Makes doombabbies, quakeniggers, unrealfags and goldeneyecucks still seethe after 20 years

>Makes doombabbies, quakeniggers, unrealfags and goldeneyecucks still seethe after 20 years.
How valve did it Yea Forums?

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Nice dead franchise

This triggers the Half-Cuck.

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Why would they be seething at a worse game?

>Makes literally everyone seethe after 15 years
how did Valve do it?

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to be fair civie11 hasn't stopped crying over half-life to this day.

They forgot what made their first game great and were stuck with making a tech demo.

I never beat the second game. Didn't enjoy it as much as the first


What game even is this, and what's with the angry soccer-dad look?


anyone up for playing some john woo simulator?

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you forgot to say "stupid"

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duh chipah

It's better for a franchise to die than drag on forever

Don't know. Ask them

Half-life is objectively worse than Quake as FPS. Fight me.

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What happened in these past two years that turn HL1 fags into such insufferable cunts?

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because they know their games cant compete.

a youtuber named dunkey made a video about how hl1 is a "superior" game and Yea Forums is now parroting him

gabe took too many risks and they all paid off. from leaving ms to hiring people, to getting married the same year and delaying the game at the last minute and re-doing the entire game in a short time span.

goldsrc is the best comfy engine

Half Life is boring

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I'm 32 years old and grew up playing all the above games. What I literally don't understand is how anyone can say with a straight face how any of them are better than Half Life. It's just leaps and bounds above the rest. "Gunplay" wasn't good in any of these games yet anyway so the only things you can really compare are graphics, world building, character interaction, AI, physics etc. ALL of these things are best in Half Life compared to the rest. You would have to be a next level contrarian hipster to think otherwise.

Not as boring as doom

>Half-Life screams comfy
>Unreal screams atmosphere
>Quake screams esports
>Doom screams

>giving a shit about what e-celebs say
This place has hit rock bottom hasn't i? I guess that's to be expected from the amount of zoomers that browse this place nowadays.

Half life was slow and had crap guns compared to the others. UT and quake were the champions, CS was the cod of it's day.

>implying zoomers dont parrot doom as the best fps.

Oh yeah, that was a thing. lol

>Half life was slow
In what fucking universe. Go watch the world record segmented speedrun of it and tell me what part of that movement and gameplay is slow. Fucking bitch ass faggots.

Still is. Big update coming soon.

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I played both for the first time recently. both were good but Quake didnt have infuriating military faggots to fight. Quake wins.

More plausible explanation is that contrarian edge lords parrot the opposite of his position just because they hate dunkey.

Epic will BTFO valve, creator of faglife. I hope they buy Valve and make Half Life 3 a BR game

True, dunkey is our guy and always will be

>"Gunplay" wasn't good in any of these games yet anyway
So this is the mindset of an HLfag.

Sounds just like the TF team. I wouldn't hold your breath.

Whatever he is needen't influence your opinions.

There was nothing wrong with HL gunplay for its time. It was wrong to reproduce essentially the same gunplay in HL2

>There was nothing wrong with HL gunplay for its time
You mean except for the fact that it sucks and an N64 game released a year prior did it better?

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the gunplay in hl2 feels completely different though
the enemies are complete bulletsponges and fight nothing like in hl1

HL has the best campaign of the bunch but many of the guns are just trash. The MP5 is only useful because of the grenade launcher and you're stuck using that piece of shit simply because ammo is so abundant.


You mean the game where your character lowers the gun out of view and plays the same soundclip to reload. That is exemplary gunplay for you?

That's not gunplay you retard.

>the enemies are complete bulletsponges
Play Half-life 1 again
>and fight nothing like in hl1
And that's a good thing

Reminder that the first Counter-Strike was a Half-Life game often bundled with HL1 (and marketed and titled as Half-Life: Counter-Strike) so in addition to BTFOing others 90s FPS garbage in the single player campaign it also had better multiplayer.

Are you the moron that tried to argue the other day that Goldeneye wasn't the first FPS to tell a story inside the game engine itself because the characters weren't voice acted? lmao

thanks everyone in this thread for proving my point.

Notice how enemies try to shoot at you while you stand still, yet everything misses.

oh you are fag saying goldeneye changed gaming ok

The enemies in HL2 are objectively fragile. It's actually one of the game's main problems, and why Hunters in EP2 (who can actually take some hits) are probably the best designed enemies in the game.

git gud

You mean one enemy across the map? That's good design instead of hitscanners that never miss, not to mention at the start you see an enemy firing while moving, something impossible for the AI to do in Half Life.


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Because it single-handedly turned video games into cutscenes and killed all FPS forever, didn't you read the sticky on Yea Forumseddit/videogames/?

>They're waiting for you Gordon. In the gas chamberrrr
How did they get away with it?

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keep parroting that meme zoomer doombabby

Where's your sequel, big guy?

better than a shitty reboot.

I'd rather just play a funner game instead.

quake isnt fun unfortunately.

Unreal Tournament >= Half Life > Quake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doom

Doom is fucking garbage with so much superior games out there. Hell on the same engine alone there's Blood and Duke Nukem which are better in every single way
Doom is just an ugly red, orange and grey corridor shooter where you're stuck looking and moving on one level of verticality
Literally no point to playing it aside from novelty

HL AND DOOM are fucking boring.

Quake and Dook is where its at.

>doesn't have single cutscene in it
MW killed FPS games

why are old school fps fans so elitist and retarded?

>Hell on the same engine alone there's Blood and Duke Nukem
Leave it to a retard to have such dumb opinions.

>muh bulletsponge enemies
>muh one-colour aesthetic
Doom is the better game of them all anyway, desuyo.

doombabbies seething.


this but Halo CE

Then what does that say about Halflife? And I have more games I can play than just Quake and Halflife

yeah like doom kek. faggot.

don't own it. pissbaby.

Valve truly innovated narration and story progression in videogames with their game.

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I love HL, Doom, Quake, etc but man have all of them fallen real bad.

>Half-Life hasn't been in anything for over a decade now and Valve isn't upset with using the franchise as just a brand (ex. FF15 Steam pre-order bonus)
>Quake hasn't seen a good game ever since 3, 4 was a standard FPS, and all of the deathmatch games of it have died after a few years or even less.
>Unreal hasn't gotten a good game in years and is literally only remembered by most as the name of the engine
>DOOM gets a pretty good game reboot, but has zero replayablility and a retarded multiplayer. Eternal seems to be going the same way with both.
>Wolfenstein had a pretty good reboot with two amazing games, but the third one was mediocre wtih muh politics in it and was only really good for showing off the new engine version
>Indie games that try to replicate the old feeling of these games only do the movement shit right but never bother with the multiplayer and usually just take the idea of one of the games they're inspired from and change it only slightly

Where did it all go so wrong?

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Continuing a bit.
>Halo hasn't had a good game since 3 (excluding ODST) and should've ended there.
>System Shock's remake is in the hands of retarded kickstarter devs who have only worked on small projects and porting DOS games to Windows
>Prey had an okay reboot, but it wasn't the Prey that people wanted. Prey 2 also.
>Bioshock has been hitting the shitter after Infinite and has been just languishing for years
>Duke Nukem hasn't gotten a game since Forever if you don't count the port collections
>Postal hasn't been good since 2 and literally the studio themselves hate 3
>TF2 is on life support.

I just want good games.

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SiN has a official remaster by passionate fans thats basically finished but red tape has kept it in limbo for over 9 months

Most of these games have modding communities STILL outputting content for them. You can still be playing these games to this day and have content for a lifetime. Why dont you go do that? Youre complaining that new fps suck and these old ones rule so go play new content for them then.

That reminds me
>Episode 2 never ever

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>tfw I like doom, quake, unreal, and even goldeneye
why do you fags hate vidya

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What's wrong with NUDOOM's MP? If it's that a majority of the weapons aren't that good and some Demons(revenant, leaper) suck, I can agree. Although it's overall just a blast to play really. For Quake and Unreal, I wish it'd go a similar route with DOOM with a full singleplayer campaign, bringing back old enemies and keeping the MP on the side instead of the main focus along with modding capabilities. I wanna gore Chainsaw Ogres while going through grimy, creepy environment with NIN ambient that swaps to an action-industrial track when you encounter a shitton of enemies or a boss. Side-note: What unreal game has a fun singleplayer campaign? Was thinking of going through that gold one that was free for a while.

Doom and Quake came out way earlier and never competed with it. Unreal was overhyped as fuck though, game is just mediocre looking back now. Flipping Shogo and Sin were better games. Golden eye is barely playable trash


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The only people "seething" about Half-life are console kiddies and edgy contrarians born after year 1999 trying to sound all hard ass.

>making seethe anyone

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This to be honest. The only real divide back in the day was Quakefags vs Dukefags. I was a Dukefag myself

By making a game that shit on the tempo and style of the other games and had subsequent developers copying Valve's way of doing things for the next 10-15 years creating more fucking tedious FPS titles.

>killing shitty doom clones

>loading zones after every two enemies
>crawl-through-vents-for-way-too-long-and-sometimes-find-a-headcrab segments around every corner
>shotgun and assault rifle bound to same number key
>sequel has antlions play the game for you
yeah, no. stick to your fortnite and quit trying to fit in.

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Half life is a light reinterpretation of Quake. Claiming they are significantly different is somewhat silly.
The Goldsrc Engine is literally a modded Quake engine. One of the key competitive Quake movement quirks -the speed jump/bhop- is fully present in Half Life and has a neutered presence in CS.
It was essentially proof that Quake + light story + AI that does something other than stand & shoot could be a winning formula.
And it's true function was to kill off DOS which DoomQuake was keeping relevant. Once Counter Strike exploded exclusive to Windows DOS was over

They've always been insufferable. They just get louder with each year.

t. retard

and still idfags cant cope.

It has that one where you're tossed into the garbage pit.

>autist tries to trigger other autists the thread

can't you faggots admit they all have their merits.

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today....I will remind them

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