She sold Millions

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its genuinely a good game though

Pretty fun game. World was pretty empty of like discovery tho . I'd hope the sequel would take some inspiration from rdr2 and BOTW.

Can't wait for her sequel.

what does her navel taste like?

to buy thousands

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Each tribe should’ve had its own race. Mixing everyone up made no sense.

Jewish cock

this and tlou are the 2 games i regret buying most

this shit is so boring

funded by billions

Agreed, it's literally the only full open world game that I fully beat twice, while I don't even get halfway through most others.

Disgusting orc head

Final boss was a joke, but over all a solid game. And I HATE open world games

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and killed no one

Believe it or not, but Tlou had less forced diversity and homosexuality than this pile of garbage

No concrete evidence that there is going to be a sequel though. Buying another studio can mean plenty of things.

I love the game but gotta feel bad for the developers forced to make an ugly girl just because a tranny told them so.
I'm even more pissed off because Aloy was different in the concept arts and this is a new ip so they risked like retards choosing an ugly design

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Real talk, Horizon's combat against the robots is really fucking good, it's just that everything else about the gameplay is just passable so it mixes into being an okay game

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Playing on hard made stuff an actual threat

It's weird that no one ever talks about HZD even though it's supposedly one of the best selling ps4 games. I think the reality is that Sony inflated the numbers and it only sold thousands. I see more people talking about KNACK than HZD.

>spam fire arrows to win
>good combat

>another game i cant play on PC

Best selling new IP by Sony, no way they won't make a sequel, especially judging how interested Guerilla Games are, and the cliffhanger ending.

Male Ryder transitioned huh

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The entire game feels like a good-looking excuse for progressive propaganda. The next thing more soulless is corporate cash-grabs.

Funded by 40 million. Let's double that to include marketing, so 80M total.

Sold 3M in first month, so that's 180M revenue. Let's assume the other 5M sales average only $25, that's still 300M+ revenue total.

Let's be super jews and assume the margin on this 300M is only 50% even though it's software so it should be higher, but let's just say 50% anyway, so that's 150M.

150 - 80 = 70M operating income, pretty good for an europoor company.

At $20.

Not in Yea Forums with so many nintentoddlers crying. They even deleted a thread when someone was talking about Xenoblade 2 censorship

Oh fug
Can't unsee

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Everyone should have been a brown person by the time the game happened. Once the menagerie of rainbow colored people were released from the cloning facilities, they would have interbred, and everyone would have started to look more alike. Its pretty fucking bizarre that people stuck to their own race long enough to the point you still have recognizably black, white, asian, and and so on.

lol wtf

Are there the following?

Good porn/lewd content.

Good ryona?

>and the cliffhanger ending.
While I believe there will be a second one, you shouldn't use there being a cliffhanger, especially such a mild one as evidence there will be more. A lot of things end with a cliffhanger and get nothing else. Just a silly nonsense point on your end. Stick to facts next time. May as well add in "Well I want one so there will be one?"


Every character was a chink or pajeet with a weird accent. It was over the top. Too much racial and gender diversity 4/10

man you retards don't know what a woman looks like do you

>super intelligent negro probably trying to explore a horus

hope you get to kill him in the sequel

Legitimately glad this game did well. Guerilla games has some seriously shit luck in that whatever they put out gets hyped up as an "X-killer" even when they dion't want it, most famously Killzone being hyped by Sonyfags as a Halo-killer and damn near strangling the series in the crib for it, so I'm glad they managed to avoid the backlash of "hurrdurr Zelda-killer" this got hyped as.

The game unironically gets better halfway through when you can fight the giant machines and use a lot of skills/tools. The story was alright at best, though

Did you get this from Scientist Man?

Do numbers bother you?

I'm sorry you look like a tranny

You dont need to get half way to fight the bigger machines. You meet a t-rex before you even get to the carja capital

I downloaded it for $11

How Aloy is unattractive?

Because she doesnt look like an anime fuckdolll

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>No concrete evidence that there is going to be a sequel though. Buying another studio can mean plenty of things.
Yeah, okay, dumbass. Even shit games get sequels these days, games that blew through the fucking roof are guaranteed sequels. Go ahead and wait for your "proof," there is literally 0.00% chance this game doesn't get a sequel.

>has abs
>flat chest
>very weird neanderthal-esque face

Also shitty shallow gameplay, fucking awful character designs, garbage writing, predictable story, excessive pandering, non-existent world building. I could do this for hours.

>i can list buzzwords for hours

not something to be proud of, pajeet

She's a qt desu.

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What robot animals should they use in the sequel?

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Sucks that she hardly has any porn

Same. It played like shit but it looked great. Also I hated how the characters looked.

>around release
>People screaming about how its SJW as fuck because you start in a matriarchy and theres a lady with a hijab somewhere in the game.
>Matriarchy turns out to be a bunch of dumb ass backwards retards who worship a door.
>Only cool one among them is a guy
>Hijab lady barely shows up, shes part of a team, her actual input gets deleted, and the entire team basically fails.

Its depressing that Yea Forums is filled with such reactionary cunts that they can't get over their misconceptions and still shout about it being an SJW game.

I don't even think it was a very good game. Like a 6 or 7/10, squandering a lot of its potential for no real reason other than to stick to the generic openworld formula. But it really wasn't SJW, no matter what people say.

I probably missed some data points and hologram, but did the Odyssey project succeed and will the sequel have people from space?

Game came and went.

Amazing how this game had 20+ unique enemies in the base game while BoTW only had like 6

they we're all decendants from the leading minds before the world got cancer you really think whities are better than ALL asians and pajeets?
and i fucking hate pajeets but u gotta admit the smart ones are generally DISGUSTINGLY smart

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What’s the Odyssey project? One of Gaia’s functions?

i remember Yea Forums was screaming about how everyone was a robot

THe one that sent shit to the moon or something. I never even knew that existed

Sorry your mum succ me under the table

your moms pussy

One of the projects about creating a huge space ark and sending people away from earth

Can I have some ryona videos of alloy?

what's the correlation between Zelda and Horizon? I understand the Killzone vs Halo because both are futuristic FPSs, but Zelda and Horizon? They are totally different.

It definitely wasn’t the ‘leading minds’ of the world. Some of them were experts in Dutch art and shit.

Felt like a generic Ubisoft game.
As soon as I got to the tower unlocking, I felt like "Nah, I'm good."

Megalodon and giant squid.

Released same year, that’s it.
Also le Sony VS Nintendo console war faggotry

Nintendo fans tried to compare them because open worlds.

Also because Zelda released 3 days after HZD

It had a dull plot and almost every character was unlikeable, but the gameplay was pretty decent. Found it more fun than Breath of the Wild, at least.

Also, it sucks that Aloy in gear that shows her feet is behind DLC

She shows too much forehead.

They came out at the same time and are both about exploring a post apocalypse world.

That would still make them the leading minds in their fields of expertise

What an ugly jawline

Can somebody post some lewd pics/videos?

I don't have a problem with reactionaries, but I agree with your general sentiment.

You need to kys

what the fuck are you guys on about

the genetic shit preserved wasnt just the scientists'. it was good genetic shit of all kinds of people, some athletes even.

Sure, if you consider some nigger who majored in underwater basket weaving to be a ‘leading mind’. Just how the hijab lady was tasked with educating future generations. It was just a pretext to shoehorn progressive BS into the game.

>Its pretty fucking bizarre that people stuck to their own race
Imagine actually thinking like this. You've got no idea about how anything works on this earth, do you? Is your view of the world like that Michael Jackson "Black or White" music video?

Yet nobody remembered a year later

michael jackson couldn't stick to his own race

In HZD's world, yea it was bizzare.

There's no prestablished culture or geographical boundaries. It's literally a bunch of (cloned) cavemen being released into the wild and needing to fend for themselves

>How Aloy is unattractive?
I'll have this plebbit petty envious cunt explain.
>Because she doesnt look like an anime fuckdolll
Like clockwork. If they're less attractive they're nonthreatening and therefore empowered, if they're more attractive they're whores and a bad influence/must be removed.

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Great game, one of the best of the generation. Combat is great and challenging also it has best mounted combat I have ever seen, graphics is fucking awesome with a lot of collors and not just gray and brown like most AAA games, the environments and enemies are very diverse, story and lore are good. The only gripes I have with the game is that it does not have any choices and dialogue wheel is pretty pointless because of that especially for what i supposed to be an RPG.

>best mounted combat


Pale ginger cavemen running around is just weird, that shit would have been bred out

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I HATED the characters and dialogue, but the actual gameplay was actually fun. Filling one of those big fuckers with explosive shit, watching them fly apart piece by piece and then continue the rape with their own heavy weapons was satisfying as hell.

You can attack while riding a robot dinosaur with any weapon or with robot dinosaur you can even jump attack if i remember correctly no game has done mounted combat so great.

>this retard thinks the white man can compete with superior african genes
neck yourself

except the story explains why aloy is unique tho, her genetic ancestor had her clone made at a specific time and not bumrushed like the rest of the scientists

>In HZD's world, yea it was bizzare.
No, it's not. If tomorrow the world burns and only the usa is left standing with it's 300 million something people the very next day there would be racial tribalism. They're not at each other's throats only because the leaders are using the media to form a common enemy be it russia or china depending on who they're aiming the propaganda at. That's why the country still hasn't burned to the ground yet because of the 2008 financial crisis.

And it would happen even if it was 100% homogeneous only white people. Easter island is historical proof of that. Humans are tribal and our minds are shaped to view everything in those terms. There must always be an enemy or everything breaks down and infighting starts.

So no, it's not bizzare. If the humans in HZD's world are clones of real humans, it's par for the course that they would segregate. Cut the electricity and the food and in 2 weeks a genocide starts and whoever has the guns wins.

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Talking about some of the other people in the game.
All of them should have been a shade of brown

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>me Yea Forumsetard
>me autistic
>me need (you)s
>me must shitpost
>me must bait
>me love Σοytendo
>bugthesda can do no wrong

I wonder if the game would have been less successful if the protag was male. Then again, the game as a whole was solid and I feel the gender of the character doesn't really change much of anything in the game.

What body type does Aloy have?

What is her bra size?

What is her bust, waist, and hips measurement?

Man you are fucking stupid.
In the game it has literally been hundreds of years since a bunch of clueless clones left their bunkers.

Okay. So, where’s Bloodbornes sequel?

Where's the gif from buddy? Piqued my interest.

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Witchblade you zoomer

the same as a malnourished man's

No idea what you're trying to say. Maybe try using words?

Thanks and fuck you cocksucker.

And it's been nearly 200,000 years since the modern human has been around and we're still tribing out. One look at niggers in detroit, sjws in twitter, or incels on reddit will tell you that much.

What said
If you like hot milfs ecchi action you're in for a treat. Pity about the ending.
>In the game it has literally been hundreds of years since a bunch of clueless clones left their bunkers.
>humans are blank slates

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Honestly it's my goat. Bitch ain't hot but the game was fucking amazing.

Because of geographical, language and cultural differences. The people of HZD have none of that.
Also US will be a bunch of shitskin mutts in a few hundred years

My main gripe is that they killed off her dad far too early. He was a much more interesting character than Aloy

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>sjw agenda the game featuring ugly as sin manfaced monkey woman so as not to offend womyn
Well of course it sold millions it was a straight up "give us good boy points" project for the masses to gobble up.

That’s not real.

>Pre-release HZD build
Kek. That shit has been patched almost 2 years ago.

Attached: Zelda is goat.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>teehee this game only sold cause diversity
>teeehtee this game sold like shit cause diversity

make up your mind

>literally a clone of some boring ass hag scientist
Why would she be hot?

Cavemen would have behaved even more tribally. Cultural boundaries are a byproduct of racial boundaries. They would have formed tribes based on race, and would have only killed each other, not mixed with each other.

You have a weird fantasy of how this stuff works.

That’s why we are saying that it makes no sense in the game. You have a single tribe with niggers, chinks, pajeets and white people. It’s far too mixed and weird and the tribes don’t really have identities

Humans come with preinstalled discrimination mechanisms because they were useful in the past.

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That’s gone in the game. No racial issues between the people, yet they don’t breed with each other. Makes no se se

I was actually really surprised with how much I enjoyed the game. While I agree that some characters looked about as gay as the average tranny in San Francisco, and Aloy looks like a mutt, and all the other gripes people have with it, in my opinion I really enjoyed the gameplay, stealth sections, combat, story, and everything else that makes a game good. It's not perfect, not by a long shot, but honestly I really was happy while playing it and I can't wait to see if there'll be a sequel to it. (and yeah I could tell there was some leftist shit in there, but I'm not autistic enough to let that get in the way of an enjoying experience as long as it's still a fun game)

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Figuring out what happened to the old world was great, didn’t really care about tribe stuff.
What would a sequel even be about?

Ancient machine/super weapon we didn't know about wakes up or some new tribe shows up (or both)
Or Aloy travels to a whole new region

Why are you so miffed about interracial breeding not happening more often in your video games? It's a little weird how obsessed about it you seem to be.

you're not wrong desu, the old world lore was really interesting imo and while I'd love the opportunity to play a sequel, I agree that there's not much room for one with how it ended

>that shit would have been bred out
Why do you think this?

Both BotW and HZD were enjoyable, yer extremely overrated 7.5/10s.

I actually liked HZD's DLC more than the base game if we're being honest.

Why do niggers keep comparing these 2 games when they have nothing in common besides the open world meymey?
Fucking console war kiddos

Because they would all have been very inbred if not

Main thing is because of how it ended, we know it could be dragged into a part 2, but without a lot of the pre apocalypse lore

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Would have to be aliens invading or some crazy shit, else I probably wont get it.

Still waiting on the answer to this question, bitch ass nigger.

I don't get it. Are you just a racist? You're saying wypipo inbreed or something I'm assuming, unless there's something I'm missing here.

yeah, and we kinda already got most of what we need to know in that department. Unless a new protag is introduced, or some new world threatening thing happens, I don't think we'll see a sequel in a while. I mean, unless the devs wanna just wake a game where you walk around an empty world and fuck around with robots, idk that could be fun.

mmm musky leather

>little group of clones of different races get released into the wild
>hundreds of years after there are still pure blacks, pure asians, pure whites only
You don’t see how that’s weird?

Bloodborne actually wasn’t that huge of a success all things considered

I think it'd be weirder if the majority were mixed peoples. People prefer to breed with others that look similar to themselves.

Yeah but wouldn’t they have made tribes of different races in the game universe then?

I enjoy it but I still wish we could zoom out every now and then

"Non-existent world building"
that was the majority of what the main story rode on. You sure you played this game?

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Any sfm porn?

> but did the Odyssey project succeed and will the sequel have people from space?

Nope. There's a data point containing an entry from Elisabeth Sobeck diary telling that all shit was blown up when antimater engine malfunctioned just before leaving Solar system.

but there's a rumor that the sequel will be about finding out that Odyssey was not destroyed, it was its AI going rouge and sending bogus data about its own destruction and that it was this AI that send Gaia a virus that fucked up Hades and Hephaestus modules and turned them into killing machines

Gave me some existential dread vibes like SOMA

Don't bother asking porn nor ryona these anons think that she ugly as sin.

I'm waiting for Aloy lover in the sequel.

God I hope so, maybe we could play as one of the space people crash landing in one of the bad zones on Earth with all the cannibal tribes.

if you think "Black or White" was about race mixing you're so fucking wrong dude

Dirt and motor oil.

I dont see them changing the protagonist of this franchise (assuming we get a sequel)

Women are sexist why are you so surprised? Feminists are jealous of japanese women, funny how they call men racists kek

Worst game I've ever played. Still can't believe I bought it. Seriously, video game artists are fucking trash. The music, writing and visuals were pure vomit

game would have been better without the billions of side quests and shitty bloated activities covering the map.

also the upgrade system was awful

Yeah no you never played it
The games looks great and everyone agrees that the whole backstory bit was interesting

I dont recall the music bothering me but I dont recall any track from the game so I'll give you that

Probably not.
But it would also be pretty cool if they made a time jump of several hundreds of years and some of the holograms and messages we found would be from Alloy and that black knowledge dude etc.

She doesn't need to look hot but she is ugly as fuck. Worse, like Tranny Sonya Blade act like if she was sexy or developers/shills pretend she is

Just say you didn't like it

i liked the parts i liked which was the combat and general gameplay as well as the main story.
it was just everything else around it i thought was shit

Any sfm porn?

>she is ugly as fuck
I think you're just a low T faggot
I'd nail Aloy 24/7, shoving various robot animal parts inside her

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>billions of side quests
It really wasnt that bad, the side quests I did were pretty good.

Upgrading/crafting and anything inventory related was fucking cancer though

That looks like a male teenager. If she is ugly she is ugly, don't pretend to sell the opposite, if you want your character to be called sexy then make her sexy.

And yet I do not care.

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the game is obviously racist for insinuating that people share an in group preference

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>That looks like a male teenager
I might get into that twink action if you tell me

IMHO there's enough lore already for the sequel: the stories about Forbidden West, these data points with memories of that Carja traveler telling about strange lands like deserts with bright blue sand or machines that are able to mimic human voices.
There's also this one quest with that crazy guy drinking machine fluids and then describing his visions; it ends up with him seeing "incoming storm" that scare the living shit out of him and he said that he must leave. There's also places like pic related at the egde of the map when you can pretty clearly see a road going somewhere outside of a current world

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>there is no inbetween ugly and sexy

Atreus grew up

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Nice, Aloy thread.

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Are you people dumb, questioning the sequel

They gonna milk this thing for years

If she reminds you of a shota instead of pic related then dunno

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are you saying that isn't a boy?


Dropped it like 10 minutes in, shortly after the gremlin grows up.

Considering she grew up in the wild with a powerlifter and all the thigns she's able to do (mountain climbing, fire long bows, beat up robots with a clab) she must be really strong

How long do you think the average male neck could last between her thighs before snapping?

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she does indeed have tiddies

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I'm playing through her game right now and she's the worst part of it.
Pretty good game overall but nothing special.

ITT: People who've never met a Dutch woman. You know Guerilla is from the Netherlands right?

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Why do so many low t homos hate on her?
She's a cute, she's stronk, she's been through a lot and she does the right thing when she should just tell everyone to go fuck themselves

My only complaint is the dialogue wheel, she's a well designed character, she didn't need the interactive dialogue meme

I've never met a Dutch ginger

They managed to make her look worse than both her mocap actress AND her voice actress.

Given the clear design and modeling talent on the team, this has got to be a deliberate decision.

She looks like she could be one of the better looking Lawbreakers.

Started playing it recently and I switched between normal and hard and didn't notice much difference other than maybe the enemies do slightly more damage. Left it on hard for now but nothing has been a threat yet.

Does that take into account me tickling her pusy with my tongue while she strangles me? :)

sorry, trannies aren't female

It's her face.

Yes, that was heavily implied

Aloy is the few characters that I want to have a child with.

The idea of people liking this anti-male sjw game makes me really fucking mad.

*bundled with console

The idea of dumb niggers who never played the game having opinions on it by /vpol/ is unironically trigerring me

I hate her dumb grandma hair.
Also she hasn't really done anything interesting yet other than being a mary sue, but I'm not that far into the game yet so that maybe changes.

Anyone else loved the Frost Lands DLC?

I picked this game on sale, went blind and had a blast.
It was a great experience for me to ignore the main quest and just go up the nort exploring shit without no idea of where I was going through the snow.
The snow visuals were gorgeous.
In general I enjoyed much more the DLC story compared to the main, I have no idea why everyone aside from Ally is ugly though

>I hate her dumb grandma hair.
the fuck are you on about?

>Also she hasn't really done anything interesting yet
eh, the main attraction of the story is the lore so dont get your hopes up

Her sfm porn isnt bad at all either

Everyone clearly suspected that the final boss of the game would have been a (resurrected) titan robot not just a slightly altered Kopesh or corrupter or w/e the fuck it was
The devs obviously ran out of time or something and had to make due somehow.

You seem like the kinda person who hasn't even seen the Sun King

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10-20 seconds then

>Anyone else loved the Frost Lands DLC?
I did.

Whoever was the voice director should get fired. Practically every character in the game has no personality in their delivery.

Aloy still has a really hot body. t's hard to notice unless you put on the Carja Blazon costume though, because everything else is so conservative.
You can tell she could have been *so* fucking sexy if they wanted to make her sexy
That's why I am looking forward to Death Stranding on the same engine

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Speaking of which, how did Johny Depp not sue them again?

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This thread just made me put HZD:Complete back into my gaming rotation since I haven't beat it yet. Thank you all.

You don't need the console to be able to see that she's half potato faced. Now that's still a sight better than the 70-90 percent they seem to be aiming aiming for at most western studios, but still.

I think the lack of threads about her should be taken as a gauge to her looks. If she looked like, say lifeline from the promo shit, she'd be memed from pol to resetera. If she was even average looking, she'd show up in waifu threads more often. That's putting her at somewhere around a c-.

What's her best shit? Link it to gif or aco if needed.

>hurrr she’s not a dumb defenseless anime waifu so she’s a sue

Would it be worth it?
Yes, yes it would

Failed well before that in casting. Or possibly even script.

>Stop fapping to female characters weeb!
>P-please fap to Sonya Blade and Aloy!!
Literally why? I don't mind ugly characters just don't say they are sexy when they are not. I bet you would hate her if she looked like Tifa Lockheart

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Man, I still haven't bought that DLC. Was it good? Do DLCs go on sale on the PS Store?

You've never been around women who want attention only when you're not giving it to them?

>everyone agreess
In your tranny discord circeljerk maybe.

>it would be better if it had less content

I never figure out on how to get her into that pose.

i bought a used ps4 today with this game and i really like it
pretty comfy game

Like every single shit game

>You don't need the console to be able to see
Stopped reading right there

You the same guy aint ya?

I fap to both

heh i guess, which is pretty sad when you think about it.

If only all that shit was optional
Oh wait

I don't remember if its an unlockable, but there is a pose where she lays on the ground

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Nice pic user. But where's the porn and ryona?

Actually she's closer to an anime character so far. I just got to Meridian and I hear the plot actually gets good here so I expect her to get some good character development from here on.

it was fucking great, i constantly found myself planning my fights before jumping into action. My only complain are bandids, they are dumb as shit.

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Was snowed in last week and finally got around to playing the complete version of this game. Had a ton of fun. The story was kinda predictable in spots but I absolutely loved stalking around, setting up traps for larger machines, and taking them all down. All the different weapons were fun to try and implement. The DLC was a pretty decent addition.

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You can spam all the pics you want but she is still ugly. Nothing wrong in liking an ugly character.

>not ultra hard

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Whip weapon dlc when?

samefag harder.

I don't know of any Aloy ryona porn, but Firebox studio does some blender/sfm stuff with her

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Aww I bet you're a cute twink.

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I tended to use the arctic armor because of the headpiece

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Even with that she looks ugly or average at most. I'm sorry if you self inserted as her

What's the appeal of the higher difficulties?
Tried the higher ones briefly but they only seemed to make the enemies hit harder and make them more durable. If there's something I missed please tell me.

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actually the robot dinosaurs sold the game, not her.
even the game points out how not important she is, but someone that's been dead for like 900 years.

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Are these poses in the game or is it some type of outside tinkering?

What did you expect? Her design is shit just for the sake if being shit, with Kratos they just need to show him and will sell but Aloy is a boring design and nerfed because of the trannies in Sony.

For me it's like this

Pros of the game
>beatiful landscapes
>big world
>varied landscapes (forest, jungle, desert, snow)
>machines were cool as fuck and challenging on ultra hard
>the traps were useful and very important on higher difficulties to leverage hard fights instead of just a useless gimmick
>the DLC map was very good
>Alloy and Sylens were both sarcastic smartass assholes to each other with an interesting dynamic
>old world lore was interesting
>ruins and cauldrons exploration was interesting

Cons of the game
>everyone aside from allow is ugly, female, or diversity hire
>everyone that doesn't worship alloy as the messiah is instantly evil and must die
>not enough ruins
>very few cauldrons
>plot was very predictable once you understand the past
>lame final boss
>side quests and errands felt all the same and their plot was mostly also the same in general (dude got lost and needs help, dude is a cunt and a criminal kill him, get me the core of a fucking trex or stormbird otherwise I aint doing shit)
>copy pasted open world mechanics (control tower shit)
>S H I T rewards for collecting all the flowers, figures, etc

In general I enjoyed a lot the game visually, Alloy being a cunt to everyone instead of a "can't do wrong" MC was refreshing and the fights were very entertaining if you fight on ultra hard and very hard, but aside from that I think there's not much replay value at all
The best experience overall is going blind and finding cool shit like big ass buildings and ruins

Yeah I liked it. It's no Witcher 3 but what the hell is lol.

In the game, there are a lot

It's good. The layouts of the map is kinda linear (if you want to follow the main quest you basicaly travelling in more or less straight line from south to north) but new robots can really mangle your ass of you are not carefull and visuals are genuinely cool.

The In-game photo mode has some poses

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sometimes more isn't better.
it's better to have 1 super well refined thing than 10 low quality shit things.

Lying cunt.

>>old world lore was interesting
>>ruins and cauldrons exploration was interesting
actually thats exactly why i ended up dropping int.
too tiredsome, the cauldrons are full of the same old enemies you see everywhere and when they arent you have to fight either humans or some retarded invisible nigger panter.
the old world i never really gave a shit about it, its too burguer themed and full religious mockering that makes me feel like im watching a rick and morty episode.

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Can you change Aloys hair later in the game?
The default one looks so stupid.

Overrated bullshit that eclipses it's predecessors purely because it caters to casuals despite being a step-down from both previous iterations? Yeah, nothing else can compare.

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You forgot that the player can't Aloy be naked or at least strip her down to bra and pantie.


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The game is a legit 10/10
The fanbase/community however is one of the worst out there

I never understood how that disguise work.
What's the difference between Side Quest and Errands.

>that poor ugly girl Aloy selfinsert still trying to sell Aloy is hot

Is that sexiest armor for Aloy?

Well fuck...

>The fanbase/community

Thanks for proving my point

to win none

Generally Side Quests have more plot relevance (help X character from the story if you want) but aside from that no difference

>>S H I T rewards for collecting all the flowers, figures, etc

I genuinely cant fucking comprehend what's the point of these "metal flowers". They have no backstory, no meaning, no importance, no context. Not to mention the maximum pretentious and worthless "poetry" associated with them. Jesus fuck, edgy goth teenager can shit out better "poems".
Vintage points, cups and figures at least have some story attached to them.

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Im laughing at you for bothering with fanbases retard

i actually loved the twist. one it shuts up anyone screaming about
>muh evil sjw diversity
because yep its just a big jumbled mix and two it was kinda gut punching to see that oh yeah humanity got wiped out and the ai mother nature hit the reset button

also when you the sun king says oh theres some people here to see you and it's like every single person you've helped in the main game and dlc(which was beautiful) was there to have your back was a great moment.

looking forward to some sequals

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>91 million ps4's
>7.6 million total game sales
>8% of userbase bothered with this game

I got 3 hours in and felt so bored I never put it back in, convince me to continue it

They're the poems that NotAloy used to recite to Gaia.

Mostly 3D garbage

>They have no backstory, no meaning, no importance, no context

They have some backstory, meaning and context but no importance
Basically one of the Alphas was a poetryfag and he inserted A SHIT LOAD of poetry into one of the AIs, and said AI ended up becoming too a poetryfag and made the flowers because of that.

ive come to realize Yea Forums is the Yea Forums of video games

engine blew up on take off

Thats part of why I enjoyed the side quest. Are they the best thing out there? No. They rely a bit too much an Aloy's "Witcher" vision. And if someone died, it was laughable at how poorly animated it was. But I still overall enjoyed the side stories. But it was the fact they had a tangible effect on the main story that was just really cool for me.

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>You don't need the console to be able-
Shut the fuck up and go back to /pol/, just because politics ruin your enjoyment for video games doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us.

DLC considerably increased the threat level with the new machines.
Your spear can get big upgrades too so melee is a viable, if insane, option.
Play on the hardest difficulty for maximum fun.

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That’s a damn lot

so is Aloy the only straight up clone?

They also lower the amount of resources you get and make the enemy AI more aggressive. Things will notice you more easily, fight harder, and chase you longer if you run.

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it is, but that doesn't stop the protag from being butt-ugly

Yeah, everyone else is the AIs sperging enough whites/chinese/blacks/etc so the humanity and the races can be reborn

Not that guy but I'm playing through the vanilla game on hard and I mainly use the spear and haven't upgraded stealth skills at all, and it hasn't been that hard yet. I'm guessing it gets impossible to use the spear later on?

where was this Aloy?
Which DLC do I have to buy to get her?

>DLC is €20 in EU
>€10 during sales
>base price us is $12

>the complete edition in the recurring sales is cheaper than the DLC itself

Fuck off, Sony. I'm not going to be taken advantage of like this.

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Really? Where you can find that?
Because only info about them that I was able to find is that they start appearing after Gaia fucking an hero herself in order to stop hades and that their POSSIBLE function is to help proliferate of other plants

The catalog lead me to believe this is some new Everquest thing but now I'm just disappointed.

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How far are you? Some machines are literally impossible to beat with the spear because you can't hit them with it.
Others are just really dangerous to get into reach of.

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Are these face paints are the ones you got after finishing NG+ at high diff levels?

1000 years (if I remember correctly how far in the future it is) isn't that long to blur the lines so much.

It has been a while so I can be wrong, but that's what I understood from the game and watching this guy videos (he explains lore and shit)


Also one of his two videos about explaining the alpha characters talk about one of them was a poetryfag



Just saying a number gives some enemies too much credit while giving others way too little.

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user, the only visible difference between Aloy and the cosplayer is that cospalyer has bigger eyes, or the makeup gives the illusion of it, other than that it's very close. Bitch is just being an envious bitch.

Fuck these digging niggers. The game is telling you that they will lost your track if they go undergound and you will be silent, but it never worked for me. Regardles of how silent I tried to move these fuckers know my position every time they surfaced, even if I try to hide in grass.

Man, the game would have been so much better if the camera was just more zoomed out.

If you ever get a girlfriend (lol) I want you to remember your post. Just any time you look at her.


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I found the best way to kill them is to get on a rock Tremors style and burn 'em to death.
Obviously the best strat is to knock off the digging flippers but theres a corruption zone with two of them and it's almost impossible to get a clean hit on the things.

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you sure as hell don't sound like you do

Did they?

>ugly female
>overused game mechanics
Thats not a good game, user.

Is that her lover?

the average woman isn't the cherrypicked """"10/10"""" images you have saved on your computer retard
get outside at least once in your life

user, gf blowjob while i'm playing vidya works better if my main isnt ugly af.


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did they what?

Yes because everyone who owns a console needs to buy a game. That are just drones doing because they don't have anything else to play on their overpriced gimmicky system. 7,6 millions sold in one year is really great, most multiplatform games can't sold that.

Just buy a complete edition I bought it for like 20€.

bruh there are unironically better-looking cafeteria ladies

No, it could have been genuinely good but wasn't.
The premise was neat and the machine combat was pretty good.
Everything else, from the protag to every single side quest, was absolute trash.

Best character in the game by far.

>its got towers and my other two points are bullshit

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are people expecting a sequel?
I thought the story ended pretty ... er.... definitively

>Aloy pegs him to death
He was pretty based.

You are trying too hard kiddo.

>main human antagonist is still out there
>main AI threat to the world is still out there
>giant fucking horus machine still looming over the mountaintops
Yeah, very definite ending

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The after the credits scene shows the black dude who was helping you out reactivating Hades

Did you actually play the game until the end? The ending wasn't definitive at all, it was literally screaming there's more to come.

I want to know who the fuck sent the signal.


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You cannot dispute a single word of what I said.

Did they?

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They could easily make a time jump and advance the people from tribal to industrial etc.

Aloy is obviously full lesbo.

I like his headdress
reminds me of pic related

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Is Sylens plan to give Hades a new giant ass scorpion body after he was betrayed by the backstabbing cunt?

Seems contradictory to Sylens characters

I doubt that, but he is pretty infamous now so I wouldn't be surprised if someone else got a hold of Hades.

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prove it user.

Cut soi from your diet. You will start to see things...

An okay side character.

Damn truth. Figuring out, slowly, what happened to the world was great.

>Seems contradictory to Sylens characters

What? He explicitly said that he will do all that shit again if given the chance, just maybe this time with the few more security systems put in place to better protect his ass

>don’t damage your hips ;)

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Shit taste.

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He said that if he could go back he would do it all over again, not that he was planning to do it again in the future.

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Yeah but he is not stupid.
And seems REALLY STUPID to give a big ass scorpion to the AI that tried to kill you

She isn't.

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Nice, best looking mommy in the game.

user i...

Eclipse is dead, though
and you pretty much learn everything you need to know about the Old World

I dunno, I just can't personally see a sequel that would be satisfying story-wise

>ripping on world building when that was one of the best things it did

Just admit you didn't play it you fag

no, user. I...

Nah, Sylens would probably leave Hades in that tiny lantern, hahaha

This is accurate. But I think the game is 8/10 minimum.

I just don't see it with her.

>Odyssey crashing was a lie
>time jump
>Alloy shared knowledge of the world with everyone
>going beyond the forbidden zone or whatever it was called

Personally I want a Halo Reach style prequel where you're a soldier in Operation Enduring Victory.

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i remember playing that entire like 8 hour opening section, then finishing the trial and all that and realizing they had just dumped me into a ubisoft world with radio towers and bases and shit.

Stopped playing right then desu. Nice graphics but no thanks.

and HEPHAESTUS from frozen wilds is out there with a grudge

and clone/robot/evil ai uploaded from hos brain im guessing Ted is behind it all

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>worst game you ever played

Have you played 3 games your entire life or some shit?

when does Aloy get a helmet to cover up her nasty face?

>8 hours to beat the tutorial
Jesus Christ, how do you function?

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I’m 100% sure that the Odyssey failing was a lie

Depends on the outfit

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I don't that remember that at all.
Did you jack off to a 6 year old Aloy or something.

Well theres two hours of cutscenes of her childhood mixed with sections of slowly walking through ruins and slowly walking behind your dad.

Oh and don't forget all 3 hours of dialog in the party thing before the trial. Plus those side quests i did that didnt really do anything.

It could have been way better, tho. The combat against the Machines were surprisingly good, better than I expect, but combats against humanoids was utter trash. Not just "bland" or "uninspired" but really bad. The braindead AI didn't help, though

Ted Faro was right and I hope is he alive as the implied inmortal person mentioned on the DLC

I'm as pissed about leftist bullshit in video games as much as anybody but you're off base with this comment. There were no trannies or faggots in the game, only a female protagonist which I didn't mind at all.

While they were working ln project Zero Dawn, other people were working on project Odyssey which was about leaving Earth in a spaceship.

not him, but the game can get pretty long if you play on Very Hard, it did for me

I agree with this more than I disagree

Also, a space station was already in orbit around Earth. We are just told in game that the rocket with a build of the APOLLO program and some human eggs were lost on the way to the station, but I don’t believe that.

>”Some terrible news, I'm afraid. Far Zenith has informed me that the Odyssey mission has failed. Last night, telemetry indicated a catastrophic antimatter containment failure as the drives spun up to depart the solar system. The ship, its crew, its cargo of zygotes and seeds, its alpha-build of APOLLO - all were lost.”

>Far Zenith was described as a "futurist consortium" that claimed to comprise seventy-seven of the world's wealthiest persons. The organization was very secretive and their spokesperson, Osvald Dalgaard, was the only publicly acknowledged member, while also serving as their mouthpiece.

I thought they had a good amount of mystery and "WTF" to them

>APOLLO program
Is the program in space?

>We are just told in game that the rocket with a build of the APOLLO program and some human eggs were lost on the way to the station

Huh? What the fuck you are talking about?
There's a data point saying that there were catastrophic failure in the antimatter drive of the Odyssey during the last test just before leaving solar system. And all shit was destroyed because of it.

What you disagree on?

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Lol Fuck off you literal Retard you don't understand markets

Apollo was the sum total of all human knowledge as a learning program.
One copy blew up in space, Ted deleted the other.

Combat mechanics were amazing, all the parts that would break off the machines as you were taking them down and the different attacks they had made the battles really immersive. I don't remember exactly where I heard this but apparently the thunderjaws have like 200+ components that can break off before you finally kill it. The open world was great as well, didn't feel empty as there was a lot to do and discover. The biggest flaw of this game was the voice acting, they had a great story but completely butchered it with some of the worst cut scenes and voice acting I've ever experienced, it took away a lot of satisfaction from completing quests and progressing the story line.

Far Zenith’s word is the only evidence we have, and they are a secret group of evil assholes.

>The most feminine part of the character was the walk cycle, its mesmerizing

Aside from that the story is pretty dumb and relies a lot on some pretty contrived logic to allow the scenario to even happen let alone keep on happening

like who gives faro admin access to a project hes not involved in, much less a bullet in the back of his head

Get woke, make dough

Why the fuck majority of face paints looks like Alloy was visited by some wifebeater?

>Combat mechanics were amazing

>I don't remember exactly where I heard this but apparently the thunderjaws have like 200+ components that can break off before you finally kill it.
Oh ok you didn't play the game. There's like 8

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For some reason I feel that will be retcon.

That would be amazing. But it would have to be a totally different genre

Because this is a game about fantasizing you're a [f8*%2(%()@#]

Best girl

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>Combat mechanics were amazing, all the parts that would break off the machines as you were taking them down and the different attacks they had made the battles really immersive. I don't remember exactly where I heard this but apparently the thunderjaws have like 200+ components that can break off before you finally kill it.

On ultra hard you can even take 1 hour to fully break and kill one of the DLC bear machines.
Those fuckers were strong as fuck and also full of parts and attack patterns

>apparently the thunderjaws have like 200+ components that can break off
They are nearly unrecognizable once fully armor stripped.

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FUCK Ted Faro

And FUCK Faro Industries!

Those things are so fun to just tie down and go to town on.

I've got this game but I've yet to play it since I'm still working through my Christmas backlog and just got a PSVR. It looks decent.
I actually think Alloy is a qt. i hope she has a cute Irish or Scottish accent.

>Oh ok you didn't play the game. There's like 8
He means individual armor plates as well.

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Why did you listen to 3 hours of ambient dialogue at the party you literal Retard lol you have only yourself to blame

I posted a list There are quite a few if you count every single individual armor plating separately, since you can dislodge them individually. But >shooting armor


but my complaint was with everything after the trials so nice try.

She looks like female Kevin Spacey.

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Is it me or was Red Maw was semi annoying?

>tfw I was so bored of the game by the end I didn't even bother with the DLC and just wanted it to be over

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>all that fucking tripwires

absolute madman
but you kind suck in placement user - apparently none of them were needed. hope you have a skill that allows to recycle them

You clearly didn't play on Ultra Hard.

The first time I fought it I thought so, by the time I got there on NG+ I knew it would be a cakewalk if I tied it down, froze it, and triple hardpoint arrowed it in the heart.

Took three cycles of that and I barely got hit.

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You can just pick them up again afaik

Nigger if they don't have robot kangaroos I'm going to lose my mind.

that oof face when the shit head hunter dies

I wanted it to walk down the path at me and trigger them, Instead it came over the ledge and tail slapped me back up.
Fuckers are smart on ultra hard.

>electrick spear
>does damage to you

why is this shit allowed? the other 2 elemental spears doesn't have this kind of drawback

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What? Theres only one spear and it never has recoil damage.

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Guys I am considering getting a Pro can I move my data from my regular ps4 to my pro? Is that possible?


the story was absolute garbage and the animations are atrocious at times but the graphics and gameplay are what made me finish it
got around 35 hours in from beating the main story + dlc

I noticed that on Hard and above machines started to notice the shit like tripwires, traps and proximity bombs in their path. On lower difficulty levels they just mindlessly walk into whatever is in front of them.

Yeah but you need both consoles still so you cant trade the old one in until you do it.

Reminder, this boring as borderline ubisoft game came out the same week as Breath of the Wild

If it didn't have a cute girl as the playable character, it would be forgotten

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I meant the 3 DLC weapons.

The spear that shoots lightning
The spear that shoots ice
The spear that shoots fire

They aren't melee spears, they LOOK like one but I always forget what they exactly are

No it isn't. It's just a discount Witcher 3.

You have to be a madman to take on a fireclaw at ultra hard.

That's because you're applying modern lifespan and shit, when everyone only lives to 20-30 shit gets real.

At an average of 30 years you end up with 33 generations, at 20 you get 50 generations. And do keep in mind they are still a tribal stage so I am being very fucking generous.

This isn't even game, it's a fucking graphic book lol

>a railgun, and icicle chucker, and a fucking bagpipe that shoots fire are spears
Get your eyes checked, man.
I never noticed any damage from the stormslinger, but to be fair I only used it like twice.

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This. Even AI intelligence is on point in this game. I don't think anyone who has actually played it can say the combat was shit.

basicay gotta hide them in the bushes and around the corners.

I never used those, I remember them eating through resources way too quickly

>did this on hard
>started my NG+ on ultra hard
>have only one more trophy to get and it's the complete all DLC activities
I'm a little afraid to go back.

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you think anyone care?


It was boring as fuck. Just aim and shoot one at a time or at most 3 when you get the upgrades for 2-3 arrows at once. The machinegunlike Thing was shit and did like no damage compared to bows. Even Womb Raider bowplay felt better than this and in this it was the main focus.

Whole day work get no fuckin money

I really need to jump back on this game. 60hrs in and I’m only about ankle deep into the main city, I forget what it’s called, Miridon? Anyway, it’s stupid fun to just explore and collect and fight bots.

On Very Hard and Ultra Hard I stopped using it at all because the self damage from full charge damaged you for like 80% of your life bar.
Which is retarded because some annoying machines were weak to lightning and I couldn't use the damn thing without killing myself.

>yfw no suicidal grieving Death-Seeker young Rost dlc

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What difficulty are you on?

Out of all the Sony games to meme about being "movies," Horizon is one of the silliest to complain about not being a game

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>having a metric fuckton of time to aim, yet using mainly a small bow
>not using bombs
>not using fire resistance potions

Yeah, that video was pretty dramatic, but it's like having a fully functional and loaded automatic rifle and still insisting on hitting your enemy with its butt.

For some reason I have a hard time against both Fire and Ice Claw.

what are you saying?

What's the average IQ among Sub-Saharan Africans user?

These are fucking gorgeous.

I honestly don't understand the circle-jerk of hate for it. The world looked great and varied, and the robots were fun to fight.

The story wasn't exactly groundbreaking as far as the characters go, but they were enough to get the job done.

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So I Buy the pro, as I set the pro up I have them both turned on and....transfer the data from the regular to the pro? Including the game saves? I can do that?

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Hard. I literally just ride around for hours doing random shit.

>new and original game
>more boring than old milked game: episode #48758743

People expected it to be more video gamey given giant robot dinosaurs shown in trailers. But what they didn't count on is it being an open world moviegame with an awful story and 1 canonical t-rex fight near the end of the game and everything else is stupid robot ostriches and tigers

When I start my second playthrough I'll try normal.

You can just copy the save data off your PS4 to a USB and put it on a pro. I redownloaded all my games, but I still have all my saves on my Pro from my standard Ps4

shit went down in like 2030-2050 iirc. that's close enough to CURRENT YEAR to assume whoever was in charge of the whole seeing stations had a mix of all the ethnicities for each center. Makes perfect sense to me blacks and whites and anything else popped out of the mountain area and also a bunch of different areas and then the differences formed based on values obtained from their differing surroundings.

I don't dislike Aloy's design, but I wouldn't say no to more customization options in the sequel.

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I want to try Ultra Hard and see if it’s really challenging.

She looks ok far away. Up close is another story

>New and original
Boring as fuck story with a limited open world which stops the player from doing anything outside of what the developers directly want

>Boring than old milk
Brand new engine which open the door for so much creative freedom in how the player goes about literally everything, the only reused part is the story

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>for some reason
it's because theyre freaking absolute destructobots

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If you hated the combat from the get-go I kind of doubt that I'd be able to change your mind, but I thought some of the late-game random encounters with the bigger and more varied machines were great fun.

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Aloy is gorgeous.

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anons that haven't played the game and only give "opinions" on what they have read on other threads
>the game is full of SJW shit
>the combat is boring
>game is a movie
>world is empty
>game is bad

anons that have actually played the game
>exploring is fun and interesting
>nice visuals
>combat is fun and challenging on higher difficulties
>story is interesting at times but could be better
>Alloy is cute

I guess bra size is 36 b.
Good for you.
Which cutscene is that from?
Can't play as Zelda shame.


I mean you're right, the only thing Horizon has over BotW is you can play as a cute girl

>>Alloy is cute
You can disprove this with screenshots The person shes modelled after is fine. But they did a shit job at modeling her.

I seriously hope we get a new protagonist, her arc is done.

Her weird dreadlock hair is off putting, Im not a fan, she's cute otherwise

Are you guys interested in either a ryona thread or another Aloy thread?

More like
>spam rope arrows to tie enemies down and then crit them

>Which cutscene is that from?

Probably when Aloy is trying to enter the bunker in Nora mountain for the first time and the security system is informing her that alpha register is corrupted.

They have borderline ridiculous amount of armor and are almost fucking immune to tearblast arrows.

I kinda want to get a ps for this game..

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Both are cute in their own way.

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The game isn't full of SJW shit
The combat is boring
The game is a movie
The world is semi-full but most of the stuff you find is useless
The game is meh
Nice visuals
Aloy is pretty ugly sadly

Shut up, incel.

Aloy has the focus, the connection to Sylens and Hades, and is one of the only people in the world that knows the truth behind the world and the other A.I. that are still out there. I really doubt that they're going to switch to a new lead character who's in the dark on everything again.

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>she is ugly because she isn't an anime moeblob
absolute state of weebs

Ay lmao

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Ever notice how a studio now can only make 2 games a gen?

Horizon and Shadowfall

I'll be dead before I stop appreciating good abs.

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Not at all. Laura is good for example

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>when you don't notice you have aggro

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You could've told me she used to be a man and I'd believe you. She looks prepubescent or at the very least extremely man jawed. She also looks like she'd smell absolutely fucking awful, the white person dreadlocks definitely don't help (or look good in the slightest. That's not a good fashion for white people, holy shit, stop). And the broken polys on her arms are real fucking distracting. It's like the model makers were more interested in making their man chinned, smelly, twink's face than they were in making actual body parts that don't break and look like shit.

Not to mention, no matter how many dozens of copies her game sold: she still lost to you know who.

She is also only human being that can pass DNA scans and get access to ancien ruins - and therefore only person able to repair terraforming system. You cant go for "son/daughter/friend/lover continue her path" twist plot without throwing away majority of the current worldbuilding.

Dropped it. Didn't even hate it, just didn't feel compelled to finish it. I hate to hold it against the game, but playing it after Zelda ended up frustrating me. I wanted to climb and I couldn't. I wanted to glide and I couldn't. All the traversal in the game was lacking. Pretty world, but getting from point A to point B wasn't all that engaging and I definitely felt the confines of the game world. I think what broke me was the segment where you're rushing to rescue that guys sister up on that hill, and you do a big mission shoot out on top of it, rescue her (but she dies anyway) and then the game expects you to climb all the way back down the hill to get to the next objective. I just thought "If this was Zelda, i'd parasail down the hill and be on my way in seconds." Instead I either broke the immersion with fast travel, or trekked all the way back down what i'd just spent 15 minutes getting up because this was the one hill they didn't put one of those yellow fast descent ropes on. Once one open world game let me scale anything and glide down any height and just not restrict my movement in any way, it's hard to not be bothered by invisible barriers, insurmountable 2 foot high ledges and unscaleable drops.

Hopefully Horizon 2 is much less restrictive in its approach to exploration because Dinobots are awesome.

nu-Lara is annoying as fuck and soulless

I will never not be mad about this character design, cute toned barbarian girl with freckles and shit is hot but her hair is so fucking bad

It's not even that hard to fix, just make it not a shitty braided mullet and turn it into something halfway goddamn decent, I'd even take a pixie cut

>teenage girl looks prepubescent
You're stretching it, but come on man.

I mean, it was the same for the Ps3, where they only made Killzones 2 and 3. This ain't the PS1 era where Insomniac can crank out Sypro 3 what might have been less than a year. Especially when you're going from something like Killzone to Horizon, and not just iterating on the same base Assassins Creed game over and over again. And I personally hope that since Sony is making fewer games than they ever have, they hold themselves to a higher bar than they were at the beginning of the gen, where we were getting those games like Shadowfall, 1886, and Knack

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My intro to those guys was like a damn Shadow of the Colossus death scene. Exploring and hearing a random "whoosh" two seconds before one just flew in out of nowhere and belly-flopped on me.


We're talking about how good the model looks

just show us an example of what you think an attractive female videogame character is then
like honestly im curious now

>All the studio has made for the last 2 gens are 3 killzones and horizon

I guess it's steady work but it must be boring as fuck to work there

The only major improvement I'm really hoping for is less restrictive climbing. More ways to get up a mountain then running along it looking for the one line of pockmarks that you're able to climb.

Nice, so you haven't played it.

I haven't played Killzone games but given how generic and boilerplate the story is in Horizon I bet Killzone 2, 3, or 4 have a better story than this game

How the hell is it generic?

keep parroting the same words dumbass
no wonder this board is so laughed at when drooling apes like you never play shit and only lurk to shitpost

Oh yeah, because hideout of the bandit that is wanted by virtually everyone and all that people that want him have already prepared special sets of instruments of torture for him should definetely be next to main road and easily accessible.
And some girl rised in the log cabin in frozen bumfuck in the middle of nowhere, next to the tribe which thinks that echo is a supernatural power definetely should have access to some flying constructs and know how to use them.
Sure, pal.

Damn, Zac Efron looks like THAT?

It took me like 25 fucking minutes of running and rolling around to kill my first fireclaw. It was torture.