One of the bigger Smash tournaments this year is going on right now with a ton of top talent. Kick back, relax, and watch+discuss some good Smash.
Frostbite 2019 Thread - Day 2
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lets do this shit
>But Leffen said MegaMan rapes Pokemon trainer
Leffen always says dumb, salty shit after he loses. He's been like that ever since he was that really fucking annoying shittalking kid on Smash World Forums
Lucario vs pichu is actually insanely volatile.
This Lucario is fun to watch.
Well fuck, that pichu made a huge come back.
what the fuck was THAT?
Heavy matches are THE most hype battles.
Is this the first thread or have I missed anything
and the guy that beat him with megaman agreed
Awesome Ganondorf
Ivysaur's Hitboxes are so broken, dude.
Mr. R dropped out, got diagnosed with some kind of cyst
Only some of them
That Ganon/Bowser set was sick
Shit's worse than i thought.
>One of the bigger party game tournaments this year...
Ivysaur is attached to two bad characters, he NEEDS it
>kirby bodying void
>Zelda is forever cursed to be a low/bottom tier character
Fear him
>pilonidal cyst
That fucking sucks. I'm surprised he could even sit.
>One of the best pichus losing to Kirby
I thought kirby was the worst character in the game?????
>VoiD staying Kirby
That's kind of nice to him to play a character Kirby can actually somewhat fight against
these are missing the particle effects
1. No one knows how to play against kirby since no one plays kirby
2. This pichu won't stop SD
>SD 3 times
>still win
lmao pichu ezmode
>thinking you can fight the meta
>SDs three times
>Still wins
Kirby still sucks people
>SD 3 times
>still wins
let's go VoiD
Is Leffen participating in Ultimate and Melee?
Leffen isn't even here. He's still trying to find a top tier that will allow him to compete.
that character doesn't exist, leffen will never again have results
If he's not stupid he'd pick R a n d o m
Yeah, Ultimate just isn't that kind of game. There doesn't seem to be anything equivalent to Brawl Meta Knight and Smash 4 Bayonetta. The dude doesn't want to put in work and would rather make excuses about how Charizard sucks ass and blah blah blah.
He ded
>U-ultimate's meta is versatile!
>Leffen isn't even here. He's still trying to find a top tier that will allow him to get free wins.
Fixed that for you.
Leffen's big chilling at a tournament on amarda's stream, i don't believe he actually registered for the tournament
>Ganon got in Winners
Yeah, as opposed to Melee's meta game with Fox, Falco, Marth and ONE Jigglypuff player.
Leffen is a huge bitch he was getting mad at Glutonny on stream for picking characters he wouldn't see at Summit then dropped 5 games in a row to gluto's fucking Incineroar. He literally has an automatic message in his subs-only chat saying not to make fun of him. The words johns is banned.
Why are Melee players so shitty at games that aren't Melee?
Puff is genuine trash in this game, and the Ike matchup is horrendous. M2K is the best Ultimate Puff in the world and he can barely even handle random online Ikes.
Shit, now he might actually win some tournaments
but Zard does suck
Other hitboxes like Fair and Bair are equally SHIT
VikkiKitty is so cute hhnnnnnnnnnngggggggg
hbox commentating the unrivaledtournaments stream next
So? Fucking switch to Ivysaur and Squirtle and just use Charizard to recover or deal a finishing blow. Komota's trying to play Kirby in majors even though he sucks major dick and can't change between three characters the same way Pokemon Trainer can. Lima and Captain Zack are sticking to Bayonetta despite the fact that she's absolute trash in this game. Meanwhile bitchboy Leffen just cries and cries like a whiny baby because he wants an auto-win character which doesn't exist.
>Hikaru lost to some Yoshi
Is anybody going to buy this EagleLand thing?
Hbox might be cancer but he's decent at commentary, better than most of the "le hype screaming negroes" or token annoying females.
Is my boyfriend Captain Zack in the tourney?
me probably
it looks really nice
Your Snake sucks, Ally.
Are you attending frostbite, Lima?
when is m2k playing?
>Quitting Smash because your character sucks
LMAO just play someone else than Mewtwo
Zack switches to Daisy everytime he starts to lose.
literally who
As he should if he wants to win, yet he still uses Bayonetta and doesn't complain as much as Leffen.
literally who?
and I thought Mewtwo was alright?
Shocked we aren’t seeing more Mii Swordfighter. He can kill midweights at like 50 off of a projectile.
I don't blame him, Bayonetta is hot trash, the fact he gets some results with her is impressive.
I saw Megaman survive her fthrow at like 180 near the edge and her uair didn't kill him until like 195.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that Rivals of Aether is also on too.
Put Ori in smash and this game can go die desu
Are there ANY A tiers that seem like they might make it far?
why the fuck everyone fighting on two stages
what are the legal stages anyways
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Pokémon Stadium 2
- Smashville
- Town and City
- Yoshi's Story
- Yoshi's Island
- Lylat Cruise
- Kalos Pokémon League
>no warioware
>no castle siege
>Twitter tags are ZD_Luigi & Skillager
>Matchup isn't Luigi/Villager but Fox/Palutena
Bunch of traitors
Wait, that's all?
Even with hazards off?
What the fuck tourneyfags
Himself and Charizard?
Fuck this janky piece of shit, where is WarioWare?
People are boring and afraid of change. The size of WW and slants of CS scare people
Too small apparently
>the size of WW
It's small for 4 players, what the fuck?
Why the fuck is it only 1v1's anyway? Yeah, and some 2v2's.
Smash is the perfect game for 3v3's on a larger stage or even 1v1v1(v1)'s.
>Be Incineroar, Ganondorf, Dr.Mario, or any slow brawler type of character fighting swords or zoners
>Game 3, I get to choose a counterpick
>Opponent can strike the only stages that aren't wide
>I'm left with counterpicking to a stage that's at best neutral to me
Small blast zones of Warioware trigger heavies because "reeeeeeeeee y I die @100%?!?!?"
Who the fuck wanted that fat fuck zd at summit anyways.
WW is jank but CS should be a standard starter.
Warioware favors heavies you fucking idiot
logistical nightmare
and who the fuck wouldn't want to play a serious FFA?
Palutena has to be the most brainlet character in the game.
Her nair is a combo starter that combos into itself, kills and is a a edge guard tool. I'll take Smash 4 Mario over this garbage.
So... where's fountain of dreams?
I never said it didnt, but the stage still triggers them because they still die earlier than they are use to
Hbox has good commentary but goddamn I wish he would stop blowing his load over the mic
How does the thread feel about Snake? I'd say he's high tier.
I think that lucina is the easiest character in the game and everything she does is pretty good
It has a framerate drop once every match, so it's banned forever.
Organizers are such babies like jfc
IC make it lag, so it's banned. If it gets fixed, then they'll might allow it. But it will probably stayed banned because they don't want anymore battlefields
what the FUCK
Sakurai gave them 100+ perfectly still and unchanging stages
And the result is "let's use nine of them"
I feel bad for the people who missed out on last game's item kinourment
Honestly I was pretty surprised at just how good her nair is, especially since it kills surprisingly early.
I guess Sakurai really wanted her to be good this time.
>playing m*le corrin
He's a clear high tier. He has the tools to absolutely dominate most characters worse than him and still compete against the top tiers but enough weaknesses that true top tiers can take advantage of them.
Is Larry Lurr washed?
>Spic maining Yoshi & called meme
Incredible zoning tools and has a bunch of guaranteed kill options like up tilt, C4, up smash, Nikita, and his down throw -> up tilt link.
His disadvantage state is really bad though but he's pretty great.
there's no point in using more than like 12 of them
Lucina is on my shitlist too.
They fucking buffed it to make it harder to get out of last patch.
Why is his tag unironically pronounced maymay
Hbox should take a break from killing melee and just be a commentator, he's really good at it.
i'm so fucking tired of these snowflakes not testing possibly legal stages, at current stage of the game. this is the time to test everything, otherwise, people will be too damn lazy to look at stuff, later on. this community, man...
It's fun watching MVD and Ally play him but brainlets will say Snake's nothing but a spammer.
He's mexican,So it is pronounced
"Meh meh"
I personally think there's no point in turning hazards off and banning any stages save for a few handfuls that really aren't fun to fight on.
Hazards are a part of the game, and playing around or even with them is a part of the skill this game takes.
Meme means nap in Beaner
>I personally think
No one gives a fuck
why do spics and blacks like smash so much?
It's fun and they aren't scared off by spics and blacks.
Just about everyone who isn't a contrarian or a Sonyfag loves Smash.
Fighting games have the most diverse community desu
Some hazards are fine but most of them are fucking awful, even playing casually everyone would shy away from those stages. Thank god for hazards off in Ultimate.
Is hbox seriously complaining about shine
I've barely seen people play Cloud in higher spots for tourneys.
Is he really that bad now?
>Hbox of all people bitching about Reflector
Like Fox, Ice Climbers, or Peach/Daisy he's bottom tier if you don't have any idea what you're doing. But High/Top tier if you do.
He's actually pretty decent but Ike or Lucina are usually better to play if you want an unga bunga sword character.
he's still good but has very notable flaws
I would say Cloud is upper mid tier
His aerials need to be spaced a lot better now and he takes forever to kill unless you have limit. Though unless you're a scrub you aren't going to be running into random limit moves.
Scrubs will still say he's broken though precisely because of that though.
Also his recovery is easily gimpable.
no it doesn't
Like I said, some stages just aren't fun to play on, like palutena's temple being so ass big and brawl pyrosphere with all the lava all the time (why is the hazards off version not legal?) but most stages are not a nuisance. A real pro should be able to play on Gamer.
Asian: Strategy games
Black: Fighting games
White: Speedrunning
Middle Eastern and Slavic: Shooting games
Hispanic: Wherever the money is
That's how it generally goes I think.
Anyone have a vod of that Void Kirby match? I wanna see high-level Kirb gameplay.
people picked Cloud so often in part because he was a super easy to learn character with good range that had very few flaws. no matter who you mained he was the perfect pocket/secondary. Lucina fills that role now.
Hispanics play the animu games like FighterZ. Also we aren’t a race
all of those ethnicities play fighting games
Holy shit that ass murdered ROB
I always love seeing ROB lose, fuck that character.
Get fucked ROB.
We like fighting games and Nintendo
>headset comes off
Wasn't expecting it to be up this fast.
>none of them racing games
Lea is such a good Greninja
Who will win?
What is with the stupid coat though
Why do you hate ROB?
>Zinoto Peach
Who even mains Diddy anymore? He's not bad, just that I haven't seen one in a while
any rare characters show up?
This nigga did not curl a single axe
Looks like there's a lot of Peach mains now.
banjo still isn't in, sorry.
It's just a coat bro
>Hispanics play the animu games like FighterZ.
I thought that that was a special case because of DBZ being really popular. Do they really show up a lot in stuff like Guilty Gear and Blazblue?
>Also we aren’t a race
I realized that but I am extremely disinterested in that stuff so I didn't bother to find the right word.
Yeah but I meant in general terms and among the competitive scene. The proportion of black people who play smash and fighting games competitively is higher than the proportion they are to the general population.
Can't reply to any replies to this post because that would be getting too off topic so sorry in advance.
>curl (...) axe
Spammy as fuck projectiles
Retarded side B
Infinite recovery
Massive hitboxes
He's a dumbass robot
Rate my picks bros.
Kirby almost won vs. Void. Granted, Void SDd once every match, but still.
>Richter fans are fake fans
The peach was always going to run towards him so he should have thrown the axes short if at all.
You can angle axe?
It's mostly true
>Oh cool le badass anime whip man
old school castlevania fans prefer Simon
How come competitive characters are always characters that have a lot of strong options for every situation instead of highly specialized characters? Like I know the answer to my own question but generalists are boring.
90% of Richter players haven't played DraculaX
People who like Rondo and SoTN are still old school it's been longer since those games then from NES castlevania to them
How would you nerf peach? Cause she needs it
He's not as good in this game
Last tournament he went, he lost 1-2 to a Doc main
and also I mean boring to watch not boring to play lmao
It's called getting gud
>His Co-announcer
thats our fucking guy, don't disrespect Coney like that
You can throw it on 3 different arcs
komorikiri with the based tag
old school castlevania fans know that Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night shit on the old games. Hell, Simon is not even in the best NES Castlevania and 2 sucks ass.
Is it better to nerf stuff like her combos and kill options at low percent or to nerf something unrelated like making her easier to kill?
Why do black announcers just scream all the time and make stupid jokes and references?
Taking away fun stuff isn't good, I would just make her easier to kill
>haven't beat a single Castlevania
>just like Simon more because I share a name with him
>svelte isn't a word
It's more interesting to see someone download their opponents habits and call it out with reads then see someone use 1 move that answers 15 situations
He's top tier now right?
It isn't but also I've found that nerfing everything but the problem is a bad idea. I'd go with whatever is the most bullshit and unfun to play against.
>all top tiers play the same boring way
why do people allow this shit? swordies are so boring
Because you ignore every moment where they actually anaylze things
You might as well try the first one, user. It's a pretty good classic, just a little too hard until you get a hang of it. Still, that's a pretty wholesome reason for liking him. It's the same reason I like Chris from Resident Evil.
>picking Chrom against someone with counter
lower part of mid tier desu -ESAM
Ike doesn't play like Lucina. Link doesn't play like Roy. Shulk doesn't play like Cloud. FUCK. OFF.
The first one is the only one I've put any time into, actually. It's fun to play a hardcore NES game once in a while, but right now I have too much in my backlog. I'll go back to it one day.
Do none of that shit because isn't an auto-win character and takes work to makes successful. If anything they should buff the turnip flight trajectory. I'm not even sure if she has ever won any tournaments.
I prefer swordies to stuff with projectiles like Peach, ROB and Olimar. They aren't nearly as bad as people meme them to be.
chrom = roy, lucina = marth. laaame
Wolf is so boring.
nerf peach, nerf lucina, nerf any projectile spammy character who is at least high tier (links, snake rob)
wow the game is actually fun now
Wolf is visceral and easy to understand.
you can space upB to not get countered
>nerf projectiles
How about actually allow small stages so projectiles can be counter picked.
I have no idea what Komo was doing
>Nip kamikaze attempt led to this loss
You can't make this up
You're right actually. Literally 99.9% of the playerbase isn't good enough for tierlists to matter over player skill and balancing for esports is the number one cancer to multiplayer games. Just buff the absolute weakest characters at most.
but all her projectiles are easily punished
nerf inkling tho
>Tranny on stream
>Gets rockcucked
>Slow as molasses
Not yet he ain't
Imagine maining chrom in 2019.
that's supposed to be a girl?
So does this thing has a XX or XY pair of chromosomes?
>easily punished
how? she can keep ganon away with that gigantic flame ball and that stupid auto lock gun
The most naked lies are intended to humiliate the target, not convince.
She has a pair
>Chat blowing up over the tranny
Who expects a bunch of zoomer kids to play nice and swallow that bullshit? Not all of public school culture has been castrated.
Imagine being the caster right now and if you don't acknowledge that the sky is green and 2+2=5 you lose your fucking job lmao
I'll root for any transnigger pansexual xhemale over a fucking olimar player.
Trannies that don't even ATTEMPT to look the other gender are fucking disgusting
Trannies that fail to look like the other gender are too, but at least they tried
that pika combo was sick lads
alright which of you was this
The same fags that spam threads here.
It's literally a normal reflexe to not accept trans shit. The only people that really accept it are the most brainwashed sjw.
I'm convinced that most of the people saying shit like unironically are just people that play a role.
/oursperg/ is on now boys, let's go m2k.
Will M2K place well this time?
He's griming already lmao. When is the book coming out
A lot of stages get fucked over by being almost identical to already legal stages.
But of course, there's also a bunch of stages that are really only banned because they MIGHT be bad, even though they haven't really been tested.
But for real who doesn't like Wolf? He's fun, can't be contrarian on everything.
>not hating top tiers
Fuck Pauletena and fuck Wolf
aw man mew2king playing bowser was quite based and redpilled, shame he's already tierwhoring with wolf.
Completely indifferent.
It's rare that he offers more than just solid bread & butter in Advantage & Neutral. He doesn't have potential to be very flashy, and no, raw hits dont make a character flashy.
>so worried about being unique that you hate good characters
The hardest of Down Smash read
hating top tiers simply because they're good is stupid. Every game has top tiers and some characters need to fill those spots. Some top tiers are fun and some aren't.
yason what the fuck
>mew2king's hairline
Please don't let that ever happen to me.
this. i hate playing ganon against characters like these because they make me realize these fucks have better options than i do in almost every circumstance. when am i gonna see a mid/low teir on stream?
I dont mind Wolf that much but Palutena is fucking aids to play against
At the same time?
holy shit m2k's hairline
Right the fuck now bitch
Ganon won Smash weekly tournament and gets to finals in those. It's not a supermajor but still. Git gud.
I wish M2K was good again it's not fucking fair
Fuck Palutena
He can't even play melee worth a fuck anymore. What makes you think he can do any better in Ultimate?
based M2K playing /ourcat/
Every top tier is flow chart, it's fucking disgusting. They have an option for everything, you have to play twice as good as them.
I do wish I enjoyed any of them though.
I'd worship Pauletena desu
yeah but playing ganon is easier than even palutena, he shouldn't be good if it doesn't take that much effort to get there. That being said, fuck palutena and any other character with a teleport recovery
hope you prayed to your goddess today
>that only Wolf that won so far is Seagull Joe, who mained him day one
Wolf is the only top tier I hate actually playing against in game. His players are all faggots too.
melee players have no fundamentals
m2k BTFO
Seagull Joe is my favorite side character.
Is m2k still writing his book
Are there any of the (arguably) top 10 players maining character they didn't main in smash 4
Age beats us all.
Will m2k ever get over his character crisis
ozone looks like void's nervous younger brother
And Mew2King just jobbed as Wolf, showing that we're probably attributing more to the character than the fact that a lot of good players happen to like Wolf.
please, palutena is braindead. just nair nair nair to bair to projectile and then teleport away
Still in losers, tho.
M2K seems jaded about competition again
Seagull Joe mained him since Brawl, he's a loyalist
No, mostly because it's just an excuse to hide the fact that he's washed up.
i'm saying palutena is braindead but ganon is even eaiser
I love him
As opposed to ganon? Or any heavy for that matter. All they do is lose neutral over and over again and get in a few hits and suddenly their opponent is at 100%.
Why did Mew2king decide to disrespect the Roar like that?
Why the FUCK do smash players nod vigorously everytime they lose a stock. Its annoying
Any other surprising picks that i missed
That Mario kill was clean.
>Duck Hunt uses kill move successfully near the edge at high percent
>still doesn't kill
Fuck Sakurai
FGC players usually do it after a round. It's a few seconds where you acknowledge what you did wrong.
Also you have autism
How many Peach/Daisy, Pichu, Wolf & Palutena have we seen so far?
they have to show their non-existant fans that they thought that was a reasonable death :^)
I haven't really played Pichu in Ultimate. But he was my main in Melee when I was a kid. Something satisfying about seeing him good now even though I don't bother with him anymore.
You'd still lose on CS/WW, it's not as if a smaller stage shrinks their hitboxes. In fact I'm willing to bet the current top/high tiers would thrive in some stages.
confirmation bias
But nodding is a common way to show understanding, they probably learned something
fuck hbox
>people nodding their head is annoying
seek help
Because Roar sucks
he's good on comms desu
Heavies are slow and can't chase so they have to capitalize on mistakes and make hard reads, making them inherently big brain
Duck Hunt is actually pretty good, solid top 20 at least
this. how the fuck do you have such stockholm syndrome that you think a bad character like ganon is somehow EASIER to play than a character like palutena?
Good players see what their mistakes were and learn from them. Nodding is the motion you do while you do this.
That just sounds like a character that depends on the other player to be less than optimal to get any results.
>t. Ganon and Incineroar players
>Have less space to be zoned out in ( Stage layout disturbs zoning a lot in CS/WW, especially CS, with its sort of slope in the center stage )
>Lol you'd still lose
I'll give you that some top tiers would do good on some of these stages, given their setups. Think Palutena's juggle game on WW, and platform pressure in general, but picture in Young Link vs Ganon/Incineroar, you're not gonna pretend WW/CS isn't pretty much the counterpick to go to.
>screams "WAVEDASH TO READ" at the top of his lungs after MKLeo wavelands and does a dtilt that covers the whole platform
That's a Ganon and a Da Cunt in.
oof MVG
Yes, that's every big body/grappler in fighting games. Worse frame data but better reward for downloading opponents, so high IQ.
Duck Hunt won!
Holy fuck Duck Hunt DESTROYED that Mario
Lol so much for top Mario
Such is the life of character specialists. Nobody has any fucking idea how to fight against Duck Hunt.
Duck hunt is so much fun to watch
Hard reads are done using the reptile brain.
>Insurance sponsor for Smash
but why
Yeah Wizzy got REALLY tilted after losing that second game.
No it means the other player needs to fuck up more for the character to get results. Literally a strategy depending on the other player being bad.
playing against him is like playing against a puff with projectiles though, even worse than playing against DDD that also plays like a puff with projectiles
who beat mew2king?
UtopianRay ( Palutena )
Duck Hunt can't float though so this analogy doesn't make any sense.
some literal who playing Palutena
But they can adapt to their playstyle, it just requires much more IQ than a standard player's.
DURR YOUR CHARACTER IS EASIER NO MINE IS. You fucking retards. A heavy character does more damage on an individual hit, yes, but the faster character can do just as much if not more with a light confirm into a loop/combo. Fast moves that lead to combos are much easier to land than big strong moves that have more startup (also more punishable). But at the same time, characters like Palutena need proper spacing to do well with. It doesn't matter that she's safe and far away, because once you close in she's helpless. Damage between heavies and lighter characters get balanced out somehow by combos. And light characters have superior mobility and recovery too. There is no "easier to play" it's all dependent on the player. If a player has no fundamentals you're not gonna do with anyone.
How is M2K so garbage at this game? didn't he do decent in smash 4?
everyone needs insurance desu
>twitch chat sperging at fe music
smash 4 and ulti are more different that people realize.
In Losers
>Playing the inferior game
Captain Zack when?
Only early on and when Cloud came out for doubles. He might have done better but he focused more on melee.
Who is your favorite top threat, Yea Forums? If you already main one, then among the ones you don't play.
2 hours ago
who sent him there?
Character crisis
He's been working on his book instead of practicing
He's emo2king again and his heart clearly isn't in competing in tournaments anymore
Ultimate isn't as defensive as Smash 4. M2K really only plays doubles in smash outside of Melee.
and Sheik and a pika and occasional climbers
and nobody likes the Puff or the climbers lel
No one, because that user was lying
Can't wait for everyone to be crying for a Joker nerf.
How do you know? the bracket is not updated
>plup on commentary
hell yeah
>plup immediately comes on and says he's in loser's on stream
I'm really worried the DLC characters will ruin the meta
Prepare for some good Ness play
I really like plup but I can't watch his stream because it's constant cancer donation spam, so this is nice.
Get dicked olimar
>same alt as awestin
Man I really wish awestin was able to travel, apparently it's a health issue.
I really hope this doesn't become a Smash 4 situation all over again.
Balancing team for DLC is different this time, and they're probably going to make sure not to repeat Cloud and Bayo.
looking it piranha plant I think they intend to undertune them at first and buff them later
you're allowed to buff 3 characters and nerf 3 characters. who do you choose and what do you nerf/buff?
Why won't Sakurai make Kirby good bros...
In an ideal world, the devs look at tournament results and nerf characters according to how many time they've been winning/appearing in finals.
that dude is 15?
Bowser Jr
I don't nerf anyone for now
PP was essentially a free character. We already know that Joker is a fast character and that's a warning sign already.
Instead of nerfing good characters they should focus on buffing crappy ones.
feels good to see Gackt dick on this dude
based Gackt
Shiek deserves to be shit, playing against characters with brain dead easy neutral play is never fun
Buffing Kirby won't make Pichu any less annoying.
This. Nothing good comes from simply breaking a character's knees and telling them to compete. Others must be stronger so that everybody can be potent.
what stream we on?
God damn that Ness was slick.
just play Meta Knight or DDD, both of them are pretty decent
It's a fine line. I think Wolf/Lucina in particular are pretty ambiguous because they're not stupid good but they are strong+easy to the detriment of the selection of other characters.
buff squirtle and charizard
Have both up just flipping depending on who's playing.
why do girls and fags love plup so much
>buffing a high tier
;_; why
bowser jr.
rosa? don't know about a third
lucina, shouldn't just be easier and better marth
palutena, don't know how exactly maybe distribute power of nair elsewhere?
t. Leffen. Fuck off.
God I wanna fuck Captain Zack
The fuck is this Ike doing just trying to charge b when the megaman's off stage lol
Bowser Jr
Zard sucks
Squirtle is good but only for some matchups
otherwise you're pretty much playing Ivysaur with Zard as an additional recovery move
Okay Lima
Holy shit what's up plup why are you shitposting while commentating
that piece of shit deserves to be bad
Relatable depressed 30 year old dude
has salem played yet?
Me too, Lima.
plup is only 25
Buff Bowser, Incineroar, Bowser Jr.
Nerf Lucina, Palutena, Peach
>nair nair nair
lol palutena
>Snake's recovery is bad
>Ike's recovery is bad
What are some other hilarious lies told by Smash players?
>speed, dtilt launch angle/frame data, aerial drift
Zero Suit
>edge cancels, more consistent fair, more stun on downsmash
>more consistent hitboxes
Separate all the trainer pokemon and buff Charizard, maintain the option to use all 3 though and balance that if it's advantageous/disadvantageous
nerf Ivy
Ike's recovery is only mediocre but Snake's recovery gets fucked hard by most characters
Buff Belmont offstage
Give Ivysaur PM solar beam and separate the pokemon
Nerf nobody
>>Snake's recovery is bad
has literally anyone ever said this
they're just mad about nu fire emblem
Plup looks like a drug addict.
Oh shiy lads its Tweek
buff kirby, ganon and k rool
give kirby better air mobility, ganon slightly more reach with his jab, and an extra jump after down b'ing in the air. give k rool more reach on the suction and more reach on fair.
nerf palutena's nair, wolf's laser, and snake's nikita
>just shitting on the guy who plays mii
this dude really making viridi right now
>Have 70 characters to choose from
>Many have diverse and interesting movesets and stats
>Pick a Mii
>mii fighter
impressive slouch/schnozz combo
This. Miis are a soulless choice.
You gotta give it to him, he's faithful to his waifu.
I hope Tweek destroys this dude
tweek is using that haircut because he's balding lmao
mehmet my son
will you pick mario, luigi, samus, link, etc.
or Tornado into Hero Spin: the Character
Is Wolf the new pocket Cloud?
If he doesn't win he's direspecting her
His name's not user, it's Simon.
speaking of miis, why the fuck there's a sudden growth on mii gunner porn?
Realistic racers are boring games bro.
I think its just one guy that really, really loves her commissioning it.
>anonymous moniker
this guy is a 4channer
he even picks the little girl
I would hope not. With a nose like that Tweek does not have the head shape for a buzz.
>No Heros Spin
Just like all lolicons, he has no hope of winning.
kill yourself
This guy needs to stop with the tornado, lag is insane with this move if you miss.
Corrin - everything
Jigglypuff - doesn't die as easily
Zelda - down b locking you in place and side b having less of a commitment
Ganon - fair and bair kill pressuring and landing lag extension
Sonic - more punishable, can no longer instantly neutral B after whiffing side B
Every marth clone - every aerial except dair, forward smash more ending lag and more frames of startup
yeah. mew2king has a great shaped skull. he looks great as a bald man
taunt to get bodied
>Maining Viridi
Fucking based. Rosterfags take note.
I don't know but I like it
Is it good porn?
Don't ever post this again.
>pedo picked the Splatoon stage
Too obvious.
Can someone please just host a tournament with the stage list being limited to Warioware, Castle Siege, Brinstar, Skyloft, Halberd, Lumoise, and Frigate Orpheon? M2K was completely correct. They think they know better because of work other players did in other games years ago without doing any work themselves.
>go bald
>or continue living with a terrible haircut
which is worse?
>nu fire emblem
nice assumption, cuck. Corrin in smash 4 was just degenerated. i don't want that shit back
M2K is just upset that his Incineroar ain't shit and he thinks a smaller stage will help.
it's meh, desu
Such a handsome boy.
taunt to get bodied yet again
what a fag
>ruin ivysaur
No, that solarbeam does squat, and the healing isn’t very practical.
Based Tweek cleansing the earth from Mii Fighter scum.
Castle Seige is legal in a few tourneys isnt it?
Lolicon scum, more importantly.
imagine bringing your waifu to the tournament just to get litterally shat on by tweek's wario
You know moot used this word himself, yah?
Lol, Plup sucks.
Are there going to be any majors in Seattle?
i'm not saying he's handsome i'm just saying the bald look doesn't look bad on him. look at tweek. he'll look like total shit as a bald man
It is here and there, but the community is still divided over it. Slopes are not counter to the core mechanics of the game and these fucks need to get over it.
seperate pokemon, give ivysaur new down b: seed bomb from Project M. give charizard jump from PM as down b and give squirtle some kind of superamor counter as down B.
who the hell is moot?
yes, same for warioware
there isn't a universal stage list for this game
and moot is a newfag
>spend all this time customizing every part of your mii
>lose anyway
Nah, I want rock smash from 4 back
If you play your waifu enough, eventually a Wario player is going use their face as a toilet. This is why I exclusively use the male Corrin.
there was Don't Park on the Grass in December
it may or may not comeback this year
Why does False look like a FF character?
He was probably hoping for something like that
>using the shitty ware outfit
There is nothing based about that or that garbage series.
Plup lost to this guy, btw.
>meleefags get mad again that someone talks shit back to them for once
Get some thicker skin. If you want to boo non-melee Smash during its award ceremonies you can at least own it.
is it just me or does false always comes off as an edgy tryhard
What a fag hopefully this guy finds a way to BLAP on him
>Buff Kirby
>Buff Bowser Jr
>Buff Ryu, I guess?
>Nerf Snake by removing the Nikita's hitbox if he cancels it
>Don't nerf anyone else
I know people don't like Palutena but that's a bit excessive
Bowser Jr.
Little Mac
This Palutena looks like a knockoff S2J
I want to cum on Palutena's legs
Her shoulders/collarbones/neck is better
From what I've seen and experienced, I think the sentiment against CS is more psychological than anything. It has no real centerstage so it feels extremely claustrophobic to play on. It's the opposite of PS2 in that respect.
Obviously "I don't like the stage" isn't much grounds for a ban itself but the Smash stage list has always been player-curated so things can get murky.
little mac should stay the bad gimmick character he is and never be touched
fuck manny
I want to pull Wolf's tail.
Not surprising seeing how plup sucks at ultimate.
based meleefags win again.
Goddamn you retard
I want to cum inside Captain Zack!
>plup lost to that link
He's better than Hbox, at least.
That really isn't saying much.
Plup got BLAAAPPED on.
Why is Plup such a faggot
holy fuck why are there so many wolf mains
Why don't I see Daisy in a tournament? Has Peach just got enough to make her better?
Is Leffen actually in this? Dude is being super annoying on Twitter right now. Just want him in to be humbled so he can moan about how we're all 'making' him play his current main then go on another character crisis again.
wolf is really good for the amount of investment he requires
>its another wolf episode
>another tranny
>both streams on PS2 starting at the same time
Leffen isn't at frostbite
>wolf vs peach on one stream and lucina vs pichu on the other
just cancel ultimate now
he's good, easy, and not a complete bore like lucina
> First stream: Peach vs Wolf
> Second stream: Lucina vs Pichu
God fucking damn, whoever's managing this could at least try & do an effort to throw in something else.
>another wolf vs peach episode
Lame, so he can just troll every match I guess.
Am I the only one who thinks Wolf isnt that good?
His recovery is punishable, he has less range and speed than Lucina/Marth/Chrom, his blaster is punishable
Holy shit stop with the fucking Wolf. Literally worse than the swordies.
Fuck you, I'm enjoying all this Wolf.
>wolf, peach, lucina, pichu
wolf is my fursona
He's baby mode to exploit while the good players get gut with the actual top tiers.
Buff Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, and Captain Falcon.
Save my three nerfs for the DLC characters who will almost certainly need them.
who is this "moot"? I've heard people mention him a few times