What games do typical 30 year old boomers play?

What games do typical 30 year old boomers play?

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I'm playing Darkest Dungeon at the moment.

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Mech Warrior Online or Elite Dangerous.

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Lode runner

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I've been playing nothing but FO76 and Overwatch lately. The RE2 remake was a letdown.


this is a good thread?

Fuck off reddit


I’ve been into Total War series and Dragon’s Crown lately.

it will be until the zoomers show up. I was binging on rimworld but now I'm waiting for the next season of path of exile.

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I was into Total War as a younger man but it's too samey these days.

28 years old. I play PS1 games, point and click adventures and milsims.

source please

Mostly eurojanky RPGS

That’s the problem I’ve run into. Battles feel routine, sieges are ass, defending against sieges is even more ass, and generally each game plays essentially the same.

Total war
Tactics games

I miss that feeling from when I was younger where I felt like my cunning tactics were defeating a greater enemy.

Now it's just 'go down the hill'.

I've been playing the original Deux Ex.

I'm 32. I don't have a lot of free time, so I like to play fun games that are quick and easy to get into, but challenging to master. That said, I've been playing my Switch a lot recently. I alternate between Smash and Tales of Vesperia. I like the latter partly because of nostalgia: it takes me back to my junior high days, when I played tons of JRPGs.

HAD to post this

I had a free week recently (relatively) so I burned through Nier: Automata in a week.

Very nice game. Good length too. I doubt I could finish a Final Fantasy these days during a free week.

Flanking is also too easy to pull of and overpowered.

Are you being ironic? You were doing well until you mentioned the Switch, and Smash and Tales.

Anarchy Online

ive heard this song too many times now since that RE game came out

>one year away
Just got done with cuphead and playing my 10 rank games in overwatch. Deciding whether I should start Okami HD or Xcom 2.

Definitely not Fortnite like all you Zoomer faggots

apex legends

Holy fucking shit, I remember thinking I should play that in 2001 when I read about it on PC Zone. Real blast from the past.

Wow classic, steam shit and retro consoles


are you being dumb? i said that nothing contradicting, you silly zoomer :^)

Be gone, zoomer.

Sorry you have bad taste but to each their own

Chrono Trigger

I use to play the Mechwarrior tabletop games with the little figurines and shit. I was really looking forward to the Mechwarrior Online game but it got so many bad reviews plus the pay-to-win bullshit or whatever.

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I don't think Capcom gave us a proper remake of 2 but I had fun with it. It's still trash compared to the original.

Fighting games or arcade shit that's easy to jump into.

You could play the new Battletech game. It's just the tabletop stuck into a 3D engine. i feel it suffers for it.

That’s fair and reasonable point considering original 2 is a masterpiece. I may have been too harsh. What do you like about 76? after all the shit I’ve heard about 76 I assumed it was garbage but never played myself so I guess I’m in no position to judge. I liked fallout 3 not so much 4

monster hunter world when there's an event
mhgu otherwise
waiting for synthesis league
also retropie with all of my favorite old arcade games growing up + others

Nah. That was like 20 years ago, and with my uncle being dead, who use to play it with me along with my cousin and other uncle, it wouldn't be the same.

It's an online FO game. I like the setting, I like the music, I like the fact that there are other people roaming around. Is it a good FO game? I don't think so. Is it fun? Yes, even when you're playing alone.

Can’t speak about other oldfags but a lot of Tekken 7 with another boomer friend of mine and online and also RE2Remake

Was playing Titanfall 2

I´m turning 30 this year.
Havin a blast with Yakuza Kiwami right now, I hope Sega ports Kiwami 2 fairly soon.

I play Spyro.

I'm 31 and currently play Path of Exile, Smash Bros Ultimate and occasionally pop in some good classic snes game or whatever.

I do mostly play on my PC and Switch nowadays but own all platforms. Very hyped for Mario Maker 2.

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If you haven’t you should play yakuza 0 right after. I played Kiwami first and than 0 and had a blast. Really glad I didn’t play 0 first because they reuse a lot of the same systems.


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KoF and Metal Slug all day

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You can play as a piggy in darkest dungeon?

Shadowrun Returns

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Only play games with pretty girls

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No. I mean you can mod it in but not by default.

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or girls with fat tits

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Does it feel weird to anyone else that people born in the early 90's are now considered "old people" on Yea Forums? I was born in 1992 myself, but it feels like not too long ago when people here were complaining about people my age being too young, back in the early 2010's.

Boomers are much older than 30.

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Turning 23 soon and currently playing Nightfire 007.

You boomerfags mad i'm potentially corrupting your thread?

1988 master race, currently playing through DmC 4 on Son of Sparda difficulty. Man I suck at videogames.

>Shadowrun Returns
>Not Dragonfall or Hong Kong

I just use Returns as a blanket term for all three. Dragonfall and Hong Kong are obviously way better than the first one, but the first one was a good introduction into the series.

>Was 23 myself back in 2015
>2015 still feels like it was only a short while ago to me

i mean, it was only 3-4 years ago

28 year old boomer and I play new and old.
Nostalgia is nice but so is exploring new games.
I'd go as far as to say I find nostalgiafagging more annoying than any new shit because both young and old people trying to fit in will parade around their "classics" that they haven't actually played for years. I was no different.

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Terror from the Deep. Nothing like stepping out of your sub and seeing three of these boys sitting on top of it.

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You know what's funny? I don't feel nor look my age, I even still get carded for alcohol and when I go to GameStop, but it's weird knowing that in another 30 years I'll be 60. Like really weird.

Don't expect underages here to understand this.

i wonder whats going to happen to america in the next 30 years

I know, but I remember 4 years feeling like a much longer amount of time in the past.

Wait until you're 35 and get that dread of realizing you'll be 40 in 5 years like me.

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Every now and then I replay Drakan. Riding dragons is always awesome.

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At least I don't play Fortnite.

Playing R6S right now.

And in 60 years gene therapy will allow for life extension
What's that you died at 78?

It'll become browner, and the few white people remaining will move to Europe.

I can't enjoy video games much anymore, the last one I enjoyed was p5

I played the shit out of RE2make and I recently played through the DMC series in anticipation of 5. I'm also dabbling in retro arcade emulation thanks to the minigames in Yakuza 0.

t. 29 years old and about to enter a midlife crisis.

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It's goofy because my dad is on the young side of the baby boomers and I'm turning 30 this year.

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Why? To trade one shade of brown for another? You could also argue a worse shade at that.

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Resident Evil 1 to 4
Jedi Knight
Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy
Battlefront 2 (OG)
Doom 3
Crysis 1
Crysis 2
Dawn of War + expansions
Age of Empires 2 (not the HD verison)
Rome TW

Why is she getting fatter?

Ever since I bought VR I have only bought and played Ace Combat 7 and DOOM 2016.
Both were okay, but playing them felt like a mild chore.

I'm playing Starcraft 2, Apex Legends and Crash Bandicoot atm.

Ive been playing the fuck out of AC04, getting burned out on it, and I still have AC5 to play.
Generally though I love MGS 2&3 and SH 1&2, those are my top,top games
Im going through a ps2 phase and playing things I missed out on; on my backlog is Killer7, ZOE, Hitman titles, San Andreas, anddddddddddddddddddd i think thats it thanks for reading

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Midlife crisis is a weird concept because you can't really afford to do wacky stuff until then unless rich parents
It's like yeah let me just go skydiving and traveling while also studying and trying to make rent

apex legends, fortnite, league of legends

31 years old, I play go to work

So how many more Monster drinks does this guy have left before his heart explodes?

LITERAL slampigs

So it's a concept we won't be able to afford.

Still the best mmorpg ever made. Unfortunately funcom are absolute retards.

Europe is a big place. Much bigger than Jewmerica. Cancer can only spread so far.

A midlife crisis isn't a weird concept though. When you are in high school you think your life ends when you leave high school and become an adult. And when you are in your early 30's and don't have your life in order, haven't done what you wanted, don't have the carreer you want or a family you start to panic as well. Because you fear that soon you reach the point of no return.

>move to europe

Me and my dom tom family along with our north/west african towns can't wait to greet you in person.
Hopefully we will have a caliphate by then.

I play super smash bros melee for the nintendo gamecube and escape from tarkov mostly

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Whatever I want.
Played some Apex, will play some RPG here in a minute and then I'll probably play Rimworld or something, I dunno.

It's three different piggies.

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>going to work

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It's made by trannies with a tranny agenda. I bet they use discord.

Huh, thought it was a weight gain sequence since the second and the third one look so similar. Way to get my hopes up.

42yo old boomer here finished Divinity 2 a few days back, not playing anything else at the momemt, just come to Yea Forums groom kids like OP because i'm a massive pedo and should be locked up

Better rethink your worldview.

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Personally I don't drink energy drinks anymore. I noticed I kept getting headaches, twitches and other shit and they went away completely once I dropped energy drinks. Now it's just coffee and water.

>Cancer can only spread so far

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Currently on a FPS binge.

Project Warlock
Amid Evil
Unreal 1
Wheel of Time

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>post yfw you tell young people "it will get better" and they believe you

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Everything on this list, since Yea Forums is full of boomers

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Put Ion Maiden on your backlog

Better in what regard? videogames?


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I don't get what you're trying to say or how that disproves what I said. Are you even white? If not let's just move along with our business. I don't like you, and you don't like me. Let's leave it at that, Tyrone/Pablo/Whatever.

uh yeah sure

>Ultima X

you don't actually play this, do you?

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But they are still fun and cute.

Makes me a bit sad that there hasn't be a good Bond game since Goldeneye.

Ultima Online was the best MMORPG ever made during it's initial 2-3 years (1997-99/00), until EA bought Origin Systems and ran the game into the ground. There hasn't been a good online game since.

You're trying too hard to not look like an idiot and it's coming off as cognitive dissonance which is worse.

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She doesn't just have fat tits, she's pretty as well.

Same for me
I also find it hard to believe that Undertale turns 4 years old in september

Never mind, my bad, I didn't saw the "online". I thought that was Ascension

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It's okay, you just don't get it nor will you ever. I understand. That's what separates us from the dumb brown hordes. Race is real.

35 year old senior citizen coming through, the two games that got the most hours out of me recently are Yakuza 0 and BotW. Thinking about picking up Dark Souls but I'm not sure I'd enjoy that level of frustration.

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And now you have decided to double down on it.

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Replaying Arcanum

Why can't wizards ride the train again? This is bullshit!

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>swine slasher
>has a hook for a weapon
Just go all the way and call it a Swine Hooker.

meme boomers are not referring to actual baby boomers, lurk more

I'd play Dark Souls with you. PC?

fighting games.

28 < 30

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Escape from Tarkov
Path of Exile
Borderlands on repeat

I'm 30 and I still play TF2. Been playing it for 11 years now.

Stop playing dead games.

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I'm almost 30 and I recently redownloaded and started playing TF2 again because of Apex. It's nice.

Thanks man, it'd be on Switch though since my computer is literal trash. That was cool of you to offer.

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I feel oddly offended that Killing Floor and Future Cop didn't make the list. Also where the fuck is Spyro the Dragon?


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Unless you've already tried it and didn't like, the two Warhammer Total Wars shake things up nicely with varied campaign mechanics and play styles.

30 eons old here, can't we all agree it's a great time to be a video-gamist?

Lucky for you this boomer got it on Switch too.

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I'm gonna be 30 when Andrew Yang becomes america's first asian president elect, what bugs me the most is that i got perma banned from Yea Forums for saying i'm underage, i did so in response to some faggot saying i was underage so that he would feel shame at loitering in a "kiddy" forum.
Considering how much /r9k/ material i am, i'm starting to remember that under age "(mentally)" .

I spend most of my time on youtube now but when i do play games it's alien isolation, endless legend and vermintide 2

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is it really? you must really love the same 3 maps over and over again.

Maybe we can trade quips

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Not sure I agree. I miss the early 90s when PC gaming wasn't so popular and games were made by nerds for nerds.


go back to being banned faggot

spending too much time on youtube

I can tell you about my 28yo bro he only plays ps1 games and the occassional ps2 game

sure but on the grounds it's getting easier and easier to emulate older stuff.

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>There hasn't been a good online game since.
>what is daoc

>tfw threw out most of my old PC game boxes but still have most of the old Lucas Arts boxes and Half-Life 1
Why can't we have boxes with cool manuals and other stuff back, boomerbros...

fuck you

He sounds alright. Hope he's a good bro.

Two reasons:
1) More and more digital distribution makes shit like that completely unnecessary.
2) Packaging and printing manuals, etc. costs money.

That's not even considering more and more games are easier to just pick-up-and-play while also having built-in tutorials.

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When does boomerhood officially end?

I'd like that, user.

Actual 30 year old here.

I'm playing OSRS on the side.
QC during prime time and I can find a match
I started speed running for the first time, practicing Kotor1/2

Also waiting for the new PoE season. Tired of betrayal, but I heard its going core unfortunately.

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Yeah, remember when the manuals were actual booklets that were written from an in-universe perspective? I miss those times.
Corporate apologist zoomerfag

I've been playing Regency Solitaire, nostalgia bait gacha shit, RE2, Warframe, TES: Arena, Sunless Skies, hidden object games, Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar, and misc DOS nonsense.

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literal 30 yr old here I just finished multiple playthroughs of re2make and now playing grandia II

been playing Dominions 5, RE2 Remake and RE3. RE2 Remake is by far the best AAA game since Bloodborne. Waiting on Sekiro and DMC5

I'm 28, I play nothing but smash ultimate, monster (replaying 4u right now) and honey select.

Currently waiting for darkest dungeon 2, crystal chronicles remake, and terraria 1.4

boomer isn't an age, its a state of mind

nah DAOC, SWG, EverQuest, Asheron's Call, Shadowbane, all doodoo

I'll only accept the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for Best Theme Park entry and Final Fantasy XI for Exreme Comfy Levels.

30 year old boomers are slavs?

i play a mix of old stuff from when i was growing up and new stuff that comes out from time to time - really enjoyed re2remake but love the old games to death too and sometimes go back to replay them - love me some half-life but i haven't touched it in a few years so maybe i'll do that - friend got my space hulk deathwing on humble bundle recently for pretty cheap so we've been playing that coop this weekend - really anything that catches my eye i'll play

>age is only a number!
>live, laugh, love!

No, the smart white people will just move to whiter areas and states while the non-whites left behind bankrupt and make the other states a living hell to stay in. There will be some whites who stay who are too dumb or weak willed and will continue to live in an overtaxed shithole.

Both DaoC and L2 were much better games than Ultima and the rest of the games in that list.
>Wrath of the Lich King

>millennials so cucked by baby boomers they developed stockholm syndrome and larp as them now

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I bought a switch but only for Smash and MHGU
It's weird just not caring about cost anymore

34 year old boomer here. Slowly losing interest in gaming. No games seem to appeal to me anymore. Still waiting for Bannerlord 2.

Planescape Torment

its pretty good to be honest

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Based taste. The biggest issues with MWO have been remedied ever since the game was traded hands over to the new development company, however. Hero mechs have better stats over all, sure, but unless they're in the hands of genuinely capable people, you really won't notice the difference. The advantage they give over average mechs is innocuous when it comes down to knowing how to play, teamwork, positioning, proper loadouts and everything else that takes strategy into account. I won't lie, it's bullshit Hero mechs get an advantage, but events that happen very regularly throw the premium currency and premium time at you. All of those bad reviews pertain to the old balancing. You should genuinely try to give it a try instead of relying on heresay from years ago, user.

The Battletech game genuinely is good. Definitely worth trying, especially considering it's free to play until the end of tomorrow. No reason now to download it and give it a try, if not to see if the passion is still there.

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DooM II, FFIX, Outlast 2.


>upset boomer loses his title

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i'll have you know i self-identify as gen x

Added you, will let you know when I pick it up (just waiting for a sale)

Diablo 2

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>playing a reading simulator
I don't have time for that shit. Diablo 2 is where it's at

"30 year old boomer" is a zoomer meme though. not only that but millennials took one from the zoomer playbook and embraced the insult making it into a point of pride.

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Just finished Alternative. I need something soothing now because that was a fucking experience.

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It's really neat to kind of see how each board reacted to this.

>26, soon to be 27
>Similarly don't look or feel my age
>Realize I'll be 30 in a few more years, the age people joke about the year of becoming a wizard
>Friends have kids that are now learning how to walk out, getting married, moving out or getting serious jobs
>Still live with my parents
>Consider getting a girlfriend at the university I'm going to
>Realize freshmen would be 18 most possibly and that would be an 8 year difference

Nah, I played 0 before that and I´m glad I did.

speaking from experience, anything from the ps1/n64 era and up.

hey james


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sto and swtor

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>b-but zoomers

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The 30-year-old Boomer meme specifically refers to people who are beginning to inherit traits of their parents despite that they'd never expect, like enjoying a fresh cut lawn or the smell of engine oil as you work on your motor.

Uh no sweatie
Manlet threads are made by manlets
Dicklet threads are made by dicklets
Baldlet threads are made by baldlets
This is because why the fuck would anyone care if they were not affected by these circumstances. Do you make starving on the streets threads? Threads to laugh at somalian pirates? Of course not.
Now who might be the ones who want to discuss aging? is GUARANTEED getting to or past 30 years old.

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Stop being dead inside

>it won't work because...
Let her come up with a reason not to fuck you, no need to generate them yourself. I know people in long term relationships with bigger age gaps than that, go for it user.

This image makes me laugh because 30-year olds don't look like that at all, and certainly not 30-year olds who still play videogames.

Also financial stability and having some form of equity.

Second Life, Dark Souls 3 and Dusk.
Unusual combination huh?

you mean nes/master system and up right

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Im play rpgs and platformers

I thought second life was for literal senior citizens, like 55+

then call them neo-boomer or something

using the same word as an description is just retarded and typical uneducated zoomer behaviour

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zoomers gonna zoom

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Quake live, the game actual boomers play.

>tfw over 30 games installed and still have no motivation to play them

The only game I actually can still enjoy is BF1.

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Second life is for sexual deviants who don't have a real life.
And senior citizens who don't have a real life anymore.

this, so much this
adulting is hard

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user, I don't want to fuck 18 year olds. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you have to keep in mind how much people that age grow and change. I sure as hell did, for better or worse is still to be decided. 18 and 26 != 26 and 34. That, I would be perfectly fine with, but I would need a stable income and a place of my own before I'd even consider that.

no. I mean there's literal retirees on SL but there's also kids and every age group in between.

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Only real answer.

It's pornhub for larpers. I feel 30+ is accurate.

I'm playing smash ultimate right now and when I'm bored of that I play kenshi on pc. Waiting for WoW classic like a fag so I can get raid gear then wreck people in BG's

>TFW 35

I am currently playing Tales of Vesperia, etrian odyssey untold, and Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

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I can't believe this is gonna be my hairstyle in a fwe years. Widow's peak + vegeta receding hairlines is the bane of my existence
I doubt me or any of you retards have/will have that muscular body though

31 year old boomer here.
Today I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and Persona 4 Dancing All Night.

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Our states are bigger than your countries. You are only bigger because of Russia.

well I started with a hand-me-down nes that was older than myself, but most of the ones I know didn't start playing vidya until their first playstation.

Wow, steam, ps4

>work on your motor
Cars are becoming harder to work on every year unfortunately. Safer, more efficient, more reliable, but wrenching is becoming a Herculean task. Actual boomer cars can be fun though

Tetris 99 but I can't keep up with japs, 4th place is my record

Lmao dumb ass zoomer cant structure a logical insult

29 yr old boomer here. I've been playing For Honor, RDR2, DBD, and Persona 4 lately.
Boomercore games i frequently pop in include MVC2, 3rd strike, NBA JAM, beat em ups, worms, etc.

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Steam and PS4 aren't games, user.

most of the Yea Forums groups are full of kids though, which sucks because I want to hang out with /d/ or /tg/ or whatever in SL but it's nothing but highschool drama bullshit and wannabe griefers that you can't have a conversation with without seeing "nigger" typed a million times.

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It's right there in the thread what are you doing clapper

could never work out Druid. Exp characters just didn't offer to me anything that base char couldn't do better

>when act boss drop is so bad, you make a screenshot

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I just beat it last month. Every morning I'd sit down with a cup of coffee and fire up the Genesis to add another notch to my record. Ended up on a 30-win streak, such a great game. Even had some friends over and they enjoyed it despite it being 25 years old.

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I mean how do you not like the best basketball game of all time.

>sjw garbage
no thanks

I play singleplayer games mostly user, I can't stand most multiplayer games.
Only one I ever played was counter-strike

>then call them neo-boomer or something
Or, maybe, 30 year old boomers? Are you retarded?

The /d/ group is pretty chill.
And /vg/ is a lot better now than it was a couple years ago, most of the edgelords have left or grown up.

I don't have any modern consoles, but my PC is good enough to play games sometimes. I bought the RE2 Remake and enjoyed it. I hadn't bought a game in over a decade before that. I usually play Tetris in a NES emulator or other NES games.

Recommend some

Can confirm, dated a 50+ lady once through ArcheAge and we played together on Second Life when she really wanted me to see what she had done over the years. She had an obsession with two tigers on there that were a very big deal to her and, albeit was extremely offputting if not creepy, it was endearing to an extent because it was something she felt she could never have in real life. She dropped $40 on me to upgrade my avatar despite my protesting, but since it was something she wanted for her sake I caved. In the end we broke it off a little while afterwards because she had lingering feelings for her husband (since they were separated but still married) and her time with me reminded her of the good parts she missed about being married. A lot of older folks playing Second Life go there to experience what they can't, either for escapism or to find themselves.

>bringing politics into games
uh why

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Tetris 99

37y old boomer here
old rpgs mostly crpgs, old simulation games like various tycoons/citybuilders, rts and adventure games

i more often play ON FIRE edition for ps3 but the sega one is my favorite. not even tournament edition, the regular one.
my actual favorite ball game of all time is NBA Street v2 for ps2. Honorable mention goes to Super SideKicks for Neo Geo

I'm 32 and I honestly have no drive to play vidya like I used to.
I play garbage gacha anime games on my phone and that's about it.
Shitposting is more exciting than paying out the ass for plateaued graphics and leftists butchering translations.

Mortal existence is just the most horrifying shit I swear to god

I've been emulating old games that I missed when I was younger. Playing Ace Combat Zero now (it's meh). Yesterday I tried playing some Gamecube games but I don't think they aged well, or maybe they weren't meant for 30 year olds.

Losing interest in games to be honest. I always figured once I was older and had money I'd finally be able to play all these cool games, but it's sort of lost it's appeal. When you're young, games are an exciting escape, a chance to have some sense of independent decisions, and a way to build and own things. Now I can more or less do what I want so I don't need games for these things.

Just finished Puyo vs Tetris
Great game

Go for a hike

the cancer in this thread is unbelievable

My boomer now that was a year

Go away zoomer.

I wanna believe that's true but I can't be bothered at this point.

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based and redpilled


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Gacha consumed me.

not him but
gothic 1&2, arx fatalis and witcher 1 are essential eurojank
not from eu, but honorary eurojank are all troika games

Right now I'm playing obscure computer wargames and also some Hollow Knight.



Suit yourself.
SL is still a time and money-sink and you're probably better off playing actual vidya.

im playing dark souls 3 right now

Games I liked from this gen:
>RE2make (fucking loved this, single player game of the gen for me)
>Fifa series (great with friends, 2v2 never gets old)
>God of War
>Nex Machina
>Resident Evil Remastered HD (Never played it before or even the original RE1, this was fantastic)
>Duke Nukem 3D Anniversary World Tour
>Titanfall 2
>COD Infinite Warfare (the mp was amazing and tragically underrated, way better than the pay2win clunkfest that was BO3. Yes IW had a much more consumer friendly DLC weapon system, even if it wasn't ideal. Honestly and very surprisingly the only COD game I've ever loved and I'm really disappointed it won't get sequels because of meme hate. it's actually some of the most fun I've ever had with mp in my entire life)
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
>Wolfenstein TNO
>Dark Souls III
>Doom (2016)
>TLOU Remastered
>GTA:V Remastered

Shame about all the remasters tee bee aitch, but whatever. I thought this gen was better than last, definitely at least for FPS, and ending with RE2make just left a really good taste in my mouth, it really blew me away.

Normally I just play old shit though and keep to a small bubble of my favourite games growing up:
>Doom megawads for the originals (Ultimate/2/final)
>Quake + Quake fan made maps *sips*
>BUILD engine games: Blood, Duke, Shadow Warrior

That's pretty much it. No RPG faggotry here, Soulsborne don't count, they're action games with heavy RPG elements.

Games I'm looking forward to:
>Doom Eternal

31 year old boomer here. I play Doom (1993), Wolfenstein New Order (can't play New Colossus cause my pc can't handle it), Dark Souls 3. This past week I've been replaying Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and 4.

buy the dip

>I don’t want to fuck 18 year olds
Yeah you might just be gay, girls like older men you’d be beating them off with a stick. If that’s really a problem then just don’t date freshmen. What’s stopping you from finding a 22+ year old woman?

This shit makes you unironically happy to a unreal degree. Went on a month vacation hiking through another country. Nothing was able to break the shield of happiness for 3 solid weeks after coming back. Fuck was that magical. Gonna redo as soon as i can.

Nobody in their late 20s+ wants to date/bang 18 year olds. When you get to that age you'll understand the TEDIUM of doing so. It doesn't matter that they're throwing themselves at you either. In fact it sucks.

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Actually planning a practice camping run in a few weeks for a week up near this reservoir so that's good to hear

epic style cant view it because of search settings. Fuck making an account just to view one picture uncensored

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>tfw 35
>tfw it depends on the 20 year old

Sounds like you are just making excuses incel.

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just go find it on e621 like I did

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nothing wrong with reading as it is with mindless collecting of items and clicking on pixels

Planescape has an fascinating Universe i like to dig into

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League of Legends and Dragon Ball Fighterz, with the odd JRPG whenever they're good.

>tfw 32 but genuinely still look mid twenties, the prime age to look for guys
>tfw still super handsome, in fact better looking than ever
>tfw still get checked out by prime 18-24 year old girls all the time
>tfw a full head of hair and rock solid hairline
>tfw /fit/, literally not even possible for me to be fat
feels great man
*touch wood*

I swear I get better looking every year, too, lol
*touch wood again*

dwarf fortress of course

>tfw /fit/, literally not even possible for me to be fat
Keep at it then. Because fat will sneak up on you if you get complacent.

>tfw 35 but look 45
>tfw peaked 10 years ago
>tfw never get checked out
>tfw receding hairline
>tfw /fit/ af
Oh well, at least I've got fitness/diet discipline


Hitman 2018 with all DLC
DOOM 1&2 (mostly DOOM 1 maps or DOOM 2 WADS)
BoTW on cemu

Kinda liked RE2 remake.

If you're able to connect to 20 year olds then fine, creep. For everyone else, you're gonna have a much better time dating people closer to your own age. It's literally night vs day.

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same. seem to get way more attention from thots now much easier than i used to. i guess i had a baby face for a long time. Literally have blue checkmark thots on insta hitting me up...only problem is horrific Erectile dysfunction.


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Not him but that's basically cope

tits or gtfo

>only problem is horrific Erectile dysfunction.
did you try quitting porn? if you get it up for porn its probably porn induced ED. just stop jacking it, then a girl in a short dress will give you a boner.

I'm a man, son.

>Currently playing....
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Onimusha HD
>Shenmue HD
>REmake 2

>What I'm looking forward to...
>Nioh 2
>Shenmue 3
>Catherine HD
>Gears 5

Every single guy there is wants to bang 20 year olds user. Don't kid yourself. I'm banging a gorgeous 22 year old right now and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I like older women because I have a big butt, fat thigh fetish and women start getting that in their mid twenties.

Nice fan fiction user.

30 here. Still mostly play SNES and PS1 titles. Keep a 3DS for traveling and might beat DQVIi in a few years. I finally played GTAV recently on PS3 and don’t really feel like I’m missing out much by not getting a new console at the beginning of each cycle. Don’t really give a shit about AAA sandbox games or any sort of shooters.

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27 yo boomer here

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bicycle accident got hit with dorsal thrombosis, cant even get hard jerking it no porn anymore, and doctors are fucking useless. basically have to rely on viagra which creates horrible hangovers the next day.

unironically considering kysing myself

you're doing a hell of a lot of projecting my man

>RE2 is a let down
Plays overwatch and FO76... hows it feel to be a tard 30yo manlet. Please grab your nearest noose

were going to space

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man I'm so sorry, fucking hell. just eat viagra like skittles then, fuck it, thats why those things exist.


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are you me?

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We play overwatch but ignore the sjw shit because we just like to have fun.

31 I used to play dota and sc2, but realized that my hands were hurting in ways that didn't happen when I was young.

Now I play only PS4 games on an elder friendly controller, I truly get what SJWs are talking about now when they complain about able-ism.

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SL is fun to explore sometimes.

Feel like I've found all of the really weird spots though.

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