I don't know why but it just seems like this game won't click me
I don't even know what am i doing wrong
I can't get into this game
Its almost like the games battle system was dated as fuck even for the time
Maybe you're a dipshit zoomer and you should hang yourself.
You know the battle system was way ahead of its time, right? Sure, its dasted now, but at the time it was briliant.
It's the first game ever that auto resolves battles that you wouldve cheesed when you are high level.
here I'll give you a real response: how far are you and what problem do you have with it?
I'm at peaceful rest valley
Mainly i'm getting btfo by ufos and the trees
I keep wiffing attacks for some reason
peaceful rest valley is absolutely a huge difficulty spike, you might have to grind out a level or two and bring a lot of healing items to get through it. are you using a yo-yo? all yo-yos have high damage but low accuracy, I personally never like that in a weapon. if you're not using a yo-yo, you're probably crying, which iirc is a status effect those ufos can afflict on you (there should be a little icon of an eye with a tear next to your name in battle), ness can cure it with psi healing beta. as far as battle tips, make sure you save those trees for last because they will explode and fuck you up, but with the rolling hp system if you kill them last and mash through the end battle text you can survive with most of your health intact
Just keep on going. The game really starts to pick up once you get your second party member, which you're almost at.
If by the time you reach the 3rd melody you're still not having fun, Earthbound isn't for you. You should still give Mother 3 a shot though.
just play mother 3 then.
earthbound has so many kinks that some find it unplayable.
its okay user, you dont have to prove anything to anyone.
just play what you want to play.
I'm using a slingshot as of now, i'm thinking of buying the bat back from the mall
Also ufos make you catch a cold, not cry
Try Mother 3, not even as a meme. If you find the gameplay clunky, Mother 3 fixes that. Although 3 does take a bit to get running around.
right, I knew it was cold or cry but couldn't remember which one. slingshots also have a lower accuracy rate like yo-yos, you're gonna miss almost 20% of the time when you use one. iirc they also replace the battle command with "shoot" instead of "bash" which means you can't get SMASH crits. just stick with bats for ness and pans for paula and you'll be much better off
Very simple answer. Use Game Genie.
because it sucks
Thanks dudes for the help
I'll give this game a second try and follow what you said
is this your first time playing an rpg?, if so then just fucking grind till level 3 or 5, buy health items, get a good weapon and some good defence items.
OP don't do what these faggots say.
I'm at level 16 as of now with tee ball bat, a few hamburgers and croissants, a nd two cold remedies
Should i regain pp with hotels or fairies?
I'm one of those fuckers who always saves stuff "for later" so I almost never use pp outside of boss battles. ness only has rockin for offense which is fairly expensive to be using on standard enemies and his physical attack is pretty high to begin with. magic butterflies only recover 20 pp, so I would save your pp and only use it to heal your colds with healing alpha and if you're less than 20 pp away from your max when you see one, cast a little lifeup before grabbing it
>opinions exist
Humans aren’t a hive mind ya know you can have your own opinion.
You're way too far from an hotel, so you better get some fairies but, if you don't find any and you're really fucked up (even with no health items), then i recommend you to be careful as fuck and go back to an hotel.
>You know the battle system was way ahead of its time, right?
>I don't even know what am i doing wrong
You're not doing anything wrong. It's perfectly normal to be bored by the game unless you're 8 years old.
>dark sun: doesn't have real time rolling hp meters
>earthbound: has real time rolling hp meters
um, sorry sweaty but it sounds like YOUR game is the one behind the times
But he has a point, user.
>It's the first game ever that auto resolves battles that you wouldve cheesed when you are high level.
Also, earthbound allows you to watch the enemies.
>shallow gimmicks are more important than having better designed core gameplay mechanics that allows for more tactical depth and variety
>shallow gimmicks that consist of adding real-time elements to a turn-based system, thus defeating the whole point of choosing a turn-based system
I would never play this game without quicksaves. I love it though
>>It's the first game ever that auto resolves battles that you wouldve cheesed when you are high level.
And this is a good thing how exactly? Older rpgs for example didn't have this issue, because starter enemies could still be a threat at higher levels. Earthbound's solution is an admission that most of its combat is braindead.
>Also, earthbound allows you to watch the enemies.
What do you mean, it lets you watch the enemies?
It isn't a shallow mechanic though, because Earthbound's battles become all about the speed at which you act. However the battle system is still not very good, and it's otherwise just a Dragon Quest clone.
I know you're just baiting at this point, but honestly I love the rolling hp meter. it's not perfect in eb by any means, but I really like the idea of having choices like "is the enemy hp low enough that I can mash through the combat quickly and end the battle before my party member dies, or do I need to heal them now?" or being able to delay healing one party member because even though they took a ton of damage and are dying, they have so much hp that it'll take a little bit to count down to 0. the slower meters in m3 are so much better at this, so that plus the rhythm combo system make it one of my all time favorite turn based battle systems. so many people make shitty games "inspired" by earthbound, but I've never seen one ape the hp meter and that makes me a little sad
>Older rpgs for example didn't have this issue, because starter enemies could still be a threat at higher levels.
You... you're not... actually fucking serious right now, are you?
>It's the first game ever that auto resolves battles that you wouldve cheesed when you are high level.
Pretty sure some older strategy games had this option.
Maybe its not your type of game user, its ok.
>Older rpgs for example didn't have this issue, because starter enemies could still be a threat at higher levels
Do you genuinely think it is necessary to fight a really weak enemy that drop a very low exp rate and a bunch of pennies when you're in a higher level?. I guess you'd be happy fighting blue slimes in DQ1 when you're at level 25, user.
pic related is what i was talking about.
The word is “see”, not “watch”. It is an odd distinction, I know.
why wrpg-kun appears everytime a jrpg thread is made?
>pic related is what i was talking about.
How is this noteworthy? Plenty of rpgs older than earthbound had visible enemies and unlike earthbound, they didn't transition to a separate battle screen upon contact with the enemy.
>Do you genuinely think it is necessary to fight a really weak enemy that drop a very low exp rate and a bunch of pennies when you're in a higher level?. I guess you'd be happy fighting blue slimes in DQ1 when you're at level 25, user.
You're holding up a false dichotomy here. Jrpgs like Earthbound are what invented this issue to begin with, so why are you praising them for a clumsy solution for a problem they created to begin with?
If you look at something like D&D for example, the level cap in a game can be as low as level 8 in Baldur's Gate for example. Such a low level cap means even weak enemies can still be somewhat threatening at higher levels.
oh, thanks for that. I didn't know it.
I'm afraid I can't help you user, but I do know one thing:
Pokey did nothing wrong
>unlike earthbound, they didn't transition to a separate battle screen upon contact with the enemy
Yeah, and that's a superficial stylistic choice that doesn't affect gameplay. Your point?
>Yeah, and that's a superficial stylistic choice that doesn't affect gameplay. Your point?
>being able to move and use the environment during combat
>superficial stylistic choice
Yet somehow being able to see enemies in Earthbound, which arguably is a superficial stylistic choice, is noteworthy? How does that make sense?
We are talking about jrpgs, user
>why are you praising them for a clumsy solution for a problem they created to begin with?
They didn't create an issue there. Those enemies were there to fight against you when you started. Do you think it would be good to stop those enemies spawning from nowhere?
Also, the weakest enemies run away from you because they see you're already stronger than them. Avoiding unessesary battles, how is that a problem?
>If you look at something like D&D for example, the level cap in a game can be as low as...
Opinion discarted. Again, we are talking about jrpgs.
the rolling hp system is a cool way of merging both active time and turn-based battles
but im thinkin the pacing of the game is what sets it back a little