A bitter chocolate bar for a bitter launch

A bitter chocolate bar for a bitter launch

Attached: yum.png (1536x2048, 3.54M)

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Maybe if you're a child
But yes the game is shit

almost the same as the metascore

I just watched Cohn finishing the story, and it was fucking chinese MMO-level of horrible. And DLC hooks.

Wow you must be such a big man because your taste in chocolate is allegedly better at handling dark chocolate content than the TC's. Such manly and mature!
Go be toxic somewhere else

I almost made a serious reply, that's really good bait.

>must be such a big man
For you

No way this is real, if it is, the studios at EA are even more full of themselves than I previously thought.

Thanks, I had weeks of practice to get good at it from this site

Instead of a golden ticket you find a pink slip inside

>implying >452087598 is a man

ho boy


it is real

Critics are subjective no matter how hard they try to be objective. Compound that with negative youtubers who make a ton of money off of negativity (for instance YongYea and cleanprincegaming), there is an inevitable echo chamber being formed.

I feel so bad for BioWare, first they had to deal with EA on their necks, now this...

>the chocolate has a higher percent of cocao than the game's metacritic score

Attached: 15426348.png (426x215, 54K)

it fell since they made the chocolate

hilarious, fuck em

and the pink slip means you have to chop your cock off.

hahahah, faggot
go eat your white"chocolate" or milkshit to satisfy your kiddie brain

real niggas eat 99% chocolate and enjoy the taste of bitter bitch tears

Spoiler: game is not worth $60 and may not even be worth $15 if you are not into uncanny valley dolls talking radio shows.

You could say those are their just desserts.

Attached: kazutaka_hyoudo.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

>62% dark

Wow. When Bioware finally dies, I won't shed a tear while dancing on their grave.


>l-look guys, we don't care about our metacritic score!

>thinking you're masculine because you eat dark chocolate

Attached: Christine-Blasey-Ford-sticks-out-tongue.jpg (640x480, 41K)

You might even say its their last meal.

Attached: future bioware devs.gif (500x378, 963K)

Kek, good one user

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yikes and reddit