Who is canonically the strongest video game character of all time?
Who is canonically the strongest video game character of all time?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably Bayonetta.
Uchiha Madara.
I was gonna say this. Definitely someone from a CUH-RAAAZY hack n slash. Bayonetta, Donte, Azura, etc....
Probably Asura. He's powered by anger, and if you kill him he literally just comes back to life even angrier.
Which one?
Unironically donald duck
Was gonna say this but Shulk should be somewhere up there too right? Didn't play Xenoblade so I can't answer exactly.
Donte’s a little bitch ass emo jobber.
Now Dante on the other hand, that’s a guy who can put up a fight.
daily reminder that power level shit is the gayest dumbest shit in the world
Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.
Mr. Stephen, could you please sit down?
Is this gook ooga booga or actual plot points?
Necron from ff9 probably
Assuming his inventory doesn't actually negate item weight, minecraft steve since he can carry an obscene amount of gold.
Actually that's a lie, since he can ride a pig while carrying all that gold, so it's technically a fucking minecraft pig
No. Xenoblade fans love talking up how powerful Shulk is (LITERALLY GOD LMAO) but in reality he’s nothing but a generic anime protagonist with insane plot armor, namely the Monodo pulling new powers out of its ass near constantly.
Shulk is nowhere near top tier. He can’t even hurt bionics (living beings) with his sword without Zanza’s help.
Xeno Goku is up there. As an SS1, he's stronger than Final Form Demigra after absorbing the TokiToki egg. Demigra can create/destroy timelines, and he was about to destroy every reality in the SDBH continuity including the real world where SDBH is a video game. Xeno Goku can go up to SS4.
Reason why he's not the strongest is that UI SDBH Goku is stronger than SS4 Xeno Vegito.
Just thought it'd be fun to mention Xeno Goku since he originated from a video game, and his design looks cool. Xeno Goku could pass for a DQ character.
With that said, Elder God Demonbane is the strongest with its infinite infinites. The only mech who can compete with it is Mazinger Z by the end of the Mazinger Zero manga, but he doesn't count because he's not vidya.
It's fun once you get to ridiculous elder god powerlevels. But the people who try to apply real world math and science to the power of shit like SMT, SDBH, or Demonbane are retarded.
Asura literally punched the highest tier hindu god to death via anger
actual plot points
Eyes of heaven Dio
Ronald McDonald
>there are minecraft kids old enough now to post on this website
So? Kirby would have done that and gone right back to sleep afterwards.
probably not the strongest, but one of them
this guy clearly never played any of the dmc, mario, final fantasy, asura games
Mugen's autism easily rivalizes Sonic's
Spawn has been in a video game, so it's technically Spawn, since Spawn is the 2nd most powerful character in the history of fiction.
Angery Dad
kirby can be killed by an apple. asura cant be killed and even if he try to swallow him im pretty sure asura anger alone would just burst kirby to shred
only makes it funnier
Unironically Madara Uchiha.
>since Spawn is the 2nd most powerful character in the history of fiction.
who is the first?
He said strongest, not fap material
Probably not the strongest but I like how his power is pretty consistent throughout all his game compared to other characters
>But the people who try to apply real world math and science to the power of shit like SMT, SDBH, or Demonbane are retarded.
So in other words Death Battle? Screw Attack completely dissolved recently, so it's literally just thrm now
Herbie Popnecker. Can do anything except lose or be harmed. No limitations even including the otherwise absolute limitations of the world that he's in. Requires ZERO effort to do ANYTHING.
You know that Bogdanoff (sp?) copypasta? He's surprisingly close to that + omnipotence.
>Herbie can talk to animals and sometimes even inanimate objects (who all know him by name), fly at high enough speeds to quickly travel to other galaxies (by walking through the sky), become invisible, cast spells and summon spirits from other dimensions, quickly dispatch his enemies with apparent ease, and travel through time. Herbie is emotionless, terse, irresistible to women, consulted by world leaders, omnipotent, and more powerful than Satan.
>Can do anything except lose or be harmed
So in other words toon force?
One touch. Dead. Can't be killed. Only temporarily banned for a mere 5 seconds.
>Asura can’t be killed
It is a known fact that the vast majority of Kirby antagonists cannot die.
Doesn’t stop Kirby from raping them though.
>google the name
are ya avin a laff m8
That's a nice connection with your Stand you've got there.
I always heard that Shulk at some point became god or something at the end of Xenoblade. What's that about, if you want to explain?
Sakurai said that Kirby isn't the strongest and even in Smash Bayonetta and Palutena are stronger than him.
Cutscene Dante is shown to be unbeatable
>It stands for Sasuke
Brilliant, the only way this can be better is if the guy making this was past his teens and dead serious.
Fuck off touhou nigger
Dracula from Castlevania has a bunch of dumb meme feats making him FTL+ Universal because of Kid Dracula's opening, him making black holes in Dracula X Chronicles and him making universes and shit during Portrait of Ruin/Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow
No. This is so far beyond toon force that it's not even in the same league.
YEARS ago, there was a cross-board effort to decide which board would win in an all-out war where every board sent its top 3 most powerful representatives to fight everyone else's to the death. Everyone thought Yea Forums was going to dominate because of all the bullshit power level nonsense they pull in anime.
Then they got to Yea Forums. And Yea Forums showed them they had never seen REAL power level faggotry before.
IIRC, Yea Forums's 3 reps were Popeye, Spawn, and Herbie Popnecker. I think they decided that Popeye wasn't even necessary and that the other 2 could solo every other rep from every other board at the same time. The whole thing ended up never really being concluded once everyone realized that letting Yea Forums participate was flat out unfair.
>anything from the Demonbane universe
It sounds to me like Yea Forums and Yea Forums were being retarded with their choices
/jp/ has some really gay touhou powerlevel bullshit as well
Yeah, you thought One Punch Man was original?
and dad kratos closing realm tears makes him multiversal
there are plenty meme feats where you wouldn't expect them
I see Zidane, Viví, Quina, Steiner. Who's that behind Zidane? The Flaming Faggot?
Modern comics make DBZ look like a babby tier joke in terms of retarded powerscaling, this shouldn't have been a surprise.
Strongest Naruto Character until he turned into a woman.
Pictures like this will always make me snort, like art of Saitama losing to anyone or SSJ4 Gogeta just being stronger than characters who have ascended past the limits of mortality.
Is Bayonetta a planet buster? If not she's weaker than Kirby
Man, that busta couldn't even follow a damn train if his life depended on it.
strongest fap materia...
Sakurai also hasn't worked on the series since 2003, and most of Kirby's overpowered feats are from after Sakurai left.
Modern comics' power levels are so out of control that Superman is now considered like a mid-level character.
Yeah, probably him.
comics often have the representation of the author as an absolute no limits true omnipotent supergod, that's the only reason they win
spawn and such aren't even comparable to demonbane
He sort of did. It wasn't his power really, it was Alvis', but Shulk won the right to control him after beating Zanza
was it autism?
You have absolutely no idea what kind of bullshit Spawn has done.
Spawn is LITERALLY omnipotent. Herbie Popnecker is MORE POWERFUL THAN OMNIPOTENCE.
Then it doesn't count, if the powers aren't stated by the creator it's not canon.
Give one example
Did somebody ask for A U T I S M?
So he has good taste?
the guy from megaton rainfall
the only things that can even harm him are black holes and the cores of gass giants
read the thread
Link from The Legend of Zelda franchise. Because Science.
it's a meme you dip
>final form is just standing up
absolutely based
Superman isn't even the powerful Justice league member, that's The Flash.
>strongest video game character of all time
Star Power Mario
*stands up*
To be fair, current Yea Forums and Yea Forums would fair much better than before. As long as Yea Forums doesn't elect Kirby, it would get far.
Superman and everyone in his weight class is about as strong as capeshit can be without resorting to cosmic bullshit, and Superman keeps getting nerfed after each reboot while the cosmics keep getting stronger. Superman's really tame compared to the cosmics.
Oh yeah, because nobody else harnesses black holes or anything.
>T H E D I P
You don't talk to my wife like that
*the most powerful
Either some VN character or pic related
Stay seething, jojodditor
>nobody has posted him yet
Who did Yea Forums choose?
the megaton rainfall only gets destroyed by them if he crosses the event horizon and can move 1 trillion times the speed of light, he aint getting hit
Jojo wank is still a thing in 2019?
She killed a planet buster. Does that count?
>more powerful than omnipotence
Yea Forums elects Suggsverse characters if you're pulling that retard logic and omnistomps everything else
Hackurai doesn't even know who the fans want in the game and then adds a fucking plant.
He knows nothing
Where's this from?
What the fuck am i reading?
I stopped watching when the shark guy and vampire with scythe fought the shadow controlling guys.
>Wally and Barry running couldn't be stopped by the JL and it was wrecking the multiverse
Yet he jobs to some random rogue.
Comics are dumb.
obligatory doomguy post
Spawn is the most extreme in MODERN comics.
Then there's The Empty Hand, The Gentry (all of them), those giant dudes from outside the universe in Grant Morrison's JLA (though that's like 20 years ago, so not THAT modern).
The thing that comics do that makes their power levels so ridiculous, is that they never define the powers of most characters. So it ends up being "every REALLY POWERFUL character is just generically REALLY POWERFUL AND CAN DO ANYTHING". So you get truckloads of near-omnipotent characters. There are too many invulnerable (even to divine level powers) characters to count at this point in modern comics. It's fucking ridiculous.
She punched a God so hard it's soul flew out of it's body and flew into the sun.
Darkseid is in a game, so him.
Maxwell, or any "god" player character. Also Nintendies shill Kirby hard, but I don't know why.
>there are Yea Forumsfags that will unironically argue the popularity of a character determines their power level due to an autistic crack theory about Grant Morrison and DC
Same reason as Bugs Bunny
>muh toonforce
Surprised that someone here knows about that meme. All the characters are either BBC or Kirito.
Silver Surfer can reform his body, scatter his mind, convert all matter in the universe into another kind of matter of his choosing, process information at unfathomable speeds, move at unfathomable speeds on his board, as microscopic sight, is capable of altering an entire planet's emotions, can power himself up by absorbing literally any matter, fly through the event horizon of a black hole and come out the other side perfectly fine, and travel through time at will.
He is a tiny miniscule fraction of the power that is Galactus, who once bitch slapped Thanos, who was beaten soundly by Squirrel Girl.
Comic books.
Wouldn't Touhou technically be Yea Forums rep tho since it's vidya
I really can't respect the flash, since his rogues gallery is pathetic yet they stomp him on the regular.
Superman gets stomped all the time but at least his rogues gallery feel like they could actually stomp him, save a few oddball ones like Toyman.
Hack writing makes street characters win over superhumans.
See: Anything written by Tom King.
Any creepypasta character, because they can survive pulling the plug
Holy hell sasuke's strong i had no idea he could be supes.
You really don't understand how powerful Yea Forums characters are. Yea Forums isn't even close. A combination of comic book authors' poor understanding of science plus bad writing makes for ludicrously overpowered characters being commonplace.
Everyone knows about Suggsverse autism, one of the primary examples of why "muh omnipotence" isn't an actual thing and shouldn't be used
So what's so bullshit about SPAWN?
>popularity equals power
Would that mean Goku is the strongest? DragonBall seems to be getting more popular by the second.
Actual 2hufag here, Yukari is a low end reality warper at best, not even the strongest character in her setting. Pic Related.
In terms of sheer destructive power Touhou barely even beats Dragon Ball levels. No, not DBZ, just og Dragon Ball. Touhou doesn't even have real planet busters, they're really just held afloat in these discussions by insane levels of cheese via vaguely defined power sets.
Even cows can make tools in comic strips.
repeating "you dont understand" is not an argument
what has spawn done?
And those aren't even the really powerful Yea Forums characters. Those are literally mid-level.
Comic book characters beat everything else because of plain bad writing. It's as simple as that.
Evil speedsters or rogues who have hax like Kadabra are the only ones that realistically are menacing.
Zoom solos the justice league.
>he doesn't know
Suggsverse characters are all casually infinitely omniversal multi fictional characters that are infinity times more powerful than omnipotence and casually obliterate all other fictions an infinite amount of times in an infinite amount of multiverses in a second.
The Sasuke can beat DCAU Supes though. DCAU Superman is really weak.
>VS wiki bullshit
Touhou have timespace continuum busters and beyond dimensional shit, stop taking secondaries seriously
Does ifunny still exist?
Do you think you're fucking clever?
Yea Forums really does have the most powerful characters in fiction but they sure as hell aren't capeshit.
Also Spawn is overrated and McFarlane has a very poor understanding of what omnipotence actually is.
Yeah, Zoom is the only one worth talking about.
The others all just OH MY RUBBER NEN to outdo the Flash.
Only secondaries give a shit about ""powerlevel discussions"".
touhou is /jp/ incarnate
>The characters are fictional
whoops, that means they're weaker than Yea Forums characters.
Spawn got fed up of dealing with heaven and hell, so he erased the universe just by thinking about it. Then he recreated the universe from nothing and gave everyone memories so they wouldn't realize they had just been materialized out of nowhere. Then he locked heaven and hell out of the universe so he wouldn't have do deal with their shit again.
But only primaries have enough knowledge about the series to know how strong the characters are
The fact that some people still think there aren't even planet busters in Touhou in 2019 is brain damaging
I thought that's because they all view it as a fun little game/play that they're playing the part in. I could have swore there was a story where one of his silly rogues did something serious against him and he serious'd the fuck up against them. Or maybe it was Captain Cold fucking over some villain that broke the "rules"
>he unironically thinks Superman is a real person
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Yea Forumswankers
>jobs against urizen
The katamari damacy prince
>VS wiki bullshit
>Begins spouting exactly that.
Touhou doesn't have anyone who has ever been capable of anything even approaching shit like Marvel's cosmic stuff.
Hell, the ever popular Yukari lost to Lunarian who's power is basically blowing shit up with a magic fan, and she has admitted to being lesser than Eiki in the past.
That's it? Demonbane can outdo that, I'm pretty sure.
This, plus Dante doesn't hold a candle to most plvl thread regulars since he's not even close to being a planet buster.
Superman has done shit almost on that level (see Infinite Crisis or Final Crisis).
He's mid-tier in comics.
Because these characters are even stronger than Yukari.
wait, ONE universe? forget Demonbane then, even pic related stomps
The strongest creature to ever exist, sadly, his games are trash.
Only good post itt.
Name one planet buster in Touhou that isn't Flandre and even Flandre is questionable since we don't really know exactly how her powers work.
The biggest display of pure power we ever see in Touhou canon is the Hakurei Orb blowing up, but even that's only on a continental level and also a bad ending of dubious canonicity.
Here's a literal random fag from Suggsverse, I have literally no idea his ranking in that shit because it doesn't matter.
>The strongest creature to ever exist
>kirby can be killed by an apple
Said apple has the power of a nuke and could probably kill Asura in a single hit. The average power level of the Kirbyverse is extreme, and Whispy Woods could probably kill 90% of fictional characters everywhere. And that's just in his weakest form.
Any oni since they can destroy Heaven which is googols of times bigger than the universe
Any hermit since they can create infinite realms that exist in their own timespace continuum
Any character that can destroy dreams
Not that guy, but a common theme in comics is the power to manipulate fiction directly. Anything that adheres to fictional rules is no match for Yea Forums characters. Not even close. "Multi-fictional being" inherently means they'd be outmatched by dozens, if not hundreds, of top-level Yea Forums characters.
He isn't even the strongest or HAXest in his own multiverse, many of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors could shit on him, same with the Types, and now there's shit like the Beasts of Calamity and Grand Servants.
A reminder that Kirby doesn't die, he just gets frustrated and fucks off.
A reminder that Kirby is canonically akin to a Lovecraftian toddler.
>Queen Sheba punched a God so hard it's soul flew out of it's body and flew into the sun.
FTFY retard
how the fuck is batman running his mouth about this topic when his villains aren't mere "rogues" but actual psychopaths and rapists and ashit and he lets them rock all day long?
There's no multiverse in Spawn. He'd have unlimited control over infinite universes if those universes existed.
Isn't Mario a god of creation and destruction now?
Meta fiction in Suggsverse literally includes actual real life itself.
It's the third lowest tier of fiction in said verse.
>No multiverse in spawn
You can't decide that. Besides, there's at least 2 universes in spawn, a movie came out, remember?
because he's just a guy with some money and the flash is the fucking flash and still isn't getting the job done.
Then spawn and his setting are fucking weaksauce lmao
>Exaggeration, also heaven is an actual location that has limited space by all accounts.
>No limits fallacy, only Hermit to use their power to create a substantial amount of space is Miko and even then it's just enough for a temple. Otherwise such powers are mostly just used to confuse and redirect potentially unwanted visitors.
>Eating Dreams is now a top tier power (making Drowzee the strongest Pokemon ever apparently)
Cool, now that I know that you're one of those retarded "takes everything literally" fags, I know that you've nothing to bring to this discussion.
Those GRAND children are gonna need GRAND children lawyers
>There's no observed multiverse in Spawn
Ftfy. You can't make up feats for spawn
>There's no multiverse in Spawn
how do you know?
All you've confirmed is that Spawn is merely universal. Weak!
Why is Flash always jobbing?
how dare you lure me in with your statistics thumbnail you slut
in terms of staying within the boundaries of the law, which is their whole schtick as superheroes, being a guy with some money is infinitely more effective at reigning them in than being fast as shit. The whole gotham is super corrupt so the criminals keep getting out thing is retarded considering batman is richer than fucking god himself. He should be the source of all the damn corruption in the first place
1. Doomguy
2. Kirby
3. Cut Scene Dante
We've had this discussion before, faggots.
In comics "the real world" is exactly that. Not a "level of fiction".
Heaven is bigger than Paradise where Amitabha lives, and Amitabha is googols of times bigger than the observable universe
Senkai was stated infinite in one of TD's endings
Dreams in Touhou are entire realities, it was stated
Kirby is fucking weak as hell dude.
touhou is fucking garbage and only liked by actual literal classic definition weebs who would feast on pig shit if the pig was from asia and fags who want to fit in
Bayonetta is canonically stronger than Dante.
>Man I really have a great idea for a story
>But wait, couldn't Flash just easily solve this conflict?
>...FUCK, shit uh uh he jobs to this thing so don't worry about it
It's almost as if comic book writers are hacks or something.
Bad writing
>Isn't allowed to use his powers properly because there'd be no story
>Isn't allowed to outshine the more popular characters in DC, even if they're infinitely weaker than him
I don't know, I'll look into the minds of the writers to find out
Tell me about kingdom hearts dolan.
Is the ability to use magic rare in that setting?
The Nerd
In comics, Mandrakk and Thought Robot Superman are some of the strongest characters in the DC Universe
They're only able to do basic observations of actual real life and TRS represents the concept of heroism.
By comparison, that one Suggsverse faggot I linked is beyond real life and can manipulate concepts.
No but Kh3 confirmed that Donald Duck is the strongeat magic user to ever exist in any Square game ever made. He's stronger then every version of Bahamaut
LOL no. Not a chance.
Still going to need a source on that "onis can destroy heaven" bullshit.
Fug, you're right about that. That said, Senkai was also crafted via principles that Miko utilized, rather than being a product of her own sheer strength.
Not even going to touch dreams period because AoCF just makes the whole concept a garbled mess. That said, pretty sure it doesn't work like that.
>unironic capeshit discussion
Neo/v/ everyone
Bayo wouldn't be able to hurt cutscenes Dante and his retarded healing
A. Sakurai still says that Kirby is weaker than both
B. Being able to punch really hard doesn’t mean you’re stronger than actual divine beings
C. Kirby has never busted a planet in canon. Stop getting your facts from Shitattack and the VSwiki.
>cannon in her story
>shitty in DMC setting
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.
Powerlevel threads have been board culture for over a decade. Thanks for outting yourself electionfag.
go jerk off about the number 9 killing god or some shit retard
>numale anime poster unironically likes anime
Oh no no no
For the cheapest heat.
Bugs Bunny
Toonforce bro
Suika literally did destroy heaven and remake it.
It was created by her power and she have total control over it, most likely being able to destroy it as well. Hermits can make time differently differently there, for example. Their senkais are actually entire timespace continuums.
It was said directly in a manga (WaHH iirc) that dreams are reality. They're also separated by "space" where Euclidean geometry doesn't work so there's that (the Dream World is a mess you're right but it's actually possible to make something out of it)
im dying, got any more?
Which is why Yea Forums shouldn't elect Kirby if another powerlevel contest between the boards would be done again. Shit like Nanashi from SMT or Xenogears would be better choices.
>Toonforcefag falling for the pasta
Every damn time
>anime shit
No even worse.
El Cabron
>Ive been retarded for a really long time so its ok
>Kirby has never busted a planet in canon.
Pic related
>Being able to punch really hard doesn’t mean you’re stronger than actual divine beings
Divinity is a meaningless attribute as what it actually entails changes from fiction to fiction.
>Sakurai still says that Kirby is weaker than both
Sakurai hasn't worked on the series in over a decade, he doesn't have any real say on modern Kirby.
Like it or not, modern Kirby devs have taken a liking to the idea of Kirby being stupidly strong, and it's now practically canon.
At least you admit it.
Go back
>Suika literally did destroy heaven and remake it.
Going to need an actual source on that senpai.
Luke Cage isn't THAT strong. I don't get why this is posted every time.
Doesn't matter. Kirby would be fodder in the world of SMT, and if Nanashi is too anime for you then there's
unironic tvtropes term using power wiki linking death battle threads belong on fucking gaia, newfag
Chosen Undead without a doubt
>Has killed literal Gods
>comes back over and over if killed
>will shrug after he kills you
>often carries entire statues or trees as clubs
>i frames babey
>Still gets beat up by apples
Minigames aren't canon
Fully Mastered Ultra Instinct Full Power Mode Scooby Snack Enhanced Zoinks Mode Engaged Woman He Likes In Danger He Doesn't Want Trouble Werewolf Form Shaggy has never lost a battle.
Kirby gets killed by Waddle Dees.
Back to facebook
>can only beat Jackie Chan when he's not using a table
Power Man is a faggot for refusing to fight Jackie Chan at his strongest.
But is he better than the PC in DS2 or DS3?
Doomguy having any place in top-tier powerlevel discussions is a meme. He can run fast while carrying lots of gear and never gets tired. That's it. In terms of these kinds of threads that's barely above peak human.
>but he fought his way out of Hell!
That's because the Hell in his 'verse is home to weak-ass demons that fire slow-moving, easily dodged projectiles and can be killed by bullets from ordinary firearms. Gordon Freeman could've pulled it off just as easy. So could most any FPS protagonist.
>billions of times faster than light is impressive
The fucking nerds have determined that based Goku is over quadrillions times faster than light without using super saiyan blue kaioken x20.
The heavens =/= Heaven, it's likely being used here as a generic term to describe the sky.
As well, the feat being described here is more akin to shattering an illusion more than anything else. Probably. Suika's moon shattering feat is really just another example of Touhou being vague as fuck, I guess.
>tfw taker actually lost at mania for real
>Weak to bullets
he was fit to be cinder which makes him better than the Ashen One at least
DoomGuy's suit is powered by Argent Energy. He gets 12 Argent Energy Cells. Each one is capable of matching the most powerful nuclear reactor's energy generation in a year.
The most powerful Nuclear Power Plant is the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, capable of outputting 24,626.913 Gigawatt-Hours. There are 8760 hours to a year, so 24,626.931 x 8760
gives us 215731757.88. One Kilowatt-Hour gives us 3.6 Joules, and One Gigawatt-Hour is 1,000,000 Kilowatt-Hours, so 215731757.88 x 1,000,000 gives us 215731757880000 Killowatt Hours.
215731757880000 x 3.6 gives us 776634328368000 MegaJoules.
Now one ExaJoule is a trillion MegaJoules, so if we convert MJ to EJ, we get 776.634328367999956 ExaJoules per Argent Cells. 12 Argent Cells give us 9319.61194 ExaJoules. However, Quad Damage and Berserk means that he does 40x damage in his punches, giving us 372784.477616 ExaJoules or 372.7844776159999 ZettaJoules.
By comparison, the Tsar Bomba is 0.21 ExaJoules. DoomGuy would actually deal 1775164.17912x more force than the Tsar Bomba if he were to use the full energy from Argent Energy into his punch with Quad Damage and Berserk. Keep in mind his punches already can deal 4x the force of a pistol.
Imagine being this mad about being wrong.
Via power scaling, which is a shitty way to determine power levels.
Also just want to point out that several characters who should be just as fast as Goku jobbed to a guy going "the speed of light".
Key word canon.
Minigames aren’t canon.
>forgetting that based Goku never uses his true strength against normal people
And Kirby is weak to apples.
The supercomputer that created the world of Xenoblade hax the Matrix and allows Shulk to start fucking with the code.
That's it. Fans will bluster about how its so much more than that, but that's exactly what happens. Reminder that Zansa was just some random guy before the experiment that made him into a '''''''god.'''''
Essentially the Monodo's power, and by extension Shulk's power, is entirely reliant on Ether, which is a substance that only really exists on Bionis. Everything in the world of Xenoblade is made of Ether, which is why Shulk can become god and fuck with the world to recreate the world in his image.
tl;dr Shulk's powerlevel is vastly overstated by fanboys, and most people don't get far enough in the game to know why its bullshit.
Heavens = Heaven. Basically the sky (heavens) is Heaven seen from Earth. It was said in a manga (I think it was WaHH again) when we see a dragon being born.
Suika literally destroyed Heaven to destroy the reflection of the moon on it, like how you would break a mirror to "kill" your reflection.
guys what happens if kirby swallows Power Man
>what is Revenge of the King
>what is Heroes in Another Dimension
There's a ton of canon minigames in the series. Actually, some of them only exist as a way to show what Kirby and other characters are capable to do (pic related).
He gets weaker
So was the DS2 protagonist, so I guess it would come down to if max soul level (in lore) is max power
What happens if Power-Man fights Impostor Ditto with Choice Scarf
He was up against an alien army when he got shot.
He's weak to bullets.
>Madara tries to use ching chong nippon attack on Bugs
>Bugs screams
>but then he stops screaming and pulls out a script
>"You know mack, not gonna lie, I don't know how to act when you're being hit by a man-dek-you shari-"
>Bugs flips the script sideways
>"Saaaay is this even in english?"
>Madara is physically confused "Whats this? A genjutsu?"
>Bugs puts down the script
>"Ok mack, tell ya what we'll do. This first take, I'll act as Madara, and you act as Bugs. That way you can show me how to act when hit by this..."
>Bugs looks at the script again and squints his eyes
>"...Susan O's attack"
>Bugs quickly spins in place and is now wearing Madara's outfit
>"Here, put this on, it'll help you get into character"
>hands Madara a grey footsie pajama bunny suit
>"What? I'm not going to wear this"
>Bug shrugs
>"Its your funeral mack, go talk to the director if you want, but someone dented his car earlier and he ain't happy"
>quick side shot of a man sitting in a directors chair angrily pointing at his watch and then at Madara
>Madara starts sweating profusely
The only real answer.
What about the SSGSS Vegito in Xeno 2?
Or is UI Goku SDBH stronger than that?
>Also just want to point out that several characters who should be just as fast as Goku jobbed to a guy going "the speed of light".
Wrong. The anime repeatedly stated that Dyspo is faster than light even without entering his super mode. And the people who jobbed to Dyspo aren't as strong as a serious Goku. Hit stomped Dyspo and was dragging him by the ears. SSB Goku would murder Dyspo.
if there has ever been a droopy dog vidya, him
>Demigra can create/destroy timelines
even fucking gay goat can do that
Xenoblades universe wasn't in a computer. It was an entirely new dimension created by the Conduit. The computer just let them use it. There's nothing Matrix about it. Klaus made a new universe and set himself up as God. Ether is just a manifestation of the Conduits power. If you played other Xeno games, the Conduit is the Zohar, an artifact that allows communication and interaction with a higher plane of existence.
>Bayonetta powerful enough to command Queen Sheba to punch a God so hard it's soul flew into the sun.
FTFY asshole.
Honestly destroying a timeline is pretty impressive. Having total control over the timeline like the Undertale god tier have makes the verse pretty strong objectively, the problem is that it's always being compared to verses where characters can do much more
>that kid that keeps inventing superpowers
I got it
Pokey's Mom
>donald zettaflare
>sora strongest
Demigra creating destroying timelines isn't the impressive feat. It's that Xeno Goku only needed Super Saiyan 1 to beat Demigra. He can use god ki and Super Saiyan 4. Heroes is fanfic levels of bullshit when it comes to powerlevels.
Well Touhou is extremely metaphysical in general.
You have a vampire that manipulates fate itself, so how powerful are you if you just alter everyone's fate to not cross your path? How can you prove it was ever even used?
Touhou is bullshit.
This was just posted and I can already tell it's going to eventually become the most underrated post in this thread.
SMT IV Apocalypse superboss DLC.
That's just his first form.
I dunno why you can't see Dagger next to him, but yes, that is Amarant behind him.
It's strongly implied that Remilia used it to defeat Sakuya desu
>Bugs in Madara's outfit is now facing Madara in a rabbit suit
>"Now eat this! Susan O!"
>a large fat lady walks up to Madara
>"What? Who are you?" Madara says in confusion
>The woman then smacks Madara with her purse
>his teeth all fall out making xylophone noises
>the woman flips her purse upside down and gently taps it
>several bricks fall out of her purse
>"Hey thanks Susan" Bugs says
>"You'll get my bill in the mail" she says storming off
>"Eeeech...women" Bugs says to the viewer
Amano’s Commentary on people who play Final Fantasy
Donald using Zettaflare is the biggest surprise of KH3. Who would have expected a Bravely Default reference?
>could never EVER make it past Tigger
Duck Hunt stomps.
>Bugs dressed up as Madara using Susan O
Someone needs to make fanart of this.
>gets beaten by a brown qtie with a cannon
still emo bitch and got cucked by nero
What Yea Forums character can beat Demonbane?
>Killed Buzz Buzz in one hit
power man
I'm pretty sure Yea Forums could conjure up some real bullshit if they cared about this gay contest.
He was offered godlike powers, but turned them down.
Ah shit right Power Man is in a comic. You got me there.
Is that why you can have 4 Adelienes in the Kirby 64 minigames?
Yeah. Unless it happens in the main story, it’s not canon.
Wrong wrong and wrong
Didn't he got rekt by Vergil and Urizen on cutscenes?
Gameplay Dante > Cutscenes Dante.
Hit is stronger than any form of Goku but UI.
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots in this thread.
tbf, Yuyuko could technically beat every single Dragon Ball character besides the characters that wished for immortality, for obvious reasons.
>Madara's teeth are magically back into place
>"Thats not Susano'o! THIS IS SUSANO'O!"
>Madara summons Susano'o and goes to attack Bugs
>"HOOOOOLD IT" Bugs cries
>Madara and Susano'o stop
>"Haven't you read the script? Madara doesn't get hit by Susano'o! BUGS gets hit by Susano'o"
>Madara tilts his head "Thats what I'm doing"
>"Aren't you paying attention, I'm Madara, YOU'RE Bugs"
>Madara tilts his head in the other direction
>He stabs himself and dies
>"CUT" the director cries "Perfect, thats a wrap people"
>all the film team leaves in a hurry
>Bugs shrugs
"Eeeeehh, ain't I a stinker?"
he got stronger since then :^)
will likely end the cutscene Dante meme
only ningen, so not Whis for example
no, but the abilities they show there, are canon.
you can have up to three Meta Knights in Star Allies. I suppose Star Allies isn't canon?
also, you can make three Meta Knight battle against a Meta Knight who's able to make 4 clones of himself.
In the Tournament of Power, SSG Goku traveled across the arena to intercept an attack from Dyspo who is faster than light in his base form. Pic related. SSBKK Goku is stronger than Hit especially when a previous episode had established that Hit is only as strong as a normal SSB Goku.
>will likely end the cutscene Dante meme
Until it's revealed that Dante was holding back against Urizen because plot.
Now I wanna see toon force break most animes
I Wonder why no one ever mentions capital g God in these threads
the bible is not a video game
and besides, he's not even omnipotent in there
>someone brings a hammer and some nails
Done with that "god".
Because he was never a protagonist, and in the jrpgs where he debuts he is defeated by the main cast. So, inside the games he is in, he isn't even the strongest character. Same goes for Satan.
>gets dabbed on by Samson
Only possible answer.
Reading this thread makes me feel like I'm trying to play superheroes with my friends back in kindergarten again.
Reminder that Vegeta knows how to wield toonforce
>loses his hair to some 3D harlot and has to pray to God to get his strength back
>the bible is not a video game
Biblegames exists
Son of god in human form, and then he resurrected btw
Also he said that anybody could do the same miracles he did if they had faith
What is SMT an persona?
>then he an heros to the 3dpd's trive
So the power ranking is: thots > Samson > god?
Nice circular logic
Well we are talking about the bible, right? It's not like conventional logic and arguments are any good here.
>Hit is stronger than any form of Goku but UI.
He literally lost to regular SSB Goku didn't even use Kaioken on him the second fight
>Well we are talking about the powerlevel, right? It's not like conventional logic and arguments are any good here.
Ok this fag is more powerful than you might think the first time you see him in any smt game he's featured in.
But after Messiahs in the Diamond Realm it is fucking clear Steven is NOT a normal human being.
Whatever the fuck he achieved with that faggot Demon Summoning Program, he has surely become one of the strongest beings in the universe.
>stands up
That might as well apply to the whole thread
> as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.
Does he even need taijutsu if he as all those other things. The strongest taijustu user was Gai after using the 8 gates and he still couldn't beat Madara.
I wish hahahahhaha
Maxwell from Scribblenauts
>Opens notebook which freezes time when writing something
>Put invincible adjective on himself or dead adjective on opponent
Nothing personnel kid
Who would unironically win between these two? Don’t read capeshit
no level cap baby
>fanfiction power
cucked and blackpilled post
>he thinks being time frozen, invincible, or dead is some end-all state
You came to the wrong thread, kiddo.
Can some /m/ user give me a quick rundown regarding black shurouga and how he fares against demonbane?
Wile E. Coyote
I made a video game with a character who is canonically the strongest character across all fiction and realities, so that one
>It isn’t
Then what is?
what about the garrys mod guy
it is
El Cabron is basically a DnD Wizard and I find it hilarious.
>Yukari is a low end reality warper at best
You're retarded, she's regularly referenced in multiple official works as having the ability to control the boundaries "between any and all things". Have you even read what ZUN wrote in 六十年ぶりに紫に香る花?
not really, at his peak he was equal to 'god' and 'satan' with earth as his realm, given to him by the man of miracles
on earth he wouldve been unbeatable but off earth theres a shit ton of fictional characters that couldve slapped him about
>Implying it’s non canon
Shame that in official manga she grovels before some moon princesses.
high tier characters exist independently from space, time, reality, causality, existence etc
I think you need to get over yourselves loser.
It's not my fault your game character is shit.
Are they the original shitposter?
Even if you do they will try to one up you
Fags dont even understand the concept of ein sof
The king of cosmos
>gets drunk
>accidently deletes half the universe
She is. Yeul is persofinication of chaos.
>Kicked the shit out of the Grim Reaper
>Then kicked the shit out of the Grim Reapers boss
>If she actually gave a shit she's the only one in existence who can defeat the Grim Reaper's Boss's Boss
>Does all of this without a bullshit power
Full power hibiki from sympho gear can kill elder god demonbane
It depends, there are about two possible sources for the old testament, the one that calls god jeova and the one that calls him elohim
Though generaly speaking christians seem to have a different god, the New testament God
probably the morrowind player character since they can canonically just save scum until they win
Is there any character that can defeat a minmaxed Level 20 3.5e Wizard
>Celerity spells give him a reaction speed that is faster than infinite; literally "however fast his opponent is +1"
>can create his own demiplane where time moves at a crawl effectively giving him infinite prep time and allowing him to recharge his spells mid-battle
>has a perfectly-suited spell for every possible situation
>has access to an infallible non-elemental damage type making resistances and immunities useless against him
>can enslave archdevils, travel to alternate dimensions at will, spawn armies of undead, turn into any monster he can think of, freeze time, throw enemies into inescapable extraplanar prisons, and do pretty much any other cool thing he can think of
>can create magic items to bestow any of the above powers on anyone else
>Danmaku rules
Well damn I guess Cirno REALLY is the strongest.
scarf ditto speedblitzes him
Probably a minmaxed wizard of higher level. I assume you can still go above lvl 20 in 5e.
And yet she constantly shows her limits on what she can and can’t do in canon.
Unironically Superman.
You can go above 20th level in 3.5.
>5e Wizard
Weaker than the 3.5 Wizard thank god.
Vivec would literally and metaphorically wipe out anyone he/she wanted.
TgT coyote is one of my favorite characters ever, but he's weak compared to the rest of this thread
Already said
As part of a ploy to outsmart them. Or have you forgotten why she had Yuyuko go to the moon?
God is beating bag for MC becouse mc is god..
Are you talking Yuyuko or Komachi?
Since the former can instantly kill ker.
Asura is probably the only one that wouldn't get torn to shreds by Doomguy
Why even put DmC in that category, it's a bunch of twinks with swords
Why would she need to outsmart them if she’s supposedly an all powerful reality warper that can do what ever she wants and has no limits on what she can do?
Doomguy would just rip Dante's head off with his bare hands while that weak pretty boy screams like a bitch. No effort required.
could literally anyone beat young scrooge mcduck if it was him instead of donald in KH?
doesn't Yea Forums have that fictional girl who can revert other fictional characters to a point where they were weaker? I think the show came out 2 years ago. she was given more powers from people online.
Zettaflare would be one of Scrooge's weakest spells.
*one ups your trinity*
Nothing personal, Yavé
cape shit blown the fuck out
Wanna know how i can tell you are from /vr/?
Probably Featherine
Why the fuck did madara kill himself to rebirth the Mother lady? She got btfo by naruto and sasuke, but Madara was able to hold his own
How much a battery outputs on technology =/= how much force a single punch can do.
Doomguy in Powerlevel discussion is 100% a meme and you’re just proving it.
>weak-ass demons
Are you genuinely retarded?
These """"""weak-ass"""""" demons are canonically among the most powerful enemies to ever exist in gaming history. Even an imp is equivalent to most final bosses out there, and that's just ONE IMP alone. There's a reason why Doomguy is regularly considered the single most powerful video game character of all time.
I can tear a door off it's hinges, yet I choose to open them normally, is that me showing my limits?
Meanwhile capeshits wear their underwears and PJs to battle because they are cucks. Never compare capeshit to based Doomguy. Fuck you, check my 5.
If we're counting VNs its this, Demonbane, or Hajun
Well said.
Doomguy could perform a fatality on Superman on the spot and turn his skull into a cup for beverage, but he chooses not to because he has better things to do than waste his time on some retarded manchild with some kind of a cuckoldish "Don't kill" policy.
>These """"""weak-ass"""""" demons are canonically among the most powerful enemies to ever exist in gaming history.
Your shitty head canon isn’t canon retard.
Actually, an imp has 60 hit points and deals 3-24 damage. This is a far cry from most final bosses. The only one that's decidedly weaker is Sans.
>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /jp/ all have demonbane
>Yea Forums also has the likes of GER, Altair, and One Punch Man
>Yea Forums also has the likes of Kirby, Asura, and the SMT clusterfuck where Steven, Demifiend, Nanshi, Tatsuya, Bunny-kun, and YHVH
>/jp/ also has the likes of the 2hus, sword of eternity, the rewrite asshat, and the full metal daemon
Nah, everyone else was retarded and I was probably asleep when this shit was happening.
>I have no argument
SeeBtw check my 4
Everything that's not capeshit is superior to capeshit by default.
>holds 50 stacks of 999 golden blocks while wearing golden armor and wearing all golden accessories
what now faglord
Demonbane belongs to /m/
>These """"""weak-ass"""""" demons are canonically among the most powerful enemies to ever exist in gaming history. Even an imp is equivalent to most final bosses out there
Yet you can kill it with six or seven rounds from an ordinary desert eagle?
It doesn't add up.
Hero of the people
I didn’t even bring up Capeshits you doom baby.
Either way, not even made up feet about Doomguy comes close to even weaker capeshits lmao.
That's relative to Doomguy. When compared with, let's say, Sephiroth, the stats for a basic imp is more like 900000 hit points and 9000-10000 damage.
Alright power level fags time to make way for the king of bull shit
Prove it
A desert eagle used by Doomguy.
doomguy is weak shit cope
Demonbane should rightfully belong to /jp/ but /m/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums also have Demonbane media so they each get one.Hell give Yea Forums one too, there is enough of them.
>Kicked the shit out of the Grim Reaper
>Then kicked the shit out of the Grim Reapers boss
You think that makes you special?
Why didnt /jp/ choose him for that crossboard event
Terraria Guy is definitely the strongest. He beats Cthulhu's Eye, Cthulhu's Heart, and Cthulhu's brother.
>he has no balls
>implying Cthulhu is strong
this thread keeps reminding me how fucking cool Asura's Wrath is
probably the only one of those movie games(like heavy rain, walking dead) which i enjoyed and its purely because of how out there the visuals and music in this game are
wish they made a second one sometime
>the face in the bulldozer's smoke
I get that reference
>all these people shitting on DoomGuy
>all these people rooting for CAPESHIT over doomguy
Fuck you all. Check this 5. And this post will seriously end in a 5 and you all will regret rooting for capeshitp. What the fuck? How can you be an adult and think that faggots who wear underwear over spandex is remotely close to being as based as the Doomguy? How?
I think Halo is a pretty strong guy, he fights aliens and doent afraid of anything
Isaac is the strongest.
Reminder that Beerus can destroy those with Toonforce.
Saitama ain't omnipotent nor is he infinitely powerful. He just has infinite room for growth. That's pretty much his power
Imagine an RPG where there is no level cap and one of your characters takes the same amount of exp to level up from level 1 to 2 as he does from level 1,359,699 to 1,359,700. That's Saitama. He's got no strength cap and levels up at the same rate as a completely new character.
Good song for a shit movie
Almighty motherfuckers.
Moralfags are worthless scum who hate people like Doomguy because "he kill de "innocent" demons wah wah waaaaah!"
They're everything wrong with this world.
What crossboard event?
I see someone's never read Lovecraft. Pick up Great Tales of Horror and then come back to me.
If I get a 5, this user is a confirmed fag
Reminder that Samus is way more powerful than Master Chief, and Halo sucks now.
Doomguy is cool but he isn't fucking strong compared to top tier super heroes. It has nothing to do with morality or who is cooler. Are you fucking underage?
Spoil me gently but how did based aizen job to him
Imps can be killed by regular pistol bullets shut the fuck up
>loses to a boat and timezones
read them for yourelf
wikipedia doesn't count
>I have no balls and i must nut
>he has no grace
He didn't, Aizen was instrumental in defeating him
>Reminder that Beerus can destroy those with Toonforce.
>Beerus gets a stomach ache before he can do anything to her
>he thinks Cthulhu is strong in the Lovecraft mythos
Aizen and Yhwach live in a strange world where despite being all powerful and able to change the future and see all futures, Aizen still trolled his ass several times.
Prove me wrong. The guy literally works on Hulk logic.
he didn't really
Aizen tricked him, got blasted but was fine afterwards and then yhwach got btfo
At what point did Final Fantasy stop being a part of Kingdom Hearts
End Game Shulk literally killed god and recreated the universe so
>Maxwell writes it so that he isn't angry
are we talking about characters that are exclusive to video games? are we talking about characters that first appeared in video games and later appeared in other media? are we talking about characters from other media that appeared in a video game at some point?
if there's no restrictions i'd vote for deadpool, since he escaped the fictional universe and killed his writers at one point. if we're talking about video game exclusive characters, asura maybe? or the scribblenauts guy. powerlevel discussions are stupid.
>Thinking Cthulu is stronger than Nyarlathotep
Cthulhu is up there. All of the Elder Gods are stupidly strong. Infinity gets thrown around a lot, but most of the Elder Gods really do embody infinity.
Darkseid’s true form is literally so big that entering Doomguy’s universe would literally destroy its space and time.
I don’t even need a 5, but I’ll take it anyways.
But that goat can be fucked and tricked with shotas, how can such a slut compete against Cthulhu who went toe to toe with MintberryCrunch?
That just makes him a standard JPRG protagonist.
You fucked that up. Bad job user.
Only our puny 3d infinity.
>This shit again
I'm going to go make myself a sandwich
This picture makes me want to jump off a roof.
This guy can literally turn anything into sand.
Super-Man still wins regardless of who you put in front of him. He is basically a God. Nothing can stop him. PERIOD.
Except for One Punch Man
Nope :^)
superboy-prime or legion would wipe the floor with superman.
Donald is a 2-bit factoid, can't even shoot an i-flare.
Nyarlathotep is basically Lovecraft Jesus, isn't he? But a massive jackass.
Elder gods
Does Anumidium count?
One punch mans strongest punch is literally millions of times weaker than supermans
Cthulhu isn't shit. The outer gods are to great old ones what the great old ones are to regular humans. He's low tier even in his own universe.
strongest character in Kingdom Hearts
Nigger, supes is too over powered. That nigger took super novas to the face, thats why this nigger barely has games about him. He is just too exaggerated.
If I put a shota in a maid outfit in front of her lustful goat pussy, she wouldn't stand a chance of resisting. Cthulhu doesn't fuck men, only female reproductive holes.
Which would you prefer?
no one can even come close
>posting weakest best suit
Only if that shota is (Yuu)
>So powerful people ban him from VS debates
In what point did actual spergs entered the thread? We were having a jolly good time for once before these Fags showed up
Saitama's never even used a noticeable fraction of his power and he's still tossed entire city blocks miles into the air, completely obliterated Earth-destroying asteroids, and jumped with so much force from the moon that he left a crater larger in area than the entirety of Russia.
I choose another option.
>not dark
The strongest characters is you the player
The strongest witch in the universe! (Featherine sucks)
>He went into orbit at Mach 7
Jesus christ
and legion could think the very concept of superman and anything related to him out of the entire multiverse without lifting a finger. forever. superman can not do anything against reality warpers at all.
Literally who?
Except this weird green rock lmao