> (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Pokemon TCG
> (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Nothing but emptiness

Attached: chrome_2019-02-23_11-40-07.png (586x390, 570K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1st for josh is a wimp

s/Pokemon TCG/Twilight Princess

Attached: file.png (484x285, 233K)


Ratefaggot here, since the ending is near lets try and fix the rate. What do you think needs fixing? As always the top two tiers need some cleaning.

Attached: 1550943892530.png (124x192, 46K)

Basedboy brit with noddle arms just got manhandled by chad with aryan blood.


I want Maral and Charisa to tonguekiss.

Friendly reminder that finns are the most powerful race in the world

Attached: finn.jpg (480x640, 157K)

>embed edition

Attached: black babby.webm (608x1080, 751K)


Attached: 1519750574246.jpg (539x451, 171K)

Let's go fuck midna.

Attached: spurdo-thumbs-up.png (769x661, 52K)

Germany crushed the UK

Attached: Wojack WW1.png (672x944, 22K)

how was mario party?

Attached: de809446fe009a44d8cacb4fb1bff19a.jpg (615x648, 226K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 12-43-42-03.webm (484x404, 2.38M)

It's comin

Attached: 1530149533286.png (914x874, 1.15M)

I'd move Jade Empire (post tech issues) and GTA2 up a tier but that's probably more to do with me liking the games than anything. Omensight and all Pokemon to meh
FFX into transcendent tier

Thats a lot of embed.

Based webmbro.

Attached: Musha.jpg (304x333, 33K)

Any vods for this yet?

Literally a choke party but it was fun.


Attached: file.png (321x326, 124K)

yea on twitch


>snapped his arm
holy fuck that's brutal

Why contain it?

Attached: 1531244222960.jpg (1865x2160, 2.94M)

I mean decent vods where I can pick what I watch, not guess.

Where did the colors go

they need haircuts

since when did Hyrule have a sewage system

Twitch has a chapter feature now so its super easy to find a specific game

Since you moved in.

Based new thread poster

Zelda has IBS.

does he often injure himself arm wrestling?
it'd explain his ""dabs""

Attached: 1550839137454.webm (791x481, 1.19M)

Post the one where the finn suck off the chinese.

Guys I've been thinking about this for a while, why is it called "speed run"? if you're "running" a game isn't obvious that you're playing it at high speed?

Attached: 1484331020873.png (620x640, 278K)

From this run? I didn't make one like that.

first defeat:
3rd defeat and wanting to quit the run:

should change my ip range to get around the file upload block but w/e never got around to posting these yesterday


>European "humor"

>DaS2 parry glitching tier strats

Attached: lemustacheman.png (744x615, 16K)

Based Josh

>Maral not doing jumping jacks

lmao what the fuck

What a shame.

bad form on those


>arms were out of frame half the time
shame we can't see them contort

Attached: file.png (587x410, 397K)

>$25 for 5 jumping jacks
That seems like a waste

did some changes, ty.

is this $20%?

can someone send in $100 and ask those two to spitroast josh


Do it yourself.

No this is some remix, the hosts like Maral and Eidgod have to do stuff. Pretty awkward for the runner desu.

every run from now on is $25%

Attached: 1547259646394.jpg (1024x598, 338K)

Not sure this is gonna work, $20% worked on stream 2 because it had slower games and a smaller room and crowd which meant runners could do fun stuff like that.
Samura1man just seems annoyed having to deal with this shit

what is he even trying to do

Just think lads, they might keep $20% for events susan attends

Attached: 1542163111752.jpg (263x269, 11K)

Didn't know that, thanks.

Attached: 1547999891136.png (564x553, 619K)

This. They're just trying to capitalize on it which will ruin the enthusiasm for it.

>muh charity
we GDQ now

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Twitch.png (339x70, 2K)

caveman is a cuck

who the fuck is susan

>3h runs

looking good from the stuff I watched

Attached: 1535275566265.gif (310x233, 113K)

what a faget, not as if they're throwing a hissy fit like punchy

>no Midna in this thread

Attached: 1547070025315.jpg (800x800, 160K)

It also worked because the people doing it were up for a laugh, not a crowd of people getting shit demands thrown at them that don't even include the game.



Don't you know about "chicken nuggets" Susan?

Attached: 1295581030.frut_s.png (501x785, 124K)

Punchysusan / whatever he calls himself this second since he changes his name all the time.

The dude who got butthurt because nuggets.

oh no shut it down!

Attached: file.png (636x840, 117K)

Attached: 1537417674659.png (427x355, 268K)

Attached: 1532156352253.png (215x213, 63K)

>chubby robots AND midna


Attached: 1543943049140.png (867x673, 351K)

>you will never dash around with a fat imp bouncing on your back
What do I even have to live for?

Attached: 1543033298659.jpg (800x800, 392K)

ladies and gentlemen

Can you finally play through the Wii U version on Cemu?

this tekkie nigger is a real nigger

Do you guys think midna took the knot

How new are you

Attached: 1530607731698.jpg (1400x3296, 1.39M)

>he doesn't know

Attached: Finish Grill.jpg (1280x960, 512K)

Attached: mammi-sauna-muumi.png (252x438, 84K)

Can he commentate the WHOLE run like this?

fun is happening

Attached: 1546773327075.jpg (550x550, 267K)

Attached: 1476911227314.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Almost certainly yes.

Attached: tumblr_ovaj5skjGQ1tjqc5eo1_raw.png (2894x4093, 3.45M)

Attached: ff6.png (716x432, 43K)


>Sanokaa peruna

Attached: 1526073650583.jpg (784x522, 64K)

>anglos having panic attacks right now having to listen to a foreign language

Attached: 1546213438240.jpg (500x327, 49K)

finbros translate

Attached: 1550873868387.jpg (326x272, 17K)

im enjoying the spurdos instead

Attached: 1545202741270.jpg (1920x1080, 812K)

Attached: Jurassic Spurdo.jpg (1134x1776, 169K)

>implying i can understand him in english

Undertale is good dumdum



Attached: Finn girl throws basketball.jpg (800x600, 101K)


There's been more fun allowed in ten minutes here than in a whole GDQ.

Attached: 1501308126274.jpg (604x933, 110K)

I have several Midna pics in a Cute Girls folder but I ain't looking through over 3k pics just to image dump so I'll just say that Midna is the cutest Zelda girl and best partner.

Attached: 1547074173776.jpg (1231x1739, 1M)

man what a copout

>That distressed face on the random guy's face while holding the controller.

Attached: Rin worry.png (188x271, 96K)

is Midna CP?

3000 year old dragon senpai

That folder sounds like a mess, user!

Attached: 1530607031889.jpg (471x900, 107K)

literally not a child



Attached: 1548442419718.gif (379x395, 385K)

Oh nevermind, is over 5k pics. Originally it was just to dump cute girls that didn't have a dedicated folder but maybe I should create new ones. I only made a Shuten Douji one because I find her adorable.

Created to Protect? Surely.

Attached: 1547080984565.jpg (600x638, 92K)


Attached: 1550647756803.jpg (800x800, 325K)

>french fags

well that was a faggot sounding finnish. must be finnish-swede




He was just defending susan in a really faggoty way, that was following the nuggy incident

All of my baguettes. Hon hon.

Attached: Rin eating roll.jpg (767x864, 82K)

what a disgusting language

Frechies, translate plox

cole porter?

aetienne sounds like the tapes you get in french class

Attached: 1543401687883.jpg (1258x733, 230K)



he's been talking about a long jump glitch you ca do with the boomerang I think
t. took french in school but have seen this game run before


This was a awful idea.
I know it's the final hours but the event is now a circus.

It should be vidogames and the integrity of speedrunning first and charities 2nd.

What was Nintendo thinking?

Attached: 1530617211198.gif (500x288, 1.8M)

"creato za perfectu waifu"

no this is fine. 3 minutes of so so ideas is better than no ideas in a whole event

Holy shit what a sperg loser you are

Attached: 1541289541683.jpg (800x800, 178K)

frick off GDQ cuck

>make them switch glasses
That is vicious

Attached: 1547846490872.jpg (416x578, 62K)

t. susan


>the integrity of speedrunning

Attached: 1491743099571.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

it just works

They were thinking on ways to permanently keep the title of "Best Videogame Girls" creator.

Attached: DmIKCxUU4AAqi2L.png (1200x1169, 799K)

I'm not watching the stream but is it really Midna time?

the world revolving playing in the background makes it way funnier for some reason

Attached: 1541548832882.jpg (1270x1244, 1.16M)

Its always Midna time.

Attached: 1532022376376.png (1500x1000, 587K)

stopped listening due to all the puking going on with the mic

So if they're willing to do shit like switch glasses for money on stream, do you think we can carry this until we get them to start disrobing for money?

haha what if we can get them to fart haha?

*midna moaning on wolf link's back*

>mimic pulling out the sword
on a christian video games stream?

based fart poster haha

$25 to cock windmill
Think of the children

samura1's a top lad


stay hydrated friends

I'm so used to regular naked imp Midna, but that stuff she's wearing just makes her way sexier

Attached: Imp wants to fug.png (586x788, 18K)

He's not thirsty for water
He's thirsty for IMP ASS

Attached: 1530621641016.jpg (620x877, 429K)

Attached: Waterboy.jpg (700x393, 271K)

Attached: 1366345121614.jpg (204x222, 24K)

worst game with best partner.

The decisions they made with wolf link are baffling. It's like they took the transformation mechanic from majora's mask, Limited it to one form with less powers, and made it much more of a burden to use, even when the story treated it like it was an advantage.

They took that extra effort to make the NPCs ignorant to Link's transformation by adding people running away and limiting where you can transform and making half the stuff that happens in the game invisible to them so you don't even feel like your making a damn difference.

How hard would it have been to just have the cucoo researcher go with you to the city and stay at the shop in the entrance to the dungeon.

This is a good run

Attached: 1543033465203.jpg (500x406, 35K)

Haha someone donate $25 and make left guy give samura1 a wedgie.
Requesting for a friend...

Attached: 1550863358970.png (691x597, 16K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Twitch(2).png (486x403, 427K)


holy fuck this is dumb
i love it

Based fucking wiredwicky


Attached: file.png (584x494, 363K)

character designer was a woman that worked on Pikmin.
Japan is known for their short flat chested women.
They're just being honest.

>worst game with best partner.
What you actually just described was Spirit Tracks.

Attached: 1532009394549.png (743x1000, 397K)


I'm glad Punchi isn't there to witness the moment ESA sold out. What a travesty.

What's next, Maral and Psychobunny two teaming my cock in their mouths for 25 bucks?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Twitch(3).png (482x385, 407K)


man that's that good autism

do you think they might DAB lol? that would be great! XD

I want to sink my teeth in to Midna's thighs.

>mfw someone gives me a (You)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 13-33-45-32.webm (973x812, 358K)

>all these shenanigans
>even fucking up run and momentum
>but fuck the game its all about fun
>actually enjoying all this
This is why eurotrash >>>> american trap festival

Attached: 1544970838619.jpg (602x888, 53K)

i like this

Fun allowed run!

Attached: 1536036114700.jpg (800x667, 186K)

>"$25 FOR EMOTION" offcam
Metako isn't pure irish is he

Attached: 1543623248220.png (250x280, 29K)

Attached: AGDQ 2019 dab.webm (404x275, 266K)

>wtf is this shit at ESA omg cringe so cringe
user grow up, you bitches are always whining about these events being anti-fun

Attached: 1533027243989.png (850x850, 470K)

Attached: t-pose.webm (572x482, 2.78M)

Actually based.

It's not a bad game at all. I think the word you're looking for is "disappointing". It was hyped to hell and back before its release with the promise of a huge Hyrule, around 15 dungeons and this new mature artstyle. Hell, the change of Link's voice even made a huge impact back then, making him sound even manlier and more fierce.

But yeah, the dungeons even if they were amazingly well designed were very linear and most items you'd get there were rarely used outside. And don't get me started on the Twilight Realm, the biggest disappointment I've had in the series. Just when I expected we'd be able to explore a whole new realm and new dungeons, we're only given a barebones second to last dungeon and a pretty lame fight against Zant.

Attached: dab.webm (339x271, 97K)


I was so wrong earlier about this run, you could make Zelda run in fact, interesting still. Good job for Samura1man being such good spirit about this.
Still I think he's going to get PTSD after this run whenever anyone says ''Hey!'' to him.

Attached: Uma happy.jpg (580x778, 104K)

god i wish that were me

literally cringing as we speak t b h

Nah, this is goofy. I like it.

this is some good shit

Attached: 1394419463358.gif (199x194, 528K)

Attached: 1520179615264.jpg (620x670, 32K)

I can't believe he's doing this on the fly.

Attached: 1543031437070.jpg (1156x1546, 162K)

cringing at your post

AGDQ2019 Bloodborne PTSD,,,,,

>post yfw fun is back

Attached: 1461956175775.png (652x624, 248K)

Sides launching in
3... 2.... 1.... LIFT OFF

Metako is great.

>people spent money for that to be a run

>listening to the world revolving because of the vocaroo
>mfw this run syncs perfectly with it

yeah, i'm thinking this is gonna be FF3 tier

Attached: 1550201658264.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

You won't see shit like this at GDQ

Attached: 1527167810575.jpg (932x1024, 99K)


Attached: 1547964245518.jpg (500x500, 21K)

did we take it too far?

This is cringe and not funny at all.

oh no here THESE donations
fun's over

contemplate the scent


Attached: 1543045441751.png (399x570, 328K)

Attached: 1452201619507.webm (720x400, 930K)

At least they're having fun and not autistically explaining the run and getting banned for owen wilson references.

Fuck off edge lord, you're probably 14 and think nothing is fun.

they definitely spiced up what should, by rights, be an awful last day

Attached: 1521401994634.jpg (317x265, 35K)

>all these SEETHING trannies in this thread right now who hate F U N

Attached: 1475197076958.jpg (181x220, 11K)

I thought Samura1man would be alot more autistic but he seems like a top lad

I want to be his homosex partner.

Someone get them some booze

>donations aren't even relevant to the run anymore
Redditfags get out

Attached: 1359507521732.png (400x750, 187K)


Attached: 1547496518476.jpg (2559x3292, 472K)

my ears

Attached: 1549940627617.jpg (640x480, 21K)

>shitty donations are starting to come in
oh no
this is why this only works on stream 2

My speakers just died.

Fucking cringe.

Attached: 1547160396148.jpg (247x204, 4K)


>I can't go that high!
my sides

Attached: 1530606901818.jpg (500x600, 173K)

No. This goes too far.

Attached: 69960341_p0.jpg (848x1200, 166K)

Thanks, I needed that.

damn mods with the quickdraw

I'm sure you could donate 25 bux to ban singing till someone donates 25 bux to undo that.

>I'm just gonna give up on drawing the feet altogether

>I wish these events were fun
>noooo this is the wrong fun
Careful what you wish for, Yea Forums!

Attached: 1525845153358.png (1254x958, 636K)

What was it?

Stop being a degenerate footfag.

zoomers don't know what they want

Attached: 1398673108391.png (500x500, 26K)

>Yea Forums suddenly likes nufun

But I'm enjoying it

Attached: 1521174248749.png (465x453, 197K)

God i want to fuck midna

We need a richfag to feed them a stream of "just do the fucking speedrun, no donation memes" for the next 2 hours


Attached: 1397027926955.jpg (866x869, 219K)


Attached: 1550114457736.jpg (750x572, 55K)



Attached: 1472531557356.jpg (470x375, 55K)

Attached: chrome_lF6Z4ZC01y.png (697x579, 847K)


Attached: Clipboard01.png (587x488, 389K)


Attached: file.png (1044x897, 1.05M)

Legitimate autism

Okay, THAT was epic!

Good straw poll.

>I miss GDQ
>1 vote

I think it's fun, but the audience WILL unarguably wish for embarrassing cringey shit.

>get up for one second
>miss ginyuforce


5 zoomer trannies detected

here's one

>less than 30 votes
>you are one of the 30 worst people on earth right now

So, how much money have they actually made since this run started?


Imagine if they didn't have a good sport playing.
Imagine all the sperging.

That would be more fun to be honest.

pff a hundred million?

That would legit be hard to watch.

>ungh this is so cringe I need to let everyone know my displeasure on my Yea Forums strawpoll
If you want to prevent cringe, walk in front of a shuttle bus.

Attached: 1532030891231.jpg (724x1024, 173K)

They probably asked runner beforehand if they can do this.


Attached: trampa inte på mig 6.jpg (1000x572, 63K)

But it really wouldn't

Attached: 1472788251739.png (905x869, 675K)

Attached: sgdq caveman wink.webm (1272x462, 580K)

>be watching this while at work
>have to take dinner break
>can't watch for 30m

Attached: 1550948067834.jpg (750x616, 316K)

>6 no fun allowed niggers

Yeah, Susan is a big gay.

I think it works here because the audience is small. Doing it at GDQ would be a nightmare.

nice anus

dios mio...

Attached: 1444252959021.gif (499x281, 411K)

These incentives are great until you allow for singing. Singing is the only actual irritating part. At least that guy actually tried though.

Attached: 1545161224381.gif (300x300, 252K)

Based baldchad managed to make it almost not cringe

Alright enough of this cringefest

>haha funny singing!
Please clap.


epic rickroll lmao :)

Is Metako the MVP of the event?


He's Atlas, holding it on his back.

>decent singing
I'm fine with this.

Attached: 72181099_p0.jpg (848x1200, 712K)

i like how samura1man really is trying his hardest when he's not getting memed on

Attached: 1524522203287.jpg (218x231, 13K)

I'll donate $500 if Metako beats the shit out of that blue haired asian guy.

I hope they add dancing too.

Attached: dadancebuz.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

Is his secret hobby dressing up in women's clothes and shoving dildos up his ass? I'd pay $25 to see that

Attached: 1508831358451.jpg (1113x1280, 180K)

>donations that actually affect the run

metako you evil man

He put all of speedrunning on his back.

reminder GDQ was getting $2000 a minute during the odyssey run a month ago
and ESA is getting $5 a minute while completely selling out all attendees' dignities

Good. Speedrunning is a degenerate sport and people who actually give a shit about things like time are autistic. It's about the skill of the tricks, not the autism of getting a small number.

keep the webms coming

Attached: 1528766475490.jpg (350x350, 35K)

>post yfw your not an autist that screech RESPECT THE GAME

Attached: 1475199904908.jpg (600x620, 214K)

it's almost like ESA is quality and GDQ is quantity

I will when they start doing something interesting on video instead of just audio.

wtf I love atlus now

I actually feel terrible for the runner. Dude's probably fucking fed up, he's dead silent.

Attached: dragonlard.jpg (496x496, 56K)

>reminder gdq is a money laundering scheme while esa collects legit money for a good cause

Attached: 1472091809467.png (110x193, 5K)

anonymous HOYP

Oh hush.

Attached: no fun GDQ.png (1080x1080, 1.14M)


Good. Fuck him

This post was sponsored by Yeti

You simply sell out your dignity by attending GDQ.

and gdq is still working through donations from that hurricane event, that's what real success looks like

The best donation request is still making Wakka cast death on Rikku because "the only good al-bhed is a dead al-bhed"

this broads english is effing atrocious


Finns don't give a fuck. - T. Finn

Everyone there seems to be having fun, Yea Forums.

it was you who donated it but its still based yes

Who's the announcer, lads?

Attached: 1505400096286.gif (343x239, 1.03M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-21 14-38-18-82.webm (1600x900, 2.25M)

Do you have a clip of that?

he's a finn he's just autistic not upset

>haha sing le rickroll xdDDD

Attached: 1538155711098.png (362x462, 373K)


who's reading the donations



dumb 14 year old


Attached: dee[1].png (500x481, 398K)

Attached: hand.webm (588x478, 1.55M)

Attached: Sieg heil dog.gif (300x258, 2.06M)

Finns have insanely high mental fortitude, don't worry about him

dab time XD

>Yea Forumseddit unironically thinks this is entertaining


>you have to dab
based ESA

Attached: 1532223617191.jpg (695x1300, 193K)

Attached: 1530015984176.png (500x311, 19K)

funny dab daddy >:)

Attached: dabdeny.webm (586x486, 1.03M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 14-05-17-83.webm (531x544, 612K)


Attached: Capture.png (577x595, 572K)

Where were josh's fat dabs when they needed them

This shit is awful. Why would anyone tune into a stream to watch a bunch of random losers meme?


Do you have the youtube playlist? I think I lost it.


why do I keep coming back to this shitty ass board

Is FFX fun casually?

Why don't fat girls just lose weight? It's not that fucking hard holy shit

>oof my yiking cringe redditredditredditreddit
>also where's the fun wtf speedrunning is dead


Attached: 1499312037525.jpg (900x1200, 472K)

If you like Final Fantasy or other turned based RPGs, yes. It's one of the best.

Keep samefagging GDQ tranny

Attached: 1529365775597.jpg (598x415, 60K)

It's worth a playthrough but 100%ing it will take you 100+ hours unless you're following a guide.

What does she look like in the current year?

Slugbox just released this Midna art 20min ago.

Attached: Surprise.jpg (768x576, 294K)

These people are here to shitpost, I guess.

Attached: 1534577101869.png (569x729, 535K)

>happy birthday singing
VOD mute

navel piercing when

Attached: chompers.jpg (620x789, 33K)

Could any run at SGDQ even attempt this if they upped the limit to $150 or something, even if they put a bunch of unfun restrictions on the requests?

who donates for them to sing Happy Birthday? Like Jesus fuck

Attached: pepe annoyed.jpg (303x303, 25K)

i'm convinced they just want tranny drama
fuck yeah

Attached: 1397027022336.jpg (950x1150, 184K)

Oh God, I feel bad for the runner now.

cute tummy

no, please no, this is too much

As opposed to going to a website to meme with a bunch of losers?

Attached: coolDudeIntroducesHimself.webm (652x488, 290K)

*deflates penis*

Attached: geoff keighley.gif (149x198, 2.39M)


Honestly though, I rather have this cringefest than GDQ

>happy birthday dear *awkward glances*_____

Attached: 1519457958242.jpg (920x380, 76K)

1000 each for gdq HOYP

Oh no doubt but still this is becoming a bit much.
Also the runner is starting to get pissed.

>shut the fuck up you fat whore
wow a bit rude don't you think

>tfw ywn get your back nipples rubbed

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-01-12 15-33-19-78.webm (454x279, 675K)

related to raimi maybe?

Best dungeon in the game desu

Attached: 1532536995826.jpg (1280x1821, 657K)


Attached: 1501664832326.gif (300x242, 740K)

>These people are here to shitpost, I guess.
>most fun I had this event was watching a man choke to the point where his bro motivated him enough to win
>and audio glitches
>and golden axe
I guess you're right

>german runic babbling

Attached: 1412397639812.jpg (1200x1295, 1.27M)

>i have a boyfriend
what a bitch

I'm horny and confused at the same time

Attached: chompers_baby.jpg (880x457, 16K)

GTA:VC and FF3 were the only other runs this event as good as this one. I'm sad I missed X but I mostly skipped it because I need to play X.

I was AFK during this part so it took me a while to make one.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 14-02-51-18.webm (480x406, 2.78M)


Attached: file.png (157x210, 58K)

What console does he play on? Gamecube?

There's more to Zelda than Midna you know

This is advertisment

it literally says right above the timer


Attached: 1520806881167.png (1280x1228, 785K)


shut the FUCK UP

Attached: 1549822918179.png (751x572, 384K)

uhhhh actually
its the wii using a homebrew GCN loader

Attached: Germany stop.gif (384x216, 1.72M)


did ginger midget get cucked?

5 years ago id agree with you but hes pretty good now

Attached: 1546846169904.jpg (803x995, 93K)

I never finished Twilight Princess. Got as far as the Twilight Palace or whatever the penultimate dungeon was called and just lost all interest in it. I was enjoying it but just felt no desire to finish it.

I keep forgetting chrism is a kraut

What did she say Yea Forums?

This, some of his recent images like Sucy getting mushroom'd and Suiren getting mating pressed are fucking amazing.

Get your dick beater out of my face.

shame, its unironically the best zelda.

Is Maral masturbating just out of the frame?

where are you seeing Maral?

oh boy

Haha what if Maral fed him haha

Attached: 5aea90cc99c7314b1c664e735ab59de0.jpg (1515x2048, 374K)

getting a little haha now

Attached: 1550337568195.jpg (600x600, 32K)

>this music

Attached: 1538343611603.png (900x1000, 504K)


Attached: feederfetishist.webm (578x484, 1.82M)

Upside down not backwards you nincompoop.

Why is Stacy so sexy?

Samu is a fucking trooper.

>Midna will never be draped over your back, prone and panting

Attached: 1537870032786.jpg (1280x1829, 336K)

You know it

Attached: eiGOD.jpg (587x972, 172K)

>mfw The Architect was behind that donation

Attached: Bond wipe.gif (413x233, 2.62M)

life must be hard for her as an imp.

>man, this is some nice art
>nice Etna art
>"hey give me money in patreon for a nude version"

Yeah, they're free to do so, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't piss me off when they lock art behind a paywall.

Attached: 1337020289033.png (473x488, 192K)

Attached: gamer mouth.png (157x107, 26K)

Attached: 1550528078306.jpg (970x545, 74K)

My penis is hard for her as an imp

Attached: 1534577558092.jpg (850x800, 169K)

Attached: db88cc11bac44741a8bc85f326e8faf6.jpg (591x591, 61K)

HF is completely saturated with this shit and it's supposed to be against the rules to post censored versions of your art which is essentially what is happening. Selling the uncensored version on Patreon.

Shortstacks 4 lief

Pewdiepie needs a re rate no one was awake for the run and it is bullshit in meh teir



Attached: Putin hacker.jpg (555x555, 27K)

>says the n word immediately

Cлaвa poдy cлaвянcкoмy.

what is he saying

Attached: 1541064505359.gif (227x246, 1.31M)

cyкa блять!

I don't know if that is of any comfort to her.

remember this is actually link
isnt that crazy
quite kooky my dear

Attached: file.png (1017x698, 754K)

Please no swedish next

Attached: 1537645124975.jpg (512x384, 18K)

this. the run was fun even if the game was shit.

So what are you guys playing while watching the run?

Leveling smithing in osrs here.

>everybody does it at different times

Attached: 1266465302363.jpg (385x440, 16K)

god i wish my horny peter were in their mouths

Attached: poggers.webm (582x482, 2.92M)

>anonymous as an awkward request again
This is getting old

faggot play rs3 you fat cunt

Slaying Steel dragons for task.

Attached: 1526526805495.gif (350x350, 1.74M)

>Hej Link blir nu en varg och springer runt, eeehhh han klättrar här, kstar en bomb på dem där


faggot play rs3 you fat cunt

pokemon ruby. i havent played since yellow so i have no idea what im doing

Attached: 1543429746130.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>completely quiets down

Attached: monkas.png (592x489, 463K)

Smugs you irl.

Attached: Smugrin.jpg (1008x1076, 216K)

Making fan art for Okami's Mama humanized

>playing gen3

based and hoennpilled

Attached: wt.jpg (800x568, 217K)

stop and start emerald

Attached: bj.webm (582x486, 362K)

why not emerald?

BASED snakeposter
CRINGE casual

this bitch is the worst


Attached: 72607127_p0.jpg (1720x2919, 941K)


I'm gonna start Platinum after I finish my lunch.

emeralt is better in every regard

Emerald is the complete game. Ruby and saphire are missing content

Gen 3 is the GOAT. you're all based

Attached: Pokemon emerald.jpg (259x194, 11K)

emerald is better

t. gen 3 is my favorite

Farming neural sensors in Warframe.

Attached: 1550868428917.gif (1000x440, 308K)

It's a good game tbqh.

gen 3 boomer squad gang

please post your favourite gen 3 romhacks now

>tfw it's time to go to bed
I'm going to miss all the fun, but I'm so tired.
Good night, enjoy rest of the ESA for me.

Attached: 1407525372430.jpg (600x449, 23K)

Emerald is Ruby/Saphire with even more content

based best gen poster

Attached: 1545293242156.jpg (498x467, 74K)

sexy girl in the back

Attached: gorl.png (134x160, 38K)

Attached: 1526669714352.jpg (1280x854, 269K)

>gen 3
Cringe and wingullpilled.

thats josh

I thought that back was a face at first.

Attached: 1542247502683.jpg (721x719, 55K)

Imagine the smell

Attached: file.png (127x133, 35K)

Do you know what "out of the frame" means?

Etrian Odyssey Nexus, going through the 4th floor of the postgame labyrinth. Things suddenly turned a bit too brutal but I'm hanging there.

Attached: 1550378949534.jpg (446x500, 49K)

>anonymous $20 donation with no comment

Attached: 348775736354.jpg (324x316, 20K)

no way that they'll make it to 30K

>$25% will go on during the cuphead race
well that's going to be ruined

dumb kanto doomer


>when the speedrun hits just right

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 14-41-21-97.webm (390x474, 225K)


Attached: comfy 2.jpg (1100x700, 184K)

Attached: 1549029484291.png (449x425, 318K)

I want to fuck Midna.

we can all agree that Pokemon went to shit after the 3DS games?

im a gen 5 bloomer

too bad, she's my faithful wife

>calling anything cringe
>also liking gen 5

Attached: 1542415644019.png (498x463, 185K)


get in line pal

Please don't ruin my hopes and dreams, Anonymous.

Imps love penis, this is a well known fact. Penis will cheer up that sad imp!

Attached: 1532510139502.jpg (608x867, 151K)

>Midna goes up Wolf Link's ass
uhoh boner


imp or true form

>implying gen 5 wasn't the best gen

The end of the line in a train is actually the best place to be because you get to see how she looks after she's broken and spilling everywhere.

Attached: tfw you can smell maral's stinky pussy even when she isn't in the room.png (380x314, 232K)

Do you even have to ask?

What do you call that jawline?

Darkest Dungeon, tittering on the brink of insanity

Attached: 1550617392424.png (432x426, 243K)

can someone explain this """""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""" to me

the g-force



Here you go friend

Attached: japanese humor.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

gen 5 was fucking godawful

the bill gates

But she was a human until a short while ago.

Optimized for reading


What starter did you pick?

lmao get a load of this guy