Admit it, he kind of has a point. If you're not willing to keep an open mind and let Bethesda redeem 76, why even complain?
Doesn't that mean you just don't want there to be a good Fallout game?
Admit it, he kind of has a point. If you're not willing to keep an open mind and let Bethesda redeem 76, why even complain?
Doesn't that mean you just don't want there to be a good Fallout game?
first of all, fuck you
second of all, you can't save this game. you'd have to completely rebuild it from the bottom up.
they're basically going to try to squeeze as much money as they can out of this abortion with 'updates', and dlc and then pull the plug once the microtransaction cash stops
dont choke on all those onions, tough guy
>hey we deliberately fucked you over with fallout 76 knowing exactly what we were doing
>please give us another chance whilst we put additional minimum effort to make it bearable and try to mooch you off for some more $$$.
yeaaah kys bethesda. i bet not a single of 700 fired people was the fucker responsible for this.
That's not true at all. Ubisoft has effectively salvaged three games in Division, For Honor and Siege.
>Doesn't that mean you just don't want there to be a good Fallout game?
not giving 76 another chance when it does not deserve one and the wish for a good fallout game are not contradicting, they are rather built on each other.
if only a year of post launch development can make the game a fair value proposition, the game launched as a terrible product, meaning the people selling and making it were either incapable of seeing it, or did not care.
neither variety of people deserve money or time.
if the game is further developed by the people who were incapable of doing so until now, how will giving them more time solve any of the myriad problems the game still has?
if Bethesda is willing to turn off their fans by releasing this, mishandling it continuously, and still leave it with the people who fucked it up, how are we supposed to think bethesda cares for either the players or fallout, and why the fuck should we give them anything ranging from trust, to adoration, to money?
Are they removing any of the tedium?
The survival mode has all the depth of having a hunger meter while walking next to an endless Buffet. Not challenging just tedious.
Item degradation works like every weapons is made out of glass. The only challenge there is dealing with the tedium of having to repair your weapon way too often.
The game is fundamentally a tedium sim and if they fix that I may give it another shot.
If not they are just putting lipstick on a pig.
Fuck off retard. The game can't be saved, they would have to COMPLETELY re-make it from the ground up. I can't believe it took so long for the general gamer community to realize how fucking shitty bethesda is as a company.
How about they just release a good game for once? Instead of just dumping it on the street and “save” it with patches.
The updates are free though. I don't understand why they're trying to save it.
They can keep working on it if they want, but I'm not buying until it's actually good.
I have tons of games to play, no need to rush.
76 is fucked from the get go, it can't be fixed. Its entire existence is a mistake.
They need to remake it completely, they need a FF14 lvl turnaround.
Can't wait to buy Fallout 75 for $5 when they finally fix it. Thanks for beta testing.
what could you possibly do to save a game where you walk backwards in a circle to defeat every bullet sponge enemy in the game then build a shack with the most limited and shitty building system ever made? even with all the bugs and shit performance gone, thats all you are left with.
oh god WoW is so dead even this potato shill had to move on?
I wish Bethesda tries to desperately fix this unfixable mess. Only for them to lose millions of dollars and go bankrupt in the process once Starfield underperforms as well.
Microtransactions sales
The core gameplay and engine itself is a source of the issues so it’s basically impossible to fix the game unless they overhauled everything and re-released it
Still waiting on those player hosted servers with mod support.
I seriously hope this money sink hurts them as much as possible
I'd love to play a working version of FO76 but there's just so much shit out already and if agame wants to be a service like this it needs to be free
Bethesda could nothing but coke and hookers for the next ten years and still have enough cash to make a new game.
They aren't going anywhere.
I imagine they will go F2P at some point and have a decent turnaround.
It really should have launched F2P from the get go.
Fallout 76 was a side project anyway. I didn't expect much from a Multiplayer Bethesda game with no story and i fully expect to see a single player Fallout game in the future.
Go elsewhere to cirejerk. I gave up hope for this game like I did No Man's Sky. Can updates fix it? Maybe, but I ain't wasting my time just to be disappointed again. They should've made a finished fucking game first.
>Fallout 76 was a side project anyway
Not according to Pete Hines. He's treating it as a mainline Fallout/Big Bethesda game entry. Even said their next game is like 4 years away from FO76. And TESVI is 4 years away from that.
Yeah, but this ain't ubisoft
>bethesdrones out in full force
They're just trying to gear us up for another Skyrim rerelease, aren't they?
No Mans Sky redeemed itself, so can 76.
why would they bother making a roadmap for this trainwreck is beyond me. maybe it's because dropping "lifetime support" after release wouldn't be good for company image
No Mans sky failed due to lack of content. Content was added.
Fo76 failed because the Entire basis of the WHOLE game is fucking garbage, if you actually think this game has a chance, you are a Fucking moron. It's dead and will never be good.
No game company should get positive encouragement for "saving" a game. In the end, by giving them pats on the back for posting a roadmap of free updates, you are encouraging the industry standard of launching broken and promising fixes later.
how could ANYONE ever think that this game had even a slight chance of being good? Bethesda has already demonstrated their incompetency over a decade ago with fallout 3 which was a bug ridden mess that looked and felt like outdated shit even at the time, and fallout 4 was even worse and it wasn't even an rpg but a painfully mediocre shooter with abysmal writing
Why do people do this?
He's not going to change, he can't
How many more times does he have to rape you before you get it?
Don't believe his lies
It's worked for Obsidian the last 13 years.
Siege was decent at release though. Bethesda needs to pull a fortnite, a complete shift.
Finish the game, price it at $10, and put it on literally any platform besides your fucking Shithesda launcher and we'll talk Toddy boy.