

Attached: SotFS_Covetous.jpg (1465x875, 1.81M)

*breaks pots*
*runs up stairs*

Why was this a boss?

This boss embodies dark souls 2

quantity over quality


DaS2 is such horseshit. However it’s really compelling for some reason even though my first playthrough was thoroughly disappointing aside from some great moments (Velstadt)

How’s 3?

3 is what 2 should have been.

>Take dark souls 1
>Make it linear
>make it much, much easier to the point where it's a very casual friendly game
>slightly improve the graphics

This is what I imagine DaS2 fags look like

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Attached: ds3 is shit 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

The only fun part of dark souls 1 was the linear exploration up until anor londo. It fell way off after that point and I had zero interest in finishing it other than to say I did.

New King's Field game fucking WHEN.


it's for the people who played 1 and bloodborne pretty much, a lot of references and combat is a midpoint
if you won ds1 and 2 due to high poise you'll probably hate it
also in 3 there's not that much inter connectivity between stages, it's more like a line with branches, and then the branches loop into themselves for your shortcut porn
the ringed city dlc is kino tho, so if you're getting it on steam make sure to buy the deluxe edition since dlcs are never on sale

His only gimmick was eating you and unquiping you stuff, which happens every 10 playthroughs.
Otherwise, he is the ds2 equivalent to Gaping Demon.
Thankfully it seems From realized those hugefuck slow bosses are horrible.

DaS2 is a good game for autists, including myself. The magic choices, weapon variability, build options, non linearity and pure amount of content for multiplayer alone make it better than 3. There were a lot of issues with 2’s overall level design, but most bosses weren’t covetous level humorous.


If he hits you with his grab attack, he gargles you in his mouth and unequips all your gear.
A lot of DaS2 bosses have interesting mechanics, but you just never notice them because roll->r1->roll kills all of them

If you stay on his face too long, he will try to eat you. If he hits you (which is a big if), you take some dmg and get all your shit unequiped.
Every single Ds2 had some gimmicks, but 90% of the bosses died before they could show it.

DS2 is less linear than 1 you brainlet.

He's talking about DaS3, user

Armor is shit in DS2. From my heavy armor first character to my practically naked second, there was literally no difference aside from poise.

>runs up stairs

Nah, Covetous Demon had some neat gameplay ideas on paper, like making it roll at spiked walls or breaking the pots hanging from the ceiling and using the hollows as lure. Problem is that the execution is complete fucking shite since the boss itself is way too easy to warrant using any of those mechanics.

Copypasted reskin / recolor or literal NPC boss fights are the thing that embodies "quantity over quality" half-assedness of DaS2.

The only boss to never even get a hit on me.

much better graphics, which sometimes it's a bad thing because it makes it harder to see the enemies on your path, it's linear, which sucks, but the levels are bigger and more complex, and usually are more interconnected than in DS1, which is cool but pointless since you can warp from the begining and there are a lot of bonfires
the bosses are visually better than DS2, but most of them are first somewhat rythmic fase, and then a wild angry second fase
you can no longer buff armor and enemies drop a lot of resources, which is mixed because i liked buffing armor, but now you can many more upgraded weapons to play with
i'm playing it for the first time and while DS1 is better, i'm having a good time

DaS 1 isn't really linear though

>>make it much, much easier to the point where it's a very casual friendly game

Attached: DSP.png (1153x3787, 3.88M)

Dark Souls 2 had a fair amount of trash, and I wasn't really a fan at all the first time around, but after SotFS I really loved it.
It felt a lot more fleshed out than Dark Souls 1, like they tried more stuff and tried harder.

There's lot of hidden mechanics and secrets, like the early Pursuer fight, Pursuer's ballista cheese, burning the windmill and draining the poison from the Medusa lady, and actually building in challenges (the two invisible rings, the Champion's Covenant thing).
Granted there's a lot of shit, like tying iframes to a stat, and several filler bosses.

Is DS3 really that difficult?

I don't watch DSP for obvious reasons, but did he watch guides?
I mean in the DaS image he has mostly full Havels (which is pretty well hidden), and the Black Knight's Halberd (which was pretty OP and difficult to obtain).

Also did he just take the literal highest poise armours and facetank everything? Because it looks like it

haha just imagine if it swallowed you whole with an attack haha

If you know nothing about Souls games yes, because magic is shit and enemies flail around wildly shitting out damage. Scrubs like DSP get intimidated and try to play it defensively, but you'll have very little trouble if play it like the BB ripoff it is and use your generous i-frames and r1r1r1r1r1r1 everything to death.

i played ds3 right after ds1 and found it to be a lot harder

i think people who say it's easy just found it that way because they already had a ton of hours in the other games

I don't think there's a single enemy as aggravating as a pontiff knight in DS1


"Cool idea, poor execution" encapsulates From Software's work as a whole.

learn to read faggot

New to DS franchise and started with 2. For some reason all the bosses are so fucking EASY I literally defeat them on the first try. Didn't started with 1 cause of 30$ "remastur" price or 3 cause I have a shitty GPU.

learning to weave between the rapid fire combos is a whole new skill to learn in 3, it totally throws you off if you're using ds1 muscle memory and trying to conserve stamina

DSP ain't a great metric for game difficulty. He was confirmed to grind off camera in DeS and DS, and received assistance on top of that. Idk exactly how much help he had in 2, but it was probably more of the same.

DS3 was much easier than DS2, especially if you count DLCs

He summoned in 3 too, and still ended up with that much deaths.

The numbers don't lie, sweetie.

The only part of DS2 that may be harder than DS3 are trying to solo the optional gauntlet areas in each DLC, but those were designed to be cooped.

I don't know who that fag is, but it's literally physically impossible to die more than 50 times in DS3 unless you are mentally and physically handicapped, as well as partially or fully blind.

Well I have played Bloodborne so maybe I would find it easier.

Some enemies can throw out some quick moves with devastating damage though, such as the Lothric Knights. Another thing is that you're more susceptible to being stunlocked by multiple enemies.

DS2 is basically DS1 post-warp but better.

Problem is, DS1 post-warp is meh. Back when the game was released I used BK halberd and vs bosses like Seath with 5k health I literally had to wait to see the boss spells or I would kill him way too fast and he would do nothing. Game progression isn't balanced at all.

DS3 looks a terrible game to replay, whenever I look at the 3 first zones again I just wanna quit. No interesting or unique design, everything is generic and super boring, besides some cool monsters here and there. There is no CoC like DS2 and replaying the game is basically going through a huge filler and makes you want to skip everything.

DS3 has very fast enemies and bosses that hit like trucks. It's like bloodborne but without the Hunter's near infinite ability to dodge, which makes it a bit more difficult than DS1 or DS2 which both have much slower enemies.

his chat tells him what to do and he still fucks up

I feel like trying the King's Field games, where's a good place to grab the .isos?