Epic are a bunch of fucking pricks

Epic are a bunch of fucking pricks.

Attached: sweeney.png (622x482, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How can Valve "lose" when Epic are the only ones playing this scummy, desperate game of paying off devs for timed exclusivity on their store that no one uses? Seems to me Valve is making the only smart move by not playing at all because they will always win in the end. This experiment all these desperate devs have tried by accepting the bribe isn't paying off in sales so the little bonus they took hardly matters in the end.

>competition is a bad thing
>bawww why do I need to click a different icon to play the game bawww

>Epic: Hey Valve, I want what you have.
>Valve: No
>Epic: Okay, I'll just take it from you
>Epic: [takes it]
>You: Fucking idiots! How is Valve even losing? They're not even participating lol! They're winning in the end, you'll see.
okay lol
"store wars" is the dumbest shit i've ever seen. if i can buy a game cheaper elsewhere, why wouldn't I? i'm not some corporate cuckold who gets upset when my favorite store gets undercut, because it's good for me as a consumer. only morons would be upset about this. oh no, i have to open another program to start my game! what ever will I do in the 2 seconds it takes to boot the epic store?

Sweeney > GabeN

Attached: sweeney.png (635x626, 71K)

It saddens me if the first person is being genuine.

>price is exactly the same between the original steam pre-order and the epic store price
>somehow this is competition and benefits the consumer

i'm sorry but key sellers like greenmangaming and g2a are the only ones using those words correctly.

Attached: inigo_montoya.jpg (200x194, 5K)

Now you just need an MS paint comic with a food analogy to go with this garbage fucking opinion and you'll be set.

Stay salty, Sweeney.

Go play Devotion you stupid Chinks

Oh look, nothing to say except a shitpost. That's exactly what I thought, bootlicker. I'm surprised you had time to make a post with how full your schedule is with sucking Gabe's nutsack. Try again next time when you have an actual argument as to why this is bad besides the fact that you love the taste of Gabe's semen

Ok, this is epic

This man speaks the truth. That is why every petty """journalist""" at the verge is verified.

>Valve has over a decade and a half of entrenched userbase
>users with hundreds or thousands of games tied to the account
>retards get mad that Epic uses some money to get exclusives to compete
How exactly do you figure anyone is going to compete by offering a bit better chat features and storefront? You're never going to move players away from their Steam accounts unless they have to to play the game.

You're a retarded Pcbro if you think Epic buying exclusives with better deals for developers is bad, but Steam tying thousands of dollars worth of games to their system, effectively holding customer's money and time captive, is fine. Your bullshit about this not being competition would work if Steam allowed people to transfer licenses to other stores or even detach the licenses bought from Steam completely.

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What does Devotion have to do with anything?

I don't care what you faggots say. I pirated the game and I liked it. So now I'm gonna save it for later and buy it during steam summer sale or whenever.

How is creating arbitrary monopolies within a digital environment any kind of competition?
There's literally zero consumer benefit from exclusivity deals.
Multiple platforms should exist but they should compete on pro consumer benefits like prices, customer service and additional features, not by bribing developers to refuse to sell their titles elsewhere and literally cornering the market.
Free Tibet.

I don't fucking want to make another fucking account. I'm fucking done with accounts.

Buying exclusives IS bad for consumers, especially when the game is not developed by the game client. (as in this case with metro) But the reason people are mad at this case is because the game was for sale on steam for months, and was pulled just weeks before release.

Do it upfront or make the exclusive window way smaller. Pulling the plug last minute gets people upset, rightfully so.

>fanboying over stores
At least console war faggots put a decent amount of money into the shit they're fanboying over. You fucking retards are fanboying over free clients. Also it's good Valve has competition, now they might actually have to make shit.

Exodus is $10 cheaper on the Epic Store than it had been listed on Steam.

there's no competition if consumers don't win by picking one service over the other

>now they might actually have to make shit.
Or at least stop censoring anime tiddies.
Or I'll be taking my money to Fakku.

I have steam,battle.net,uplay and origin. I made an epic account for ut4 and was bombarded by emails saying someone was rrying to access my account when fortnite got popular. Epic can bribe every fucking dev to make their shit epic exclusive for all I care, I'll just go back to pirating.

REAL ACTUAL competition would be just pricing in the store's fees dumbass. Ie., maybe the game is $53 on Epic's store and $60 on Steam (or $39/45 or whatever the fuck it is). It's completely reasonable for developers to want to get the same price of their game from everywhere and then leave it to the stores to figure out the right mix of features and overhead, some stores might operate super lean and try to have as low an extra as possible, some might charge fatter prices but have more features/community support/sales or whatever. The market figures it out.

But exclusivity is retarded.

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Everyone who bought it on Steam got to keep it on Steam and will get all the patches and DLC. Anyone who had not bought it yet had to buy it on the EGS. Effectively there is no difference between this and announcing it from the start. Feel free to explain to me how it impacted customers negatively in any way, Valve drone feelings being hurt isn't a valid response.

Only for burgers

Imagine defending stores
Imagine fighting over where you get to buy multiplatform titles

When did PC gaming become a joke? Was it 2007?

Metro ended up being shit as I knew it would. Still pirated it to spite those fucks, but yeah, I'm never even downloading their shitty fortnite launcher

>if i can buy a game cheaper elsewhere, why wouldn’t i?
Metro is the same price on epic as it was on steam, and people have been forced to go to the steam forums for troubleshooting issues. There is no consumer benefit here

>Playing MMO
>want to win match
>spent more time building up my character than my opponent has, character is well rounded and well built whereas my opponent is levels below me and nowhere near as well equipped as me
>opponent just pays to win

>price is exactly the same between the original steam pre-order and the epic store price
If you live in America or Israel, yes. Last I saw prices are actually higher on Epic store in other countries.

I would unironically support the Tencent store if they published physical copies of all the games on it.
But they won't, so I have no reason to use it.
And if they're going to make games artificially exclusive to it, I'll just pirate them.
Unfortunately, Exodus is kind of shitty, so it won't be on my PC for very long.

Attached: MetroExodus_2019_02_21_17_57_39_037.jpg (2560x1440, 811K)

Decent analogy, but your opponent wouldn’t even gain any power, since epic has no consumer benefit over steam, only detriments in fact

...and you cannot release on BOTH platforms because...?

valve holding the monopoly over game releases is shit but thinking that metro being sold on egs is 'competition' is retarded

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>It's not okay when Microsoft does it
>It's okay when I do it

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Ummm it's not a matter of "undercutting" for the consumer, you're not understanding the dynamic here at all. EPIC is buying exclusive rights too sell specific games, do you understand the word EXCLUSIVE? It means no competition, competition brings prices down. So how exactly does EPIC owning the rights too be the sole seller of titles do anything good for the consumer?

>genuinely trying to peddle that Steam is well made and well rounded
>when it's a barely functional piece of shit from 2005 made to scam retards out of their money via hat and lootbox trading

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Valve has never once restricted devs from selling their game wherever else they want.

Reminder that people like this don't even game on PC.

What about all of the intelligent people who don't preorder games? You know, that abhorrent practice of giving companies money before you know if a product is good or not?

If they want the game on steam then they now have to wait a full year to play it.

Actually didn't approach it from this angle before. Why didn't epic just put a flat constant 10-20% price cut on everything and brag about how everyone is wasting money buying through steam/gog/etc?

Consolefags would justify exclusives by the fact that publishers will pour loads of money into development to ensure a quality product, see bloodborne. But in this case the decision was made right before fucking release, it was a stupid shit-flinging move that did nothing but fatten Deep Silver execs paychecks.

>We don't want to add review system in Epic store, it's too toxic.
>These tweets

i don't know but timed exclusives for different digital stores is just so retarded idea that i don't even know anything.
timed exclusives are stupid enough on consoles, but at least that makes some sort of sense in some universe.

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for the longest time, not putting your game on steam meant that you were intentionally harming your sales
they are/were telling people if you don't publish on steam you won't make shit because we have the largest install base

why do you think there's a metric ton of shovelware on steam

>"people" supporting epic are literal brainlets
well imagine my shock.

Having features at the very least comparable to Steam on top of the higher cut to devs would already be going a long way to attracting devs to putting games on Epic store. Trying to get prices lowered because of said cut would go a long way to attracting users off Steam, with the excuse they can use that massive bankroll they made with Fortnite to help subsidize the cost difference.

>but Steam tying thousands of dollars worth of games to their system, effectively holding customer's money and time captive, is fine. Your bullshit about this not being competition would work if Steam allowed people to transfer licenses to other stores or even detach the licenses bought from Steam completely.
What are you even talking about here? Steam doesn't have any exclusivity contracts or anything except with Valve's own games, which they barely even make anymore. Any developer/publisher releasing a game on Steam is more than able to, and a lot of times do, release on stores outside of Steam.

Paid exclusivity contracts for games you don't have some part in developing is scummy shit that's just going to turn PC gaming into what modern tv streaming turned into after ""competition"" for Netflix showed up: turning the market into segmented monopolies where you need to download every launcher ever to get a decent selection of games, because companies are just turning this into a money dickslapping contest instead of actually trying to make things better for the consumer.

>the reason people are mad at this case is because the game was for sale on steam for months, and was pulled just weeks before release.
The people who were going to wait until release just buy it on the Epic store, how is that any different than if they had gone with EGS exclusivity since the start?

Epic are such fucking jews I can’t even understand it. The whole positive element of their store is that developers get a bigger cut of the revenue, so naturally you would assume that games would be a little cheaper on epic than they are on steam, that would be REAL competition. But no, exodus is the same fucking price so why should I support this shitty move?

>timed exclusives are stupid enough on consoles, but at least that makes some sort of sense in some universe.
Timed exclusivity almost killed the Idolm@ster franchise.
It's a miracle that it didn't.

>"people" supporting epic are literal brainlets
No one is supporting epic user, those people are shills.

Who cares, just pirate Metro Exodus you retards

I dont care cause I pirate all the games anyway.

I became mentally unstable after 3+ launchers so I ended up looking for a front end and ended up finding launchbox. All your games/emulated games in one place and 0 bullshit. Also comes with a “big picture” Like UI called BigBox. I will never go back. Only issue is that you have to set all your launchers to launch on start up, which may not be a huge deal depending on your machine.

Technically they can't. The publishers are the ones who decide how much a game costs on a store. So Steam for example can't just slash prices on games on their store except for Valve's own games. That's up to the publisher to let them do that.

If you don't pirate everything you can you don't belong on Yea Forums

Jewnalists defend the Epic Store because it doesn't have any sort of user review system. They fucking jerk off to the idea of consumers losing the only way they can fight back against greedy/slimy developers because they're totalitarian fuckwards flawlessly enacting the socialist doctrine they fawn over on every piece of social media.

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this. Steam has a dangerous near-monopoly on pc game sales that while not harmful right now could become an issue in the future if they get someone crazy to run things after the current staff passes on. Having multiple storefronts to choose from ensures that no one store gains too much power.

Fakku might hide lolis under layers of menus and under the floorboards but shit, at least they're there.

>all these Valve drones talking about muh features
>MySpace faggotry community shit filled with furries and gays
>lootbox and hat trading market
>ancient backend that barely works
Wow yeah I can definitely see how I wouldn't want to move away from Steam now. Literally the only thing Steam has over Epic is the review system and forums, that's it.

When people were worshipping Gabe for putting microtransactions in TF2 and not actually making games after CSGO

That';s not a monopoly. Steam has plenty of competition, and did long before Epic Store came around. The problem is most of Steam's competition is just shit. Being the best option on the market is not a monopoly.

Reminder that Bethesda and Ubisoft titles were exclusive to steam even when it was a fucking shite platform a lot of people didn't want to use, and if you think they weren't getting any kind of kickback from it you're delusional. What Epic's doing isn't new.

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well at least those are fairly rare. can't think of that many bigger releases. maybe some shit like newest tomb raider reboot was timed exclusive for xbox for some time.

It is when the customer doesn't have an advantage but instead just can't buy it on that store.

>Having multiple storefronts to choose from ensures that no one store gains too much power.
We've had that for years. The problem is, and has always been, that the storefronts trying to compete with Steam just tend to be complete shit, so there's never a reason to switch.

Reminder that this user doesn't play on PC.

That dread faggot types like an ESL or a child.

Ok? How is that in any way Valve’s fault? Steam dominates because it was first, they enticed people to use their storefront because they made hl2 exclusive. Origin, uplay, and bethesda store do similar things, they make their first party games exclusive nothing wrong with that. Epic had every opportunity to become a new force in the market, but no they had to resort to fucking jewry. Epic gives a bigger cut of the revenue to devs and...that’s it. The games aren’t cheaper, their store doesn’t offer half the services that steam does, and they resorted to paying off a publisher to make their game exclusive literally weeks before release. Fuck Epic.

I can't even think of any recent example of a game for consoles suddenly being exclusive, except for maybe Rise of the Tomb Raider, but even then they didn't suddenly cancel PS4 pre-orders fucking weeks before the game came out.

>i'm gonna cry about having to spend 5 minutes to start using a new download program to play games
gamers are the biggest babies on earth. I'm happy metro is still selling well.

>PC gaming = Steam
Reminder that this user started playing videogames after 2004.

You cant have that kind of competition because valve requires developers to put their game at the same price in steam in order to sell it there. Same shit when developers want to put their game on sale, steam must get an equal sale in a month or something like that.

Not what I said, but yes, you do not game on PC, as such your opinion is irrelevant.

>stupid motherfuckers whining about exclusives and being asshurt at having to make a new account
>you've literally always had to do this with console gaming since all the way back to the NES days
>none of this is fucking new

Just get the fuck over it and learn to capitalism, you stupid fucking children. If you don't like it, don't fucking using it and shut the hell up. If you want a game that bad, suck it up and go download the damn thing. It's not fucking rocket surgery.

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Because then there would have been no expectation of the product being on steam... Since it would have been exclusive from the start and not ripped away last minute.

Steam has way more features than the epic store. One can see why a person would want the game on the feature rich store. And having the expectation set by the publisher that the game will be on steam and then take it away sucks.

>Literally the only thing Steam has over Epic is the review system and forums
Imagine not integrating something so fucking simple as a consumer review system and a message board into your digital storefront.

lol, yeah, sure, just let me download that chinese spyware so I can get my inbox flooded with failed login attempts to my epic account again

t. Consolefag

How are you dealing with Metro still selling very well, better than past ones, now that it is Epic exclusive? Seeing a therapist every week?

This. They could at least TRY to match steam by implementing half the features it has.

I already pirated it so I don't really care.

>Metro Last Light was on a dozen storefronts and four content delivery platforms
>Metro Exodus is on one storefront and one content delivery platform

>this is competition

>Steam has plenty of competition
Retard alert!


But when you involve the Chinese I’m going to bail. Doesn’t matter if it’s the greatest game of all time. Those dudes are worse than the jews or blacks.

>Better than their past ones
Source? The game isn’t as good as the last two but I believe it, normies eat up open world shit.

Good lad

Even a fag can be right sometimes. Those blue marks act as a warning sign to me.

Origin, Uplay, Battlenet, Bethesda Store, GOG, now epic store....

Yeah it is competition actually. In this case Epic won.

It gets even dumber when you remember they literally advertised the lack of a review system as a selling point and a good thing.

>they are/were telling people if you don't publish on steam you won't make shit because we have the largest install base
please point to where valve was telling publishers and devs that specifically, instead of steam just being the default best way for digital distribution

t. Consolefag

>People are still defending the chinese botnet that has nothing besides fortnite
Now this is epic

Attached: recruit.jpg (1430x1083, 130K)

>selling very well, better than past ones
on consoles

So you don't play anything on Unreal, right?

My consolefag bullshit allows me to understand how this shit works. Whereas every whiny PC "master race" faggot here just cannot wrap their head around having to do shit a different way.
You shitfuckers have been sucking the farts out Steam's ass so long, you've forgotten your common sense and how to work your own damn computers.

You're not even having to buy new hardware here, like a consolefag would. It's just a new store front. Either use it, or don't. But for the love of god, shut the fuck up about it.

Attached: 1373238380582.gif (500x281, 977K)

Reminder that exclusives are NOT competition. If one company gets an exclusive game, there’s nothing the other company can do to directly match that. Even if they get their own exclusive, they’re still two different games, so they’re not competing. One exclusive is not objectively better than the other exclusive, so buying up exclusives does not improve the quality of the store that sells them.

It’s like if one restaurant sold burgers, so the one next door sold spaghetti instead. They’re both good, but they’re not competing with each other, so they can’t improve each other.

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You won't see any real data yourself user
Nor will you see actual player counts as Epic doesn't provide an API to do so.

Instead, you will get them saying it "sold well" and that's about it.

why are you willingly ignorant?

Stopped reading there.
I don't care about the opinions of consolefags.

It's in a shitstorm at the moment and is banned in China for the dumbest shit possible.

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

Attached: 1527584708650.png (342x430, 92K)

consolefags are single handedly the most ignorant and naive consumers
your opinion on anything means nothing

they can't compete with steam so are just buying customers, can't blame them.

If you buy the rights to a popular game customers will come, no matter how mad they are about it.

Not user but they’ve never done that directly. They imply it through their show of dominance in the industry. It’s like how sjw’s are never specific about their complaints but instead use buzzwords like toxic and so to remain vague and allow them to use negative liberties against others. Same exact behavior, different toilet.

This is PC m8, not consoles, if a consumer doesn't like what you're doing we can just pirate your game.

but they didn’t cancel Metro Exodus Steam Pre-orders, they just removed it from store to prevent further purchases on it, they honored the sales they did previous to the EGS deal.

>>No reviews
>>No voice chat
Nobody cares, people use TS or Discord-
>>No community forums
>>No workshop
>>No screenshot sharing
Nobody cares.
>>No wishlist
Nobody cares.
>>No game tags
Nobody cares.
>>No discovery queue
Nobody cares.
>>No one-click online streaming
Nobody cares, this thing never works.
>>No h-games
Not on Steam either much longer.
>>No music category
Nobody cares.
>>No software category
Nobody cares.
>>No video category
Nobody cares.
>>No linux support
1% at best cares.
>>No mac support
Nobody cares.
>>No regional pricing
>>No payment option variety
>>No marketplace
Thank God.
>>No trading cards
Thank God.
>>No trading
Thank God.
>>No user profile customization
Thank God.
>>No achievements
Thank God.
>>No controller support
Nobody cares.
>>No family sharing
Nobody cares.
>>No overlay with browser
Nobody cares.
>>No client skinning support
Nobody cares.
>>No controller-friendly mode
Nobody cares.
>>No local network gameplay streaming
Nobody cares.
>>No cloud saves
>>No backup feature
>>No adding third party games to your list
Nobody cares.
>>No third party key registration
>>No reason to use Epic Store
The main reason for any game store to exist: games.

>They imply it through their show of dominance in the industry

Unless you prove that you're just making baseless speculation. Keep in mind there's games that released on GOG before steam.

Of course, in context. Use the tech and hold back the money basically. kind of like how they just steal tech, reverse engineer and resell.

>>>No family sharing
>Nobody cares.
Neck yourself, I use family sharing with my dad and sister all the time.
Just because you're a loser with no familial ties doesn't mean everyone else is too.

>learn to capitalism
>said by someone trying to silence criticism and commentary
This is a vital part of any form of capitalism you absolute fucking retard. It absolutely cannot function without people whining and complaining when things go wrong. It is the single most fundamental element of this entire economic theory.

He's right though. Put up or shut the fuck up. Its no one elses fault you drank the steam koolaid for 10 years thinking no one else could come along and threaten the future of your paid digital licences. This was ALWAYS coming.

aside from xbox one and newest ps4 games. you can pirate for almost any console.

Steam is literally the best pc game store client around and that's why everone wants everything to be there.
Neither uPlay nor Origin nor EGS nor Battle.net nor Bethesda.net have stuff like a (functioning) refund policy or user reviews.

>being a communist in 2019



>>>No family sharing
>Nobody cares.
0.30 yuan has been deposited into your account

Good thing I can just pirate.
Unlike consoleniggers I don't have to lie down and take it when a publisher does something I don't like.
>Aside from modern current gen console games (the only platforms still actively seeing new releases), you can pirate on consoles



>makes critisim and commentary
>people buy anyway
>or they dont

The only thing that matters here is the wallet. Im fed up of fags who cry "muh corporations" but then buy into the shit anyway. Make an actual stand or fuck off.

>It’s like if one restaurant sold burgers, so the one next door sold spaghetti instead. They’re both good, but they’re not competing with each other, so they can’t improve each other.

Confirmed for not understanding competition.

Spaghetti and burgers, in your example ARE competing against each other. Both are food products, both being offered to the same consumers. Those consumers have a choice between food types, the goal of the companies and their advertising being to entice consumers over which is a better choice for them, the spaghetti or the burger.

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Holy fuck lmao. this amount of delusional damage control is just plain pathetic.

>i can just commit a crime if i dont like it

wow sure showed me user. Prison is full of people who think like you do.

I'm not an Amerinigger so I'm not worried about it.

Oh my god you are absolutely fucking retarded. Two resurants ARENT competing? You fucking tard.

Big difference is Steam didn't have any real competition at the time and didn't pay for exclusivity. Those publishers came to them instead of pressing their own copies and selling them in stores or from their own site.

He's not wrong.

>It’s like if one restaurant sold burgers, so the one next door sold spaghetti instead. They’re both good, but they’re not competing with each other, so they can’t improve each other.
Absolute state of Valve drones.

Attached: 1526379239514.png (190x266, 5K)

>Just 1% of people care about this one topic!
>20 topics

Attached: 1529757871010.png (800x759, 965K)

>Steam is literally the best pc game store client around

Attached: fucking retard.jpg (396x400, 22K)

I didn't ask you if you are worried about it.



大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平

>Store competing for developers
Store shouldn't be competing for developers, stores should be competing for consumers.
What Epic are ding is thing to force consumers to their store WITHOUT competing with others.

That's nice.
Again, I'm not an Amerinigger, so I guess I can't relate to being the corporate shill that you are.

tim sweeney or tim buckley? holy fuck

Meh just makes it a must pirate.

>The main reason for any game store to exist: games.
Then they should really add basic features almost every game store has. Like cloud saves and backups.

>all these seething steambeciles completely assblasted that daddy gabe didn't win exodus

Attached: 10643505.jpg (600x400, 50K)

>dude just compete legitimately
>provide the same store with the same features and everything is cheaper and all the games i own transfer over and my entire friends list also transfers over automatically
>why can't they just do that?

>corporate shill

All i said is you break the law user, that you are a criminal. nothing more.

压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

Nobody knows how well Metro is selling on Epic.
Nobody knows how well Metro did sell on Steam.

Why are Valve silent on this? Because they aren't hurt by this, Epic are. Epic are the ones making the moves, angering consumers, bringing down heat on their heads. Valve doesn't need to say a goddamn thing.

I'm guessing you took a business 101 course and failed.

And my point is that it's only breaking the law in Amerimutt land, because yours is a land of corporate shillery.

Reminder that epic is the official store of reddit

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>Store shouldn't be competing for developers

Why not? Is it criminal?

You write like a chink.

压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

None of this benefits me as a customer so fuck it. I'm gonna buy it in a year when its on steam anyway and its 10 bucks

Finland here. Exact same prices in both stores.

>the only one actually punished in all that mess is a customer
Epic games are really a generous company and go in the right direction of taking a smaller cut from the developer, but I think there is a place with even smaller cut, like 0% cut on piratebay where I bought it 100% off.
Great store, I recommend it. Fuck chink subhumans

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haha memes

So where do you live that Piracy is not a crime?

switch and 3ds are still seeing new releases. maybe even vita? xbox games are on pc anyway and ps4 games up to 5.05 or 5.07 work so that's a lot of shit to play while waiting for newer hacks. i don't know. maybe i'm just patient and don't have to play every single game at the moment it comes out. whoknows.

Because it's against consumers best interests.

prove me wrong then.

Where's pirate bay currently being hosted?

I forgot that Epic has a death squad that hunts down anyone who insults their name

Based. Steam needs to cut down to size by the free market.

Hardly. Im not the one saying "DUH FUCK BURGERS PIRACY ISNT A CRIME IN MY COUNTRY!" now that would be the sound of a chink.

>all these retards thinking a game store needs to appeal to gamers first
You dumb retards, this is why you aren't in charge of Epic, or Valve. First and foremost stores appeal to the developers/publishers, that's what they need to get, because no matter how many faggot community features store A has, nobody is going to use it if store B has all the games.

With the low cut and enticements to bring games to the EGS, a lot of devs are willing to switch over. Doesn't matter if you don't like it, when devs move over to the EGS you won't have a choice.

inb4 muh piracy
You, maybe, but the majority don't, so it doesn't really matter in the end, most people will just move over.

Both cost the time and money of the consumer, and since those are limited, both compete over them.

Mmm no, most people on the planet dislike corporations, only burgers get mad about people fucking over giant publishers and corporate entities.
Because you're designed to be the best corporate slaves.

I'm not in charge of Epic or Valve, mostly because i'm mechanical engineer from Europe.

Whats that got to do with you pirating shit?


Attached: edf.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>You, maybe, but the majority don't

Consolefags before:
>P-PC is a shit platform, everyone's a pirate!

Consolefags now:
>Y-You can't stop it, y-you might be a pirate but not everyone is!

Kek, consoleniggers.
Piracy is the great equalizer, if you piss me off I'm stealing your shit.
Personally, I mainly just pirate western games and buy Jap games.

>playing western games
what a faggot

Replace "death" with "pajeet" and it's basically true desu


Hey valvecucks answer this.
Why was it that if you released a game at retail in gamestop you HAD to match the price on steam?
Even if it meant increasing the price of a game already on steam for ages to match the physical gamestop release?
Why didnt valve ever do anything about that?


>you HAD to match the price on steam?
You didn't.

So am i a chink or a burger now?

Epic has less DRM than steam.

>Why was it that if you released a game at retail in gamestop you HAD to match the price on steam?

Epic is paying devs to make their games exclusive, so I'll continue to pirate all the games on it.


>desperate enough for American games that he pirates them
>Calls us corporate shills
Lmao, keep sucking, I’m about to cum

Who cares I already pirated it and finished it yesterday for free.

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Don't use it?

Show us some proof that you did, user. I can show you direct proof that Epic paid off developers to join their platform, so surely you must be able to proove your claims as well, right?

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I can't even remember the last American game I played, let alone pirated.
The only modern American dev worth a damn is Tripwire.
Maybe New World Interactive as well.

Good, because Epic made it even easier than before unless it was a gog release.
I wonder what valvecucks excuse will be once it has all the features they want

It's not competition. Epic is literally destroying PC gaming as we speak. More and more PC gamers are pushed back toward piracy, me included. Sooner or later, devs will stop porting games to PC to begin with. So much for "competition". Fuck Epic.

>I speak for everyone and I'm also a chinese shill: the post

C r I n g e

>Good, because Epic made it even easier than before
>Metro Exodus used Denuvo
>The Division 2 also uses Denuvo
What did he mean by this?

>people are pushed toward piracy because a game isn't steam exclusive

k retard

>’Why do modern games suck so much bro?!’
>’Lmao just pirate them’
At this rate, 20 years from now the only thing left will be f2p trash. And you faggots won’t need to pirate anymore.

Competition is great when it occurs at a consumer level. When it's corporations competing(bidding) to see who gets access to compete at the consumer level it's pure cancer just like you, first year business school attendee.

>Pirating shitty games is what's killing the industry
Spoken like a true consolenigger.

Exodus was the first game I pirated in 10 years.

Actually, 20 years from now consoles will be dead and PC and mobile will be all that remains.

Mobile is the new console.

Attached: pcrevenue.png (625x507, 33K)

Origin had a refund policy before Steam. And its refund policy is way better than Steam's.

Games today have more budget than ever.
Games today make back said budget in a weeks time.
>Piracy is hurting gaming guuuys!
if anything, buying shitty games hurts gaming not piracy.

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That's ok because I only pirate shit games not worth buying. Just weeding out the trash, you can thank me later.

Steam games have denuvo. Its only the publisher that makes devs add DRM on epics platform, just like what you expect.

> exclusives are NOT competition
Look at sony or nintendo. What they do is competition.
Unlike them epic doesnt ask you to pay for pile of old hardware before allowing to their platform.

Oh, so you're a consolefag talking about something you know nothing about.
As expected.

just pirate it. there are repacks available

that's why I wrote functioning
origin's support staff is instructed to do the best they can to worm themselves out of having to give you your money back

>all these literal insectoid chinks shilling for their motherhive tencent overlords just so equally braindead western söybôys would use their inferior, forced, sorry excuse of an online PC store

Free Tibet

This is why I only buy games from GoG or itch.io
Fuck your spyware, the only good thing about them is for multiplayer games if you need some kind of anti-cheating and that's only because every other alternative is worse.

They compete by providing ecosystem where software can be used.
Epic is competing by creating exclusivity on existing ecosystem where software has no reason to stay exclusive.

>my imaginary facts I never posted are better than yours that you can easily verify
Have fun valvecuck.

he's clearly just bitter about not getting a blue check without having to ask

I bet he is a lolbertarian

Shoo consolefag, shoo.

I will NEVER get those two seconds of my life back though, you clearly don't understand what a serious crime this is. I am American, two seconds is tons of my precious oxygen stolen directly from my lungs, that's way too much extra work. My fingers can't move that quickly.

I said it before and I'll say this again
GOG, origin and Uplay have these features yet still you Don't buy games there. Why? Because you're either a massive hypocrite or a fag doesn't buy games period.
Because the truth is these things are irrelevant. People only care about the games

>vote with your wallet!!1!11!
Just ignore it guys its retarded.

Good thing I havent even touch one in 5 years aside from RDR2 and KH3. I got an X for those because fuck the blurrier versions.

I do buy games from GOG.
But digital copies generally suck regardless and I miss when physical PC were actually good and had the full games on them.

> No h-games
This is the only thing that bothers me. Rest of your list is either misleading or will be implemented very soon.
Epic has advantage over steam because they dont have to care about their legacy shit. Its almost always easier to make a new thing from scratch than fix old one.

>gives a company literally the only thing they want from you
>"hey maybe we should stop that"
>"LOL what a retard!!!!!"

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Only a matter of time before epic store integrates keys with steam just like uplay and origin.

he aint wrong.

that's how the system works Dorkeeney

you scratch my back i scratch yours

He's right though.

>giving money to EA
>giving money to Ubisoft
I do buy games on GOG.
Fuck EBIN and fuck Chyna though. I'm not going to download your spyware Chang.

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Instead of having "competition", can't we get the government to force Steam to give better service? Then everyone will be happy.

>GOG, origin and Uplay have these features
GoG, Origin and Uplay all have h-games now?

>GOG, origin and Uplay have these features
Uplay and Origin actually don't have most of those features.
The only other major PC store with user reviews is GoG.

>Mobile is the new console
No shit, that’s my point. F2P mobile trash is where all the money’s at.
>’I only pirate shit games’
Only proves that you fags have shit taste and are niggers

You know what is also a competition?
Nuclear war

>All these /r/valve shills seething

Attached: 1266126008249.jpg (305x196, 72K)

>F2P mobile trash is where all the money’s at.
>All the devs who chase money and make shit, watered-down games for consoleniggers migrate to mobile to make shit, watered-down games for bored housewives
Works for me.
Fuck the western industry, I hope consoleinggers get dragged into the pits of mobile hell like they deserve.

>the developer makes decisions like this


So what happens when they decide to allow star reviews only on games you bought and then and text reviews if you have x amount of hours determined by the devs?
They are already getting cloud saves soon

Post YFW you pirated Exodus and have never bought anything on Epics store.

Attached: 1525391821601.jpg (281x397, 55K)

>Valve had the worse deal
>despite getting a higher percentage of the profits it would have 100 times sold more copies on Steam than Epic
>the worse deal

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Hi Xi !

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>12% vs 35% is you use unreal
Thats a tough call user, 23% per sale is a massive chunk and niche games dont always perform well so if you can get on any platform your better off simply due to exposure. Steam isnt seen as a great place for games anymore as much as a place to gamify every aspect of your existence.
Exclusives are a whole other can of worms and usually publishers doing though

Soon? Steam has used account-based cloud storage to backup saves for a long ass time now. iirc its not advertised which games have it, but there are a good many where you can install the game on a completely new machine or fresh windows install and when you boot the game up your saves are still there.

no sympathy for valve, they shouldn't get a 30% cut for just existing
They need to start actually doing things or get eclipsed by these new viable competitors (Epic, Origin)

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>’fuck the western industry’
>this nigga doesn’t know how crazy popular gatcha shit is in Asia
The Japanese PC market is non-existent. We’ll be dragging you mustard race fags down with us.

>a brand new platform has to be feature complete on realease or its trash
Good thing your the minority or GOG would have fucking died at launch instead of eventually getting GOG galaxy

Piracy doesnt harm. Pirated copy is not a lost sale!
Poorfags and russians can have their free games no problems.

>literally shifting monopolies
kill yourself retard

How the fuck do you expect people to download different stores if there aren't any exclusives

Holy shit Sweeney is based as fuck calling out stupid fucking twitter and their retarded blue-check favoritism system.

He can argue all he wants but this isn't competition. This is like Apple buying out every factory in the world to make parts for their phone exclusively and leaving all other companies in the dust.

Nah, you guys are largely contained with your cancer, just like shit like Fifa and Fortnite, which no one gives a fuck about on PC.

Attached: fortnite-chart-6.jpg (1311x882, 76K)

By actually making a better service than steam? Selling their first party games as exclusives? are you fucking retarded?

>Literally a post calling out about how Twitter doesn't actually give them away unless you're a friend of the system and agree to never say anything they don't like.
Yeah nah, he's right and you're a retarded faggot.

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Its more expensive you fucking bugman.

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The launcher came out in 2015 ping pong, you're not fooling anyone.

It would also be great if you could launch with the bare minimum of features, you don't have to go the whole hog straight away.

That's what they did, with one of the most popular first party exclusives ever. Now they are offering a better deal to other game devs so they can gain a greater market share.

If you aren't a literal communist you should have no problem with this

absolute cuck, total cancer

fucking based

I don't know what to think Yea Forums

you realise that doesnt refute anything I said right?
GoG's store launched with a bare minimum of features and half the fags in here would condemn it for that.
The launcher was a great addition that came out later.

lol I got a ton of false logins to my epic account that I never used and only made to play unreal tournament

GOG died the second GoD shut down. The only excuse to ever own a game on GOG is because you found its key cheaper on a key seller website.

I think it's more "ease of access" concerning Steam despite its issues and the fact that at this point Metro does have a following compared to where it was 5 years ago. 2033 would have been dead in the water if it was anywhere but Steam back in the day, consoles notwithstanding. Plus, there has definitely been more marketing and attention put on the newest Metro now that there's a fanbase for the series which would mean more exposure
True it's doesn't sound like a good deal with Valve on the surface but given the retarded stigma surrounding the Epic store, it seems to be fated to something worse until we actually see if sales were affected

Attached: tofu survivor.gif (394x394, 222K)

Long live epic store and long live Chairman Mao.


>doesnt refute anything I said

What are you implying here, that 4 years isn't long enough to work on a fucking PayPal button and cloud saves?

funny how gamers become anti-capitalist the instant things become even slightly inconvenient for them

It's the best but it's still shit and getting worse. Exodus I get but those dipshits getting mad at The Division 2 are among the most retarded people I've ever seen.
>I want two drms

wtf bros how can someone so cucked be so right?

This is Winnie, xir pronouns are Xi/Xir.

bad bait

Yeah it's funny that, how they dislike companies that actively make things worse for them. I don't know why that is.

It makes more sense when you realize Epic is only completing for publishers (just look at what Sweeney calls competition in OP's screencap) and assumes consumers will just blindly follow where publishers go.

it sure would be nice if we had regulations in place to prevent companies from fucking over consumers, huh

Fuck off shill
We all know it sold like shit.

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The epic launcher only just recently become more than an unreal modding platform and fn launcher.
Why dont they get the same amount of time? They are already adding the stuff people want much quicker than expected

I don't think the exclusivity argument works on Steam. They will never allow you to access the games without their DRM.

fuckin CCP is power tripping right now
tencent , epic , trying to buy their way into Hollywood
these fuckers cant even get their elevators working straight , think they can control the entertainment industry

lmao fuckin rich
hope the war happens sooner than later
gonna make Nanking look like a fuckin joke

Attached: 1506001540820.png (497x477, 406K)

>capitalism bad
>why valve no compete
>pleeb halp gubernment
Fuck off commie

Getting 70% profit from 100k sales is better than getting 88% profit from 10k sales

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It's like watching a weight lifter punch the shit out of a little kid with progeria. It's no test of the human spirit, it's fucking stupid and EA already tried it with origin.

Making a store everyone wants is really, really, fucking hard and it took valve ages to put the shit together all the while having no functionality during that time.

Attached: Steamstore2007.jpg (1504x1382, 318K)

Is this image supposed to prove da ebil shareblue boogieman was real by citing some random right wing journo stating it and nothing more?


Attached: dabonthem.jpg (776x319, 61K)

>That's what they did
what features does epic store have over steam? both for the consumer and the developers besides the smaller cut?

>Highest viewed stream is a Spanish streamer
Yeah, they use fucking bots.

>consolefag is mad
>because people don't suck corporate dick

Checks out
You retards love exclusives

This isn’t a big deal. This makes the metro games a much more prominent target for pirating vs. a full release

But I want to play metro?

since when is mongrool Spanish you fucktard

i just find it funny that all they are going off of is "lol we make the better deal for devs and steam doesn't, please buy games on our store!!!! we promise it will be cheaper because steam doesn't take a cut anymore!!!!!"

when that falls apart, they have literally nothing.
steam isn't going anywhere, at all.

Post a better one faggot

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>Steam: Exists

>another bloodborne situation
Based epic, all these peecee cucks seething

>english flag with 90k viewer in a spanish tourney
are you mentally disabled ?

It’s business, based retard.

See you fucking retard.

brainlet: twitter sucks bcoz of blue checks
brainful: twitter sucks because it's designed to suck

Yeah only hosting the biggest game in the world right now is a pretty good excuse to drag their heels alright. You shills ignore the fact the state it's in is worse than how other launchers started off to begin. Even the first version of origin gave you a way to FUCKING SEARCH THE STORE how do they not have this one feature at minimum.

>American games

Retard alert

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Why are spics still playing this game?

>That's what they did, with one of the most popular first party exclusives ever.
Community forums? Useless
User reviews? Shit
Having fortnite? Now that's a feature i want i my store!

fucking subhuman, when a english streamer gets almost 100k viewer the streamer who organizes the tourney gets a little bit more now kill yourself shill

Yeah, I guess that's why Donald J. Trump and every Republican Senator got their blue checkmark revoked after saying something Twitter doesn't like.

Because there are only like 8 games

Then use it? If you want to play the game, as long as it's bug-free and fully functional, then it doesn't matter what platform it's on. Everything else is fluff.

Some tournament is ongoing.


Who gives a fuck about some english streamer you fuck?
I'm talking about the spics and them using bots you retard.

>steam is a monopoly
>you can literally buy steam keys almost anywhere, even razer was selling that shit up til a while ago
Nah fuck off. Epic is clearly trying to bamboozle everyone.

Attached: 1549141631751.jpg (700x390, 30K)

>Price is the exact same between them
>Epic has 0 of the useful features Steam has
>This benefits us

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Competition is a good thing, and that's why Epic will lose out to Steam. Epic has done nothing but pander to publishers and has failed to throw the consumer a single bone.

I don't know why "competition gud" retards don't fucking think. Competition IS good, yes, but is this the competition you want? A company holding games hostage to their platform that refuses to add any new features and has already called you toxic?

Stop being loyal to brands dickheads

It has been proven real you retard.
Professional shills like you have been here for a long time. It's easy to spot you.

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When will steam add DRM option for some games?
Make it that the first 2 hours is forced drm, then is do what ever because we can't give you a refund.

>Epic's downloader is slower than Steam
>No forums to discuss trouble shooting issues
>Price is exactly the same
>Many of Steam's features are still missing on Epic's launcher
What benefit of Epic's "competition" do consumers get to experience? Every fucking thing about Epic's store is inferior to Steam

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Imagine LARPing so hard you believe that shit.

Do you understand the shit storm that would occur if representatives of the government were unverified? Those are some of the few people that would actually NEED verification because of how retarded the average person is.

I don't get why you weren't banned yet for advertising

Stop being anti-competition

kill yourself.

Do you have an actual source for that?

I'd love for competition to actually benefit me but Epic isn't being competition, they are trying to force people to buy on their store that was gonna be released on Steam

1989 chinaman square massacre

Attached: 1519759345362.png (554x400, 66K)

lol how the fuck does this competition benefit the consumer in any way? are games gonna stop being $60?

epic is the one that's being anti-competition
well, when they were just saying "we take a lower cut" they weren't, but everything since has been very anti-competition

If you browse any political thread there is always a denial / cover reply within the first 3 replies

>"steam is a monopoly"
>"i use windows"

Attached: 1546687778278.png (602x500, 30K)

literally /ourguy/

Attached: timsweeney.jpg (628x755, 90K)

How is Steam not a monopoly?

You mean

Because physical copies, Epic store, Origin, and Blizzard exist?

Attached: 1507616910577.jpg (1252x1252, 220K)

Everyone should know at this point that Tim is a rational person with very okay opinions on various things. Only reason why people shit on him now is because of Epic Store.

Attached: r_1781157_ZQt1a[1].jpg (640x427, 22K)

>Physical copies
>Disc just contains a steam installer with a CD key inside


Attached: file.png (274x335, 112K)

The real question, have sales suffered?

Best post in the thread

>Then use it
But it sucks
And I don't want to install a bugman keylogger

Attached: CutPaste_2019-02-23_20-25-38-351.jpg (480x342, 63K)

Why would you ever want your game in fewer stores? Exclusives make no sense from a developer standpoint.

Itt: people who don't know what monopolies or competition are flinging those words around to sound epic

Okay so twitter falling apart when I browse it isn't a isolated incident

>But it sucks

Well, this is the moment in which you got to set your priorities straight. Do you want to play the game or not?

i too agree, our chinese overlords are epic are far more benevolent then american piggu gabe

It's not developers, It's publishers they're suckering.
Look at the rant by the Metro guy on instagram.

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
June Fourth Incident
'89 Democracy Movement

180–10,454 civilians; ~50 soldiers and policemen (estimates and retracted Chinese Red Cross statement)

Shills are desperately ignoring this Kill yourselves, hypocrite chink cucks

The left cant meme

The argument isn't the same at all. Notice he is talking about developers controlling their titles. Epic didn't bust into 4A offices and force them to publish on their store only.


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You're right.
They went to the publisher(s) and waved around incentives and discounts.

There is no benefit to the consumer from the shit that Epic is pulling. If they actually had a good store that had even 10% of the functionality of Steam, maybe you'd have a point, but as it stands you're a fucking idiot.

Nobody forced Epic to throw a truckload of cash at a comparatively small publisher to keep the games off other stores either.

>Also it's good Valve has competition, now they might actually have to make shit.
Why aren't you playing UT2k18 rn?

Now see, this is why we need socialism.


Attached: EA-Origin-Logo.png (348x424, 7K)

>1 year exclusivity deals

Attached: VYH.jpg (2445x1449, 544K)

Least it isn’t facebook tier bloatware. Homestly sick of it taking like half a decade just to load the steam store.

>make online video game store
>literally forget to include a search function.

>buying single player games in general
Imagine being this mentally deficient.

>Consolefags defending this shit
Imagine waiting patiently for a game you are really excited to play and then 2 weeks before launch, a store chain that doesn't exist in your town bought out the selling rights to the game, so now instead of downloading it from the online store or picking it up from your local retailer, you have to go to a different town to go to that store to buy the game
Does that make you wanna buy anything from that store?

Attached: askyourmom.png (410x453, 208K)

It makes me upset people will spend money on the epic launcher. The far reaching results of supporting Epic's current business practices will completely devastate the PC gaming landscape. PC gaming is in one of the best periods its ever been in and its going to get considerably worse because people are too retarded to just pirate shit Epic store buys up exclusivity for.

Based and chinkpilled.

>comparing travelling to a different town to clicking on a different icon on your desktop
pcbros are mentally ill

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i have all those and use them regularly, uplay is only for ubisoft games, origin is also mostly ea games with a few 3rd party titles as well
neither paid for any exclusivity rights
if a third party game isn't on steam or gog then you can fuck off
people love to shit on valve for not making games anymore, go right ahead, but don't do it while defending epic in the process
the people who only made one good series which they ruined and blamed the lack of sales on pirates, not the game being fucking dogshit
and their only successful game nowadays is a pubg rip off
jesus christ

>useful features Steam has
like what?

>on your desktop
You must be real retarded if you think I'm downloading that worthless Chinese spyware
But I guess consolefags are used to sucking corporate cock to the point that they like being stuck with DRM with zero benefits

Attached: u wot nigga.jpg (133x137, 5K)

goalpost status: moved


never change Yea Forums

He's right though, Epic had a better deal for them. This is basic competition and people are defending Steam for doing nothing. They have money just like Epic or could use their size to make deals that developers want but they don't. There's no reason to get mad this is just business.

Why not discord? They have an even smaller fee.

What could be the difference

>Epic games

Attached: 1545997007911.jpg (613x667, 64K)

holy fuck i love tohsaka

discord store is a fucking joke, that's the difference

not an argument

Steam needs to be destroyed just for sake of killing of the degenerate "culture" spawn of steam-drones, that revealed themselves suddenly in their uglyness getting triggered the game is not on their shitty platform.

They are like cockroaches - you don't know there are there, but they are. And where'`s one, theres hundred. only solution is gasing them.

So tell us what political ideology you prescribe to? I'm ready for a laugh

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I didn't want Steam to begin with. I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they shut down WON, launched Steam, and released HL2. No one listened.
I remember when you could buy an actual copy of a game for PC and didn't have to use any shitty client. No client is the best client.
This is a perfect time to start demanding physical copies with the entire game on the physical media and that doesn't require any client, but nope, gotta bitch and moan about the fat kike Gabe losing out on some shekels even though he is the one that started this.
Reminder that Valve used even worse methods when they were pushing Steam and clients yet everyone gives Valve a pass. Valve is why the only legal option to play new games on PC is to pay for a download license through some client.
Death to Valve and death to Epic.

Desura doesn't anymore

Playnite is better, and its FOSS

Oi dumbshit you can download and play Metro for free. You've been able to for a few days. You're all arguing for nothing.

They haven't done jack shit. All these 'features' are just some tickboxes on some arbitrary checklist. Steam's actual feature is all the users they've collected on their ecosystem with over 10 years worth of games.

>being a pcfag telling "consolefags" boogeyman that now they cant give money to a company

Talking about corporate dicksucking lmaoooo, just pirate it faggot

>People are still defending moneyhatting happening on the goddamn PC platform

Consolefags fuck off

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Anything that shakes the strangle hold of one company leading the pack is good. I'm no fan of Epic or their Chinese overlords but this will eventually make Steam a better store if they want to stay at the top.

you say he is based but then he posts shit like this he is not based

While you retards are arguing over which store to use, us pirate chads are just downloading the games from reputable sources. Who /piratechad/ here?

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Why can't Gabe moneyhat??

Yeah it's gonna be great, steam will have to enter an exclusive war too and games will overall get more expensive, kill yourself you short sighted retard

why the fuck would I trust a fucking chink installer

>>Price is exactly the same
Isn't the epic store actually more expensive than steam in some regions?

>move players away
No one fucking cares about "players". Steam faithullness will bring the drones absolitely nothing. The only decision worth consideration is the exposure and profits for publishers/devs - currently due to Fortnite alone, epic launcher has more active users than steam alltogether adtive players in all games.

just offering lover % compared to robbery steam does for devs is benefit, but it woudnt matter if Epic launcher was unpopular - since if they wanted even lower costs, they could have just released it by themselves or multitude of other platforms. What matters that people see their game (and epic wins atm against stea), and for devs free use of unreal engine is huge: given that after unity, UE is the most used engine - all the devs that use it (which means majority of them as its best available engine at aside from cryenngine) will be using epic store just for that.

Only thing steam can do is completely rework how much money it takes from publishers/devs and offer them more lucrative conditions - which would be quite hard. As they can lower the % from 30 to comparable to epic, but do not have benefit of UE engine.

So Valve should get their head out of their ass if they don't want to be dead in a year or two, and start developign Source enging and make HL3 to promote it

Nobody fucking wants him to either. Nobody wants a future where storefronts are paying third-party developers or publishers for exclusive rights to selling games. This is the future that Epic is trying to create

>currently due to Fortnite alone, epic launcher has more active users than steam alltogether adtive players in all games.

Firstly, Fortnite numbers also include both console users and mobile users. Secondly, Fortnite is a free-to-play game and expecting a bunch of children playing a free-to-play game to suddenly become regular consumers of products that actually cost money at the onset is a real stretch

>I remember when you could buy an actual copy of a game for PC and didn't have to use any shitty client. No client is the best client.
GOG exists

Just a reminder, Epic isn't just buying exclusives for their store. They are actively working against Valve and Steam. This means they are actively working to destroy your games library on Steam.
They specifically want Steam to vanish which means they specifically want all those games on your Steam account to vanish.

Imagine if Sony went into the houses of everyone who owned an Xbone and started smashing up their games. This is basically what Epic are trying to do to your games on Steam.

>Japanese PC market is non existent.

How does it feel to be wrong?

if he was ourguy he wouldn't work with a goddamn chink company
Kill all chinks

>paying off devs for timed exclusivity
Is there any proof of this happening? I've gone over article after article, and I see nothing that actually says Epic has an exclusivity deal. It appears that all that happened is that Deep Silver is getting the same 80% cut that ever other publisher gets on the EGS, and they removed it from other platforms to make sure they get the biggest cut of their own profits. It appears to be the exact same thing Valve has been doing with other developers for years, i.e. offering them a 70% cut that is more attractive than other software clients.

If steam moneyhats, why does it matter to you. You still get to buy it on steam.

I use GOG though. Fuck Origin and Uplay though.

Not a very convincing false flag kung pao

I don't fucking care about Steam. I care about the whole of PC gaming. Storefronts moneyhatting exclusivity makes everything worse for consumers by taking away choice, so why would you defend that shit?

There is that game from the creators of Bastion and Transistor

That's not how competition works, economicslet.

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All this drama exposed the pcbros and the overall state of pc gamers and it's hilarious
You're actually the biggest, most entitled faggots of all

>free-to-play game
With 15 billion dollar revenue

And once again, you overestimate important of "regular castomer"- no one the fuck cares. Steam itself is evil and would be better if did not exist and was replaced by online shop like GOG.

Customer will go where he will buy game. Already do, buying discount steam keys all around online shops all over internet.

Steam is a service that is not needed nor wanted - its an invading service, essentially monopolizing and dictating to both developers and customers. Its great that its get knocked off from pedestal now.

>Is there any proof of this happening?

Actually yes, one of the Satisfactory devs outright said they got paid for it. This means that it's likely all other timed exclusives have similar deals

why is everyone calling egs a botnet/spyware, what does it do?

>your games library on Steam.
If you bought games on steam, you actively worked to destroy gaming as whole and make it so that played "dont own the games they buy"

kill yourself

Because there is no choice retard. Games are not like grocery products that any supermarket can buy wholesale and sell to consumers. They've always been closed off to select ecosystems and if you don't like using theose ecosystems your out of luck.

Nothing, people just don't trust tencent. They're right to not trust them, but still there's no evidence.

>you overestimate important of "regular castomer"

Then why exactly is Epic trying to poach those 'regular customers' by buying exclusivity of games (especially Metro)? If Fortnite's audience is as big and ready to buy regular games as you imply they are then Epic wouldn't even need to buy exclusivity to see good sales on their platform

Spotted the subhuman.

Except using steam's drm is opt in, a lot of their games are completely DRM free.

What not have the game on both stores and let the players decide what they want?

>fucking GOOKS
>Hey Metro we'll give you more money if you put it exclusively in our store
Epic.. simply epic

>People still try and paint Steam as an evil entity when they were the platform to bring the PC back to relevance in the eyes of publishers (the glory days of the 90s were never coming back), all while Epic abandoned the PC in the mid-to-late 2000s and claimed that all PC players were pirates

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based tim

Tim's store is totally pro consumer

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-111128_Firefox.jpg (1071x630, 193K)

Basically anything you give Epic is not secure because it is fed directly to China and they give zero fucks about your rights or wants.

Because steam doesn't pay them 7 figures for exclusivity.

>Why is this good for gamers?
>'developers get a better deal'
Tim isn't a good PR man

wtf bros what if he's in this thread right now?

Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989

>"developers get a better deal'
But i don't even fucking like the developers!

My Canadian friend confirms it's the same.
Am Sweden and it's same.
Will ask Brasil friend.

>we don't have cloud saves, library sharing, in home streaming, linux support, vr, controller remapping an overlay or even a fucking way to search the store
>it's a bonus :^)

Tim says it's part of some plan to get all digital storefronts to lower their cut they take, and he makes claims like saying all of Valves many functions only take a fraction of that cut while he continues operating a storefront that hosts 30 games and nothing else.

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better deal for devs = better deal for gamers, since price is lowered _in the store_.

Do we have any actual numbers on how well these games do on the epic game store?

What are you talking about? He clearly knows what he's doing

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The benefits will "trickle down" if you will. Historically this model is known to work very well.

>It gives someone else a better deal
wow, amazing. Why should I give 2 shits about someone else?

>shut down all servers for retail copies of games
>forced offline players to download their client for retail single-player games
>cut entire multiplayer and sold it separately
>popularized microtransactions
Ah yes, how could anyone think that Valve's implementation of Steam was bad in any way.

Epic is not poacing "customers". Epic is poaching developers and publishers. Their source of money are them and their games.

Valva forever though it can just be a tyran on top of mountain spiting on devs just because it was essentially a must to release game on steam. Now it pays for that as devs abandon ship.

Also as far competition goes - its great and it works. The example would be what happened with Anime, when Chinese goverment started clamping down on pirate sites in china and only official streaming sites remained - public started flooding thouse sites, and they started competing for each other to aquire anime titles as now platforms will fight to aquire devs and games.

This resulted in huge increase of fees paid for anime licensing, singlehandedly boosting it to massive scale so anime producers became flooded with money (and later Netflix and Amazon added even more competition and money) i.e. pictuure shows starting 2013.

If steam wants games, it better offer devs favorable conditions, pay of ruck off. Its as if Netflix, Disney, Amazon etc. did not compete for content and you`d be limited to single shitty streaming platform with shit content, that bought all of it for cheap as there was no alternative

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>since price is lowered _in the store_.

But I already can get cheaper games from third-party sellers because Steam allows free key generation for publishers to sell to those third-party stores. That's something the Epic Games Store likely won't be doing as they only take 12% from each sales and cutting into their profits even more with giving away keys for free probably takes them out of the profitability area with the store

If you had two stores(A and B) with the exact same features but you also had 50 friends on store A and also 500 games that you've purchased previously. Now I wonder if you will purchase your next game on store A or B. Its not hard to imagine why only buying exclusive rights can make consumers atleast consider buying it on Store B.

The customer isn't getting a better deal though so why should he care if it's a this store or that store? I don't buy digital games but if I did I would pay more to have it on steam just because it has a long history and I expect them to follow the law. Epic store has some shady privacy policy descriptions that seem to be even illegal in my country (though I am not a layer)

And all the "Features" he adds are just copying what steam has already done. There is something so bullshit about a new storefront that is just a shittier version of what is already available, but rather than innovation, just brute forces things with cash. GoG put some effort into having actual advantages over steam, what the fuck does Epic do for the consumer?

You forgot the part where all that was horrible for the consumers so all it resulted in was rich fucks getting richer. Go ask Yea Forums's opinion on netflix hoarding anime.

>shut down all servers for retail copies of games
They did that ages after release of Steam, But then again nobody plays on Vanilla server in gldsource games.
>forced offline players to download their client for retail single-player games
You mean, forced them to install a client that was on the disc?
>cut entire multiplayer and sold it separately
>popularized microtransactions
Valve is EA, Blizzard or NCSoft?

he is like John Carmack, a high functioning autist who only works in terms of legal/illegal, he doesn't have a sense of morality, so everything is "moral" as long it's legal, can blame the retarded user

If you are going to post here at least learn english.

Reminder that Epic's EULA says they can take your user-created content for themselves for their own uses, and if someone ends up suing Epic for using that content because it's infringing Epic says they're not responsible and will make you pay the legal fees. This is the company you're goddamn defending

irrelevant. the game is cheaper on _epic store_ than it was on _steam store_
whcih is why is pecified the store. you see, the vast majority don't do what you claim to do, because it is shady, and a limited supply. so you are irrelevant to the grand scheme of things i am afraid.

Dude this is just cringe and completely not true. It's like... pandering to the anti social media people. Haha yeah guys! we don't NEED blue check marks cuz FUCK people that make deals with the MAN!

you don't need to do all that shit to get the checkmark. you literally just go to twitter and show them you're part of a big company with public interest or you're famous or something. then you get a checkmark. not a big deal. it's just so people know you're the official account of the person you claim to be. what the literal fuck is this guys talking about??? as if not wanting a checkmark is now a political statement or some shit.

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>CR shill detected

His "deal" features big AAA publishers just taking all the free money Epic gives them, somewhere in the $20 million range. Ubisoft and these other devs would never pass the savings on to the consumer, since our market has been paying $60 for their titles for 15 years now. If they ever did lower a price it would be done temporarily and more importantly Valve is not the type to pull this shit and people have more respect for them as a result. Timed exclusivity is never good for the consumer, just the company.

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No really, go ask them.

Provides exclusive content .

lawyer* I am a retarded layer

>If they ever did lower a price
they already do. nice try.

Like knowing when chinks hate a game because it's not in bugman

>irrelevant. the game is cheaper on _epic store_ than it was on _steam store_
depends on your form of currency, chinaman.

>Epic are jews
>offer more money than Steam
Based retards ITT

Show me GabeN's tweet on the level of Sweeney's. You won't find anything like that because he's afraid to go against the grain. Sweeney on the other hand is based and doesn't afraid of anything.

tiananmen square massacre in 1989

Valve got lazy, now they're getting Chink'd

Either Valve learns how to compete or shrivels up and dies.

I'll never support Epic until their nonexistent customer support improves

>you don't buy games from GOG
Don't accuse me of shit that isn't true, you giganigger.

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>Valve was competing with every other store for ages
>Come in Epic bribing publishers
>Valve needs to learn to compete
You mean, Valve needs to do exactly what they were doing?

Okay is Division 2 or any of their other titles $50 permanently? This price point is stupid because Valve sold their own PC titles at $50 launch too, and the key sellers from Valves key handouts offered better deals then the $10 off price. Something Epic won't ever do.

Attached: datSTEAMmonopoly.png (1268x1257, 268K)

>the vast majority don't do what you claim to do, because it is shady, and a limited supply. so you are irrelevant to the grand scheme of things i am afraid.

Oh boy I was hoping for this one. Here's a repost of something I put together yesterday to show you're full of shit with 'the vast majority don't do' what I do. Hell even if I didn't have this, it's completely irrelevant that more people don't use third-party sites because the choice still exists and it benefits any consumer that makes use of that choice

On Steam you can see reviews of games that were from copies purchased directly from Steam, or from other sources and then activated on Steam. Here are some games that have released within the last year on PC and how many reviews aren't actually from direct Steam compies
Resident Evil 2: 46% non-Steam reviews
Ace Combat 7: 27% non-Steam reviews
Hitman 2: 67% non-Steam reviews
Darksiders 3: 37% non-Steam reviews
Just Cause 4: 36% non-Steam reviews
Wargroove: 10% non-Steam reviews
Sunless Skies: 34% non-Steam reviews
These aren't near-zero numbers. Significant portions of sales are through these third-party sites

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A console gets a limited exclusivity deal and you console shills all start coming here and posting gold faces. A launcher gets a limited exclusivity deal and everyone cries.

Their cut of 12% prevents that from ever happening.

>We don't need forums because they're toxic goys
Yeah I'm sure Epic is gonna really good for consumers.

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He's right stop being a crybaby.

>they did that ages after release of Steam
WON Servers were shut down back in 2004, very shortly after the official release of Steam
>forced offline players
Half-Life 2 famously screwed over scores of people by forcing online activation
>cut multiplayer and sold it separately
Do you really not know that Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is sold separately?
>Valve is EA, Blizzard, or NCSoft
Mann-Conomy, 2010
Look it up, dumbass

Based. Fuck Steam.

Nobody here likes consoles

Definitely not wrong, despite me not liking modern Epic.
Definitely not wrong. Fuck Twitter.

nope. they have regional pricing now, just like steam. they also have functional technical assistance that will fix any problems with prices you might have, in order for you to save money.

epic is the future.

Attached: steamspy.png (588x509, 61K)

Yes but this was guaranteed to happen eventually



Fuck off tranny.
>Defends Twitter
>Corporate cocksucker
>Uses Tumblr image
Yeah fuck off

>key resellers
irrelevant to the grand scheme, they have a small supply and very few people use them because they are shady. might as well pirate.
>this point about how epic has cheaper games is stupid
whatever you say

Yea Forums is my main board. i only visit Yea Forums to watch its state of permanent outrage over everything.

While many people can hate Netflix in particular, its fact that Netflix helped create quite a few great anime by now - and whats more important, it raised the plank of budget for anime titles single handedly.

Chinese market brought japan a lot of money, but Chinese consume any shit anime regardless of quality - they do not fund anime production, just buy licenses. Netflix on other hand, made it so, that generic anime (which in 99% cases is very cheap QUALITY productions with flapping mouths and terrible animation) plank was raised, by funding rich projects wich stand out in quality and have higher tier or even movie tier animation.

Which in result, forces other companies to producer better looking and higher budget anime as well - since they have compete with Netflix/Amazon projects.

If you actually watched anime, you`d knew how horrible and cheap most of it is, and without kick from Netflix, there`d still not be decent quality animatr shows for most part those days - it FORCED production commities and streaming platforms to care about quality of content.

(though most content is still produced exclusively with aim on japanese market, i.e. terribly cheap and badly animated LN advertisements. And chinese continue dish money for licenses for every crap)


I'm not a fucking developer, why do I give a shit about something like that when it makes my experience as a consumer worse?

Wew americans are so butthurts and crybabies even when they're caught at their own game.


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yar har fiddly dee don't have to worry about DRM or exclusivity

>its fact that Netflix helped create quite a few great anime by now

This is a joke post right? Name some of that Netflix-funded anime

Reminder that the Discord Store is the best third party store for third party developers, as they give developers 90% of the cut

Still costs 60 Reichsmark for me.

you kys you chink shill

Nice twist of the words, Xi

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How does a developer getting a bigger cut make your life worse, faggot?

Eurofag getting mad again

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. 六四事件 八九民运 茉莉花革命

>The Epic store will make games cheaper for everyone!
>The Division 2, a game sold on uPlay (where Ubisoft gets 100% of revenue) and the Epic Games Store (where Ubisoft gets 88% of the revenue) still costs $60

Fuck that PR bullshit people spout

I do not understand how you can legitimately believe any of the bullshit you are posting.

I don't give a shit about any of that.

Steam is shit. Developers get nothing for their 30%. Epic gives full technical assistance and marketing. Why the fuck should Indy developers be forced to set up discords to troubleshoot issues because Steam won't respond to their tickets? I hope steam burns.

yep. better analogy would be

>opponent spends more time and effort building their character and has far better character than me
>bribe GM to ban opponent and prevent them from competing
>win by default

So this is the power of PC gaming...

>were shut down back in 2004
>Half-Life 2 famously screwed over scores of people by forcing online activation
This was actually common practice at the time, don't try and paint this as something new and amazing, this is was SecuROM and Starforce were doing too.
>Do you really not know that Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is sold separately?
I remember getting HL2, HL:DM and CSS with my copy of the game.
>Mann-Conomy, 2010
World of Warcraft 2004
Lineage 2, 2003
Oblivion 2006
Fucking Travian 2004

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false. metro didn't cost the same on steam, it was more expensive there. the eu prices were fixed for regional pricing, and if you paid too much you got a refund.

nice try shill.

>Tim Sweeney on Microsoft's UWP
The thing that I feel is incredibly important for the future of the industry is that the PC platform remains open, so that any user without any friction can install applications from any developer and ensure that no company, Microsoft or anybody else, can insert themselves by force as the universal middleman and force developers to sell through them instead of selling directly to customers
>Tim Sweeney of Epic Games
We want to insert ourselves by force as the universal middleman and force developers to sell through us instead of directly to customers

Based, I want to buy all my games through the Chinese government now!

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The Epic Games Store doesn't do key generation for publishers to sell to third-party sellers (and likely never will given that they only take 12% for themselves already so a revenue hit like that would kill them). Along with the fact that I already would have to use a worse client to play something like Metro, I also need to pay more for my games because of Epic's stupid moneyhatting of exclusivity

shit bait, have a pity (you)

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