What's the point of Hololens?
What's the point of Hololens?
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Mudslime shape recognition and autoaiming.
Its wallhacks/autoaim
irl aimbot and wllhax
I mean for vidya, retards
It's not for videogames.
Mostly intel. If they can conect it with a drone or something like that.
Fucking faggots, this is why we can't have cool military tech.
>Shitty AR VR glasses
>They're making us work on weapons development!
I guess a tactical HUD overlay would be pretty cool IRL.
>We didn't sign up to develop weapons.
>work for one of the biggest tech companies in the world.
Lol yes you did.
whats the point though
Microsoft is bunch of faggots and i dont think military will stand for their faggotry. They will just pay the developers more than this company and they will gladly obey at gun point.
I bet the dumbfucks working on HoloLens thought it would be used for shitty gimmicks no one cares about like floating phone notifications and cartoon mascots falling from tables, it was obvious the endgame would be military.
Dodge bullets
It will tell you powerlevels
AR and VR found a niche in manufacturing. Large machines can be digitally placed inside rooms without having to prototype or use resources only to find something didn't fit right.
They will be making Spartan Armour for the SPACE FORCE one day.
>what's the point of a synchronized better communication and awareness tool in combat
Really nigger
when hololens is out of beta, you wont have to
I suppose the company that makes the socks soldiers wear are also "developing weapons".
>hey drop your 479 Mil contract because it hurt my feelings
why having these idiots been fired yet?
Already have it, retard. Enables 360 views with no blind spots on latest vehicles. Current known implementation is the latest F35 jets helmet. You bet your ass they want that shit portable and will be crammed in tanks, apcs, and even foot soldiers. IRL, friendly fire is a huge problem. Real time HUDs and Friendly Markers prevents that.
it's like having an UI in vidya
except for irl
Because at these levels it's harder to replace senior developers. You can pay them more money, but after some point they stop caring. You can't just fire them at every opportunity as this will make it harder for HR to find the specialists you need. They are, of course, replaceable. The issue here that the pool of potential workers is not as big as some think.
I figured there aren't many history majors there considering it's a tech company but you don't exactly need to crack a history book to see how much life improving tech came from developing war technology. That shit will eventually be modified for civilian use after it's made for military use.
HQ, what does the scouted say about that goat's powerlevel?!
>Go to Syria
>Get ready to shoot muslims for the holy land
>My hololens says his power level is 13,000 and he's equipped an AKS-74u
>Shoot him in the face anyway
Thanks Microsoft
Probably easier to explain it in the context of a racing game HUD whilst driving your car. No more need for a dashboard since your speed, bearing, navigation systems and fuel can be represented via a retinal interface instead.
You could also have names floating above other cars in view.
If that doesn't sound useful to you I don't know what to say.
These faggots wouldn't have half the toys they own now if it weren't for military tech.
Average Yea Forums users have 0 int points user
>instantly get 10,000 exp
>level up 5 levels
>get a promotion
>get a salary increase
Thanks Microsoft
Something tells me the letter was signed by pajeet bottom feeders and not the actual tech people.
>wear hololens™ battle ready edition
>See raghead across street
>shoot him
>suddenly hololens™ blinks
I don't see what the big fuss is, thats only 4 Hololens.
>NOOOOOOOOO we dont want to aid/defend the country in any way that were residing in and make most of our money off !! We'd rather sell/give away our tech to the Chinks!
>blink twice to order a new ammo/loot box
You ever play Battlefield? You know those 3D Spotting marks colloquially known as Doritos?
Imagine those in real life.
map hacks and wall hacks
>make virtual shootans your videogame sector's primary business
>hardware ends up being used for actual military applications
Will it have hitmarkers and play- soldier progression?
Given where today's social media is at, at least some of those employees probably think America is Nazi Germany.
Not to say the foreign civilian collateral and ulterior crony-motives don't exist, either.
>mfw this will actually increase the mean IQ of the muhreeens
That's nice but, can hololens help me to have a gf?
Not really, being pulled around by your nose just makes you dumber and messes up your spatial sense.
sounds like that black mirror episode with military lenses that change desired people's visuals to violent zombies so soldiers have no psychological trouble spraying them down.
This is just like my Ace Combat games
>wahhh wahhh making weapons is baaaaad
Fucking pussies. Unless you're developing weapons of mass destruction or very brutal weapons then you shouldn't be whining.
>military ONLY purchases weapon
rapid target acquisition
>develop software that spies on civilians for corporate gain
>waaah I don't want to make an IRL UI
They're not making guns for christ sake.
>combat electronics aren’t weapons
>v-videogames don't cause violence
>military adopts them to train people to better kill
Real time logistics being fed directly to the soldiers and support units. Being able to track friendlies during combat as well as being directed to incoming hostile forces or other points of interest. Just like your FPS games.
>war bad!
>muslims welcome!
Most of these retards think that once the country collapses they will join the new ruling class and not be lined up and shot like the rest of their coworkers because "I'm different I'm special!"
>It adds that the program, officially called the Integrated Visual Augmentation System, turns “warfare into a simulated ‘video game,’ further distancing soldiers from the grim stakes of war and the reality of bloodshed.”
Optics themselves are not weapons.
They aren't designed to cause physical harm to people.
By your logic army rations would be fucking weapons.
>turns “warfare into a simulated ‘video game,’
More like videogames have always tried to simulate what wars with futuristic technology might look like. It's a fucking retarded point anyway, which those fags would know if they ever fired a gun.
Yeah better stop all enterprise support contracts with any defense related departments and contractors with contracts with said departments. People better not be using CAD software on Windows workstations to design weapons!
This shit is moronic, there will always be someone else willing to work on these projects. Not to mention all of the groundbreaking civilian technology that came out of DoD funded research projects and ends up doing much more to help people than to kill people.
I dunno, I've had some bad MREs as a boy scout
implying the government would waste this tech on the average grunt, they'd most likely give it to some ultra-special delta-seals who already know what real war looks like.
Shit, the video games really were training us all along.
>food analogy
The hololens is only a little over a grand.
It'll be a million by the time the army's done with it.
>Training obesses fags for ground combat
For what purpose
It's a gibsernment contract though they'll end up paying $15,000 per
That wasn't an analogy. There was no comparison.
I want that helmet, badly.
This. The internet was literally created by DARPA. Without military research and development we wouldn't even be here today.
I am convinced Leftists want our country to be invaded and destroyed.
Underrated post.
that's rad
There's a difference between video games trying to simulate war and war trying to simulate a video game.
it kind of it due to the fact that for the first year of development we only had support for Unity from microsoft and had to use that god awful program.
>people defending the military-industrial complex
How’s that boot taste?
Nah, they're just stupidly naive and idealistic.
Probably better than having nothing to taste or the Chinese boot.
>say microsoft EMPLOYEES
tough shit. not their decision. they only work there.
Nothing about AR makes it better than VR for videogames.
I imagine having your family killed in a drone strike would hurt your feelings, yes.
>What's the point of a HUD that tells you who is hostile and who is friendly?
That pic gives me hope for humanity.
The United States military hasn’t done anything in the name of defense since World War II, if not the Civil War.
Dumbfuck, if its at-will, they can quit at any time. If it's not the job you signed up for, you should leave the company. If it comes to it, you can even sue the company for breech of contract.
>50 people out of something like 130000 at microsoft are "protesting"
wow that will definitely change microsofts minds
You want to know how to stop Middle Eastern refugees?
Stop attacking the Middle East, which makes people want to leave.
Isn't the point of tech to minimize that scenario and don't cause it?
So stop supporting Israel? You can be banned for these thoughts
true holographic aiming. I can't wait
Zionism is the cause of middle eastern unrest. Their war for expansion into all nearby lands will never end. As long as the West is still allies with them more pointless wars will continue and sand niggers will continue to be displaced instead of staying in the caves they should remain.
What kind of retarded mind-set is this? So because there's no current, obvious threat (which there is) lets pack up, fire everyone and turn off the lights until missiles are pointed towards the US and tanks and armies are waiting at the shore?
A standing military and a is what defends a country passively at all times. The Chinks knowing that the US can send ships to the south Asian ocean or any point on the globe is what keeps them at bay.
When was the last time your country waged a defensive war? Why not campaigning to reduce and dismantle your countries military, I'm sure you have allies and surely nobody would want to invade your nation, right?
>for the holy land
Is that what burgers call their masters in Israel now?
>World War II
only against the Japanese
Yes. Fuck Israel. Free Palestine.
More than this-- interventionism power projection can proactively defend your nation by eliminating small threats before they become larger, and by exerting influence that potentially secures resources for yourself and denies them to potential rivals like China.
Sometimes innocents and many people in general have to die for the greater good, a paradox I know.
Not american myself but I'm pretty sure trying to eradicate communism counts as defense not just for them but also all countries who dont want to become communist. Cuban missile crisis seemed like a defensive situation. Also this is not 1941 any more, attacks don't always come in form of tanks and missiles. Pretty sure the US military has other means to defend nations interests aside from shooting guns.
[User was banned for this post]
I was just about to say
he didn't say anything about Tienanmen square
Who is doing the whining and how many? Somehow I get the impression that this is just completely irrelevant bullshit being propped up by clickbaiters and misguided "activists" as usual.
>wanting to continue having your labor exploited by capitalists
>In Halo lore UNSC Marines have holo lens type chips implanted
MS making Halo real
If they had high IQs they wouldn’t be marines
>blue doritos above friendlies
fucking hell
>what are real time updating IFF indicators to minimize friendly fire
>what is ability to locate targets for one another and/or direct support firepower
>what is possible motion/heat sensing software making it easier to spot enemies at a distance or through cover
Am integrated hud system mounted on an infantry man would be one of the most revolutionary things since the radio and gun powder.
>instigate a war
>call it defensive
Yes I realized I forgot to mention ((((FDR))))
Basically data link the f35 has but for all crewman on any vehicle or soldier.
So when is the covenant gonna show up and fuck our shit
>Make your living producing games that portray war as a fun interactive experience
>Years later, kids who were influenced by your games grow up and join the military because of the values you passed on to them
>The government comes to you to procure technology for their benefit
>"wtf no, war is bad!!!1!"
Like pottery.
That reminds me
Wasn't there a study that showed map markers make your dumber because you don't actually have to think on how to get there? Something like that.
>trade embargo on a belligerent and genocidal country after many warnings and ultimatums
>instigating a war
Imagine being this dumb.
I suppose they could do something like Black mirror : Men against fire. Where the 'undesireable' humans are changed to look like monsters, so the soldiers find it easier to kill them.
Don't pretend FDR didn't know the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor
Covvies are clearly muslims dude
At least in a capitalists country you can buy a plane out of the country. Try that in North Korean friend.
>Where the 'undesireable' humans are changed to look like monsters, so the soldiers find it easier to kill them.
I don't think this is necessary to begin with given modern engagement distances.
Also a lot of the memes about soldiers having a hard time killing come from a self-promoting huckster from nearly 100 years ago who's been since disproven. It's a ridiculous premise anyway, history shows people have never been that reluctant to gut each other.
as opposed to having your labor exploited by the state?
>Not wanting to work on weapons systems means you want the country to be invaded
You need to improve your bait
The greater good being increased profits for the bourgeoisie
To be turned into the holocaustlens.
Pyongyang International Airport has flights to China and Russia every day.
No, the workers controlling the means of production.
>Ascertaining that my position is faulty without extrapolating
And even if he did (which is a conspiracy theory anyway) what does it matter? They still put a trade embargo as a direct result of Japanese aggression starting years prior, including massive atrocities such as the Nanking massacre, and then were surprised attacked during peace negotiations. In no way, shape or form was Japan not the aggressor.
It'll be fixed in the next patch.
One of the few devs out there that still listens to community feedback.
>free countries can't choose who they will and willnot trade with.
I guess we should've just gotten strongarmed into fueling their expansionism, even after our spies caught wind on their planned attacks on our islands in the Philippines after their invasion of china wraps up
>workers controlling
>50 people out 135k
Nice clickbait faggot
True, maybe killing monsters instead of humans could help those pantsy soldiers from not getting PTSD.
Eh, maybe not, the series does take a few creative choices to make things better fit their technology = bad narrative.
>No, the workers controlling the means of production.
never going to happen, marxtard.
>Marx lived off his friend Engels' wealth, which came from the profits of his father's factory.
Thank God for capitalism! otherwise Marx would've starved to death before he could publish his memeifesto.
I wasted my life playing FPS and I never fired a gun and I don't like guns besides aesthetics. Your usual gaymer is a fuckfat too lazy to be a marine.
You can suck my cock.
>More than 50 Microsoft employees signed their names to the letter.
They literally don't even matter
Soldiers don't need help to kill their enemy. They need help not accidentally killing their friends. The majority of modern squad and platoon tactics is formed on the embarrassments and failures from Vietnam.
see the sao movie, because that’s what the hololens is, ar, not vr.
If thou hatest feudalism so much, why dost thou liveth on the fields of thy lord?
Well, why do you? People have lived off the land for millions if years before the rise of civilization, just go do that.
Sedentarism was the beginning of civilozation, retard
WOW! so you mean Feudalism was easier to live in than sitting in the forest like a little faggot? Just like how capitalism is easier to live in than the aborted-half baked communism attempted by the soviet union??? such AMAZING insight I can't believe I share the net with such intellectual GIANTS.
Underrated post. This letter is just a convenient list of people to quietly transfer to other projects (where they can't sabotage this one) then fire a few weeks later when everyone's forgotten this "uprising."
>Microsoft developing AR displays
>Trump developing Space Force
Holy shit, we're gonna all be playing Halo for real