After this, they can't really pussy out of homo romance in the next Persona, right?

After this, they can't really pussy out of homo romance in the next Persona, right?
(hopefully with female MC)

Attached: catherine-full-body-screenshot-09-1620x800.jpg (1620x800, 76K)

I doubt Persona 6 will be directed by Hashino, so maybe?

Persona is too popular in Japan, a country that thankfully is still homophobic, to push that bullshit. Sodomites have their own games.

Feels good being an SMT CHAD and not having cuck shit like this in my games

Attached: 1434586657498.png (460x483, 265K)

Team Zero isn't the Persona team and Hashino is done with Persona for now so yes they can.

Traps aren't gay.

>Japan is incredibly racist
>Japan is incredibly homo and transphobic
>Japan recognizes that women are just sex objects
How did they get so based?

If they really wanted to commit to a homo agenda and not just 2D trap fetishism, they would have at least cast a man as Rin.

Attached: isisjihad.jpg (640x359, 34K)

I wish all faggots would hang.

All of those are wrong, though.

traps ain't gay brah



No. They are realist.

>homo and transphobic
Have you seen any anime? These guys actually support these things.

>recognizes that women are just sex objects
They realize that women sexually appealing and shouldn't be censored.

I think I read a doujin with a similar premise.

How are they not gay exactly?


>How are they not gay exactly?
liek this

Attached: 1540482530802.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Gay and straight don't exist.

Back to Discord, tranny

>a country that thankfully is still homophobic
I bet you don't know shit about Japan besides the stuff you read on Yea Forums. I actually have a lot of family in Japan and they're some of the most tolerant people I know and are 100% cool with gays.

Been there, done that.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Isn't Rin an ay lmao?

A cute boy (female) ay lmao.

One of the voice actors said the translation team edited out the "bigotry" from the Japanese version. I was on the fence about the game before, but now it's an easy no-buy.

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Attached: Are traps gay.jpg (1424x1480, 667K)

Gotta wait for the release, very likely this is a tactic to trick people to not buy the problematic game. Weird times we live in

based diogenes

I want a trap heroine and maybe a little sister too, just go all out. Hell, add twins while you're at it
I hope the same happens in RF5

Based Abe flexing his muscle of vidya devs

Why the fuck can't I find this same image without the stupid fucking emojis that's of decent quality?


Name of the game?

>These guys actually support these things.
yeah we all know the kind of suport they give it

Attached: Yakuza kiwami.webm (1712x1080, 2.64M)

Boku no Pico

Catherine: Full Body Screenshot IX

Attached: 570c8d64-8c08-434b-a5c2-d969de9f7b80.jpg (1024x918, 88K)

Now that Atlus is in our power we’ll make sure the next protagonist is trans.
Your time is over incel pedo weebs. Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves.

That's just Goro Majima being wacky
You can beat up an actual transexual man and his transsexual sister and this quest

Attached: 20190221000324_1.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

Here's what it actually happens
Now fuck off with your shitposting

Attached: swftbsyohyg21.png (486x933, 77K)

You might want to get your info of the current world from places other than Yea Forums user.

Why did you post Majima (Goromi)? At least post real fag/tranny of Yakuza series.

Attached: RAPE.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Persona 2 says hi.

Attached: 28751-persona-2-innocent-sin-playstation-front-cover.jpg (719x731, 103K)

I live in Japan.

Make it yourself


I'm done with atlus is they cuck to the sjws

>Censorship station
No surprise here.

Best Persona game

user, I know Majima makes everyone gay for him, but sadly it doesn't go the other way around (unironically at least).

Attached: best_girl.webm (640x480, 2.63M)

Pics or it didn’t happen.

The ending is sjw
it doesn't make him happier as a male, it just travels them back in time to see him when he decided to do it

Majima is best waifu desu

I can only imagine shitposting if this was Naughty Dog game, oh boy.

>Persona 2
Literally one dialogue choice that doesn't affect the story at all

Japan does homo right though with feminine cuteboys and not gross muscles and bearded chads like the gay options in the west always are

Attached: 275f43b0f0d8e548c133a40e165dd5e1.jpg (764x1080, 78K)

This is Yea Forums, video games before 2010 don't exist

It's 2:42 am, I'm not going out to take a picture of a Japanese street.

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that entire section was absolutely hilarious

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It's funny how no one seethes about this one, but also it never popped up again as an option later on. Fucking cowards.

Attached: homo joke.jpg (960x544, 104K)

>user, I know Majima makes everyone gay for him
When he had based ponytail perhaps. Not fan of his Japanese Adolf Hitler look.

What if I want both?

Japan has shit-all for masculinity in the first place.

Maybe Naughty Dog should stop designing purposely ugly and offputting characters.

barachads are only acceptable if they're the player character AND they're the seme


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That's funny and he has a good point. Children are annoying and I couldn't ever get along with anyone younger than me.

>tfw I reloaded just to try and max out date with Majima to see would they fug instead of fight
>got disappointment because result was the same in the end, whatever I maxed it out or not
For fucks sake! One time I wouldn't mind no homo action, I got cucked. Meanwhile.... that was allowed

Attached: itsnotfair.jpg (500x353, 39K)

you get some amusing dialogue out of it at least

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>not liking 24/7 abs

Attached: this_triggers_feminists.jpg (1200x800, 160K)

I just wish he kept his hair from 0. I liked that stupid ponytail, o- ok?

retard zoomers

Attached: 337512.jpg (225x350, 26K)

Goromi was honestly my favorite part about "Majima Everywhere" system. It's one that made me laugh most apart from "stripper Majima"

This scene that focuses on his crotch made me somewhat understand literal fags and yellow fever fags... just a little bit.

Attached: 1533987148475.png (728x763, 196K)

>Implying Tumblrites and Twitterfags will actually believe this/read it

Bro C’mon. Most of twitter is “NAOTO IS TERF PROPAGANDA. YOSUKE IS SUPPOSED TO BE GAY, KANJI ISN’T GAY HE’S CONFUSED, etc”. That shit gets like 50+ likes. This pic won’t change anything user. It won’t change anything.

>BL fags will be validated
>Yurifags will be more obnoxious
>more boys will crossdress as alice
what a fearful world

Can't decide what's bigger cheating...
Or leather pants?

Attached: zo42d.jpg (259x194, 8K)

>literally presents homosexuality as a gross exaggeration that only exists out of immense denial
It'll never happen.

>remove tranny
>add a trap instead

Literally the same shit

To be fair, not many men are as convincingly female voiced as Ayumu Murase. It blew my mind when I looked up the seiyuu for another role thinking it was a woman and realized he was in fact a dude.

I am Japan.

oh please explain how Jappan actually is, intellectual redditor

persona 2 had a canon gay romance option.

>narrative fallacy
fuckin kek, japan education isnt suppose to top tier?

God I hate reddit


>draw girl call it a boy
What's the point

persona 2 does not have romance

new Catherine > Katherine > slut Catherine

try playing the game before posting about it.

Attached: tumblr_onx9pg1T2y1sinehvo4_500.png (480x272, 102K)

Please go away

Don't judge too fast.

4A is still a thing. Let's just hope that SMT5 will stay as gritty and dark as the rest of the mainline games.

yeah that's nothing

see this? this is the full extent of the "romance" in P2

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

no shit, sherlock. persona isn't actually a dating sim, you get a little bit of romance content and that's it.

thank god pc is safe from this garbage

They might or might not. Atlus very much doesn't give a shit to the point where your complains about a female MC or gay romances in no way shape or form affect their decisions. Usually the company either buges to demand or double down as a metaphorical middle finger but Atlas just what they do without regard for fan request or controversy.

What is it about Majima that makes a man gay?

>leather pants
Take your pic.