People compare KH3 to KH2FM and not vanilla KH2

>People compare KH3 to KH2FM and not vanilla KH2
Why? Vanilla KH3 is better than Vanilla KH2.

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That's because KH2FM is the complete version of Kingdom Hearts 2, at the moment KH3 is the complete version of Kingdom Hearts 3

Because they had 5 years to learn from KH2FM

>People compare KH3 to KH2FM and not vanilla KH2
Wrong I'm comparing it to vanilla
>Vanilla KH3 is better than Vanilla KH2.
Also wrong.

>Vanilla KH3 is better than Vanilla KH2

The state of casuals

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Why should it take developers twice to get it right?

Why is Monstropolis so boring? Why are all the worlds in this game so fucking bad? It doens't feel anything like previous games.

I haven't played 3 yet, but Kingdom Hearts 1 is the best game in the whole series. It's just a confusing disapointment after another.

Don't even pretend you've played vanilla KH2, murrikan, you already go an enhanced version.

>Why is Monstropolis so boring
Shitty overworld and battle themes. Also, extremely poor use of the door vault.

I liked Arendelle but even then it was going up the same fucking mountain 3 times.

Because KH2FM was made 12 years ago, what made it great is nothing new.

why are kh fans okay with getting unfinished games? shouldn't they just release the "final mix" from the start?

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Wrong, one of those times you go DOWN the mountain instead.

>retard thinks that Final Mix came out in 2.5 collection
holy shit, fuck off underage

It's the truth, play vanilla KH2 again. Tons of the same complaints people lob at KH3 apply to it. That doesn't mean KH3 doesn't have those issues, it just means that people are delusional when they try to claim KH2 was better about those same problems. People also like to delude themselves about the final world of 2 not being three lifeless corridors with street visuals leading into a boss rush against characters that barely got built up throughout the game because base KH2 had even less Organization cutscenes than FM does.

Kingdom Hearts has always been a series where they have to rush it out the door to get the story experience out there, but the gameplay experience needs refinement and more content to be truly complete. This is a simple truth of Square Enix's development times and allocated budgets. Yes, it would be better if they waited a year and allocated more time and money into the project to give us a title that had a postgame on par with KH2FM. But for a title people like to pretend was already in development for 13 years because they're dumb as sin and don't realize that it's been in development for 5 years at most with an engine switch in the middle there (KH2 took 3 on a non-HD system and without the director being stretched across multiple major HD projects), releasing as soon as possible was the way to go. We got a simultaneous release too, which never happens with KH games and creates an even bigger illusion because the localized versions have traditionally had some of the extra content that would later go into the Final Mix release in Japan, with the true original version being even more barren.

>Tons of the same complaints people lob at KH3 apply to it.
So that suddenly means KH3 is good? KH2 is a PS2 game from 13 years ago, 3 should be better than KH2, not make all the same mistakes.

why is that a bad comparison?
why do assume there HAS to be a final mix version of kh3? why couldnt it just be complete from the get-go?

Because there's no excuse for the game to have come out THIS rushed and mediocre. It's like saying "Oh, it's okay that the game is bad! They will fix it in about two or three years down the line for the price of an extra $60, just like they did before :)"

Vanilla KH3 problems:
>Mob fights are Musou-tier clusterfucks, enemy design is way worse than 2FM or even 1, Limits are severely dumbed down cinematic attacks, Shotlocks are still an awful mechanic (braindead to use and a lot of them are just plain bad), Situation Commands are cancer (random or bad proc conditions, no resource management, most lead to cinematic attacks like Flare Force), transformations are too basic, you whiff and float all the time, there's a lot of awkward pauses in combo strings as they try to make things more visually impressive (the arrowguns finisher stopping you in your tracks comes to mind), finishers aren't contextual anymore, no Finishing Plus, no Negative Combo, Combo Plus doesnt interact with KB Transformations, no utility Summons, magic is boring direct damage projectiles, the moveset lacks utility, despite having multiple keyblades at once there's not a lot of synergy between them, way too many fucking palette swapped keyblades, important shit's hidden behind minigames, battle gates aren't up to par with the Coliseum, only one superboss that doesn't even come close to KH1 Sephiroth, etc etc.

Vanilla KH2 problems:
>Not enough endgame content/superbosses, easy to overlevel on Proud and trivialize the difficulty.

Not even remotely comparable but keep coping. Vanilla KH2 was a phenomenal base that got a deserved upgrade, KH3 is a shitty base that FM can't fix.

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Final Mix can't fix this rushed as fuck and unsatisfying story.

I am about to get to hollow bastion in my first KH1FM run and I am not sure if I am actually enjoying it or not. I enjoy ARPGs and JRPGs but everything feels very meh. I know that the game is old but the worlds are tiny and the boss fights are only ok.


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Because they should have taken all the refinements that they made in fm and used them in the development of kh3.

KH2FM is still the best game in the series but I still like KH3 :) If they add in more optional bosses down the road it will probably be my second favorite in the series!

Americans got the vanilla releases on PS2. We didn't get the FMs until the PS3 remasters.

KH1 has aged badly.
2 fixes most of the bad parts of 1.
1 is only worth playing for the story.
Re chain memories i recommend you watch the movie version on YouTube.

any reason to play any games in the series besides 1FM. 2FM, and 3?

To be more specific 2FM is the objectively best game in the series.
It has some of the best bosses and mechanics.
It still maintains more substance in combat over just flash.

ok thanks I will get through kh1fm for the story then move onto 2fm