Fuck Skyrim and fuck the Nords.
Fuck Skyrim and fuck the Nords
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Eat shit and die elf puppet. No reasonable person, Nord waste of flesh or not, would bow before those who bow before the Thalmor.
Reminder that General Tullius had the same voice actor as Doc Mitchell and the actor played the priest in The Man in the High Castle
>W-We’re the superior faction! We keep the Thalmor at bay!
>*licks Elf boots*
Why the fuck do people still bother with these NotRome fucks?
>stormcloak cuck calling anyone an elf puppet when the thalmor keikaku plays ulfric like a fiddle
>Be Nord
>worship his ancestors' conqueror as a god
Nords are Imperialized retarded mutts.
>be nord
>get cucked out my land
>at least I still have my religion
>get cucked out of religion
Nords are a sad, sad people.
Oblivion crisis happens. Imperials home land gets but fucked six ways from sunday as gates rip open. Literally takes a chosen/destined by fate guy to stop all this shit.
Meanwhile in black marsh the lizards are kicking so much ass they actually charge through a gate and start setteling in an alien hell scape.
Why the fuck would you allow yourself to be ruled by a cuck empire that can be outdone by lizard niggas?
"Natives of Cyrodiil, they have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders. They are skilled with combat and magic. Anywhere gold coins might be found, Imperials always seem to find a few more. They can call upon the Voice of the Emperor to calm an enemy."
>Anywhere gold coins might be found, Imperials always seem to find a few more.
Oy vey evil racist nordic goyim, this time the (((chosen people))) will have their revenge
Hah, imperial scum sucking my elf cock!
What exactly is even left of the Empire by the time of TESV?
Ulfric was a Thalmor agent/puppet. Disgusting.
Based and mer pilled
>chose stormcloak because I like blue guard outfits better than red
I'm a simple man
Okay, fair enough. You get a free pass.
Tullius respects nords despite not understanding them though
>Imperials are Jews
>Nords are WE WUZers
>Redguards are black
Why are the men races so shit in elder scrolls Yea Forums?
>inb4 "B-But Bretons!"
Literal mutts.
Well done goyim
>Its either jewed imperium or wild savages without discipline or anykind of talent
Fk me
Khajits are n-words.
He's an asset afaik. He's just so dumb that the Thalmor consider him a useful idiot, he's not actually in cahoots with them though.
Independent New Vegas is better anyways.
>Nords are WE WUZers
But that's the dungmer by the time of skyrim.
Based, a civilization needs laws and regulation or they will stop being a civilization and turn into snow niggers.
FUCK Bethesda and FUCK Bioware
I always liked the falkreath guard armor more tbqhwy, so whenever I play as stormcloak i use that instead
>We're just going to chop your head off because why not
"Yeah, those are the people I want to serve!"
>lets help these fucking retards because the one guy i shared a wagon with wanted to rape this 13 year old from this village 3 years ago
imperials know the thalmor are trying to fuck them over and they know that a united empire is the only way to beat the elf scum, ulfcuck thinks that his snow hillbillies inbred racist retards can beat the strongest army in the continent
He's only an asset insofar as he keeps the civil war going. If you actually read the full Thalmor dossier, it clearly states they consider a victory by either side to be undesirable and that their goal is to prolong the conflict as long as they can.
From the player character's perspective, as long as you pick a side and help that side win as quickly and decisively as possible, you've fucked the Thalmor's plans.
>being a m*n
>not being ALMSIVI chosen dunmer
you got trapped alongside a bunch of rebels during a civil war, the idea that you might be working with them isn't that far fetched
Possible Fallout 3 Remake
>be dungmer
>get shit kicked in by scalies
the dunmer will rise again, scalefag
That image is kind of true.
>That image is kind of true.
>thinks that his snow hillbillies inbred racist retards can beat the strongest army in the continent
yeah of course if they can if they have the mary sue Dragonborn with them
>tfw I sided with Imperial and at the end of the quest chain General Tullius hands me "Vampiric Dagger of Blood Draining."
>if they have the mary sue Dragonborn with them
The DragonBorn can literally just assume the mantle of Emperor if they so chose to
>snow hillbillies want to leave
>"no don't leave you racis sexis backwards folk we need to stay together!"
oblivion argonians where such utter trash
yeah because they need every able bodied soldier to fight against the elfnazis
nords being retarded like they are isnt helping against an army that already defeated the empire
>he doesnt know that ulfric is a thalmor sleeper agent
Childhood is choosing the Stormcloaks because rebels=good guys, Empire bad because they tried to kill me and muh Talos.
Adulthood is choosing the Empire because 3 provinces united against the Thalmor have the best chance of opposing them and they're only biding their time to get ready to strike back at them when they're at their full strength.
REAL adulthood is choosing the Stormcloaks because the Empire are globalists who slowly steal each province's sovereignty, culture and identity, steal from the poor and give to the rich and would make the whole of Tamriel go to hell the moment it got a corrupt/incompetent leader.
And actual, REALLY REAL adulthood is choosing the Thalmor because they want the mortal races to reunite with the gods by destroying the world, thus ascending everyone to a higher plane of existence and making the Aedra as powerful as the Daedra once again.
we wuz chimer n shiet
>nearly every age culminates in the elves enslaving/cucking the humans before the humans get a single stupidly overpowered god unit that single-handedly ass-shatters most of the elves but not all, thus giving them the chance to recover and try it again and continuing the cycle
>implying we aren't going to be the new elf-slaying thalmor destroyer in Todd Scrolls 6
Having the protagonist follow the steps of ancient heroes is a big trope in this series, we do it all the time. We'll probably do it again.
based. Elves are always right.
Cyrodill, high rock, half of Skyrim, black marsh kinda since it such a weird province
Nah senpai, Black Marsh seceded entirely I'm pretty sure. It's pretty much impossible to invade that murky hellhole with a standing army so there isn't much reason for them to keep letting bureaucrats keep telling them what to do.
>empire is in shambles, completely worthless
>nords are white nigger retards
i'd say mankind is doomed but the thalmor are just as stupid and they'll implode on themselves before they obtain their goal.
>start falling into the rabbit hole that is 5 Things You Probably Didn't know in Skyrim
>learn that you can become friendly with the Thalmor at the embassy
let's take this to its logical conclusion: What does Thalmor pussy taste like?
Every fucking time, every fucking thread.
Ulfric does not work with the Thalmor, he has no ties to them. He's considered an "asset" because he's distracting the Empire. The Thalmor consider him a possible advantage because the Empire are throwing bodies at the Skyrim problem instead of recouping their losses after the war against the elves.
The whole thing becomes fucking meaningless and the elves are fucked because the Dragonborn exists. Him choosing either side means the Thalmor no longer have a cute little distraction to use while they rebuild their army.