This is the only system I've ever regretted owning, and I bought a Wii U
>scalebound was cancelled
>sunset overdrive was just decent
>crackdown 3 has only just come out and it's apparently shit
>master chief collection is still broken
Fuck this console
This is the only system I've ever regretted owning, and I bought a Wii U
>and I bought a Wii U
so you bought by far the best console of the last gen? congrats, you played many mindblowing games
>>scalebound was cancelled
Yeah, that sucks.
>>sunset overdrive was just decent
It was great imo. It managed to be open world and still feel unique.
>>crackdown 3 has only just come out and it's apparently shit
Haven’t seen gameplay of it, so I have yet to hold an opinion.
>>master chief collection is still broken
Works on my machine.
Honestly, it was only ever good for playing multiplats in high quality.
I like it for Halo 5 and gamepass
playing RDR2 at 4k is worth it
oh you mean the base model
yeah that thing's useless
should have saved up for a real upgrade
sunset overdrive is also on pc now
no one cares
Anyone who's not retarded knew the Xbone was going to be a trainwreck from the get-go.
Yes we maser race, really don't care about the console plebs. You sully all of gaming.
>Not buying the xbox one with an x at the end
Well duh, it was dead at the reveal. I'm still mad at it, never bout the X1 looked like hammered ass anyway.
Eh its okay. Plenty of good mutliplats. Decent free games every month with Gold.
Though I haven’t played it in months since I boughth my Switch. Seriously, you realize how small of a step up from an 360 the Xbone is when you get a switch. Its like comparing a PC from 2010 to a modern high end table. On paper similar specs and can do the same things, but one feels much more modern than the other.
I'm resisting temptation to get one for Forza Horizon 1 & 2 mostly. Already got 3 & 4 on pc.
Why do people who critique Xbox always leave out these exclusive games
>Ori of the will of the wisp
>Quantum Break
>Killer Instinct
Does it not fit their narrative of no exclusives when they add in Gears,Sunset overdrive, Crackdown, and Halo on top o fit
all of those are on pc, how are they exclusive
i woudn't call nier automata a ps4 exclusive
>Works on my machine.
Last time I played online splitscreen was completely broken and didn't work at all, it just dumped us right back to the main menu after ~15 seconds of searching every single time
>master chief collection is still broken
Literally only reason why I bought the console. I got the bundle shit and then the MS store faggots didnt warn me it was broken. I opened console and game and shit and couldn't play MP. Then I tried to return it and was told no, opened software lol.
Fuck Microsoft, fuck the xbox.
Wii U is current gen. Saying otherwise just proves how fucked it was.
>Then I tried to return it and was told no, opened software lol.
That's when you make the biggest stink possible and demand the manager, and if they still refuse you call corporate.
The game is flat-out broken, you're entitled to a refund.
I love my Xbone. Sea of Thieves is incredibly comfy and gamerpass is fantastic.
Switch is 9th gen, 8th gen consoles are still around and supported though so I'd still call it a current generation, if not "the" current generation.
>all of those are on pc, how are they exclusive
Wow so your telling me that all those Microsoft exclusive games are accessible within the Microsoft ecosystem? It's almost like Microsoft owns both the operating system and the consoles you can choose to play their games on. You don't even have to rebuy the game if you want to play it on pc as a play anywhere title.
>i woudn't call nier automata a ps4 exclusive
Of course you wouldn’t because it’s also on Xbone
Quantum Break and Recore sucked. Killer Instinct was fucked over by being some weird splintered release. The only good exclusives are two indie games.
>Wow so your telling me that all those Microsoft exclusive games are accessible within the Microsoft ecosystem?
Cuphead, Ori, Quantum Break, KI, and Recore are all on Steam, and thus can be played on Linux via Steam Proton.
AKA not on a Microsoft platform.
Sea of Thieves is dogshit and Gamepass is only good for a few weeks because most of the games are B tier
Xbox and Windows are two different platforms.
Breath of the Wild isn't exclusive just because its "only accessible within the Nintendo ecosystem" its on two different platforms so its not exclusive. There is no argument here, you are factually and objectively incorrect.
Steam is not a platform, Windows is the platform, but its moot as Windows and Xbox are two different platforms anyway.
I bought an X yesterday from costco, since I traded in my PS4 slim to gamestop for more than I paid for and waiting for them to have a sale on something again.
I was hesitant, but there were a few exclusives I wanted to try. If I end up not liking it after a few months, I'll probably just return it and get a ps4 pro.
>Steam is not a platform
Try reading the whole post, m8.
The platform in that case is Linux.
even if we go by xbox fans' broad definition of "microsoft exclusives," most of those still don't count.
also on steam, it's even been ported to mac.
>Ori of the will of the wisp
not out yet, so there's still time for microsoft to cancel it.
>Quantum Break
also on steam.
>Killer Instinct
also on steam.
also on steam.
these games aren't even exclusive to the microsoft ecosystem, let alone the xbone itself, so why would anyone count them as exclusives? furthermore, why should anyone buy the objectively inferior platform to play these games on instead of building a decent pc?
my xbox x is for multiplatform games. my ps4 is for the exclusives.
the fact that you think anyone knows or gives a fuck about those games is telling of how shit the bone is
This console gen was such a fail
Steam is irrelevant regardless, you don't need Steam for those games to run on either platform
>ps4 exclusives
So, Bloodborne and a couple third-person photo-realistic movie-games?
PS4 is by far the worst PS console and has the fewest exclusives out of all of them.
Sometimes I want to play them japanese games that seem to hate xbox for some reason and the occasional naughty dog kino
yeah...I'll be honest, I bought the ps4 only to play bloodborne. But I'm done with it and now i'm stuck with this.
> furthermore, why should anyone buy the objectively inferior platform to play these games on instead of building a decent pc?
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play ori and the blind forest!!
Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Quantum Break!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Crackdown!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Halo Wars!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Killer Instinct!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Recore!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
Hey Microsoft I'm not goina buy a console to play Gears of War!! Okay? Then buy it on steam we still get a cut. uhh wait!
HAHA this is the argument that Microsoft doesn't have exclusives? HAHA you can choose to pay Microsoft on your superior pc or on their console they literally don't care which way you buy your shit
Sucks for you bro. I love my Xbone. Gears 4 is fun
>Pirate all these games
Pssh, nothin personnel kid.
They fucked up and just kinda waited out this gen. Hopefully they come back stronger the next one because fuck leaving Sony to do whatever it wants to the console industry.
>naughty dog kino
They make barely-interactive theme park rides with stories that wouldn't pass in a low-budget B-movie.
Games like Uncharted completely miss the point of being a game and squander just about every strength the medium has, such as player agency and emergent gameplay.
If its on more than one platform its not exclusive, period
>HAHA this is the argument that Microsoft doesn't have exclusives?
you don't need to buy microsoft's console, use microsoft's store, or even use microsoft's os to play these games. no matter how broadly you guys try to redefine the word "exclusive," these games still don't fit any of the criteria. cope.
>HAHA you can choose to pay Microsoft on your superior pc or on their console they literally don't care which way you buy your shit
that's nice and all, but you still have zero argument for why anyone should ever buy an xbox over the alternatives.
>sunset overdrive was just decent
pic related
>master chief collection is still broken
actually literally just false
>cuphead on mac now
cool, will buy on sale
Add to that
>All games ported to pc running with actual performance
> No enhancements for 360 games on base hardware
I literally only own one for the xbone s controller and rare replay
Stop it user. Sunset overdrive was terrible. The lolrandumb humor was beyond cringe and the gameplay was mediocre at best.
wow, it's almost like you don't need an xbox one for any reason whatsoever
They tried to make 1984: The Console and genuinely thought it would go over well and be successful, they can fuck themselves. They will 100% try that shit again at some point when they think they can get away with it.
I don't give a flying fuck what they do with the next Xbox, and Sony is going to keep doing exactly what they're doing regardless of what MS does. They both operate the same way, they're not driving one another to be better, both platforms share 90% of their libraries with one another and PC, are padded with tons of re-releases and ports and most new AAA games are riddled with paid DLC and fucking loot crates.
Shit was still broken last fucking year if its not right now, and the game released in fucking 2014. Online splitscreen, for example, was 100% broken and did not function for months and months.
Literally all of those games minus ori and cuphead were terrible and sold like shit.
It functions now, so what's your excuse?
You just described spiderman desu
I just gamepass because they were doing 2 months for 2 bucks. Not alot of good games.
Agreed. It's why I rent games.
>I like sea of theives
i feel you OP, except about my ps4
yeah thats it. The only exclusive worth having and all my friends are on xbone so i can't even play multi-plats with them.
Needless to say I will not be falling for the sonyjews tricks again anytime soon
>Still broken FOUR YEARS after release
>lol it werks nao XD
Cool, so maybe now I'll buy a used Xbone and a used copy of the game and play the campaigns.
It should have worked day fucking one, you shill piece of shit. MCC functioning and actual BC might have convinced me to actually get one.
>master chief collection is still broken
this is a meme, it was fine about six months after launch and the update last year made it even better
I'll give you everything else, the exclusives are weak (though I think this gen's been weak for exclusives in general) and Microsoft is trying to coast on Halo and Gears. I think the only One exclusives I've bought this gen were MCC, Halo 5, Titanfall 1, and Rare Replay.
Imagine being one of these console war troglodytes. They actually spend their free time doing this. Kys yourselves or alternatively stop being poor.
>Switch is 9th gen
>This is what Nincels believe.
The Switch is just Nintendo's indirect admission that they can't keep up in the home console race anymore, so they're investing all the resources on portables. The hybrid gimmick is just a cover for that.
this isn't even console warring. microsoft straight-up released a console that nobody has any incentive to buy. it has no exclusives, it doesn't have japanese aa games, and any advantage in running multiplats is canceled out by the fact that a decent pc runs them even better.
>when shitposting takes over yourself awareness
My old 360 is fucked for some reason (disk drive or some shit), should I buy my friend's old xbone plus a game and controller for $80?
I don't know if there are really any xbone games I'm interested in besides Rare Replay, Master Chief Collection and Crackdown 3.