prisoner and all of the enemies are 3d models with a filter over them.

Attached: 1_Model3DS.gif (462x428, 545K)

its quite clear that the dead cells character is meant to mimic an 8 bit style though

>Dead Cells
>Risk of Rain
>Wizard of Legend
>"Looks like shit"

Holy fuck, even after all these years on Yea Forums, I've never seen taste as bad as yours. All of these games look amazing, and they're not 8-bit you moron. Youre proving you have no fucking clue what your talking about by calling them 8-bit. Either get a double eye transplant and hope your eyes are just fucked, or actually, unironically kill yourself.

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I hate that shit. They have technology to make it look better, actually use on irrelevant shit and keep making the characters look like dogshit for basedboy points.

If they were actually trying to emulate 8bit or 16 bit they would limit themselves to use those palettes and get the most of them to make the character look detailed as in the masterful spritework of metal slug.

You have absolutely no idea what '8-bit' means, do you?

look at 16 bit games and then look at 8 bit games and tell me which one it looks more like buddy

It looks like neither.

What style do they intend to mimic then?

>Pixel art without outlines is just terrible to look at
I disagree, but understand why people do not like pixel art without outlines. Also I feel that the art of FF6 is very different from the games I listed. So different, that it does not make sense to compare them. A more logical comparison would be between FF6 and, say, Terraria.

they all do look like shit compared to actual high-quality sprite work.
pixelshit is just an excuse for indies to use nostalgia pandering to sell their subpar imitations of the classics.

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The we we will put a filter over a poorly made 3d model because it's much cheaper/easier to do than real pixelart style.
Very popular among indie games.

other pixel indie games.

Please point to the classic game that Dead Cells is imitating. It certainly doesn't have the aesthetic of Mario or Castlevania or Cetroid or any of those classic platformers.

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at this point, they're copying previous indie games that made terrible inaccurate attempts to look "retro."

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tfw you first saw nidhogg 2

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>Please point to the classic game that Dead Cells is imitating.
it's another indie metroidvania ripoff with "le epic dark souls combat," in an industry that's oversaturated with indie metroidvania ripoffs with "le epic dark souls combat."
>It certainly doesn't have the aesthetic of Mario or Castlevania or Cetroid or any of those classic platformers.
of course it doesn't, because indie devs don't have a clue what retro games actually looked like.

Attached: 7Fe7ydr.png (1024x540, 187K)

How did all of y’all forget the most popular shitty 8 bit game of the last year, Celeste?

I miss SNK's sprites

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Its not 8but you silly billy.
Its just low res.
Imitating old games.

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I'm pretty tired of every indie game doing pixel art. Most of it is half assed and just chosen as an easy way to not invest money or thought into the game's artstyle. It feels lazy for the mostpart.

I completely agree with op ! I hate these pixel art game (except FTL which did it before it was cool). My point of view is that dev are doing retro style to sell more copies playing the nostalgia card to hide their lack of idea. Some games would have been great without it, its a shitty idea to do it. So many good game with a great artistic direction : darkest dungeon, book of demons, hollow knight ... don't loose time with pixel art games !

I got past being mad about that ages ago, now I'm mad about 3D indie games with textureless origami style.

most of the time it's either half assed pixel art, half assed clunky 3d or generic flash animation style. don't know which one is worse overall.

don't forget the other common shortcuts, like procedural generation instead of well-thought-out level design for example.
all in all, they're subpar games that fanboys pretend are flawless just because they're not aaa and they pander to their nostalgia.