Any vidya characters more gangsta than this fairy?
Any vidya characters more gangsta than this fairy?
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go back to your contaiment board /jp/ tranny
Where's the blimps?
Touhou is a video game you fucking secondary
>liking Touhou
ResetEra is waiting for you tranny
trannies love weeb shit
I'm not a touhoufag and even I can tell you are a fucking retard.
Guys i took this pic at Myouren temple the other day, but don't tell ANYONE
Isn't it strange how Yea Forums is the only board that has people actively opposed to 2hu?
Actually it isn't strange, because I know most of you are either underageb& or retarded westacuck normies. Get the fuck out. reee
She is a footslut
Who will win in danmaku battle?
This one
is that the real manga
what does "footslut" even mean
Her purpose is to show her soles, do footjobs and rub your body with her feet.
Any sokufags looking for a good time?
This one?
doesn't sound like something the strongest fairy would do
kill yourself pedshit
tanned china is pretty good
She does it only if you don't want it to happen
Is there a tanned meido?
All canonically barefoot girls are footsluts no matter how powerful thhey are.
Tanning turns 2hus into mega sluts.