Continued from
Games and female sex appeal: core values versus boner culture
Other urls found in this thread:
>boner culture
proper link to the last thread full article, pic related
>boner culture
It's about giant fukken tiddies, not getting a boner all the time while playing it. If you can't separate breasts from that and appreciate them in their own right, then there's no hope for you.
You want to make them fuck off with the core values? Boycott EVO along side of not buying any new fighting game that tries to dick suck esports shit. Because if you don't do any real actions, guess what the esports shit is still going to make things much worse for your already near dead genre.
> A community full of upstanding african american gentlemen and well groomed and maintained anime aficionados suddenly has an issue with breasts
makes the noggin goin tbhqwu famallamadinga
here is the real article, one you need
based and redpilled
>gore good
>butts and boobs bad
Are you retarded user or are you just ironically wanting me to spoon feed you on what's considered the big event for FGCucks?
High art has always been about the titties.
they think championing this will make the pussies wet
That's the most retarded headline I've ever read. When can we start oppressing game journalists?
Can a white user explain why you guys are so triggered by tits and ass?
I really don't get it.
Is it because you're all scared of your retarded women?
see it's a good article
>Reggie retired
I missed this, I've been away playing video games. I'm not even a Nintendo guy and I'm really sad. He was adorable.
What in the fuck is boner culture?
>retarded newfag shill can't even properly link the last thread
Fuck off, you stupid fucking faggots. Stop using Yea Forums as a batlleground for your embarrassing "culture war" shit.
>boner culture
if you want to make a change please dont use this term, it sounds cringe as fuck
I would like to play a game because its enjoyable and fun to play. a little piece of eyecandy is fine too but I not about to sit around and "play" a game filled with softcore porn because japs heavily censor all of their actual porn. I say "play" because even tween animated powerpoint phone apps is somehow considered a "game you can PLAY"
name me 15 eastern games that came out in the past 5 years that isnt by nintendo that didnt have a lick of blatant sexism in it. and before you start listing stuff like lel craazyy type games. eyecandy can exist for girls and gays as well.
Catering to people who suck the fun out of everything has never been a winning strategy for entertainment. That doesn't change because the mobs are waving the hammer and sickle instead of the cross. If anything, it just makes it worse.
>good article
Shit is genuinely hard to read, are all video game journo articles like this?
ugly fat autistic genetic dregs (feminists) mad that men aren't attracted to them so they have to drag down all depictions of attractive women into the shitter
Why do white people care if a game has sexism or racism or sexy shit in it anyways?
>crying for a nonwhite
Most white men have been pussified by women and have completely lost any ounce of masculinity they once had so they pull shit like this in the hopes of looking like a "nice guy" to any internet women in the hopes of getting some coochie, the most prominent social justice men are usually sexual harassers too
what is this thread about? did something happen?
We live in a time where developers are pandering to people who don't buy the games.
fuck off with your futa shit nigger
Just like GG, you're going to lose again.
Sexualization of women would be fine if they did the same thing to the men of the same game. The whole point is that women are there just to be ogled at while men get to be actual characters.
Reminder that Vic needs your help!
Using tits and ass to sell video games and make female characters appealing, such as here
>the most prominent social justice men are usually sexual harassers too
its funny because it's true
>Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
This. It's both fucking hilarious and sad as fuck at the same time. MK without skin is like DoA without tits.
>actual characters
>in a fighting game
I agree. We should let left wing gatekeepers decide when and where people are allowed to discuss encroaching left wing politics in the medium so that we can turn out like the comics industry, where people just left instead of talking about why they were disenfranchised and turned the industry into little more than a dying communist commune.
Now if you want to talk about would-be Christian fundamentalist gatekeepers, we can talk about that all day.
We live in a time where fucking MK is cucking to the SJW crowd.
How retarded is Ed Boon that he actually thinks the Blue hairs will leave him alone, now that he has covered dem tities?
They will keep forcing his hand until MK is rated G.
Attractive female characters are a feature.
>Using tits and ass to sell video games and make female characters appealing, such as here
So something that those of us who aren't white and/or faggots have been doing since literally the dawn of time?
>discuss encroaching left wing politics in the medium
Sounds like something that belongs on /pol/
How about you fuck off back to it?
why do so many amerimutts suddenly bend the knee to sjws
whats wrong with mutt """"""""men""""""""""
why are they so effeminate and weak
so pretty, i love that costume too its just a shame NRS cant animate for shit so she looked retarded in MKX
>"boner culture"
>>>>>>"core values"
What the fuck does it mean?
It's not us. You think niggas will turn down big tiddy bitches?
>Americans once again proving their "superiority" by bowing down to fat ugly women
>thinking vidya and the people who make them are adult enough for things like art
KEK. Vidya will always be a childs toy and the stigma around sex, nudity, and so on like in MK11 is evidence that it will never change.
Same. Kind of sad when you feel sad about a face of a gaming for games you didn't care about because the rest of the game producers are swindlers that use video games to virtue signal their politics.
Ironically I think it's just white guys all around the world.
After all, Bioware is Canadian, DICE is Swedish, and many Euro devs have bent the knee to retards.
The problem isn't just America, the problem is that all white countries are full of guys who are scared of retarded shit like feminism and white women.
They're programmed to be cucks.
I think pic related is the place where you belong though.
Raised by single mothers.
Hey tranny, how's the dilation going? Had your bleeding today?
*gore value
>boner culture
kill fighting games? got it
>if they did the same thing to the men of the same game
Look at MK11. Nearly all men shown so far either have an alt, or their default is showing as much skin as possible. All the women are covered up however.
>bring politics into vidya
>tranny acts suprissed that it's being talked about on Yea Forums
They're retarded, that's all there is to it.
read the article dumbass
I just hope the new president isn't too serious not to participate in Nintendo videos like Reggie did.
>t. oneangrytranny
>KYM filename
Seems more your speed, faggot.
>lol ur tranny
Where's your argument? Why are /pol/cucks only capable of spewing their latest boogeyman?
but it's true lmao
The fuck do you mean? I want T&A in my fighting games, not sure about everyone else.
>Look up Pew
>Look up their methodology
>look up margins of error and sample size
>Educate yourself
>solid data
>Real scientist aren't you.
>least biased organisations
>proven track record
Define "ultimate power".
>3 chain linked oneangrygamer threads
Shilling much?
>b-b-but kotaku!
We don't even have daily Kotaku threads, and even when we do they aren't spammed as much. And when they do, they do get called out.
Your site is fucking awful m8.
This is why I hate when white people try to talk about fighting games (especially white women), because posts like this make it obvious that you've never played a fighting game in your fucking life.
>crys about no argument
>plays the filename-card
is it some kind of peverted fun for you to kick yourself in your cut off balls?
>duruuuurrr u tranny lol that u
Can't you say something else, you fucking mongoloid nigger?
>Seems more your speed, faggot.
We have reached fail troll territory with this one.
>Boner culture
This thread has my permission to die
>lol fuck off /pol/
>where is your argument?
Pathetic mutts, are they all this cucked?
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Reporting me won't hide the truth
Stop posting, Billy.
Someone please explain to me why mortal kombat is popular again?
The mean that if you show the female form as the beautiful and alluring thing that it can be, it's an appeal to men directly and not the recognition of a reality. (water is wet, the sun shines, etc). It's another non-word that unintellegent people use like toxic or y'all. Linguistical manipulation of a sort.
I fucking hate gamers.
>"go 2 reddit" is now an argument
How fucking retarded are you?
>durr we need to discuss relation to vidya
>Gee that sounds like something that should be on the politics board then since it's more about politics than vidya
Try to keep up, retarded nigger.
All we need now is for EA to buy NRS so they can self-destruct like bioware.
t. White faggot
Amerimutts are so effeminate and literally indoctrinated by SJWs and SJW media.
its even creepy.
>implying we're all like that
Fuck off. If a dev censors their game or covers up the girls I'm not buying that shit simple as.
Can somebody fill me in on the subject of Mortal Kombat.
Who the fuck cares about that game in 2019?
I thought the previous one was down to a hundred players a year after release.
Why is this button mashing shit making headlines?
>Amerimutts are so effeminate
Yet they make ugly traps.
This tranny is gonna implode lmao
urbanites/suburbanites* we are not all pussies dude
The fuck is with all the
posting? is this thread actually filled with journalists from Yea Forums or something?
feminists are just female incels, so your reply is basically "NO U".
>literally a thread about character design being censored
>this somehow is politics and absolutely NOT videogames
Take a load of this faggot, you can't even discuss videogames on Yea Forums anymore.
Fighting games are for faggots and niggers (and sometimes both at the same time).
This. And overall it's about appealing and attractive characters in games, everyone wants to see them except fat feminists that do NOT play games.
This "One Angry Gamer" journo is obviously a falseflag operation
probably because the faggot doesn't even play them
Lightskinned mutts are not white user.
Because it's everything the american brainlet loves
its not but its tradition for people to pretend to like it since it was the first epic gorey game
It's an interesting thing, white people don't consider them white, But black people don't consider them to be black. If you're a mutt your life must be fucking abstract as shit.
Women aren't fucking playing these games you idiot, why would they market it to them?
Thread is autosaging I think
Let's meet here
>nigger thinks that the majority of the audience of those games isn't white
Back to the ghetto, niglet.
You don't have to tell me but there are so many posts in this thread screaming white people are this or that and it's like I've stepped into an article about Captain Marvel.
thanks gamer bro
seethe harder, games should cater to men because men actually play them, women just like to complain about them and shouldn't be catered to
Why would it auto-sage? Are mods literally resetera tranni sjw newsoycuqs or something?
How to spot a resetranny
They're not, the majority of the audience for most fightan is Asians, namely Japs and Koreans (at least in the case of DoA and Tekken).
Whites only play mainstream games like Street Fighter, but even then blacks play them proportionally more than whites.
fuck yeah
we're gonna rise up
>emancipate a bunch of sub-humans from another continent
>your descendants somehow own them an infinite debt that goes across generations
Only in mutt land
>easy to pick up
>Only fighting game in forever where you can execute your opponent, inb4 Mace. SNK weapon based games, FG of the NG64 era
>long established
>appeals to edgefag sensitivities
>appeals to dudebros
>formerly tits
>beloved characters
>one of the few vidya franchises to have a good movie
I forget the rest.
Soul Calibur has unlimited flapping tits and all the skin you can dream of. How come nobody gives a shit about that game?
You all probably wouldn't play new Mortal Kombat regardless of shitty female (who look like trannies anyway) costumes changes.
>using SJW lingo
How to spot a redditor faggot.
This tranny is mad
Maybe because it devolved into ranting about /pol/, americans and trannies
>one of the few vidya franchises to have a good movie
Yea Forums has been dead for a while, alot of these SJW threads go on to 400 replies while genuine discussion gets constantly archived.
Fuck you cuck mods.
For titty stuff my goto is DOA, but since they went sjw this time around I think I'll pass on buying till the next release. Mk has become progressively more tame overtime with the appealing characters, but the violence and gore has been excellent (as you would expect from a religious war-culture). It's a shame that character design is so shit, but as long as the gore is all there I won't bitch.