New Fallout game/collection listed on Amazon, to be announced at E3
Fallout 77
why would there be a collector's and deluxe edition for a collection? unless it's just extra merch
I'd kill for a remaster of NV but this is probably just Fallout 3, NV and 4 in one with no changes
>no risk in preordering if it's something worthwhile
que? why would you preorder something when you don't even know what it is
>que? why would you preorder something when you don't even know what it is
Well user, when people are fans of certain series and know what to expect from them, They buy the collectors far in advance.
Shocking right? didn't know you had those 2 brain cells left.
Why the fuck do you even need to list placeholders on Amazon and make them public?
Literally just so someone will notice and then publicise it on news sites?
There should be nothing short of trepidation about pre-ordering anything from Bethesda after their recent shit-shows.
Never again, Todd
It's a Fallout 3 remaster. I can almost 100% guarantee you this.
Ah shit, here we go again.
because it costs nothing until release date and you can cancel it before it releases
With their latest release Bethesda proved that you can't expect consistency from them, so I'll repeat my question
>also buying collector's editions at all
You have to be decent first to be consistent. Their last decent game was over 10 years ago.
It's fallout 76's first expansion
>yfw it's 3 remaster + 4 GOTY
Also this board nowadays is actually zoomer enough to be excited for something like it
There's no benefit in pre-ordering it early though?
Fallout 3 and 4 are awful.
more likely it's an expansion for 76 with the base game, or some variant.
thats never happening bud. sorry
"Redeem" implies there's some previous reputation to recover which is not the case, it's only normies that took way too long to realize Bethshit is shit.
Why haven't you preordered yet Yea Forums?
Watch it be a single player version of 76, now with NPCs and more quests. AKA Fallout 4.5.
>preordering from bethesda
>calls others stupid
you preordered FO76 too didn't you
>being excited for fallout in 2019
>being excited for bethesda shit in 2019
There's no way you're not either ironically shitposting or getting paid to market this schlock. Right?
It's being made by fans
Delete this before zenimax sees it.
Just let it die.
Just let the franchise die.
I'm just so tired of sequels and spin offs.
Just kill it and make something new. I wouldn't even mind a spiritual sequel but c'mon make something new.
Bethesda knows about it and endorsed it.
It's the F3 virgins that got shutdown.
-they just released another fallout game a few months ago, their efforts are there so it's not a "new" FO.
-it's not a remaster either, if it was there'd be a switch version for sure.
My money is on either a FO1-2 remake or a new IP.
If its a remaster/rerelease shouldn't there also be a Switch version?
>76 was shit, how do we recover?
>Ok, you know how we sold then Skyrim like 50 times?
>Let's do that but like, with Fallout 3-4
Fallout 4 Rebastard
Ahhh... Obsidian... I dream.... New Benis 2.......
>Placeholder E01
>Placeholder T03
>Placeholder S02
Do the letters mean anything
Boohoohoo sweetie.
When did Yea Forums start attracting melodramatic cunts?
Maybe, possibly, for 60 American Burger Papers, I would buy a remastered 3, NV, both with all DLC, and F4 with all DLC together.
Starfield, retards.
trying way to hard, leave while you still can child
Bethesda is pretty big now, they can work on multiple game at once.
I'm 100% sure F76 was sabotaged on purpose so Zenimax would stop pressuring for always online bullshit.
>remaster of FO3 or NV
pointless given there's hundreds of mods to make it look prettier
>Fallout 76 DLC
useless since no one is playing it
Have you seen TOW they'd fuck it up
As if they’d announce something this fucking early, especially after 76. Fallout’s on the backburner for now; Elder Scrolls is gonna be their current focus.
>pointless given there's hundreds of mods to make it look prettier
But you can't make a stick out of shit. Porting them to FO4 engine would breath a new life into the games and give them much more robust modding possibilities.
new vegas on the shitter finally
>and give them much more robust modding possibilities.
user, the only mods people make nowadays for FO4 are sex mods and 8K TEXTURE SPOONS
NV still gets stuff like combat overhauls and fancy quest mods
>new vegas with the fo4 dialogue wheel and skill system
kill me
By all means keep posting tear filled "let it die" posts but don't be surprised when that style isn't as popular here than Resetera.
Whiny cunts aren't as common here so you stand out.
you really don't.
consistency is a state of being detached from quality, you can just as well be consistently good as you can be consistently bad.
>pre ordering
>pre ordering a full priced product when you don’t even know what it is
>pre ordering a Bethesda product
>pre ordering a Bethesda product when you don’t know what it is
Your post better be fucking bait you passive aggressive faggot
That's because combat in FO4 is infinitely times better than in FO3 or NV and doesn't need overhauls. As for FO4 lacking quest mods, that's mainly due to voiced protag which wouldn't be a problem in FO3 or NV unless they decided to make the protag voiced in remasters (which admittedly is something I can see Bethesda doing and that's worrying).
>Fallout: New Vegas 2
>By Bethesda
It's not going to be that but what would be Yea Forums's reaction?
Fallout 4 DLC set in the Fallout 76 map
Fallout 1 and 2 remade in the fo4 engine
Play New Vegas 1.
Stop! Fallout's dead already!
But Fallout 2 would be like 100 times larger than Fo4.
So you gents know if the pre-order price guarantee would work in this instance for the collectors edition?
But what is the benefit of pre-ordering, especially an unannounced product, except signalling publisher it's ok to put 0 effort in their shit because you'll gobble it anyway?
Can you even fucking imagine how big an abomination the fo 1-2 story and dialogue would be like with the fo4 dialogue wheel and speech
because the collectors edition is up for $60, and if they dont cancel it you can resell and make cash.
>its just F3 on the 4/76 engine with iron sights and no bug fixes
I'm okay with it if the LODs are all the way out
FO3 for xbone and ps4.
Todd get the fuck off my board
Both TES and Fallout have had respectable high-points before.
Now i want to see it happen.
I'd pirate this.
What would be the point of a Fallout 3 or New Vegas remaster?
They're not 20 year old games in need of an HD remaster or anything, there's not much for them to change in a remaster.
A remake would be nice, but a remaster is absolutely pointless.
Then again, Skyrim got a remaster despite being from this decade, so maybe I shouldn't put it past Bethesda to do something so utterly pointless.
It's not Fallout.
They will start a stream today, at night.
They will reveal tomorrow morning.
The trailer will start with a Fallout style just to mess with you.
It has a Fallout thing in it, it will be disclosed on the trailer.
It's a new game.
Todd was just supervising.
Dataminers passed through the things buried in 76 code foreshadowing this, no one catched.
It will have an event on 76 starting Monday.
Not under bethshit.
You can't kill me user. You WILL buy my game sooner or later.
Most likely. I would have thought there would also be a Switch version considering they've said the Switch version of Skyrim sold very well for them.
I can't help but think they'd rather include 76 in the collection than NV.
Falling for Todds lies
>Our new games are shit so buy (again) our old games that are marginally less shitty. Please?
>Fallout 3 remaster
I'd unironically buy it, even if the game was weaker than New Vegas. Todd has a good grasp on my dick even if he keeps slapping me. There's just nothing like a Bethesda game in terms of player customisation and the ability to swap between 3rd and 1st person.
>PC version will be Bethesda-Launcher only
nuthin personell toddy boy
It took Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Andromeda and Anthem to kill Bioware once and for all.
How many bad games until we can get rid of Bethesda?
how do people still get hyped for bethesda's atrocious games? you all know that whatever this game turns out to be will be more of the same watered-down, glitch-filled garbage that's barely playable without mods.
>Fallout 76 GOTY version
Does this nigger have the balls to do it?
I honk he gunna do it
Source? Haven't seen anything on their social media
Bethesda earned fucking millions just from repackaging and reselling Skyrim. They still sell millions of copies every year now. It'd take a fucking miracle for Bethesda to die.
They were ahead of literally everything else when they came out because 99% of 360 games simply didnt do things remotely approaching their titles.
Whats impressive in 2005 isnt as much in 2019
Now everyone and their grandma has clutter physics and open worlds with time of day.
Too bad no other dev even tries to get PERSISTENCE right. And too bad beth gave up on content because muh simulation
Oh shit my phone is honkposting now without my consent
Wasnt Inquisition one of the top selling games of Bioware? That didnt helped much
What the fuck happened while I was gone?
user, Inquisition was a new game that required years of work and funding.
Skyrim is a game from 2011. It sold millions on launch. Then it sold millions again with the remaster, then it sold millions more with the Switch release. That's several million earned from repackaging a game to work on new systems.
don't think it's a remaster
must be a remake for it to cost 60 dollars
Nice try newfag
>it’s a fallout original trilogy remade into one long game
I think I would jizz myself to death
I like this new Pepe, he seems like a jolly fellow
Nah m8 I just dont post as much anymore and was busy the last few months.
We all always come back eventually
Bethesda know they can get away with anything so many idiots continue to buy their trash-heaps.
Todd never said a lie in his whole life
>not falling for Todd's lies
piranha bytes was making better games than bethesda in the early 2000s. bethesda's always been shit, they just got lucky with a successful ip and attracted a bunch of uncritical fanboys who make every excuse for them. they're the western version of game freak.
>TTW comes out recently
>beth always takes mods for their next projects
>its a 3/NV remake connected like TTW with options to play them separate or travel from one to the other
Must not give money
probably just a remaster sadly
>their efforts are there
how many fucking times do we have to go over this user
F76 wasn't mainline bethesda, it was a newly formed studio in Austin Texas
The main TES/FO Team had nothing to do with it, was not busy working on it, etc etc
They're either working on TES 6, Starwhateverthefuck, or this
>no Switch
Well technically they had beths map people make the map and other parts, and some of the writers are from mainline games as well.
The majority of it is handled by austin though, zenimax just had them trained up on CE and sent to work
>que? why would you preorder something when you don't even know what it is
because then you can say shit like "PREORDER CANCELED" and show a screen cap.
Elder: The Scrolls
Why would they release another Fallout when they're currently knee deep in development of Starfield?
Why they still have money?
Could someone nuke Bethesda finally?
bethesda is unironically great
>Bethesda is pretty big now
theyre actually one of the smallest out of the big AAA devs
inb4 the """"""remake"""""" ships with more bugs than the original launch
>Fallout 3
>Same engine
that's a given
skyrim special edition was $60 on consoles.
This guy gets it.
sure, but skyrim is a newer game and runs on the same engine as fallout 4
I'd actually be impressed if they had the balls to touch Fallout 1 and 2. The rage would be unreal.
I have never bought a bethesda game. I was gifted oblivion about 10 years ago, played it for 5 hours, then uninstalled it.
Its the DLC for 76 retard
only good thing they brought up was the Todd meme.
Its time to get rid of the old companies. I want to have new studios with the old geek guys who made video games great again.
I dont want to have gamestudios who are led by cooperation's
Please make this happen Todd. Fuckin incel honkies would be ballistic.
So will it be a new Fallout 4 DLC to keep people busy or a remake in the Fallout 4 engine?
That would imply Bethesda would actually implement the RPG mechanics from 1 & 2 , so maybe in another universe. In this universe, enjoy your dialogue wheel and your skyrim skill tree.
Bethesda games are still miles better than your average shitty AAA title. 76 is the only actually bad game they've released.
DLCs don't cost 60 dollaroos
Nobody is impressed by your apathy.
Old Fallout fans are already 40+ yo or dead.
New fans are weak homos and can't even be called humans.
>original trilogy
NV remake pls Todd
>one example
That sure is a lot.
Red Faction Guerilla has way better destruction than modern titles as well but those are less than 1% of games.
The fact is beth games use to be far more advanced than the competition aside from maybe 2 other large franchises like GTA before unreal caught up and made their clunk so apparent.
my god that would be so fucking bad.
I loved the 2nd game. It was so fucking great.
Loved it to play the super low intelligent guy
>what is far cry new dawn
that didn't cost 60$ you dumb nigger, it was a 40$ expansion.
fallout 4 special edition featuring recycled content from fallout 76
1, 2 and Tactics.
>single player experience based on the fallout 76 engine or map
>bethesda on damage control needs to show people a rushed trailer for them to still have faith
everything at $60 seems like place holder so can't bring conclusions from that
my money is on 1/2/3 remake or 76 DLC
it's an independent spinoff and was 40 dollars
Red Faction Guerrilla was smart, it localised destruction down to key zones to make sure the framerate didn't eat shit. Every new game tries and makes everything destructable yet the destruction suffers for it.
>preorders for absolutely nothing
>literally just called placeholder
Bethesda must be testing the limits of human retardation
Why would anyone be foolish enough to give them money after 76
I fucking hate this company
it's just 60 dollar cosmetic dlc for fo76
>Why would anyone be foolish enough to give them money after 76
Same people that hate EA, but still buy BF5 at a reduced price or buy microtransactions in Apex Legends. Also normalfags.
How will Shitthesda even hope to unfuck themselves after the TORtanic of fallout 76? Their credibility and reputation is fucking dead. This game has to have been outsourced on Unreal 4 in the hopes of not pissing people off.
>And too bad beth gave up on content because muh simulation
what simulation, settlements?
>have x settlers doing x things to get x amount of caps
>meet x resource requirements or settlers will get sad which does something i never found out because it's almost impossible to get them below 50%
>sometimes a random attack will happen
You underestimate Pete Hines.
>hating on bethesda
>childish cursing
>warhammer 40k
Incel starter kit
I'm going to pirate it and never actually play it to spite you todd.
There's nothing wrong with Gamebryo, Bethesda doesn't know how to use it. If they moved to a different engine nothing would change unless it was the most retard friendly engine possible and allowed them to mindlessly dump assets into it, automatically resolve any errors or conflicts for them, and it just works.
Make it 2, then I will consider getting it.
Much as EA puts out stinkers, i think I personally hold Bethesda as worse than them. At this point we're just debating which turn is easier to look at.
imo at least EA games feel good to the touch, where as Bethesda first party stuff almost feels like buggy trash to me
>pointless given there's hundreds of mods to make it look prettier
Not on consoles.
imagine being this retarded after all that shit that happened with 76. might as well be EA and activision.
Shitthesda shill, enjoy those layoffs when you're garbage company finallyvcollapses.
what if it is F3, F4 and NV in one game and you can travel between the 3 maps.
>Post YFW its just a new version of Fallout 76 (like one with all the DLC)
take your meds
>Bethesda collapsing at all within the next decade after being kept fat with perpetual Skyrim sales.
Fallout 76 was a pure asset flip and made a massive profit despite the negative reputation.
but all the non-cosmetic dlc for 76 is free, and it doesn't make any business sense to bundle all the cosmetics in a single version unless they didn't plan on adding any more.
Could be a pass for the 3 DLCs they're releasing this year.
cant wait to see youtube gets spammed with new hate videos from millions youtubers AGAIN.
oh boy
>imo at least EA games feel good to the touch
There's a first time for everything, now even EA launches bugged and rushed bullshit, look at Anthem.
But yeah, it took until 76 for Bethesda ass kissers to realize that modders aren't meant to fix basic features and the performance the game, but just to add stuff.
The fact that NPCs actually travel between locations and can be accosted by attackers at any point. The reginal spawns. Sure its not what they want but its further than any other attempt thats also a competent fully 3d first person exploration RPG with a hundred of hours with of non repeatable quests.
Thats why turning off essential NPCs in skyrim isnt great with all the dragons and vampires out there.
Not being able to execute downed people and fail quests is stupid as fuck though.
They stumble by having such a small team, they strain to create these games and it shows.
It still is a fact that each game has had a shit load of work done on the engine since skyrim. So what like 3 games?
When they didnt focs on that and only had the devs work on content we got shit like oblivion and F3/NV. Now they literally only care about how the map compares to actual geography and other stupid shit
that's too much work for bethesda. remastering fallout 3 alone would be a full game to them. imagine bethesda remaking fallout 3 and new vegas, rewriting all three games to somehow have a consistent story, and redoing dialogue to have a consistent skill check system between all three.
>Fallout 3: Remastered
>just the old game with a HD texture mod and Bethesda Launcher integration
I can see them doing a special edition of 76 with an offline mode, and still manage to market it and sell it like the merchant kikes they are.
Fallout 76: Game of the Year Edition
Exactly, it wouldn't be a remake or a remaster, merely a port like Dark Souls.
>Sure its not what they want but its further than any other attempt
Is it really all that more advanced than say STALKER's a-life?
>but its further than any other attempt thats also a competent fully 3d first person exploration RPG with a hundred of hours with of non repeatable quests.
it doesn't have base building or hundreds of hours of unique quests but you won't find a 3d game with better world simulation.
It's obviously a placeholder value, the deluxe, collectors and standard editions aren't going to be the same price
This is probably completely correct, yall gonna be disappointed as shit
Fallout 76 has been confirmed to be getting zero paid DLC, so fuck knows where you guys are getting this "GOTY" edition when it hasn't even seen sizeable content since its release in October.
well. at least todd posting will get a revival. again
Patrician taste. Based user
I agree guys,
Its a really good game.
Problem is it doesnt have the high fantasy with a dozen villages and several "large" cities. What it does do it gets so damn well though
I think beth needs to stop trying to do everything and just make a fucking RPG instead of all this shit
>Now announcing, a Bethesda-Obsidian product...
Todd fucking bought it
Oh fuck I wish it was a remake of Oblivion or Morrowind.
>Fallout 76 has been confirmed to be getting zero paid DLC
they never said that about Fallout 76 Special Offline Edition. it's a different game you see so they don't have to be held accountable for any of the promises they made for the original release.
New Vegas 2
god I wish
bethesda makes other games too. did the wolfenstein game have that old timey countdown in it? could be it instead.
It'd be fucking hilarious if it was Fallout 3 remastered in the Fallout 4/76 engine, because the modders making the Fallout 3: Capital Wasteland remaster project just restarted the whole thing before Christmas.
>retards thinking they'll remaster fallout 3
what other games have bethesda remastered again? skyrim SE is the closest they came and it's exactly the same
>know what to expect
>from the current fallouts
Oh, so they're just mindless retards
>spending a ton of time and resources trying to remake the voice acting
>not just telling people to extract the original audio themselves or including an automated tool to do it
user, that was literally the original plan. Bethesda said that was one the thing they couldn't do because that pushes the whole thing into legal territory where they'd have to issue a DMCA.
>bethesda making nv2 on their dying breath just to spite obsidian
they wanted to include all the audio from fallout 3 with the mod because they're retarded. there's nothing wrong with making people supply their own audio.
hol up
people bought these for real?
I mean it's nothing is it
>its a massive open mojave the size of f76 with tons of quests to find and plenty of factions
>they all suck and the MQ is a straight line through each encounter
only literal children pre-order games.
imagine pre-ordering any bethesda shit after 76.
i swear, it's the most autistic thing you can do.
fucking retards.
it's just fallout 76 without internet connection, but as empty and dead as before.
but user. Fallout 4 New Vegas is already going to be a thing
This is true. Tale of two Wastelands used to do something like this, IIRC.
>dying breathe
76's failure wasn't even a blip on bethesda's radar, normies have already forgotten or stopped caring and eagerly awaiting bethesda's "return to form" by making a half baked singleplayer """"rpg""""
>Fallout 3 in the Fallout 4 engine with robot building and settlement building
>greatly exaggerating the truth isn't a lie
Pete, you don't need to defend him anymore. The lives of your family are no longer in his hands.
Just give me an actually complete New Vegas
Very nice
None of those Bethesda game remake mods have ever come out, except Morroblivion I think which used Morrowind assets instead of being a whole remake.
So funding stupid of them to waste resources on VA. There would be a mod or a way for people to use the voices from fallout 3 anyhow. Leave it with no voice acting and they have much more resources and time to spend on the mod.
>morrowind in the fo76 engine
>assets look worse than the original and the animations are bugged
>can't mod it
i know it'll never happen but i'd like to hold at least some hope in the very very slight off chance it does
>fo76 with the hotest gunt mods pre-installed
I can already see people who disliked 76 buying, even pre-ordering the next game. That "most" includes Yea Forums.
post yfw there are people in the world that bought this nothing
money might not be a problem, but the imagine got absurdly damaged
at this point if they don't invest in a new engine no matter what they put out it's just not gonna be profitable
"premium/deluxe" editions will take a few years for even normies to trust those again
it's gonna take at least 3 more decent/good games to repair the damage done
I loved 76
If it's just a remaster I won't buy it
If they remake it in FO4 engine, it's a day 1 buy for me
Why? Bethesda have made shit Fallout games 100% of the time
You fucking retards, it's probably fo3 remastered, like they did with skyrim special edition. Only so that they can sell it on switch.
You don't pay until shipping with Amazon. But ye, it's still retarded, regardless
Only the dead know peace from this ___FUN___
Will FO3 remaster have settlement building?
The only reason to get F3 is to use it in TTW to conquer and enslave Bethesda's shitty gameworld when you get bored in NV part.
Well, they are stupid enough to waste their time remaking fucking Fallout 3, so I wouldn't put it past them to be dumb enough to not do this instead.
Fallout 76 is unironically better than Fallout 4. At least I can explore Fallout world with friends even if everything else sucks. I can't do that with 4.
are you fucking retarded
It's a single player experience set on the Fallout 76 map 200 years later.
>remake of 76 but for single player and with npcs
that's genius
I'd be okay with that, fuck online only games.
Discord tranny.