Do you think they'll keep the school setting for future games once it inevitably becomes the best selling game in the series?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, as the developers doesn't learn from experiance

>inb4 you can fuck your students

I'm more interested in fucking the other teachers

Switch Wars: War School

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It's going to suck because every single Fire Emblem game has been complete utter garbage.
First game is for dinosaurs.
Gaiden is for retards.
Mystery is by no mystery at all total shit.
Generations is the fantasy game of cuckolds.
Thracia? More like Trashia.
Binding Blade is an isekai harem game, only without isekai
Blazing Blade is a borefest of nothing interesting despite having three Lords
Sacred Stones is a incest story for basement dweller manchildren
Path of Radiance is shoddy racism story with a Mary Sue
Radiant Dawn tries to improve, but ends up being even worse.
Awakening is not even worth commmenting on how awful it is
Fates is an incel wet dream game
Three Houses is complete hare garbage, I don't even need to watch the trailer or play the game to know how godawful it is.


>gets censored


New games wiill be like that. They have the branch of Echoes to pretend that they're caring about grandpa's so they can keep them paying for the gacha.

That is a straight up bad index finger

Man, I really do hope that this game turned out great.
Let's hope that IS and Koei-Tecmo doesn't fucked it all up.

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Based, also shows how GOAT SD and NM is since you didn't mention them

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No, they will move on and try a brand new experience

Fire Emblem Sentai

I imagine they'll change the backdrop each game but keep the mechanics basically the same.

Does IS even make anything else anymore?

Fire Emblem

Judging by Paper Mario's nosedive in the past several years I would guess that IS is still in charge of that too.

god I love her

Attached: already.png (1199x495, 400K)

That was fast.

had to request it in the /h/ drawthread

The internet moves quickly user.

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>once it inevitably becomes the best selling game


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>and people say the new FE girls suck
my dick clearly disagrees

Attached: Banner-FireEmblem-ThreeHouses-Trailer.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

For me, it's Sothis

Attached: lewd sothis.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Zelda fans are the worst, they can never decide what they like. During the time Hyrule Warriors was out they shit on the 2D games and said they aren't important, yet this year everyone loves them all of a sudden. Hell, now everyone loves Twilight princess.

No, next game will be Isekai Emblem


>They have the branch of Echoes to pretend that they're caring about grandpa's
But I've never seen an oldfag that has ever praised Gaiden, all of them are FE3/4/5fags. Most Echoesfags I've seen are Tellius fans that whine about Awakening and Fate.

>tfw excited to go full Jugdral on the enemy
If they aren't on an equine, they can go stand in line.

Attached: Horse Emblem.png (1280x720, 977K)

already happened, it's called Kowashitai

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The Chad build

*destroys your entire army*

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>Fist fighting cavs

Attached: 1537235593239.png (325x131, 27K)

What is this image supposed to prove exactly? Fates is the highest selling FE title, but by your logic, 3H will surpass it since it's reveal trailer is the most viewed in the series.

That shadow doesn't make any sense; I hate this stupid fucking meme.

>didn't mention echoes
based and nu/gaiden pilled

That's not isekai. Three Houses is the real Tsubasa isekai adventures.

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If I'm the main teacher of the academy and I do nothing but teach the school girls am I going about doing that?

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But they did. They improved several things in FE: if.
They only fucked up the story.

>Binding Blade is an isekai harem game, only without isekai
That's just retarded. Just say a fantasy JRPG harem.

Why are you even here?

>in the series
You forgot that part, you dummy.

I can finally perform a real holy crusade with all Paladin army. DEUS VULT!

Reminder that Awakening saved the series.

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And it wasn't even bad. It had a couple of shitty maps, but in general it is probably the most I've had fun in the franchise up to that point.

>The FE that looks to have the best gameplay in the series will be the best selling and be the starting point in the series for a lot of people

I don't see a problem with this.

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And it was fucking awful game with no redeeming qualities

>And it wasn't even bad.
No it was pretty bad

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>No it was pretty bad
Such as? Like I said, a couple of maps were badly made. But honestly, people keep linking singular maps from earlier games, but the fact is that even in those games, most maps were shit.
I mean, the grandpa's wet dream, Genealogy has the biggest maps with just trees and plain fields. Either you play with infantry units, taking 10 hours to finish a map (exaggerating for effect) or you pick horses to raise to the finish.
The only big issue is how awfully optimized the game is for Lunatic+ where you at times have to reset the map because the enemy units got the wrong skills on the early maps.

I meant "race".

I still can't get over the fact that the graphics literally look like the garbage musou, yknow the game that originally started as a 3ds game

>yknow the game that originally started as a 3ds game
I don't get the joke.

I'm just wondering if they're going to keep the child mechanic or not.

Was that just a rumor?
I mean as in, it was supposed to ONLY be a 3ds game but they ported it to the switch and it looked like absolute ass outside of cutscenes

I think they should tone the children down a bit. We've had a shit ton of units who are extremely similar like in Fates. I don't mind it, but I think they should make less and take more time fine tuning them instead.

What if they have a genuine timeskip with the old guard dying or retiring?

>such as

>infinite reclassing
>broken pair up
>dogshit maps, only one good map in the game
>major skill imbalance, most are dogshit outside of OP ones like galeforce
>no tactical skill, game is EP focused and all about tanking
>rout and defeat is the only is the only objective
>guts all the original games lore
>children are broken as fuck
>Robin is broken as fuck
>L+ is artificial difficulty until Robin starts snowballing and you get Morgan
>terrible armor design
>bat-shit retarded story with tons of plot holes and random unexplained shit, the game can't decide who the main character is, or what it wants to do, and takes an absurd detour to deal with an unrelated secondary antagonist at the halfway point for no reason
>shit tier characters, even more so then usual for FE
>3D models lack fucking feet
It's fucking awful

Attached: 1496541250467.jpg (300x330, 69K)

This game as it is now wouldn't even work on a 3DS. Not even reducing the resolution and lowering the pixels.
Pretty sure by the looks of it, that it was planned to be released on the Switch from the very beginning.

And Cipher is great!

Attached: Friendship ended with TELLIUS, now JUGDRAL is my best friend.png (616x862, 1.34M)

Read my post again, I was talking about the musou

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Awakening actually got me back into video games. I was stuck at my sister's place and she let me play it and I got hooked. I basically had skipped like two gens or whatever it was.

That's sad

yeah probably cuz you blow ass

The musou was literally developed for Switch and ported to the 3DS

>trailer is shoving the MU with Edelgard
>there are people who still believe that students are off-limits
>and that there won't be any child units

They can easily make the whole thing 'legal' and 'safe' by having the students graduate, all recent FE games have timeskip anyway even if its a short while.

Fates already broke the NBR taboo, starting a family with one of your students is rather tame.

The only real question is that will male and/or female Blyeth be forced to marry a non-student if a player wants to access all of the child units.

The Musou clearly was a game for Switch. All you need to do is take a look at the 3DS version to see that.

Sauce for full pic?

The armor design for this game is pretty good

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>infinite reclassing
You can play the game normally. The infinite reclassing are for those who like min-maxing. I usually never invested into that and played the games like the older ones.
>broken pair up
I completely agree.
>dogshit maps, only one good map in the game
I repeat what I said earlier, every game in the franchise has dogshit maps, but most don't remember it but that one they have fond memories of.
>major skill imbalance, most are dogshit outside of OP ones like galeforce
I agree a bit here too. I wouldn't say any skill is outright imbalanced as long as you don't reclass all the time, which isn't necessary. Galeforce is broken as fuck though.
>no tactical skill, game is EP focused and all about tanking
On normal, yes. But just playing hard and lunatic makes the game more tactical than most games in the franchise which doesn't have god awful difficulty from the get go.
>rout and defeat is the only is the only objective
I agree, that was lazy and I wish there were more battle conditions.
>guts all the original games lore
It doesn't as far as I'm concerned since the games takes place a 1000 years apart from each others. It really didn't bother me.
>Robin is broken as fuck
Like most main character units in the franchise. I wouldn't say FE1 Marth is balanced either.
>L+ is artificial difficulty until Robin starts snowballing and you get Morgan
I agree. Lunatic+ is dumb the first couple of maps.
>terrible armor design
Didn't bother me too much.
>bat-shit retarded story with tons of plot holes and random unexplained shit, the game can't decide who the main character is, or what it wants to do, and takes an absurd detour to deal with an unrelated secondary antagonist at the halfway point for no reason
I agree a bit. They did some lazy story telling, but it wasn't bad enough to make me skip each and every cutscene. The switching of main villain reminds me a bit of Tales of Vesperia which was pretty annoying there too.

My reply got too long.

It's not.

>shit tier characters, even more so then usual for FE
I disagree, it probably had some of the most colorful and memorable cast of the franchise. I do agree some are terrible though.
>3D models lack fucking feet
Not all of them as far as I noticed, but it is better than dodging nothing in Radiant Dawn were a throwing spear, despite being dodged, hit your model.

There are worse Fire Emblem games. Awakening is far from the worst.

better be dual audio.

Same, the customization looks great. Just wish they had removed traditional classes, and instead you can just equip anything you already learned. To not make it broken just let each unit only equip up to 3 proficiencies at a time.

Oh, no it was made for the Switch primarily. They optimized it to play 60 fps docked using the lower setting and 720p, but looks decent in 1080p.
Some people say it looks bad, but it is probably one of the better looking musou games I've seen. But that doesn't say much.

>There are worse Fire Emblem games. Awakening is far from the worst.
not very far

There hasn't been a single Nintendo-published Switch game that lacked dual audio, even fucking Fitness Boxing has it, not to mention Fire Emblem Warriors which is the most relevant to this one, so I wouldn't worry.

I think they'd switch to a different structure like an army camp instead or a military base.

I just want to fight different creatures instead of humans or dark humans or undead humans
I want more fantasy

They only look good in fanart though, 3H's style looks like shit.

we've already seen big ol' lizardbois

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Judging by this thread I've come to the conclusion that there are no good Fire Emblem games, is that correct?

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He's one of those native isekai spamming retards

I can't believe Reinhardt and Lyn had a child. Mark is going to be so heartbroken.

they're going to go even further back and set it in preschool

You will fight mechs in the new Fire Emblem. And dinosaurs.

I just play for the waifus. I don't even like strategy games.

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Fuck, that got me.

Tellius are the only bad ones. All others have something going for them.


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Only grandpa games suck

You make it sound to me like most fire emblems are shit. Like, a vast majority when you say it like that.

I wish they'd make a digital game of Cipher. Literally impossible to find anyone to play with in Sweden.

>You can play the game normally
Doesn't change how everything relating to second seals is shit game design
>every game in the franchise has dogshit maps
They do yet Awakening has 98% unlike others
> I wouldn't say any skill is outright imbalanced as long as you don't reclass all the time
>don't use game mechanics and the game is good
fucking seriously
>But just playing hard and lunatic makes the game more tactical
No it doesn't. Only pre-chapter 8 is "hard" before the game completely breaks in half. It's a fucking joke
>I'm concerned
Yes a retard wouldn't be concerned with blasting the originals since he never touched them
>Like most main character units in the franchise

Yeah no, only shitty ones like Ike
>Didn't bother me too much
>but it wasn't bad enough to make me skip each and every cutscene
It was. The Emm death scene has to be one of the dumbest shit ever and Chrom vs Gangrel arc is the only good part of the story.
>it probably had some of the most colorful and memorable cast of the franchise
It doesn't at all, eery character is a one-note character trait and little else
>Not all of them as far as I noticed
They all do are you fucking retarded?
>Awakening is far from the worst.
It's better than Gaiden and Echoes, that's about it

And you should know this isn't the extent of Awakening's problems

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GBAbbies dumbed down the series fuck those games.

Most Fire Emblems are fun. But people want to be the guy that only certain ones are good. Like one or two. And they want a remake of that one for all eternity.
I think all have their charm. Even Gaiden to a certain extent.

>Mark is going to be so heartbroken.

He'd be relieved that he's no longer being constantly pursued by that thirsty Sacaen.

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No, 13 and 14 are kino, but the rest of the series is hot trash


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Shut the fuck up, faggot

Not all of us have deluded ourselves into thinking Awakening is good just because it was the first one we played.

It is

No. There's a reason why Awakening and Fates are considered the peak of the series, and the others relegated it to obscurity outside of smash

Ebin, literally ever fire emblem thread in a nutshell

Only if your not to so.ypilled to enjoy Fates and Awakening.

Hopefully not but depends on how well the next echo game sells

any grandpa games = shit

Who is the guy between Corrin and Alfonse?

what the fuck is up with the god awful 10FPS CGI

14 > 13 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

correct both grandpa shit and nu shit is trash

Look at this dicklet and laugh.

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You really don't want to know

Honestly the middle ages military school setting seems kinda cool and fitting. You hear about that kind of shit in FE4 with it being where Sigurd, Quan, and Eldigan met and made their blood oath to each other, or how in FE7 Eliwood and Hector met in their military school too.

>why Awakening is considered the peak of the series

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Let's agree to disagree. I've played pretty much all of the fire emblems and I still hold Awakening high. It's not the best, but far from worst. But a majority of Fire Emblem games are great to begin with.
I guess I'm not as picky as some people are and want to play games for fun and not for seriousness.

AI, he will be the MU in the FE6 remake

But it wasn't my first.

can we just talk about Three Houses instead of shitflinging about Awakening again

Attached: Screenshot (135).png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

He is a character created for the FE6 manga. He isn't all that fun.

3DS (-Echoes): based, redpilled, chad. Doesn't take his opinions from idiots and normies. Probably +100 IQ.

GBA/GC: virgin, nigger, only eats soi, tries too hard to be cool, complains about Heroes, is a salty bitch

Better than Awakening

I'm looking forward to it. Gameplay seems fun. I also like the simplicity on most of the character designs.

Not really setting a high bar.

God nothing in this screenshot looks like FE

>complains about Heroes
Don't forget, they also keeps playing it, insisting they have to because they want something to play while waiting for three heroes.

I'm going to copy paste some shit from the wiki:

>brave, but rash young boy
>The thought of giving up without trying does not exist in his mind
>He always carries the titular Champion's Blade (some legendary shit)
>During his first battle with Zephiel at Missur, the Fire Emblem awakens Al's true power and he promotes to a Dragon Lord.
>saved by Tiena and Athos. He then saves Tiena in his Dragon Lord form
>he is a dragon btw
>Al discovers that he is the son of Hartmut, the leader of the Eight Heroes, and Melitha, a female dragon.
>Al and Roy go ahead to fight Zephiel
>marries Tiena, the princess of Tania.

basically someone got paid to write some really awful fanfiction

so we've moved on to the "let's just make shit up" portion of criticism

But Based 12 is better than even Conquest

Attached: B15-003R.png (308x431, 341K)

Well, no game after Gaiden even remotely looks like Fire Emblem. Which is a good thing.

>not good enough to be localized
yeha ok

sounds like Corn

There's nothing to agree, and the majority of Fire Emblem are not great at all what the fuck are you on about

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>God nothing in this screenshot looks like FE
Unironically a good thing.

12 is pretty darn fun. I regard it pretty high on my list.

I really wonder what other "Exam contents" there are? I mean just passing one test makes you a Brigand, what else is there? The promotion? The ZL and ZR at least imply there's more than 2 options.

It really isn't, Male MC is literally the only decent looking guy in this game

Point out one thing that looks similar to the best games in the series.

I'm just a fan who enjoys some tactic RPG.

I honestly like the brown guy.

Literally what's wrong with this? It's the same as having an MU in Fates and Awakening, and those games were great.

>durrrr new games BAD
>durrrr old games SUCK
>no they both TERRIBLE
Eevry single fucking fe thread.

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>Another Corrin

Oh god no.

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That's why it's so good

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probably just another way of scrolling through the class list

All this reminds me of is how shit the Elibe games stories were.

He is the OG Corrin.


Can I make Edelgard a dancer tho

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bad ones yeah

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3 > 12

Wario Ware, I think.

>Sacred Stones is a incest story for basement dweller manchildren
this man is absolutely correct.

Attached: 1.png (1899x3274, 992K)

It looks like a shitty GBA knight, so wrong.

He's only "okay" looking next to that blue dude who's pretty much "just fuck my shit up" tier

At least I'm having fun.

Knight design really hasn't radically changed. And TH Knight clearly doesn't have the shield as part of the breastplate so not really like the GBA design

Attached: FE1_Knight_Map_Sprite.gif (16x16, 1K)

It's not better than 12 besides some story stuff. 3 plays like shit

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Faggots gonna be eternally butthurt about FE because of smash forever.

With what? A drooling retard can have fun with anything

the game;s graphics look like shit, the character's look soulless copy pasta, nothing interesting in the story, they literally told us everything we need to know about it. Also, the art style is mediocre compared to other games and Heroes.
They recently showed off uncompressed pictures from ingame, and since KT has to downgrade from Warriors 3D modeling the game looks terrible, and you can't eve argue that they will touch it up, the graphics aren't going to change, it will fucking drop never thought IS would fuck up this bad. This shows how soulless they've gotten.


Attached: three houses plot.jpg (847x302, 46K)

FE was shit even before Smashfags didn't like it

happy to see persona finally got some serious competition in school anime waifu genre.

And that's a good thing

Attached: FETH_Claude.png (2000x2494, 2.31M)

Why try when you have a gatcha funneling you millions by the year?

fuckin lmao remember when people thought Game Freak would start trying again once Pokemon started making gangbusters with the gen 3 remakes? you fucking RETARDS AHAHAHAHA

Attached: three houses plot cont.jpg (1862x83, 24K)

>they literally told us everything we need to know about it

The MU is also seen with the whip sword. And Old Barbarian Guy has the same symbol on his cape as Sothis has on her brooch. So there's clearly more to this than your base assumptions. Although the story will still probably be shit because it's still a Fire Emblem game

Attached: Screenshot (163).png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

jesus you can see all the amateurish mistakes on this portrait (spoiler all of them have it) this looks like some chink girl on tumblr drawing fire emblem OCs

Like what

Like what

>Canon House

The canon route is going to be the one where you unite all three houses to fight the big bad dragon.

you probably get his sword after killing him, you as well become corrupt by it after seeing this image. its cliche though, its obvious what will happen in the end. I highly fucking doubt that the Loli goddess is evil end dragon of the game, IS isn't that bold or clever, if they are you had me good.

Of course. Once they finally transition to the visual novel format that works best for dating sims like Fire Emblem, the school setting will be a perfect fit.

Gameplay looks like it could be great but the characters are so fucking terrible I almost don't want to bother. I mean you could just have an army of fucking generics and nothing would change.








FIRE EMBLEM STINKY POOP :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

however Edelgard seems to have more cutscene attention, how you heard the other two lords speak ever, besides her in the trailers? She's the show-girl of this game as was azura, lucina, and Micah respectively were

Also better than most of the series

Attached: Screenshot (164).png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

I prefer the classic 90s looking armor designs.

this is a grandpa falseflag shitpost don't fall for it Nubros

Attached: Screenshot (165).png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

>The MU is also seen with the whip sword.
They're the same person. Most likely.

>anything being better than Tellius armor


the real question is timeskip or de-aging


>Why try when you have a gatcha funneling you millions by the year?
Problem is that game has been on a steady decline for at least half a year now, and so has the revenue

I actually thought they shifted devs over to their mainline project, but I guess they just half-ass everything lol

They should focus more on the dating sim elements than the rest of that gameplay shit that most people don't even notice the changes.

Being a sensei and molesting my students is my fetish. I hope we get more of these

>Three Houses will be what introduces the Switch audience to Fire Emblem

Not sure if good thing

That'd be depressing, but I can see that happening since the setting is an inherent revolving door. Hell, it'd be neat if your unites regularly change between chapters due to them growing up.

ok? but i still stand by what i said. I still believe the church is evil, and has history twisted on which gods/dragons are revered in this game.
Bet, the Mother(the church leader) orders you to kill the Barbarian king and claim his weapon, who is from a kingdom that worships Sothis, whom was sealed in another plane of existence given that the MU can only see her.
or maybe as you suggest, Sothis could very well be the villain manipulating the MU.

Are the schools free roam where you control the MC?

based on the first trailer, yes

Do you customize Byleth? Both default designs are pretty shit. The guy likes boring and the girl looks like the artists didn't know what they wanted to do at all and looks more like a student than a teacher.

>we will never have a serious thread discussing if Three Houses actually has potential without console war-tier shitposting
>muh fujos!
>muh waifufags!
>muh newfags!
>muh grandpas!
>muh Awakening ruined the series!
>muh Awekening saved the series!
there, I just tl:dr'd every single fucking thread about this game since it's announcement. In fact, I pretty much tl:dr'd every singe fucking thread about Fire Emblem in general. I fucking hate this community, literally a bunch of autistic babies throwing their shit at eachother

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>Switch exclusive
Finally a game I actually want.
Cant wait for that emulator.

Right now it looks like you can't customize them

This. Why does it have three bumps?

3 also has dismounting, which a good chunk of the maps were designed around. Like, the game's still easy with the exceptions of one or two optional objectives (getting the Lady Sword in chapter 2 for example, and even than is more like solving a puzzle than developing a strategy), but it's far more unique and interesting than its remake, I find.

>3 also has dismounting
A mechanic that lets Cavs use Swords with high rank and rape everything? No, Dismounting is shit. 3 Just can't compete with 12

Attached: p08.jpg (264x480, 64K)

click on claude's image see it in full resolution you can see the brush marks from coloring using a slightly transparent brush tool on photoshop that leaves behind transparency in areas that should be filled in completely, the "legit artist" IS has did a fucking mediocre job in line art and coloring look closely around claude's face with the cropped image I provided. It looks incomplete yet this is his final portrait......

Attached: 1550949463832.png (680x848, 532K)

I doubt they'd remove customization. Customizable MUs were a big part of why Awakening and Fates were so successful

I just want the female with the male's height so I can tower over the little boys. Shit game.

Attached: 462.jpg (379x388, 35K)

>this is his final portrait
is it? They cleaned up Dimitri's portrait a lot for the second trailer. I didn't look too closely at Claude's but I'd assume they did the same for him.

The problem is the MC shows up in the prerendered cutscenes, which means s/he probably only has one look.

I'm honestly surprised at what this series has become. I'm not mad, sometimes you just have to accept the direction a franchise goes in.

here as well

Attached: 15509494638321.png (692x863, 428K)


Attached: 15509494638324.png (508x632, 170K)

please tell me the cute tomboy is part of Edelgard's house

are they pre-rendered? They all look to be pretty in-engine.

Look good

Nope, /ourlad/ Claude has the all the tomboys

this look like his e3 portait though, If Dimitri's anything to go by, Claude should be way "cleaner" in the recent direct's version (I still don't really like the artstyle though)

Attached: 1526381786732.png (600x600, 294K)

for an Nintendo IP idk about that...especially not after the artists Intelligent Systems had in prior installments and with other games like advance wars. They more talented artists work on their games before, despite the argument with Kozaki's "cringy" art. He is the artist for No More Heroes and other games his style is modern not for fantasy-style games

The gameplay of conquest is fun but the story was full retard.

I just want artificial academy 3

I get to put a child inside of her, yes?

>They improved several things in FE: if
I invite you to develop your point, what did they improve ? weapons are even more worthless ? rendering silver weapon useless by allowing a cheaper and better alternative ? awful maps ? awful objectives ? letting your units reclass into almost anything ?
I guess having a petting minigame was an improvement if it didn't get censored by Treehouse
and you acknowledged the terrible story but that include the world building and the characters
the only redeeming quality of Fates is the good design of the generics, that's it

>ot after the artists Intelligent Systems
with trash like Eji no

It's a real shame that the combat doesn't look like the cutscenes. That would have been rad and was kind of my pipe dream for Three Houses outside of them expanding on focusing on the customization.

FE always has shitty stories, only 3 and 4 were serviceable

Reclassing was improved (far more limited selection, no infinite levels)
Pair Up was vastly improved
Maps were way better than Awakening, even in Birthright
Objectives were pretty diverse in Conquest

what other FE games did you play ?

It'll just be more of the fanservice ridden garbage that is more designed for disgaea min/maxing autism than resource management like actual fire emblem games

As if the school shit didn't give that away already


I don't get it. It isn't traced, so what?

lmao what? FE has simple designs to identify characters to sprites prior.

Attached: FERK_Hector.png (759x1160, 801K)

The setting will probably be different in the next game regardless of how well this sells. I think they're just trying to flex more with the settings. FE1-Awakening was kind of all the same (I hate to say this because it's always taken negatively) generic fantasy setting. I was really into the idea of samurai Fire Emblem when Fates was revealed but they wasted it on a game with three different parts that all cost money and none of them are actually satisfying. Nohr and Hoshido should have been different games that had nothing to do with each other. Fates' characters and settings are completely wasted on itself. Sometimes I wish that the fake pirate Fire Emblem rumors were real. But after playing Echoes, I don't care if I never have to see another boat map again.

Attached: fee.png (1120x1600, 513K)

all of them. Fates did improve a lot from Awakening. And Conquest is for sure one of the best games in the series from a pure gameplay standpoint.

>weapons are even more worthless
They aren't, only sliver weapons in guard stance are
>rendering silver weapon useless by allowing a cheaper and better alternative
Sliver weapons are the best attack stance weapon in the game with base high MT and hit forging will never compete with.
>awful maps ? awful objectives
This is isn't Awakening, Echoes, FE7, etc
>letting your units reclass into almost anything
The best form of reclassing in the series you mean? You can't reclass into every thing unlike the previous games in the first place. No, I know you are a dumb but no game was designed with "only the resources the game gives you" before you spout this retarded shit

Attached: 1550819324717.jpg (650x424, 67K)

>I don't get it. It isn't traced, so what?
have you seen the copy and paste face characters in te game user? anyone got that pic on standby?

this is the closet image i cna find and honestly they used the same portrait, you cna't it cause the vid was compressed, there isn't fine tuning the art last few months before, that process is already done.

Attached: tumblr_static_-2094778988-content_2048_v2.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Sothis is the power of the Nintendo Switch.

They vastly improved pair up which at least allowed the enemy get one equal level.
I loved the personal skill on each character. They never felt completely broken or completely useless.
I acknowledge the story being bad. But Fire Emblem in general doesn't have any exceptional stories either.
I also enjoyed the addition of dagger and improvement on the TA.
They gave you more choices in term on weapons. If you want an easy time, you use Hoshido weapons. If you want more old school, you use Nohr weapons.
While I enjoyed min maxing for once, going back to more restrictive reclassing was nice.
Honestly, I only thought half of the maps were awful. Some weren't the best ever made, but fates was far from having the worst maps.

People seem to just say fates is shit, and completely look past what the game did well. I just like having fun. But most Fire Emblem fans seems to only care about story in a GAME.

I think I know which one you mean, and even that merge proved how they aren't. They look similar, but you can tell them apart by lines being off.

Seriously? This looks like shit.
>legs bigger than his entire body

Attached: image (2).png (985x1188, 896K)

compare this to Dimitri's E3 portrait

Attached: Screenshot (138).png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

>full jugdral
You mean full archanea, full gaiden, full jugdral, full elibe, full magvel, and full tellius? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

he was the one who got the most criticism and memes at the time and people were complaining about his portrait.

but if you must know

Attached: flattest belt ever made.png (652x367, 282K)

I think if Corrin wasn’t so annoying, people wouldn’t complain about the story as much. You had to sit through the whole game with him so it just wore people out.

also it suffers from poor line art and use of shading techniques, and still amateurish and a downgrade

I agree. Luckily you could skip the other runs.

you're not comparing it

Let's be fair, it wasn't just Kamui though. All of the main characters in FEif were absolutely retarded.

Attached: Dimitri.png (641x704, 414K)

is there even a straight line on this piece at all, it doesn't look clean.....or provide any detail whether he is wearing metal clothing or leather....its confusing...

Attached: 15 turns.png (750x228, 150K)

Corrin isn't even the worst part, Azura is.

way ahead of ya. like i said dimtiri's changed but not the others.

Attached: minor adjustments.jpg (3698x1760, 2.37M)

What’s wrong with Azura?

its all minor tweaks to what was already in regards to positioning

Corrin's not even annoying in anything but Conquest, where you just have to assume they're acually such a social retard from being locked up in a fortress all their life with almost no one that they'd go back to their evil dad that clearly tried to kill them.

Birthright Corrin's 100% par for the course though.

Honestly FE12 and FE3 so mechanically different trying to compare the two isn't really fair to either.
12 is definitely the more challenging game, but 3 is better in a lot of other aspects, like not having a Mary Sue self-insert for one.


if you're going to pick out minor, almost unnoticeable shit like on Claude, you can at least acknowledge that Dimitri's portrait is considerably improved in the Direct trailer. The linework is vastly cleaner, different materials actually look like they different (compare his little medal thingy in both), they even made his hair look slightly less noodle-y.

Aqua isn't retarded, she's just a sociopathic mass murderer who wants to suggest the dumbest possible plans and see who's stupid enough to actually go with them no questions asked.

3 is only better in some story stuff

SRPG fags shit on FE but they're just jealous that FE has actual map design and isn't just a JRPG on an empty square grid like every other one.

the line work is cleaner but isn't clean, like i said amateurish still. the shading, the coloring can you tell then what exactly is dimtri wearing is it leather or metal armor? This is for the sake of discussing design and understanding who and what the character is. If you can't clearly depict a character, and give them a complicated design then you're doing a poor job as a character designer yet alone an artist who probably never got any good criticism on their work before. the 2d art is the blueprint of how to design the 3D models and its shown that the 3D models have better depiction than that of the defining art of the character portrait.

>like i said amateurish still.
It could just be a style they are going for.

Other trpgs focus on mechanical depth which FE doesn't have, though 3H is changing that

>is dimtri wearing is it leather or metal armor?
it's pretty clearly metal, user

*blocks your path*

Attached: _101542074_gettyimages-956391468.jpg (660x371, 74K)

Leo, Hinoka, Elise, Sakura, Takumi don't really do anything stupid

No, most FE games are actually good.

Fates wouldnt let you pet faces because the Localization considered it too lewd, if Student fucking is in the game expect it to be cut from the English Version, which will utterly kill the game

Attached: 1547093394684.gif (600x304, 64K)

They aren't

Wew you got BTFO didn't you. I'll also add they did a rare thing in the video game industry by making a difficult but still fair difficulty scaling by making each difficulty level unique from each other while barely relying on stat bloat.

>because the Localization considered it too lewd
I hate this. I was looking forward to it.

The games are being developed with Japanese and English simultaneously in mind and will both release simultaneously in both areas.

>tfw failed my brigand exam
Edelgard won't stop being a smug cunt, what do I do

It's okay to put a baby inside your little sisters, though.

Imagine female brigands from a rival school raiding your school haha

I refuse to believe they'll fuck up the localization as much they did with Fates