You will NEVER see something like this happen with video games. Why is the vidya community so toxic?

You will NEVER see something like this happen with video games. Why is the vidya community so toxic?

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This already happened with Feminist Frequency. She never had a fire, but she is just as retarded.

Ur toxic not me I'm nice boy

Why does the movie community care so much bros?

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Its full of white male incels

Because there's more shit movies that people would rather get rid of.

People used to send the guy who did the Classic Game Room games all the time.

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lmao knock knock dipshit guess what... every time i boot up counterstrike im helping out retards just like this one

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This desu

>movie fans are retarded

Well, yeah.

All games are digital now, you're just pay for a digital license when you buy physical anyways.

decent amount of brown and yellow incels too

Are we just going to ignore that OP is posting videos showing off his movie collection on a video game board?

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Movies are so much fucking cheaper than games, though.


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>lose all of your possesions
>get some shitty movies
>sell them
Neat! Basically just sent this retards wranglers an easy 50 dollars!

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>you will never be this happy

because vidya r 4 loozers

Because most are/pretend to be alt-Right sjws for the epic wins

And blacks. Holy shit are there so many blacks

Anyone else get really disgusted when they see actual retards?
I have a deep aversion to them.

Attached: nojinho.png (314x318, 230K)

Reminds you of yourself?

>all wasted on a downie
too bad

Depends on the movie, some can get quite expensive. Pic related.

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No there aren't.

Epic and totally non predictable reply bro.

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Guess I was right.

Yes honestly, but it also makes me happy to see someone be so happy over simple, easy things and I think more people should be capable of that.

At least we got to see something like this happen.

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Should I go back to .reddit.? I like calling people retards but not make fun of actual mentally retarded people

he looks like caveman lol

People will get happy over simple shit that they like, it's just that no one is willing to help your fellow non-retard man.

Yes, my sister. Goes weeks without a shower, just stays in the back room all the time. I gave up a long time ago pressuring my mom to do something with her. I know I'm not taking care of her ass if anything happens, I'm busy working and in school for my damn self.

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Fuck off retard


>tfw OP is John Lewis trying to get free shit

People who say "wifey" are almost 100% of the time pussywhipped faggots

cause video games are fucking expensive and you can get dvds for like 5 bucks

"I'll give you $10"

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wut just put them in a closet

You should just not take the bait when people talk about wanting to curbstomp downies or some shit

We lice in a society

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Should I fuck off to .reddit. though? you didn't answer my question retard

hello waifu
goodbye laifu

>men who get so cucked their gf tells them to sell their possessions

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>he gets this often
Retard confirmed

Bull rental fees ain't cheap
Loli is superior to 3D piggus anyway

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Basically like said. They definitely freak me out because I have no idea how to deal with them in a polite, social manner. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to greet/speak to them like I would an adult or a child, so I generally try to avoid them. In any case, it makes me look and feel like an insensitive asshole so I guess I need some training on how to deal with retards in a socially acceptable manner.

Definitely nice to see them receive charity, though. Life is shitty enough as it is for people who are normal.

I fucking hate when this shit happens just because the person is retarded. They have done nothing to deserve this, they are leeches in society and people just wanna feel good about themselves because “aaww lets take pity on the retard”. I deal with a lot of retards because of my job and I know how much of shitty and spiteful people they can be, and especially those who know they can get away with it because of normal peoples said sympathy for them.

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>Look at what I did!
Fuck virtue signalers

Wow you can smell the S O Y through the pixels of this image.

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Even though I hate sob/sympathy stories this one's kinda nice.

why do basedboys need their girlfriends to be their mother?

If your significant other cannot accept and appreciate your hobbies and what you’re into then they don’t really love you. This guy is being manulipulated and pussywhipped HARD

If it was him forcing his wife to give up on her hobbies you bet there would be hell raining down on that guy

>buy movie
>20 bucks
>buy old movie
>2 bucks
It's easy to gift movies, not let's see vidya
>buy vidya
>60-70 bucks
>buy old vidya
>enjoy spending hundreds of bucks for a fucking snes games without box

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>guys GF gets him a surprise present

You’re a virgin, aren’t you?

>vegy tales
good taste

You ever fuck her?

Just as much hell is raining down on her too though

mommies are a best.

>buying old nintendoshit
just buy last gen games

>not enjoying your mommy gf
>not being your gf's daddy
You're a virgin, right?

Which proves this hobbys retardation because his dad is fucking LOADED.

>selling all consoleshit
Based wife.

What if he did that in order to have his own loli?

>collection is lost
>I know!! Let's just replace it with cheap shitty games from last gen

that's fucking Graham from Australian commercials

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boi of soi detected

>collecting nintendo in the first place

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What is it with Millennials and worshiping Blockbuster?

Fuck off retard

I don't feel disgust, just pity. They didn't choose to be born into this world with their disability. It's the parents of retards that lobby against screening/abortion that truly disgust me.

>getting into life long relationship with someone who can't appreciate nor respect your hobbies
Why do people do this?

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She doesn't love him.

>Anyone else get really disgusted when they see actual retards?

No? Why would I? It is not their fault that they are like this, trannies on the other hand they do disguest me since they destroyed themself by choice

At least now they have the budget to buy the baby a dank ass pacifier

Explain your reasoning other then the fact you can’t dispute me otherwise

Yeah we should just gas all retards since they dont deserve a chance at life.

No, but they do make me uneasy. I can't read them like a regular or smart person.

society pressures people into relationships because it's the "normal" thing to do, instead of entering one on your own volition once you got your own life together and are ready for it

>I deal with a lot of retards because of my job and I know how much of shitty and spiteful people they can be
Might have to do with the fact that they're mentally retarded and can't function socially you fucking retard.

>They definitely freak me out because I have no idea how to deal with them in a polite, social manner. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to greet/speak to them like I would an adult or a child
Treat them nice like they're the quiet kid who ate alone and doodled guns in class. A high-five can save your life.

I feel mostly pity. It is disgust when the situation force me to interact with them though

Not him, but that's a red flag you should avoid, friend. Daddy/Mommy dynamics are just fucked.

>all those copies of X
he deserves it

>implying strangers don't send me hundreds of steam keys

She controls his paycheck.

>strangers are sending this man hundreds of movies
Oh man, that sounds fucked up, what kind of a cruel prank is this, is it like Khajiit Pie with the pizza?
>after his collection got destroyed
*collective awww from the audience*
That's really sweet.

Fetuses aren't people.
Retards can think, they are people.
If no retard is ever born, then the world would be no better or worse.

This but unironically

Anyone else get really disgusted when they see actual anti-lolicons?
I have a deep aversion to them.

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