Can you code your own games Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread: Book 2016 Rob Miles 8.2.pdf

Of course I can. I already did it when I was 14, on tools far worse than anything you kids have today.

Yes, and I don't need to use a scrubby language like C#.

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How old were you when you stopped believing in the OOP fairytale?


Yes but i make more money selling aimbots and bitcoinminers

Puts a smile on my face every time.

I wish I could code in C++.

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where's your DestructibleActor class

Coding video games is for people who suck at CS.
This isn't the 90's anymore.

yeah I made Dark Souls

I made a checkers game in assembly, but I lost everything

dont know how to do visual things in c++

What did he mean by this? OOP is good for gaymes. What are you suggesting instead, some retarded shit like having over 9000 arrays and id for every entity?

Stop wishing and just learn, there’s millions of resources to turn even retards into semi competent programmers.

I'm not a virgin so no.

What language would I need to get a job?
What about a job in vidya as a slave?

25 when I went full composition over inheritance

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It's a passion field. You don't go into it for money, but because you love it.

I probably could, but I can't make any art assets so I'll stick to programming other things. By the way, "programming" is the more appropriate term to use since since just writing down the code is only a small part of the process.

Okay so I've decided I finally wanna learn how to code and since 4chinz is full of l33t h4xors i figure what better place to ask
Where do i even begin?

solo'ing a worthy video game project seems like a bad ratio of risk/reward. id rather make mods or design levels.

i really should learn how to make games, i have over 20 years "experience" fucking around with games but coding just looks overwhelming

I work at a mental health facility and some demented tranny pretends he's "learning coding" although all he actually does is sleep all day while his mom makes him hot pockets. It's just some pile dream for his malfunctioning brain to cling to. I always think of him when Yea Forums talks about coding as if anyone here actually knows how to do anything useful.


/g/ I think has resources for this.

Every guy in the world has "20 years experience" jacking off ya dingus.

You begin by reading SICP cover to cover. Is what retards and myself would tell you.

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>not OOP

You double baka. If you're using any sort of object oriented design patterns, you're using OOP.

Back in the early 2000s and 90s they didn't teach coding. So I have no clue what any of this shit is.

First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

I have all the time in the world and almost no willpower

I have a degree in computer science and am still basically a complete beginner at programming

My nigga.

Inheritance is a false God, everything it does can be accomplished with the decorator design pattern.

i used to be a lower level language elitest but after working as a programmer i just dont give a fuck any more.
convenient, self documenting code is all that matters

Using object composition breaks down OOP foundations and encourages functional programming

I cannot comprehend why anyone would WILLINGLY become a code monkey

For Vidya if you wanna build a portfolio pick an engine and learn whatever language you need. Try to pick a specific skillset you want to use to impress employers, like “I’m experienced with using OpenGL and DirectX” that shit will get you further than all the script kiddies that take Programming 2 in community college and think that gives them the right to a job.

The more languages you learn, the easier it will be to learn new ones.

I can program, but I can't use Unity. Too many menus and settings to remember. I did all the tutorials but it's so much to remember. I spent five hours the other day just trying to get my guy to move without falling through the floor, and setting up a proper hitbox.


yeah but with my insane optimizations my fizzbuzz runs 1/8 faster

Nim is like c++ except easy

>Using a full-blown IDE like Visual Studio for a shitty hello world tier console program
Holy fuck what is wrong with you.

here you go

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C++ is the de-facto language for vidya dev, but C# isn't that far behind and easier to learn

Nim is just python with static types

>knowing "for all" and "in set" mathematical symbols
>prerequisite for programming

You're not fooling anyone. Discrete math is barely a requirement for most code. The hardest part of most software development (outside of AI which requires calculus and statistics) is knowing how to structure code. The rest is just basic logic.

You don't need to know transistor logic to understand an if else statement. You don't need to be able to differentiate between functional units and logic gates to write a lambda function. You don't have to write your own compiler to fucking do any modern software development.

>mastering C

I bet you can't even write proper shell scripts. Only posers think you have to master C to do anything else. Managing memory isn't hard, it's just tedious.

It's fun to have a project to work on but I always second-guess my creative ideas and I don't think art/music are my forte, programming is the part I know best so I've had better luck doing other stuff like reverse engineering old games than I think I would if I were to try making a game from scratch

Came here to post this

Learn javascript and make money building cloud shit

t. cloud boy

>not data oriented

the real redpill is learning that the art is what matters

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>I can program
>But it takes me hours to learn something basic

The fuck? You literally just have to click a button and select character controller to achieve what you wanted. Takes 5 seconds and about 20 if you google it.

Unity does however have a ton of features, but most people will use less than 10% of them.


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Just search "Structure and Implementation of Computer Programs" on Google. The book's free to read online.

nah that's why I'm using rpg maker

Not yet but I'm learning. Current plan is to learn html, css and javascript to make a fancy text-based rpg

it's a pasta

it's ok, i almost fell for it too again

You're replying to pasta.

wtf that's literally me

Not gonna lie, I used to do it like that too til two years ago when I graduated from college since they always taught me to do it like that.

It was a mistake.

What engine lets me code with OpenGL? I thought the point of OpenGL was for making your own engine?

It's C# tho...

It was obviously pasta or bait. I'd suggest killing yourself

why do u pixelshitters always invite urself into these threads

>this retarded who cannot identify a language by the extension

HTML and CSS for newfags
Python for beginners
JavaScript for Intermediates
C++ and C# for experts
RUBY for Hardcore!

I meant the anime but thanks

holy shit javascript is such easy money. all you have to do is learn a couple frameworks. i think react is the current flavour. easy 80k position

Java is better than C# at least

Depends. desu games are a unity of several disciplines joining together to make something beyond the individual but don't let the autistic programmers hear you say that because they'll freak.

How can composition break down the foundations of OOP when it's literally the main message of the Gang of Four?

>“Favor object composition over class inheritance.” ~ Gang of Four, “Design Patterns”.

Great to see PHP get the respect that it deserves.

>Ruby for anything


go back to facebook grandpa

Visual Basic is even worse.

"When you use Visual Basic syntax to define the size of an array, you specify its highest index, not the total number of elements in the array. "

Truly despicable.


I dont understand how to take the programing I have learned and turn it into something visual. Something like java has jpanel but what if im working in c++? and I cant believe that all java programs are using Jpannel I just dont get it?

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You know it

Currently main dev on frontend on top 20 global ecommerce

3 years out of uni btw


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>White background editor
I will defeat you

Pajeets that program in VB do not understand the concept of memory allocation.

>arrays start at one
Wait, what? I thought that was just a Visual Basic thing.

You make your own engine and use OpenGL to handle all the visual elements.

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You are right but retarded

>tfw newfag



GoF is telling you to stop using inheritance and use composition which functional languages have been doing forever.

Don't know what they teach in school these days but I was taught to default to inheritance.

Believe in yourself, Yea Forums!
If Yandere Dev can thousands per month on Patreon by pissing out ugly unmaintainable code, so can you!

>tfw programming as job and still can't make jack shit
this job killed my soul and will

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C/C++ has SDL for a really easy software rendering API, but you'll pretty much be restricted to simple sprite art for everything
If you want performance or better effects you'll need to use OpenGL or something else

>arrays start at 1

You're wrong though.

>being a poo in loo

y am i retarded tho? i need reasoning otherwise i'll stay retarded

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These posts are pathetic. Are all white people like this? Wow...

OP truly is a faggot, but you're a faggot too.

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>I dont understand how to take the programing I have learned and turn it into something visual.
You need to make a WinAPI window and create OpenGL context to draw a rectangle with shit in it. If you put drawing function in a loop that also checks for use input you can change coordinates of shit you see in OpenGL viewport and make a game with moving shit. Easy.

I guess that's the difference. I was self-taught. I learned about OOP through work and reading up on design patterns.

At least you have a job

How does this kind of stuff work? Is it like a library?

I wish I didn't

Go with PHP user and you will get rich.
even a potato can program with PHP.
I should know

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what if I'd like to keep my sanity

Problem is I always end up in a cycle of inspiration->learn basics of some framework->get stuck messing around with all the odds and ends of getting something put together and at that point I feel incredibly far away from ever getting anything resembling my initial inspiration that I lose all motivation and pick up a different hobby

5/10 made me reply

>not programming in APL

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I'm not saying inheritance isn't useful, just that it's overused by people who don't actually understand OOP. OOP is object-oriented, meaning literally anything that has to do with objects falls under its purview.

Inheritance only pertains to is-a relationships while composition covers both has-a and is-a relationships. The latter is much more flexible, though inheritance is useful if you want a strictly defined hierarchy.

It's also why Java is moving away from abstract classes to interfaces. Interfaces are has-a relationships, making them more flexible than abstract classes.

Yeah, SDL is a library. There are two versions: 1.2 and 2.0. I'd recommend starting with 1.2; it's missing some features and isn't as fast as 2.0, but I think its API is much simpler to use if you're just starting out

Trade places with me or tell me some bullshit I can put on in my resume to get hired

thanks Ill check it out

just go through some pluralsight tutorials and think of some work/inernship you've done that nobody will bother to check out

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This is a good tutorial that I used when I was learning SDL:
It also includes how to set up a library if you don't have any experience with that sort of thing, which was nice because I didn't

This was me when I first started using Unity and Unreal. Alot of the simple, reusable parts in almost every game is made such that it's drag and droppable, and it's very convenient for beginners/non-programmers, but is a big paradigm shift for programmers who are used to only looking at code all day. I say just keep trudging along, make a couple of small games on the engine and eventually you'll remember which menus do which functions.

kek any more like this?

I'd go further to say inheritance is pretty much never useful except as an example of what not to do.

Well, this is from a large project point of view where inheritance makes working with the codebase really awful. Looking through the inheritance chain (hopefully extended single digit times) for which method your object is actually calling is painful. You have to keep the inheritance hierarchy in your mind while you try to understand which level is handling what functionality.

Yeah, it's a library.
There is a good tutorial online:
But coding a game by yourself in OpenGL is more of a "see if I can make something functional" project. If you want to make a game that actually plays well in a reasonable amount of time you are better of using a preexisting engine.

Hmmm maybe I should get an actual internship. Then again I'm far too old and should probably just give up.

it is never too late to try

If you really find a project you like, plan it out and set deadlines for yourself.

I find it useful when you want to implement an interface in two similar ways, which share a base abstract class because they have similar code in protected methods.

OCaml and nothing else

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Yes. I went to college for games programming but realised I just liked programming in general and that working in the games business sucks ass.

Good man.

yes, sadly I lack inspiration, imagination, cannot draw or do music

Give me the scoop on functional interfaces plz.
Are they basically just delegates?

but working creating business software is even worse

You don't know how easy programming actually is. Even the "big" languages are relatively small.

>realized too late that i'm a complete brainlet when it comes to math and logical shit

Inheritance is nothing but copy-pasting of code with a calls redirection trick.
It's barely a concept.


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Guys, is signing up for an online course worth it? I mean it's a way to show that you did something official right? People wouldn't really believe you if you just just that you can do it

C++ isn't difficult to learn since 11.
Also, you'll want to learn about memory allocation and shit like that if you want to become a well-rounded programmer.

The salary and working hours are absolutely worth it.

Just upload some of your projects that don't look like trash on github.

Who /turbo pascal/ master race here ?

In my experience it has been way more enjoyable. Maybe I just got really lucky with my colleagues. With games you have to deal with graphics, design and sound people too. I prefer just working with engineers.

>excellent at math and EE
>all those proof-based CS courses were a joke
>bad at coding

what fucking gives

What can I say? Ocaml is the smug's choice

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That too.

>Turbo Pascal
>Not Emacs Lisp

Emacs is the only OS you need.

it really does depend on what you manage to land
I got into a pretty shit job with a shit deal that I suffer through.
Which technologies land you the comfiest job? Salary aside, or at least being 2nd priority

Is there an actual game that teaches you how to code properly?
Something that goes beyond "haha, let's do if statements for 5 hours" but actually covers coding well?

Your right internet man, now if only I didn't live in Kentucky

Would that really be enough?

It took me much longer to learn to program than it did to learn how to use Unity.

I've been playing around in Unity, so I could use that to make a game if I ever had the drive to do so.

Do you have no certification whatsoever? Then you need to showcase a solid project.

>Which technologies land you the comfiest job?
Obscure and outdated languages. Basically putting yourself in a position where you're the only person capable of doing your job in a 1000 miles radius.

Yes if they are good projects with lots of stars. But a reputable bootcamp is great, like Hack Reactor.

Also programing is literally about taking the concepts and just understanding them.
Someone with good logic can get real good at programming in a month and can learn other languages as well since they are all based on the same principles actions and statements.

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Actually I'm just considering learning it, I have no knowledge or pratice whatsoever

I see, I'll take a look at it

I work in telecoms software using mostly c++ and erlang. My manager is very chill and not too demanding.

Basic coding is friggin easy
It's the art that's a complete bitch

>Actually I'm just considering learning it, I have no knowledge or pratice whatsoever
You better start tomorrow morning. Time waits for no man.

*destroys your interview*

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this is a meme and actually a terrible way to learn programming. it's good for learning C afterwards though.

SICP is much better for a newbie.

>tfw only 1 year to go before I get my CompSci MSc

I might start right now senpai, it's not that late where I live, should I just go to /g/ to take a look at stuff?

I'm graduating with no internships. Glad I wasted my last 4 years for no job afterwards.

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How's Erlang? I've used Prolog in the past and it uses an intersting paradigm.

No. Make small programs and watch tutorials or take a course at some university to get going.

psh, nothin personnel kid

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Gave up because making anything I'd enjoy takes years of work. I can only finish shitty looking mobile tier games.

It happened to me bro 3 years later and I do peoples taxes. Trying to jump back in but most people ignore my applications at this point.

At first I found it a bit frustrating since I'm used to c++/c#/java etc. Now though I really like it. It's very elegant and intuitive when used for the right purpose.

I taught myself C++ back in college and got a job doing embedded IoT stuff in C. Shit's fun, but I deeply regret starting with C++ and not with C. A lot of things you have to unlearn, a lot of toys you don't have anymore
If you want to learn to program you should really learn C first. Just do some basic C programs to learn types, functions, etc., and some basic pointer and memory management. It will take you so much further than starting out with a language that does pointer/memory stuff for you. If you know what C++ or Java's cool toys are actually doing for you, you can use them more effectively

Not from scratch. But generally enough to get by in something like Unity, still learning as I go though.

Working on a save system right now, shit is finicky I'll say that.

>so bad I failed high school math, twice
>get by reasonably well considering how fucking stupid I am, the occasional math equation aside

I need to learn and use the more intermediate concepts though, and create less nets of referencing variables from scripts all over the place that fuck up if I change stuff later.

>javascript intermediates

>I might start right now senpai, it's not that late where I live, should I just go to /g/ to take a look at stuff?
Sure. If you can, always try to code an example of code you are reading about in books. You will understand much better why things are arranged the way they are, once you start from scratch on your own.
Always keep IDE open, ready to test few lines of code.
This way you will avoid making a shit ton of mistakes in more complex programs later on.

at least you didn't spend 3 years doing an internship you hate doing stuff you probably don't want to do ever again so most of that experience is useless anyways

>HTML and CSS are programming languages

All memes aside. I haven't really programmed much in the last five or so years. If I wanted to make a small game today, is c++ still good or should I learn something else?

>C# for experts
Wait, I thought C# was borderline kiddie/pooinloo tier?

Is graduating without an internship in CS/engineering really that bad of a situation? I'm in EE and I'm not getting any interviews right now and I'm a 3rd year.

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first task: html, css, js

make a counter with a button to increment and decrement

C++ is the master race of languages, so you're good

In my opinion you should learn Python as your first language, then C as your second.
Python has a lot of abstractions and no boilerplate, meaning it's close to pseudocode, meaning it's easier to materialize the fundamentals of writing algorithms.
Then you should learn C to gain an understand of how your computer actually executes programs.

who cares
don't contribute to a sick system where your chances are based on your willingness to work for free and how much of a social media whore you are

No, it's just a meme thrown about by people who nothing about langugages or who uses the same 1~2 for a decade.

If my depression and rage are anything to go by then yes.

what about someone who barely understands how to turn a computer on but wants to try and win the lottery by making some cheesy mobile game and lots of money? Where to start? also scrolling through this thread has been way more helpful than asking stuff on stupid questions on /g/ and amateur game dev on /vg/.

These days it's more dependent on the engine you want to use. But I'd expect you would do fine with C++ for most things.
I suppose learning C# if you want to use Unity wouldn't go amiss.

It's pretty bad for CS, you'll pretty much have to start working for a sub 50k salary in decent sized city where you'll probably be scraping by. Luckily it's pretty easy to jump ship after a year or two for a less embarrassing salary.

>OOP is good for gaymes
Data-Oriented Design is what you want.
You should listen to some talks by actual developers. This guy from Insomniac Games for example.

mobile lottery dried up years ago mate

>Get code test
>Literally nothing that you solve there will be used when actually working
Why do they do this?

Insomniac is full of LIBTARDS

I thought unity was c++ based, what am I confusing it with?

These days you probably have more of a chance of winning an actual lottery than making a profitable mobile games.


Unreal Engine. That has a C++like scripting language.

Unreal uses c++

>Data-Oriented Design is what you want.
That depends on subsystem in question. Some parts of the engine don't need to be data oriented at all, if we are talking about high brow engine programming.

I can, but I don't know how.

what cods to learn for mobail game?
Engry bird real good, want to make

Yes, what I can't do is make half decent pixelshit
any pixelart fag wanna collab?

to see if you know the basics and to test your problem solving abilities

To see if you can solve problems and not just copypaste code.

That's not free though right?

Why not actually test for shit they'll ask me to do in the job then?

yes. I have a somewhat successful game on Steam and some other storefronts that I made in GameMaker a couple years ago.

Learn to use Blender. It's fairly easy to make something semi-decent with it if you make it simplistic and stylized enough. Better than most programmer art pixelshit at least.

are you retarded?

I'm a complete and utter novice. How's this for the card one in C++?

It's just a way to filter candidates that is somewhat related to programming.

How does someone with some experience break into the market for programmers in a coastal city? I've been working out in the Mid-Atlantic area for a few years now but the pay sucks compared to working on the coasts

>needing more than one loop
not gonna make it

Yes it is.

okay reworking this.

HTML and CSS for newfags
Python and JavaScript for beginners
RUBY for intermediates
C++ and C# for experts
PERL for Hardcore!

ActionScript for autists

It's funny. At the old company I interned at, they would pick out problems from this book when interviewing along with some others they made themselves.

They actually favored applicants who missed the CTCI problems but gone their own over applicants who did well on both. Very weird. Applicants who were able to answer only the CTCI problems were booted instantly.

maybe for brainlets like you

UE is completely free to use and develop for and release games with, but they take a 5% cut after you've made like 10k or something from a game. Unity get their money from a subscription fee(and the Unity Asset Store, their big money maker), but has a free version with a watermark. Though I do think you have to upgrade to a commercial license when your game starts to make money.

I.E, UE is friendlier to people who are just starting out, but Unity is nicer if your game becomes successful.

It works.

Where is vector?

Terrible. You need to get to the point instead of typing useless output related spaghetti.

Wait... is that still a thing?

HTML and CSS aren't programming languages. Pythton and C# are about the same level.

I see only one cout in there

what's wrong with more than one loop

>the candidate said it will find ALL numbers so it should work
well he's technically correct

>Python and C# are about the same level.

Python uses same commands like JavaScript. You need to import the System library first to make C# programs even work in the first place.

No idea how to simplify all that into 1 loop. Also, why are strings bad?

I'll take it

I know that vectors are basically arrays that can be resized, but I don't know why that would be useful in this problem.

Can you elaborate? How should I simplify this?

You'll have more than 3 tab-ins with a single loop. Next.

>can I code...

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That second loop doesn't really need to exist. You could just make a vector/array of the 4 suits then randomly pick one at the end in the cout statement


My brain just locks up when I have people sitting over my shoulder and judging me while I try to solve a problem, I think I chose the wrong industry.

if you want to learn in a structured way is the best way to do it by downloading some random college level syllabus and following it? or are those interactive tutorials good or maybe just an old fashioned text book?

I get that, it just seems like a lazy way to do it. When I asked why they did that in my last job, they gave me similar answers. Then I asked them why they didn't ask the interviewees why they did X or Y, they were just fucking blown away by the idea that doing so could tell them more about how they solved things. And it seems like half the coding tests I've seen are similar. I can understand doing that in a big ass company with thousands of employees and hundreds of recruitments going on at the same time, like Google or Amazon, but most companies are not like that and have don't handle a great influx of applications.

My best job was with a company that just asked me about coding, why or when I used X or Y, etc. They didn't even bother with a written code test, which I thought was odd. Literally everyone in there was competent, delivered right on time, was helpful and friendly. It just feels like I live in an alternate reality sometimes. My worst job was with a company that had retarded coding tests that 90% of the applicants failed.

Syllabus and textbooks. Tutorials are how you end up a pajeet.

Fuck off proprietary nigger

Yeah basically. Delegates are references to functions you pass to other functions, correct? If so, then that's basically all it is.

For example, define your interface:

interface GetPS3Gaems{

public String getGaems();

Then, when you implement it, you basically store the function as a reference (sort of like a delegate) and can use that reference wherever like a first-class function.

public static void main(String args[]) {
GetPS3Gaems games = () -> "no";
System.out.println("PS3 has "+games.getGaems()+" games");

10/10 still gets replies

What's the source for this?

I did, but I'm not very good at it.

>actually wanting to make open source games

I don't understand. Why would he do i >= 100 in a for loop
Why would he do i = i%1
Why would he do output = result and i++ with some spurious if statements
What is going on

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Hey man when the spotlight is on you shit gets dumb.

I haven't laughed this much for a while

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I just saw another one where the loop condition in the for statement was inverse
Is there a language that has the break condition in that statement instead, just to troll people?

I'm currently studying

for C#. Should I wait to start getting into Unity or should I be messing around with it, making my dream game while I learn?

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I'm really puzzled by the answers from the two veterans. How can you last this long in the industry and give an answer this busted?

I am learning C# through the yellow book, then I am gonna do some short minigames and then get into Unity and maybe do something. I am doing this right?

Strings in C++ are hilariously retarded. They didn't even have a string class for years so you had to roll your own, and everyone did them slightly differently so there's a ton of subtle bugs that can occur if you try to use more than one library together (or if the library does it differently from how you expect).

They're prone to memory errors (lots of hacks depend on abusing c++ memory bugs, and strings are a common attack vector) and they're just really fucking slow to work with.

Basically never use strings except as the output of some program. Store all those cards as ints and then let cout handle the cast. They should have been char's anyways.

>want to do CS because I constantly daydream of someday making my own successful indie game franchise
>want to do electronic engineering because it might be more interesting to me and I could get into robotics or cybernetics and pretend to be Dr. Light
>will never be sure of which dream to pursue
>even when I end up having to choose one, I'll always fantasise about having done the other instead

Attached: 1489340149037.png (542x680, 303K)

>and if I fix the syntax errors, will it work then?
>still no.

I don't even program, and this killed me.

Attached: 1547678985640.gif (235x157, 123K)

Of course

Attached: 1474385847432.png (563x1200, 286K)

do EE since CS is for brainlets

Fuck, I keep forgetting that you can initialize arrays like that. This is a way better solution.

int main() {
string deck[13] = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
string suit[4] = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };


Attached: 1504560359365.jpg (396x691, 117K)

Take a sample project and start modifying shit such as making a dash movement, double jump, and other shit. Not an actual game but just small mechanics.
That'll be your "hand-on" experience.

I suppose I have all the facilities available, but I am not employed as a developer so I spend my free time playing video games, or shitposting about them, not making them.

You're thinking of C/C++/Java. This is COBOL and Fortran country boy.

How do you store king as an int? 13 I guess.

I've had industry vets hand in some really awful code. And not on a whiteboard, but a homework problem where they had 24 hours to finish a simple problem.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Code that wouldn't even run after "20 hours" of work. Arbitrary use of recursion and functional programming to loop over an array of 5 elements (and do it wrong). I saw brute force approaches that failed in really obvious ways, or variables named x, xx, and xxx. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

use enums you whore

Pajeet, you can draw the same card twice.

This is what happens when companies flood every medium with the mantra "everyone should know how to code" so they can get cheap labor.

This is an example of why a bachelor's degree is worthless in this day and age.

Now they only problem is that you can draw the same card twice

That's nice and all but can you do THIS?

Attached: 69dee7853cdd275808b49c0f7339d.1920x1080.jpg?t=1447360743.jpg (1024x768, 454K)

How long would it take me to become decent enough at C++ in order to make a living off it if I devote 4hrs per day on it?

I don't know what those are yet


Attached: 1505709398018.png (250x382, 154K)

Interview questions aren't like this anymore, right? This is some level-0 shit that nobody expecting to make 50k+ a year should be bombing in. Also, can't I bs my way through just writing/saying pseudocode to them?

>for x 0,49

>x = random 0,51
>x%13 of x/13

Nobody should care that I don't know the exact syntax on the spot, right?

Attached: 1544092400170.png (950x983, 567K)

2 years.

Enums won't give you a text output.

It doesn't say anywhere in the question that it has to be different cards. Maybe you put the first one back after drawing it

What stops you from accidentally picking the same card twice?

That could work. You really don't need them to be strings until it's time to output them. You can argue that doing it once at the start is faster, but if it's a user facing game then the speed gains are negligible.

In a toy program like this it honestly doesn't matter though. I wouldn't fail someone for doing that.

>had an interview where the guy asked me what SQL was, but he said it like "sequel"
>tfw said no because of the way he said it
I'm sure they thought I was retarded

Attached: 1549355454356.jpg (999x999, 117K)

Your syntax should be mostly correct if it's a language you use a lot. They're more lenient about library use though; in one interview I used a library I wasn't sure actually existed, but since I explained the logic of what I was doing it was clear it didn't matter.

But you should be able to do loops, if statements and other basic shit flawlessly. Typos are fine, but if it's consistently wrong then you have a problem.

And yes, people do fail questions that simple all the fucking time.

199 out of every 200 people that apply to a job can't even fizzbuzz. I've interviewed some incredibly incompetent people, even ones with PHDs.

>Interview questions aren't like this anymore, right?
Only in like the initial phone interviews to make sure your credentials aren't faked.
Otherwise it's more about the fit or problem solving by having you pretend to fix a bug or develop a feature

>It doesn't say anywhere in the question that it has to be ONLY odd numbers
kek, same logic as the print out ALL numbers dude mate

Maybe you will get a job elsewhere.

>The original standard declared that the official pronunciation for "SQL" was an initialism: /ˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ ("ess cue el").[12] Regardless, many English-speaking database professionals (including Donald Chamberlin himself[32]) use the acronym-like pronunciation of /ˈsiːkwəl/ ("sequel"),[33] mirroring the language's pre-release development name of "SEQUEL".

It's a perfectly valid way to say it.

maybe if you're an inbred retard

lel, obviously in an interview I would ask them to clarify first
Meh, it's a legitimate interpretation. If they can't even properly specify their task, it's their own fault

Yes, I recently made a wolfenstein clone with raycasting!
after copying 90% of the code from a tutorial

Attached: 1ca84b3ef4d0966e257ad4adde1ba9a7.png (1598x2046, 3.74M)

>Donald Chamberlin, the main that created and named SQL is an inbred retard because he says the word differently from I do

I know the basics but I dont know where to find information and how to learn programming actual interesting shit not some stupid fucking text programs. I wanna create something with an interface something useful or work with directx graphics.

while technically correct, I have never heard anyone call SQL sequel so I can understand that
>do you know what jif is?

Anywhere but /g/

Do you have an example that doesn't use strings till the end? I suppose I could write one but I hate programming on my phone.

>the main
>differently from I do
Really shooting yourself in the foot here by not proofreading, m8


is there any hope for a programmer who is a brainlet at math?

Attached: brainlet wojak.png (485x443, 24K)

I feel like it's a real failure of CS programs how common this problem is. I remember in our second year my friend and I were discussing how we knew how to do all these algorithms for navigating and processing data but would literally be unable to make pong without ascii visuals.

Attached: 1520598460890.jpg (1440x810, 155K)

Yeah. Go work in web development.

this is amazing. absolutely sending this to every underage who asks me how to do what i do. thanks based pastanon.

Attached: 1550029794517.jpg (365x365, 56K)

Yeah but you have no idea how I'm pronouncing the words so the main point still stands.

post how you learned

>stupid fucking text programs
>how to learn programming actual interesting shit not some stupid fucking text programs. I wanna create something with an interface
The obstacle exists only inside your mind. There is no actual difference between working with lines of text and elements of user interface or graphical sprites. It's all just numbers and plain old data. You already know how to do everything.

Not funny

Another mathlet here. As long as you have internet access and know how to google it's not that big of an obstacle.

Unless we're talking about ridiculously high-tier pure math, your problem is most likely your attitude. Thinking "I don't understand this because I'm bad at understanding this" means you take away your ability to ever learn it. Find something you ALMOST but not quite understand and read up on how exactly it works. Just take it in small chunks instead of having to learn all math that exists
That said, you'll be fine. I program backend and frontend C++ for a user-facing application and the hardest math I have to do in my job is understanding nested and/or statements

Ok, I added this. Am I hired now?

int main() {
string deck[13] = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
string suit[4] = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };

int card1 = rand() % 13, card2 = rand() % 13, suit1 = rand() % 4, suit2 = rand() % 4;
if ((card1 == card2) && (suit1 == suit2))
card1 = rand() % 13;


Attached: 1537831762462.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>tfw front-end dev

Attached: 1546983265010.png (1584x1584, 2.7M)

no but im learning python on datacamp

please no bully

well i cant figure that shit out so im probably too stupid

>article from 2007
I feel like it should be completely different nowadays. At my school, the senior level courses were mostly chinks, indians and whites that weren't completely retarded. I highly doubt 99% of them can't write baby shit.

>pretend to fix a bug
I guess this is reasonable to ask. I know my game programming friends have trouble finding the root of their bugs, when I have to keep telling them to spam print statements.

You embarrass yourself.

You just wouldn't do the transformation until you already have the cards. Basically just move that if statement block. Again, not a good idea for a small toy program, but it may be useful on a heavier application.

There are a lot of examples where someone has code to the effect of:

if (x == "Possible EVent 1") {
} else ...

And it fails because the correct string is "Possible Event 1", or "Possible Event One" or some other slight difference. Your compiler won't even notice anything is wrong. Even if they all work, string comparisons are slow.

>if ((card1 == card2) && (suit1 == suit2))
>card1 = rand() % 13;

There's still a 1 in 13 chance you pick the exact same card. If this is for say a Texas Hold Em game enjoyed by millions of people then 76293 people will run into this bug on their first turn. If it's a gambling app with real money then they're going to be turbo pissed.

Yes. You will never be a Linus Torvalds, but if you want to make games using an existing engine you can get by quite comfortably, and what you need can usually be found through trial & error or googling.

That and learning math through coding is a lot easier than learning math through a textbook I've found.

I think it is technically correct which is the best kind of correct

I'm currently working my first job out of uni and they hired me without a single technical question asked. They just trusted me based on the great reputation of the institute I studied at and me describing some projects I'd done while studying

That's true. I should have used a while loop instead of an if statement.

There was a followup post that explained it better. It's not that 199 out of 200 people are incompetent, it's that 199 people you're interviewing are incompetent. Smart people get jobs quickly. Stupid people keep going to interviews because they never ever get jobs, so they outweigh the smart people.

I started doing interviews a few years back and I still get people that can't fizzbuzz.

>bugs only matter if enough people would be pissed
please user

for($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++){
. . $s = '';
. . if($i % 3 === 0){
. . . . $s .= 'fizz';
. . }
. . if($i % 5 === 0){
. . . . $s .= 'buzz';
. . }
. . if($s === ''){
. . . . $s = $i;
. . }
. . echo($s . '');

How'd I do?

Anybody want to be interview practice pals?

Attached: 1546365960501.png (478x610, 273K)

this is actually great advice for anyone who wants to be a computer scientist and is pretty much the standard pathway most undergrads would follow, epic gamer retards need not apply obviously

Jesus I would never do string comparisons unless that was the point of the program even then you could probably find away around it.

What language is that where .= is the equivalent of +=

It's just an example of how even a "tiny" bug can have big repercussions in the real world.

That said sometimes bugs aren't worth it. If in 1 week you can add a feature that gets you another 20k sales or work on a bug that only effects the Polish version (and only when it's run under windows 98) then that Polish guy might be pissed for a while. In real life there's always more shit to do, and some bugs really aren't worth it.

None of this would really come up in an interview though.

>can code
>can make music
>can't into art
Well I guess I'll never develop a game


Yeah fuck Poland

Yeah, no one intelligent would. Yet sometimes I see it, even in places where it literally makes no sense.

Tsundere Simulator is filled with retardation like this.

>company wanted me to make a simple website for them based on a set of images
>fucking easy
>get the job after making the website
>while working see someone reviewing other candidates their websites
>most of them didn't work at all, they couldn't even be opened
It was both hilarious and sad to see that, even ones that did work often just completely didn't look like the images they provided.

Attached: 1417898424342.png (608x720, 305K)

>Tsundere Simulator is filled with retardation like this.
Probably coded with dick in one hand.

Enum gang always shows up when you post that one image

I love it when someone posts that one screenshot and people go mad about switch statements and whatnot, when the actual problem is the fucking retard storing witnessed events like "Blood and Weapon and Violence" or whatever

Here's what you do
1. make your game with really shitty art, or with ripped spriteart
2. go to any website with artists who are into vidya design but can't into vidya making

If you can code well and waste your skills on games, you deserve your inevitable poverty

My friend interviewed a guy for a java programming job and he only had HTML experience.
5 years for a master's in CS and all he had ever done was HTML

I never did
jk, basically I just learned that you're supposed to use libraries and other prebuilt shit like that. first experience with libraries/UI was an engineering class I had to make an android app for with no experience in Java since I was the only one who had taken a CS class. at first I tried to write as much as possible from scratch and thought it was cheating/retarded if I didn't make everything myself, but that's not how shit works. next year I took graphics classes that used OpenGL and I fucked around with unity and unreal a little on my own time. if you want an easy project idea to learn how to use libraries I imagine something like a command line audio player would be a good start

Attached: 1533851981396.png (873x1079, 929K)

How the fuck does that happen?

You get the feeling that people have a good understanding of the core fundamentals but nothing about good design. So they nitpick shit like "switch statements are faster" while ignoring huge structural problems.

>save a thousand dollars
>commission an artist
There you're done.
Your real issue is that you aren't committed enough to actually do it, right?

pretty based, because that's pretty much what i'm hoping would happen for me.
what institute?

How does that even happen? My uni had c++ java python and some other shit.

No one shitting on it is good news, I guess.

CS and EE are bros, its SE who are the brainlets

A German one
The other places I interviewed at did have some technical questions though

I don't know why you would use two arrays to store the cards. How I would do it was make a single array of all 52 cards then use a random function between and including 0 and 51 and pick the cards from those indexes.
For solving drawing the same card twice problem, do a while loop while drawing the second card and check if the second draw index equals the first draw index. If it does, draw again.

No fucking clue man. You can't even blame the poor guy, clearly it's completely the uni's fault for being absolute shit

Or the real patrician choice Telecommunications

You would type out all 52 cards?

>How do I override toString???

so, where all the money and jobs are? neat

>final year of study
>internship time
>apply at a company way out of my league
>bullshit something about "yeah im bretty gud' while I did fucking nothing in class (still regret that)
>get the internship
>first day, boss tells me he'll be eager to see what I can teach him

Since people are bringing it up let me post this instant classic.

Attached: gyubzyq87xmx.png (828x801, 149K)

Why not just shuffle the cards and pop them off a stack? You never have to redraw, and it lends itself better to games with multiple rounds / players.

I don't know, how DO you "override toString" for an enum in C++?

Yes but I'm cool with not being the literal field nigger of the programming industry.

Gamedev work is awful and they get away with it because like said it's a "passion field" so there's an endless supply of gullible kids getting into it for their dreams, getting burnt out after just a couple years of shit work for shit pay and getting replaced by a fresh crop of dumb kids who wanna "WorK FoR BidEo BameZ!!!"

This. Proper separation of concerns/modularization of code is the hardest part of programming. Everything else is just basic fucking logic.

Quite the opposite since its the most saturated part of the SE job market.

Game maker or unity? Yes they're both extremely easy to use and make a game in. Making an engine from scratch? Nope
I want to get into 3D graphics but having a fulltime job, wife, and kids I have 0 time or brainpower left
Please help

go with EE or SE, CS is for absolute brainlets

Attached: 1376188569553.png (424x474, 375K)

gamemaker is good for beginners, but basically 2d only. I hate unity though.

Does that matter? int comparisons are much easier to handle than string comparisons. The runtime is still the same (O)C and it's an easier way to handle the draw same card situations.

Another user rewrote that code snippet in a past thread.

Attached: ysrw.png (612x285, 19K)

I believe this was coded in assembly?

Goddamn that must've been hard

This post is abhorred by enum gang

Unity, it's a really amazing engine in the right hands

>while I did fucking nothing in class
I know that feel. I kind of bumbled my way through the courses. I don't know too much about your situation so I'm just gonna project hard and tell you how it was for me
>studying at great institute
>bunch of fucking insanely great and devoted guys in my year so there's always crazy people writing their own assembler code or finding bugs in compilers and stuff
>bumble my way through courses and finish degree
>somehow get hired for a fun programming job
>way overpaid
>turns out the most important things at uni were learning about system design and just generally learning how to code, you don't need to win 20 hackathons to be a good programmer
Mild impostor syndrome is cool

post the weekdays snippet to summon enum gang

>I have 0 time or brainpower left
Then how are you going to manage either?

Anything is great in the right hands. The problem is great hands are far and few between.

nigga the market is screaming for seniors in any specialty, especially webdev

Is there a way to handle shuffling using a function call? You would have to push each individual card into the queue and pop 2 right? Also, wouldn't you also have to re-shuffle the deck whenever you want to draw 2 every time?
But it does sound like a better way of handling the draw same card problem than a while loop.

Every game before the 5th gen was written in assembly.

fuck CS and fuck SE

Attached: Untitled.png (964x481, 95K)

Why not just pick a random number between 0 and 51 and if the faggot interviewer wants to actually have output that shows him it's THE ACE OF SPADES, THE ACE OF SPADES! then he can write it himself

How did I do, Yea Forums?

Attached: odds.png (596x518, 20K)

Bitch you're not a senior, you post on Yea Forums

They both have lots of jobs. EE is going to be a lot harder though

>bitwise operations to check one flag

Attached: 1347885219220.gif (233x226, 1010K)

Not even the worst code in gaming, just a circlejerk because everyone hates YandereDev
Doesn't even hold a candle to the guy who programmed an entire game without knowing what a loop was.

Doesn't most colleges put SE and CS as the same subject?

I cant code in anything except gamemaker but thats all I need. I can make music, I have cool unique ideas and can draw some sprites so I'm good


2/10 bait
Is that C#? Why would anyone ever capitalize a function name?

horrible, next

Something about cyclical complexity. If it works for you and you're the only one working on that part of a project, it's fine. But some people write really convoluted code that other developers can't understand so they just discourage it

I don't know what kinda game I wanna make

This pisses me off

Attached: 1426378024418.jpg (300x300, 14K)

>tfw you have to keep track of an index and can't use a range based for loop for once in your life


I'm using freecodecamp and struggling before even finishing the "Basics of Javascript" as a first time coder

I'm not gonna make it to junior web dev am I bros??

This took me 5 hours

Attached: 1549656060872.png (1997x1600, 2.51M)

You don't really need a proper stack. If they're already in one array just shuffle the array (there are functions that do this in c++) and then have a single pointer at the start. Move the pointer for each card you draw. If you really only need two cards just read the first two and don't bother with the pointer.

You can argue this takes longer, but it's negligible. An array of 52 items is extremely quick to iterate on, especially for a user facing program. Even reshuffling between every turn just won't be noticeable.

Witnessed is a collection of flags.

Visual Studio recommends you to capitalize a function's name

What is the point of that x?

Don't need to read ITT to know it's interns bragging about writing in C++.
Any language without garbage collecting is outdated and not worth using, enjoy writing calculators on your CS courses though.

Attached: 1357493050234.jpg (404x267, 20K)

standards my proff forced on us

>learnt how to code using old gamemaker back in college
>want to try again
>can't buy old gamemaker and idk how to use new gamemaker

Attached: 1550426606883.png (326x277, 68K)

If you have set it up wrong, sure

Wtf bro how? I mean keep practicing itll get easier but damn

Well how about you run your code first and see what it does

I was trying to write it into an array at first but kept throwing errors so I opted for a string
ignore the x

whatever, señor
hope you pass your CS101 class

Don't ever write performance-critical software.

If you can't solve this in 45 minutes you're never gonna make it.

Attached: 1528678312193.png (851x846, 573K)

>Any language without garbage collecting is outdated and not worth using
t. hasn't done kernel development or embedded systems

What's a good way to learn C++ as a newbie?

>Witnessed is a collection of flags.
That's insane for coding game logic.

I'll be nice and tell you every problem I see at first glance
>that namespace
Just leave out the namespace if it's gonna be completely meaningless like that
>class Program
>capitalized function
>x does literally nothing
>gathering all numbers in a loop and then printing them all 60 times for no reason

Sooooo what languages should I try to learn to get a job in 10 months to a year?

I didn't understand how to separate the last return part of the solution to that. It kept returning and exiting the function. I also didn't even realize return would exit the function the first time it hits LMAO. I have about 20 hours of coding experience now and a very low IQ

Attached: SmoothPepperyDiamondbackrattlesnake-max-1mb.gif (444x250, 337K)

no my dear ESL

Have fun with your shit performance

Attached: 1092891538359.png (789x720, 434K)

Attached: odds.gif (84x468, 144K)

That's just how it is when it's installed desu never bothered to change anything

>kernel development

Attached: 1383310195945.jpg (476x399, 69K)

Who here

>too brainlet to learn to program?

Tried 3x already and every single time I find it comes down to using Stack Overflow until it makes sense while not having a fucking clue what you just did. All while spending eveyr bit of your free time trying to git gud when in reality gud comes down to who has more free time than you.

you don't, choose java or c#

Well I'm sure the whole game structure could be reworked but that's a bit of work for a Yea Forums thread.

SE is just CS with less math though

ok im fucking retarded i think i fixed it

Attached: oddss.png (478x433, 16K)

code readability is far more important than your precious nanoseconds

There is no way writeline(int[]) magically prints one of the numbers in the array and then advances one step

SE is literally just a less rigorous CS where you don't learn anything besides how to mindlessly grind out code in Java or maybe Python and C if your uni isn't trash.

Don't even gt me started on the money-grubbing Data Science tards who wanna pretend their glorified data entry work is a real STEM field and not just a bunch of hypebeast bullshit in a bubble that's gonna burst any day now and leave them jobless.

Absolutely based

have fun killing yourself over memory leaks

I want to learn how to code but I don't even know how to begin.

that's not what the code he posted does at all
much better

>not doing a loop from 0 to 49 in which you add 2*i+1 to the array
lmaoing at your life

Aren't they desperate for software engineers right now? There's only 50k CS grads a year and it's growing over 300k jobs a year. Shouldn't they be less picky and willing to train?

Attached: 1545881669906.jpg (685x714, 97K)

>don't even know how to begin.
by getting a book and reading it while doing the exercises it provides

That's funny because most of the time it's games made in C# that have memory leaks.

you can still switch to another thing user, this isn't for you

odds is no longer used, delete it.
Replace < 101 with

Outsourcing pajeets and changs exists.

run this in a console app then
string oddNums = "" ;

for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
if (i%2!=0)
oddNums += i.ToString() + "\n";

you have it backwards, CS retards are the codemonkeys who endlessly shit out code, SE are those who structure a project, get the requirements, etc

Then why is literally all of embedded and systems programming done in either C or C++ then?

Just because your ADHD means you forget to free what you malloc when you're "moving fast and breaking things" (ie writing unmaintaiable spaghetti code that crashes if you breathe on it) doesn't make it a bad language you absolute brainlet mong.

I am reading this book and it seems good so far. Book 2016 Rob Miles 8.2.pdf

Anyone has an opinion on it?

Any particular book you recommend?

>Company outsources code
>it's fucking shit and barely works
>need to spent more time fixing the code
Every single time

murach's books are pretty good for web stuff like html, javascript, java, javabeans, servlets, etc
you can get almost all of htem for free with just some googling i think there's a site called itebooks

>outside of the for loop
That's not what I was referring to at all you little faggot

wow you seem really booty bothered by some syntax maybe take that stick out of your ass and take a deep breath faggot

I'm starting to feel you legitimately need at least 115+ IQ to learn programming. I'm tested around 102 and I can't learn basic for loops

dude if I can pick up for loops as a spic, i'm sure you can too. just read a book.

You're too stupid to understand what the second loop did. Shut the fuck up

Stop bullying user, everyone starts somewhere faggot

I'm taking a game development course right now, wish me luck!

Attached: 1361f1169d48b4c3bb05d9f1763c02c0.jpg (1355x2047, 182K)

Drop it this very instant.

Is this bash?

you're really cool user how long until your billion dollar app comes out?

Guys help
I tried to do this and for some reason it won't accept my code

Attached: perfect js code.png (455x338, 14K)

good lord almighty man
why do you have the for loop on 25-29

just print the oddNums (the readline is fine w.e)

Also get rid of the x and odds variables if you dont use them

then it will at least be passable

stop with this iq bullshit. it might be hard at first because its new and usual but you'll get it eventually.
What about for loops is giving you trouble?

I am dangerously close to sharing this reality. I'm going to try and get an internship soon.

parenthesis after contacts

I don't know man, depends what kinda route you wanna take, or at least what language you want to use as your first if you have a preference.
Like for python: automate the boring stuff,
for c: c programming a modern approach
or c++ : c++ primer
java and c# i don't know.
Commenting on that other user's reply, the only experience with murach books I have is for enterprise Java and that's a specific topic. Overall it's pretty good and gets on topic

>app programming

Attached: 1407688973813.jpg (500x461, 79K)

Yeah but i suck at art so i usually stick to shitty 2D games with stolen SNES sprites and scribbly crap i can make in ms paint

Yeah dude, what did you struggle on? This is also basic web dev shit, you're going to have to iterate through tons and tons of javascript objects/objects in general on a daily basis.

is his mom permanently at the facility? Why the fuck aren't you making the pocket?

I get that this is retarded but what's a standard way of doing something like this if you're making a game?

1: Drop at half the total height. Check if broken.
if it is: do the same with "bottom" half
if not: drop from "top" half.
2: no clue lol
3:50/50 It either is or isn't.

enjoy wasting your time user

Whoops that was a typo
Still didn't work though
For some reason it doesn't know what a const ref is

Reading SICP is literally retarded nowadays, unless you're already an experienced programmer interested in the few things the book has to offer.
If you're a total novice you're better off reading Think Python (
>b-but it's Python
Not an argument.
t. someone that has already read SICP

Attached: 1528487249305.jpg (1448x1080, 297K)

Why? Difficulty or is this a job related answer?

I haven't even learned half of what you're writing there. auto const, contains, std cout,'t been introduced to that yet

What the FUG

Attached: 1535237862684.gif (540x303, 1.71M)

Don't you mean "printfs"?

>saying desu before a sentence
Wow this really hurt my brain to read.

You are totally correct, however. The kind of person who can do art + programming, both to the standard that they actually deliver something is generally very rare.

>game development course
not even memeing user, just get your money back. nobody that has ever taken a class that has gone on to have a meaningful career. if you wannae be good you gotta go balls to the wall and learn 3d environments and all the math they entail

kek alright, read pic related it carried me through the first 3 semesters of college

Attached: file.png (641x832, 1.14M)

lel user
I wrote C code as a joke. I know absolutely nothing about javascript other than I hated it at uni

>not wanting to achieve Satori
Yes, mislead the newfags.

All the SE programs I've seen make you take way less of the math and lower-level programming classes than the CS program.

Instead they make you take Software Development classes that teach you how to annoy the people working with you with micromanagemant over "proper style" and "best practices" while they're forced to endlessly refactor all of your redundant ArrayBuilderFactoryBuilderFactories in 50 different class files.

It is, is just awful bait.

c++ is a meme and barely used in actual job offers, it's only brought up by brainlets trying to act smart

just use standard libraries in any language because these are solved problems and you don't have to think about sophomore level exam questions in The Real World™

I hope you're mad at him for using nigger twitter language and don't actually think he typed out desu, you fucking newfag
baka desu senpai

>he read SICP instead of HtDP

also Lua

It's a shame no one on Yea Forums likes to collab.

I don't know about game programming because I don't enjoy being paid next to nothing while working 60+ hour weeks, but I'm assuming the answer is the same as it would be for a real program: Bitsets

You've probably already left the thread, but I interview people a lot, generally around 1 candidate a week.

If you're still here and have any questions, shoot. That goes for anyone else, too.

I've been programming for 5 years and have no idea how to find the odd numbers. I don't think I've ever needed to do this.
Fuck interview questions.

/vg/ has a gamedev general i think but everyone on /vg/ is an autistic tranny so i'd be wary

Depends on the market. C++ is still widely used, it's never going to be a bad idea to be proficient in C++ in the foreseeable future.

>"you'll never have to write own algorithm in real world"
>first job
>had to write custom algorithm

Attached: 1523248121189.jpg (511x553, 93K)

x%2 == 1
christ man

Oh really? I was looking at potential games developer positions and a lot of them were using C++.

What's so based about C# or Java?

But I'm learning how to make games and how to work in a project without being a complete sperg!

Attached: 1449535954910.jpg (4088x5932, 2.15M)

To be fair I just started to learn to program for the first time this last couple weeks and that's still the first section.

But I don't get why when it checked my conditions running this:

for (var x = 0; x < contacts.length; x++) {
if (contacts[x]["firstName"] == name && contacts[x].hasOwnProperty(prop) == true) {
return contacts[x][prop];


if (prop != name) { return "No such property";

else { return "No such contact";

Why does it keep returning early on? I ended up making the whole thing work by putting return No Such Contact at the very bottom outside the brackets. I know return stops the function or whatever but shouldn't it not hit the early checkboxes true/false for the first two return statements and just go to that last else statement and work?

I really don't understand programming t. brainlet

Attached: 9b2.gif (540x540, 2.22M)

I thought they got rid of those wordfilters when moot left? Or is it a new one?

What's your greatest weakness?

I mean we got Katawa Shoujo so there's that...

But yeah, all the programming team projects people try to put together on /g/ or the gamedev general go nowhere.

I've been waiting months for this image to be reposted. I'm a codelet, so I need to know. Is the code commented as
>behold this masterpiece!
Meant to be ironic or legit good?

big yikers my dude

1. half and half and half again

2. greedy algo that looks for nearby highest and iterates in n time.

3. 1 - (0.2 ^ 19)

Third one I'm not really sure about, just guessing.

based pajeet

>drop from 50
>drop from 25
>still dont know the floor

I just want someone to chat with about solving leetcodes etc and keep each other motivated.