Khajiit > Argonians
Debate me, you will lose
Khajiit > Argonians
Debate me, you will lose
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fuck off milk drinker
Post servals
both are meme shit only played by autists
you will never have a khajiit gf to sleep with during a cold winters night
Beta gypsies who give you hairs to pluck out of your mouth vs badass lizard people who almost conquered the world. There is no debate here. Argonians are superior
I'm going to shove moon sugar up your fuzzy butthole
sentient tree servants > druggy gypsies
Khajiit girl would be great to cuddle with being cute and fluffy but Argonian girls are smooth and slimy which is also hot
>beast races
Never ever
the fuck you say?
both are ugly as shit ingame and only desperate furfags like either of them
All the races are ugly as shit and the only thing that makes them less ugly are the porn artists that draw off model
what makes you think they are slimy? That's just retarded
t. slimyargonian
Haven't you ever touched a lizard before? We're not slimy at all
She admits it!
they're both great though
you'll be slimy when I'm done with you baby
Holy fuck my sides the cat actually looks like him
it hurts bros
The male Khajiits in Morrowind all look like shit while the male Argonians at least look serviceable. Argonians > Khajiits.
Is this a KF or an ES thread
Why can't mainline khajiit be this pretty?
with enough of it yeah
why do they do that
That's not modding, it's ESO.
because it is a cub and it still wants milk
Khhhmm.. Fuck all the beast subraces but most importantly fuck all the jew altmers long live the Dark elf masterrace!
fuck the tribunal and fuck elf "people"
They wanna suck your peepee of course.
Make your Khajiit.
Same reason babies suckle on pacifiers.
Regular medieval people were dirty and smelly enough, you want a beastman on top of that?
I got a cool cat with a piercing eyes.
Sleepy k8.
And that's a good thing because it makes the world feel more alien and less boring generic shite
its fucking melting
dunno what to think of this cat
I like cats
they are cute
Cats don't stink IRL, and lizards smell like spices.
smug boi
You're gonna die dude
Some kind of algorithm that makes cats?
Feels like some Eastern European nihilistic movie kot
What the heck is this cat from
>when the skooma hits
Will we ever see a game where we can learn more about the Khajiit's martial arts?
>[Judgmental Stare]
i mean im glad it doesnt
Ye, it uses neural networks to generate them. It's based on
There's also one for anime girls.
*ting ting*
>scaly slave>furry slave
They targeted catmers, CATMERS
see that would require new animations to be made and a complete reworking of how melee combat works and that just takes too much effort when we could just copy paste the same combat we've been using since morrowind for as long as the code is still compatible with our engine.
I got Cirno what a scam
Not bad.
awww, here's your (you), meanies made you wait
A page from the necronomicon
I got an anime beastgirl
Lizard tiddies > Cat tiddies
>99 Insight
send help
Oh no
They are both helpless little playthings for all the human boys, and they love it
I like this thread
Me too
are all images just cropped deviantart porn?
Cute boy
wait hold up a sec are you making joke about sex?
I'm glad this cat does not exist because it looks like it's in a lot of pain.
>when the crazy cat lady becomes one with her cats
You too
No, it uses data from danbooru.
Also sorry OP for derailing your thread with cats and anime girls.
what makes you say that?
war never changes
this was my first one. I'm scared
No way, fag.
Because we aren't able to make real-time graphics look like CGI yet, dumbass. In a developers hands that aren't Bethesdas, khajiit and argonians could look a lot better, but we're not going to get perfect cute catpeople like Khamira in your picture
Shit man, I think I'm in love with a not real mathematically generated waifu.
It's so sad that she will never get an anime adaptation...
I borked it.
lizard niggas > cat niggas
What the fuck is that thing in his hand supposed to be
hol up
I don't know why everyone dislikes this cat. He's a lil' cutie.
hellp iam "CATTO"
I am the fucking strong
I am very worried
i ate those food
and caracal
oh lawd he comin
execute order 66
What even is this?
How's it any more demanding than something like this? It's "Bethesda trailer" levels of fidelity, not a goddamn dreamworks movie.
why is this cats face so fucking spooky
>no TES canine race
why does Todd hate dogs?
>he doesn't play an interdimensional khajiit
Somebody's got lazy eye.
If you count the Werewolf transformation in Skyrim you can technically be a canine
Absolute unit
*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*
Maybe he didn't have a dog growing up
I pulled a boy wtf i'm not gay
stop posting moeshit, this is a CAT thread
Huh, though this thread would be worse. Its actually really nice. Happy caturday anons.
Post best cats aka cheetas
cats and lizards are fine for fantasy races but dogs would be going to far
You are now, gay boi.
>khajiit slut gf
>barbed cat tongue
>hates water
>cum sticks to fur
>based argonian gf
>mirin that mammal heat
>loves water, amazing pool sex
>cum wipes clean off of scales
it's still CGI done by a very popular and well-renowned animation studio and you're using a pic from a game that was peak Crytek graphics with their own engine that emphasized graphical features. I already said in another developers hands
Based and schloppilled
Was it rape?
Just like KF2
TES has fox people in canon
Randomly generated furry porn when?
Cats are the moe of the animal world tho
God I
what the fuck
wow terrible owners, dogs aren't supposed to get that fat
They also got snake and tiger dudes
holy sh*oot*
and furfags
Oh shit, I got 3D
Get wrecked anime "artists"
y u do dis?
daily reminder that friendly wolf got shot by a hunter
>what if King K. Rool was an anime girl
good thing they never appeared in the games
why did that anime die off so quickly? I remember it even surpassing boats and 2hus
Listen, I didn't want to have to say this, because Sheogorath told me to respect all races.
However, in light of the confusion in this thread, I believe it has to be said.
Unholy summonings
I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself.
>die off
Other than the fallout of the makers and the publishers or whichever specifics it were, it didn't die off at all really. The moment anyone mentions it or posts a serval it usually descends into KF posting
You uh... you got a little bit of...
has anyone tried this yet?
>it can generate ayy lmao lolcats
Did you know that you can buy (for a high price if you have coin) domesticated Servals to keep in your house, and that they're also very friendly with and protective of children?
>surpassing 2hus
are you nuts
Honestly the ring of hair color around her left eye is pretty cool looking.
I like Lynxes
I meant die off in terms of no new season
he's right. It surpassed the toohoos at one point. That's how big it was. They even made this happen.
>all these AI generated threads
are we already inside the matrix?
Don't worry bro, so did I.
Season 2 did start but it's not as popular because of the shenanigans that happened and people are Kirby levels of fucking pissed
>Stealth 100
Has science gone too far?
This is just Holo,come on generator
I think you meant to say BEST girl, user.
Uhh what is happening in this photo?
>tfw Bethesda will never do the Khajiit race justice even if they do make an Elsweyr game
Not tennis, that's for sure.
Is this loss?
Is this loss?
I'm in procedural-generated love.
it's up to the ESO devs to set the precedent but its looking like anthro Khajiits only
Is this loss?
objectively speaking bretons are the best but if you think they're gay I understand not using them
Khajits represent niggers better than redguard. and that says a lot about that race.
Argonians are also pure shit.
>the ring.jpg
They already confirmed housecat-like Khajiits will be present, but unfortunately I bet those will be the only alternates besides ohmes-rahts.
>tfw Dwemer were the Slavs of Tamriel
I'll be happy if we at least get a glimpse of the Mane in a cutscene.
Also Sloads, and no, the retarded sea ones from TESO doesn't count.
I'm scared user
no goy
>arguing with a furfag
where did they confirm this
Aren't Argonians technically tree people?
I got Holo as well
my eldritch abomination can't be this cute
They got the housecat ones as NPCs
the reveal livestream showed art of a housecat shopkeeper. and they said that will be in the game
no, they are lizards who worship trees
my waifu apparently just had someone murder all of her family while she got kidnapped to outer space. Can someone cheer her up?
Both are built for human cock.
yes and no
they can sever their connection to the hist if they really wanted to, but that'd take away their magic body bullshit and being able to change genders
It's a warning. Our demise is comming
I want to impregnate a Khajiit
it likes her
I think this ai is a confirmed holofag, this is my third pic of her
But user she's technically not a khajit
thats a sonic character though user
All animals, even some humans, if they grow from baby to adulthood without a mother will still carry newborn insticts like sucking everything that might be a nipple.
all I got was a shitty elfen lied character :(
Oh my Fuck!
I'd watch it.
Bretons are the best race, no contest.
I think it's got a mushroom on it's back.
time for a druid playthrough
its an abstract sort of holo
Khajiit are niggers.
Both of the furry races are cancer, proof of this is that all streamers, youtubers and normies pick them.
What is that on her chin?
Nord or nothing
I think you mean redguard
>Racoon is a boy and a girl called Maria also known as Aya, a nickname for I can't believe my Alien Visitor Is My Little Sister, is also his own granddaughter, and saved himself from a death coma he and his parents fell into
Deepest lore
khajiit didn't turn the oblivion crisis on it's head by invading oblivion back, those pussies probably fucked off to the moon to escape.
well at least she knows how to put on a condom for you
>It´s always Holo or some Touhou
His face looks just humanoid enough to trigger the uncanny valley effect
Goddamnit, who left my battleship, pineapple, cup noodles and peas by the cat?
>tfw you'll never live in the Elder Scrolls universe and have your own Khajiit and Argonian harem
I dunno about cats, but I got Deadpool balancing off the floor and showing off his censor bar
the AI only picks good designs I guess
come to think of it, what did happen in elseweyr during oblivion?
guys I clicked on it and I just qwerguyqewbadlfiay;as oh god something just walked across my keyboardqavzyekjghlknbpou
With stumps like these I guess I'll have to get creative
Idiot, that's obviously the headless horseman with a sword and lance
>you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
>tfw you realize that you are procedurally generated
Man these doujin plots are getting to complicated for me
W-What happened Holo?
Looks like a very intriguing anime
literally me
Can we get a quick rundown on this guy?
These cats should not exist
>When will my struggle finally end?
>Soon brother. Soon.
Giving me the chills.
When your waifu has a stroke
When your owner doesn't clean your catbox and your rage manifests itself into a furry fist.
Khajiit are mer
Mer are shit
>the game
What's his stand's name and ability?
I want big titty ligger gf
Gotta be strong to survive
yeah i'm pretty satisfied with it
might be on to something
Khajiit are shit and Argonians are better
try to debate facts, faggot
FUCK!! It's been like a year no joke..
It's evolving
how does it look on humans though?
post pics
Me on the right
Monkey in a slipper
Man, I don't want technology to be self-aware.
What specific algorithm is all this coming from? I have some borru's I'd like to shove through it
Nightmares are real
it looks a bit overly endowed on some NPC's,but i've seen worse and more overdone "thicc" bodies
>my ancestor :)
Enormous controversy surrounding the removal of the s1 director whom fans attributed its success to. Thanks to him being let go and kadokawa handling the backlash extremely poorly there’s been a lot of spite towards s2.
>canine race
That's just a werewolf. Imagine being a canine race and contracting lycanthropy? Nothing would fucking happen. It's like asking for a pale race that drinks blood.
Todd doesn't like dogs because they can smell his ayy blood.
I'm glad at least the cat came out okay
That thing's eyes look SO fucking human.
That shit is goddamn unnerving.
If you put that thing's head on a human body, is that what real life furries would look like?
>Imagine being a canine race and contracting lycanthropy
They need to have something like that where if it happens they turn into an absolute fucked up monstrosity. Run stuff through the cat/waifu generators and base off of some of that kind of freakishness.
>that filename
Nigga that's a dog
wolves are dangerous to be around, but they tend to be kind to humans who don't possess a threat towards them. Just throw em' a steak and they'll likely let you rub their belly.
I'm not giving you free food, skinwalker. I know your game.
but i like lizards
Raccoon Girl (発撃子) is a shy girl in a middle school girl's school who is looking for friends. She is told by the school about her school's school girl group. She meets a few classmates that are interested in her. On her way home, they find that an evil, evil, evil-looking female teacher has left for a vacation. Raccoon Girl is in the school and a mysterious female student has come looking for a reason to kill her. The professor has a plan in mind that will cause Raccoon Girl to be killed and sent to a remote school without any protection. To prevent this, the male teacher sends Raccoon Girl and a number of other girls to a small place with some other students. Unfortunately, they make things worse and the girls fall unconscious. There is much that happens to Raccoon Girl's classmates, though that doesn't happen because Raccoon Girl's fate is not decided by her friends anymore. However, Raccoon Girl's family, along with the teachers and the others, are upset because she is not allowed to live her life, and she is forced to choose who she is going to love.
Looks like a nice, calm cat to me
After Raccoon Girl's family has left her hometown and is leaving her with a new life of her own, everyone goes out of their way to avoid any contact with her. One of those people is a young boy named Raccoon. At one time, the boy was supposed to be a high school student. But now he is in the middle of a dangerous situation. He comes across a mysterious girl with supernatural powers who is asking him to stay put. He decides to go with her and find her. After a long search, Raccoon Girl finds the girl. When Raccoon Girl asks questions about her past and future plans, she tells him of her past life and her friends. Soon, Raccoon Girl feels happy and is about to kill everyone in her class because her friends think she's a nice person. Raccoon Girl goes and finds the girl. They talk to the other girl and Raccoon Girl goes to her hiding spot and kills her. Raccoon Girl meets with The Last Hope who tells Raccoon Girl that she will never see Raccoon Girl again.
A video game that describes how to die in the game "A Tale of Ice and Fire, A Tale of Two Sisters" is the latest
Why does their snouts look like they were stung by a hornet?
done and its nightmare fuel
I love the potatoface no-eyebrows combo
Kinda looks like someone shooped the dick out of her mouth
>Not wanting to belly rub a skinwalker