Is this the last turd Bioware shat?

Is this the last turd Bioware shat?

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I stopped using Yea Forums when this released. What happened?

i think they have one more left, new dragon age is probably too far along development to justify cancelling it outright

when it bombs too that'll be the end

its ok when other games do it

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they also said dragon age will be very political so we already know its gonna be sjw garbage and wont sell at all.

I hope so.

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nothing just people ganging up on a game its cool to hate it

game is shit and boring and bad so it got bad score


Game has fun gameplay, but the loot is ass, the story is mediocre, the enemy/environment variety is pathetic and it lacks content.

One of the worst cases of "Don't worry, we'll finish the game in a year or so".

hey everybody, point and laugh at this faggot!

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sounds exactly like destiny

so why does Yea Forums love reviews now didnt retards say they didnt matter

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>too far along development to justify cancelling it outright
You don't know EA very well, do you?

Who cares what retards say?

you know when a guy reviewing the game calls it worse than fallout 76 yes i think retards are just doing it now

User reviews are always more accurate than Critic reviews, Anthem was just such a steaming pile of dogshit that even the shills couldn't give it an 8/10

Its the last bit of shit coming out of bioware's corpse.

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No it's not, Bungie is full of shit too

But it's literally not, sooo...?

>Game has fun gameplay

Can't believe that there's a high chance that bioware will be shut down be EA within a year or 2. EA takes another victim. They've been shit since mass effect 1 anyway.

>Game has fun gameplay

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did this game fuck your mind or something

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>game has fun gameplay

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Why did anyone expect anything but trash from anthem when andromeda was a complete abortion?

We will never, ever get another KOTOR in any way, shape, or form now.

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outer worlds

what game?

I remember hearing Andromeda was made by a different team. In fact some people said the reason Andromeda was so bad is because all the talented people at Bioware were on Anthem. I haven't paid enough attention to know if any of this was true though. Really I think the main thing to blame for both games failure was probably EA meddling.

gta vice city with mods

I'm astounded people still thought there was anyone talented at bioware after mass effect 3 and dragon age inquisition

that's one hell of a mod user

bioware was never good

IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad/Moscow/Kuban.

From the map it looks like stalingrad though.

Reviewers play to public opinion and the prevailing opinion going into D2 was that D1 had righted the ship. That's probably the right score post-Forsaken, but it was inflated by the people reviewing the game being absolutely clueless.

...also D2 is actually fun to play on a fundamental level, Anthem really isn't.

is going to be shit and nothing like KOTOR

User reviews are full of actually retarded people just like Yea Forums.

Imagine Destiny 1 with all its content post-launch compared to vanilla Destiny 1. That's the gap between vanilla Destiny 1 and Anthem right now. There's the equivalent of 3 strikes, the devs have confirmed there will never be raids, and there's no pvp.

I played Alpha, Demo, and Early access. Loved it, but it was rough.
It clearly still has some issues, but it is still a fantastic base to build on top of. Which is what excites me most.
I finished the story (which was amazing) and I am still playing. It has the amazing characters and story that Bioware is known for (plus the diversity, i LOVE Brin… so much)

But I do worry for its future. Mostly because of how many people I have seen that watched some review on Youtube and now won’t try it.
This probably needed a couple more months, but I also put a lot of blame on the fact that sensationalized news on Youtube tends to get way to many views.


>Game has fun gameplay

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>Game has fun game play

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Based shill

Three loonies were deposited in your account.

>Game has fun gameplay
I dont get it

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What he means is that the combat is good (sometimes) but literally everything else around it is bad. And combat is barely the focus with how much shit you need to do around it.

And it's so poorly balanced that I wouldn't even say it's good until long after you hit endgame, but by that point you're out of content.

>Invites Sarkeesian for a conference
>Ask for her advices
>Game is shit

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The flying is fun and its pretty, everything else is average at best and doesn't seem to have been put together thoughtfully

It's a Bioware game post Andromeda and it's another destiny type game. You can just tell it was made because EA wanted a franchise to compete with Destiny despite most normalfags having lost interest in those games and moving onto battle royale.

Didn’t romans have gay orgies with kids like all the time

quick rundown on the feminist bridge?

yes it is the most recent turd from bioware
no the next bioware game will not be good it will also be a turd

A bridge collapses killing people.
Investigation shows that engies were all TOKEN incopetent over achieving women who had no fucking idea and didn't give a fuck.

Anthem doesn't have anything political though and doesn't include feminist themes. It's just uninspired as fuck and has boring gameplay. A gradeschooler could design a more interesting game world more engaging game mechanics.
I don't understand how Bioware expects anyone to be entertained by Anthem for more than few weeks. I got no reason to believe the upcoming live content is going to be any more interesting.

also developed specifically for nickel & diming through microtransactions or lootboxes

Jade Empire is coming before Dragon Age.

Yeah I'm sure BioWare shed off all of their political views between ME:A and Anthem..
Since I havent played the game, I obviously cant say for sure, but I wont risk it either way.

I wouldn't call incompetent diversity hires over achieving.

>User reviews are always more accurate than critic reviews
Completely wrong. Most user reviews consist of "10/10 I love company" or "0/10 stupid company!"
The only accurate user reviews are on clients like steam because most people aren't willing to troll if they have to front money for it"

total bullshit, there are terrible games with good reviews on Steam

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>terrible game
why do they let people like you even continue breathing? There can't be any higher power.

it is fucking garbage though, you clearly have shit taste

>normies know what's good
Wtf happened?

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post those faces

Andromeda was made by a different team of mostly rookies but all the actual talent already left bioware in general years ago.

They're all too tired.

>Andromeda was worse
>still had the highest score