Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate this game so much? Do you just want another TORtanic to laugh at? Because this game is actually really, really good.
Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate this game so much? Do you just want another TORtanic to laugh at...
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No one on Yea Forums has actually played the game. Just bandwagon shills riding that hate train.
The game would have been better if it was a standard bioware rpg with a co-op component. Now it's just a shit loot and shoot with pointless dialogue options
>why does Yea Forums hate a game from the same developer who made me3 and is published by ea?
It's not just Yea Forums that "hates" this game. Most people don't think it's any good.
EA made Bioware shit. Ruined Mass Effect with their cancer and in general is the biggest cancer of all video game developers, though Blizzard is starting to get right up there. I feel bad for what BioWare once was but I just want EA to die and go away forever.
There's tons of RPG element to it.
>Background lore in the game
>Notes/journals/magazines offer cultural context
>Additional conversations flesh out characters
You didn't play the game
>Because this game is actually really, really good
I thought you guys were supposed to use "awesome" in your posts?
That static face on the right good god
>RPG elements
fucking lmao what the fuck you must be the kind of person who thinks monster hunter is an RPG.
Tell me what RPG elements are then, because I guarantee you I can point out RPGs that don't match your assumptions.
I don't know about really good but there are certainly much worse games out there with much higher review scores.
same subhuman EA fag
run it through another compressor. eventually we wont be able to read the text in the subtitles.
>Yea Forums tries to say a 67 year old women is not attractive
kill yourself EA fag you dont play games you just eat trash
>Because this game is actually really, really good.
It's a worse destiny with a gimmick, that being jetpacks.
If it is so great why are you and your fellow redditors spamming threads instead of playing it?
Did Bioware really think people would want to play a game with ugly SEAmonkeys?
What's going on at western studios?
More like you have shitty taste OP, but if that's your thing, that's your thing.
with a metacritic score of 60 of 100, I don't think Yea Forums is the only one pretending to hate this game
don't even try to divert this, all that matters is that background lore and convos without meaningful choices don't make an RPG
You're terrible at arguments.
Yea Forums is full of a bunch of autistic NEETs that don’t have money to buy new games, that’s why you see so many piratefags on this board.
Also, don’t listen to any opinion that Yea Forums has about games because they’re always wrong.
I'm sure the game has a 60 metacritic score because of Yea Forums.
>Because this game is actually really, really good.
Who says this? Are they the same made up people asking Cliffy B to make another game?
No no It's russian trolls haven't you heard
>Because this game is actually really, really good.
Not even the paid shills can say anything good about it.
I think people are pretending to like the game since hating EA is now the popular thing.
What? Those aren't rpg elements
>taking a screencap of a shared picture of a youtube video of a twitch stream of a shadowplay
have you ever tried resaving a jpg 4 times? kind of like that but not a rough.
Kill yourself, I would've never ever heard about Dusk or Ion Maiden if it wasn't for Yea Forums
>Hey guys dark souls is popular let's just do that but without anything interesting
t. ea game changers
Just think like this:
REmake 2 was an exceptional game , not perfect but crearly top 5%, still got a decent amount of hate.
Anthem its a straight up decent game not even good,so its gonna get massive amounts of hate
get a real job
Nothing in the game is interesting. Why bother playing it. I've seen the reviews with gameplay footage and tend agree that it all looks bland. Actually playing it may be worth a couple hours of fun, but it's unlikely to have any staying power.
>Also, don’t listen to any opinion that Yea Forums has about games because they’re always wrong
Starting with (you)rs
>Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate this game so much?
What do you mean "pretend," you dirty shill?
Call of Duty games are RPG, you heard it here first folks
I advise you to watch the ending of this game, it will make you feel like ME3 ending was fulfilling.
>Because this game is actually really, really good.
Not according to concept, reviews and the demo.
I'm enjoying it. Though I wish they added more things to Bastion. More to discover or something. I mean, they already have fat leafy things named koroks, could've dome something with that.
Are you retarded? It isn't compression that makes her look ugly.
Just stop. You Bioware shills are going to be out of a job soon, just die with dignity.
Reminder that this game has been in development for 5 years and they still don't have a fucking stat page for your shit
> is actually really, really good.
and these people are really, really beautiful.
Even though I like personally like the game, I agree with this. It's like a kingdom hearts game; better to just play and explore and skip the cringey cutscenes and dialogue.
Six. Six years.
>another generic and barebones story that's lazily explained in codex entries
>expecting anyone to give a fuck
I played it for hours. It's trash. No depth, too much spam grind gameplay, literally no story etc.
Let's get this shit started
>Yea Forums is wrong!
>critics are wrong!
>people who have played this shitheap are wrong!
The absolute state of Biodrones
Half of them look like drug addict
>>Additional conversations flesh out characters
The fuck they do. Literally the only thing those conversations do is make you waste time listening to inane bullshit before you can get back to shooting shit. Not a single goddamn character in the entire game has anything of value or importance to say. And then every once in a while they'll throw out a nonsense "choice" to make sure you didn't fall asleep.
Bioware isn't even trying any more.
So literally no reason to touch anthem.
>Paying 60 bucks to play goblina's like
Hard Pass
>90% of Ion maiden threads are made by that one autist who hates the game
Half of them look like they were literally pulled off of the street
Ironic since your kind was defending the game since the first teaser.
I got it for free with a promotion but I haven't bothered to download it with how much bad press the game is getting. Why bother if it sucks?
they modeled the characters using employees, right?
>really, really good.
I'm sure it will be better after some patches. Just like F76.
Lol this reminds me of my asian half of my family.
>mfw bioware cucked me one time (DAII) but never again
The first impression is always the most important. Reviewers aren't going to go back and review this game in 6 months.
Because it's bad? Shit nigga make your shill attempt less obvious.
>mfw I fell for the DA:I meme
Another andromedian victim
I played it, guess what? It fucking sucks mr.shill
>Tfw played through ME3 completely, but never did the final mission.
I know it's better this way
>his game is actually really, really good.
>not a single positive review
here's (You), now get out
I played it and it’s filled with boring characters, generic story, bad mechanics, bad design desicions unsatisfying progressions and bugs. The only good thing about it are the visuals.
Somewhere in there is a good game, they just need to work on it more.
Easiest bait thread of your life.
The final mission wasn't even all that good. It had some lazy pile of body textures and felt like any other level in the game. I can remember ME1's final mission better than 3's and I played the games in order around release date once.
Only anti-shills hate it.
Don't give them any attention and they will go away.
>the only threads this game gets on Yea Forums are laughing at about bad it's doing
So if they go away so will Anthem threads?
I'm here because I want to see Bioware crash with NO survivors.
You don't need to taste shit to know it's not good.
Pls fuck off.
You anti-shills are the cancer of this board.
I'm playing it because of my employees, we all play video games together.
Game seems okay but I never had interest in destiny/warframe/borderlands or even ME but I do like MMOs.
Shame nu-Bioware is dead though. DA:O was still really phenomenal and people did like ME2.
The fuck is an anti shill?
destiny is the best one because it has raids. all my old WoW buddies play it now after years of thinking it was casual console shit
>even generic yearly released like CoD, BF and AC manage to get 80s
>somehow this gets 60
I'm not wasting my time or money because I know it's bad but how could they have possibly fucked up this badly?
People who shit on the hype people have for new and awesome games.
Like fuck let us be hyped for one of the best games of the year in peace.
>Gameplay loop consists of an online-only endless grind for cosmetics because it makes assloads of money by exploiting people with gambling problems exactly like mobile games
No one needs to pretend to hate this.
Ah okay, so this is a shitpost. Gotcha.
>the best games of the year in peace.
(you) are retarded. Inb4 pretending
EA probably didn't care enough to promote good scores. At the same time, the game probably lacks material to secure good scores from media and, since this is reciprocal, the media doesn't gain anything from promoting a game like this. The result is "journalists" playing the game because it's their job and giving don't-even-care scores.
You're being a fucking anti-shill right now!
Please fuck off back to r3ddit you little faggot.
>these are the people that posted in the Bioware forums before it got shut down
Bioware forums were great.
No asshole trolls like you, inclusive atmosphere and everybody had good taste unlike the asshole rapists in here.
Its a $60 mobile game on consoles.
It employs the same basic business model and gameplay loop. Have the player endlessly repeat the same actions for some form of in-game currency that can also be bought with real money and exhanged for in-game items or cosmetics, only allow the player to complete certain tasks once before having to wait an extended period of time so they will both not tire of the gameplay loop too quickly and will be more likely to use real money to bypass the waits so they can earn more in-game currency to exchange for cosmetic or other in-game items.
Its literally just a mobile-game skinnerbox on consoles that costs money to play.
I think Apex success really took EA by surprise and they shifted a lot of their resources over to that instead of the usual moneyhatted press a big launch like this would receive.
It happened right about the time things for Anthem would usually be kicking up into high gear.
Wondering if they did any incredibly jewey stuff with it already.
>Wondering if they did any incredibly jewey stuff with it already.
>Online-only, multiplayer-only shooter that exists to sell loot crates
Gee, I wonder
>straight up decent game not even good
Decent but not good?
Well you're not wrong about nobody playing it.
that was on "really" short to really really really really really believe you
I mean EA levels if you get what I mean. Lootbox stuff IS pretty typical but EA has a recent track record for setting new paces.
Buy my game and spend a bunch of money on MTX to look cool while playing it. Once the player count gets low enough release the next game, same formula with a new set of MTX.
The state of modern games is fucking disgusting. MTX in games should be outlawed.
It's a shittier version of destiny 2 with even less variety and more grind
Even Warframe is better than this crap
tfw NEVER cucked by Bioware
all the reviews with “Mass Effect died for this”
This game does very little any better than the games already like it. Decent graphics and Javelin cosmetic material customization at best but overpriced skins still even after being lowered from 20$. Generally derivative and bland art direction, bland gameplay and gameplay loop, sparse objective variety, sparse weapon variety, sparse map and tile variety, empty open world with loading screens for sections of it(Killing much of the point of an open world.), loading screens for damn near everything you do in the game whether you want to say they've been made shorter or not.
Poor Rewards for putting up with those loading screens too, the fact that this game is a quickly slapdash together renege of a pre-backlash Battlefront 2 style loottbox and microtransaction model, is obvious without even ever having read about that as the original plan. Won't be surprised if they try to reinstall that model after all the reviews and when no one is looking.
Then we have the uninteresting characters and lore coupled with awkward NPC animations.
Bugs that still haven't been fixed after the alleged messiah patch.
Egregiously overlooked general game design decisions and QoL, despite prior games like this having been an example, and this game being 6-7 years in the making and still being this shit.
I refuse to believe this janky, boring mess was a full straight 6 years in the making, a bit of it looks like its just pilfered and reskinned skeletons from Andromeda, trying to be salvaged as a live service after that game failed.
And honestly, most people who didn't buy Anthem can judge it fairly easily, as the free demo had 75% of the game in it, no need to give EA shekels.
This game doesn't even deserve to be 60 or even 20 dollars, its a glorified free-2-play game, only there are free-2-play games better and more fun than this, no reason to play this shit.
Game is shit, but this cherry pick non sequitur ain't a relevant argument. Also would like to see how you look, Clownskin.
Why would we buy a game when we already knew it was shit? We called it a long time ago that it was going to be bad.
I played the demo and it sucked and if the full game is more of the same, then I was right for not buying it.