Have you ever failed a class because you played too many video games?
Have you ever failed a class because you played too many video games?
tfw no stupid gf
No but I have procrastinated on class assignments many times due to video games, leading to unnecessary stress
Men are the only ones who have the worry about grades and getting a job, any female can just marry some successful guy and stay at home raising the kids and be fine
In college I spent most of my time playing CS:S
I remember my I.T coursework was due in at 9am one day and I did an all nighter and by 2am I was just playing CS.
Is this a porno?
Why does that person put an F on the scantron? She wasn't even done.
my girlfriend pays all my bills
im at home shitposting on this laptop while she's at work right now
now what dumbass hahaha
the reason you cant have an elite irl waifu sugar mommy is because you treat women like theyre objects
if you respect and appreciate your mommy she'll shower you with reward. you've got some learning to do or youre going to be a bitter virgin your whole life. if you dont care about that then continue but if you do ever want to have sex and get an elite waifu you'll have to shape up
No. That's why I'm a winner in life baby!
vagina is the gateway to an easier life. not saying its not hard to be a woman just less brutal.
no, never studied for exams and did homework at school
looks like a music video
No because I'm not retarded. Only actual retards fail classes in high school and college.
No. I failed my classes because I had a complete mental breakdown and developed OCD and depression so severe that leaving the house at all was a massive undertaking and I ceased to give a single fuck about anything.
almost all of them lmao
fucking retards nobody cares about grades get some experience you fucking morons
No but I almost failed a class because I am not very smart.
I botched middle school because I would play soldier of fortune 2, cs and ragnarok online for like 20 hours a day. Couldn't even get into highschool because of my grades and absence. Practically dropped out since middle school. Now I'm a certified public accountant and have a masters in business administration.
Moral of the story is that you shouldn't take school so seriously. You should focus on finding interests you enjoy and have fun with, rather than stressing out every day that you're stuck for 8 hours in a school learning shit you don't care about. Anything before college literally doesn't matter.
I went to college and freshmen year almost failed out. Was put on academic probation and had to take a bunch of make up classes over that summer.
It was a blessing in disguise as I was a retard and went to college with my major being Video Game programming. After failing out of that, I changed to generic CS degree with a networking background. Now I work in digital security instead of the fucking video games field. I'm honestly super happy that I ended up not working in the games industry. It seems like absolute dogshit.
Eh, if I wasn’t playing video games I would be streaming a TV show or flat out be sleeping instead of studying.
Yes, but a woman doesn’t HAVE to do that. She could leave you and be Chad’s trophy wife if she really wanted to.
i failed a freshman year indoc class because i always late for the 7:30 class after a night of gaming
my roommate failed a english 100 class because he was playing dota 2 the night before the final exam
>Anything before college literally doesn't matter.
literally this
Is this american education?
>english 100
I'd skip school on a regular basis just to play vidya (so much so that for one semester I was present for only 20 out of ~75 days; I got away with it because I'd always make bullshit excuses) and I'd still get straight As. Like, I can't imagine how fucking stupid you'd have to be to put effort into school and still only manage to get Bs and Cs, especially since I'm a complete retard.
he planed to went to the exam after the all night long gaming section, but he passed out mid gaming.
this is only a problem for americans
maybe if your american
i almost failed an art history class because i forgot about the exam date, luckily the teacher gave me a chance to retake the exam with 3 other guffs.
american education everyone
>mom is a doctor and would leave at about 7 AM every morning
>school started at 9 AM
>she'd drop me off every day so I didn't end up ever taking the bus on the way to school
>good 1-2 hours every day to do homework before school starts
>would never have to do homework at home
>play video games all night every day and just power through homework every morning
Easy as fuck
Okay, and I don't HAVE to either. If she left me, I'd just find another sugar mommy, just like I did before this one. You're just upset because you're not desirable enough for women to sugar mommy you in the first place, so you blame all women for this. Little do you know that just makes you even more undesirable.
I dropped out of high school so I could play video games
>tfw no 12 year old boytoy who wants to be adopted and pampered by me
Presumably either time had expired and he saw she hadn't done more than a few answers, so gave her the F then and there to prove a point, or he caught her cheating and instantly failed her.
No one's going to believe this.
Did it end well?
you jammy bastard
You're living in denial already, you think I didn't expect this from you? Lol
I believe it because someone I've known for years has had a sugar mommy gf for a very long time. That's just life, I guess.
Kept skipping school and getting bad grades because I was not interested but instead played unholy amounts of vidya.
Dropped out of state school and had to go to a facility/project that let me graduade regardless, passed all exams, graduaded top of my class.
Went to military, stopped after reaching Corporal.
Could've blown my own brains out several times, never did.
Now I do odd jobs and live my life away because I don't really care about anything.
I actually know someone like that. His wife is in her mid-30s and he’s like in his early-20s. She makes over $100k a year and didn’t need to marry anyone for financial support. In reality, she married him so she can have her own kids and have the poor guy as her young stay-home trophy husband.
god i wish that were me
>yfw you won't ever have a big tittied mommy GF that doesn't want kids and comes home everyday and lets you suck on her tits for hours on end
Whatever man. Not like I fucking asked to be born into this horrible world
Not school-related but:
>borderline NEET living with mummy and daddy
>have shitty retail job out of obligation
>get hooked on Nostalrius
>would rather spend my time playing WoW than going to work
>start calling out more or more
>eventually decide to just stop going
>Nost shuts down almost a week later
I actually aced my world history class in high school thanks to all the autistic historical strategy games I played
Just work at a big bank, since that’s how they met. A lot of lonely and rich bitches roam there.