Is Kirby literally the perfect video game character?
Is Kirby literally the perfect video game character?
He's a better mascot than Mario, that's for sure.
Kirby sucks big time
He's actually the worst character in the Kirby series.
if he was perfect why does inhaling things change him?????
Kirby is love
>this boring and inoffensive
not at all
Kirby is life
He literally is from a design stand point, really REALLY simple to draw so all kids can draw it, simple design so shouldn't take long to make a 3d model out of it for a new game and expressive/compelling enough to just work
He literally only has three modes of emotion: blank retard stare, angry stare, and happy. NuKirby is a completely lobotomized version of what he used to be.
why is Meta Knight sweating so much?
I get it
Honestly I blame the anime for making him a baby instead of a young boy. Ever since then they've really been emphasising the 'cute' aspects of his design.
also, dump more kirbs
Kirby, please stop harassing my husband. Thanks.
Kirby has a drinking problem!