Sonic Mania was a miracle that arrived just when people were abandoning this series, and now the developers of that game left and formed their own studio. When will SEGA get their heads out of their asses and restructure Sonic Team to be more competent? Are we going to continue to have garbage games with low effort put into them?
The current status of Sonic
Other urls found in this thread:
Given that Iizuka publicly said he's interested in remaking Sonic Adventure 1, I really think that could be a game changer, so to speak, in terms of what direction the series takes in the future.
>Twitter poll for favorite alternate mode from a Sonic game
With that it looks like they're trying something with the fans but I don't know how far it will go.
I love Tails so much guys. I can't sleep without pretending he's my pillow next to me.
good, i want a game with a story more complex than eggman bad sonic good
also fuck the boost formula
Can we just quickly think about how he came back to leech off of Sonic Mania? 9 years gone just to get a couple hundred bucks off of YouTube
Taxman and friends were never a part of Sega, they were contracted from the start. Now that they have their own studio it wouldn't be out of the ballpark for Sega to just contract Evening Star to make another Sonic Mania game. Aside from that the coming Sonic racing game looks pretty alright. I like that it's referencing more then just the Adventure era games.
It seemed like he had a lot going for him. I loved his videos dunking on Sonic 4 and talking about Fleetway Sonic (which I never read). No clue why he dipped immediately after finding success.
I like to believe he's still working had on Autism: The Movie but it all seems too simple. He comes back right around Mania's announcement and goes away a bit after it so it doesn't seem suspicious immediately. It just doesn't feel right.
How popular was he 9 years ago? Seems like he didn't hit it big UNTIL he started talking about Mania and more modern stuff, and I don't think he could have predicted that level of success after being dormant for so long. Yeah, he probably left after all the quick cash he made, but I don't think it was his plan from the beginning.
The thing that happened was that the video he made about the top 10 Sonics somehow ended up getting over a million views. Probably scared the fuck out of him because his videos had views nowhere near that high beforehand.
Taxman, Stealth and the rest of the Mania team were never part of Sega to begin with, so I don't see any reason why they can't work on any future Sonic games
All I want is a real 3D Sonic game that has no 2D side-scrolling sections. Those have become such a crutch for Sonic Team, they have to let go. Sonic Forces was the last straw with how poorly Classic Sonic controlled in that game.
To me, one of the main problems with 3D Sonic games is that they've never made something like Super Mario 64. They've been so obsessed with this idea that Sonic HAS to be going fast at ALL times, which means levels are just holding forward, running down hallways while the game plays itself.
2D Sonic games always had slow platforming parts; speed was just the reward for being good at the game. Take a look at Mario 64 speedruns. You would never consider Mario 64 to be a "fast" game, but high skill players sure makes it look fast as fuck. I know some fans think that slowing down Sonic would just be the worst thing ever, but it could work. And not in the shitty way they tried it in Lost World, I mean something more like Sonic Adventure controls but with Mario Odyssey levels.
I just don't want another boost game with tons of 2D sections.
I thought he died/went to jail lol
A Mario Odyssey-esque game with Sonic Adventure 1 controls actually sounds like it would be fun as fuck.
>Sonic Mania
A sub par rom hack feeding the starving masses. Nothing more.
Titanic Monarch is one of the most directionless levels of all time.
Kemoshota are miracles of the universe.
You know what the funny thing is? Forces is actually more of a "romhack" than Mania could ever be.
>When will SEGA get their heads out of their asses and restructure Sonic Team to be more competent?
It will happen at the same time Nintendo miserably fails to sustains themselves.
In other words: Never.
>Are we going to continue to have garbage games with low effort put into them?
Yes, as long the franchise is still plagued with so many factors and so many problems that it suffers, such as Iizuka and the IP being owned by SoJ, not SoA.
>Titanic Monarch is one of the most directionless levels of all time.
Pardon me for sounding rude, but perhaps it just sounds more like you need to g-word, rather. Tinanic Monarch is one of the best Sonic zones ever made through the history, in my personal opinion.
There's that word again...
I'm kinda shocked. I was going to try and find a Tails daki to post in this thread, but somehow both him and Klonoa lack them.
I have no idea why nobody is making kemshota dakis, it's a market that could be easily conquered.
>wanting a sonic game with a story
you're the cancer killing the franchise.
Remember 06?
I noticed 25 words, actually
Don't blame him, it's not like people asked SEGA for a shitty story minus Shadow's campaign.
Titanic Monarch is the best final zone in 2D Sonic. No ifs or buts.
It's closest competitor is Death Egg from 3&K.
Bobble headed technicolor animals in sneaks don't make for good narrative
They can at least make for an entertaining one
>All I want is a real 3D Sonic game that has no 2D side-scrolling sections.
Why do people get so autistic over this, I don't get it. They're perfectly fine and add some variety to the level. Unlike say, the classic sonic levels in Generations, they don't pretend to be classic levels but fail at it.
Just talking about romhack, it still makes no sense, I can't play this on a genesis
batman is a guy dressed like a flying rodent fighting a dude wearing permanent clown makeup
06 was over 12 years ago and the games still range from mediocre to dogshit. get a better argument, asshole.
What do they mean by alternate mode?
I wish more people were like this. With that recent video of some smuck that only likes Sonic 2 because it's the least likely game to "slow you down" or whatever, I want more games like what you're asking for, more games exactly like S3K/Mania, and none of that handholding casual garbage that pander to action junkies that undermined's Sonic's momentum based gameplay. Basically so many of years has gone by that Mario is basically the one and only example of "good" platforming, no one wants to accept Sonic's way as good despite the fact Sonic 2/3 or the only classic games in the series to reach 6+ million sales each, year one. Mania taking the speed idea of Sonic 2 with the level design of Sonic 3, is how all Sonic games should be to be the most successful.
But as we all know, I rather this be more "casualized" in the sense of the 3D games, purely because more people prefer the plot and characters far more than they do the gameplay.
>Muh linear = good
I wish the story was the worse part of that game desu. It's close, but it isn't the main issue.
Funnily enough, ShTH to me is what that is, but not because it was there, but because it was hyper turbo autistically retarded.
Play Sonic 3K you underaged nigger. Narrative /= deep story telling ala Final Fantasy.
A 3D game should be THREE D. DeDeDe style.
Remember how in the 2000s 3D games only had 3D gameplay?
>game has kickass aesthetics and design
>but has super railroaded and stiff gampleay
>game has one of the best OSTs in the series
>but the characters and sound effects never shut the fuck up
It's not fair.
This is the same guy who A. Thought you could spindash in Sonic 1, and B. Didn't even know the drop dash was a thing till later, doesn't help that that edit possibly didn't appear in the description till after a thread mentioned his video one day which heavily implies he lurks here.
Sonic Riders is so underrated. I wish it had more tracks and boards, and the requirements for Super Sonic weren't so crazy. The game has such a skill cliff it's insane, but it is so rewarding when you actually get it, and more so when you play with other players who also know what they're doing. It's also a shame that Zero Gravity wasn't anywhere near as good, and the third one was on fucking Kinect
it was better than
>eggman built an amusement park
>lmao he is still evil
>wacky shenanigans enssue
at least 06 tried to make the levels look like part of a coherent world and tell an actual story, even if they failed
at least they tried
I completely agree with this post. I was so bored during the 2d levels in Forces
Did you make the other thread about this game?
That raises a bigger question for me. Who lurks on Yea Forums after 2 years of Mania threads to NOW say "I don't like it" as a clickbait video? This shit reeks of attention grabbing or some half ass way to make classicfags look bad. If you never played Mario and came in expecting CoD gameplay and didn't get it, and had the nerve to revision history that Sonic was never good because the 6+ millions of fans say otherwise, you're a fucking idiot retard that needs to cope and just stay out of shit you don't understand.
This is usually an American problem I've noticed
That's fucking stupid. You're saying genres should never mix styles should never mix, nothing should never mix? Absolutely the most rated thing I've read. A game should be whatever the fuck it can be. They shouldn't get rid of the variety because your autistic mind can't process multiple things
A lot of people seem to ride off the attention of Mania for quick views.
sonic is now in a postironic state like shitty those shitty nucartoons like gumball and teen titans go where it's like
"it doesn't matter that we're unfunny if were self-aware morons will eat it up!"
the adventure games expanded the world in believable ways and told unique stories
meanwhile, boost games have given us unforgettable characters and concepts like: wisps, chip, gaia, infinite, the deadly six, and
>what if we take classic sonic stages instead of creating new 3d ones
I legit could not play this shit because of the mario kart wii wagglan controls. I tried multiple times but it is just the most unpleasant thing I have ever done.
Black Knight is infinitely better.
>meanwhile, boost games have given us unforgettable characters and concepts like: wisps, chip, gaia, infinite, the deadly six, and
Not sure if this is meant to be sarcastic or not.
Because the wisps are fine, they just get overused, and Chip and Gaia were great. And Generations was great.
wisps suck ass
>hey guys, let's put in a charater who will have exclusively 2d stages
>let's make those 2d stages 50% of the game
>also, let's have the 3d character spend half of his time in 2d too
that's how you make a 3d game
i wish they tried to go back to the adventure style, edgy and action packed, but without going full shadow the hedgehog
I can't help it. I love Blue on the Run so much.
The game has great aesthetics and decent music but it's style doesn't what Sonic should be. That's why people dislike it on top of that.
>That's fucking stupid. You're saying genres should never mix styles should never mix, nothing should never mix
Yes? At least, unless your consumer based actually wants that? So you want farmers and stories to start mashing apples and oranges into one Frankenstein fruit just because "lol why not"? Who the fuck asked for this? No one asked for Sonic to be a 2D/3D game, people since day one wants 2D Sonic games, and when he went 3D, wants 3D Sonic games as well. No one asked for Sonic Unleashed to have 2D sections at all, it was just tolorated because we was coping from Sonic 06 killing the series prior to that game.
There's no reason to mash 2 genres in this series when BOTH work on their own strengths BY THEIR FUCKING SELVES. The age old saying "There can always be too much of a good thing" and 2D and 3D Sonics in one game isn't good as their whole counterparts. I don't care that you are the only contrainian that likes it, majority DON'T and has been begging for pure 2D Sonic (which we got with Mania) and pure 3D Sonic since Sonic Unleashed, which was 12 YEARS AGO.
>Studio is named after a reference to Knuckles Chaotix
>Still using the same engine, "Retro Engine" is now retooled and called "Star Engine"
>Company description specifically mentions bringing back retro games and retro game design
There's literally no reason they couldn't still be working with Sega on some shitty Sonic game.
Generations was decent, not great. Especially not with the Colors level being the worse level in the game, and having the worse final boss in Sonic since... Well, ever.
It's a side-game. There's no shame in playing with the style. Unleashed took visual inspiration from multiple real world environments and it worked, so why shouldn't a Sonic'd up middle east world work?
wisps are ugly and made for a fun mechanic in 1 game, and i liked gaia but it stupid to make it so self contained when it should have somehow expanded the world
things like chaos, the echidnas and gerald marked the franchise
gaia didn't, at all
also, i'm glad sonic throw chip's bracelet into the trash, because he was a cancer
well yeah, obviously. but that won't stop the people from shouting doom and gloom at even the slightest implication that they're doing something new.
Mania was trash, Forces was much better than it.
nice bait
it was fun seeing a complete sonic game, but the 2d sections got ridiculous and there was nothing original since it was just fan pandering
I hope they work on a more readable logo unless this is fanmade or something, since I can see this being hard to see clearly for advertisement purposes. It's a good name though.
I think it'd look better in sprite form which I'm sure they'll do.
I think because it's clashes with the 90s aesthetics of Sonic before he hit "proper" 3D status. Could Unleashed even look like the same series next to the first 4 Sonic games?
At least Unleashed used cartoonish humans instead of that cancer in SA2 and ShTH.
Seriously, both their full logo and this smaller one look like they have unironic spindashing going on
maria was cute though
>muh fake choices make up for shit level design
back at you
>fake choices
Lol brainlet
In SA2 kinda, she had Code Lyoko syndrome going on, but the only time she was was in Sonic X, which isn't a game so it doesn't count.
Describe how TM isn't constant fake choices with an actual argument. Until then: brainlet
It's almost literally the exact same multiple path design ethos as the newer Sonic games, just applied to classic levels and physics, where fucking up an alternate path throws you back to the default
Don't tell me you didn't pick up on how the newer games usually have multiple "fake paths" too when you can just take the easy route
The 2D in the 3D levels don't work the same way as the 2D in the classic games so your whole shit right there is just fucking stupid. They're not mixing genres The 2D in the 3D levels is just a fucking perspective change. It literally just adds variety to the game, you're just too much of a fucking stupid retard to adapt. There is nothing wrong with them. The best part is they will never do something so fucking dumb, because it's literally just a non issue perspective change. DId you know Mario does it too? Or do you not even play video games?
We don't need a fucking pure 3D Sonic, it's a complete fucking non issue, you fucking dumbass piece of retarded shit that can't fucking walk and chew gum at the same time. I hope you fucking choke on your food and die a miserable painful prolonged death because you can't chew and breathe at the same time you dumb shitter.
>When will SEGA get their heads out of their asses and restructure Sonic Team to be more competent?
When they're willing and humble enough to admit they need a change. And they'd rather Sudoku than ever concede to a bunch of filthy gaijin piggus.
Describe how TM isn't constant fake choices with an actual argument.
Because it's clearly still obvious where to go? Like, I had far more trouble with the Barrel of Doom back in Sonic 3 than I ever did with the Phantom Ruby warping of Titanic Monach, so I'm incline to believe your yet another "rush through Sanic because GOTTAGOFEST" and that means, argument invalid.
Because you learn not to take that path after you fuck up...? This really was only an issue on my first run, you know, the run where you aren't expected to play the game perfectly. It's not like they even waste that much time from my experience. Besides, Mario was already guilty of this in the later castles in the first game, but nobody mentions that, for good reason too.
>2D in the classic games
Nigger fuck off, Rush handles better 2D with boosting level design then Unleashed/Gens does, so your point means nothing. Why are you so defensive over the idea that every other 3D game in the universe stays consistent with being full 3D, that the second people ask for consistent 3D you reee like a autist? Nothing you say is what the majority of longtime Sonic fans want, making it clear your first Sonic game started since 2010, in the boost era.
>your brain on Yea Forums
Yeah, 2D sections in a 3D game can offer variety, but they feel like a crutch way too often. You've got a game with mechanics designed around operating in a 3D space, but then huge chunks of the game devolve into only considering 2 axes of movement. And in the case of Boost Sonic, they often fail to make good use of that perspective change. It feels like they won't commit to the challenge of designing in 3D alone, and it comes out feeling disappointing.
I've accepted we'll never get a good boost game like daytime Unleashed, Colors or Generations ever again.
At this point I just hope they make another adventure style game, since 2d sonic is already good thanks to Mania.
I feel like if he had the motive to make a sequel to Sonic Mania, it would be infinitely times better. Mainly because even we don't agree what zones are better or worst, we all agree that the overall level designs felt incomplete. Now that he's used to the engine he's working with, SM2 could be like how Sonic 1 was with Sonic 2.
>shadow is the only character who has had an actual character arc
feels weird man
>12 original zones with the same great level design but now completely new visuals and music
literally heaven.
nah, mania as a design was more so built on obscure references only 80s babies would get than an actual game, on top of that and re-used levels it doesnt seem like CW has enough creativity to think of more levels without an actual team, he's just lucky enough because his designs are more creative than any post-2006 Sonic level
Buzzwords; the post. Did you forget about the four original levels?
The best way to tell when someone's an idiot is when they don't understand any and all use of past elements in Sonic was forced in by SoJ staff. This game had like a year and a half of dev time, so some "setpieces" reused here and there make sense. There's no point doing this if you have all the time in the world and budget to reuse shit outside of "it's a reference, I clapped". Stay mad.
And this undermines the other important dev member, Stealth, who made the critically praised Sonic Megamix.
The reused levels were Sega's idea dipshit.
I liked the first sonic riders game a hell of a lot, but I never played any of the others. Oh well.
You're not missing much. The first was good because it was trying what it could, and its flaws wasn't a detrement, but you were sure it was going to get tweaked and improved in the sequels to come.
But of course they don't do this and just add more gimmicks over a unpolished game from last time. And then they goes twice as retarded, adding Kinect controls later on. It died thanks to that, and I blame SEGA for forcing that shit in instead of letting the series grow naturally. It's like what's happening with TSR.
Technically both Sega and Iizuka's idea, but yes... I really do not know why people still think Mania Team were the ones who wanted the old levels when the 4 new zones literally proved they wanted to make a fully new game but were just blocked by mandates. I guess people are either just that ignorant or just wanna start shit.
You're not missing much. Zero Gravity has some nice track design and an almost-as-good soundtrack, but everything else was a huge step down. No drifting, no manual boosting or attacking, the repetitive gravity gimmick, the visuals are muddier and less colorful, hell even the cutscenes are dull in comparison.
Experimentation is cool and all why does Sega just completely uproot and throw out any idea that works instead of building on it?
>why does Sega just completely uproot and throw out any idea that works instead of building on it?
They're too dumb to realize a good thing when they have it. Or have some pathological need to never repeat ideas.
Literally first result in google.
No klonoa one though.
Bullshit, Sonic characters have blobs for feet.
>when the 4 new zones literally proved they wanted to make a fully new game but were just blocked by mandates.
Not true, they pitched those zones as a bonus to a compilation of the iOS remasters. Mania was Sega's idea in the first place.
>tfw we still don't have those remasters outside of phones and special tvs yet
Mania is the idea to make all of that pitch as one single game, dumbass. Taxman started the idea, SEGA just marketed it as a solid game.
If anything they likely didn't want a Sonic 4 Episode 3 situation since the original one fucking flopped. If we just got the original pitch, at best that meant more focus on those 4 levels could have been used instead of worrying about remix-a-fying all the Sonic1-3 levels alongside 4 new ones.
>"They wanted to make a full new game"
>Except that isn't what they pitched at all
>I'm the dumb one
blobs aren't as cute as paws.
Can you read or are you foreign?
Sonic 4 was a 4 level game, it would have just been that as a concept but actually a good game instead of a retarded take on classic era gameplay, plus the Sonic 1 and 2 ports as bonus content. This shouldn't be hard to understand.
You're retarded
>game has a really good song in it
>some shitty e-celeb uses it in his intro and now that's all people associate it with
Ok pal, you do you.
t.doesn't rock the place place place
Tee Lopes and Jun Senoue are a match made in heaven. This sounds great for a hub area track for a tropical beach to me.
go away itechvader
>user literally just making shit up
>Was the original name for Sonic Mania
>image has to jitter around with the music
arent the soundwave things at the bottom good enough it looks like shit
I don't remember any character development for him in Forces, can you elaborate? Only time something even happened was Omega getting fixed and attacking one illusion dude and that was it, the rest was everyone jerking off the in the control room. Well i guess Shadow did kick his clone's ass but that's not really character arc.
>When will SEGA get their heads out of their asses and restructure Sonic Team to be more competent?
>Fans are dumb enough to keep buying all their shitty games and continuously make profit
Why would they?
Just because these games are critical failures (and rightfully so) doesn't change the fact droves of people eat this garbage up all of the time.
Where is the motivation to improve when low effort status quo has served them well all these years and have continued to do so?
if wisps were treated more like the elemental shields in future games people would like em more
>extra mobility options
>defensive abilities for rough sections
>more paths open for exploration
>we might get a low poly 3d sonic with no meme gimmicks in our lifetime
He got his own DLC, didn't he? Where he kicks the jackal's ass and makes him go emo?
I would barely call that "development" tb.h fama. More like "screentime".
Now what? I'm stuck in here
The Lost World Engine
Have you tried scrolling the screen with up or down? Might reset one of them.
sonic was never good
>A: The team that made Forces was a slapped together team from different departments who primarily made other games
>B: Sonic Team doesn't exist anymore, and in actuality was just a branding than an actual team
Pick two
I thought it was
You're right, Sonic was great!
Hi Arin.
>chao gardens at 61%
I knew there had to be aleast a few people with taste left, but I wasn't expecting that many
nah didn't work
then my 3DS crashed when I closed it and opened it back up
I guess my run ends there, was fun while it lasted
Just use the level select code bruh
titantic monarch is god tier and one of my favorite zones across any game.
Quiet IGN.
2D side scroller parts are fine, but I think people find that there are WAY to many in 3D sonic games,
I wouldn't mind as much if the 2D gameplay was actually good. Battling the jumping physics in Forces is a fucking ordeal.
Its unbearable, my brother got me forces as a joke present for my birthday and I hated all of the 2D sections
And this is why I always say proper physics and momentum matter in Sonic games. Forces made it so stiff it might as well not exist.
They somehow made Sonic feel floaty while also making him heavy as a brick.
I don't even know how they managed to make it so terrible, it doesn't even seem possible.
WHY THE F U C K are you in a sonic stage for more than 10 minutes? unless you're dicking around in debug mode you have no excuse.
He doesn't know how the down button works.
I dont think he even knows how the controller works
I want to grope blaze the cat
I got an anxiety attack every time he didn't press the down button on descents, is this guy working for IGN?
This isn't character development.
The DLC was a cheap package, rushed to be launched together with the base game (once perhaps planned to be paid, but was changed to free, as they were afraid it wouldn't justify to buy shallow DLC for a shallow game), which that it has zilch effort and care put in it other than music remixes and callbacks. It contains mostly 2D sections, there's more scripting then actual gameplay (just like the base game), none of them feel engaging to play, and the DLC ends silently with no reward or anything that shows gratitude for getting the DLC, not even if you get all special rings.
Out of all flaws to point out, the worst one, is the revealing of Infinite's motives.
I must admit that I never liked Infinite as a whole in the first place, but THAT single cutscene, has certainly not helped at all to improve the reputation of Infinite. In fact, it did the opposite. "Stupid", "hilarious" and "so-bad-it-is-good" are three words I would express to describe my reactions upon the revealing.
For Shadow and his overall role on the episode, there's nothing that seemed to be development. He didn't learn anything worthy to know, he didn't either overcome his problems or has changed his personality, he has done nothing that would appear awesome, grandiose or important, or anything like this. Shadow goes to the hidden laboratory, then beats off Infinite, then months later he comes back after facing off with the power of Infinite, and that's it. This is a basic small prequel plot-line, that didn't offer anything with value to add to the main story (which is already awful), meaning that it's hard to decide if it's worthy to get Episode Shadow, even free. Shaoow's role seems to only serve to show off how "badass" is he, which this is quite a bland cheap way to show off the potential of one character, personally.
So, if I got it right... the events of Forces take in place, because of Shadow? So, it's all his fault? Well, I must say, for some kind of character who was supposed to star and disappear in one and only game, I guess that this fits him perfectly.
Let's not talk about Infinite. Really, let's not.
But, it's not just Shadow: no one on the game showed or done anything that would appear nice, or good, or cool, just anything to us, that could satisfy our love for them, especially for our favorite ones. Everyone was bland, everyone were like they didn't care for anything that was occurring at the moment, everyone were like they are just living on their daily life. There was only one character that did appear to have shown some sort of emotion and some amount of development, and that character is, believe it or not, Avatar.
Back to the DLC now, I don't think that Shadow has shown some kind of development for me. It looks like he just appeared for me, made some attack moves, and then he just went away. Episode Shadow is not good, even free.
Wait, Episode Shadow? Nah, that's more like, the Misadventures Of The Edgelords.
Boy, oh boy, imagine if it was paid. Man, Adventure 1 and its small pack of DLCs are WAY BETTER than this. What a joke, Sonic Team is.
O hi here is Apluś the fox from Lidl
>Super Saiyan 3 Tails
Goddammit Sonic stop ripping off Dragonball
>dur one ring is enough to keep alive through the level, so you can keep dashing through the stage so long you have one ring hur hur this games is too easy
That...that's point of fucking still provide you opportunity to play should you get hit and lose a bunch of your rings. Does he get on fighting games and chastise health bars for keeping one sliver of health when you manage to survive a super? What is it with YouTubers and their pseudo-criticism of basic, well established games mechanics? Also
>damn near 170k views
Nigga you tired...
fuggg I mean subs
>Sonic Mania was a miracle that arrived just when people were abandoning this series
Sonic Mania came out before Sonic Forces did, and Generations was fairly well received. Sonic Forces came out after and the only redemption since was Plus.
This is objectively the best song in the series.
Mania's stages are really big, I'm not super bad or good at Sonic but I ran up against the clock a couple times.
>all these people on twitter throwing a fit just because they uploaded another thing related to Mania Adventures
What else do you want them to talk about? They're saving the big stuff on TSR for SXSW and they definitely don't wanna talk about the movie. People gotta stop getting so upset just because Classic is getting the spotlight for more than 5 seconds.
I don't blame you for forgetting Lost World and Boom
The Internet's always impatient. It's the same shit as "DIRECT LEAK" every day
Sonic was never good
yeah, not to mention we JUST got a TSR song like the other day, people gotta cool their jets for once.
Nah, that would be Quartz Quandrant Present
u rite
TSR looks passable.
That's about it, everything else is bad.
Didn't forces flop though?
Iizuka says a lot of things. I wouldn't put too much into what he said about it... or really anything he says.
According to Sega it still sold well, but with a Metacritic score like that, it might as well have.
Pretty sure it met expectations
It's not like they put money into it or anything
mrania team...
They spent most of the budget on the Hedgehog Engine 2, probably
It and Mania both performed strongly according to their financial reports. The PS4 trophy leak actually showed Forces had more players than Mania on that system, though I imagine the Switch is where most of the sales for both games are and Mania has done really well there.
I feel like the adventure games were so close to being great. If they just polished and tweaked sonics controls a little more there’s potential for a really fun game in there
I'm seriously considering getting this... Someone talk me out of it
It says sold out on the site.
Can fangames save Sonic?
Probably not, no. People only really care about official releases, so unless another Mania situation happens, I doubt it.
Oh well
I always see copies of fucking forces everywhere, like it didn't sell at all.
Maybe I'm just overthinking it tho.
>People are still peddling this meme fangame
There's absolute fuckall to do in a format like that. No challenge, just endless expanses.
Cuz its a fangame. If a real company made a Sonic game with the scope of this it would be amazing.
They can always be rehired if Sega reaches out to them. I'm not sure why you're making it out like it's impossible for them to do another Sonic game.
>Sonic Adventure, except open-world.
As a Puyofag, no, Sonic Team will never stop being awful. Give up hope. God knows I did.
It's a proof of concept
You could probably make it work by just putting animal capsules behind platforming challenges but I guess Lange's insisting on more narrowly focused level design which is why we'll probably never get an update
Sonic is old news, Crash is the new platforming animal star to compete with Mario
>still being this retarded
nigger that's a test level, how haven't you figured this out yet
How'd they fuck with Puyo Puyo?
Spinning a team off so that they can work on more the on project is common, and usually a good idea.
Why can't sega get it together already? Mario has been tearing it up since he was first conceived.
They don't tend to lie on their financial reports when something struggles. They called Lost World's sales sluggish and called Sonic Runners a failure.
Isn't it ironic how the best levels were the pre-2010 stages? It's almost as if Generations is trying to tell us something...
Only in 3D, Donkey Kong has been destroying Mario with the new Country games
you will see when mario maker 2 comes out.
>Why can't sega get it together already?
Because they don't have to. Forces sold well enough to justify lazy cash-grabs like Team Sonic Racing because they know Sonic fans will buy it anyway. Yakuza and mobage are their real money makers now.
Because Mario is all about going slow and steady with stuff like platforming and story. It's all simple and not too difficult for people to understand. Sonic isn't and it just constantly crashes over and over in the progress.
And you know what they say. Slow and steady wins the race. All Sonic needed to do was not take itself seriously. Sonic Adventure was the beginning of the end for the series.
SXSW next month lads, Sonic announcements confirmed.
Possible movie trailer, 100% confirmed a Sonic Team Racing trailer, let's see what that brings.
How long do you think it will take, for the next Sonic game to actually beat this Metacritic? Is this it? Is this the last one?
And people like you refuse to get the memo that lange has said multiple times that future demos wouldn't be like that in the slightest. People just don't wanna listen I guess.
This, as soon as it took it's self seriously and wasn't just the cute whacky adventures of Sonic, shit went off the rails. Brought in the tism. There is a reason people adore the Mania Adventure eps so much.
When SEGA bought Puyo from Compile, they did a reboot and left all of the old Madou Monogatari characters behind save for Arle/Carbuncle, who teleport into the Puyo Puyo Fever Universe by accident as a fun little legacy character. Puyo Puyo Fever 1 and 2 are both really well made games with a lot of polish. (especially 2, which even has letters that the characters write the player based on the date and the progress in-game) The unique as fuck art direction/character design of these games was done by Hideyuki Takenami (And Shoko Ninomiya, in Fever 2) under the direction of Yuji Uekawa, the Sonic Adventure character designer. Puyo Puyo 15th anniversary brought back a bunch of old characters from Compile-era Puyo as a fun sort of anniversary gift, too.
And then Puyo Puyo 7 comes along, which has a bunch of lazily edited 15th assets for most characters, a main gimmick that's an explicitly worse version of Fever's gimmick, and it reboots the universe again just for the sake of four new main characters who are just a generic not-japanese highschool trio + a villain. Much of the game's marketing after the name was revealed focused on the voice actress of the new main character (Ringo) who's an IDOLM@STER voice actress and also incredibly fucking expensive. A new art crew was brought in who have absolutely no idea what to do with Fever's oddball angular designs and instead go for a really shit middle ground between Fever art and a normal "anime" look that just ends up being cheap as fuck, save for 20th since 20th brought back Ninomiya. Puyo also hasn't had a single mainline game since this title, either, only spinoffs (PuyoTet), more anniversary games (20th/Chronicles) and a shitty Mobage, leaving a bunch of plot threads unanswered from Fever.
Also, the Puyo devs have a pun fetish and refuse to allow there to ever be more than 24 playable characters, which usually results in them cutting fan-favorites for either dumb oneoff characters like the Tetris crew.
The 'tism was here well before Adventure with SatAM and the Archie comics.
The fucking comics weren't making things better. As soon as they got into shit like Issues 75-100 It all went downhill. Especially with the bullshit reasons with how he got green eyes.
>All Sonic needed to do was not take itself seriously
>Sonic Adventure was the beginning of the end for the series.
t. retard who likes BALDY MCNOSEHAIR-tier shit
Sonic is at its best when it embraces the cheesy 90s shonen-type shit. That's why the OVA is so great and why this cutscene is still good.
I always thought it was just because of constant exposure to the chaos emeralds and by extension the super emeralds. He even has green eyes when going super in Sonic 3, but yeah.
The parkour in lost world could have really innovated things if it wasn't completely broken and badly executed. That entire game just feels like missing potential. An adventure styled game with a few gimmicks and tons of movement options seem like the perfect way to improve the series
that cutscene isn't good though, OVA is the peak of what sonic should be talking. adventure was cringe and nostalgia. tfw I can never take shadow seriously after the hedgelet memes lmao.
don't go to one extreme, nobody wants sonic to be BALDY MC NOSE HAIR, but that isn't what people mean by "not taking its self seriously" gotta have a nice middle ground
Speedy gameplay is pointless if it doesn't feel natural, I don't understand people's brainlet minds not understanding this. Who actually thinks going 3 million mph where you can just stop on a dime Big Rigs style is actually good gameplay? If I moved in real life, I don't stop on a dime.
And then you get this cutscene which only further proves his point.
>Assuming I like the cringy dialogue in Adventure or Lost World.
Giving the cast of sonic voices in general was a fucking mistake. It made everyone either unable to be taken seriously or meme material based on bad voice directing. This isn't fucking Disney or DC Comics. Sonic doesn't need story arcs. Sonic doesn't need a serious story. Sonic doesn't need to talk and neither does his shitty friends.
Sonic should just not talk desu
I think it's best to let the game tell the story itself with clever details and some sort of escalation of stakes as you progress
But ya I'll take shonen Sonic over Pontaff shit anyday, I don't know how those guys haven't been fired yet.
At least TSR will be solid and has new stages mixed with the old ones and has a different gimmick that will make it more than just a basic kart racer. It's not as ambitious but I think it can work in its own way.
>Giving the cast of sonic voices in general was a fucking mistake
Sonic could always talk you utter fucking mongoloid.
Why is it that everyone who calls thing "Cringe" is always a fucking brainlet?
People fell for the "gottagofest" meme yet some people want Sonic CD gameplay for some reason or another. I do think the idea that people shouldn't be penalized for exploring and such, but back then that was done so you have more reasons to replay the level and get better at completing it, but I guess people don't like that anymore and are comflicted by it.
I do think it's time to let players get to the goal with no penalty and make time and score based gameplay be used as Mission Mode settings, kinda like in SA2. That way people can have fun doing whatever they want first time through, without the game telling you "you suck" for not playing it the way the devs want you to play.
So did Mario but you don't see him saying shit every time Peach gets kidnapped.
I liked that guy. He was nice. Shame he stopped making videos.
OVA and the Adventure games had an acceptable balance in serious and light-hearted tone, the former being heralded as arguably the best of the animated Sonic adaptions (while taking place in the Classic era no less), and the latter being two of the highest rated 3D Sonic games via Dreamcast versions.
Only Shadow and 06 fucked up in the edgy tone department. But don't you fucking dare tell me with a straight face that any of the G-rated shit plaguing the 2010-current Sonic games was a necessary step in the right direction instead of a colossal downgrade.
Heh, first time I've seen someone post my webm.
I wish I had by better controller for this so it doesn't look like I was having trouble with the loop there.
>You could probably make it work by just putting animal capsules behind platforming challenges
Based ShayMayposter
I feel it controls better with m+kb honestly
Did he suggest that? I haven't watched part 3 in awhile.
God how can one man be so based?
>Sonic is at its best when it embraces the cheesy 90s shonen-type shit.
I don't understand "embrace". Are you implying this was always present in Sonic since Sonic 1? And no, "turning gold" isn't a shonen arctype, DBZ didn't invent transformations.
no, of course not, all that 2010 crap was the worst stuff ever. colours being the peak worst and lost world etc.
I'm a Mania fag/Toei fag, these are my fav versions of sonic, also might as well throw in OVA sonic while we're here. for example, when I think of what I like of modern sonic, it isn't adventure at all. that is a sonic from a by gone past, and it CAN'T be replicated today. if you try to act like 90s WOAH DUDE, SEE YOU ON THE FLIP SIDE, it comes across as forced inour era. the best modern version of sonic, will always be unleashed. where he acts, LIKE classic sonic, but doesn't DUDE, TOTALLY XD BALDY MC NOSE HAIR. Unleashed Sonic [when he isn't a fucking werehog] is still imo the best version of talking sonic, kind, cheeky, little asshole but not so much that it's the shit in forces. I won't even bring up forces sonic, that is a clusterfuck beyond all belief
MANIA/TOEI/OVA and UNLEASHED style story/vibes or nada. Adventure is gone and needs to stay gone. Nostalgia for it holds the franchise back. If you GOT adventure 3, there would be a horrific realization on how bad it would be. I can JUST imagine, nu-st attempting to recreate that 90s style of adventure in 2019+ holy fuck. It would be so fucking bad you wouldn't know what to do with yourself, and I think adventure people know this deep down.
Yes it was actually, SoA made them tone it down, and Sonic Team's been salty about it ever since.
>Are you implying this was always present in Sonic since Sonic 1?
This kind of thing is literally on the boxart for almost every classic-era game. It's in Sonic CD. It's in the OVA. That kind of mood was always what Sonic was.
Friendly reminder that:
1. Sonic fangames like BTS/ATS & Sonic Megamix were GOAT
2. Sonic Unleashed was underrated.
I do agree with that nu-ST recreating the Adventure era today would go down a shit show, and would be meme central. They would miss the point completely. We'd get something like a mix of 06, but with fucking modern memes or something.
Yeah but I grew up playing platformers on consoles, so an analog controller just feels right to me desu. And using my PS3 controller for Utopia instead of my garbage Bluetooth one made the game feel SO smooth and fluid.
BTS/ATS has good music and nothing else. The level design was fuckawful.
Agreed on Unleashed, though. Unleashed was fucking great.
Unleashed had a perfectly fine story, it's just isolated from anything that happens afterwards because Sega hates continuity these days. Colors had an almost non existent story but the delivery and dialogue seemed fine enough
>Colors had an almost non existent story but the delivery and dialogue seemed fine enough
>Colors had an almost non existent story but the delivery and dialogue seemed fine enough
Dialogue is one of the many aspects it shits the bed on. It's one if the reasons why i hate that it got a much better initial reception than Unleashed despite extremely soulless in comparison.
I agree, Mania can't hold a candle to the original games. It lacks originality.
I wanted to play it with a controller, but the camera influencing Sonic's direction threw that shit out the window pretty quick for me.
Having a mouse really helps with those small movement adjustments.
...In Japan. Sorry but that just means that isn't want Americans mostly wanted, it's just a bit of what adds to his image, not the main image. CD tonally doesn't even feel like SA2, it's closer to SA1 at best.
Get a load of these parrot seething faggots
I can understand where you're coming from with that, good point. It's like in A Hat in Time or TF2 kind of feel I guess.
How do I impregnate Amy?
>Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
what is this?
It's not very good variety when every literally every Sonic game since Sonic Unleashed has had these 2D sections. A completely 3D game would be something new and different from what we've had for a long time. Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine didn't have 2D sections, and the Galaxy games had them very sparingly. There are many ways to add variety to game.
The parkour isn't a bad idea at all, the Shadow the Hedgehog game had some too. My main problem with the Lost World controls was how there were only two movement speeds and you were locked into 8 directions. There's just no reason for this in a 3D game.
jam it in
Mania is not perfect, no amount of seething and butthurt will change that.
It's not a bad game but it's no Sonic 1/2/3/CD. The repeated zones hurt it a lot. Levels like titanic monarch are just not fun to play and bosses drag on for too long.
I dunno, I like to share the throne with Sonic 3 in the context of Mania but I guess that's just me. Sure it has the unneeded nostalgia but it just plays so well for me that I don't really care all that much... with that said however, I really do want a fully original sequel
Game is just ported assets from Unleashed to Lost World with very few original ideas. A majority of sprites in Mania was brand new.
Super Mario Bros. was all about the tactile joy of moving Mario with friction, variable jump heights, etc.
Super Mario 64 took that base idea and converted it into 3D, again, focusing on the joy of moving Mario around the world.
Sonic the Hedgehog was all about the tactile joy of moving Sonic with momentum and friction, a guy who can turn into a pinball whenever he wants.
Sonic Adventure was a random assortment of gameplay as a showcase for the Dreamcast, and nearly all concepts of momentum, rolling, etc. slowly evaporated from the series in favor of GODDAGOFAEST
the solution to sonic is, make the equivalent of the Mario 64 rabbit chase thing, and go from there. I personally envision an open world, where Zones are actually zones, and learning how to traverse the environment effortlessly while stylishly maintaining momentum felt rewarding as fuck. make backtracking through the world to get from point A to B satisfying, and for the love of all that is holy, don't include a fast-travel system. fill the world with all kinds of secret paths, world triggers, etc., and you've got yourself at least the basis for a fantastic formula going forward
>It's not a bad game but it's no Sonic 1/2/3/CD.
Yeah, it's better than all of those outside of a weaker narrative then 3K, but AGAIN, that's SEGA's fault. It's at worse, Sonic 3K Lite.
>In Japan. Sorry but that just means that isn't want Americans mostly wanted,
Too bad. That's the original intended image, you backpedaling cunt.
The one on sonic CD is funnier
“Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others- sonic”
There’s also a really weird one about the sun laughing at you on the Japanese sonic and knuckles box
Just be a hedgehog.
Is this about that one Sonic X episode?
Old JP Sonic boxart has a lot of these weirdly inspirational English things.
It's so lame it's good
>There’s also a really weird one about the sun laughing at you on the Japanese sonic and knuckles box
...So being a weeb aside, It doesn't matter since this wasn't what defined him in the 90s to Americans. Which was Sonic's major selling demographic... since well, his actual classic design was created by American artists. That box art you posted? That was just a paintover of the American box art version. MrNeedleMouse is the original Sonic with all the Japanese influences packed into a cartoon hedgehog.
That being said, the point here is that it doesn't matter what the Japanese did, since the highest selling Sonic games were Sonic 2 and Sonic 3K when added together, reaching ~6 sells each, year one. Japan has never had Sonic sell this much, ever, and thus, since the American side sold the most, and yet didn't get these elements of "Shonen" in Sonic for themselves, it means it's not the selling point to Sonic's image, simple as that. I'm not saying Sonic shouldn't have some Jap in him, I'm saying his main demographic doesn't like him for it as the main point, to claim he should "embrace" something that wasn't the main appeal.
What did they mean by this
>That box art you posted? That was just a paintover of the American box art version.
>actually believing this
Mario kills the sun in SMB3. If Sonic fails his quest, he is no doubt weaker than Mario and the sun will laugh at him.
Yeah, I am.
How about use actually docemented footage instead of a fanmade chart...
If anything, it was a woman that made Sonic into the image that we known him as for 20+ years.
>all this fake information
Nigger, it's widely known that the band thing was for a Sound Test feature that they didn't have time to finish. That shit is fake.
...Yeah, all of these workers of SEGA of American are making up fake news about the mascot they worked on. Sonic was always in control by Japan, for Japan, right?
Whatever, live in your headcanon.
I just want a non boost game that handles like sa2 sonic
you don't need 6+ playable characters
It's telling you to git gud or the sun, and by extension, Sonic, is gonna laugh at you for not knowing how to hold down.
Alas, many people have not taken this sage advice.
Sega of America claimed Michael Jackson was not involved with Sonic 3, just saying
They were right though. Michael Jackson himself wasn't involved, just one of his sound engineers.
Bro he sent over a demo for the entire soundtrack, Naoto Oshima has even talked about it
It looks a little off model
This game just looks awfully empty, it's just not how a 3D sonic game should be done
>Tech Demo
>People still don't understand what proof of concept is.
I think it would be kinda funny if the movie decided to portray Sonic's friends as humans. Some good potential there.
Fucking this.
The first riders was goddamn amazing, once you figured it out it was so much fucking fun. Zero Gravity was passable, but instead of building on the original they tried shaking things up and didn’t do as well and began the unfortunate decline towards the abortion that is Free Riders. It’s a real shame, this series deserves another chance.
>the last good sonic team game was seven years ago
>it wasn't even that good compared to its predecessor
Almost 8, which makes it even more sad.
I've got an idea I've been thinking about since playing the game years ago
Could Sonic Jam have ever turned out like this?
Excuse me, but did you play it on a real Wii, or Dolphin? I have heard much of complaint directed to the controls, but still, the general charm and content of this game really lures me to try it out. I can't decide if I should play it on either platform.
I mean, I can play Skyward Sword no problem, so I won't have any issue with this, I hope.
what the fuck? SA2 sonic handled like ass
the only good part of the sonic adventures was their sprawling ambition
>Lost World was that long ago
Why does Adventurekino trigger nu-males and underage so much bros...
Not him but Wii games don't run too run too well on Dolphin in my experience
A graphical effect in Journey of Dreams fucking melted my CPU and the wiki doesn't have a fix, so I'd go with the Wii version just to be safe unless you got a great PC.
Fucking Iizuka
I totally agree with this. I think sonic utopia is the sonic equivalent of mario 64 and I so wish it was an official game.
Play sonic utopia. It feels just like this.
good thread
The adventures were peak sonic storytelling, it nailed the characters personalities. Sonic is 90s cool in an edgy anime plot. That’s perfect for the character
Yay, cool thread.
But is it a way past cool thread?
No. It's a way past radicool thread, with a bit of lame-o here and a bit of Ro-BUTT-nik there, capeesh?
Just make a mania game but with fully original level sets
>generations was 8 years ago
>Unleashed was 10