Can we have a very sour thread about this piece of shit?

Can we have a very sour thread about this piece of shit?

While I think it is commendable how polished and good the animations and general movement mechanics look for an amateur work, I think it is really grating how there was little to no thought about level design.

It limits itself to Super Mario Bros 1 tier obstacles and challenges, but without the limited movement options that were appropiate to make the levels work, and 2D mario is 80% level design. There's so many questionable decisions about it.

>Why have a 3 hit life gauge when the originals didn't need it to make you know how many hits you could get?
>What's with the SMB3 dash in this game? And wall jump? And ground pound? And ground pound+jump? Why are they even here if there's nothing to use them on? It only trivialises some of the obstacles.
>How come the levels get repetitive before they're over and SM1 didn't fall into that having less resources? Don't they know they need to come up with a platforming concept/theme for every single level for them to work?

And here's my armchair rant about someone else's hard work of passion I have no business with but that bothers me more than it should. It's just the endless "omg they should hire this guy" kind of comments and videos praising this thing to no end tick me the wrong way.

Attached: super mario flashback.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

completely soulless

where's the SOOOUUUULLL

if WayForward made Mario

Attached: cautious and vulnerable just like the player.png (914x636, 955K)

artfags commonly have no idea how to actually design games
on the off chance they dont just give up when they have to program the actual game, the game is usually trash because they only care about presentation rather than actual gameplay

Well, if what I saw in the video is all there is to it, I agree, but I don't see much of a problem as a proof of concept, since that is relatively short too.

Jesus fuck, that thing is awful, don't compare it to this.

is this the origins of Hershey's wojak?

imagine being this mad about freeware mario clone

Attached: 1550643835587.png (351x348, 146K)

So when is Nintendo going to C&D this like they do with every fan project?

>No mushroom in the first blocks

Attached: lobsterman.png (675x900, 919K)

but thats literally not true

The most telling thing about this is that someone decided to make a game with the characters' mechanics and they weren't even using Sonic himself, just a rando kid with a backpack, despite the fact Sonic is the most fair use vidya character for fangames to have ever existed.

Imagine having a design idea so awful for its character that people would rather steal the design and use it elsewhere than give the concept a fair chance.

Don't know what's worse, that fucking trash heap of a design or the extremely pretentious "why won't you hire me yet sega?" tone that guy has throughout his video

More like Nitrome I love their flash games though

>I don't see much of a problem as a proof of concept

I mean, sure. But if I was to release a demo I would try to have a substantial piece of the game to sell people on it. I clearly don't share the same concept of "substantial" as the creator. Or plebs in the comments at that.

>artfags commonly have no idea how to actually design games

I unironically think artfags are currently part of the cancer of western videogames. Begetting a gameplay concept should be the primary art the creators should care about when designing a game, but at the same time is the #1 thing that tends to be overlooked. It's given for granted way too often. Maybe it's because the medium is so young there isn't a proper "school" for it like film making started to have amidst the XX century.

Attached: oldcontemptdude.jpg (511x471, 152K)

Looks great to me, also it's just the first level.

Who hurt you user

This was the living proof that having a nicely edited video with a quirky tone and a calmly delivered speech doesn't make your opinions not trash.

If 2D sonic is any good at all it's because of the physics, and this guy never even mentioned something as basic as that. Plus the OG design is as good as ever and it just needs to come back, not replace it for the first design you could come up within an afternoon.

Attached: OG sonic.png (640x448, 35K)

Hi MovieBob

I know, anons. It's stupid and the guy probably put a lot of work into it. But at the same time I think it's extremely mediocre and people praising it makes me upset about which videogames are we getting in the future.

Attached: srsly.jpg (744x752, 68K)

The way the faggot in this video is playing makes me so nervous. Fucking move!


I agree with your assessment, but wouldn't get worked up about it since this probably going to get C&Dd within the week.

The spritework is really really nice but the way Mario seems to control seems like a huge downgrade to any 2D Mario.

That stormy level reminds me of

the 1990s mcdonalds mascot design sucks ass and has been dead for 20 years give it the fuck up

After seeing the video it feels whoever did this doesn't like Mario games and just wants to show how "awesome" it would be to have him in charge.
But even with all the shinies somehow everything looks dull.

They're perfect, and they're back so whatever loser.

Attached: Sonic-Mania-Plus.png (1366x768, 395K)

It’s interesting that so much work is put into making everything animated but there is literally nothing for transforming into fire mario

>being these seething over an amateur fan game that was made for practice.

How fucking autsitc has Yea Forums gotten? No one is going to make the perfect game from the get go. Kill yourselves.

Nintendo, hire this guy!

>But even with all the shinies somehow everything looks dull

That's because it has as much assets as SMB1 did, but without its level design.

SMB1 had extremely repetitive visuals (by today's standards), but the levels were so fun you didn't even think of it.

If you remove the good game design from the equation everything falls flat.

link me

>All those distracting foreground particle effects in a 2D Mario game
Looks like New Super Mario Forever

Attached: new-super-mario-forever-2015-2.jpg (800x600, 73K)

i know what's worse, people who post the video

i hate being reminded of it

My problems
>Mario is angry
>Goombas last too long

The level design is definitely beyond anything that was done in Mario 1
3 hit life gauge is because the creator probably didn't have time to animate two separate mario sprites.
Trivial obstacles isn't so bad if the movement system is fun, Splatoon singleplayer was fun enough that I beat it ~10 times even though a six year old could easily do it. Also this is using the first three levels as a theme.
The levels don't introduce a cohesive concept because it's focusing more on being styled off the first three levels than being its own independent mario game. Though I do think it could easily fall into that because they're working with other people's tools.
The soul is there, you're just blind to it.
Gameplay is not the most important part of video games, it's unique to videogames but it has just as much importance as every other factor. The graphicsfagging that is causing project bloat and fucking up gameplay isn't caused by artfags, but by businessfags looking for a massively unsustainable normalfag audience.

It's like you guys decided that because the graphics are good, the gameplay must be bad, and then went off looking for things you could find and holes you could poke to justify your presupposition.

Now that's a chad Mario.

>How fucking autsitc has Yea Forums gotten? No one is going to make the perfect game from the get go. Kill yourselves.

OP here. Architecture school for 8 years does things to your brain and self esteem.

Definitely agree that the controls & mechanics need some work. I don't see any reason to critique the level design at this point though as it's very very likely temporary and made specifically for this demo. While I do relate to "ugh why is this fuck getting attention when his shit isn't even good" I don't see the point in starting stupid threads about it

>fire flower powerup
>mario's sprite uses his right arm when throwing a fireball to the right

Did the artist never notice that mario ALWAYS uses his left arm when throwing a fireball to the right and vice-versa in 2d mario games? It's made that way to make sure it's very clear what the fuck he's doing and so that his body isn't obscured by his own limbs.

Attached: 1548009586647.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

The design is trash because the Sonic we have now can become a nice and beautiful sissy

As far as effort in sprite animation go, I really appreciate it. It shows that it comes from a sense of care and polish. Sometimes I got the impression that the author of this fan game was very influenced by Sonic Mania, although it lacks the many idle animations and the much better personality in general.

Also for something that is clearly so polished there are some decisions that I feel like they're quite counter-productive:
1) Does the author want to make his own spin of a Mario adventure or does he want to remake Super Mario 1? He applied elements of modern Mario titles like the SM64 health bars and even the more recent 3D Mario games run animations with something more "nostalgic" towards early Mario games like SM1. It's a weird "in-the-middle" approach that can work in some scenario but for whatever reason I don't feel like it bodes well here;
2) What's the approach with the level design? Does he want it to be more simplicistic or does he want it to have more interesting gameplay ideas, maybe helped with brand new animations and gameplay mechanics? Even here it feels like there is a strong sense of "uncertainty" of the project as a whole. I even saw a slide move that had pretty much no sense of being there for that level design. Even if that's a concept he should give you an idea of how these new mechanics can work in a proper level design setting. Otherwise it feels like work for show.

>googles "Sonic the Sissyhog"
>first hit
this isnt what i asked for

Attached: 1544989763504.jpg (2880x1216, 358K)

found a rehosted video of the shitty sonic remake

Do you mean the stories?

Holy hell is this bad. They took out the best health system ever - with small and super Mario having their own advantages and disadvantages. The jumping looks WAY too slow, the overall controls just seem way too unresponsive.

It looks amazing, but if anything, that was always just as plus in a Mario game, never the important thing. NSMBU plays way better than whatever this is trying to do, sadly.

I completely agree with you that they need to tone down artfags in games.

Look at the abomination of XC2. Nothing meshes, every fucking color is out of control to it's bland and basic world.

It's like they hired several people from DeviantArt and were like "Please Insert your OC from Maple Story"

You're wrong.

Attached: lol.jpg (125x70, 2K)

Shit, I want to fuck Sonic now.

"You're wrong." is all you can say.

Thats a common problem with fangames, they tend to miss those small yet important details. It often helps define what made the original so special in the first place by showing what the fangame missed that makes it feel soulless.

It's all I need to say.

If you are saying that gameplay shouldn't be the priority of a game, you're the cinematic HD 4K faggots that are killing fun.

That will never not be the single worst ‘serious’ sonic redesign.
The fuck was he thinking?

>The level design is definitely beyond anything that was done in Mario 1

I disagree. Mario 1 was very elegant about its design and did everything it could with the tools it gave you.

>Trivial obstacles isn't so bad if the movement system is fun
But we have a very particular scenario here where the game would be more fun if you didn't have as many options. Splatoon might be easy but the levels were clearly designed around its mechanics. It's not a matter of difficult or easy, but rather the obstacles becoming kind of pointless with the tools at your disposal. Swimming on the walls in splatoon is not difficult but it sure is fun and appropriate.

>The levels don't introduce a cohesive concept because
The levels don't introduce a cohesive concept because the guy just wanted to showcase his sprite/animation work, which is very good. I just think it is a specious approach to game design and had an autistic urge to point it out.

>Gameplay is not the most important part of video games
Excuse you. The most important factor in any medium is the one that's intrinsecal to it.

For example, in movies the most important thing is the "misé en scene". Everything should orbit around conveying "x" with tools at your disposal such as script, images and sound. But on their own they are nothing.

Gameplay is the mise en scene for videogames. If script or visuals don't elevate gameplay, you're using the wrong medium at best.

>It's like you guys decided that because the graphics are good, the gameplay must be bad

The gameplay shown is admitedly a mess. There's no need to go reaching for anything.
Also what this guy said.

Attached: lizard.jpg (726x960, 99K)

The game looks good, but it’s clear the creator isn’t a levels designer.
Also, while all the other mechanics added from 3D Mario are fine, 2D Mario should never have a life bar. And there should be three collectibles each level, instead of that one green star, and the levels should always end in a flagpole.

>Underground level

What sense is there fucking with visual clarity? Between that and the level design it seems like they don't care about the gameplay.

>It's yet another garbage physics and momentum game

It's not that fucking hard yet they always forget it

It feels like they were trying to force 3D mario mechanics in a 2D mario game, and there's a reason the two game styles have totally different mechanics.

so that's what reddit looks like

When will Nintendo just make a new 2D Mario already.

Tezuka you fuck, all this time and the best you did was translate 3D World into 2D

I like how many dumb attempts people are trying to make at this

and then Nintendo shoves 3D World in Mario Maker in 2D Format, doing it better

How much left in your daily reddit-post quota?

>and the levels should always end in a flagpole.
Static level goals were already made more interesting by Mario 3 and SMW, it was a regression to use flagpoles again in NSMB

Attached: dLwbB.jpg (300x223, 15K)

wtf is that

Attached: 1548103435975.jpg (744x752, 72K)

The Flagpole is the best level clear goal for multiplayer.

are there any decent mario fan games (not romhacks) then? I remember enjoying paper mario 3d land a few years back

Attached: Paper-Mario-3D-Land[1].gif (650x356, 1.9M)

at least that game had interesting level design

The thing is that of all the things the guy copied completely mind numbingly, he pastes a star at the end of the levels when even the 1st 2D mario figured a way to make the endline of the levels into another interesting obstacle.

Don't play dumb. What is it? Compulsion? Brain damage? Why do you need to mention reddit every day?

I am still surprised that i figured this shit out as a kid. I played this game longer than kids these days play Fortnite.

Attached: (you).png (468x469, 492K)

How many more times until you are satiated?

Sonic has only survived because of how solid his design is.

Yeah that's right faggot plug your own portfolio work here and act like nobody knows what you're doing.

Autistic dedication to the purity of artistic mediums is the cancer killing art. It's putting limited human made mental boxes onto an indescribable amount of options. What happens to works that use gameplay to enhance stories, atmospheres, visuals and music in the world where people go to video game school and learn how to make video games where gameplay is number one and everything is wholly subservient to it? Do they go away because you don't like them, or if you were convinced to not like them, or if you convinced yourself to not like them?

>you're the cinematic HD 4K faggots that are killing fun.
You didn't read my post. Now, if the past is any indicator, you're going to keep arguing without actually reading my post.
Besides gameplay being the most important thing I think most of your post is valid, I was actually pretty disappointed going from having to find creative ways to hit short enemies in metroid to just being able to crouch and shoot them in super metroid.

Attached: tinfoil.jpg (320x240, 56K)

Attached: 144569852165.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Okay, that reply is proof.

sega... hire this man!

>Do they go away because you don't like them.

No they make the book, or movie or comic they wanted to.

>making a (not-Sonic) fangame and publicly advertising it
Why? I've got no issue with these projects but most vidya companies, ESPECIALLY Nintendo, are C&D trigger-happy.

Attached: giphy-93.gif (500x281, 939K)

>full of forced animation shit
Hard pass.

I like that the blocks have a pained/shocked expression when you hit them, but a pained/annoyed expression if you hit them when they're already empty.

For what unholy reason is it mandatory for them to drop gameplay entirely?

fuck nintendorks lol

I think this is not the whole game though, it seems this is just the first level, the website and other sources say that each world will be based on a different Mario game, so maybe this is being too harsh on just a first demo

Mario Mania? I can get behind that.

There’s only real two complaints I have about this.

>1: for the move set Mario has the level design doesn’t work. It’s too small and it looks like the player is trying they’re hardest to not trigger the sm3dw run that speeds them up

>2: the run boost itself. In a 2d game doesn’t work and makes platforming too hard for no reason, imagination getting to a challenging platform section where you’re constantly dying because the boost keeps fucking with you

That being said this game can be 20x better if this was put into consideration. And before “reeeeee soulless I want old rehash shit”

this is good
how about you faggots go make something better yourself


>let's see you do better
this is the flimsiest of arguments, go away

Attached: 1544198857294.jpg (1096x840, 128K)

>Autistic dedication to the purity of artistic mediums is the cancer killing art.

I don't think we share the same concept for "purity" in this case. I agree there's pretty much an infinite amount of things you can do with art, mixing and matching your tools to create something unique. But hell dude, I think it's healthy advice to sort out your priorities when creating something. Knowing the proportion in which you value each part of your creation should be liberating, and not the opposite.

I'm an architect, for example. And there's a recurrent conflict when criticising certain pieces of work because sometimes architecture and sculpture kind of blur into each other. And so it happens that some buildings seem to be more sculpture than archictectures and not in a good, self aware way, but because the architect just failed to see the full potential in the shapes he was fucking around with because he was obviously blinded by the sight of his models and drawings without really thinking in terms of space, which could have retained the qualities sculptoric qualities but putting them to a good use in terms of how people could experience the spaces inside and out of it.


They can't. The critic's eyes are always filled with jealousy.

Cont from >What happens to works that use gameplay to enhance stories, atmospheres, visuals and music in the world where people go to video game school and learn how to make video games where gameplay is number one and everything is wholly subservient to it?
I think videogame schools teaching videogames and movie schools teaching movies shouldn't be a problem for a talented creator to find something in the middle that is truly great, if there's such a thing. But so far I think moviegames ala Naughty Dog and David Cage are just terrible because they don't know what the fuck their priorities are. Stories are bad for TV, gameplay is nothing stellar and they don't lift each other to make something bigger than its parts, if that means anything to you.

> I was actually pretty disappointed going from having to find creative ways to hit short enemies in metroid to just being able to crouch and shoot them in super metroid.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic but Super Metroid had enough new stuff on its own so "Crouching" wouldn't cripple the whole thing.

>i don't know how to greentext

I think we already agree and just have different terms and explanations. I'm not actually attached to defending the game, but the passion that's clearly behind it. Thanks for typing all that and sorry if this is a relatively disappointing response.

>above ground caves in the mushroom kingdom
The only thing that bothers me is the color palette and level design. Looks cool.

Who are you quoting?

>literally stole the star collecting noise
I smell C&D

He said "I don't know how to greentext" by is misuse of quotes.

When I saw the thumbnail I thought this thread was going to be about Mario Teaches Typing and was wondering why people were so up in arms over it

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>Thanks for typing all that and sorry if this is a relatively disappointing response.
Nothing to be sorry about. It's great to have actual conversations that don't evolve into pretentious shitflinging contests. I already stated that i know i'm being autistic about the fan game, but I wanted a chance to elaborate on that.

but it literally is and you should literally stop defending nintendo for every literal bad thing they do you literal fucking faggot

literally kill yourself you literal moron

That's creepy as fuck

It looks like a indie Japanese 2D platformer from the mid 2000s, and not a good one.

Why not just make your own game.
Why does everyone remake 1-1.
It's not special or clever to be the 148th person to have remade 1-1.

No one does it to be clever or special. It's basically just tradition at this point, and people like familiarity.

That's not a quote. You're rewriting his statement. Thats just as much an incorrect usage as his was.

In a vacuum, there's nothing wrong with JUST making a Nintendo fangame, contrary to what retards and fearmongers like to claim. The projects that die fell into at least one of these issues:
>remaking a game Nintendo is selling in some fashion
>monetizing the project in some way (e.g. Patreon)
>working with Pokémon (this is more an issue with Pokémon Company however, for years they have been infamously fucking evil in how anally they enforce copyright)
With this in mind, it's hard to see why Mother 4 decided to kill any chances of release for the sake of an aggressive rebrand.

It wouldn't hurt as much if he knew the camera shouldn't move for normal jumps

Attached: 1549637032534.jpg (600x681, 84K)

Still better than anything after Mario Land 2.


Yes, yes,
1-1 is so fun.
Oh you put the 1 up mushroom in the correct place?
Well fucking done.

>i don't know how to greentext

like I kinda get why he did it for platforming stuff, but I think it would have been better to pull out the camera a little bit and not have it move with jumps instead

>Mario is angry
He's angry and unlikeable in literally every single game since Sunshine.

His modern model sucks and it's also used in NSMB.

It's not about fun either. If it was no one would do it. It is about familiarity. Don't get hung up about it.

Why does this guy not have a job at Nintendo again?

Peak mario is SMW's sprite. He's chill, cute and relateable. The perfect in between of chubby adult plumber man of olde and the happy overgrown spaghetti child of newe.

Oh yes, totally agree with you. We should get more cinematic experiences with lots of button prompts. And shit ton of dlc full of cosmetic garbage.

None of this pixelated crap with good music respecting the retro style shit.

His SMW sprite is pretty good, but I prefer his NES SMB3 look. He just seems more likeable even though his eyes make him look way too innocent and absent-minded.

I also have a soft spot for the serious as fuck original SMB1 sprite. I couldn't imagine Charles Martinet's voice coming from that guy.

It kinda reminds me of the people that add in the homing attack or boosting in 2D Sonic games that has momentum based moving in it, when both of those moves in their 3D counterparts kills or locks your speed in a pre programmed way that ruins the flow the classic games had. This fan just adds in all the "newer" conventions to "old" styled games thinking that would automatically make the old style gameplay better when ti doesn't.

the jumping sprite triggers me, it should be the other hand that he raises

Why are you intentionally misrepresenting his point? He clearly stated that the level design looks like ass, and honestly it does.

>first point about 3 hit life gauges
agree with this, does not work well in 2d because it just makes stuff a cakewalk
>second point
gotta disagree here there was some multiple times in the first level where the guy could use the wall jump and ground pound
and the smb3 dash is really unnecessary but the other mechanics aren't really problems
>third point
definitely agree with this
this guy in the video playing this is a retard but if the first level is anything to go by levels are way too long and repetitive
not even going to bother with the cavemen screaming "oonga boonga soul"
do you have the attention span of a goldfish?

Attached: 1548042366655.gif (314x270, 94K)

this is how people have been quoting on Yea Forums forever. you can quote implications as well, dummy

This. He looks just like this guy.

I hate how serious Mario looks. I'd take his original Mario 64 model over the DS remake's model any day.

Attached: G0cxGqx.jpg (700x700, 210K)

Relax autismo, it's just a fucking demo with 3 levels.

Go buy Mario Maker if you want to make your own levels.

I think the problem is that Mario's face doesn't look chubby anymore.

The level design isn't much worse than the New super mario trash games

Teh fuck? It looks and feels exactly like Nintendo shit?

I bet if it had the Nintendo stamp on it you'd be sucking its cock nonstop.

What are guys talking about? Mario is literally never angry in any of the new games like you guys are talking about. He just has a neutral face expression and if his face isn't neutral he's smiling.

Thanks for the (You).

You're not seriously implying that New Super Mario trash has better level design, are you?

His modern design makes him look too serious when he's supposed to have a neutral expression on his face.

It has competent level design. It's just that the physics feel too floaty and unsatisfying and the art style is soul-sucking garbage that makes you feel depressed if you play it for more than five minutes.

Holy shit, this fucking thread is how I know Yea Forums doesn't play video games. At fucking all.

>people talking trash about level design

Literally the fucking levels are composed of previous Mario Bros levels mashed together. You're literally saying Mario Bros 1-3 has shitty level design.

GTFO off Yea Forums and don't come back.

This image makes me very uncomfortable

Level design doesn't exist in a vacuum. The exact same level can be good or bad depending on what game it's in.

The exact same levels would suddenly become shit if the old games gave Mario permanent abilities that trivialize them.

probably in the eyebrows

Attached: mario.png (790x1058, 957K)

It actually has. The New SMB games aren't really good games, but they atleast have some coherent level design built around escalation of a newly introduced mechanic.
The video in the OP just has no consideration for its own mechanics.

>take levels from different games with different mechanics and mash them together
>expect them to have good level design
That's some surface level understanding, man. Good level design does not exist in a vacuum. A Megaman level would have abhorent design if it was in a Sonic game.

What's the point of living without a dick?

Seriously. Sonic should kill himself.

Why do people do this

Attached: 3F9BBB83-77AB-4A77-8B9B-6E7571828999.jpg (1242x617, 152K)

Are you normally this retarded or are you illiterate?
Have you even read what OP said at all?

What's with the differently colored hair and mustache?

Why do they insist on making them different colors? What are they trying to say?

Attached: lol stop.jpg (457x323, 108K)

Why do people still get triggered by this?

One of the main criticisms is that old mario levels don't match with later mario mechanics so the levels become uninteresting to get through.

Stop shilling your shit ass fics homo

why is it raining semen

>female name
>types like a complete retard
>incredibly gullible and ignorant
I bet she's a cute loli! Lewd! I didn't know lolis played Nintendo games these days. I remember them being fucking normies who didn't give a shit about videogames or other nerdy shit. What happened?

People only see the visuals of games, they never try and go deeper when it comes to level designs

fangames = soulless
rom hacks = soul

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 28K)

So, should I play this? I like SMB’s level design. Also, I love this pixel look. Reminds me of GBA games like Advance Wars.

NSMB does have better level design
The problem is that it rehashes its themes so often that everything starts to look the same

I just don't get why they insist on that. What are they implying? The the mustache is fake?

I'm just curious. It's like if they gave him differently colored eyes in every single game for 20+ years with absolutely no explanation.

Because it's from MFGG. The same place that spawned shit like A Hat in Time.

Not him but check out Another World if you want a good example of a ‘movie game’ that doesn’t rely on cutscenes. Really wish narrative games would use AW as an influence more often, it’s a video game with the feel of a movie rather than a movie with game elements if that makes sense.

Super Mario Bros 3 Mix is the best Mario game since SMB3 itself.

It does incredible things with the original engine and every world pays homage to a major Mario game (including Galaxy and Sunshine).

Is that game actually good or do people only play it for the loli?

It is good for mostly doing its own thing. It's not really like a Mario platformer.

I actually did play another world recently and aside from some obvious flaws and gripes it has very good qualities. I still think it is very much a videogame at its core that takes inspiration from movies. Player interaction is key in that game so I don't think we've found that missing link between movies and vidya.

I want to play it for the loli. I hope she burns her butt when she falls in lava, like in other classic 3D platformers.

I hate how butt jokes are only applied to male characters. Loli characters should get their asses humiliated and considered ridiculous-looking too.

>Super Mario Flashback has 3 levels
>each one is badly designed
>gets this amount of attention

>Super Mario Multiverse
>closed beta
>gets a lot of attention

>as close as a 1:1 faithful recreation of SMB any other fangame
>adds a portal gun for fun
>has dedicated Portal levels
>modding community allowing for infinite levels/enemies/entities design
>has a powerful editor being basically mario maker for pc before mario maker was even conceived as an idea
>almost no attention at all

Granted, both Multiverse and Flashback look a lot better, but Mari0 also has custom tiles and sprites support so it can look as good as anyone wants, and has quite a lot more to offer.

It's inappropiate to use a young girls' butt for a slapstick joke, apparently. They are pure creatures whose butts should never ever be mentioned, let alone joked about. And they smell like roses too, because lolis are not just lowly human beings. Humans are pathetic creatures, so having the lolis be considered human would humiliate them so much the game would be considered porn.

Dude mari0 was in every flash game portal

Why are you surprised? The masses are always attracted to the worst option.

Dude I was just playing Mari0, wtf are you talking about

its not that bad honestly. The goomba walk cycle is a bit too exagerated and the underground level light is annoying but over all think its fine.

I'm pretty sure Mari0 was really trending at one point. Should've mentioned Super Mario Crossover since that game is peak Mario fangame.

Sonic's problem is less about design and more about portrayal.
Classic Sonic is usually mute (and thus has no cringy dialogue) and Classic Sonic usually has good games (where as Modern Sonic is as hit-or-miss as a drunk golf player). The way the newer games are written does not help.

Hat Kid isn't human, she's an alien.

She was meant to be human early in development, but they changed it because having her be human would mean that she actually sweats and poops just like any other human. And that's pretty pathetic. Nobody wants to play as a pathetic character that actually needs to poop at some point in her life, even if it happens off-screen.

What the fuck? There are thousands and thousands of games with playable human characters. Nobody considers Rebecca Chambers or Yuffie from FFVII pathetic, even though they are human beings.

>Super Mario Crossover
that one is good as well, and got quite a lot of coverage too.

>I'm pretty sure Mari0 was really trending at one point
It did get attention, but to the point where various semi-famous youtubers played it over and over(for weeks) showing various stuff that could be done in it like it's the case for Multiverse?

Just looked it up for the first time. Looks pretty awesome.

Yeah, I agree with you. I prefer classic sonic design 10 over the redesign it got in adventures, but that's hardly the problem with the series. The games just aren't that good anymore, and the tone being all over the place doesn't help one bit.

Kill yourself low IQ underaged nigger faggot bastard.

He’s joking, man.

Hey anons, just checking in to say that I'm the reason that this game makes so little progress, as the devs (mainly the artists) are busy helping with other projects such as my own. You can ama also I don't really give a fuck

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12K)

will mario be able to poop?

Is it worth playing?

>I still think it is very much a videogame at its core that takes inspiration from movies.

Yeah that’s what I was getting at, wish more ‘movie games’ would take that approach.

>Player interaction is key in that game so I don't think we've found that missing link between movies and vidya.

I mean, if you’re looking for a balance between player interaction and not having player interaction then cutscene CYOAs like telltale made sounds like the appropriate link. I don’t really like them and think they’re basically vns with a budget, but that’s all I can imagine meeting those (quite contradictory) qualifications. That or something like Myst, but even that requires the player to figure stuff out.

I put a non-copyrighted version of Mario Pissing in my game just to answer this question

When is supra mayro 64 getting finished you fuck

>Nobody considers Rebecca Chambers or Yuffie from FFVII pathetic
But their characters fall flat on their faces because of their human condition. They do so many cool things in their respective games, but you can't take their cool moments seriously because you know that they are pathetic human beings with round butts and lewd hairy pussies. Every time you remember that, you stop taking them seriously as characters. They have no dignity.

Flashback or my work? The answer to both is no because I'm shit at everything (which you can tell by me mainly lurking on Yea Forums).
I'm really praying soon, user.

Whatever was in the OP. What’s your work, user?

OP here. I'm really sorry if I sounded like a douche, but those are my honest thoughts and I'm so used to critizism in creative things that I really don't know if I'm being kind of an ass.

Is there anything you'd like to reply to my problems with your demo?

Some people don't have the exact same color tone in there facial hairs as their head hair. Or Mario just dyes the stache, it's not that important autist.

I'd link to my patreon but I'm not a fag. I've been using my twitter a lot more recently to try and reach a wider western audience (I am japanese) so while it's not all in English there has been some more content there recently, although my actual game posts are in japanese.
Nah not really lol, although I am really happy for the team for making it as far as they have.

Artfags WERE the problem with gamig around the time Bioshock Infinite came out. Right now problems are much more focused on development cycles, monetization and misunderstanding audiences rather than attempting to pander to Twitter brownie points.

Now if you look at the state of Animation...

You did Supra Mayro Kart? That game fucking made me laugh my ass off. The fucking shitty cover and “joshy”.

>completely soulless
Nah, I think nintendo themselves could do a much better job ripping the soul out of it than this
Just look at the MM remaster

Super Mario 63 was the best Mario fan game, prove me wrong.

It's a smaller scale version of the same problem that Mario Odyssey suffers from, where Mario's moveset is literally too good for the challenges put forth. If Mario was just jump and run in this fan game, it'd be a perfectly decent one, but it robs itself of any challenge.

By far the most intelligent post in the thread. It took me years to have that explained too and I saw the dude who did it go through the process of figuring it out by mentioning other finishers.

It's like the DKCR barrels. They were unironically the best because you could punch them with the wiimote and nunchuk and you'd practice to later punch bosses. Defition of Soul right there

Okay, but what about for the DS and 3DS NSMB games? The ones that don’t have multiplayer (outside of a battle minigame anyway)?

In those it just feels like a rehash.

Also, a brand new endgoal designed around multiplayer would probably be nicer than the flagpole again. It’d at least be more novel.

People respond better to art quality than anything else.

>OP makes some fair points about level design
>omg imagine being this mad lmao
For fucks sake Yea Forums, at least make an attempt to argue, it's the one thing that makes you better than the Youtube comment section.

reddit time.

so they didn't do a good job mashing the old levels then. That's even worse than coming up with your own designs.

this is a demo tho
I'm sure the levels will change accordingly to feedback, but not certanly if it's presented like this with a bunch of angry circlejerking lmao


You are the autist here getting triggered by a simple question from this user, chill out.

>your life

Triggered? I answered the question with a reasonable conclusion, I don't know what you're on about.

Please don't talk about Sonic's dick here, someone can post that cursed pic.

Attached: ohmy.jpg (234x215, 5K)


It's been around for years. It just looks like they got a new artist:

Mari0 is 7 years old now, it got the attention it deserved back when it came out.

Attached: 1479709759154.gif (540x338, 1.57M)

I don't know what YOU'RE implying, it's entirely possible to have different colored head and facial hair. I've got hair the color of dirty dishwater and a black beard/mustache.

no it didnt

Unironically less soul than New Super Mario Bros


Then you are unaware

the only fan game worth playing

Attached: 197861_MiM.gif (464x249, 52K)

The original was better.