>Nintendo1Left: How do we re-imagine this classic masterpiece while preserving its tone and atmosphere?
Nintendo1Left: How do we re-imagine this classic masterpiece while preserving its tone and atmosphere?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Nintendo and their New Super Mario Bros syndrome
>totally different areas of the game
uh huh
bing bing yahooooooo!
Please shiggsy. please retire!
Looks great desu
That is being dishonest. Why don't you put the same areas together instead of totally different areas?
Guys, I'm a real Link's Awakening fan, I really love it, it's my favorite game! But what if the game was completely different in 3D and played like Assassin's Creed and really cool realistic graphics, I as a Link's Awakening fan would really love it, just like the rest of the community that I represent. I really love the game but why can't it be different? Think about it.
The art style will still be the same in that area though you fuckface
The point is that this sort of stuff can't be captured with plastic toy art style
Company remakes game but completely changes it's art direction
>WTF this looks nothing like the original
Nintendo remakes a game that characteristically matches the original
>WTF we wanted something different!
should've been for 3DS desu
i think it looks cute and good and you might be gay OP
It's funny how Nintendo doesn't get the concept of comic artstyle representing a gritty world anymore. Nowadays its comic artstyle representing a comic world.
Compare Yoshi's Island vs Yoshi's Wooly World
>Remake depressing game in baby toy style
>lol idk what ur problem is it looks cute :D
>classic masterpiece
Don't pretend LA was anything more than a dopey ass gameboy Zelda game.
dude it looks like claymation, it looks fine
It's going to be the exact same experience of "cute world with shockingly grim concepts". You're just mad because 'they could do better'.
>i actually played this game, and i come to the conclusion its"dopey"
no one ever
You can bet the skelletons in OP will be gone in the remake. Or replaced with Drybones.
guys, you heard him! its claymation! that means its ok!
Nah with Pinatas
it looks cheap and lacks any atmosphere
>last top down Zelda reused a Link to the Past's overworld and dark world
>now let's remake LA instead of making a brand new top down Zelda
Yeah i'm fucking tired of these "remakes" or rehashes.
Can we get a completely new top down TLoZ please fucking god.
>It's okay, they don't have the resources to make a new 2D game anyway because of how massive BotW 2 will be!
Don't make remakes.
I don't like the new artstyle but you're a gigantic fagola
what happened to making a successor? what happened to makeing new levels instead of just new graphics? just make links awakening 2, use the new graphics with a romhack, and bobs your uncle
jesus christ, developers nowadays..
And what happens if they're still around? The series has stalfos dude, they're not afraid to put skeletons in their games.
>the fucking Game Boy game has a more detailed and expressive interpretation of the chibi sprites than a 3D remake on an HD console
Nobody ever actually explains why this is fine.
b-because it's cute and... stuff!
2D Zelda is abandoned. Aunoma doesn't care, Koizumi is trapped in Mario shit and Miyamoto is too old. Even 2D Metroid is more alive today, considering Sakamoto still cares, despite his past mistakes.
Static image vs a fully modeled and animated real-time 3D world.
Nobody has the heart to tell you that you're a fucking moron.
>implying this was a recent trend
compare yoshi's island to yoshi's story
Because your example is not indicative of the gameplay and is not applicable.
ALBW is probably the ugliest Zelda game though
If you played the original, you would know those skelletons are not Stalfos.
>depth of field
I sure do love having a gaussian blur over more than half my screen!
>These skeletons are different from these skeletons
Bones is bones, my dude
You know exactly what I mean, don't even.
>LA is so -dark and existential- oh wait here's some goombas from Mario.
Maybe you're just more easily impressed than I am.
nooo you don't understand! without the depth of field blur you wouldn't be able to focus on the center of the screen!!!!
new link awakening is so soulless
>3D means that the only way to model and texture chibi faces is with blank dot eye faces!
Try harder and make an actual argument instead of just an ad hominem, shillboy.
Is has some of the most whacky shit and humor of the whole series, have you actually played the game you fuck?
>implying that looks any better
How would you translate those skelletons into a toy-like artstyle? The point was the tone of the game is already fucked by the art. You need to redesign those bones to make them fit.
>How would you translate those skelletons into a toy-like artstyle?
Have them hanging by their chest rather than their neck.
Boom there you go easy solution
>Implying this looks any better
nice comeback
Thus, changing the tone. Thanks for proving my point.
Wrong enemy
Zelda is hardly a mysterious type game that Aonuma can make, in fact he was responsible for the decline of the series, Capcom already did some good top down Zeldas, put some new blood to make it or whatever.
You still have skeletons hanging by a chain, you idiot. The important part of the tone is still there.
This post was most likely written by a true fan.
This, LA didn't need a remake, id love an original game with this art style, I guess I will just have to settle for Tunic though
>Link's Awakening
This. I do think the Awakening remake will the best version of Awakening, but I am extremely let down to see that they weren't/aren't working on a genuinely new game.
Why did you put your picture next to Link?
I wish there was a new game that took Link's Awakening's mechanics and expanded on them. Like being able to use the shovel anywhere, combining two items for different effects, and JUMPING.
Grezzo is probably the ones making this game. You know, the ones who remade OoT and MM on 3ds.
I'm sure they're at least considering a new 2D Zelda, just like the Metroid 2 remake doesn't mean they won't make a new 2D Metroid ever.
>I wish there was a new game that took Link's Awakening's mechanics and expanded on them.
The oracle games.
But yeah they should have made a new game that took the mechanics of the oracle games and expanded on them.
Make an actual argument about how the expressive chibi faces somehow couldn't be transfered to 3D and I'll put more effort into replying to you.
>everyone who criticizes this game just want gritty realism
Where did this dumbass strawman come from?
At least you acknowledge your shit taste.
>how the expressive chibi faces somehow couldn't be transfered to 3D
but they are?
The skelletons being hanged by the neck implies something. Being hanged by the chest could be some asshole trying to scare you hanging shit on the ceiling. Anyway, we don't even have the actual new game screen to compare, so fighting about it is pointless.
I never played the Oracles games, but yeah.
It looks so bad.
no fuck you I wanna act like I know everything about the remake despite only having a minute of gameplay footage
Do get on that. They're great.
Play Seasons and then Ages. They're both amazing.
You just know they're going to fuck up the area though, too disturbing for kids these days even though they see worse shit with their xbone games.
I do think they style should be child like and humorous but the direction they took is just fucking bad and lacking in taste.
Its a remake not a remaster. Just play the original you autist.
>wanting to miss out on extra character development
>not wanting to fully explore the maps
>they gave it a mouth therefore its fine and no modicum of extra effort needs to be made
>depressing game
holy shit user you don't remember anything about it.
Link's Awakening is literally happy go lucky: the game.
Only depressing parts are literally TWO things in the WHOLE game.
Tons of stupid situations, hilarious shit and you say it was depressing? The only depression is inside your brain.
Ok, and?
why are you talking to yourself
Can't wait until we see the artwork for the photos in the remake so that these kinds of posts can end.
If you don't realize the significance of Koholint being a dream land, you either have shit memory or haven't played the game at all in the first place and are full of shit.
>animated anime cutscenes like that of the opening
One can only hope.
Well that's true to the original
How does playing Ages first stop you from exploring the map?
Cuz then he would be wrong and OP doesn't like to be wrong
Posting just for comparison sake.
That isn't very hard to do with how vague these low quality sprites are. It doesn't excuse them from making a low quality cash grab.
There is like a square or two that ends up inaccessible in one of or both the games.
The new artstyle is cute as fuck and I love it. The majority of Yea Forums loves it too as seen from the polls we've had on it. It's a shame a few loud autists are making people think this game isn't popular on Yea Forums
>I never played the Oracle games
They're the best Zelda games
Even if that is true, which I doubt, it's not worth missing out on the reunion between Ambi and the captain.
>Assassin's Creed
I don't get this meme
I hope they do an Oracles collection in this style after this. Best Zelda games by far.
Unrelated, but fuck that room.
The art style isn't actually THAT bad but i lament what it could've been. Imagine if they remade the game with an art style that looked like the opening cinematic. Worst part for me is actually the make-over of the soundtrack. They Yoshi's-Crafted-World-ified so now it sounds completely goofy and out of tune with instrumentation that sounds like little toys.
Links Awakening DX is the best version.
Nothing buttblasts Yea Forums like Zelda does
huh, i just remember DX being all green and grey like the OP picture.
>the tone of the game is already fucked by the art.
He thinks one of the most whimsical, lighthearted and playful Zelda games was really dark and gritty.
This looks exactly like Cave Story vs Cave Story 3D.
It's the exact same garbage 3D reimagining.
I hate you fuckers trying to pretend LA was dark or depressing. It's not, by any stretch of the imagination
how asshurt do you have to be to make this
I wish we'd have gotten a 3rd N64-like zelda game in the style of OoT and MM on the 3DS
Something that would be too weak of an entry for home console but just right for a handheld
Easier to make as well, smaller in scale, chaper, etc.
But now with the Switch it's just too late
Do you guys think they will add any extra content? What kind of Quality of Life adjustments might they add? Do you think they will charge $60?
Jesus Christ, Cave Story 3D looked like ass.
The tone is introspective you dumb fucks. Stop spouting gritty and dark at everyone criticising the art. It's literally Zelda Twin Peaks.
There isn't a single thing LA did that cannot be conveyed in this new art style
>I love it. The majority of Yea Forums loves it
Why? It's not that it's even cute and toylike, that's perfectly fine considering the original wasn't a serious zelda game in style anyway. There's just absolutely no character to the style though like there was to the original, and really i just see no reason to get it.
Except looking like a fucking game and not a plastic model set based on the game that is sold at Toys R Us
You speak like a spoiled child who thinks a series needs to top itself every time or you're going to pout.
Pretty sure thats Super GB gameplay
God you're such an insufferable fag. You sound just like the retards who based WW on it's release for being cell shaded. How fucking insecure are you to get this upset by a game's aethetics?
then why don't you make a good example if it's so easy
No. I loved Wind Waker, besides, that was an original game. However, i bashed Windwaker HD for looking like a plastic toy based on the original Wind Waker
That remains to be seen honestly. I really can't see pic related in the remake artstyle.
WW had actual fucking character to it's style. How can you even compare?
This just looks like LA with a modern boring coat. You have no sense of taste.
yeah after watching the reveal again, I'm not sure they thought this through at all. Now that I think about it, I don't think anyone has ever tackled complex themes with a cutesy artstyle before. Heh, can you say "blunder of the century"?
It's supposed to look like a plastic miniature model, get over yourself.
inb4 he just greentexts "it's supposed to look like shit"
>I have no argument so I'll fall back on a logical fallacy, that'll show him!
Why could you possibly find that undoable when it's a already stylized stone tablet that can be easily kept in the exqact same stylized form?
>modern boring coat
a modern boring coat would be a zelda game that looks like Assassin's Creed or Tomb Raider or another generic AAA game? this isn't boring at all. you can call it bad, you would be wrong, but it's certainly not boring. Do you know what boring means?
>Link's Awakening was always cute and fun, why the fuck are you saying it was dark?
>wow mindfuck! bwahahah who said nintend ogames are just for kids? these tiny ssegments stolen from anime for kids the devs saw as a kids are focking badass mate
Well, for starters the music in the trailer is awful, we don't know about the translation, the fact that everything looks like plastic, and that blurry filter. That's a powerful moment that can easily get fucked up.
I'm not hating on the remake, but i'm concerned, considering how past remakes and ports always change shit for the sake of changing shit.
I never had an argument. I watched the one you were having and called you a child.
You take the music in the trailer as a sign that all of the game's music will be shit, but then, you say ''we don't know about the translation" even though we already have sample of the old dialogue being kept intact thru the lines of the owl?
Why are you willingly to assume the worst out of one example but then you change your assumption methodology for the very next subject? That sounds to me like you're too anxious and worrying too much. Specially considering that the remake ultimately being shit should have no effect on the original game, which is still perfectly playable and preserved.
So you can't be bothered to try to prove me wrong and waste your time posting for no reason?
what exactly are these things? i could never figure it out. as a kid i thought they looked like ants.
>I'm a fucking retard and ignore central themes at the core of the game.
I believe that the only problem with this remake is the art style. It feels like your watching a 4 year old play with their Fisher-Price set. People would much rather have the art style be similar to the art from the manual, or the literal opening cutscene shown in the direct.
Same. I mean I played it when it first came out. Loved it. But I had the thought: what if we remade this to look like new super mario bros? And with bright colors.
I really would pay $60 for such a masterpiece.
Proving anyone wrong or right is a complete waste of time that will be instantly forgotten when the next iteration of this thread occurs.
Zoomers who interpret retro graphics literally are mentally retarded.
The whole point of low res shit for boomers was filling the gaps in with imagination to a more realistic depiction. Since zoomers have no imagination as all they've ever had are literal high resolution modern HD games, simply substituting low res graphics doesn't suddenly turn their imagination on. They still interpret that shit literally.
LA remake is a game made by zoomers for zoomers, which is sad cause a remake of a boomer game should still service boomers.
I always assumed that they are some kind of mushroom
Which leads back to my question of why you're posting in the first place.
I like what I see on the right. Suck it fags.
Because I wanted to call you a child.
Who the fuck every said they wanted something different than the games they loved originally you straw manning faggot?
Also this, stop trying to milk good IPs with awful nuremakes to cash in on 8 year olds and you won't get criticized
We know (((you))) do
People like you are why this board gets worse every day.
Oh, like I'm doing any worse than the tidal wave of wojacks and memespouters.
>LA remake is a game made by zoomers for zoomers
What zoomers are making the remake?
You bump shit threads with worthless replies just like them instead of actually putting an effort toward discussion which is the entire point of a site like this.
i think it looks fine. i'd care more about whether it's worth playing.
The last time I put even a little effort into a thread I was (You)'d over ten times by people telling me to fuck off to reddit, because actual conversation has no place here.
nintendo is for children
move on
What did you say?
Maybe you should go back, then
What remake does Yea Forums actually like?
boobs unrelated
I wouldn't know where "back" is since I've never been there. You obviously know the way which is suspicious.
Can we talk about the music and how it seems like it's going to be a bunch of flute shit?
You could hear on the original chiptune soundtrack where the brass section was supposed to be interpreted on the main theme. So what do they do for the remake soundtrack? All flutes. Whole fucking theme: flutes.
This theme was with you over half of the game. Can you picture listening to this for half of the game?
The first link you posted is using a 8bit flute my friend
>Where did this dumbass strawman come from?
This is why we need to hang the mentally ill
>8bit flute
The sad thing is, with so much fucking stupidity surrounding this remake; I can't even tell if you're being serious. So 10/10, I guess.
>admits to being from reddit
Yeah, I'm outta this thread.
I get what you're trying to say, but you're wrong. Here, some "8bit flute".
Nincels lap this up.
Disgusting nincels, as a neutral you're making me want to go team Sony.
Yea Forums hates everything video game related, remake or otherwise.
I think you guys might be right. I guess it was a flute in my nostalgia memory.
Red Faction:Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered was actually a good remake.
>LA didn't need a remake,
Yes it does. The Game Boy only having two buttons severely gimps the controls and makes items a pain to use.
Mario was never gritty.
this sounds so fucking grating
they intentionally made it sound like a kindergarden tier performance like yoshi's crafted world.
The gameboy had four channels. Two square wave channels, a noise channel, and a wave channel. Any instrument you wanted to make had to be made of those four channels.
Which is why if this game is trying to do nothing but flutes, it's truly and utterly fucked. The game had just as many instruments interpreted as any 3D Zelda.
Compare this:
Which you can hear the interpretation of a clarinet and a french horn
To this, the closest I can find to a flute on the OST:
And what's really fucked about this is that this game would 100% have a fully orchestrated soundtrack if the GB allowed for it. It uses TONS of instruments, on every track.
Here's a piano
Here's a harp
Here's an entire brass section
Here's a percussion section combined with a pipe organ:
And this was just with four channels, two of them being square waves.
That's why it hurts hearing it be fluteshit when it was trying to have just as many instruments as a million dollar game made today.
Of course I'm sure others will probably call me a nostalgiafag for pointing this out and pointing out that it was trying to be an interpretation instead of just flutes out the ass
kind of like the graphics.
>comparing one sing to the game's entire ost
I'm not even connived that the trailer song is even the overworld theme
I like this post, thanks user.
Why even use the trailer song at all if it's not indicative of the rest of the game?
To be honest, it's one of the worst interpretations of the zelda theme I've heard. I'm not even pretending or lying for a second when I say that. All of the strong portions are weak, all of the weak portions drown out the strong portions, and the timing is all off.
This is NOT what I want a remake of my favorite zelda to sound like. Someone should take away the first-grader recorder that they gave to the composer, snap it in half, and force them to re-do the trailer theme if that's what they thought a good rendition should sound like.
Good analysis and I'm glad your passionate and knowledgeable about it, but that was a limitation of the time and not something that necessarily ought to be considered today. If you want to go with that style and feel, that's fine, but it's like pixel graphics - almost no game that is actually using pixel graphics is creating them as they were, but rather a modern interpretation of how they could be remembered. This game is not doing that. You might argue that it should, but you'd be a fool to say "it sounded better" or "the original game had a limitation that didn't use flutes, therefore, the new one two decades later shouldn't either." Flutes sound good, and it fits the aesthetic just fine. Well, even.
It's like saying "the original game wasn't playable on a system with a backlight or on a TV, therefore, the remake shouldn't either."
I know you're probably autistic and don't understand when you're focusing in on insignificant detail and being really unpleasant, but it's time to step away from the keyboard. I'd say I'm praying for you, but no doubt you are an atheist, so I'll just give you an imaginary fedora tip. Maybe go back to talking about how excited you are for Bernie Sanders presidential run and call it a day, pal. You'll undoubtedly respond with "good argument" ironically, but there is simply no arguing with you. It's time to leave.
I can't believe Asian people hate how they look. They're all really cute.
>Goombas smiling in the original
>Frowning in the remake
What did Nintendo mean by this?
It's been a hard life.
>Good analysis and I'm glad your passionate and knowledgeable about it, but that was a limitation of the time and not something that necessarily ought to be considered today
I agree, let's have a fully orchestrated OST that interprets the instruments as they were meant to be.
>that's fine, but it's like pixel graphics - almost no game that is actually using pixel graphics is creating them as they were, but rather a modern interpretation of how they could be remembered
Okay, but this is music. Those instruments haven't gone away. We can still use those.
> This game is not doing that.
Why not? Nintendo does tons of Orchestral OSTs, they release orchestral soundtracks all of the time.Especially for Zelda.
> You might argue that it should, but you'd be a fool to say "it sounded better" or "the original game had a limitation that didn't use flutes, therefore, the new one two decades later shouldn't either." Flutes sound good, and it fits the aesthetic just fine. Well, even.
Except it didn't. It was trying to emulate real instruments. Why don't we use this to emulate the actual instruments it was making an attempt to emulate? Because it's hard? Because you don't want to? For fuck's sake. Why should we neglect the ORIGINAL INTENTION of the art just because you don't want to do it now?
>It's like saying "the original game wasn't playable on a system with a backlight or on a TV, therefore, the remake shouldn't either."
Not only is that literally not what I'm saying.
What does ANYTHING in your post have to do with the fact that the original was trying to interpret actual instruments with its four channels of sound?
Where did I EVER say that the remake should only use four channels of sound, like you seem to be implying that I am?
They're not smiling in the remake? What am i missing here?
autism, pure autism.
I can't even tell if you guys are just defending the game because it's Nintendo or because you're just used to the shitposting at this point and crave more.
You're arguing some autistic nonsense about "THERE SHOULDN'T BE FLUTES BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL DIDN'T HAVE FLUTES FUCK FLUTES" *because* of the limitations. It wasn't a choice to not have flutes. It was a limitation.
i preferred left crash to remasters crash desu
Just ignore him. I'm positive this guy is literally and unironically autistic.
They'll probably have to modify the hint for that puzzle so you can actually know what a given enemy is.
A lot of players will have no idea what a Pols Voice is.
>those giant ladder and that torch hanging off the rock in the right pic
lazy cunts
The new ost from the trailer sounds like Nintendoland.
no you fucking morons, it got a GBC rerelease as DX with the color dungeon.
Answer the question. Nintendo can 100% put an orchestral soundtrack on the Switch. They did it with every other Zelda game released thus far, including Link between Worlds.
Why is this game an exception in being cheap as fuck?
>To this, the closest I can find to a flute on the OST:
>*because* of the limitations.
If this is *because* of the limitations then answer me
How come it had a piano
How did it have a harp
How did it have brass
How did it have percussion
Why not have these in the game? Why is the main theme flutes out the ass when the original main theme had a french horn, a clarinet, a bassoon, and a tuba?
When the remade theme for the trailer was just flutes flutes flutes?
you're not even attempting to address the argument. You're just saying "WELL YOUR ARGUMENT IS 'FUCK FLUTES' SO FUCK YOU I LOVE FLUTES" like you're not even reading the shit I'm writing.
Do you have an argument besides "Fuck you you're autistic"? You keep samefagging the autism nonsense but what it's really telling me is that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but continue to talk anyway because I damaged your ego somehow.
>Cave Story 3D
Oh god that game is such irredeemable ass. If it were competently developed it could be nice, but they used the 3DS' low resolution to mask how poorly crafted all the assets were.
There's all kind of weird fucking bugs, awful foreground obstructions (because three-dee), bad new level segments, etc. There are even mandatory health upgrades that occurs at points in the game for a new maximum of 100, likely to compensate for much harder the game is to play for being so shoddy.
What the fuck even is this post?
You know ladder like that exist right?
Really. It's time to step away, or start reading posts before you fly off into a rage.
ripped straight up from NSMBU.
>goombas looking like goombas mean they were ripped.
When Kirby looks like Kirby in this new game are you gonna say he was ripped from Star Allies?
Are you going to address the argument? You just fucking ignored it and said "Fuck you autist, the game sounded that way because *limitations* The actual game was supposed to be flutes flutes flutes flutes flutes"
So I point out that the original game had dozens of instruments and now it's "Shut up autist, stop being mad. Why you so mad? You're having a rage!"
Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and we can be on our way. The game looks and sounds cheap as fuck. Like it's a second rate project by a second rate team at Nintendo to hook people in who never played the original game. The only thing I wanted out of it was a good soundtrack and a good rendition of some of the best themes on the gameboy, and I can't even have that.
The right pic looks like a 3DS game
Most likely, considering anti-kirby looks like pic related in the original.
Check out this guy who said something fucking stupid and got owned.
This is the part where you pretend to be retarded because you got fucking owned, kid.
Can you not even see that you're comparing 10 different songs to one, which may or may not even be the same song? Or does your autstic mind prevent you from doing that? I can see from the rate that you typed up these excessively long posts that you're fingers are just zooming through the keyboard. Calm down autist.
i dont remember kirby in the game.
>main overworld theme starts off with only flute
>as you get more instruments from dungeons they get added to the main overworld theme
do it Nintendo
>Can you not even see that you're comparing 10 different songs to one
Here's my post, way at the start, where I compare the main theme of the game to the main theme in the trailer.
Listen to the two. Stop shitposting about 'ure autist' and listen.
Where's the autism in hearing the difference between the exact same song and pointing out that the song sounds nothing alike?
>:Or does your autstic mind prevent you from doing that? I can see from the rate that you typed up these excessively long posts that you're fingers are just zooming through the keyboard. Calm down autist.
you sound fucking desperate. You just keep screaming "AUTIST AUTIST AUTIST CALM DOWN AUTIST" but you refuse to actually talk about this.
I think have it right, you said something retarded and couldn't back it up so screaming 'autist' is all you can do now.
inb4 they replace Wart with something else
This would work but we know that's not what they're going to do.
Just something I've noticed. You used words in all caps he didn't.
There's nothing wrong with this, retard. You're just in a hissyfit because the floors aren't blue and purple.
>Here's my post, way at the start, where I compare the main theme of the game to the main theme in the trailer.
Not him, but what they used in the trailer is more of a medley mashing together different parts of different songs, it isn't just the overworld theme.
That's even worse, if true. That means the other themes are going to be arranged in the same way as well.
I have no reason to believe that the music is going to be anything other than what has been presented because of the artstyle and presentation they have chose the game to have.
Forget the goombas, left is an underground passageway built by hand while right is just some cave. Color is important too and it all contributes to the atmosphere which is totally absent in the remake.
What does this have to do with the conversation? Nothing presented has shown that the game is going to have or will have the soundtrack it deserves.
It's just people screaming that I'm an autist because I pointed this out.
GOD I hate females
It's the "Nintendolts can't justify how something looks other than 'I like it' and 'it looks good to me' and will gobble up something that would take someone a few months to do by themselves in unity." thread again.
This time with literal deaf people trying to say that the shitty recorder music is OK, too.
Why? Because he's right? All you said was "the original was supposed to be flutes", and he pointed out several soundtracks where it uses different instruments. How does it feel getting raped in an argument?
A. Creed is Ubisoft's game, as you know.
Bitter faggots hate the fact that Ubisoft and Nintendo respect each other and even work on some games together.
If it can only take a few months, hop to it you badass.
That's the great thing: I don't have to, it's already been done for me for a third of the price that this game will cost, looking way better, and playing better, too. Multiple times. Some of them are free for me to play.
In fact, dozens of takes on the 2D zelda formula have been done before. Almost all of them looking better and playing better than this game will.
Which is why it's so confusing that Nintentards choose this hill to die on when they can look at any of the games this one is competing with and see that it's completely inferior in every way, shape, and form. They're only cheerleading this game when they called all of pic related shit because Nintendo is doing it.
The suckers are only doing it because they're nintencultists and would call the game shit if it was in any other form. Drink that kool-aid, Nintendolts, ignore the taste of arsenic and just drink down our little shitty remake that will cost more to you than all of the games in pic related combined.
Two of those games are pixelshit and the middle is slowly becoming vaporware. Blow me away with one that was made in less than three months.
>buhhHHHHH it doesn't count
Yeah thought so. You can go play two of those games right now, but you won't. You'd rather wait for christmas elf zelda adventure for sixty dollars instead of the dozens of zeldalikes that have come out in the past few years in less time than this game will game.
Pic related took less than a year, and had far more work put into it than this will. You won't even give it the time of day because it's "not muh zelda". Chug that kool-aid, glug glug glug ahhhh.
> the middle is slowly becoming vaporware.
It was at E3 less than five months ago.
That's still longer than "a few months", or are you going to hide being "it's just hyperbole geez!"?
Its the "Reeeeeeee I hate this! I refuse to accept the majority opinion! I'm a special snowflake! Hate Hate Hate!!!!!!!
I need to shit on things! Must shit! Reeeeeeeee!" irrelevant tween faggot.
I bet you're the type of idiot who whinged about the music in BotW.
Yeah it certainly looks like it took less than a year.
You're just proving him right by bitching with dying memes instead of arguing.
Like I'm gonna waste my time arguing with plebs.
wouldn't an NPC mean you follow majority opinion blindly or is this another case of Yea Forums changing it's own memes again
Now shoo.
im okay with the remake just to hear how this track is going to sound