>selling on for 55 AUD/39 USD


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Other urls found in this thread: copies sold


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It was over sine the announcement

I told gamers to rise up and they actually did the absolute madmen

I'll buy it when it hits $30 in a few days.

Lemme know when it's sub 20 I'll buy it for a kek

Farewell friend

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Lemme know when it’s f2p so I can still not install it

Make it free and I MIGHT try it. I doubt it though.

Oh fuck should I buy the dip?

It's not even outrageous when bioware shits itself anymore.

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You won't be missed, Bioware.

Woah this is panic mode, it must really be selling like absolute trash

at least they have their diversity

The fuck
Didnt it just came out

>beset by low twitch viewership

I mean, if the game sucks it sucks, but why is this even used as a metric at all

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Get ____
Go ____


call me for 5 usd deal

didnt they cut the pre order price some time ago?

Every game gets a small discount at release, you fucking retards. This is nothing special, you just desperately want BioWare to fail because you hate their politics.

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Sauce me senpai


Its kinda a shame.
The gameplay, like the combat and movement actually feel really good.
But its their own fault cause the game has a RIDICULOUS amount of bugs, even after their day1 patch, general mission structure either fight enemy, gather orbs or gather relic thing. There is also a severe lack of content.

I think maybe it MIGHT still be able to become a good game, but if that does happen it ain't happening for a loooooonnnggg while.

I wouldn't play this game even if it was free.

Reminds me of the fallout 76 defense. Is this standard tactic these days?

Retarded zoomers and NPC's seem to believe that twitch viewership=sales. Which is nonsense considering if people bought the game to play themselves, they wouldn't be sitting watching someone else do that. Hell, I have friends my age 30+ years old who believe this and are twitchcucks. It's delusional to say the least.

Australian price doesn't mean shit

This. $20 and I'm game, EA. Stupid Bethesda already jewed me for $40 for 76 and I'm not falling for that one again!

I enjoy games like this. Assuming they have fixed performance from the demo at all, the gameplay was decent enough to be worth $20-$30 to me.

I sooooo wanted this game to be good, destiny 2 is dead, warframe is Grindy garbage, I wanted a good looter shooter, I was even willing to be a good ea pay pig but it was so bad I ended up getting waifu fighter 6 and I have no regrets

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>Grindy garbage,

Thats what all these games are, grindy games.

I might pick up Anthem for like $15 to play the story but i cant think of many reason to grind end game gear when ther eare already dozens of such games

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May Bioware finally rest in peace.

here what i found

The problem is you can’t do anything with your Grindy garbage in anthem, atleast in destiny you can kill the last 6 people playing that game, in Athem you grind to do the 2 dungeons over and over

Everyone, laugh at this retard

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>Bioshit dead
>Actiivision dying
>Blizzdrone dying
>MK 11 DOA
>fallout 76 falling apart with bugs
>EA on the edge of a knife only sustained by sportfags and one hit wonder Respawn.
>TellTale Bankrupt

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from the ashes of an industry destroyed by socialists a new one will emerge, get ready for the golden age of western vidya

ME: A release date was pushed back. It failed. Battlefield V release date pushed back. It failed. Anthem's release date pushed back. It fails. See a pattern here? It's almost like they know the game is shit, and are trying to mitigate loss. Get with it.

Nah, but I will stick around to have a laugh at you though my dude. He's right.

Doom 2016 got a 40% discount six weeks after release.

>the free market doesn't wor-

>Every game gets a small discount at release
No they do not. At most it's 5-10% for per-ordering.
A 35% cut means something is very wrong; just like FO76 being half off a week or two after release.
You just desperately want BioWare to not fail because you hate that other people dislike their politics.

Literal cuckold

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>6 weeks equals 1 day

I miss Veronica's feet so much

western aaa crash when
i want the days of westwood and looking glass back

This guy gets it. It has had nothing but 'meh' impressions since the first trailer.

its 15/month if you get premier lol


Save your time and money, the game will probably die out in a year.

I would wait at least until the 3rd patch.
not only is the game going to be even cheaper but you can actually play it then as well without constantly crashing or running into game ruining bugs

Low twitch viewership?, is that how people rate a game now?, by how many retarded 10 year olds are WATCHING someone play the stupid game?, guess its finally time to look for a new hobby, motherfuck

Why are consoleniggers and retards so addicted to shitty looter shooters?

Wait a couple weeks longer and pick it up for $10

I have read everything about this game on this board and understand their hate, however I think people are too harsh with a lot of their scoring.

Yes the game has some bugs, this is a new IP with no base to work from so they are learning as they go, before the game even launched we had 2 patches to try and resolve stuff and a lot of things got fixed for "most" people. Also changes were made to balance out the Javelins.

My opinion on the game is if you have even one other person to play it with, it's a fun game to play. I've been playing it and so far about 15hrs in, still not bored, enjoying the different play styles of each Javelin, enjoying the missions DESPITE (read, I am acknowledging this) the missions been quite samey (Kill all the enemies, hold a spot for a timer to fill, and general grab item A and take it to B) it is still fun with friends (maybe the issue is people who are low balling the game score don't have friends?)

Graphically the game is nice, not much stuttering making the game play smooth (I have a 7700k and a 1080 w/ 16GB ram) the loading screen issue has resolved itself for me (I do have the game on a SSD though also).

Each Javelin is different enough to be fun to unlock, and the customisation makes them enjoyable to match how you want to play.

All in all I would probably give it 7/10 in it's current state, however due to the unfair down votes I have ramped my score up a little

like last time?

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I can't find anything wrong with this game. No game is perfect day one.
Yes, OK - EA are complete morons - but at it's core Bioware still cares. They'll make the game what it should be. Give them a chance.

Is this copypasta?

Have you missed the threads here unironically claiming that games are good because a lot of people watch them?

already stale copypasta. you didn't even change the downvote part

I really can't understand such low scores. The game probably has some bugs (I have only issues with connection), but it's just launched and some number of bugs is reasonable. I even think that it's pretty good start. The gameplay is fun and the story is brilliant. I guess you should at least try this game, it really worth it.

Dont compare me to a retarded shitposter I like japanese games too

Is it a tradition to post reddit coping posts on Yea Forums or something? that's the fifth thread that has them

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Why are big games getting sales so quickly?
Even RDR2 is down to $40

Genuinely enjoying the game quite a lot. I've played over 40 hours in it. The bugs are a minor inconvenience and to be honest I think people are being overly critical of minor things. I'm excited for the content that we've been promised and look forward to the future of Anthem. I'm reviewing it as an 8 because I feel there's some elements they could improve on but overall gameplay is really enjoyable and the promise of future content is going to keep me playing the game for a long time.

I dislike the amount of negative reviews people have given just for the sake of it. Too many sheep, not enough people thinking critically

RDR2 didn't get that sale until month later, and it sold 20 million copies

People have given so much hate for this game, and why? Because the game isn’t perfect at launch? Seriously, these are ambitious service based games that will receive contsant updates and patches overtime. I feel like this game has more content and longevity then Destiny did at launch, and yet that game has a lot going for it. BioWare also has some really awesome things on the roadmap. People also compare this to WarFrame... What they forget is that WarFrame was utter crap in the early days, it’s had years of development to get to where it’s at today. And to this I’ll get reply’s like “so we should just be ok with releases that aren’t complete?” Are you kidding me, a game like this if done right won’t be “complete” for a very long time. Look at games like WoW and Elders Scrolls Online... Now I know this isn’t an MMO, but it’s MMO like in the essence that it has plans for a long support frame. New content, constant updates, all that good stuff that will make the game more and more complete over time. Honestly, the game has it’s issues, but they’ve already shown that they are putting in the effort to fix them, many things fixed in the course of less than a week! To me that shows a developer who cares about making a great game, and shows great promise for the future.

The game has issues, it’s not perfect, but it’s constantly getting fixes at a very fast pace. And the gameplay is fantastic. I’ve pumped 50+ hours into the game already and have loved every minute of it! Getting better gear and upping the difficulty level has kept some excitement in the moment to moment fights. I look forward to seeing how this game progresses :)

RDR2 came out forever ago.

Shipped, retard.

i sure don't see it for $39.99

amers are a bunch of **** these days. I'm looking at reviews for Anthem, and I know the game is fun because I've played it for a week now, and it has some of the worst scores in the past decade. Get over the loading screens, how you ask? Buy a cheap SSD. Oh, you think the missions are stale and repetitive? You try making a game where every mission is a different gameplay mechanic. I can't stand to see another developer being drowned in filth because gamers expect perfection out of every minute they play a game. Get over it you idiots.

They're paying for views and arent' getting any. copies sold
you alright?

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Anthem is an all-around exhilarating experience. I believe that the heavy hate for the game is unjust and falsfully wrong because EA put its title on the game. I've played over 20+ hours already into the game and am having a blast so far. Characters do seem bland, at times but then there are parts in the story that makes you say " Wow **** that was cool". Over the course of the game's trailer with its original debut in 2017 e3, you can notice graphical downgrades, although this game is still stunning and looks Amazing, The story is super compelling and the different customizable options for javelins" muah" The movement in this game feels outstanding and so does the combat. At times you repeat the same missions and it can be a little repetitive but after a while everything feels so smooth and perfect.

Its Biodrones absolutely seething and using the old spam bullshit to cause threads to hit bump faster and slide.

This has been the most fun I've had in a game in several years, so far I have 54 hours of time played. The story line is excellent, I love all the quirky characters and side missions. Core mechanics of the game are great, you get to fly around in a mechanized suit blowing hordes up. The developers are super active in listening to the community, releasing patches and have shown a strong list of content coming out. I think this game is fantastic and will only get better.

Awesome game. Awesome graphics, optimisation and game-play! Yeah, its not enough content right now, but absolutely promising.


the thing is, nowadays, it can also NOT be like whatever you described. These days trusting publishers, especially EA, is like putting your hand in vipers den.
So no I prefer to keep my 60 shekels and buying something fully developed and playing it.

Also PS3, with it's hability to being able to patch games post launch, was a mistake.
On PS2 developers had make sure the game was remotely playable or it was scraped or delayed. None of this day one patch and update services.

I have 30 hours in the game so far and i can't understand this hate. I had the sound bug twice in 30 hours. Loading screens are much faster and lets face it, a bug appeared in 22 Feb and by 23 Feb it was patched out, less than 24 hours later. I am not saying that the game is perfect. But comparing it to games that have 5-6 years history is unfair. I am having a fine time so far. I play solo and i am at to 477 gear and clear things in Grand master 2 so i guess i have an opinion of almost all game that is out so far. It is repetitive yes, but which online game is not ? I hope that all this negativity will not make the game disappear but will allow it to flourish into the great game that I feel it can be

Twitch viewership shows interest in a game. The meme of "well if people want to play a game they'd play it, not watch" is just that, a meme. There is a strong correlation between how popular a game is and how many people watch it. It's not a perfect indicator as not every game lends itself to streaming, but it also doesn't mean nothing.

holy shit someone's full-blown mad ITT. It's FO76 all over again

The gameplay is great, combat is thrilling, the world is stunning and the exploration is one of my favorite things. I'm enjoying the story, Bioware's talents in this area are present, likewise when it comes to characters that you start caring about. It's not like ME, not as deep etc but still enjoyable and very much there.

There are issues of course, some bugs are still around and there's a certain number of things that I feel need to be implemented, like the ability to communicate with players besides voice chat, like send them a message or something. There's also the lack of being able to place waypoints on the map. Like I said the game is beautiful, but man, you can really get turned around and lost when you're on your way to a specific place.

Finally, if you don't like looter shooters don't get this game, you probably won't enjoy it despite the other things it has going for it, the nature of this style of game will get to you. Otherwise, I can fully recommend this game, great fun, you feel powerful, synergy with other players is great fun and works well once you know how to do it.

Did GTA IV or V to go on sale that fast?

99% of the negative reviews are effected straight from anthem being an EA game.
Anthem is a great game with a hugh potential and Bio giving some of the best Marketing and PR are already a reason to try it out. Dont compare it to other games, dont listen to other critics - just jump in and try it out, give them time just as you gave warframe or any other game.

A quick edit - bio just released a 90-days roadmap for the next 3 months of the Act 1 content.
until now my grade was 8. Now its a 10.

where can I find these copy pastas?

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>people thought this would save Bioware from itself


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GTAV was always full-price for years

Having alot of fun with this game, been waiting for it for a long time! I see it has some flaws, but I believe the more content the better the game will become. A few bugs are annoying, and some of them even game breaking, but I'm gonna trust in BW to deliver a great end package soon!


I dont want bioware to make any more video games. they just ruin their good developers reputation that left the company long time ago

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go to reddit, then the Anthem subreddit, and then filter based on positive posts. EZ PZ


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The game had some network issues on launch that are blown out of proportion (but they need to get this stuff working flawlessly), the gameplay is FUN and that is what its all about.
The Developers are active and transparent on social media (reddit). It has no Lootboxes. That is a better starting point in my eyes than Destiny or Division had.

Story and Atmosphere is awesome, this is finally a different type of game than the tired old BioWare RPG formula that i played over and over from KOTOR to Andromeda.
It will need a lot more content added to keep me playing post launch and paying for microtransactions but i think this is a solid foundation for a new Franchise.

I am not burned out on looter shooters as i didn't play Desitny or Division so maybe that is why i still enjoy this.
The Loot and progression is a bit linear, but that is fine, i'm not here for the grind but for the gameplay and atmosphere, if i get bored and move on after 50 hours that is fine as well, i do not look for long term relationships with my videogames, EA want's to turn everything into a "live service" so you keep paying for microtransactions, i as the customer do not care about that stuff, if i get a good amount of hours of fun for my 60€ then i'm happy with that.

I'm sure in a few patches most of the technical complaints won't be issues anymore.
If the content is for you or not is subjective, i got FUN and that is all i care about.

The EA BAD circlejerkers are out in force to destroy this one which is sad, maybe EA deserves this, BioWare sure doesn't.

Same, DESU. It looks pretty, and I reckon I could squeeze some fun out of it over a weekend, but I ain't paying full price for that.


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They're doing it to any Anthem thread, as if the opinions of a bunch of reddittards actually means anything because half of them outright admit the faults then go on to suck Bioware's dick. Never fails to put a smile on my face when someone is that buttblasted.

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Nice game. New and fun gameplay, amazing graphics, interesting story. Don't know what else need for gamer!

>filter based on positive posts. EZ PZ
How do I do that, I'm not a reddit native..

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>they just ruin
To be fair bioware was never great.

>Twitch viewership being used to measure commercial success
Really now? Wouldn't it be easier to look at the discount and any available sales data?

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A great game with even greater potential. The core game play is one of the best co-op experiences ever made. The game play, graphics, sound track are top notch. There is no Pay2Win cash shop, the only optional microtransaction purchases are 100% cosmetic and you can easily earn any cosmetic via game play, and best of all, all future content is 100% free. You will never be nickle and dimed to pay for any game play content. 10/10. The gold standard in AAA gaming

Not only that, most of them are downvoted to hell because not even reddit defends it.

On top of that, they even outed an EA official and a marketer, that guy who posted this quote

Aqua can't save anyone op, she's just too damn dumb.

Don't waste money on it. It will be f2p soon

Reddit copy-pasting should be bannable

Thats what makes her the perfect woman tbqhwy

People who write negative reviews have probably not played the game. the only negative things I can say about this game is that it's a little buggy at times. Minor bugs (thus far) that I expect from any game launch, especially one that involves multiplayer. People just want to hate on the game to be trendy. That's what I see.

P.S. I have an average gaming computer with some outdated equipment and I run the game at 60 FPS with very few issues

PROS: Great visuals, mechanics and overall gameplay
CONS: few bugs, history and characters need few tweaks

Don't know how people can give this game score lower than 5, cause graphics alone deserve for 5 points, even if there were nothing else. Is there anything more beautiful than this game? No
Spend in this game few hours just to admire environment ;D

I remember this same excuse when Fallout 76 was released.

That's fucking perfect, I figured Bioware and EA would be in maximum damage control. Especially since Apex was a hit and EA wants to look good to investors and show they've corrected the course.

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On this day we stand united once more!On this day those driven to divide us shall hear our voice!On this day WE SHALL BE IGNORED NO MORE!Gamers rise up

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EA has me a bit impressed here. 24 hours is the fastest price cut I've ever seen on a AAA game.

is posting obvious reddit shill posts going to become some new kind of ironic humor

Its spam, put two and two together user.

Can't really blame them. You've gotta do something during these loading screens to pass the time.

People wanted this to be the new Mass Effect, but old Bioware is long gone. What we have is just an entertaining and excellent product that deserve far more than mediocre reviews. Mtx aren't aggressive, cosmetic only and totally purchasable with normal playing. Coop is disgustingly fun as is the whole gameplay experience. It has the potential to grow immensely, and the developers are working hard on it, communicating with the community every game, fixing everything quickly.
Don't believe haters and enjoy this game, guys

>throwing the starving dog a bone
absolutely savage..

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Nah, it's just what desperate drones resort to when no one will listen to their bullshit and just shit on what they think is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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If you think those are bad, take a look at that subreddit.. you aint seen nothing yet

You guys do realize that you are literally sucking EAs dick with Apex right?

>Every game gets a small discount at release
Every shit game

If only the designs in war frame were actually good and the game wasn’t so confusing.

>he ran out of positive reddit posts to spam here
Wew fucking lad

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>Every game gets a small discount at release, you fucking retards.
No they don't you fucking retard. That only happens when they don't sell properly.

Go back to your office Timy your game will flop and you can't do anything about it, Bioware is gone for good.

>however due to the unfair down votes I have ramped my score up a little
You were a solid 5/10 until this point.


Oh of course. Buy now because it's definitely going to skyrocket back up. /biz/ told me.

Really Guys? Really? Far Cry new dawn have more score than Anthem? Kidding me right?
I really like this game, much better than Destiny 2, for example.
Everyone hates storyline buts its shooter-looter are you really looking for Storyline in this type of game?
Just dont understand so much hate...

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it seems many jump the wagon to review it with a 0 and either not play or just hate!
main story spanning 15-23 hours
side quest contracts
world events
small solo dungeons
3 stronghold dungeons for full team
live world event 4 epic titan bosses
private garrison to gear up meet members of your npc team find codex lore and back story
social area to meet team up craft ect
combat is crazy fun and challenging especial solo if you can hang lol
story is a bit scattered as far as cutsense go but you piece them together through npc's and lore codex and its a great world of story to explore. Hidden secretes throughout the world waiting to be found. If you love looter shooter exploring amazing combat this is your game. I love Destiny but maybe there afraid Destiny will lose more players so they hate im not sure but YOU CAN LOVE 2 SHOOTERS OR MORE JUST SO YOU KNOW!!

Simply put, Anthem is fun.

It is fun to fly around this beautiful world. It is fun to team up with three strangers and complete a mission. It is fun to fight the waves of enemies.

I have pretty much played non-stop for two days now, and haven't encountered any game breaking bugs. I have a mid-tier computer, and the game runs perfectly. I am also on terrible Australian internet, and my connection works well.

Sure, there are flaws. the story isn't incredible as far as I have played so far, and having to walk around the single player hub so slowly in first person does become boring. But when you get into a mission, the game is just plain fun.

you may joke, but it actually did thanks to Apex. People who actually bought the dip banked hard

If only they just decided where they are fucking going with the design instead of just importing in every sci-fi theme ever. They should just stick with the Chinese/Buddhist fantasy

Great graphics, dynamic team gameplay, interesting lore, no p2w, affordable price, I love it! TY Bioware.

>literally sucking EA's dick by playing a good game for free and not buying their shill-ware for a high price
Tastes like victory

This is a beautiful game. Its BioWares take on a loot shooter so if your looking for classic Bioware this isn't it. Thats not to say this doesn't feel like BioWare, because it does.

Story is good. It's classic good vs evil with fun and engaging characters. It is a great considering this type of game is not focused on story but BioWare managed to work it in beautifully. And they paint a piicture of a really awesome new world while doing so.

Combat s obviously the strongest point. It will keep you wanting more. And loot grind is addicting.

Visuals and sound are amazing.

THis game makes me loose sleep

It's sad that people can just see the COPE on reddit

You and I both know that's not how that works.

Does the game take place on an alien planet?
Are humans native inhabitants of the planet, or have they come from somewhere else?
Does humanity have space ships and shit and the humans living in Tarsis have just forgot about that?

>combat is crazy fun and challenging
wrong. bullet sponge enemies + terrible AI

If you are going to shill your game, at least make it a little bit believable. Don't just outright lie about everything because it's SUPER obvious.

Great game with big ambitions! Yes, this is a game service, and it has some problems at the start! No project of this type came out complete and fully playable. From large-scale projects of this type, I can single out 3! They came out altogether zero! I am impressed with Anthem! I have not been so immersed in the game universe for a long time, though not for long

Haters gonna hate. I'm not riding EA hatetrain. All critic reviews were made before day1 patch, thats kinda lame. Also noone notice the level of communication from Bioware, they are listening and responding to everyone. As for the game, i'm enjoying it and waiting for the new features from the released today roadmap. It's just the beginning, dont bury it please with your hate for EA

no you don't get it, these are direct quotes taken from the reddit anthem board.

I’ve got no idea. They think it’s the best game ever made.

What’s your favourite javelin mine is interceptor. I started with colossus but I just got to level 8 and interceptor feels so much better.

Surely there are some games that would be boring to watch, puzzle game for example

Most of them are actually 10/10 reviews from metacritic I think

I am also shocked at the low reviews, the game has its problems, but it isn't terrible. I am going to do a quick run down.

Story = I think it is a tad bit hard to follow, but has amazing lore behind it, and in depth characters.

Acting = The acting and animations are top notch, not much more to say here.

Gameplay = Super fun and addicting gameplay. The compat is fun and balanced. Playing alone is just that lonely, and when you get randoms that don't have microphones, it can throw you out, but if you stick to playing with your friends, the coop experience is wonderful ! and it gives you a sense of teamwork.

Where i am excited is what is to come, more content, more missions, more javalins and weapons. There is so much potential to this game, i definitly hope to see the universe expanded and what BioWare can do. I think it might not be for everyone out there, but for the fans who actually like it, they will have a following.

Its WarFrame and Diablo had a baby, destinys baby brother... Grinding, get better loot, rinse, repeat, with hopfully some amazing story content to follow up. Its not that the current content wasn't good, it can just get a tad bit boring at times, and i found myself hitting escape/skip lots.

I think the decision to keep the story portion of the game to one little town is what gets me thrown off, if they had a progressive movement on the story and it took you to different parts of the world or even multiple towns to travel between, might have been a better approach. either way ... i give it a solid 8/10

and metacritic

Oh my bad. Continue then.

Correct this is one reason it's not perfect, but again that doesn't mean it's meaningless either

Despite the fact that everyone is trashing the game I've found the game to fun and relaxing and refreshing experience. Yes its grindy, yes it's repetitive but what would you expect from a looter shooter? The world looks amazing, graphics are on the level. Thoroughly enjoying it for a week now. Don't fall for EA haters, give it a shot.
Just to remind people living in a boxed world - Destiny 1 and 2 had less content then Anthem at launch, so hold your horses and let it evolve.

.... which is why I literally said it's not a perfect indicator as not every game lends itself to streaming, but it also doesn't mean nothing.

That's exactly how it works user.
>been jamming Aphex Twin Legends with my niggas all week
>haven't paid a cent for many hours of great gameplay and bantz
>Anthem is BTFO, the tears are flowing hard and fast

>B-Buy my game!
No, idiot.

absolutely love Anthem!!!! I have not had this much fun with a video game since the original Star Wars KOTOR. Why do I love Anthem??? Let me count the reasons. Well actually we don't have time. What I can say is that for all of the reviewers panning Anthem: are you sure we are playing the same game? Yes, there have been some issues. Yes, the loading screens are a PITA!!!!! Yes, the campaign could have been a bit longer. Newsflash: Fixes are already starting to arrive!!! More content is on the way!!!! And despite what the critics say, Anthem has a dedicated, loyal fanbase (myself included) who spent 2 years on Facebook talking the game up!!!! We're here and we are not going anywhere. Neither is Anthem. Neither did SWTOR. Come on my fellow Freelancers. Let us go forth and do battle!!!!!!

Doesn’t mean anything unless it’s in the US.

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Yes, it's also as far as I understand the only planet that we know of, gods left if unfinished and their toys are shitting out apex predators and other weird shit randomly, who knows also Tarsis is a backwater outpost for an empire.


What does this mean for SWTOR? EA/bioware are still supporting it, but now that bioware has dropped the ball for the presumably last time, I'm guessing the tortanic will finally sink to the bottom of the ocean.

uh huh. And I'm sure the couple million other individuals who play that game hold to the same guidelines you do? Yeah no. People are buying the shitty loot boxes and helping EA cover costs for Anthem right now. Good job fuckers.


oh and metacritic too? jesus EA shills are desperate

EA should've told BioWare to work on it longer. Then again it's not the BioWare of my childhood, so glad it's dying.

>>Bioshit dead
A matter of time and it will be soon.
>>Actiivision dying
If they keep it up like that, then yes.
>>Blizzdrone dying
Like the above and WoW classic and WCIII Reforged will not help them.
>>MK 11 DOA
Is it really?
>>fallout 76 falling apart with bugs
What did you expect? They even reintroduced old bugs back with a patch.
>>EA on the edge of a knife only sustained by sportfags and one hit wonder Respawn.
Yeah, their sports games are the only thing that makes them still afloat. Take that from them and they'll die. They are literally nothing without their sports games.
>>TellTale Bankrupt
Mixed feelings for me here.

they'll probably milk it until their whales start losing interest

Its crazy that these posts bait so many people tho, what happened

It's completely normal for games to have price cuts after release.

>was once one of the most respected and influential RPG developer in the industry
>sold out to corporation
>all of the people that made it great left
>eroded its core values over the years
>instead of being a trend setter it's now a trend follower
>no longer make sprawling complex RPGs just shallow shooters
>so irrelevant its biggest release is in the bargain bin on day one

The fall of Bioware was a long time coming.

Attached: Bioware.jpg (940x488, 123K)

People are too use to seeing real shills now.

>DA 2
>And finally Anthem

When is Bioshit going to learn? Thats a long list of absolutely dogshit triple A games.

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Like Fallout 76 and Battlefield 5, right?

How's the frame rate on the base consoles?

How long untill they go free to play?

>People are buying the shitty loot boxes and helping EA cover costs for Anthem right now

What do you think they will put that money into, you absolute fuckwit? The IP that made everyone laugh at them and lose money, or the game that makes one million kids buy lootboxes? Look forward to APEX 2 coming soon, and Anthem 2 coming fucking never ever. Also, my point still stands. Apex is free. Donate if your mommy will let you.

no it's not

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Nearly perfect. If she were perfect she wouldn't spend her man's money on herself.

Don’t @ me.
Edit 1: Downvote me all you want you know I’m right.
Edit 2: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!
Sent from my iPhone.

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advanced mechanics are never properly explained in game user, it's actually confusing for new players, it's one of the faults of warframe.
Me personally I don't give a fuck because google exists
Also the design of warframe is amazing, go fuck yourself

SWTOR and ME3 had their flaws, but they are still amazing compared to Andromeda and Anthem.

It is though. I’m not a chink like you.

>mfw I didn't fall for Bioware since DA2

Attached: 135915624931.png (589x725, 341K)

Apex has 2m concurrent players while fortnite is at 10m constantly, yet apex is seen as the more popular game because it has more twitch views

What is the point of male and female selection if the Javelin dont look the part. Cant make 2 separate javelin models of the same class?

>DA2 the most effective antipiracy ever, since didn't even bother downloading any bioware games after

No, that's sexist.

So you can decide which voice you want to deliver Marvel tier dialogue in the conversations which is supposed to be (you).

Yes you idiot, its called a meme.

DA4 is still gonna be made, right bros?

Anthem failing so fucking hard actually makes me feel less guilty about enjoying Apex.

Reminder that the creator of this meme killed HIMself

they barely even have any armor sets for sale, and none that you earn through gameplay, you think these stupid faggots have the ability to do that shit? if they even add custom waypoints it's going to be lauded as the second coming.

it's a disease

Hopefully not

They ought to give the game for free but lock the online behind a $10 paywall

One western gamer is worth at least 5 chinks tough.

Oooooh yeah just what will save it, an utterly mediocre story where instead of being just a merc getting by you get to play the super special hero yet again.

>Twitch viewership shows interest in a game
how delusional can you possibly be?
if some big name streamers decide to play a game or get paid to do it this doesn't mean the game itself is suddenly popular or succesful

>friend tells me its going to be a good Destiny
>tell him it doesn't look very interesting
>he insists and gives me a month of premier so we can play it
>he ends up hating it more than I do

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>Bioware gets taken behind the barn
>Respawn forced to make the next Mass Effect
>Game is looking great until the telltale signs of EA intervention
>thus begins the downfall and absorption of Respawn

The cycle begins anew

nice game you got there, it would be real bad if you switch engines mid development

Attached: frostbite-engine-logo.jpg (1200x675, 43K)

Never happened to GTAV or RDR2 you fucking retard

>muh lootah shootah

Who honestly though Diablo with guns is a good idea?

I'll give it a go on the free weekend in March.

Because it's power armor, not a bikini.


Yes are you surpised corporations destroy video games.

Bioware? More like Bio-where’d my job go? Layoffs when?

Next year would be given for free with Plus/Gold(Access/Whatever

I wont even bother downloading it, waste of HDD

god frostbite is such a trash engine
name a single other engine where nearly every menu needs to be held behind a loading screen

>why is this even used as a metric at all
It's one of the few clearly divulged numbers that could possibly indicate interest (even though most interest comes from the audience brought by specific Twitch personalities playing the game, not the game itself). Regardless, shit like exact sales numbers and active player counts are nebulous at best, not a clear indicator of any sort of attachment rate nor actual quality.

Game journos and a lot of game publishers latched on to the Twitch views as a measurement of "popularity" and a way to basically get free advertisement (and paid advertisements through twitch streamers being an outlet to thousands).

Not every game, just every game that's tanking in sales. Here's another (You) to add to your collection though.

Twitch views are literally sales, you autistic shit. That's why every major title buys every major streamer at launch to shill their game.
Get on with the times, boomie, marketing evolved.

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wait until it gets added to ps plus, game pass or games with gold instead.

The problem is ot was designed by DICE specifically for the games they make where that works. However suits gonna be retarded and think one solution is good enough for everything. On the flip side after this much time Bioware should be able to handle it much better than they are.

EA discounted the fuck out of it pre-release.

they are making DA4 but it is going to be live service, confirmed

but really who gives a fuck if this is what they have to offer. bioware is better off dead.

>However suits gonna be retarded and think one solution is good enough for everything
Something crazy like half of all games are made in Unreal engine these days and that's across a zillion different genres.

Unreal works because there's a company that spends all its time working on making Unreal a great engine to work with.

The idea behind using Frostbite is fine, but Frostbite's tooling and documentation wasn't good enough - they half-baked it. EA needed better preparation to ensure all the shit was in place before switching everyone to use it.

>Anthem is literally bombing so hard and getting so little attention that there's only a couple of threads on Yea Forums at any given moment
Top kek. Even Mass Effect Andromeda was getting a couple dozen threads an hour when it launched. Bioware's really going out with a whimper I guess.

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EA isn't in the habit of releasing sales figures
only when it's exceedingly high

Its literally a game no one asked for.
Game was doomed from the start.

It's worth it for better quality Morrigan /ss/

Yes random retard on Yea Forums (you) is much smarter than multi-billion dollar company that gives exclusive deals to streamers so people watch their game being played before release because viewers totally doesn't correlate with consumer interest in a product.

>Yea Forums is part of the "Anthem Bad!" leddit circlejerk
Why am I not surprised?


I swear to god vidya is the only product that people expect to be non functional when it hits the market. When you buy a car do you get 3 wheels and no headlights and think that's acceptable business practice?

it's a market barometer for title interest, whether you like it or not. now, it's hard to gauge because certain streamers have higher viewer share, but generally speaking the more eyes on the product and the ability to see it live, the higher chance of a potential sale. how are you 30+ and not able to understand that?

Imagine if EA actually gave Respawn a dedicated release window for Titanfall instead of leaving it for dead between COD and BF?

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EA BAD hit the normiesphere with Battlefront 2, now it's the go-to stance for fitting in everywhere. Also Yea Forums is trying to forget about Apex as quickly as possible

Bioware isn't Bioware anymore

I played for hundreds of hours back before the massive game overhaul that changed the UI took place and Void farming was the entire end game. I tried getting back into it a few months ago and everything was confusing and poorly explained and learning the new UI was a pain so I hate to imagine what getting into the game must be like for a new player.


It will still sell over 7 million copies I guarantee.

I've wanted Bioware to die for a while now because they've been releasing nothing but shit, but I didn't realize their death would still make me sad...

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are A and B teams just a meme?
first titan and now anthem.

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They use to make good games.
Watching their slow decline hurts if you were once a fan. I'd rather see the company die, than watch EA parade their corpse around for the past 6 years or so.

Well to be fair, Bioware never made a loot shooter before. That's not really their nitch. So I have no clue why EA wanted them to make Anthem.

Because it is bad, you retarded contrarian

>BF5 was 50% off on launch day
>Anthem is 35% off a week after launch
What's even the point of pre-ordering EA games

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Video games aren't made for fun anymore.

Video game development is about spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw parties and include as many diversities as possible in the work environment.

I guarantee Bioware spent $100k+ on "workshops" that teach their white male employees how to not be misogynists.

>mfw didn't bought FO76 nor this game

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I'm getting fucking sick of people liking shit I don't like. How the fuck are we going to bring back the epic gaming industry if everyone keeps buying shit games made by shit people? If everyone were more like CDPR we wouldn't even be in this mess, at all. Back in my day, if you didn't like a game I liked, it was off to gas chamber with you. Now? We can't even do that. All thanks to the SJW EA SHILLS BEING PAID TO MAKE MY GAMING PROFESSION HARDER.


>but trannies and feminist will buy our games

never ever you dipshit scooby doobi doo

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this game isn't going to get any new content until MAY and the amount of gamebreaking shit in this game, and the amount of STANDARD FEATURES this game lacks will take them YEARS to fix and implement. NO ONE will wait that long for the game to be 'good'. the playerbase will die, and BIOWARE IS DEAD.

explain why nier is still at 60eurobucks then

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Never forget DA:I

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The best day of my life would be when all those biofaggots get booted on the streets. the sooner biotards get culled, the sooner EA can start eating DICE.


>am going to do a quick run down
Fuck off

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just give it until April and it'll come free with Plus

I gave my friend a ride to Gamestop yesterday so he could pick this up for full fucking price.
He called me later to say he had no money in his bank account and his PS+ had expired.
I feel bad for him lmao

Please don't post my wife again, thanks.

>people who say i will buy 20$,30$

disgusting , its literally garbage game. shittiest quest design i ever see with terrible AI and combat.

there are millions of games at that price tons better than this shit

>random retard on Yea Forums (you) is much smarter than multi-billion dollar company
I never bought anything just based on an ad in my whole life, yet, they keep plastering every street with ads.
There's nothing smart about it, its all about quantity, be loud and visible enough, the more idiots will buy your stuff. Doesn't mean the average person actually gives a damn about your ads.

Western society today is all about appealing to the dumbest people.

Cut that shit out. The people that made the games you like aren't even working there anymore.
Stop treating companies and brands like personal friends.

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They're not confusing per se. They just have no fucking direction with what they're doing. They just keep throwing another layer on top of another instead of making some proper progression with some actual depth.
It's like playing Dark Souls 2. Tons of build variety but piss poor gameplay execution that doesn't feel very rewarding.

I understand user, but you still build a connection over the years. It's something you can't really help, I guess.

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>55 AUD
I want to point out to people outside of Australia that this is seriously abnormal for games here. The game must have awful pre-order numbers for this to happen.

fucking amazing, literally who pre-orders this garbage?

Holy shit is this the Big Rigs Over The Road Racing of this gen?

leling at you biodrone

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It's actually pretty decent. Optimization and the omg so quirky! xP characters are shit, but the gameplay is decent. Colossus big dick shield rush for days.

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Imagine being this mad

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I remember loliposting in anthem threads and laughing at the shills

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>small cut

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You'll change your mind pretty quickly when you finish the story and all that's left is replaying old shit

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>Cod WW2 will make shooters great again
Why would you believe him?

Remember when games were good enough that they didn't need to go on sale within a couple weeks of release? Can't wait for industry to crash and burn, maybe then we can have at least decent stuff again.

Why do /pol/niggers false flag so much? You'd think if they had a valid point to make they wouldn't have to resort to lying .

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>tfw you were right 8 months ago
feels good
let Bioware just die, maybe then people can get to work on spiritual successors to ME and DA instead of hoping Bioware will make good ones again

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>there are people who preordered

also even IGN giving it shit
its like EA forgot to bribe jurnos

Attached: notgivingafuckaboutzombies.jpg (720x720, 100K)

but it will be the same shit game for $30
you can buy it once its half price AND they added some content

wait does this mean people are realizing they should just stop buying bad games?praise god

>actually buying 76
i mean this is even worse than buying anthem full price

Oh boy! Only $40 now? I'm going to buy 2 more copies for my wife's sons!

>just released
>less viewers than Sea of Thieves

Even the normies are abandoning Bioware. That's what happens when you've done nothing but drag your name through the dirt all these years. Bioware is finished.

Attached: anthem twitch.jpg (1636x668, 436K)

Got the game with a 2080Ti, didn't even bother installing


They paid for plenty of reviews. They should have used that money to make a good game instead of paying for good reviews.

>bioware will die in your lifetime

Attached: 1528913656415.png (750x1334, 1.48M)

Damn son what are you doing with all that POWER? My 2080 has been good enough for anything at ultrawide 2k

So is Bioware finally going to get shut down or what

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Bioware doesnt exist anymore I want EA to fail

No. DBFZ did not. Ace Combat 7 did not. Heck even FFXV did not.

ML applications, needed the extra VRAM.
2080 is indeed perfectly capable

>muh /pol/ bogeyman

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lel people are still S E E T H I NG over RDR2 i see.

Yo is that my nigga BEN FRANKLIN on the right?!

> Le ebic webm dude

PLEASE do not do that.

But MUH MILLIONS of people who are enjoying the game dude. Nobody cares about reviews bro.

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So, when's that price cut happening for countries that actually matter?

>site "humbly requests" me to turn off ad-blocker
>prevents me from using the site at all if I don't turn it off

>but it's just launched and some number of bugs is reasonable


I unironically can't wait till Bioware dies so Biodrones like you have no purpose in life anymore.

reddit loves the game though

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someone please post plot spoilers I want to piss r*ddit off

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There's no way "FadeToBrad" wasn't paid to make that post. People can't seriously post shit like that about THIS game for free.

Can you blame them, they're only human after all

>Every game gets a small discount at release

Attached: brainletanthem.png (506x547, 134K)

yeah, especially when diablo itself is already shit




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I don't have a problem with Anthem in particular, but I don't understand the appeal of loot shooters in general. It's like the monotony of an MMO without getting to be a giant elitist wanker in front of large groups of people.

Go back then.

there are marketers there actually. Reddit found two of them so far


Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

Screencap or link at least

Fuck you all so much, don't you people realise people's jobs are on the line here? EA can destroy Bioware at any minute with a finger snap. Think of the families and dreams of all those developers at its mercy

Attached: 0255.gif (255x255, 841K)

source? i wanna laugh

>oh no think of this multi-million dollar coproration's employees that will 100% land a steady job instantly at a different company

no fuck them. Should have made a good game then.

based reddit

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>boomer who hardly plays games likes a highly marketed AAA game
It's not that hard to believe. People love posts like these when a game bombs, they always want a chance to fight against the "majority" opinion. Could be a shill but reads more like an out of touch dad who has very little exposure to games.

I'm curious to see what Respawn does with this monstrosity.

Attached: 100-keks guanyin bhoddisatva.png (413x395, 378K)

found it
scroll down and you will find redditors outing the guy

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Literally no one thought this.
Everyone has been saying for a good year at least, that this would be the game that got Bioware put down by EA.

BF5 was 50% off a week after release, EA are fucked.

can someone give me a quick rundown on why people *want* this game to fail? something about sjw's i missed, or something? i remember like a year or two ago when it just looked like a cool robot game.

Played the first two missions multiplayer but we decided to just play sp until endgame.
The amount of dialogue and customization makes it a sp game mostly unless you only play missions and do nothing else.
Not really fun to wait for eachother that long. Shouldn't have been mp at all.


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I mean they already are just milking it. Week after week the only communication to the SWTOR players is an update to the additions in the cash shop and announcements of announcements. Seems like they could hobble Anthem along with the same mess plus make more money because they aren't paying a licenses.

It's going to be on Game Pass soon, f2p is not far away too, best to wait a little more user

Holy shit, when even reddit doesn't defend your game you know you fucked up

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>its fucking real

How do you fuck this up?

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post the version with Visceral dead in the middle and it'll be completely accurate


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Mass Effect 3 was fantastic.

>but the gameplay is decent.

The gameplay's dogshit compared to Destiny

The absolute state jesus christ

jesus christ. And ty for the source, i was skimming the subreddit but somehow missed this one

Bioware fanboy here, no fucking way I'm buying this game.

when will debs stop throwing millions at sjw?
they clearly can´t make good games

Attached: ct.png (1280x720, 481K)

>reeeeing about "muh sjw"
>off topic cartoon image
Every time.

This but unironically.

fuck off discord tranny

dude, theres way too many other great games still to play from last year alone to worry about this dumpster fire. take the 30 and buy subnautica, or verminittide 2


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I'd rather spit in their general direction

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Gta 5 remained at full price for like 3 years

Anthem is a failure.

Doesn't matter how it does financially, it has the Anita Sarkesiaan seal of approval. They'll just say the bad rating are from racist's and sexists gamers lashing out.

Watch any gameplay and see how many white NPCs are in the game. All the NPCs are Black and Female. Therefore, all bad reviews are form Racists and Sexists gamers.

The restaurant industry already has the holding employees hostage shtick on lock.

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If BioWare adds romances I'll buy this shit game.

didnt work for BFV, everyone trashed that game and it put DICE under EA's sights

fucking hilarious

Obvious troll, but an AAA game receiving any kind of discount within days of release is super bad news for it.

that user is just a chode. I would say to you " no shit sherlock".

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Even guys like Jim Sterling are calling it garbage. It's over, dude.

based 3k

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Everyone is calling it trash, I don't think we're past the point of "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE A RACIST/SEXIST PIG REEE" yet but after so many stinkers some people are starting to realize the shit might just actually stink instead of being gold like they were told

Attached: ganon.jpg (209x236, 19K)

Fuck I really want to like this game; I love the gameplay, but it is a fucking mess. The performance on Xbox One X is atrocious, unbelievably shit frame rate. Going to shelve this one until they fix it.


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I won't even call them ugly. They all just look so boring, so mundane.



It's just fun to shoot shit. There aren't very many FPS games today that aren't bogged down with gay cutscenes constantly interrupting the actual gameplay.

why are there so many dadposters supporting this game? Are they a previous untapped market or something?

Anthem's filled with gay cutscenes.

Do consolefags unironically believe this?

That's the whole game's problem. There's nothing visually striking, the whole thing looks boring and by the numbers.
It's probably the most forgettable AAA game I've ever seen.

That being said it could have survived if the gameplay was great and the polish was on point. But they fucked it up way worse than I could have forseen.
Farewell Bioware, you are unfit to develop games

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>it's just launched and some number of bugs is reasonable
No it's fucking not. I hate this faggot attitude now where devs can release broken pieces of shit and just say "uuuuhhh we'll fix it in post lmao"

You niggas never learn

Attached: never-pay-more-than-20-bucks.jpg (879x670, 185K)

This is an Anthem thread so I understand why some would take my post as a defense of Anthem (it's not), but the posts I quoted were talking about looter shooters in general. For example, Borderlands is very popular, even on Yea Forums.

You think they're gonna pull a TORtanic and make it F2P?

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>friend wanted to buy P5 when it was on sale
>never went on sale until recently

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What is BotW?
It's STILL $60.

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No they'll just quietly halt all development once the playerbase they're looking for fails to materialize

so which class is best

Even if it were true, which it isn't, Nintendo games are a special case because they never get price drops

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im actually kind of sad
i dont care who
i just want good games to be released

It feels good that this samey as fuck AAA bullshit is starting to backfire. Even normalfags get tired of the same old stuff eventually.

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Same. Problem is no AAA studio wants to release a complete game anymore. The corporate parasites want to release as basic a product as possible to make people pay for more content.

I can't wait for Cyberpunk to come out tbqhwyf. Even if it doesn't top Witcher 3 it'll still be a complete $60 experience.

>AC7, RE2, KH3
yeah, I think Japan is back

Lemme just buy hardware for s shit game

Lmao. That shit isn't even ever touching my 2000$ gaymen rig

Attached: 😭😂💯🔥🔥🔥🔥.jpg (542x540, 20K)

>bugged as balls.
>tons (TONS) of loading screens.
>the HUGE personalisation is just changing the robot's color.
>no man's sky literally have more endgame content.
>if you die you have to wait until someone notices you, which takes forever.
at this point the game is asking to be hated user, why would you go against it wishes.

Might as well wait two years for the GotY edition with the full game (muh free updates muh patches muh DLC makes it all better) included for 10 dollars

Shit, it'll be on Plus/Games with Gold by next year

this multiplayer centered bullshit game should be F2P with paid cosmetics, because I rather play warframe why would I buy this game?

Play l4d or Vermintide.

>the someone posts your shit mspaint oc
Feels surprisingly good, man.

>western society today
You mean capitalism, always. The dumb just have more spending power then ever before

Amazing how quickly of a failure Anthem turned out to be. Almost as fast as Battlefield Vagina.

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I'd say they should have taken more time to polish the game but a 6 year development cycle should be more than enough for something like this

What's the issue?

Titanfall 2

didnt really see any marketing for it which is unfortunately what really decides what the player count and popularity of the game will be
ea has been doing a shit job marketing all the games they publish for some time now

What a stupid fucking statement. The poor are poorer than they've been in centuries. Even for a retarded communist that is pure ignorant ass stupidity. Goddamn.

...I’m sorry? Did you quote the wrong user?

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It's fun.

>I want good looter shooter
>Warframe is grindy garbage
I don't get you

>unironically getting hyped for the yearly EA always online 3rd person shooter

This is acceptable if youre 12 and you believe the bullshots you see in Game Informer, but if you’re an adult who browses Yea Forums and STILL falls for this shit you might be retarded.

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But is it honestly worth your time?

Are you anti-shill cucks ready for your hot serving of crow yet?

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Same argument was used for Titanfall 2 but that game was actually good

>they made chocolates with prediction of the final review score

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Having to have the warframe wiki up on a second monitor just to know what I should be doing at any moment is easily the most annoying part of that game.
I'm sure a lot of the people really into the game know where the best mission for every material is, but I can never make heads or tails of it in game.

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I cannot wait for the inevitable “RIP in Peace, Bioware” sticky threads, maybe with the Titanic theme playing.

To keep the employees from quitting and collecting unemployment they lavish them with stupid gifts like this. Chocolate is the most effective tool for pacifying the workforce over at BioWare.



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Is this going to be like The Division where it gets sorted out and becomes fun/payable 2 years later (but far too late)?

I hope so, I enjoyed Division when I got the gold edition under 20 bucks after years since release

what a fucking retarded npc comment
typical of some retard that only watches youtube videos with an echo rining inside his skull
the fun in division was in the first couple months before any bullshit big patches

This is what happens when studios push out games way too early in their development.
They just try to sell on hype and marketing while it takes about a year or so for the development to catch up and actually make the game good.

More like Dirge, am I right?

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>This is what happens when studios push out games way too early in their development.
>anthem has been in development for 7 years

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if they only had six more months or so they could have polished the bugs out. and the gameplay. and the netcode. and the lack of variety.

This LITERATELY never happens in Australia and last time it did was Fallout 76.

let me stop you right there
>an adult
>who browses Yea Forums

People will still buy Legion Of Dawn Edition for $79.99 USD plus tax

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>Every game gets a small discount at release
weak bait

you realize that most investors, if not all investors at EA, are above the 40+ age? They're boomers you ignoramous.

imagine being this fucking stupid. I know every other user on this board can imagine except you, because you are actually that fucking stupid.

They never get price drops because they sell well at their original price. Unlike Anthem.

fuck off


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> game developers
> Collecting unemployment
They'll be downgraded to contractors and fired before the end of the week with minimal loss to EA's coffers.

>the fun in division was in the first couple months before any bullshit big patches

Based retard. Early months were nothing but griefing, a result of shit darkzone design and otherwise empty game contentwise

Yes and every game since ME2 has been shit

>even liking looter shooters to begin with
If at the first sight of Anthem you didn't believe it was going to be total shit you are a brainlet.

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Feels good, though I think mk11 will do good


EA suffers like it should

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Speaking of which, now that they made good on The Division, hopefully they take what they learned and apply it directly to the sequel. Should be great when it releases

I wouldn't count on it. Give it a few weeks and then decide

borderlands is surprisingly good i feel, if youre willing to put up with its existence
just turn off the voices and play the music or podcast of your choosing

They could have just made Baldur’s gate sequels for all time
Stupid niggers didn’t want to pay license fees

Damn. Finally, after all these years, we truly live in a society.

>this LITERALLY never happens
>except it just happened now
>the last time it happened was a matter of months ago
based illiterate auscuck

>destroyed by socialists
what the fuck does this have to do with shareholders screaming the industry is dead because their returns aren't going to triple every year because the games industry grew too fat too fast on loot boxes and cheaply made cash grabs

Division 2 looks like it's learning from the first game at least. I'm going to check it during the open beta weekend.

Of course, your enjoyment would probably depend entirely on how much you like cover shooters, as the first game was mostly cover-hopping+seeker grenades to force enemies out of cover.

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For me, at least, the best part about The Division was the abandoned New York city during winter setting.
I haven't seen much footage of TD2, but I highly doubt DC in summer is going to come anywhere close to the comfy feel of the first game.

Also the survival mode in the middle of a blizzard was fucking dope in the first game.

whens the 2nd crash again

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poor giraffe :(

bitch please more like capitalist pigs got way too greedy with jewish practices like loots boxes and DLCs while using muh diversity as a front for good boy points

I think the Biodrones have all given up and killed themselves.These threads just aren't as fun without the desperation shills looking for something to defend, reddit reposts just don't do it for me.

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You seriously underestimate retarded boomers.

HAHAHA They told us they wont make any of the mistake that destiny and other game make.

Final produce, same any other shitty game but 2 time worse.

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>Yfw the Japanese publishers revive the market again

>demo was really fun

What happened?

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No game gets a small discount right at release you stupid fuck

What was the patch?

>game goes cheap
>everyone buys it
>"wow this isn't so bad!"
>10 years of mandatory dlc starts
don't fall for it.

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After Andromeda and now this, how long until Bioware is shot in the head guys?

They have a general where they fanboy hard
Have fun

After 6 years of dev time and all of the advertisement I would've laughed if it got 80. 60 is honestly the funniest shit ever, I don't think i'll ever be as content to see a product fail.

Depends. Never had a bad experience with grinding in a zelda game or a mario game to be honest. Grinding isnt always a bad thing as it can be relaxing sometimes.


This. When destiny 2 was free on ps+, I didn't even bother putting it in my library. Just laughed at their desperate attempt at redemption.

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DA4 is there last chance

how are they even making another dragon age? the only bioware left is the kotor online team and the soon to be fired anthem team.

>only 2 white guys
Why when homos, trannys and women get the chances to make their own worlds they make white people all but extinct? Really makes you think.

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What's the point of buying or even playing for free a shitty game? This is just a terrible waste of your time.

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This has to be a shitpost right?
No one is actually dense enough to believe this, right?

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>low twitch stream numbers can mean less pay

my god, literally why would anyone be a fucking dev?


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>buying a non moddable online only bethesda game

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Stop bitching. 0% damage is a good stat. Most weapons are much more dangerous you know.

You know, im happy this game is imploding and all, but i cant shake the bad taste in my mouth of this all-to-common practice i see in vidya these days, even here of all places

When did releasing unfinished games become acceptable?
When did "they can patch it" or "it will be """good""" in a year" become valid defenses for unfinished products with atrocious practices

Why does scaling down or donwright removing the grind/mobile-tier paywalls/microtransactions suddenly makes the game worth buying, from a principles perspective? The damage control doesnt erase the fact that they did it, and they tried to get away with it, and will probably try to implement it again in the future in a way thats more "acceptable"

Its like with the xbox one, sure, after the atrocious reveal no one wanted to buy one, but now that everything is "alright", even people here dont see anything wrong in giving microsoft money after the SHIT they tried to pull, how can you justify that? do people believe its a one-and-done sort of deal?

They get around to it, they will try to push it again, theyll just be more sneaky about it

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Where were all the "it has its problems" opinions when shit like persona 5 came out?

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It WOULD be a good idea if devs would actually implement the features that make Diablo and games like it popular in the first place. ARPGs are all about coming up with an interesting and powerful character build, finding tons of interesting loot, and then using it to effortlessly mow through hordes of enemies. I don't get why looter shooters never really seem to include any of those things.

Guys what was the day one patch? Did it do anything?

Just get a month of Origin Access and then cancel.

Mostly just performance/stability stuff. The only real tangible improvement was a reduction in load times, but they still suck and the game still doesn't run well. It's also still missing critical features like an FoV slider.

Every game has problems

I know. I'm asking why people are only saying that now