Let’s have a taste thread. Rate mine and I’ll rate yours.
Let’s have a taste thread. Rate mine and I’ll rate yours
Other urls found in this thread:
7/10 Ninja Gaiden is good shit
Can't be fucked to make an image
>Caves of Qud
>Haven & Hearth
>Porject Zomboid
>Little Big Planet
>King Arthur's Gold
>Dungeon of the Endless
>Hyper Light Drifter
I've never been interested in any of those games desu. Our tastes vary greatly, but yours isn't objectively bad I guess. They seem aight.
>Caves of Qud
based as fuck, can't wait for it to leave EA
8/10. Never did play the original Nier and I’m not too big on Demon’s Souls.
Not too big into a lot of your favs but LBP and HLD are great.
1. Gothic II Gold Edition
2. Gothic
3. Ultima VI
4. Ultima Underworld II
5. The Complete Ultima VII
6. Ultima Underworld
7. Half-Life
8. Half-Life 2
9. The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild
10. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
9/10. STALKER is fucking great.
1. Deus Ex
2. Half-Life
3. Half-Life 2
4. Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
5. Bloodborne
6. Kingpin: Life of Crime
8. Mortal Kombat XL
9. Unreal
10. Resident Evil 4
Which DOOM?
Streets of Rage 2
Yakuza 0
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Bros 3
Soul Calibur 2
Knights of the Old Republic
Civ 5
Metal Gear Solid
No the regular one
Shit thread
2016. That's why it's all in caps.
1. Devil May Cry 3
2. Hitman Blood Money
3. Team Fortress 2
4. Need For Speed: Most Wanted
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
6. Grand Theft Auto IV
7. Cel Damage: Overdrive
8. Guilty Gear XX
9. Tekken 5, 6 and Tag 2.
10. Call of Duty Black Ops 1
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Streets of Rage 3
Radiant Silvergun
Thunder Force 4
Tekken 5
Final Fantasy VII and VIII
Kingdom Hearts
Devil May Cry
Dark Souls
Zelda Breath of the Wild
>tag 2
I was debating switching that out for 7. But I hate the inclusion of babby Rage Drives.
10/10 just for putting OG Nier and not the shit sequel
>TimeSplitters 2
Not making a image because fuck you
> 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> 2. Chrono Cross
> 3. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 4. Final Fantasy VI
> 5. NiGHTS Into Dreams
> 6. Castlevania: Symphony of The Night
> 7. Final Fantasy X
> 8. Dance Dance Revolution
> 9. Resident Evil 2
> 10. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
why Black Ops 1 in particular user?
Can only think of 4 that I could rank us favorites.
>1. Thief 2
>2. Homm 5
>3. Bioshock 2
>4. Tes:Oblivion
>game that I pretend to like because I'm a contrarian
>game that I pretend to like to look cool
>game that I pretend to like because it's not mainstream
>game that I pretend to like to look cool
>game that I pretend to like because reddit doesn't
>game that I pretend to like because it's such a classic
>game that I pretend to like because it's rare
>game that I pretend to like because someone told me it's cool
>game that I pretend to like to look cool
>game that I pretend to like but I never played it anyway
Rate my taste vee!!
I loved the campaign and thought the multiplayer was really fucking addicting over all the other Cods for some reason. Cold war setting was great too because of the guns we got with it.
>reddit games
8/10 though I don't understand having FFVIII over any of the alternatives.
[01] Chrono Trigger
[02] Bloodborne
[03] Ace Combat 4
[04] Breath of the Wild
[05] Kerbal Space Program
[06] Rainbow Six: Siege
[07] Mario 64
[08] NieR: Automata
[09] Persona 5
[10] Okami
2. Doom 64 EX
3. Blood
4. Soldier of Fortune
5. Soldier of Fortune II
6. Thief Gold
7. Thief II
8. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) I still play this competitively
9. Painkiller Black Edition
10. TRON 2.0 (PC)
Patrician taste
1. Moon RPG Remix Adventure
2. Contact
3. Okage: Shadow King
4. Kingdom Hearts 2
5. Chulip
6. Cave Story
7. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
8. NiGHTS Into Dreams
9. Panic!
10. Sonic Mania
You like DMC4 more than 3?
Dark Messiah of might and magic
Hotel Dusk
Age of Empires 2
Hitman: Blood money
Stardew Valley
Legend of Grimrock 2
Dungeon crawl stone soup
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Heroes of might and magic 3
A bit more, yeah.
I was born in 90 but looking at it, the PS2 gen was really good. Having lived through the PS1 and SNES around the PS2 was when the ratio of bad to good games got way better.
I’m curious as to why if you don’t mind. I do think the combat is a bit more refined.
it was suprisingly hard to choose between Max Payne and Max Payne 2
>I hate everything
gee, how original...
Two things: The combat is more refined and in general it is just much more fun to mess around with things (even if the game is a bit too easy), and it also gives me nostalgia because it was the first DMC I played and it's probably the game I have played the most as a kid (I lost my copy in 2012 and didn't play the game again until the SE), it was the first game I could call a "favorite".
If you wonder why I have the special edition there instead of the original one, well, it's one of my favorites with more cool stuff, that's it.
I get that. Personally I have more of an attachment to 3 due to it’s more aggressive difficulty and the gripping story around Vergil and Dante. DMC4 is still fun as fuck though.
1. Deus Ex
2. Heroes of Might and Magic 3
3. Diablo 2
4. USF4
5. Shadow Warrior (original)
6. SMT Nocturne
7. Sengoku Rance
8. Ys Origin
9. Hexen 2
10. Red Alert 2
hl2 update
stalker coc
ofp resistance
SWG pre-nge
dark messiah
bf2 project reality 0.5-0.8
medieval 2
mirrors edge
notable mentions:
wow vanilla
tomb raider 3
>Dungeon of the Endless
Holy fucking based
I'm with you on that bro, it was the last, great COD multiplayer. It reminded me of MW1 just with extra weapons and better perks. Graphics were shite so I couldn't go back to it
>Doom (classic)
>Warcraft 3
>Mother 3
>Majora's Mask
>Dark Souls
>Silent Hill 2
>The Neverhood
>Shadow Of The Colossus
>Bomberman 5
I can’t even finish a 3x3 man, now you want me to come up with 10?
I don't think the graphics are that bad yet. It looks better than a lot of the other Cods because it went for a more saturated palette. Still has the best spawn themes to this day though.
Everything about Prime, from combat to exploration, is braindead and bland
Nier is a soap opera that manages to both be predictable and contrived
Caves of Qud is the first game I had to break out graph paper for. Good shit
Dungeon of the Endless was too good to deserve to be left buggy like it is. Better than the other endless games
STALKER is great. I'm surprised no one talks about how good the level design is in that game.
>Blood Money
Max Payne 1 doesn't have an escort mission and lasts longer than four hours, so it should win out
Pre f2p tf2 was the best. I can't imagine why you'd consider it one of your favorites now though.
Too lazy to use a template and order, but...
>Katamari Damacy
>Gravity Rush 2
>Pokémon SoulSilver
Best taste in the thread.
1. Sid Meier's Alpha Centuri
2. Thief 2
3. Bloodborne
4. Rainbow Six Seige
6. RDR Undead Nightmare
8. Doom 2
9. Blood
10. Theme Hospital
Yes, I do like JRPGs the most.
Fuck making an image
In no particular order
1. Resident Evil 4
2. Persona 5
3. Dishonoured 1
4. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
5. Red Dead Redemption
6. Snake Eater
7. Hitman Blood Money
8. Dragons Dogma
9. Fallout New Vegas
10. Dark Souls 1
>DMC3 Aggressive difficulty
o I am laffin. Series hasn't had competeant enemies since the first game, and they're the worst they've ever been in 3. Dumb cuhrayzeefags.
>and they're the worst they've ever been in 3
No, that'd be 4 (actually, it's 2 but I think everyone knows that already).
>aggressive difficulty
>gripping story
>had to switch RE2 with the remake because I liked it so much
Good job Capcom
Nice, Ninja Gaiden is the only good game here.
let's play spot the nostlagiafag who plays skateboarding games for the story
oshitnigger what are you doing
Hey Metroid Prime is a good game
>oshitnigger what are you doing
Posting on Yea Forums and listening to Can.
Very based, basically the same as mine
Also, it's nice to see so many DMC3 bros out today
100/10 fucking unironically redpilled
cba to make image so
1: sonic adventure 2
2: super mario rpg
3: the world ends with you
4: kirby super star
5: earthbound
6: okami
7: we katamari
8: yoshi's island
9: ocarina of time
10: jet set radio
Give me a second.
I give you three.
Seeing as people seem to be writing it out as well as posting their charts:
[01] The World Ends With You
[02] Mary Skelter Nightmares
[03] Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
[04] Final Fantasy X
[05] Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies
[06] Azure Striker Gunvolt
[07] Bayonetta 2
[08] Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
[09] Blaster Master Zero
[10] Tetris (GB)
>Bayonetta and Galaxy
Good shit.
Terraria rules.
Civilization V is neat.
TF2's always fun when I reinstall it.
I like what i've played of Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Ikaruga, so seems good to me.
>SoTN and FFX
My man.
>Crash 2 and AoM
Fucking nice.
Mario 64's real nice.
Bayonetta and SoTN rule, and what I've played of Yume Nikki and Ikaruga has been fun, nice man.
I liked Mania, it was fun.
>One Finger Death Punch
Oh shit, nearly missed that, that's a good one lad. TF2's nice too.
Civilization IV was fun, but I never got any of the DLC.
>TWEWY and Katamari Damacy
Nice man, I should play at least the original JSR myself just for that Hideki Naganuma goodness.
Hotline Miami is fun as fuck.
Bio Infinite is an interesting choice desu
6/10. Katamari, Rondo of Blood (that's Rondo of Blood, right?) and SotN are pretty cool; not a fan of Tetris but having it there it's cool.
How often do people prefer Bayo 2 to 1?
I just bought a DSlite, it's been like five years since I've played a DS game
Convince me to buy Contact, it looks weird and cool.
For the record, I haven't played any Musou beside Dynasty Warriors 6 and that one in pic related.
In particular order
1.Gothic 2 NOTR
2.Heroes 3
3.Diablo 2 LOD
4.Witcher 3
5.GTA Vice City
6.Gothic 1
7.God of War 3
8.The last of us
9.Budokai Tenkaichi 3
10. ?
And above them all, WoW up to patch 2.4.3 - it's more than a game
Yeah that's Rondo, the picture is from the vinyl release of the soundtrack I believe.
I'm not sure, it seems to be people who are more into getting real good at these games prefer the first game, but I'm sure there are people who just prefer the first one anyway. Couldn't give you an idea of what the more general opinion is though.
>New Vegas
>Mass Effect
>Breath of the Wild
>Battlefield 3
>Splatoon 2
>DayZ Mod
>Modern Warfare 2
>Civilisation V
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Not in order
>Timesplitters Future Perfect
>Dungeon Keeper
>Yakuza 2
>Serious Sam
>Metal Gear Solid
>Armored Core Last Raven
i should add that these are in random order
Probably tastes like cotton candy
A gummi bear man for sure
Licorice. That shit's nasty
wrigley's cinnamon gum
green apple lollipop
strawberry limeade
shit, what else do you expect when you throw in everything but the kitchen sink
hot tamales
ROLO, best here
spearmint gum
sour patch kids
a cracker
fruity gushers
tic tacs
take 5
>a cracker
And what does my race have anything to do about it huh?
>Ninja Gaiden 3
Fine. Wheat bread
>Razor's Edge
Top 9 encased in purple.
4/4 (DMC3, Bayo, Prime, Galaxy); if Game Pass coming to Switch is comprehensive I might get it just to play NG Black.
1/2 (+Custom Robo -FFIX); nothing against FFIX but it was one of the games I played that made me realize I don't like long turn-based RPGs (I barely got through Nintendo ones like Pokemon and Paper Mario as a kid).
3/3 (SMB2, SCII, MGS)
3/4 (+TTYD +Third Strike +Timesplitters -Gen 1)
4/4 (DMC3, GTAIV, GGXX, all the Tekkens)
14/14 (DMC4/3/1, God Hand, Bayo, Garou, GGXX, Third Strike, VSav, Revengeance, UMvC3, USFIV, KOFXIII, DXHR)
4/4 (DMC3, OFDP, DJFfNY, VF); just got One Finger Death Punch a couple weeks ago and it's really satisfying. Music and announcer are mediocre but the visual feedback is incredible and there's a good challenge to it.
3/3 (Sly 2, Dragon's Dogma, TTYD)
2 is more coherent and consistent with more interesting visual design but the gameplay got fucked up on a basic level because the director of the game had only done visual design up until that point. Bayo 1 is for people who really like replaying and improving at games, Bayo 2 is a better game to just play through and enjoy once or twice then go back to Tag Climax on occasion.
How goes SSX?
i don't like these because it shows how Yea Forums influenced my taste is
8/9 (FighterZ, Wonderful 101, UMvsC3, Rondo of Blood, God Hand, DMC3, CvsSNK, Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure).
Have you not played the original Deus Ex or Real Bout Fatal Fury? You should.
>fruity gushers
I have absolutely no idea what these are other than fruit sweets, and thus have no idea what to make of this.
Is the one piece game that good? Why do you like it so much?
Which kind of cotton candy?????
Gitaroo man is the only game of value there
1. Super Mario RPG
2. Metal Gear Solid 3
3. Resident Evil 4
4. Secret of Mana
5. Pokemon Gold
6. StarCraft: Brood War
7. Civilizations 5
8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
9. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
10. Battlefield Bad Company 2
No progress on SSX, it's probably not for me.
Well you bite into them and fruity sweet and sour bliss ooze explodes on your tastebuds, can't be bad. Missing out
No flavor just sugar.
Well those don't sound bad I suppose, but given they seem to be American I don't know what the chances of finding them in England would be. Never been too big on sweets anyway, but I'll give 'em a shot if I find them I guess.
It's fun. It's mindless fun and it's easy, but I found out I enjoy musou games. Tho as I said I haven't yet tried a lot of them.
Before I forget, you're a jolly rancher.
I've gotten Invisible War and HR as gifts in the past. HR was solid, IW I barely spent time on. The original seems like a good game but not my kind of game. MD looks mediocre.
I need to go back and play more SNK fighters because I've loved all the ones I've played. Excited as hell for Samurai Spirits.
That's understandable, it's not Tony Hawk. 1 is basically a tech demo, Tricky is like an expansion pack with new aesthetics, 3 feels like a full campaign, On Tour is a step forward and 2 steps back but you seem to like the aesthetic. IIRC you thought On Tour looked good so I'd skip to that if you're not feeling before. If you like that, definitely give 3 a shot because it's mechanically superior.
fuck your format
1. Ace Combat Zero
2. StarFox 64
3. Halo 3
4. SW: Battlefront 2 Classic
5. SW: Rogue Squadron II
6. Hearts of Iron 4
7. Dies Irae
8. Jak II
9. Skyrim
10. Mass Effect 2
1. Mother 3
2. Undertale
3. Lisa: The Painful
4. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
5. Metal Gear Solid
6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
7. Earthbound
8. Super Smash Bros Ultimate
9. Hollow Knight
10. Super Metroid
8/10 for Snake Eater and Galaxy
Any list with the first Xenoblade at the top is a 10/10 to me.
I hardly understand this format
I don't really know what my top 10 games are desu. I know Zelda MM and OOT are my top 2. Then maybe MGS1 and RE3
this must be ironic
Great taste my friend
You just list your 9 favorite games.
The rating is like this:
Number you liked/Number you've played
So if I've liked all 9 and played all 9 it would be 9/9.
1. Halo 2
2. Fallout New Vegas
3. Dead Space
4. BioShock
5. REmake 2
6. Quake
7. Marvel's Spider-Man
8. REmake 2
9. Minecraft
10. Team Fortress 2
Big ups on The Saboteur, damn underrated game
I still don't understand
>going commando
Good shit
Nier Automata
Ninja Gaiden 2
SMT Strange Journey
Hollow Knight
Megaman Zero 3
Super Metroid
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Diablo 2
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
>Sly 2
Absolutely ascended taste, friend
What don't you understand?
in no particular order
1. Dota 2
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Deus Ex
4. Civilization V
5. Euro Truck Simulator 2
6. Crusader Kings 2
7. Heroes of Might and Magic 3
8. Fallout
9. Diablo 2
10. Undertale
I'm playing MGS 3 right now because of these kinds of threads. Feels more like a movie since there's a 5 minute cutscene every 10 minutes, like I fuck with it but I'm not getting a feel for the game.
>most wanted
the fuck is that gif, lmao
That's you fucking up while trying to list your games
How and what order do i rate it depending on how much i liked it?
Well, I found the user with the best taste in the thread
I didn't make the post you replied to using the gif
I have more than 10 favourite games so...:
>Deus Ex
>Gothic 2
>Majora's Mask
>Breath of the Wild
>Devil May Cry 3
>Metal gear Solid 3
>Super Smash Bros Melee
>Thief 2
>F-Zero GX
>Super Mario World
>Super Metroid
>Star Trail
>Resident Evil 4
>Dark Sun
>Doom 2
>Shadow Warrior 2
>Divinity Original Sin 2
>Battlefield 4
Also Dark Messiah.
Forgot that one xD
how did i do Yea Forums?
It's not an in depth rating of how much. It's just a simple "did you like the game or not" If you didn't.
If I've played only 6 games out of the 9 and only liked 4 it would be 4/6.
Might and Magic 7
FF 6
Dark Souls
Valkyrie Profile 1
>Dragon's Dogma
>Battlefront II
Really well.
>L4D2, TF2, Ultimate Alliance
You're cool user. Please Ultimate Alliance 3 be good.
A little bit of everything.
>Mortal Kombat XL
Not trying to hate, but what makes you like this game so much over other fighters?
Can't rate most of these because I'm a fucking pleb that apparently hasn't played any games at all.
Gen II my dude
You're on Yea Forums. Most people here are going to like Japshit.
Isn't this just a 3x3 lmao
I remember when faggots couldn't shut up about muh perfect graphix. So glad it's showing age finally.
the ultimate pleb filter
every time i see one of these threads, i'm reminded of how few games i've actually finished. i can hardly even come up with 10 to put on here.
fucking making a list of your favorite gaymes for everyone to look at. do you realise how utterly sad this is?
Absolute cringe. Are you guys 11?
honestly, nobody cares
>People discuss their interests online
How disgusting.
>making a collage of video game covers
honestly your parents would be proud, and your future wives too....
Based and underrated
Breath of Fire 3
Bloody Roar
Star Ocean 2
Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction
Starcraft + Brood War
Super Metroid
Well then.
What else should we talk about?
I'm visiting family now and I haven't been disowned for spending 10 minutes in MSPaint.
how about you start with discussing how much pussy you're all currently not getting?
>SSX Tricky
my brother of african decent
this is the only game where your combos can accidentally trigger nintendont's quit game macro, so I've switched to Dolphin
It looks fantastic in widescreen and meduim/far camera view when you emulate
I'm just popping upstairs to make a collage of some radical video games, mom!!
But that's not video game related and you could git b&.
Am I cool enough to post on Yea Forums?
Can't be fucked making a new one, 9 will do.
>God Hand
>Dark souls 1
>Fallout 1
>Half Life 1
>Fallout New Vegas
Not in any order and not repeating franchises
>Halo 3
>NieR: Automata
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl
>Axiom Verge
>Team Fortress 2
>Super Mario bros 3
>Dark Souls 3 (haven't played the first one)
>Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
You should feel embarrassed by this post
>Jak II
yikes talk about shit taste bro
can't be fucked for a new format so just doing the usual 3x3.
>All those collections