So out of complete boredom I decided to buy BF2 for $30 and it doesn't seem like complete horseshit anymore, granted I only played the beta. I've enjoyed what I've played so far but I was wondering if anyone has a deeper analysis on it. I can't really tell how star cards effect the game, and I haven't experienced anything that felt completely unfair aside from heroes.
So out of complete boredom I decided to buy BF2 for $30 and it doesn't seem like complete horseshit anymore...
How the fuck did you manage to pay 30 for it?
It's been on sale for 5 bucks
Shit, really? I'm not a very clever man.
Is at 8 bucks at PS store right now
>PS Store
Oh, I got it on PC. That's why.
They are adding a new mode next month that's either capital ship takedown or conquest mode. That mode could definitely make the game fantastic.
But old > new so BF2005 will always be better
It's actually a great game. No memeing.
Neat. I've been playing Galactic Conquest which is pretty good, games take awhile to finish which I like.
It seems like all the bad shit is either gone or toned down. Lootboxes don't seem to have anything crucial except for starcards but those don't seem to impact the game enough to cause an issue, as I've been getting kills regardless.
been playing since launch and I've always thought the game was fun, just lacking severely in content. That pay to win bullshit was fucking horrible and I'm glad It happened but that prolonged any content the game was getting for a long time. I'm just glad to finally see it being updated, even if it is by a barebones team. They could've just said "fuck this piece of shit" but naw. Star cards really are just minimal advantages, nothing too game breaky. when it comes to regular troopers, just standard shit like "x ability lasts x longer with this card equipped", you know shit like that. Hero star cards are much more valuable, "every kill garners x amount of health", "get x amount of headshots with hans blaster lowers recharge rate", blah blah blah. Game is fun and I hope they turn around
That's exactly it. There's still issues, like starfighters and heroes being shit and completely unable to compete compared to their high level card versions, but for the most part it's a pretty solid casual shooter. For the $10 I paid it was worth it, but you won't find any real discussion here or on /vg/ because we're in contrarian central and after tortanic Yea Forums is unable to like something that leaves a terrible first impression.
>I decided to buy BF2 for $30
You should've downloaded the cracked copy like everyone else. God you're a faggot.
awful game with awful devs, game has had 1 new map since launch. for reference battlefront 2015 had like 10
But BF2015 also launched with like 4 maps in total while BF2 had like 11.
Fucking hacks, I would rather have paid DLC over nothing at all
Yea Forums isn't exactly wrong, sometimes a bad game is bad forever. But BF2 had some good elements to it that were just buried under awful business practices. Now that those seem to be rectified the game seems better, kinda like how R6S got better. Unfortunately that's probably not the case anymore with the recent updates.
pckeks enjoy your macros and hackers
>playing shooters on console
>playing dead online games on PC
I wanted to try it out since I got premier for Anthem but the game's fucking 73GB. I don't have that kinda space free on my SSD. Honestly the beta was a lot of fun and the only reason I didn't buy it because I could see the bullshit with the loot boxes. If its fixed now I could totally see the game worth going back to.
1 year later, BF2015 has more content than BF2
There's still a ton of bullshit. Devs release new content at a fucking snail's pace, every new update brings new horrible bugs. Cross era heroes forever because fuck you.
I play it when I'm in the mood mindless scifi shooting. I hop between that and Space Marine
That's pretty much how I feel about it.
It sucks donkey balls you retard. The perk care system is utter shit and there's barely any weapons to make the games bare-bones boring gameplay interesting
Yeah but no season pass or paid maps, based devs! No divided playerbase soo based as fuck
I have a strong love/hate relationship with this game. No game makes me angrier to be honest, yet I can't stop playing (especially Heroes vs Villains, literally makes me rage) Probably have hundreds of hours on it at this point. Star cards do make a huge difference, especially on heroes. For example, all heroes have health on kill cards (meaning every kill you get gives you some health). Fully upgraded, these cards give you a pretty major advantage in galactic assault. Another example is General Grievous' star card "Sith Trained" which when fully upgraded makes his melee attacks kill all classes, except other heroes and elites like wookiees with full health, in one hit from his basic melee attack. That shit is game changing, he's a beast. And most heroes have pretty blatantly godlike cards of their own. Darth Vader has a card that boosts his base health to the highest in the game when fully upgraded to 1200. Luke has one that makes his force push able to reach from like a mile away. Stuff like that. It quickly becomes obvious in HvV which heroes and cards are stronger than others. Star cards for normal classes are less blatantly powerful, but there a handful of ones for each class that are generally the objective best loadout to use for most modes and situations, like the bount hunter card that boosts your battle points so you can earn vehicles and hero units faster. If you put that fully upgraded card on the officer class with one of the command cards, you can earn enough points to be a hero within the first few minutes of the match.
Wow, that sounds fucked up. Do you have to pay money to upgrade star cards or what?
I don't think anyone is arguing that those flaws aren't there, but it's certainly miles ahead of where it was on launch where most of those could only be attained via buying lootboxes or grinding for literally hundreds of hours. A friend of mine got into the game just a few months ago whenever they added Grievous and he already has max level cards on all of his classes and his favorite heroes. It's a shitty imbalanced system but the bar for entry has been lowered so much that anyone can hop right into it and get the best stuff relatively quickly.
>Do you have to pay money to upgrade star cards or what?
Old answer: basically, everything was dependent on tons of grinding or buying lootboxes
New answer: no, lootboxes no longer exist and you gain skill points by leveling up, and you level up by playing the class. You use the skill points to unlock or upgrade whatever card you choose. I've only got 50 hours in the game but I have more skill points on every class except sniper (which I never play) than I know what to do with.
You could stun lock heroes with melee, not sure if that's still a thing. Other than that, stinger pistol makes pretty short work of most heroes
No. Just by leveling each hero, class, vehicle, etc individually. However, that was not always the case. The lootbox backlash over this game when it first came out was because that was how it started, you got the cards at various levels in the loot boxes and that was the only way. And then to upgrade the cards you had you needed a separate ingame currency called parts that were generally handed out pretty scarcely in crates and daily challenges. That's why everyone was bitching about it. Whales or lucky assholes could get max level OP cards day one just by buying up a ton of crates while others just trying to play without spending potentially may have never seen them if the RNG decides to fuck them over.
on the 27th we're getting anakin and a shit ton of clone trooper skins along with a free 60,000 credits, certainly worth jumping on now.
Did it really take more than a god damn year to add Anakin?
Nigger, you got crafting parts in every crate. You could only buy the crates with money for like 5 days, then they shut it off.
There's a reason the community still calls the game Stunlockfront 2. Melee and lightsaber heroes are getting a mechanical overhaul in an update in a few weeks that apparently is changing it so that spamming and stunlock exploits are going away. We will see if that actually works out, I'm a bit skeptical myself.
When are we getting the new mode and droidekas? They used to be on the roadmap for February but now they're listed as March, did they give any dates or anything?
It took over a year to get Dooku, Grievous, Obi Wan AND Anakin
When this shit is added for free, yeah. Same reason it takes half a year for OW to get new content.
paid too much my guy. it goes on sale pretty often on PC for 5-10 bucks
Droidakas aren't happening by the sounds of it, but a 3rd reinforcement is coming out soon. New game mode is soon too I believe.
Watch the reinforcement be something retarded like a melee class that isn't the Magnaguard.
New mode got delayed again to March now, we'll see if that holds true. They still haven't even discussed what it is, so I'm not holding my breath anymore. Droidekas aren't happening though, but whatever the new enforcer class is, will supposedly be added next month as well.
10 bucks says it's a clone commando usable on one map only
Well, I can always refund it and wait for a sale.
That implies that it'll be a new model user.
>clone commando for one new map
>not using him to replace the fucking wookiees everywhere
New reinforcements are confirmed for the new mode and galactic assault, not sure about the smaller modes. Most people are thinking clone commandos and commando droids.
Rumors suggest the Republic is getting ARC Troopers. The CIS then might be getting the Commando Droids from TCW. Also rumored that the Rebels will get Ewoks on Endor. No idea what else they'll do for the Rebels on other maps or the Empire and sequel trilogy factions though.
Reinforcements for the sequels?
That's simple.
>over a year and still less content than the original BF2 had
What a disgrace
is the refund policy the same as steam?
This. Every diceshit game since battlefield 4 is riddled with cheating shitheads. The Battlefront games are the worst offenders.
There actually was a rumor a while back that they might add non-hero generic Jedi as a reinforcement for the Republic...
This game is only playable for the miniscule Clone Wars content. Ignore the boring OT that re-uses the same shit from the first game and the faggot nu-trilogy that's an even shittier version of OT.
Not him but Origin has always been really generous with refunds to me for some reason. I've even refunded a game after beating the entire thing, and refunded a game I bought for $60 and played for 30 hours (Battlefield 4) and then bought it again later for $20 on sale.
Starfighter reinforcements when?
Never. The studio that developed starfighter assault left
>re-uses the OT stuff from the first game
I fucking wish. The Hoth and Endor maps in the first game were literally perfect and the ones they made for 2 are different and total dogshit. God, I wish they'd add those maps from the first one to this game. In fact, most maps in 2 are horribly designed in comparison the first one.
Enjoy your pay to win system faglord
Look at this user and laugh
Probably never. From the looks of it, they have no plans whatsoever to add anything to or change Starfighter Assault at all going forward. But hey, it looks like a starfighter double xp weekend is slated for March, so there's that...
Hey EA
I actually like the game now but the map design is fucking awful. It's all straight pathways and chokepoints, more linear than a fucking Battlefield Rush map. I really hope the coming gamemode is conquest and that it's for all maps, it would take the game from a 6/10 to an 8 or 9/10.
>he doesn't know
Why is the core gameplay so bland and boring? It looks nice and that’s about the only positive about the game
So since it's $8 on PSN, I decided to buy it after selling when it was still worth something. I was level 31, I guess, and most of my time spent was on Starfighter Assault. I decided to try some Heroes vs Villains and all I ever face are maxed out heroes playing the same 4 dudes and curb stomping my whole team. How do I git gud at HvV as low level heroes with barely any cards?
>star wars game
>rarely focus on the "star wars" and instead spend time on the "ground wars"
Shouldn't it be easier to do since you're not animating anything? It's not like you need to have another studio to actually do that.
I plan on getting it too, but definitely not at full price yikes
It's worth like $10
When will we get a proper Clone Wars era game? The Nu-trilogy is fucking dogshit.
Criterion developed everything starfighter related and they're not working on the game post release, so DICE either can't or won't add new content
It was at $5 on Origin last year on black friday
Stop shilling your piece of shit EA. We already decided 2 years ago this was trash now give it a rest because nothing will save this trainwreak
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger
Ebin. Have another.
You're not allowed to say that word EA employee you could get fired
Imo the only mode that's worth it is starfighter assault which is fun as fuck. The star cards do make a difference but if you're good you can grind up to teir 4 skills pretty easy. I started the game last month and now I'm consistently in the top 3 and just got purple skills
republic commando is one of my fave star wars games.
I had to stop playing SA because I would consistently get 15,000 more points than everyone else, and my back got sore from carrying my team all the time. It amazes me how many people are absolute shit at this game
Go back.
No. That was what the clusterfuck at launch was about. Their plan was for them to be either huge grindfests, or pay2win, but with the backlash, mtx got cut from the game before the official launch.
Oh yeah I get that for sure. There are so many dogshit players but it's still a good time. Last night I had 80 elims on Fondor with the second being 36 and I only have 20 hours on the game. I like how the player base is large enough to get a game but still small enough that people know your name
Based on what the other anons said earlier in the thread you simply don't. Gotta get those powerful cards leveled up to be able to compete.
Doesn't Anakin and Conquest Mode come out in March?
The only Heroes I know who get HP back from killing enemy troopers or Heroes would be Luke, Han, and Leia. And Leia is stupid OP with her charge shot on big maps like Genosis and Hoth or Crait.
Now THAT would be fucking sweet, why did it take those dumb swedes two games to future that out though? Cucks.
I don't think disney deals well with people liking clone wars more than nuwars so probably never.
They have to given how much the ST stuff has been flopping merchandise wise.
Why not import bf2015 maps into bf2? Its essentially the same game, would skyrocket value overnight, is EA retarded? What the fuck is happening here?
Unironically, look out for double or triple xp weekends for that mode and then spend that weekend grinding out heroes. They usually do one at least once a month. You'll level them pretty fast (usually 1-2 levels per match if you're playing decently) and you'll git gud from playing a lot anyway. The cards do make a difference no denying it, but you also really need to know how to properly saber duel (especially blocking and countering) and mastering your evade moves like roll spamming so you can stay out of reach and get around behind other players. Flanking is important as sabers do more damage from behind. Use abilities wisely but not sparingly. Blaster heroes are easier to use as well if you haven't tried them out, I know it's hard to avoid the temptation of always choosing a lightsaber hero since they are most exciting and unique, but sometimes they're a bad pick and not what you're team needs anyway. Important to find one or two heroes on each side you like and do best with consistently and focus on them for a while. For example, my best light side heroes are Han Solo and Yoda and my best dark side ones are Darth Vader and General Grievous. Whenever possible, stick with your chosen heroes each match until you hit level 25 so you can fully upgrade your cards. Then move on to others. Might want to watch a couple hero tutorial videos on YouTube, there are some helpful ones that explain the basics of being good at saber combat and individual ones for helping you understand each hero.
All that said, if you're playing with randoms, you'll probably still lose often due to shit teammates who don't stick together and no matter how good you get there ain't shit you can do to stop those kinds of steamrolls.
All heroes have cards that do that now.
>BF EA 1 added: Scariff, Krennic, Death Troopers, and Jyn.
How is that more vs Crait, Genosis, Obi-Wan, Grievous, and Dooku?
Your total lack of using paragraphs show how mentally deranged you are. Better check in with a professional sounds like you have some deeper issues.
They might actually have some retarded shit in their contract where they have to deal with Disney for each separate map they make so that it's "canon".
I got the game for 5 bucks in Decmber, honestly yeah it's fun as fuck.
Heroes vs Villains is the best mode, but if their team has full star cards you WILL get raped. I hope Anakin gives the light side more offensive capability.
Also, how is Crait simultaneously the worst and best map in the game?
>2 GA maps, 1 SA map, 3 other mode maps, 6 heroes.
At least do your research first, you make it too fucking easy.
Anakin has 4 abilities and there's a passive one that reduces damage by 90% and increases attack damage
Never forgive them for the campaign.
>Its going to be from the point of view of loyal Imperials
>They state that you won't switch sides halfway through
>Switch sides on mission 3 because of the full retard Operation Cinder plot
More than that, it's a passive aura that gives those same benefits to your entire team if they're around him. He is basically the one size fits all hard counter to the entire dark side roster and essentially is now a mandatory pick if the light side wants to stop being steamrolled every match.
>he didn't play the Death Star DLC
It also added the Death Star and Jabba's Palace. Those were just default in the base game this time around.
I forgot that bland piece of shit campaign even existed
Jabba's Palace being only for Hero matches and Cloud City not used in anything other than Hero or small TD is beyond dumb.
>campaign is literally 3 hours long
>Imperial perspective of Iden's story just makes the Empire look even more cartoonishly evil
>defects mid-way in the story to the Alliance
We should've known EA and Dice would've fucked this up.
What the fuck was Lucasfilm thinking with Operation Cinder? "Lol Sheev wanted the Empire to blow itself up if he died"
Fucking stupid.
I can't disagree there. I fucking loved Sabotage mode on that Cloud City map in the first game. That DLC was fun as hell even if Dengar was outrageously OP.
>LucasFilm thinking with Operation Cinder
These are the ***people*** in charge of Lucas Films and Star Wars supervising EA and Dice, user.
I'm so sorry George, so so sorry.
Jesus Christ
One must roll because who else will
Further trying to push the retcon that the Empire were comically evil beyond even common logic. I mean, yeah, Sheev has no good in him so wouldn't care but the plan makes no sense even for him because he also wasn't an idiot. Destroying loyalist planets is absurd. If he had set in motion a final "fuck you" contingency plan that wipes out the homeworlds of various known Rebel species like Sullust, Chandrila, and Mon Calamari it would have made sense and been an effective plot device to still trigger the change of heart in the main character.
Star Wars is fucking dead. God I hate the Last Jedi
an "extermination of non-humans" contingency order would also fit perfectly into the "Empire = Nazi Germany" narrative that they want so I don't know why they wouldn't do that
I haven't played the campaign so I dont know how stupid it is with context, but it kind of makes sense to me. The dark side draws power from evil acts so the Emperor figures if the Sith, aka himself, no one else should rule.
Its $4.50 at the NEX
That would be great but knowing EA and Disney it's unlikely to happen
You could almost understand Sheev wanting to do it to be spiteful but the other side is why would the Imperial Military willingly go along with destroying loyal worlds? It'd make much more sense if it was like said.