Only peasants still use 1080p, 1440p or higher is the norm now

>Only peasants still use 1080p, 1440p or higher is the norm now

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Other urls found in this thread:

1440p 144hz or get a console

I kinda agree. Only have 1080p here but it's showing its age. The pixels are the size of houses to my eyes now. My next monitor, whenever the hell I decide to get one, will be 1440p at minimum.


That is a tragedy..

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>he's proud of sharing the same resolution as the billion of poorfag chinks and indians

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>tfw the game defaults to 1080p

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>windows 7
>sandy bridge processor
>1080p monitor
*sip* Perfection.

1080p is good enough. 1440p and 240Hz are spooks to force you to upgrade the rest of your rig.

I still use that.

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Consume more go- guys!
>meanwhile won't actually buy into new technologies like VR

look at this fox

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But I do have a VR headset? If you can afford a decent monitor surely you can afford a VR headset.

>implying 1440p is enough of an improvement over 1080p
>not just making the jump straight to 4k

I'm content to just save up my money and use the computer I built in 2016 until graphics cards are good enough to reliably deliver 144fps 4k

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>tfw a friend bought a 2080ti but still plays on his 1080p 60 hz monitor

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for me, it's 1200p

4k 144hz monitors aren't really a thing right now. If you're in the market for a high refresh rate monitor, you pretty much have to go 1440p.

When you ask /g/ what the difference between a gaming monitor and a regular one is they'll tell you it's the refresh rate.

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You don't need more than 1080p

Sit a healthy distance from your monitor and save money

Why would you do that unless your screen is over 48 inches?

>just sit a mile away bruh

mainly laptop users or 3rd worlders probs

>the face you make when the owner thinks you won't rip their child's throat

Yeah, that's why I'm waiting.

Going for 1440p really isn't that big of a difference compared to 1080 to 4k

Don't fall for hardware manufacturers tricks.

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>implying i care
Until it becomes an industry standard i don't give a shit
The only time resolution was contrasting enough between hardware was when the Wii was the most popular shit ever but standard def TV's were JUST being phased out for HD, so wii looked like extra shit even with component cables at base 480p
Hell even early 360s didn't have an HDMI port
Everything is much more standardized now.

>tfw got 21:9 1080p 166hz cause I'd rather play all games in maxed 166hz than have a high refresh monitor that will only be utilized by a handful of competitive titles

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4k 240fps MASTER RACE Presented
Anything else is concole pleb or budget tier faggots

literally me
I don't want to got higher than 1080p because I know that it would burn through my wallet to keep up.
So I stay on 1080p / 60 hz and don't miss what I never had.
Yet I acknowledge that 1440p and 4K is superior in every way.

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>you dont need anything more than 800x600
>you dont need anything more than 1024x768
>you dont need anything more than 1280x720
>you dont need anything more than 1680x1050
>you dont need anything more than 1920x1080
Funny how shit never changes.

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>no one takes his derail bait image in the OP
>has to samefag reply to his own post to try and get it going

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1080p certainly stayed the longest as a de-facto standard

Well, unless you're a fucking moron and/or my weed dealer in college. Dude bought a huge flatscreen to play civ on a PS3. Anything beyond 1080p is irrelevant unless you're using a gigantic screen and sitting across a large room.

they are a thing, they are expensive (3000$) and even if money wasn't an issue you don't have hardware capable of reaching those frames consistently in new releases
doubt 2x2080ti (2400$) can run metro exodus on ultra at 4k 144fps without noticable dips

a 1440p 144hz monitor is anywhere between 300-500$ and the high end GPU'S available today are capable of hitting consistent 144@1440p in most titles

I've been on 1440p monitor since 2013. The "pc master race" is mostly fucking peasants still stuck on 1080p 60hz monitors from 2008

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>You don't need
Shut the fuck up nigger

I just bought a 1080p 60hz monitor AMA

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I went from 1080p/60hz to 1440p/165hz and the difference is pretty noticeable. No, it's not as big of a leap as 4k, but I needed a monitor with a better refresh rate because my graphics card was being held back by 60hz.

Blame technology not progressing as fast anymore thanks to limitations. Gone are the days where a new gen card in a year would btfo the last gen cards by 2x. Nowadays it's a 20-30% improvement in 2.5 years at best. Never mind the big price bump included with the latest nvidia cards.


Because VR is fucking gay

And now you don't need 4k. At least until the price drops to 20% of what's is now.

It was $200 CAD and I plan on using it as a second vertical monitor when I finally upgrade my PC I built in 2011. Before then I was using a Samsung monitor that was purchased in 2005.

More like 5-10. I know that shitfaced cockmaster on best buy commission told you otherwise but again, commission.

>implying you can play Metro Exodus maxed out on anything else than 1080p

Fair enough, though I'm not sure whether $200 is cheap or not nowadays for basic monitor. Seems like overpriced, but maybe the panel is good enough

>no card that isn't the fucking 2080ti that's good enough to play at 1440p 144hz yet

Hot take: Its only the norm once even peasants can afford it

There are obviously diminishing returns on resolution

480p to HD was a huge upgrade for home television, everyone had to get one. but 1080p to 4K makes literally no difference in a typical living room.

I would argue 1080p is at or near the limit for PC monitors as well.

>i get satisfaction from paying full price for mindless upgrades every year
>validate me pls

Asus vg245h.

Cute dog
Mysterious cat
Fat braphog

>Has everything on high when playing multiplayer games
>buys a streamer mic but only watches streams
>spends any money on the RBG meme

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I didn't even know that was a resolution choice. Do you game in another dimension?

wrong, both the 1080ti and 2080 are 1440p144hz capable

I still play at a 1080p. Because of that I can still play at max or high settings and get 60fps even though my GPU is nearly 4 years old now.

I think it's a common laptop resolution.

I'm utterly perplexed by this generation.
When I was a kid we fought over the controller but these fags can't be bothered to even play a game themselves. They just watch somebody else do it on a stream.

We will have a generation of emotionless robots, I'm afraid.

are you me

I grew up with siblings. Sometimes you just watch them play games. It becomes enjoyable. I watched my brother play through a lot, from resident evil all the way to final fantasy 12.
If you don't get it, you don't get it. That is ok.

Well, that's what you do when they're clearly better than you. My cousin was way better at pretty much every game when I was growing up. He played over any of us because he could get to levels/stages/whatever that none of the rest of us had ever seen.

Oh, and I did grow up with siblings.

that webm is perfecto

Cute pitbull

>only one person would point out these dogs are literally walking biological weapons
>there's no way it could possibly be more than one person that sincerely believes the niggers of the dog world would be niggers

I'm having a headache looking for a good monitor 1440p 144hz and IPS. Any advice?

"capable" doesn't mean jackshit, you retard. It depends on the games you play and their settings. Anybody that compromises with anything below "ultra" is just wasting their time and should buy a console instead.

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>monitor is old enough that anything higher than 1080p isn't worth it
>don't care because i'm not fourteen years old and anything higher than 1080p makes no real difference to me

When you feel lonely, you like the feeling of companionship of watching somebody play. I've sat there watching my brother or friends play videogames from time to time. Sometimes you just don't feel like playing yourself or are too tired for it, so you decide to just watch somebody else do it, too. I never watch streamers but at least I understand the reasoning; that doesn't mean I support it, however

He played singleplayer games there really isn't much room for being "better". (In fact I always destroyed him in games like smash, soulcalibur and halo) It was often a case of him starting a game and me wanting to see it, then not wanting to replay all those segments so I just watched.

Consoles, and poor PCfags are what's holding us back from great gaming.

The human eye can't see anything higher than 640 x 480 anyway.

Streamer mics are the cringiest shit ever. You can buy a good condenser mic for $15 and, if necessary, $30 for a phantom power brick and $5 for a mic arm.
Then you get retards who buy shit like Blue Yeti for $100+ and it sounds like ass.

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im sure hes enjoying his 20 fps raytracing

>Trying to use the same bait twice
>Can't possibly the same person, r-right?
Were you attacked by a dog or something?

>muh ultra
>muh motion blur, vignette, chromatic aberration and other eye cancer effects
wow the weeb faggot is retarded who would have thought

>when I finally upgrade my PC I built in 2011.
But we're already in 2019..

24" 1080p till I die.

(probably will kys this year)

good luck

It's not a laptop. It's a legit monitor from like 2010 or so.

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Always turn off motion blur, vignette, aberration shit. Everything else should be maxed. Now stop being retarded and let the adults talk.

>Glorious 120fps
>At fucking VN & shitposting

>uses presets
pick one weebnigger

>He doesn't use cerebral jacking.
Get a load of this choob.

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>statistics show that this breed of dog is violent
>the dog is historically used as a breed that was designed, literally, to be used as a weapon and to win dogfights, because they're completely merciless and their bite strength is so absurd they could lose consciousness and still not unlock their jaws
In dogfights, when one dog shows submission by going belly up and signaling that it gives up, the other dog generally shows mercy and allows it to live, and the primal switch is so strong that some dogs even vomit after the fight is over because the body completely shifts out of the fight mode in an extremely sudden manner. Pitbulls simply do not have this primal switch because it has been bred out of them thanks to generations of selective breeding to make them more merciless. This dog breed is a complete weapon, not fit for being a pet to uninformed idiots that don't need such firepower and can't even handle it

Niggers also own most of the pitbulls, which should be a telling sign. Next you'll tell me niggers aren't violent or commit most of the crimes either and I'm just a poltard, whatever. Fuck off back to your discord, tranny

So we are evolving beyond our irrational animalistic psychological states? Sounds like everything is fine.

>not realizing some of us have no lives and see through you're disingenuous "i'm so innocent tee hee" act since we're here 10+ hours a day

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Also that shit. I've been here long enough to know a shill or somebody that has an agenda when I see it, am I proud of being such an obsessed autist? Couldn't say I'm overly proud of it, but it sure comes in handy when some agenda-pushing faggot wants to try to trick me and other anons that can see through their shit. These dogs should be sacrificed. Every single one of them, and every owner should be in jail if their dog harms any other living being, that should teach them to properly make sure their dog doesn't kill others

this dude has to be mentality ill or something, i honestly can't why someone in their right mind would dedicate that much time to do stuff like this.

That's fine and all but why does a picture of a dog trigger you enough that you'll try to derail a decent thread? Not a tranny, I am not mentally ill but thanks for trying. I agree though, niggers should be exterminated.

You're fucking delusional if you believe that this is the work of a single person.
The frequency of replies to pitbull threads is evidence enough of a common dislike of pitbulls, Even looking at the picture, some of those threads have small idiosyncrasies that indicate different authors.
Not denying that there is an autistic spammer, though. That one *best animal companion* poster does not even try to be creative.

>accuse others of pushing an agenda
>when you're the one endlessly spamming threads about pitbulls with statistics
Are you legitimately retarded? I'm not pushing an agenda. I'm just shining a spotlight onto others that are. I don't even fucking like pitbulls but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and let some faggot use this video game board as a vehicle to force whatever fucking non-vidya politics garbage you're peddling.

why would you even think to cap off your post the way you did, "GOD I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS b-but you're just gonna call me a /pol/ack you fucking discord tranny"

>obviously never actually met a pitbull
nigger their behavior really just depends on how you raise them. rotties can be pretty nasty dogs, but the one i own is so goofy to the point where im pretty sure a burglar would be treated as a new friend if he had any meat in his hand.

all carnivorous animals are designed to kill one way or another, bred or not. while a pitbull may have a statistically worse reputation, they're still dogs at the end of the day and have emotions like any other breed. if a pitbull attacks a child, it's the owners fault for being ill-equipped to properly train a dog and to properly curb this behavior.

the reason why there's so many pitbull attacks is because there are so many shitty dog owners. unlike most other breeds, the consequences for a badly-trained pitbull are a lot more dramatic. any competent dog trainer can prevent this sort of thing.

As a pitbull thread baiter, only two of those threads are mine (lower right about companion cat).
The autist who posted most of these literally copied a thread of mine word for word, but replaced the picture with that WebM of the baby on the pitbull.

I used to live in an apartment that I was sharing with the owner and her boyfriend for a year or so. They had a pitbull, she was the sweetest dog I've ever met. I love dogs, I've always owned dogs since I was a kid and, although I prefer cats, I still absolutely adore all kind of dogs.
This said, when I moved in the pitbull was super sweet, always played with me, the owners often left me home alone with her, etc. Never had problems.

Then, after 2-3 months of living there, something snapped. I was in the living room watching TV with my flatmates, and she was lying down next to the couch doing her own thing. Then, suddenly she stood up, looked at me in a really angry way, started growling very aggressively and attacked me. She bit me really hard on the arm (I had to go to the hospital to get checked out), the owners managed to grab her and I had to rush out and lock myself into my room.

From that moment on, I could not be in the same room as the dog. She was usually in the kitchen/living room and every time I had to cook, do laundry, or talk to the owners they had to lock her away because as soon as she saw me she would mercilessly attack me. I spent 6-7 more months in that place, I basically just locked into my own room because I did not want to face that dog. We tried calling an animal behaviorist or whatever it's called, we did exercises of trust trying to ease her into my presence and whatnot, even while outside when the owner was walking her and she would randomly meet in the street, she would lunge at me trying to attack me.

I have no fucking idea what the fuck went wrong with that dog's head but if you asked the owner she'd have said she was the sweetest little girl you'd ever seen.

Fuck pitbulls.
Pic related, it's her. I took this pic while she still didn't hate me. Every time I look at it I shudder to think what would have happened had she snapped while the owners weren't home and I was alone with her. I'd probably be dead.

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I've excepted that motion blur will be put into every game but why the FUCK is chromatic aberration becoming so popular??? Who the fuck think that looks good!? I keep seeing it in vidya and fucking artists keep putting it in their work.

Dogs are retarded, what did you expect?

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The fuck did you do to that dog?
But yeah fuck pitbulls

its a pecking order thing they are wiling to be under their owner but not anyone else they see you as a threat to their position
thats why they arent good family dogs

Did nothing to it, we were just chilling watching TV and she snapped.

Lads, I'm rocking a gtx 1070. using a 1080p 60hz monitor currently. What would give me a better experience. A 1080p ultrawide or 1440p normal ratio?

If you buy ultrawide, don't buy 1080p. It's retarded in this day and age, it's gonna be phased out in 1-2 years at best and for a very similar price you can get an ultrawide 1440p anyway so why even bother with a 1080?

Pitbulls are fucked up

with the 1070 I can usually crank all settings to ultra at 1080p and not worry about performance. I want to continue to do that but I think maxing everything might be a bit much at 1440

Why kot have the funny head?

The money you pay for ultrawide 1440p could have been spent on 4K proper instead.

Pitbulls are very specific in their behavior, compared to rotties. Rotties are considered the nanny breed, pitties are merely weapons that can snap at any second and maul somebody, even if they're properly trained.

Fuck niggers, what does it change of my argument and what difference would it make if I didn't finish off with that

I'm tired of people pushing the idea that something wrong isn't actually wrong, hence I'll lash out and point that these are walking weapons that shouldn't be in the hands of anybody but certified dog-trainers. Do you think I come here everyday to shit on pitbull posts? I haven't been in Yea Forums in a fucking month, but you won't believe it and will just think it's always one or two anons that insult these unpredictable beasts. I love animals but pitbulls have no reason to exist or be as widespread as they are, they're a public health threat. All it takes is some nigger walking their pitbull without a muzzle and whatever random thing happening to trigger the fight instinct in that thing for it to decide to maul your child, your dog, or your face, because they ALWAYS go for the throat, it's part of their fightdog instinct

It's a combination of autists and falseflaggers, but the fact that these anons think I'm somebody else, when there's only like 2 or 3 of us insulting pitbulls in this thread, goes to show the popular opinion of informed people against these monsters

>blah blah blah i need to use a video game board to talk about how much I hate a breed of dog blah blah blah
All I need to know. You're fucking cancer and you should be killed like the nigger dogs you complain about so much. Every fucking politics-obsessed normalfag on Yea Forums must fucking hang.

They just snap at some point and they don't have the primal "switch" that turns their fighting instinct off, so they never really switch off. I've had to give my dog intramuscular medicine with a needle, he's quite the pussy when it comes to anything medical even though he's escaped and picked fights with other dogs. He's not a fighting breed so he doesn't actually do much harm, if any, and the street dogs are average mutts so they don't deal much harm either, he's only escaped like 3 times and he's a medium-sized breed but he's just absurdly aggressive against other dogs and unknown people. Whenever we had to give him the shots, we'd need another person to hold him down a little and he'd lash out and attempt (keyword: ATTEMPT) to bite against the "dangerous pain" that it perceived; he never actually bit anybody, he only lashes out but switches back instantly out of the fighting instinct because dogs are dumb, but they know when a situation is for fighting and when it isn't, and they can recognize their trusted peers

Even such an aggressive dog doesn't bite people it has been taught to trust, even when we're, pretty much, hurting him for no reason. Now try doing that with a pitbull, you'd need to be a masterful dog trainer and even then, the pit would still, at some point, just fucking snap and they wouldn't get out of that fighting mode no matter what you did.

Pretty much all dog attacks are by pitbulls or pitbull mixes

Yet we just allow any retard to own one, see the issue here? If user hadn't been attacked, the owners would just keep pushing the "m-muh pittie is such a sweetie" bullshit for other retards to gobble it up


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>wants to post a dog pic
>posts a pittie when there are countless thousands of dog breeds to post
>it's always the SAME pitbull pictures
>somehow I'm the politics-obsessed normalfag
Fuck off retard. I'm tired of seeing the exact same fucking pictures every single day, and everytime I lash out against the obvious agenda, some retarded newfag tells me I'm paranoid. Get out of my fucking board and kill yourself

Please do, kots are pure and free of agenda

please save me from another stupid fucking crossposted /pol/ pitbull thread kot

The irony is that you are adding fuel to the off-topic discussion by complaining about off-topic discussions, and this is what they want.

based and brain parasite pilled

Don't trust pitbulls. Perhaps there are good ones that listen to their owners, but again that's their owners. I wouldn't want myself anywhere near one unless I raised it myself.

>m-m-moommy! the pol bully is being mean again

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This. Just let me and other informed anons point out that these breeds are fucking monsters, and that way we can teach the other uninformed retards about this issue. When you fight back against us posting fucking FACTS all you get is making us angrier and derailing the thread even more because you incite other dumb uninformed cunts to pile against the anti-pitbull poster. If you just let anons post "pitbulls are monsters blah blah" for a couple of posts, it would die right there because they wouldn't be meeting anybody trying to push back against them, and the thread would live without anybody else bitching about pitbulls

A judgment is being visited upon the Pitbulls that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophecy which the /an/ poster made about them for having brought on a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Pitbulls, they would destroy us. It's a life-and-death struggle between the /an/fag race and the Pitbull bacillus.
Is /an/ taking this too far, bros?

I didnt switch to HD till 2013
buncha add zoomers around here

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Tell the truth, you tried to rape her.

>trying to defend /pol/'s honor after someone expresses annoyance with it

Nothing's changed. You literally dont need more than 800x600.

Nah. Kill yourself.
You too. Neck yourself, faggot.

>Just let me and other informed anons point out that these breeds
that would be nice if it were video games, but you're not doing anybody a favor by sperging out about the evils of a dog-breed anywhere outside of /an/

I’m glad pit bull threads are dying out here.

>being so traumatised by the pol boogyman she thinks they're behind every nuisance
literally rent free

also not defending anything just pointing out your pol induced psychosis

rent free you obsessed faggots.

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>tfw still using an old 720p tv

>just ignore it bro
is this bait
the way you worded this post makes it sound like you're being sarcastic

>i'm just pointing out--
yeah okay

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>hating shitbulls makes you a nazi
jesus christ do you have a modicum of self awareness

name the board that regularly has pitbull threads and has a large amount of posters that make it their life's mission to spread memes across all the others

I just want a 144hz 16:10 monitor, dammit.

graphicsfaggotry is pathetic

>keep reposting the exact same pictures
>countless of dog breeds but it's always a pitbull picture
>wonder why people lash out in anger against your posts
You keep doing the action, I'll keep doing the reaction whenever I get the chance for it; and as I will, so shall countless other anons that are tired of these fucking dogs

Yeah. Anytime somebody complains about something, it means they're from le pole and le donald reddit. It's all so tiresome.

Me and all the other anti-pitbull posters only care to spread the message of pitbulls being equally or even more dangerous than niggers. If we can spread the message, and none of the bleeding heart, uninformed, useful idiots, post to try and fight back against fucking facts and statistics, then we won't feel the need to keep regurgitating the same anti-pitbull discourse over and over again, because if we meet no opposition, we won't feel the need to keep repeating ourselves against retards. It's just a case of "stop fighting back against people that know better than you" and we'll stop derailing threads with a pitbull pic as the OP

if a sardonic reaction-image as the op is your justification for a thread-long shitfit about a dog-breed you do not like then the only cure for your behavior is a permanent ban and there is nothing else to say on the matter

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>/pol/ = nazi
Well, at least you admit that.

If this is a clever way of referring to /pol/ I'll have you know you're quite fucking retarded for expecting people to be able to know that it has a fuckton of pitbull threads when they most likely have never even been in the board. I'm really not sure which board you're even expecting us to "name" with that implication you just did, but I'm willing to assume your aim was that, given the context of this conversation

>still playing stupid
People post pitbull pictures so they can derail the thread into some pitbull hate circlejerk. Or are you going to ignore that EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of those threads has the same 10 statistic pictures posted over and over with the same filenames.
Again, no one is stupid enough to fall for your shit, faggot. No one is buying it. It's a common tactic from just about every faction that shitposts on Yea Forums to make a thread about something you hate acting like you like it so you can immediately samefag the thread screeching about it. You're not clever. You're not sneaky. You're not some mastermind. This shit is paper thin and absolutely easy to see through.
Kill. Yourself.

>tfw part of the .9% with 1920×1200

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Are there any 1440p 144hz displays that are under 300 yet? thats sort of my barrier to entry here

Simulacrum is upon simulacrum is becoming the norm. It also leads to the opposite problem. People becoming too emotional so they don't ever see the consequences of their emotions.
Honestly we just just ban all forms of escapism and go back to pre-industrial eras.

crossboard posters have their calling cards, typically choice of image in responses or ops (ie Yea Forums and Yea Forums for the tuxedo pepes), certain patterns of vocabulary (ie ironic ebonics literally everywhere), or even obsessive fixation on one subject or another (ie this thread's "i'm just spreading the word that pitbulls = niggers" autist)

lurk moar

>phone is 2160x1080
>tablet is 1920x1200
>monitor is 2560x1440
>tv is 3840x2160
>only nintendo devices are sub-1080p
It really is dated tech and I don't even consider myself remotely on the cutting edge of technology. Especially if you're PC only you owe it to yourself to get a better screen

Me and countless other anons, yeah. What's next? You'll ban every single user that lashes out against threads with an OP picture attempting to bait flamewars with tranny hate? After a while you'll ban everyone and the place either dies or becomes facebook 2.0 (as if we weren't already infested with normalfags)

You're trying to aim at the wrong target here. I merely hate shitbulls and derail the threads with them as the OP, I haven't been in Yea Forums in a fucking month. I don't post the thread just to samefag into a shitbull hate circlejerk, it would be counterproductive because any publicity is good publicity and some retard could pick up the breed merely out of spite against "annoying" people like me, or like the constant falseflaggers with the exact same pitbull picture. The mastermind move here would be to never talk about pitbulls rather than flood the thread with them you moron.

Who /27'144hz/ here?

I never implied otherwise. But if you think nigger hate is a /pol/ think then you're the real newfag here bud.

I don't have the money to upgrade yet. If this job interview goes well though i should be able to start making enough money to build a new PC with dual-cards that can run games at 4K at 144hz full max.

>pitbull spammer discord desperately trying to defend their shitposting and justify it

You are right to say that these threads are made to circlejerk in, but no faction is "coming in" and sabotaging. Some people just have personal negative views of the dogs.

you seem to be under the delusion you're performing a civic duty when you're an obnoxious ass that derailed a monitor thread because you don't like a type of dog

if i hate something, i immediately get put into the largest group of people who also hate it? so if i hate nazis i'm antifa? unironically kill yourelf.

yeah, so? good job not answering my point btw.

Agree 4k 60hz here I cannot wait to jump to 4k +100hz
there are already monitors we just need new more powerful Nvidia Cards,
RTX 3080/3080ti anyone?
(Im not paying 2000$ for a graphics card only will buy 80ti if its around 1000$)

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this monitor any good?

If you're willing to settle for 75hz then there is, but I can't find any quickly searching through amazon

>damn i really need to spread the word on shitbulls
>but i only want to post on Yea Forums
>oh i know, i'll make a thread pretending to be a pitbull lover so I can spam my garbage redpill pictures on Yea Forums
>haha i'm a genius! fucking based and redpilled thread incoming

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1440p is not a big step up from 1080p. It is not worth the extra GPU power needed for such a minor visual difference. It is so much more effective to get a really nice 1080p monitor or TV. 4K or 21:9 "4K" on the other hand actually makes a big enough visual difference to warrant all the extra GPU usage.

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>build a new PC with dual-cards
Don't, it's not worth it, microstutter and the framerate increase is usually 20-30%, so you're not getting your money's worth out of that second card regardless
>4K at 144hz
Now you're just being stupid

imagine having no games to play

1440 is 200IQ resolution

1080p @ 60Hz for the past ten years, and it's gonna stay that way until I off myself. My eyes have gone to shit anyway, and high refresh rate "smoothness" looks like shit

For me going for a higher resolution just isn't appealing right now.

It would be nice to buy a GPU and still be able to run games in 4k at max or high settings at 60fps for 4-5 years but we aren't at that point yet. Until then I'll stick with 1080p.

>But if you think nigger hate is a /pol/ think then you're the real newfag here bud.
holy segue batman, that has nothing to do with pitbull threads getting crossposted

I DID IT when gtx 1080 came out,sold 1 after few months, COMPATIBILITY FUCKING SUCKS

in 1080 i do

I'll gladly keep doing it for free
>"redpill pictures" when I haven't posted a single picture
>everyone on Yea Forums that holds an specific opinion is the same person
>everyone on Yea Forums is a falseflagger
>everyone on Yea Forums is le /pole/ boogeyman
...based and redpilled post, right there

Where are they getting crossposted from? You act like the knowledge you hold is universal to every other poster in this board, do you not see the problem in your ways? You just keep implying that they're crossposted and that everyone else knows what you're talking about

i have a younger brother who often watched me play growing up, he watches streams all the time, i never do. your onto something here.

>i don't know where it's coming from so nobody does

Attached: 1548534862542.gif (300x170, 480K)

>but i only want to post on Yea Forums
Of course. /pol/ is garbage, and Yea Forums unironically has better political discussions.

>high refresh rate "smoothness" looks like shit

Higher refresh rate is always better but it is very overrated. There are many factors involved that make or break having 144hz+. First of all there is no point in 144hz if you're only playing single player games. Secondly to actually get the benefit of 144hz you need a 1ms TN panel. IPS and especially VA look bad at 144hz because of ghosting. At the end of the day it depends on what you're doing on your PC the most. 80% of my time on my PC is using the internet and playing single player games and light multiplayer so I value good visuals over refresh rate so I have a glossy IPS panel that is 60hz because I don't need 144hz in the vast majority of usage. Almost all 144hz monitors have absolute shit image quality.

There are nice anons on both boards,but pol has some real crazy people in there

>i know where it's coming from so everybody does
I mean we can do the whole ">implying implications" shit for hours on end but nothing will come out of it, you have to accept that the people that know what you're talking about are far lower than the ones that do

>1440p is not a big step up from 1080p.
Resolution wise it's not but it's one of the highest resolutions you can achieve at 144hz in modern games, as it's more demanding than even 4k60hz, so it's at the current sweet spot if you value both framerate and resolution

I think 4k 144hz is a long way off still, at least in terms of GPUs that can handle it at ultra settings in modern games

If you are a pc player you know how to easily get more fps, Have you ever played with game graphical settings or you just put everything on ultra?

>IPS and especially VA look bad at 144hz because of ghosting
I have a 1ms IPS panel that doesn't have noticeable motion blur. Image quality on it is gorgeous, only beaten by my OLED TV.

And I don't think the benefits of >60hz applies only to multiplayer, you can appreciate the higher framerates in anything. To be honest it looks unnatural at first but so does 60fps if you're used to 30fps

Knowing how to tweak games has nothing to do with getting 144fps at 4K. Some modern games won't get half of that at medium settings. I mean it depends on what GPU and game we're talking about, but we're not there yet