Metro Exodus thread

Metro Exodus thread

Let's talk about the best game this year

Also, did the cannibal bunker take anyone else by surprise? Like what the actual fuck.

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It was obvious right for the first radio comm, the guy kept hesitating.

Too buggy to deserve that reward. A lot of crap textures in the game too. I feel like Last Light looked just as good and I've upgraded my card since then. Fun story and the guns still feel really visceral though I still don't care just for the enemies.

did the cannibal bunker take anyone else by surprise? Like what the actual fuck.
As soon as you enter the bunker and it's deserted it became clear something was off

>not expecting cannibalism in the post-apocalypse, let alone post-apocalyptic russia
You played yourself

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Is this on Steam yet or should I just get the console version?

>gimping yourself to the console version because of muh gamer rightsd

I was honestly expecting a notEnclave sort of thing. The government remnants becoming cannibals was a legitimate surprise.

The only thing that surprised me was how many there were left.

To be fair the war was still going on, so it was expected that the gubmint was still doing gubmint stuff.

I just lost 30 minutes of progress because they decided to put an invisible grenade sniper at a fortification in caspian.
I went there at night again to make sure and even in complete darkness with off LED on the watch I hear voices of them spotting me and a grenade flying at me with pinpoint precision from an invisible guard couple hundred meters away, getting Clear Sky MG nest PTSD here.
Probably for story reasons but this is just a terrible solution.
No quicksaves on RH is utter garbage since save spots are placed very sparesly and there is no "autosave after x minutes".

I would say stop being a fucking pussy and pirate it.

I got him by an accident, because I kept running around through the desert below him. He lost me, I dropped couple of shots on him from my stealth revolver-sniper and waifu finished him off.

i knew there was gonna be trouble, but didnt expect cannibals lol

I expected the thing to go wrong, like there was nobody there anymore, but atleast we had a fun balls to the wall shootout. Anyways;

Dead City>Volga>Forrest>Caspian

Maybe you are talking about a different location, there is no "him", the grenade literally manifests from thin air.

Here's to a man who had the balls to admit he was wrong and swallowed his pride for the sake of his brothers in arms.

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can't wait to play this next year, I hate the chinese passionately so I'll pass for now, but the game looks great outside of your launch bugs.

I'm enjoying it a lot (reached the caspian sea). I feel bad for pirating since 4A games are based drunk slav bros who probably worked 18hours a day and didn't moan like Rockstar devs. Gonna buy it on steam next year

>tfw playing around with the radio

Then I went back to petting my wife.

>you will never play a melancholy song with your slav bro on a train

why even live bros ?

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when you sell your soul then you kinda forego that respect. I wouldn't feel bad for pirating it. they broke some unspoken rules.

Did anyone found a way to disable the shitty Depth of field effect and Anti anliasing?

I've got a pretty bad injury that keeps me from playing games much. But someone linked me this lets play in a thread earlier.

I'm enjoying it so far. looks a little glitchy but still good. Hopefully when everything finally heals in a year-ish I can play it.

I think it was just the sudden shift of tone, I was doing some normal metro shit thus far, shooting muties, some bandits, walking around a frozen wasteland.

And then I get swarmed by the cannibals by the hundreds, fight the armored dude with the gatling, join my team, keep shooting some more. Like wut?

The funny thing is I was getting a D6 vibe from the whole thing and then, I think Sam? says 'hey this is like the d6 elevator' and someone says 'yea, it's the same one - how convenient' and I just lost at it at that point. I was grinning up to my ears through the whole segment it felt so out of place.

Also Sam best squad mate prove me wrong.

hope you get better quickly user.

take it easy m8

>that scene with the tea party and playing the guitar so he slept

I sorta teared up

thanks I appreciate it. least my eyes still work!

>suprised by cannibal side plot in post-apocalyptic video game

Are you 12? Or, hell, even younger than that. That's like the first fucking thing to assume that would happen, right after zombies or bandits. The only thing I laughed out loud about because how stupid it looked were the endless wave of enemies coming at you during the last escape. Just imagine the amount of rabid mouths to feed there.

>Just imagine the amount of rabid mouths to feed there.
*Oh, and also the grand feast those survivors would have.

>did the cannibal bunker take anyone else by surprise
The Cannibal part kinda did. But it not being a real government I knew was bullcrap from the get go.

Game is 6/10 at best
The story is shallow and the pacing is bad, there are more scripted events than actual gameplay.

Crafting doesn't matter and shallow the enemy factions are barebone generic insane people that i've seen multiple times and not even introduced properly.
Forced stealth sections and stealth is a joke in this game you can run through the Taiga map in less than 10 minute if you know how to get pass the NPCs
I run through the game today again just to get the good ending speedrun style and the game literally breaks on you if you go too fast because the developers didn't intended the game to work that way so theres 0 replayability

Really generic good if you are a metro fan but otherwise you won't miss out on anything if you don't play it.

Only good character was Miller

>Not even one town or hub to visit in any of the maps

>the game runs like shit. Microstutters everywhere despite running about 50-60 fps. Probably because of my aging CPU.
>has some of the worst sound design I've ever heard in a video game. People will talk constantly on top of each other's voices
>bugs everywhere
>enemies are incredibly dumb
Still amazing and genuinely feel like playing Stalker SOC at many times. On top of it, it's also a good "having a loving wife at your arms" simulator too. Hopefully it'll get patched and the community will mod the fuck out of it like Stalker games.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.24 - (1440x900, 2.78M)

I bet everyone tried peeking.

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Everyone knew there was gonna be cannibals, most just didn’t think it was gonna be the government remnants.

this part of Volga legit reminded me of Stalker

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does this stay being a shitty movie game or does it get better, and graphically it doesnt look that different from last light

Wait they are actually government remnants? I thought they were just pretending to get people to come so they can be lured there?

Volga is when it stops being movie.

prologue is movie game

mid-game is a bunch of STALKER-lite maps with unimpressive setpieces to conclude each one

endgame is I'm probably playing it as we speak

>On top of it, it's also a good "having a loving wife at your arms" simulator too.
I'm gonna be honest, her constant "I love you my love." All the time was kinda annoying. I liked Anna better when she was a little more gruff. All the few moments when she slips into that like with the Baron, you hear she say very matter of fact and seriously "Artyom, you're head is in the way" I thought "there's the Anna I know and love" and then 20 seconds later she's back to "ARTYOM MY LOVE I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE ALIVE!" I just wanted her to be serious and to call Artyom rabbit again. Instead she is just madly in love with Artyom and thinks he's the greatest thing ever. In fact everyone but miller seemed to think that. What was that about?

The ones in the control room were the remaining heads of the Government. And the Doctor too I think.

>Let's talk about the best game this year
OK, lets talk about RE2.

It's inline with her character from the novels

No, they were the construction workers who made the bunker. Once shit hit the fan, they went in and then realised that the govt never came because the food was pushed elsewhere. Hence the cannibalism

Metro Exodus has clearly shown its flaws. It was 4A's response to the popular question of "what if Metro was an open world game." But it obviously didn't work out that flawlessly. Learning from Exodus, they'll return back to the series' original roots of tunnel dwelling in the fourth installment.

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Does anyone else find it annoying that Artyom doesn't ever speak? I mean in 2033 it made sense because he's never really needed to talk during the game play parts and all the unseen time in the loading screens is where he talks to the other characters. In Last Light there are parts where he could have talked but it still has the same loading screen time jumps like 2033, but in Exodus he is being talked to directly all the time and he's pretty much the second in command of the crew. And the "silent protagonist" thing doesn't matter because he has always narrated during loading screens so he has a voice and personality, so why can't he talk a little in the game?

give it to me straight
is this game worth 60 buckadoodlerino-o's on the Epic store?
should I play on ranger first time around?

nothing is worth installing that shit on your PC
it isn't even worth full price on steam, so either wait a year for when it's on a steam sale or pirate it

Just finished installed the torrent. What will I be in for? Is it still anything like the other Metro games or should I lower my expectations?

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If they made STALKER, but in tunnels, then that's all that people ask for. Last Light was a pretty uninspired sequel but it had one thing it did EXTREMELY FUCKING correctly. At one point in the game you gain a railcar and use it to travel from station to station.
Do that, but for an entire game.

You hear me you retarded fucking devs? Quit it with your shitty ass storytelling efforts. You fucking suck at it and no one is interested. Pepper in some lines, sure, but don't pretend like you are making modern Tolstoj here.

The boat and the swimming fucking things annoy the shit out of me.

I did get Stalker vibes out of it and honestly there's plenty of work that went into it but everything is way too fucking slow, takes too long, etc. Animations especially.

Learn to pirate dumbass

it's okay when Rockstar does it

I'm a PC fag so I wouldn't know but RDR2 doesn't look all that appealing to me. V bored me to tears.

Artyom works to keep his team safe the whole time and they fucking desert you at the first piece of ass they see and my character is OK with this? Fuck that SHIT.

Yeah I know and it felt weird there but I chalked that up to the book in general being a different kind of story and version of the characters from the game.

I just miss my tough girl Anna.

at what point in the game can i actually play it and not have to watch cutscenes or artyom going through animations. really close to uninstalling this

Retarded zoomer needs instant dopamine fix.

I feel like everyone took a screenshot in that place
here is mine on Xbox One X

Attached: Metro Exodus.jpg (1920x1080, 665K)

Well its an open world game and instead of buying weapon upgrades from shops you find and craft everything now. Which only annoyed me in that you find almost no ammo and have to craft it, but you can only craft it at a work bench.

>best game this year

Keep dreaming Ivan.

I got it for ÂŁ50 and I have no regrets, fantastic experience, dunno what the current market has done for my expectations though, not a high bar but easily one of the best games out this year.

Only issues are the save system, bugs that can kill progress & the gunplay can always be improved.

It is most definitely not okay and only frame of reference made those animations in Exodus slightly bearable.
Meaning that RDR2 took it so fucking far into the extreme, it set the bar into another dimension, while this in comparison ''doesn't seem that bad'', but it's still pretty bad. It's a shit trend and I hope it fucking dies. Nothing wrong with animations, but like, take a note from RE2make or MGSV.

wtf, my screenshot was taken on extreme settings at 1080+tesselation and yours looks 10 times better

Attached: MetroExodus_2019_02_22_11_10_36_212.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

What even are the animations that pissed you off in Metro? Opening doors/climbing ladders?

We had to do that in all the other games.

maybe you have the wrong anti aliasing option on. Use smaa if you can. I think the other options might blur games out a bit or more

Just booted it up today, played a hours of it since I'm horribly sick with a flu at the moment and just stopped at the caspian sea. I really enjoyed the first two Metro games and Metro Exodus is great, it's just the same comfy russian apocalypse atmosphere the previous games had. The open world maps are pretty fun to explore and discover but the enemy is still braindead with laser guns.

Overally I'm really enjoying the game and I would love more single player FPS games like this, they really dont make them anymore.

pirated it thursday night, beat it just now and it's a big fat AVERAGE

the volga area was pretty good and seemed to have a good amount to explore and the story line there was pretty good
the dried out sea seemed pointlessly large just so they could include driving, it felt like it had less to explore than the volga and the story line was just mad max and not in a good way
the valley area was bad but it should have been the best given the story of the area, but i ended up just sneaking past everything and fighting a shitty bear boss

the metro-like areas were the best parts
the new monsters weren't anything special, and the replacements for librarians were a joke
the shooting was boring because the AI is boring

Attached: disgruntled.png (261x359, 8K)

Literally the worst character and maybe worse VAOTY you mean.

yes your screen looks kinda blurry
I downscaled my screen to 1080p from native 4k output of the Xbox

timed button presses, and animations taking longer than necessary to finish with literally almost every one of those context-sensitive inputs where icons appear

It's the Gamma settings. He has them set to a lower level than you which makes stuff like shadows and colors look somewhat better. That's always kind of way you should actually do as they instruct you to.

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Sadly and clearly rushed out for some reason, best game out this month so far though.

No steam for a year. I just eyepatched it because fuck epic

Does the DX12 option actually help increase performance or lowers the stuttering or should I just stick with DX11?

That did get tedious I guess, especially when you got dragged underwater and couldn't see shit except a prompt to mash a button.

What game breaking bugs have you all had so far?

Volga, got the bad karma ending despite being entirely nonlethal to the fishmongers and stealthing their sections every time. Dialogue hinted that I had slaughtered them, despite no casualties. No way to fix it except restarting the entire game.

Desert, flashlight got stuck to the van headlights, the fix is to re-enter and exit the van until it releases the flashlight. Except I had already dropped into the spider cave when I tried using my flashlight. Had to run the entire thing with the lighter. Hilarious bug.

No. the only thing that I was suprised about was Miller sounding like he was faking it on the radio tape but he actually went full retard. JP dub is great by the way.

"The government" never made it to the bunker, user. The only ones who were there when the nukes fell were the workers who built it and the military men assigned to guard the complex

I can confirm that I set my gamma levels lower because it made the game more intense in dark areas

No and no
It's currently buggy as shit and playing on ranger disables hints, without which you can miss several mechanics

This is the only game in my life I have stopped playing completely because of terrible controls.

Worst game breaking bug is the saving bug, where it refuses to let you save until you either die or finish the entire map.

>pirated it thursday night
Opinion immediately discarded, steamcel.


They got a bigger ego and budget so they went for the classic, trying to get the CoD audience. Extremely railroaded shooting sections with your squad and small sandbox maps in-between.

game was very average and very rushed once you leave the desert
desert was big for no reason, the valley basically insists that you crouch walk through the whole thing in 15 minutes
going back into the metro at the end was good until you spend half of it on a fucking boat

oh and apparently having dmir leave after the desert is considered a bad end, even though he leaves for a good reason

>boat did not steer, fixed by reloading checkpoint.
>shrimp attacked me while on boat and he got stuck in me, artyom would not perform any actions but move forward, most disturbing one
>caspian, flashlight stopped working, fixed by reloading save.
>Ghiul's gun shooting after she holstered gun on her back, gun keeps shooting at the floor when speaking to Artyom

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go back to the epic forums you chink loving retard

Nothing gamebreaking so far, but some sections sure were clumsy as fuck.

The developers don't seem to take into account when the player explores a place when there is no (?)-marker on the map. On the desert map I decided to check out the ship, because it was so prominently in my way. Killed a bunch of dudes there and fought a semi-boss. Then a couple of people were lying around next to him. Not dead, but not reacting to anything and almost definitely NPC's that were there to interact with the player, which they didn't in my particular situation. Apparently they were slaves that needed to be freed there. It only came to my attention when Anna told me about it and I returned there to pull some handles. Looked dumb as fuck.

Also had a couple of times when a literal 3D skybox appeared to hover in the air. Looked like something out of a Kubrick movie, but I'm not giving it any credit there.

Run likes crap and they are trying to silence anyone pointing how bad is compare to the last 2.

How does it compare to the stalker series? I enjoy the freedom and exploration of stalker and I didn't enjoy the first metro because of its linearity.

>can't put closed reflex on anything that actually needs it
>can't put 4x on Bulldog or Tikhar
>IR laser's existence
Some of the attachement choices in this game are baffling

What's the best way to get the good endings while still killing people?
I don't really wan't to have to try and go for some sort of full pacifist route without killing shit, I still want to kill stuff at times. Can I still get the good endings even if I kill people sometimes?

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CPY version on TPB by santanades legit?
Less than 300 seeds and 300 leech, no comments.

JESUS CHRIAST literally game journalist difficulty

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i can attest to fitgirl repack being legit
it's the original CPY release but compressed, so smaller download but a retarded install time

>Towards the end when you paddle through the section with the leeches straight out of the vault dwellers memoirs from Fallout 2
"Within a dark and forbidding Vault, where the walls dripped with human flesh, and the screams of the dying echoed through the halls, I found many evil creatures and mutants. The deeper into the Vault I went, the more gruesome the journey. More and more flesh was to be found, integrated into the very walls. The worst part of it was that the flesh was still alive, and even aware of my presence."
>The bunker full of former construction workers turned cannibals who pretended to be the government where it looked just like the D6 bunker but instead of bioweapons being the only thing down there it was human body parts
>The mad preacher who just wanted what was best for his people and legitimately feared you and let you through so you wouldn't hurt them
They nailed the characters and environments, and I just love this kind of game where the world is over, but government, industrial and military facilites are preserved for you to reactivate

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You can still kill people in open combat, but I think the difference is where you kill people in stealth instead of knocking them out

Not listed at all on TPB, what tracker?

Is it worth pirating?

yes i'm using TAA because SMAA looked too jaggied on 1080p
that's why, you're on 4k

You get 'freedom' in the sandbox sections but its pretty limited even then. And the rest of the game has never been as heavily linear.
More 'fresh' than Stalker as a shooter, but Stalker still beats it thoroughly as a game overall.

It's fine to shoot the bandits as long as they haven't surrendered. You'll get karma penalties if you kill them at that point.
Desert bandits use slaves as fighting fodder, I think it gives you negative for killing those.

Only way to be safe and not get random penalties is to kill no one.

don't kill villagers
don't kill the slaves
don't kill any of the forest people
you can kill everyone else unless they surrender

>game journalist difficulty
that's actually a funny definition for a difficulty mode and I hope it catches on

Is Ranger Hardcore worth it right on a first playthrough?

just google fitgirl repack

No. It's very mediocre.

You can kill all bandits always, when someone asks you go in stealthily/without killing anyone you sneak around and knock people out

not really, it starts to get into bullshit territory with the disabled quick save/load

pirate it you fucking puss

Some mediocre games are still worth playing for free, just worried about the reports of it being a poorly working console port

Meh, I wouldn't even worry about spiders, they are bros
we would never want to hurt a human bro only kill pest insects for them

just play normal hardcore

No, refer to
Also, the lack of autosaves couples with the bugs coupled with not knowing the game at all can be VERY frustrating

eyes what you did there

Don't even knockout surrendering enemies. That's a karma penalty.

This explains why I got the bad karma ending on the first part. I tended to knock out surrendering enemies just in case, and I did that to the cultists, so the game counted that as executions.

Autosave is horribly broken, it autosaves at the worst times.

>im-fucking-blying I am afraid to pirate it
why even waste my time, is obvious to me now this game is bugfugged to hell
playing it like that would just ruin my first experience with it if it ever got fixed
get fucked you retarded zoomer

*lack of manual saves

>You'll get karma penalties if you kill them at that point.

Fucking garbage. Apparently I played it pretty by the book because everyone keeps complimenting Artyom for being such a stand-up guy and how fucking awesome it was to have ''spared such and such'' and ''saved all the slaves'', and none of the crew are complaining about my ass, but it made me wonder what kind of lame-ass arbitrary systems were working behind the scenes to have the characters utter all that shit.

>oh boy going back into the metro!
>most of it is just walking with miller or paddling a boat
i'm actually glad they killed my desire to buy it

Attached: disgust.jpg (250x225, 8K)

Game crushes like crazy, to the point i have to restart my pc.

What am I in for? Got ~5hrs left

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Switch to dx11

This is unverified, conflicting reports on this. Killing them definitely gives you bad boy points though.

it cannot be overstated how shit those boat controls were (and how fervently you can be chased and shot at by those shrimp assholes while you straddle around at a snails' pace in those things)


A good metro game

In the options, duh

>Let's talk about the best game this year

Attached: residentevil2.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

Game runs at around 54 fps for me but then randomly drops down to 32 and sometimes freezes for 1~2 seconds every few minutes. What the fuck is this shit.

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I wanna see Stalker with these graphics

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cmon now, this is not goty this is by far the worst metro.

what the fuck they were thinking ?

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Damn, RAGE2 looks pretty cool.

the cannibal part was predictable as fuck, the horrible voice acting gave it away from the radio transmission.

Also what the fuck were they thinking in that section? It was way off tone and completely jumped the shark. Metro has always been a serious game but this felt like a cartoon.

look at this webm, how can you take this seriously?

that was a comfy moment

Attached: jumping the shark.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

could've potentially been good but is little less than a wallpaper change from Volga

It's worse than the original, but better than LL

That desert bit killed the game for me, I just got into the forest area and now I'm so fucking burned out from being in that boring ass desert and getting absolutely nothing for exploring any of it.

I lobbed a grenade into that crowd and it gave me an achievement for killing 90 cannibals

Yamantau was action schlock kino with great music, the twist was predictable, but I didn't expect them to be cannibals

I liked the desert part, was nice to see a different side of the former USSR

It was cool at first, but quickly became boring and ended up worse than Volga

Yeah it was alright action but completely off tone for the game it was in

pointlessly large, extremely awful mad max rip off
would rather have been able to do more in the forest area instead of sneaking past everything in 20 minutes just to get to a shitty boss fight

The game seemed to bug out for me at that point, the guy who was standing closer to them earlier was moving his gun like he was spraying them down but he wasn't actually firing the thing, they were just falling as if in a bad action movie.
It continued on the train, waves of zombies falling down but not that much gunfire happening.

your capture doesn't show how many of those faggots spawned in that moment

it was like in the 50's, if not more

>desert potatovan hits a sharp rock
>catapulted into the air
Hitting Russian levels of game here bois.

Why do retard devs think that removing advanced graphics setting is a good idea?

How did so many even survive when they are literally brain damaged drooling mongoloids?
Makes no sense.
Also having all those corpses just rotting away inside made no sense when they were supposed to eat them.
This whole level was a joke.

Sounds familiar.

Attached: ukrainian space program.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

>new game comes out
>it's GOTY
every time.
kill yourself, faggot.

You did stay for tea, right user ?

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any of you got tips on disabling the post processing? cause i swear that shit makes the game twice as bright as it should be

eh, fuck

guess I'm gonna play again before I get the entire thing spoiled for me

Gotta admit, I fucking loved the last drive in the end, with the music and all.

You can try forcing it through gpu driver settings.

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The longer battery upgrade seems to actually make the battery have a shorter charge when testing it with the NV, what other upgrades don't actually do what they say? And why would they add upgrades that are not only completely useless but will probably be picked up by most players near the end of the game (more medkits/filters, sturdy gasmask and a better flashlight)?

>kill everyone
>don't even realize there is a moral system
>get bad end


actual GOTYAY though, 10/10 game

Checkpoint system is really fucking dumb. Playing through on ranger hardcore and I'm trying to steal the barge stealthily but it made a checkpoint since Anna called me RIGHT before they turn around to spot me so I am caught no matter what. The only way to avoid this is to restart the entire fucking chapter over.

That doesnt look like Miller what the fuck

>Also, did the cannibal bunker take anyone else by surprise? Like what the actual fuck.
They couldn't have made it more obvious that something bad was going to happen.

I learned from the Redux not to play ranger, I prefer not to randomly die in cutscenes because I missed an invisible prompt.

I agree though, I had to restart the fucking desert chapter after I hit a checkpoint with the map out while driving and it turned out the game can't handle loading that.

Oh, that retarded shit is back? Fucking canadians, that shit is spread across the globe.

I hope you cucks went with Russian voiceovers. Sam's glorious American accent is kino.

>Fucking canadians
I cannot even imagine how you would've reached this conclusion.

>Also, did the cannibal bunker take anyone else by surprise?
I expected something fucked up but kinda wanted the surprise twist of the place being fine but under heavy pressure.

I did not expect that the Joker from Batman had taken over the place and turned it into a comedy sketch.

Yeah, I didn't know good boy points were a thing, apparently you need to non-lethal takedowns and avoid killing neutral/friendly targets

Ikr, how the fuck do you go from THIS to THAT?

Attached: Isaac_DS2.jpg (250x405, 21K)

even todd howard and betheshit would have been able to do something better with the taiga setting and the story there
what the fuck was that?
>these people are obviously not bad so you better crouch walk past them
>you do this just to get to a shitty boss fight

the whole area seems to be rushed as fuck with tons of shit cut, most noticeable the irradiated dam water
>olga baby i'll come back one day and we'll bang ok?
>zip lines away
jesus christ

Can I still get good ending if my teammates are gonna go rambo on the barge guys? I haven't killed anyone besides bandits so far or is my game completely fucked now that these barge guys will die to my teammates?

They were eating refugees who kept coming to this bunker for shelter. And leadership wasnt that degraded as low level staff, "doctor" and those few officers in command were the ones luring people in. Also its funny what they turned into cannibals because corrupt goverment simply didnt fill stockpile with enough food before war. But I agree it was kinda cheesy level overall

i killed a few village guards at the start, killed every bandit unless they surrendered, ended up killing all the barge people and got a "good ending" for that area
i also found the guitar and teddy so I reckon those are more important

It really feels like this game is setting up for LL-style side story DLC, like for Miller getting the maps in Novosibirsk or Alyosha going back to the dam to check on it

did anyone experience buggy hitboxes? sometimes i would shoot at enemies in the head and the shot would go past them or would just disappear entirely.

Is it food?

is it worth getting the game on pc and how long is it to beat.

pirating, sure
buying full price no, even if it wasn't on the chink spyware store
it's a very average, 0 replayability single player game

What kind of mouthbreather plays shooter games on console?

Either your weapon was dirty (accuracy handicap) or it was a buggy ledge/handrail or smth.

The Karma system is fucking retarded, I stealthed everything, did all the sidequests, saved all the prisoners, haven't killed a single trader/fanatic and STILL got the "bad end" for Volga

You'll be busy for a few days.

I imagine you can fuck up at least one stealth section assuming you do all the side content and save everyone else while making sure to knock people out as often as possible.

Is the AK 2012 in this game? Is the gun selection even close to the previous titles?

How can I tell at the end of a chapter if I did it morally good? Or do I just have to play till the end of the game and hope for the best. I heard I have to keep my team together by the end of the game?

"Canadian" is a state of mind.

there's about 10 guns, and there is an AK early on in the game

Give me a good reason not to blow his brains out right there and now.

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This entire game looks like an ok made mod for Fallout 4.

Don't mean to be pressing, but that's a no to the AK 2012 then?

killing the explicitly bad humans is fine, if they surrender you can knock them out
if one of your friends asks you to find something get it for them
if someone says to not kill certain things on a mission, don't kill them
crouch walk the entire taiga chapter

you don't get to see bare titties in his not mad max fortress
jesus christ the whole story of that area wasn't even subtle with the rip offs

Not that guy but there's the Bulldog, which is kinda reminiscent of the AK 2012.

If you get a "bad end" for a section one of your crew mates leaves/dies
Nope and nope
They fell for the "muh weapon mods tho" meme
The biggest crime is that they PRETEND those weapons are in, just look at the weapon class trailers, they're actually cringe

Had it happen to me on a stealth pistol shot. Bandit had questionable headwear, probably didn't register as a headshot because of it.

when he said he was the duke, i instantly killed him. then i reloaded to see what he had to say and killed him anyway because he wouldnt stop fucking talking.

I fucking hated the weapon wear system, on ranger hardcore it feels like your weapon is completely full of shit after firing one mag.

closest thing

Did you kill bandits after they surrendered?

Killing bad people is haram after they have put their arms up in the air user. When they do that it is your duty as a Paladin of the Wastelands to let them go and turn a new leaf in life.

Speaking of radio, I wish you could use the one on your map.
They could have made it like Fallout 4 where you can find old emergency broadcast from old bunkers and go investigate on your own.
The game is great but you can tell it's taking baby steps toward the open world game style.

There is no AK 2012 or VSS. They added the Bulldog which is a bullpup AK and its pretty good.

There isn't a Saiga or a heavy Shotgun but you get a Saiga Magazine and a Box Magazine for the Shambler. The revolver is the only handgun again, and there is no Duplet, but you can modify the Ashot into an over under double barrel. There's also a 4 barrel mod but its a shorter barrel than the double.

No 2012 or VSS are what bummed me out the most. I would have liked to have seen at least 1 other pistol.

tl;dr There are less guns in general but the customization options kind of even it out.

It's too short to have a more realistic system

im gonna shamefully say that i dont know how to pirate games anymore. i havent pirated a thing for the past 6 years or so. last thing i remember was on pirate bay. but since where i live (im a french leaf) if your internet provider know you pirate stuff or even watch movies on a streaming site you can get in trouble. i got a coworker who got in trouble for downloading game of throne. he needed to pay about 600$ or go to jail. so yeah that suck

Do I have to progress the story or can I miss it?
I got the maps with me and need to head back to the train.

No, I knocked them out too.
The only "bad" thing I did is knock out the father & son listening to music near the terminal because they were armed and I thought they were the same as the paladins in the church

Yeah, still fucking hated it.

there's something but it bares little resemblance to the one form older games. no more p90 mag has this annoying charge up delay when you start to shoot.


>i dont know how to pirate games anymore


just google fitgirl repacks or smth

>tl;dr There are less guns in general but the customization options kind of even it out.
not really
the new gun selections a straight downgrade from the older games.

They actually won't kill you if you holster your gun and turn your flashlight off. You have a pretty interesting conversation, then when you leave the son shoots the radio because "tech heresy".

The game was sucking pretty hard until that little girl Nastya showed up. Her voice actor really carried the game from there.

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I'm on ranger hardcore and I haven't experienced this at all.

I clean my weapon maybe once every couple of hours and it's fine. Lowest I've seen is one gun at 25%.

search fitgirl repack, 32gb download, long install time but it's safe and it's the CPY crack
it has direct download links as well, which don't bring jewberg lawyers

What's up with la creaturas and fitgirl repacks? Do they realize it's faster and easier to downloaded an unpacked game with a crack and just straight install it without waiting for an hour for repack to finish unpacking?

Theres only like 4 actual guns that aren't in the game though. You can make a Saiga or Heavy Auto Shotgun with those magazines and I personally like the double barrel Ashot better than the Duplet. Now 2012 or VSS is fucking lame though.

I didn't like cleaning it, but the jamming mechanic worked fine I thought

Are you playing in English?

thx friendo. i usually dont mind buying games but been a little short on money for the next few months and wanting to play some games this thing is gonna help me to scratch an itch

Oh yeah

It's unironically for third worlders. Shaving off 1/3rd of the file size could very well mean an entire day or two of less downloading.

>Heavy Auto Shotgun
You can't. There's no 40rnd box or full auto conversion or burst fire for the Shambler.
Also, side-by-side > over-under, so I would rather have a duplet with an option for 4 barrels

All the voice acting in Russian is great desu.

Do you realize that the countries you're referring to as the 3rd world have pretty fast internet speed generally?

ashots nothing like the duplet. key point of the duplet was you can fire both barrels at the same time and cant iron sight it. the bastards still there but a bastard with pistol ammo isnt the same.

It's shit actually

I just hope we get a new dlc area like the volga only less water

Did you nearly get spotted in the bridge stealth part? As in the guy looked your way but you knocked him out quickly so he didn't raise the alarm?

I disagree, the engineer and Anna in particular, stand out.

Sam, too.

it offers direct downloads
not every country can be switzerland, some of us would still prefer to not have a strongly worded letter arrive from the ISP

Yeah, happened with the last one on the stairs
Artyom's is utter garbage, Miller tries too hard to sound old and badass, Anna switches between lifeless and soinding like a naive 16yr old.

The jamming part was fine, yeah. Found that part of it kinda cool. My gripe was with the degradation working way too fast on ranger hardcore for my liking

Did this come out? I didn't see it on the Steam front page.

I really enjoyed the game, but I wish they would have pushed it back a year to really flesh it out and make it great. So much could have been improved and built upon, it feels disappointing in a lot of ways. You barely get to use the cross bow if you want the good ending, some story points were glossed over, demons were a joke, there weren't that many mutants in general. If they make another game, I hope they focus less on the big open levels and make better, more linear levels.

>Yeah, happened with the last one on the stairs
Same thing happened with me. This is the trigger that fucked both our runs then. Was a good boy, but a """"non-stealth"""" approach on the bridge part voids the karma system entirely and gives you the bad ending, so almost being spotted there counted as the exact same as going in guns blazing and eating their children.

also, the bear fights were a joke, you can just dodge it, then walk backwards while shooting it with anything and eventually kill it


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They don't eat sick people.
Ark was easily the lowest part of all 3 games. I think if it was like 15-20 minutes longer, entirely of spooky empty Ark exploration it would have been fine. It happened too fast. You go in, elevator, ambush, shooting gallery for 10 minutes, escape.

I would have preferred some crazies rebelling and wanting to go outside, opening it up believing the command are lying, and mutants pouring in and killing everyone. Still needing the information, you go in and explore. Maybe have a unique mutant too. The radio message could have been an emergency message on repeat.

The officers in the bunker were fine, the general staff had kuru or something and were basically pawns for them. They repaired the radios and broadcasted telling everyone to come to the bunker for protection. That's when they killed and ate them.

crack came out a few days ago so now everyone can play it without installing chink spyware

The game is cracked get a torrent client and pirate it

so what happened with the dark ones

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i agree Dead City gave us the old school Metro vibe from 2033

How do I get to the fucking lighthouse, the big metal door is closed

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they probably realized trying to befriend humanity was a stupid and pointless exercise and finally fucked off out of the metro.

Cave underneath where the vehicles are parked

anybody else bored to tears trudging around getting the occasional 'guy comes on the radio and gives you a quest'

i think i fucking hate open world games.

game would have been so much better with a few pit stop levels or something, small linear levels where you have to go collect something and you dont have to worry about not killing people so you get the good ending

Make sure your flashlight trigger isn't stuck on the car before going too far.

>no sleeping spider room
Could've had a great callback to Bloodsucker lair but nooooo

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>favorite character
>favorite area
>favorite mutant
>favorite weapon

moscow - good opening, yep the AI is still garbage
volga - still pretty good, everything about the boat is fucking bad
bunker - yea that wasn't obvious
caspian - oh it's mad max, pointlessly large area
taiga - anything that could have been interesting about this chapter is negated by the game basically insisting that you crouch walk through it in 20 minutes, also jesus fuck that boss fight was awful

i would have regretted buying it full price on steam

Nah man don't tell him, let him have his fun with his lighter.

>they're all shit, but if I had to choose it would be the dick gorillas
>R A I L G U N

i ran through the bridge punching people in the face and still got the good ending. maybe its cause i got the guitar and teddy.

What railgun?

Speaking of the railgun, it sounds silly to ask, but is it a loud or quiet gun?

>best game of the year
Let's not get excited. It's a game


I did too. I give up on reasoning it then, game just decided to give my efforts the finger.
Which is what I did too, uninstalled after the Baron.

It’s a Tikhar upgrade.

The epilogue of Dead City was a perfect send off for the franchise.

The one you get from Miller
It's loud

I know that it's a Tikhar upgrade, but I was just wondering if anyone knew.

The gorilla sequence was too spooky, I rushed through it.

As a russian I think hohols did a pretty good job, even if they filled the game with some petty butthurt

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Just shoot them with the railgun dude
It stunlocks them

I don't remember the game mentioning Ukraine once.

it's a loud steel ball gun upgrade
you'll have use it for all of 10 minutes to fight off a bunch of nostralis and then go back to rifle style to shoot some giant worms and wall spores

The developers are ukranians and have put some ukr butthurt here and there

Yeah, I just don't remember them mentioning Ukraine a single time.

Been playing for 3 hours so far
Very well crafted game, not without issues of course but it's obvious the developers put some genuine effort into it
First game I actually feel bad for pirating, 4A Games truly deserves my shekels, sadly, Deep Silver and Epic Games do not

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I felt so bad for him.

You might rethink that after about an hour in the desert map

The mutants have such generic designs.

Watchers and humanimals are some of the most bland and boring enemies in any video game. The shit AI doesn’t help.

So what you're saying is that you never played a Metro game before.

I was actually looking forward to the desert level, very alien concept for a metro game, what makes it so bad?

Not him but some ruskies got mad there is a cheevo for tearing with bullets a Lenin statue. Some faggots ranted like a day on the steam forum about it but it's not like Metro blantantly potrayed the communists leaders as borderline absolute assholes at times, especially in LL where they want to use a virus to kill lord knows how many people for D6. Or the For the Forth Reich in general, side from some who help you if you spare them. Blindly following bloodthirsty authoritarians isnt something both the games and the novels were really fond of.

Desert level are just inherently bad.

It's big, empty, a chore to traverse and boring

My shitbox only has an i5 4440 and R9 280. Am I going to be able to run this at all?

A bit too big, bumpy offroads making the vehicle traversal not great. Its not as bad as people are making it out to be but its not a great area.

Did they ever patch it on PS4? Im waiting on a sale to get an extra discount with GCU and want it on PS4 but probably will go xbox

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>give main character a voice during narration moments
>make him a mute during actual gameplay

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Have you played the last games or atleast read a recap of the plot? A huge element of the overall story is that Artyom has to learn to not instantly judge and act without tought or remorse.
In 2033 you were encouraged to listen to what enemy factions talked to with each other and avoid them if possible, killing as few as you could. Exploring and finding things in the world, or sticking around to allies chatting and dumping their shitty opinions was rewarded as you showed you gave a shit about what was going on. LL aded a knock out thing to avoid killing altogether. In Exodus you can kill in self defense bandits and shit who are blantantly bad people , but regular folks like the Volga fisher wankers and the Forrest Children are a big no no, latter for being just innocent people and the former because you cant really judge them for being apeshit nuts due to how they were raised. The karma system isnt perfect in Exodus (avoiding spoilers) but the gyst is basically that as Miller states, the Order was made to save people.

Taiwan cash square

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Honestly I dont know what hohols have exactly against Lenin, he was a pretty chill dude and died long before any communist "crimes" happened. It looks like silly padding because hohols started tearing down Lenin statues in 2014 at the same time the studio ran from the country too

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They did the same for the previous two games, maybe they just wanted to stay consistent dunno. Though IMO might as well make him fully voiced since it's a linear game and not an RPG. I'm not too fond of silent protagonists when there isn't really a good reason for it.

blatantly mad max story line, specifically Fury Road
map is large simply because they wanted to add a car, there is not much to explore compared to volga
exploring some areas too early might cause you to not be able to complete side missions
the car makes it very boring

I played the first two yeah. I just never really paid attention to the karma system.

For anyone having problems with stutters or min-freezes, enable DX12. It actually fixed the problems for me.

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>He installed Win10

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I loved this part, I accidentally wandered in without realizing that's where I actually needed to go so i just chilled with him for the 10 minutes until he fell asleep
and of course I drank his bro tea

How about playing above 60 FPS like us humans for once?

So what exactly is up the the spatial audio thing?
You need a surround system for it, right? I trying it on my Stereo speakers and it still seems to somewhat work, if anything it just boosts the audio a lot more and it's easier to tell from which side the audio comes from, left or right.

Is there a torrent yet

The doctor was a trash tier villain
Atleast we got this.

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So this is how circumcision feels like

One of the only cool things about the desert for me was finding the real baron near the start, but then I got confused because it literally didn't matter in any way no matter what you choose to do

do i need to play the other ones to play exodus?

It would be extremely helpful

Think it's gonna take some time until I'm going to play this game, can someone spoil me the plot per each area what happens in each

Shame that guy bugged out for me so I couldn't get to hear his monologue.

In Moscow you find out that radio jammers have been hiding the fact that the outside world isn't dead and you end up stealing a train to leave
Then you come across some cultists guarding a bridge and have to do a few missions to fix the train and get across the bridge
Then you reach the government bunker which is supposed to be a safe haven but it's actually filled with cannibals and you have to shoot your way out
Then you go to the desert to try and find a satellite map to find a new place to settle but you also have to deal with bandits who have been keeping slaves because you need water and coal
Then you go to the valley which is supposed to be safe but it's full of grown up schoolchildren who are afraid of outsiders and their teacher left them so you have to try and escape, and also there's a dam about to blow and dump a bunch of radioactive water into the area
Then you and Miller go to try and get medicine for Anna from whichever city it is and if you get the good ending then miller dies to save you and you become commander of the order and find a nice place to settle with the survivors

The MC on Exodus is the same guy from other Metros?

Not even close to the best game of the year

>the real baron
if you melee him he remembers that hes not the actual baron

Well shit i wish i'd tried that instead of just shooting him or leaving him

will killing those soldiers from the very first section of the game effect my karma points?

>change graphics from ultra to extreme
>fps drops from 60 to 10

Bad boy. -10 karma points. That teaches you for using your guns when you also had cans for the diplomacy option.

pls respond

Yes but he's half-alien after the last game.

There is a good reason why you shouldn't hold a revolver like that.

Taiga and Caspian should have been switched in terms of leniarity, length and size. Have them break down in the desert, fine. But make it a straightforward heist of fuel and water tankers. Then a longer storyline in Taiga.

How big is the dead city in the end, from what I understood Volga, Caspian and Taiga are the big sandboxy levels and rest are traditional metro style.

You know it has a stock, right?

no he becomes a cyborg retard

Yes, just like the aliens. The parts they installed after they abducted him and did the surgery on him.

>whichever city

It's linear, you do almost all of it down in the metro of the city and then some stuff in the last building. The whole thing doesn't take very long but I still liked the feel of it more than the other areas aside from the dream sequence parts courtesy of radiation poisoning

It is more like metro, but you spend a lot of time on a really shitty boat. Volga is the best open area. Caspian is the longest, most boring and largest. Taiga is a large, linear level that encourages you to do nothing but crouch walk to the end of it despite offering some fairly interesting things that should have been explored more.

Sorry bro I never once actually paid attention to which city it was aside from knowing it wasn't Moscow

Shame the valley is doomed to become an irradiated deathzone once the dam breaks, area was comfy as fuck save the water monsters.

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I basically accidentally finished Taiga because I kept thinking it'd hit a part where the rest of the squad would show up and you'd start doing actual missions in the area so I hardly explored at first since I was waiting to get my other guns back

So was Russia the bad guys or the US?

Or were both governments irredeemable shit?

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Considering WW3 happened in 2013, it was Obama and Hillary doing their usual thing.

Is someone else almost unable to tell what's happening at certain times?
I'm on that scene where you first get into the train right now, the combination of motion blur, FOV and all that shit on your mask just takes me out of the whole thing. It's almost as if I'm getting motion sickness, I'm looking at the screen but I can barely tell what's happening at times.

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That's why you befriend the based Admiral and let him keep the aquas at bay

I really liked the concept of traveling by train
If they were to revisit the concept, it would be awesome to like travel by boat via the countless rivers and canals in the former USSR, maybe go check out some naval bases like in Murmansk or Sevastopol where you could find submarines and shit

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That was a huge bummer

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Fucking loved this game like both the others. Gladly awaiting dlc. PC fats who bitch and moan about epic should an hero.
Fav train moment?
> smoke breaks with krest

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cylinder gap burns the shit out of your hand though everyones got gloves so non issue.

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It's a gas seal revolver.

Anyone know the original source for these?

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Based on Nagant revolver with is gas sealed.

New Siberia

its not. nagants are but the 44 revolver in metro has nothing to do with them.

I'm like 75% done with the game and i'm really starting to regret playing it on spartan. Fuck those forest camps

I thought the Ark worked fine as a way of breaking the game flow for a side attraction.

It is. A gas seal is literally the only way to silence a revolver.

no matter how much you say it is the ammo itself looks nothing like ammo that has a gas seal and every ingame version of the revolver has cylinder gap.

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Imagine how massive their bushes must be

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The poster from 86 is american though but there's no source about it anywhere on the internet so far.

performance issues are due to denuvo, pirate it and the game runs fine.

I sat down for a bit and killed him before I left for the better, felt bad for the guy

Slavs are always the bad guys

Just finished the game today and shed manly tears over the ending, it was the good one too

Damn, it feels conclusive though, like we don't need more sequels

>mega cutie anna
>last level
>catfish or the super bear
>super shambler

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>you have to use two keys to look everything

Who thought this was a good idea?

I beat 2033 and LL on Ranger. How hard is this game and should I do Ranger Hardcore on my first run?

I mean

No access to quick saves makes it really tedious, I am playing on Hardcore. I actually started over since I got annoyed with the lack of quick saves on Ranger Hardcore

Fucking do it.
People who call the AI dumb didn't play on it.
Remember the early gameplay footage from the crane where a guy picked off all the enemies from the distance one by one without getting a scratch since there were pretending to be retarded?
I did this right now during the night and had to rerty 5 times because these fuckers headshotted me almost instantly as soon as I peeked out for an inch.

So exactly how long does the game take to finish? Lots of people I've seen so far said you can finish it in about 2~3 days.
Are the open-world maps actually making it longer and more fun?

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Game autosaves at the worst places. I even saw it autosave while I was falling to my death.

the game still feels linear it def doesn't feel open world, it's just like stalker if you've played that, there's not a ton of backtracking cept on the mad max level, unless you for some reason chose to

imo it was done to reflect the freedom leaving the metro offers and its a fine decision, as for how long to finish it was 20 hours for me

think it could be done in a day(six hours or less) if you rushed it. 2-3 days playing normally seems right.

Make Volga 6x bigger and make the entire game take place there, it would have been better

>be a spec ops soldier who's only purpose is to act as a damsel in distress
>fall in an ammo dump because the plot needs to move forward
>have an obvious sickly cough that nobody addresses
>game tries to give you some characterization but you're just a shallow slav waifu
>don't let anyone know you're dying to prevent early treatment
>begin to die
>lungs described as falling apart but a convenient green shot will somehow repair them
>get the shot and live while your father dies and your husband will likely drop dead relatively soon due to exposure to extreme radiation
>oh and I guess we found a new home, roll credits

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Should I even use M+K in this game? Some key placements are super awkward like, using L. How is Xbone controller?

nah, Artyom is one tough fucker, prob has some telepathic dark one blessing, even Katya comments he shouldn't even have been alive

it's an fps game, what do you think?

Depends entirely how you want to play it, there are so many parts that are optional or where fighting is optional. If it wasn't for the unskippable dialogue and cutscenes the game could be finished in 2 hours.

>>lungs described as falling apart but a convenient green shot will somehow repair them
green shot wasnt for anna
greenstuff was antirad
supermeds was something else. theres a video audio log in that level. saying how miraculous it is.

So the whole Dark Ones plot was just dropped? What about the mutants and shit? From what I've seen the main mutant enemies are just human zombie shit in this game.

Also, so the rest of the world still exists outside of Russia, and it was just Russia that got the shit nuked out of it?

>So the whole Dark Ones plot was just dropped?
They're dead dude. Literally went extinct. Arytom nuked them all to hell.

everything got nuked, but there's still survivors in other countries ofc, the best off is prob some African jungle tribes lol but no doubt they have to deal w mutants too, dark one plot isn't brought up

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The desert level was SHIT. Almost ended my playthrough. Tree nigger level was at least a little better

P sure in the canon 2034 ending some survive? The d6 ones, and they set off to settle somewhere else, who knows, for me the dark one plot should have been left in 2033

Headshot him with my revolver before he even said a word. No idea what he was even about, don't care now he's a corpse slumped over in his cripple chair

>Also, so the rest of the world still exists outside of Russia
unconfirmed. radio signals exist however just cause they have radios doesnt mean america wasnt nuked and is perfectly fine.
returning mutants are the scorpion spiderbugs, demons, shrimps, and the bear. the new mutants are just watered down versions of the old like not nosaliss, not librarians, not ghouls

when will you zoomers stop spreading false info, cracking the game does not remove denuvo, it only bypasses the legit checks

bad boy. -20 karma points for you

obv it's all nuked, if it wasn't miller's fear of nato troops in Russia would have been real, Russia had more nukes than any one else, there's also these metro spinoff books about the apocalypse in other countries that are worth a read

The entire time I was just wishing they had simply copied STALKER whole sale instead of going 40% the way there. Would love STALKER with these graphics, cool train mobile fortress, and playing someone other than "Fat Fuck" Artyom who moves like a quadriplegic asthmatic

The textures/models/lighting in this game are fucking INSANE on PC extreme settings.

I usually find a way to zoom in with binoculars or whatever in games to see at which point the textures break down and become blurry. I do it on character's faces, do it on wall textures and shit.

This must be the first game where i do that and instead of everything breaking down in to a muddy mess the textures actually look more detailed unpon closer inspection.

Graphically, this is how the ps4/xbox one generation of games should have looked. Every other release ive seen looks like an upscaled ps3/360 game where details like that do break down even on highest PC setting.

This easily the best graphics in a game to date.

This is like this generation's Crysis in terms of graphic capibilities

Who else wishes you could have threatened the valley with blowing up the rest of the dam?

what even caused the nuke exchange in the metro series?


russian and americans just being their normal retard selves

I played it on medium due to weak cpu and mid range gpu and it still looked good and ran great, impressive optimization especially for a 1.0 patch, I hope 4A are successful even through deep silvers retarded greedy decisions

I couldn't bring myself to kill a single one of those manchildren

now that's not explained, ww3 shenanigans, the nuke scenes always look cool though

>Going north at night

Jesus Christ that was fucking tense, i mean, i know its all scripted, but wow

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based 4A games

>kill everyone I come across in the forest level thus far
>big titty forest girl acts like I din do nuffin after the first bear attack
>end of the level suddenly reacts to me genociding the valley
Wow. Much script. Epic.

Something about them desperately setting their own nukes flying as the enemy ones are hitting the city in a last ditch attempt at payback is just beautiful

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sup faggots, i have a question
Once the main story objective are completed in a level, can you choose when to leave?
I'm wondering if I can complete the story objectives first and do the sweep-every-area-clean autismathon after.

I thought this was an Epic Store exclusive but it's available on The Pirate Bay.

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Metro Exodus is Super Kino!

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pretty sure the cannon ending is almost ll bad ending. with the only difference being not everyone died. if the good ending was cannon they should have still controlled d6 and it not be a debacle.

fuck what is this and where do i know it from? pretty sure its not stalker.

The train was supremely comfy

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Ironicallythe band is actually called Kino.
Meme magic is happening.

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Metro was good but I'd still put this over it.

Sam was the ultimate bro tier char

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Oh boy, post-apocalyptic unshowered gay buttsex. I love it.

Its impossible that you're serious. Unless you're driven by nostalgia alone.

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loved both, but exodus was better, good releases so far this year

nah heard it in some russian movie i think

got a question a about blood transfusion
not sure how this blood type stuff work, but doesn't getting transfusions from multiple different blood types fuck you up even if you are an universal recipient?

It's also very rare you would transfuse whole blood, but they're Russian so whatever.

I liked how you just went through the areas and didn't solve their problems. In 2033 and LL you kinda just solve everyone's problems as you go. You leave the leader of the cult intact, there is a 700 man war band still in the desert coming back from raiding, and the valley people are literal man-children and might die from the dam anyways

game looks good, but I didn't really enjoy the story or the HOLD E, for me it is M:2033>M:LL>M:E

anyone ?

about the ending
was the gorilla psychic due to radiation bullshit? or did I just encounter an anomaly and weird shit started to happen

The world constantly changes with no warning as you complete main story objectives. When you do the last one you always auto-leave. So no.

fuck this shit with a stick
what retard thinks this makes a game better?

But LL story was even worse.
At least they fixed the gameplay somewhat in Exodus. Still miss my manual knife, equiptable throwables and manual takedowns though. Fuck controllers and fuck consoles.

well, fuck. thanks
getting the passenger carriage isn't the point of no return for the Volga level, right?

does the crack use the shitty non patched steam version?

I hear that has terrible performance

No it was a sidequest..

>Best game of this year
No. I love it, but it's got way too many frustrating and unpolished elements that are barely offset by what it does good.

pretty sure it's about the controller running out of buttons

Best bro in the squad. Russian voice actor even got the american rooskyi accent right.

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>for me it is M:2033
that's because you're still stuck in the coming of age part of your life so you resonate with it more
it's great that they brought back bourbon in the bad ending, imo best part of the 1st game

>your lifelong bro abandons you and everyone else who he owes his entire existence for some desert pussy he met 2 days ago so he can spend the rest of his short life in a terrible Mad Max ripoff

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mine didn't run off :^)

performance is good.

enjoy that bad ending you murderer

The story can just stop progressing when you're by the entrance to the Caspian Sea cave and you have to restart the whole fucking chapter.

basically every friend with his first girlfriend does this to you, it's life, literally

The good ending requires you to listen to these assholes talk and it goes on for hours holy shit they never shut up. I have an attentionspan but nothing they're saying is interesting in the slightest and the voice acting is terrible on top of that

lies and slander

I'm pretty sure there just happened to be a few blind king kongs there and you're dealing with them in the middle of tripping on radiation poisoning

I couldn't bring myself to kill kotfish. He be a gud boi.

i didn't think of that, the game really has a lot of buttons
thanks, console faggots

Who is this guy? He's an American, how the fuck did he get to the metro?

Uhh.... guys I think I broke something.

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your gpu is melting

I was incredibly lucky
my cpy 1.0 copy was extremely smooth runny and relatively bug free
I only encountered the flashlight bug during the desert, which was easily fixable, no crashes either

Artyom... lay off the radiation...

Far Cry New Dawn looks weird.

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if you listened he was a marine stationed at the us embassy who made it to the metro when the bombs fell. russian mob was beating him up in the metro. then miller saved him.

I picked up gatling and scrapped my trusty AK. It was horrible.

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the ak in this game was so much worse than it was in the previous games

>made ammo more plentiful than previous games
>but made the guns fucking worthless
Shit trade off. Make it like it was

i dont know who to believe

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Your GPU is failing. This isn't very interesting, just annoying. Go order a new one before you can't see anything on screen.

So all major governments and militaries are dead basically right?

You would think places like South America (Chile specifically) and Nepal would have come out pretty clean

If Sam ever did come across US forces it would probably be a pretty awkward encounter

Is this the abysmal burger internet I've heard about

The english voiceover is legit as far as it can be from the original russian lines, I understand both languages and passed the game on russian voices and english text. It's not Dostroyevsky but you miss out on a huge amount of quips and in general idioms and other expressions that either get removed completely or end up being replaced by something generic and out of context, very often a character would just say something random in the middle of a story and I had to reload a save and actually listen to the full conversation in both languages to confirm how stupid it is in english, it doesn't make any sense at all some of the casual conversations in the aurora are just random strings of sentences at some points but I guess FPS players so it's whatever they ran with it. It's a really great shame because, especially every line from Miller, delivers a very strong and memorable conviction of character and the overall impression you're left with all the characters, even the "annoying" ones like Admiral go from lolsorandumb teaweed lmao in the english dub to - this was actually ohyenno experience.

so is the admiral just dead

When Damir asks Sam what the NATO troops look like, and then Sam wonders if he'll remeber how to speak English even though his VA is speaking English with a generic American accent. Got a good chuckle from that.

>look up how to save duke
>don't kill people in the church: done
>don't kill people on the ship: done
>don't kill people in the outpost after the ship: done
>duke still dies
Fuck this game.

Didn't you stay with him until he went to sleep? He's just taking a nap

>Steve Blum ruminates and how to speak English while sounding exactly as Spike-ish as he always has
Along with the Hollywood movie "russian" accents it just didn't make any sense.

is this Far Cry: New Dawn?

yeah but I doubt the lady went back for him before they left

There have been reports that the Good Boy Points system can get easily bugged.

haven't finished the game yet but there's an American flag on the Volga level, what's with that?

Russian VA does a better job at capturing the American Russian accent.
And Steve Blum does the same tough guy voice in every videogame he's in.

Oh yeah odds are once the dam gives out he would just die since he knew nothing about it and he wasn't even in contact with the others anymore

literally play for another 2 hours and you'll find out

>In order to complete this chapter positively, it is enough not to kill civilians, surrendering enemies and hostages, respectively. This is especially true of the passage of the Church of the sectarians. If you killed at least one innocent in the church, you can restart the chapter. Whatever good things you do after, this will inevitably lead to a bad ending of the chapter.

The book hints that places like the US Midwest and Africa were most likely largely untouched.

But the Midwest is surrounded by mutants and Africa is Africa, so.

Most likely the only thing Africa noticed was their GIBSMEDAT stopped showing up. Nothing else changed.

Bros I have a CPY copy from a private tracker. Is it safe?

I killed 3 people in the church and still got the good ending. I did all the side quests, freed a couple fanatics captured by bandits, approached villagers with my gun bolstered, and just ghosted the dock workers and bridge people.

>Anna cutscene
>get depressed
i just want a gf

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You can kill people in the church as long as you let them surrender, just not the civilians.

bitch Lenin started the "Terrors" and was okay with them.

i killed 6 or so people in the church before they started surrendering still got the good end. murdered the shit out of the traders boat too.

When did this YA franchise get so big?

Most of the material the author presents is an autobiography with a metro gimmick and tons of self-inserts in-between mixed with common post apocalyptic tropes that were explored more thorough and much better in other franchises.

I just want a train

As someone who likes closure in games, endings like Metro: Exodus really annoy me. It's not a cliffhanger nor vague enough to really set up a sequel but also not that rewarding. Kind of felt the ending was just "congrats games over".

It's been said already but the autosaves are pretty fucking awful. I got a really amazing autosave while I was vaulting up something. I reloaded to the auto after because I accidentally shot and alerted everyone. The autosave had me hardstuck in my vaulting position and I couldn't move at all. If I didn't quicksave 5 minutes prior I guess my save would have just been over.

I didn't kill anyone in the church though, just knocked them out. I did unload a mag into a random bandit that tried to surrender, but I didn't realize he was surrendering until later on, when another one did it.
So duke dies because I shot some random guy that tried to shoot me. Fucking goodboy points. If I get locked out of a good ending because of this I'm gonna fucking scream.

India and Pakistan nuking eachother first

Your graphics card might be literally melting but it sure is going out fabulously

Literally just beat it a few minutes ago. Best game of the year? Fuck no. It was okay though. They went full on poor man's cinematic STALKER. The ending was rushed as fuck though. Got the good End

This thread convinced me to pirate it, thanks OP.

I'm playing on hardcore. I think it as a mistake. They don't mark points of interest on your map. And I'm already at desert. Fuuuuuck, should've gone with normal

Nobody has been able to give me a reason why the jammers are there and from who.

The best I've got is book answers that don't work in the game.

Yeah, it really wasn't very satisfying. Sure Anna and Artyom both survive and he implies they're gonna have kids, but at the same time he says some bullshit about starting the Order on a world level?

CIA niggers

duke died, it's already for you

*over for you

>he implies they're gonna have kids
I seriously doubt her womb would work after the space cancer

They literally said multiple times in the game the jammers were there so that they could play dead in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Don't forget, he almost killed himself to get the both of them space chemo

It did that after sleeping until morning at a safe house. I'm playing on an xbox one x, so I think it will be fine.

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Yes, and who set them up?

That works in the book when the government actually is still at Yamantau and the war actually still is going on.

It doesn't work when Yamantau is actually just cartoon cannibals.

In both endings people you spent 3 games with basically tell you to wake up and get your shit together, it's meta but only if you pay attention, especially when Miller speaks to you at the end. There's a small hint to players that pay attention, at the end a lot of people think it's a hallucination but it's not, Miller takes off his helmet in the car and everything you hear in the end is what he tells you on his dying breath. He basically tells you to be at peace with yourself and get your shit together, Anna is Anna for Artyom, but Anna is your dream and ambition for the player, protect it, sacrifice for it, work to keep it. And the baikal lake, it's a new home for Artyom, but for you it's the place you need to get yourself to- to be whole. Life is fleeting, step up, lead yourself to the dream and place you need to be in just like Artyom lead everyone to his dream.

Time to wake up. Rise and shine.

Why does almost every fucking dev get scared of making night time actually DARK? Shit is bright as fuck even at 3 AM. Makes NV stuff practically useless and borderline even a detriment to use.

I thought he was gonna still be alive because he took his helmet off. But then the second the camera stared a bit too long at the space medication I realized that Miller was dead.

>Try to adjust gamma so that I can properly use night vision
>Makes everything so dark that you can't even see during day time
>Turn gamma up
>Now even the darkest areas under ground are too bright

Is Pavel from LL in the game?

>not a single nigger shucking and jiving to be seen
Is this game even legal for sale?

Play the game with Russian audio and English subs. Trust me the game is that much better. Also BEST gun is the ball bearing gun with the sealed air tank so you don't gradually lose air pressure. One shot pretty much anything. I really want to go back and play all the Metros now.

Also did anyone else suffer from the flashlight glitch where it wouldn't turn on anymore? I turned the vans lights off and then my own flashlight wouldn't work. I didn't know until I got into the dark area in pursuit of the hotspot map. Had to do the entire darkness bug section with a fucking lighter and molotovs in the vents. I was on ranger hardcore too.

Pavel gave his whole life to the reds, he'd sooner believe the nazis were right all along than believe anything in exodus.

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Is this Far Cry New Dawn?

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We've been covering this through the thread. The karma system is entirely fucked. It will randomly fuck you on this.

Fuck, it may as well be rolling dice at the end, and goodboy points just raise your chance.

>Metro Exodus driving.jpg
Fuck man, the driving in this game is dog shit.

Yeah, finish Taiga and prepare to download a save file from the internet. That's what I had to do. The bug stayed with me to the final mission and there was no solution.


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We are Nazis, come here to take your station.

>forest people shoot at me
>they're going to get dabbed on by shitty russian sub-contractors skimping out on the concrete for the dam

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have you ever driven in the desert? try it out, it's supposed to be dogshit

Have they ever addressed if people get cancer from the radiation? In every post-apocalyptic nuclear fallout game, they always ignore that issue.

Is it worth enabling Dolby Atmos for headphones ?

Damn that's an optimistic view of it. I just wanted to really feel like I made it to Baikal lake. Have one last conversation with the crew members a year or so after settling. Just sucks that the only view you get of your destination is a still image being zoomed out of as credits roll.

Anybody else manage to flip the car? Found it hilarious that you died instantly. Probably couldnt be bothered to put a get out and flip the car rightside up by pushing e function in the game.

>find diary in the comms station
>says the dam is collapsing and the radiated sediment it's holding back will destroy the valley
>go there
>learn the dam is collapsing and the radiated sediment it's holding back will destroy the valley

No, but I've driven in the snow, like you do in Metro. And Metro's is still dog shit.

Actually you can fix it. Get back in the fan, flick the headlights on and off, then get out and try your flashlight. Voila, fixed. However if you die, gotta do the same thing again.

That's a different glitch nigga. This one is tied to the spider part of Taiga. You cant use or even charge your flashlight and nightvision.

At ch1 my gun would just point towards sky so I couldnt shoot at enemies. Had to restart the chapter to fix that.

It's mentioned in a conversation with a father and his daughter fishing in Venice from LL. The thing is, people have a very low life expectancy in that world to even be affected by the disease.

Almost game breaking. At the second where you need to fight off some mutants with him, he spoke his end of fight line and then teleported backwards to his crouched position. The next sequence didn't trigger so I had to reload the last checkpoint.

Sam turned his back on America. Should have slaughtered each and every one of them. His dependopotamus wife was probably getting BLACKED back home too

In the books the shadow govt bunkers still in moscow. For all we know they do actually exist. Could have been a simple fuckup where they went to the wrong place. The whole reason miller says go here is based off a bait radio signal.