Is there any possible advantage to eye tracking?

is there any possible advantage to eye tracking?

Attached: eye tracker.jpg (4032x3024, 2.69M)

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foveated rendering

Not for videogames

Facebook will be able to collect data on the effectiveness of displayed ads, and by tracking what images capture your attention the quickest they'll be able to engineer more powerful targeted advertisements.

women will know when you're looking at their boobs instead of their face

supported in shadow tactics

I guess you could gather data on where people look and use that to design your games around it.

but women already know when Im looking at their boobs instead of their face. because Im always looking at their boobs

Good if you have wrist/finger problems. I'm all for tech that allows you to control in other ways.

Muh immersion
Seriously, why did it die off and used only in select few AAA titles? It's a great aid for gamepad aiming

you could use it for fast precision aiming

any games take advantage of this?

basically i'm just deciding if it's worth getting one

Imagine a horror game where twisted human faces just keep briefly appearing in the corner of your eye.
basically, ubishit

Corporations are reaching the highest point of human mind manipulation and it's terrifying knowing it's gonna get even more effective

And where's the advantage?

Yes, marketing will know that you focused more on the balls of male characters instead of the game and will develop games accordingly.

Attached: OP.gif (480x270, 260K)

seems like it'd be pretty damn useful desu

Attached: Shadow_Tactics_2019-02-23_12-55-10.png (2336x1069, 1.01M)

Yep. Shaming you for looking at women's breasts and giving you a penalty.

Gaming 2020

For consumers? No.

For advertisers? 100%

I have a friend with advanced muscular dystrophy and he uses this to control his PC so yeah there's an advantage


Isn't this amazing? Haha, what could possibly be wrong with this?

Attached: 1.png (713x378, 14K)


This is the future we chose.

Attached: 1528869711460.jpg (1920x1080, 529K)


This this this this
This is the ONLY reason this technology exists
They also spy on you through it

>not having 40 different adblockers on at all times

>Kunta. Kunta Kinte

>look at the bridges
>look at the cars
>look at the mountains or hills

Attached: 1508786434832.png (395x295, 49K)

tobi wong?

I wont be buying any technology like this until we get some proper fucking privacy and personal data laws that stops companies running away with everything and spying on people collecting endless free data on you and selling it
shit like this and amazon alexa have me scared for the future
and not only do people not fucking care but they're literally paying for their ability to be spied on and bought and sold like cattle
fucking hell

Obviously. Eye tracking is going to be used as a tool for advertisers and game developers to figure out what people look at.
Marketers are going to manipulate the shit out of you, they will make sure every single ad is going to hit you as hard as it can.
Game developers will use the data to craft the games so that they will be in perfect control of everything you see. Game developers already use tricks of lightning and color to shift your attention. The data they will get from eye tracking is going to confirm which methods actually work and figure out how to make them even better.

Horror games are where eye tracking will be the best. The developer can have full control over what you see. They can a monster in a shadow that you see from the corner of your eye, and when you turn your eyes to look at it, it disappears.
The developer can put down mannequins that make slow movements when you don't look at them directly, just to fuck with you.

>open kawaiigirlfriendsimulatior.exe

>"s-senpai! look directly into my eyes so i can blush and giggle nervously, sugoi!"

Attached: cute.jpg (728x784, 134K)

>tfw the future of captcha

Just imagine a future where eye tracking and foveated rendering are commonplace. Big companies might start giving these games away for free, but loaded with ads. Good goys with eye tracking devices will only have to watch short adverts, but they must watch them.
Bad goys with no eye tracking will have to watch a larger number of longer ads.
Now imagine if they added microtransaction rewards for the goodest goys. Imagine if Aden the Zoomer could watch a few extra adverts (with eye tracking) to earn Vbucks or whatever. They already do this on Twitch. Eye tracking would just make it more effective.

Attached: 1c4b80da3605832e5dcd5011f9a44a7e.png (783x810, 965K)

Attached: IMG_20190223_073538.png (226x230, 61K)

>create an eye contact simulator
>basically kovaaks for aspies
Damn. I just might be a genius.

Eye tracking is a useless gimmick, honestly. The only use I can think for it is more information in spectation of pro players in tournaments/streams, and maybe in-game killcam/replays to show just how one player managed to get the jump on the other.

The game SOMA has some cool features with eye tracking: